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Live and Solo: Dustin's European Adventure (Explorer May 8)

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1 hour ago, perfect match said:

I’m loving your review! Europe is not in the cards for us at this point in time so I’m enjoying seeing it now through your eyes. Thank you!

Glad you are enjoying it! 

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While I'm resting up for this afternoon (and enjoying my 5 euro beers) thought I would share what I'm doing for phone service.


Had found a hugely helpful thread on these boards regarding eSims.  Based on that, I downloaded and set up Whatsapp, and then another app which would allow me to buy and set up the eSim. Decided that I would use a service that promised coverage in all the areas I was visiting, with 10 GB of data for $26. Thinking that I was ready to go, stopped there and moved on to other things.


Fast forward the day I was leaving - while waiting in the airport for my flight to board tried to buy the eSim. Was unable to purchase as it said my phone was not compatible.  I have a pretty new iphone, and it was specifically on the list of compatible phones, but as I started to research more, learned that there are additional steps I needed to take in order to get this to work with my phone provider (AT&T). While those steps were not insurmountable, I just didn't have the time.


AT&T provides international service with my plan with a fee of $10 per day, capped at $100. So I decided to use that and spend the extra money. It's actually working out pretty good as I can call and text using my regular account.  Best thing by far is the ability to check in on my dog on a regular basis!


Now that I brought up my dog, here is a recent photo of us on the beach at homeIMG-5062.thumb.jpg.2de9ff21be4c460d97673cf85c40f7c7.jpg

Edited by DandDM
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Maybe 5 euro is standard restaurant price….


Tried to go back to the restaurant steeler nation recommend. Completely full with a number of people waiting. Everything is packed!  Found a place nearby, probably not near as good, but had an open sest. Will post photos. 


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1 hour ago, LindaD22 said:

We are in Rome now as well and will be joining you on Explorer tomorrow. Enjoying your review!

Fantastic!  I may have seen you today among the 80,000 other people 🙂

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Back in the room now; showered and will likely take a short nap before this evening's food tour. Afternoon naps are becoming my thing, I guess! Walking about, the huge crowds on the race route had dissipated, but town was still crowded.  The Sora Margherita was very popular with a gang of folks waiting at the front, so I moved on and found a place with a table. Totally adequate, but also pretty unremarkable - one of dozens of cafe's lining the plazas. 


Started with a beer and bruschetta with tomatoes and olive oil. This was excellent!



Followed with gnocchi with four cheeses. Also very good, maybe a little heavy for the walk back...IMG-5862.thumb.jpg.ec2de52eccff1e6538ea2d9b1810f1f7.jpg


Finished with an espresso and had this little doggie at the neighboring table to keep me company.  Tried to talk to her, but she only knew Italian. 



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After lunch, took the very long way back and visited the Spanish Steps. At the base of the steps, the crowd was intense, shoulder to shoulder.  But very few people on the actual steps.  I guess it is more fun to look at them then to be on them. A near a far picture below, plus a couple other sights along the way.





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Included in the packing for this trip is a small pill bottle filled with my wife's ashes. Not a lot, but enough to spread a little bit around at the places she loved.


Out of the room's little patio, there is a plant that is spreading itself around the building. The photo below shows it snaking across an old clothesline and it has also surrounded the patio. I put some of her ash in the pot and watered, knowing that Dee Dee would love this plant and now she can be a part of it and this ancient building's future.




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Important pre-cruise purchase here. Choose one that was almost sold out, someone must like it!  Debated if worthwhile to bring as on the last few cruises with diamond drinks, didn’t really need it. But figured 1) I’m in Italy with great wine at cheap prices and 2) if I didn’t have it, would have wanted it. So here it is. 



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Another random beverage post. The room is equipped with this little kettle and Nescafé instant coffee. Was hesitant to partake initially, but after going without one morning, been brewing it regularly. The current cup is brewed to fuel this evening’s tour. 


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@DandDM that picture of you and your dog is great- you can tell that he’s devoted to you!

When we were in Rome, my son bought the cheapest bottle of red wine that he could find, in a convenience store. We left it in the stateroom until all the other bottles of wine were drunk (we had 4 rooms). It was absolutely fine- it seems to be hard to get a poor bottle of wine in Italy!


 I am enjoying your trip enormously!

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Enjoying this review.  I'll be on the Explorer in Sept, Lisbon to Rome and then Rome to Venice.  You don't see many reviews of the Explorer so thanks for doing t his.  Also, I love your pre cruise info too.  I always travel solo and love it, do what I want when I want!


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14 hours ago, StanleyandGus said:

@DandDM that picture of you and your dog is great- you can tell that he’s devoted to you!

When we were in Rome, my son bought the cheapest bottle of red wine that he could find, in a convenience store. We left it in the stateroom until all the other bottles of wine were drunk (we had 4 rooms). It was absolutely fine- it seems to be hard to get a poor bottle of wine in Italy!


 I am enjoying your trip enormously!


Thanks! Missing my dog and as much as I love Europe, can't wait to be back!


Agree on wine; had one slight 'miss' on a bottle that I got at a touristy shop, but everything from the little market has been under 10 euro and fantastic!


9 hours ago, Nadey said:

Are you from Pittsburgh if you wanted to go to the Steeler bar? If you go I would get a kick out of seeing the pictures since I am from Pittsburgh

I was born near Pittsburgh and still have a lot of family there, and bleed Black and Gold! But live on the west coast now.  I would love to visit a Steeler bar, unfortunately timing doesn't work as I'm boarding the ship today (that part is not unfortunate!).



8 hours ago, F19810 said:

Enjoying this review.  I'll be on the Explorer in Sept, Lisbon to Rome and then Rome to Venice.  You don't see many reviews of the Explorer so thanks for doing t his.  Also, I love your pre cruise info too.  I always travel solo and love it, do what I want when I want!



Glad you are enjoying it!  Will do my best to report on the ship.


3 hours ago, juanrod said:

Loving your review.  Looking at your pictures from Rome made me want to revisit our trip from October.  Looking forward to the rest of your trip.   

Appriciate it!

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I don't have much time as I need to head to the train station shortly, but wanted to give a quick update on the food tour last night. Slightly mixed feelings about it - the tour itself was fantastic - great food, wine and history. The guide (Edwardo) was very informative and engaging. The other folks on the tour were outgoing and fun. So you may be wondering what I have to complain about? I simply ate and drank way too much! The tour finished almost two miles from the hotel, so I walked home, hoping that would help, but I tossed and turned all night with an upset stomach and still feel uncomfortable this morning. I hope that once I get it through my system, I'll just remember the good parts!


Won't get into detail on the tour and stops now; would like to promise that I will do it later, but knowing that today will be crazy and will have new stuff to talk about, not sure I'll circle back. Below are pictures of most of the food and drinks. I believe we had four stops with seven different food items. Did not take a photo of the gelato that finished the evening.













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On the train to Civitavecchia.  No problem getting to the train station and boarding.


Was considering three options to get here - metro, cab (uber) or walking. There was a metro station right by the hotel and it looked like there might be one connection, but as I haven't used the metro yet this trip didn't want to figure it out. Was leaning toward getting an uber, which appears to order a cab. Quoted cost was 10 to 12 euro. Finally, walking was to take less than 20 minutes so I decided to do that as I knew the route wasn't too bad, and figured that a brisk walk would help me recover from last night.  


Roma termini is large with over twenty platforms but didn't have a problem figuring it out. Found the train on a screen and got directed to a platform. Had to go through 'security' which consisted of scanning the bar code on my ticket under the watch of a security person. When I got to the platform noticed that the screen there didn't match so asked an employee who let me know that it had changed and to go to another one.  Got there and a few minutes later the train arrived. 


Got to the train station 30 minutes early, took about five minutes to find the platform, then the train arrived and we boarded 20 minutes before departure. Doors just closed so I think we are headed out!


A couple quick items: I had an assigned seat so no concern about finding a spot. I put my bag on the upper rack, plenty of room. Some folks near me (also cruise passengers) had large suitcases and they also put them up top with no issues.


Train left the station while I was typing this; very comfortable and quiet. Trip is one hour so I may try and get a short nap, or just enjoy the scenery.


When I get to Civitavecchia, research tells me that the station is about 700 meters from the gate to the port. There are reported to be shuttles but I'll probably walk. Understand that once I get to the gate, have to take a shuttle to the ship. My boarding time is 11:30 and I expect to get there slightly early which I hope won't be an issue.



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On the ship and in the cabin! Will share some photos later, wanted to share the morning's adventure first.


The train ride was uneventful and fast, got in a few minutes early. The train station was packed and took some time to negotiate the crowd. Once outside I saw the bus to the cruise ship right outside (I think it cost 2 or 2.5 euro, but per my plan, started walking. Going through town was fine, but I apparently took a wrong turn and ended up in the commercial dock area. Had to back track and made a few wrong turns before I found the free shuttle. Boarded that and waited 20 minutes until it filled up, then it took a round about route back across the port to the ship. Took a full hour to get to the terminal! Bet if I took the direct bus, it would have only taken 10 or 15 minutes. Not a big deal in the long run, but with the building excitement of getting on the ship, it seemed like forever!


There were no porters outside to take luggage and once inside the building, saw a queue of people under a sign that said "untagged luggage". Mine was already tagged and when I showed that to a worker, she directed me to pass the line. Not sure what I missed, but the next line I saw was for security.  I probably should have stopped then and found where to take my bag, but the line was moving fast so I followed everyone else and was through security. I thought that maybe I could drop off my bag after security, but should have known better. 


There was no wait to check in and the worker scanned my printed boarding pass and took a picture of my passport, then straight onto the ship! No one checked or cared about my check in time.


Good news was that it only took five minutes to get from the bus, bad news was that I still had my bag!!  I have the ultimate dining package for the cruise so asked around and was sent to Giovanni's on deck 4 to make my reservations. No one in line and the worker, a gentleman named Joy, was very efficient in setting me up. I'm doing two nights each in Chops, Giovanni's and Izumi. Was already reserved for Giovanni's tonight.


Still not being hungry and with my bag in tow, hung out on deck 11 for a bit, then remembered the Diamond lounge so went to deck 14 and got a Capuchino from the machine and some snacks. Promptly at 1PM the 'cabins ready' announcement came through and I headed there and unpacked. I guess it was good to not have to wait on my bag, but it was a pain to have to lug around.


Plan is to go walk around for a bit, will come back later and post some photos of the ship and my cabin.



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Photo time! 


Will do the cabin first; 9314 which is a Jr suite on the hump. First time in a 'standard' junior suite and like the size; not too big but comfortable. The balcony is nice, no room for loungers though. Way more storage room than I can use! Couldn't figure out a way to take a photo of the closet and demonstrate the size - I'm barely using it.  







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Room amenities: have the LavAzza machine which I LOVE, however like other ships, there isn't a plug (that I could find) near it so had to move to the desk. Attaching photos of the paperwork in the room regarding loyalty benefits and the diamond lounge. First time I've received a sheet that has all the benefits listed, historically on recall getting the list for my level.  I guess this is easier.


If the print is too small to read and anyone has a question, let me know.








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1 hour ago, DandDM said:

On the ship and in the cabin! Will share some photos later, wanted to share the morning's adventure first.


The train ride was uneventful and fast, got in a few minutes early. The train station was packed and took some time to negotiate the crowd. Once outside I saw the bus to the cruise ship right outside (I think it cost 2 or 2.5 euro, but per my plan, started walking. Going through town was fine, but I apparently took a wrong turn and ended up in the commercial dock area. Had to back track and made a few wrong turns before I found the free shuttle. Boarded that and waited 20 minutes until it filled up, then it took a round about route back across the port to the ship. Took a full hour to get to the terminal! Bet if I took the direct bus, it would have only taken 10 or 15 minutes. Not a big deal in the long run, but with the building excitement of getting on the ship, it seemed like forever!


There were no porters outside to take luggage and once inside the building, saw a queue of people under a sign that said "untagged luggage". Mine was already tagged and when I showed that to a worker, she directed me to pass the line. Not sure what I missed, but the next line I saw was for security.  I probably should have stopped then and found where to take my bag, but the line was moving fast so I followed everyone else and was through security. I thought that maybe I could drop off my bag after security, but should have known better. 


There was no wait to check in and the worker scanned my printed boarding pass and took a picture of my passport, then straight onto the ship! No one checked or cared about my check in time.


Good news was that it only took five minutes to get from the bus, bad news was that I still had my bag!!  I have the ultimate dining package for the cruise so asked around and was sent to Giovanni's on deck 4 to make my reservations. No one in line and the worker, a gentleman named Joy, was very efficient in setting me up. I'm doing two nights each in Chops, Giovanni's and Izumi. Was already reserved for Giovanni's tonight.


Still not being hungry and with my bag in tow, hung out on deck 11 for a bit, then remembered the Diamond lounge so went to deck 14 and got a Capuchino from the machine and some snacks. Promptly at 1PM the 'cabins ready' announcement came through and I headed there and unpacked. I guess it was good to not have to wait on my bag, but it was a pain to have to lug around.


Plan is to go walk around for a bit, will come back later and post some photos of the ship and my cabin.



Looking forward to your review! Question - what snacks were provided in the  Diamond Lounge on embarkation? Enough for lunch or just a few munchies?

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Ship photos. I'll post a couple/few of these so they are not too large.


Dining room. I'm aware of the heated discussion regarding the new menus, I won't be able to add to the discussion as I won't be trying it this trip.



The little art display right outside my cabin:


Promenade.  Filling up now!



I've seen photos of these posted on here, first time to see them live. Will report back on if I notice any difference.


The new slides.  The over/under that I try is out is pretty heavily on the 'no' side, but if the weather gets nice, it could happen!






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2 minutes ago, 4Nathan said:

Looking forward to your review! Question - what snacks were provided in the  Diamond Lounge on embarkation? Enough for lunch or just a few munchies?

Thanks for the question!!


Yes, they had sandwiches and cookies. Walked by the promenade cafe a little later and it was the exact same selection they had in there. It was plenty to hold me over until dinner!

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