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MITSUGIRLY's ENCORE pictorial and extensive REVIEW


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We decided to head back to the room and hang out until sail away. At this port, we would have the water side from our balcony. So, no watching pier runners or seeing what was going on over there. However, we had quite the view!










After sail away, the dailies said there was a dance class in the atrium. Well, you all know Sakari definitely wanted to go to that and off we went. 


I decided to bring some of my ducks with me to hide. I didn't go out and buy a bunch like I did last time. I had a few left over from the last cruise, and by a few I mean like maybe 10? Then I also brought along the ducks that we had found on the last cruise to "repurpose" them as well. 


This picture made a nice placement to hold one of them!




Miss Columbia had everyone out there and Sakari ran out and left me behind. She wasn't missing out on this.





I eventually went out and joined Sakari and we were shown several different dances and we had a lot of fun learning them. 

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Right after dance class was Balloon Twisting! Yep, Sakari wanted to stay for that as well so stay we did. 






I ran to the bathroom during this busting of balloons, which is what it should be called, and hid another duck.





When I returned, Sakari had made a sword that would fight off any pirates that may try to take over the ship.




I was lucky enough to arrive just in time to watch her attempt to make a dog. Oh Em Gee! It was hilarious to watch. They make it look so easy and easy it was not. She was on the struggle bus for sure and gave up multiple times. 




Well that was a bit of a flop and she gave up as we walked away and outside to see the sunset. 




We would also discover they had another Christmas display in the "other" atrium (678).











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Tonight we were able to catch the comedian, Jon Stringer, at the 6pm show. Now this guy was funny! THIS is what I came for. We laughed and laughed.  




Before the show started, I managed to show off my balloon twisting skills to Sakari and made her dog for her as she looked on at me in disbelief. 




After the show, I had another few ducks to get rid of and what better place than a menu right?




Now the other night, when we went to see The Mentalist, they had mentioned at the end of the show that they would have another show later in the week that would have a few different "tricks". So, we decided we wanted to go to it again so that Sakari could...once again...sit on the end of the isle seat and this time sit down even further...in the second row. She was bound and determined to get picked for this show. 




The show was different with a few things still the same. Either way, even with the same tricks, they would end up being somewhat different depending on what the audience picked. 






Now this particular trick they had done the other night, so she knew what was going to happen. The last show the person had a regular dice and picked a number on it and had their hands covering it. This dice was colors. 





In the end, her mind was BLOWN!!! She couldn't believe it. So, if this isn't proof that these shows are real and they really do pick people from the audience that are not part of the scheme, I don't know what is. They are not rigged in any way. It was simply amazing and I have a feeling that she will drag us to the front seats every cruise from here on out. 





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After the show, we headed upstairs for some dinner. They had ribs tonight and they were pretty good. We really weren't too hungry so ribs and desert would have to do for now. 




I decided to hide another duck as I waited for the fam to use the bathroom and along came some of the staff and one of the girls squealed with excitement "Oh my gosh, there's a duck!" She ran over to get it and jumped up and down like an excited little kid. I was so happy to see how happy she was to find a duck. I had heard that the staff love collecting them but had never really witnessed it before. 




Tonight was the GLOW party and we knew we would be heading to that. So, for now it was adult time and we headed to the casino for a bit while Sakari headed to the room to get ready. 




On the way back to the room I hid my last duck for the night:




Then it was time for the Glow party. We put on our brightly colored glow shirts and headed out to the pool deck where the party was hopping with Tiera. 




We had a great time dancing and singing...but the party never lasts long enough. 



I would find some pictures of me and the hubby at the party looping on the tv screens in the room afterwards. 







Having this party on the pool deck didn't really provide the same experience as we have had on the other ships...even the ships that have them on the back of the ship in H20 was better as far as lighting. There really wasn't many black lights to make everyone glow the way they usually do. I would learn that most people dressed in white...as in the old White Hot party NCL used to have. I was now wishing I had white on instead. They glowed a little better. 


After the party we returned to our room where we would now have to set our clocks back 1 hour as we were now heading back home. 



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A short video of our hike in Tortola for your viewing pleasure. I highly recommend this tour. 




I did want to mention the following though...


After we had found out that we were going to be staying in Tortola longer than what we had planned, I did inquire with both David and Sef about possibly adding on another one of his tours (Pineapple Field) because we would have a bunch of extra time. We discussed it, because he said it was also close by, but after our tour, he never mentioned it again. It would have been neat to do both of them. There is a guy they call "The Pineapple Man", who will give you his story and information about cultivating the pineapple (the only field here in Tortola) and everyone loves this tour as well. (If you check out Hike VI they have amazing reviews from everyone and everyone seems to love each and every one of the tour they offer). Well, we did run into The Pineapple Man on the road during our tour. Next time in Tortola, we may have to check this tour out as well. 

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Hello Kim, Thank you for your review! Well, at least what I have read through so far. I have been searching for any posted Dailies and found your review and website. We will be sailing on the Encore on January 14-24, 2024 and looking forward to another wonderful cruise. I'm curious if your cruise had themed nights such as: 70's Disco night, Glow/White night, '80s night, '90s night, Country night? Thank you in advance for any help.

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13 hours ago, Noillid2 said:

Hello Kim, Thank you for your review! Well, at least what I have read through so far. I have been searching for any posted Dailies and found your review and website. We will be sailing on the Encore on January 14-24, 2024 and looking forward to another wonderful cruise. I'm curious if your cruise had themed nights such as: 70's Disco night, Glow/White night, '80s night, '90s night, Country night? Thank you in advance for any help.


Yes, they have the themed nights. We went to the Glow party and 80's night. They did have others as well but we didn't attend. 🙂 

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Friday December 15: Sea Day


This was originally going to be our sea day so had no plans other than to hang out at the pool and try to find some activities to keep my family busy today. As I've mentioned before, I don't like sea days because they're boring to me, but now we were forced to endure two of them in a row. I'm an active person and you can only walk the ship back and forth so many times. 






That meant today would be a sleep in day right? Well, if you want to call 7:15am a sleep in day then so be it. 


We like to try to eat in one of the main dining rooms during the cruise and decided since we were not in any type of hurry today, we'd try out Savor for our morning breakfast. Its all about the experience and feeling like you are in a fancy restaurant. 


So off we went...




The breakfast menu:




Sakari was excited that we were seated next to a window. There's nothing like eating a meal and staring out the window at the beautiful water.  It reminds me of when we were both in school at the same time and would cruise and come to the dining rooms to do our homework. Very hard to concentrate but we managed somehow. 😄 






I don't remember what the family had for breakfast because I forgot to take a picture. As the cruise days wind down, so does my picture taking skills and I take less and less.


I ordered the Pretzel Roll Sandwich, no ham because I don't like ham, and also the fruit salad plate. It was all yummy!





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We headed up to the pool deck to find a beautiful little rainbow coming out of the water. 








So what better way to kill some time than to play some ping pong. We played for hours and made up our own games. Play with your left hand, play with a paddle in both hands, just keep that ball in the air no matter what it bounces off of...just keep it going! We have so much fun with this and we're constantly laughing to the point I'm in tears at times.


After my arm gave out we decided to do a little bit of shop browsing. I wanted to look for my ship ornament and wasn't too hopeful they would have them. On our Joy cruise, they did not have any and I was told they wasn't sure if they would continue to have them. How am I supposed to keep my tradition going?? I have searched the internet to try to find a Joy ornament and also an Epic ornament with no luck. If anyone is going on either and they have these, please get me one and I'll pay for it and shipping. I've tried going on roll calls with no answers in the past. 😞 


Once we made it to the gift shop, guess what I found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I was beyond excited!! So either they had a bunch of them they haven't sold or they ARE still selling them on the ships and was just out on the Joy??


Now I can add it to my collection. 




Hiding a few ducks along the way back to the room to put my newly found ship ornament up. 






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We decided to head to the pool for a bit. Of course we still have to go in the "family" pool, which is essentially a pool for little munchkins that like to splash and get rowdy. I cannot wait for the day we can all be in the adult pool just relaxing and neither can Sakari. 


The pool adventure didn't last long and the water was cold so Sakari wanted to go up a flight of stairs to the hot tub. We pretty much had one of them to ourselves and enjoyed our time up there. I thought it was going to be crowded since it was a sea day.






They did have the drop water slide open and I caught Sakari starring at it. I ask her if she wanted to try it but the only problem is they won't allow anyone on them if you have any type of bathing suit with a clasp, jewelry on and so on. They are super strict about it. We would also watch several people get stuck in it. She decided it wasn't worth it to go change.




We did decide to go on the raft waterslide. It was a lot of fun and honestly there wasn't a lot of people on it when we went up. But the workers are so SLOW! People would go, be out of the water and they still just have you waiting as they would stack the tubes, then restack, then switch them around, not pay attention...like come on already!


We ended up going in a double tube together and had a lot of fun on that 30 second ride we waited an hour for. 😉 




We headed back to the room to get into some dry clothes and then it was game on...UNO time!




We did manage to talk daddy into a few games. He's never played UNO. Can you believe it? Either he really hasn't or acted like he hasn't and tried to pull a few moves over on us and claim he didn't know any better. lol





All these challenges made us hungry and we decided to go on the prowl for some food. 





I had to leave another duck behind before we left. 



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We walked around the ship multiple times as I took some pictures of the different venues for this review as the family tagged along wondering if the torture was ever going to stop. So I agreed to head back to the room again to hang out with Sakari on the balcony for awhile sunning. 







Christopher stopped by to clean the room and I ask him for a laundry bag, since there wasn't one in the room, so that we could get our free Platinum bag of clothes washed. On the last cruise I completely forgot to use this coupon. 


This is such a task and similar to playing Tetris. You fold the clothes in various ways to fit as much in as possible without tearing the bag and having to start over. I put clothes in, I take them out, I try different ones, I take them out. Then once I have meticulously placed everything in, I remove them once more to take pictures of everything. I learned my lesson once before that everything that goes in doesn't necessarily come back and can get lost and they will want to know what it looks like. Ok, got my pictures of everything and back in the bag they go. Christopher told me when I was done to just sit them outside my door and he would pick them up when he was done cleaning the rooms. That made me a little nervous, but everything worked out ok...at least I had hoped since my bag was gone the next time I looked.


Christopher handed me a paper to reinforce that we would NOT be going to Great Stirrup Cay. Way to remind me and bust my bubble. I was really hoping some miracle would occur and they would change their mind. 




Tonight we would also be due for a clock adjustment again. 




I decided to make reservations for The Texas Smokehouse...or "Q" as they call it, since I still had one other free Platinum coupon to use up. 





It had gotten a little cloudy out. No more sun for us I guess. So we killed some time watching a Christmas movie.





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We wanted to try to go to the Social Comedy Club again and see if the shows were any different than the rest of the cruise. Tonight, Jon Stringer was having a 6pm show, so off we went. Sakari and I thought that the show may be different, the hubby thought it would be the same. It was now a game of who will get this right?


The hubby wanted to sit in the front row. He said the seats would be more comfortable. I really didn't want to but I obliged anyhow. 




The show started and he said a few things that we hadn't heard the other night. "HA! Told you" Sakari said to daddy. Then the show went on...and was exactly the same as the other night! "HA! Told you" said daddy. Well guess what...we are now stuck in the front row and didn't want to be rude and get up and walk out in the middle of the show. Although the show was the same, he did somehow get onto the subject of dieting (which was in the other show) but this time he mentioned Keto dieting and our lovely daughter decided to furiously point at mom and dad. Well since he noticed that, it went into some Keto jokes that never ended, which also led into Gluten Free dieting. Way to go daughter! We're leaving you home next time!


Since Sakari misbehaved during the show with her pointing fingers, we grounded her back to the room and we headed off to the casino.






We did pretty well tonight. The hubby walked away with an extra $122.75 in his pocket and the Goldfish game gave me back all the money I had spent playing that night with a few extra bucks for coming. 😉 


Always cash out when you're ahead. Don't be greedy. I left a duck as my appreciation to the casino and hopefully it will give someone else some luck. 




We were back in the room at 8pm and time to get ready for dinner. Our reservations were for 9pm, but we went early to see if they could accommodate us...and they did. 


Sakari always loves dressing up. 




The place wasn't too crowded. It is a pretty big restaurant. They have an area for live bands, but no one was playing tonight I guess. 


Here's the menu:




We also get a free bottle of wine with our voucher so we ordered a Moscato and boy was it good! I have not had any wine for a long time. 




For an appetizer, the hubby ordered some fancy Deviled Eggs:




I ordered the Q's Chopped Salad:





Sakari only wanted the Loaded Fries...as her meal. 





For our main course, the hubby and I both had the Pitmaster Platter, which included just about everything: Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Sausage, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, Beans, Cornbread. You also got 2 other sides and I picked corn on the cob and onion rings. The hubby had a sweet potato and a side salad.




Now that's a feast! I shared a bunch with Sakari because honestly, this is a meal for 2 people!


After dinner, desert would be some type of fancy Banana Pudding. 




I've heard mixed reviews about this place and some people said it wasn't good but we thought everything was good. Not the absolute best we've ever had but for a free meal it was outstanding! 


However, I would NEVER pay this kind of money for the meal. Just outrageous prices I tell ya!




We had a great night out with lots of laughs and good conversations and that means everything in the world to me. Sharing great memories with my family. 




We took the long way back to the room and was wondering around the halls, trying to find a place to put my last duck of the night. 




It's always funny to see if Sakari can figure out which way to go when we switch up things. She will randomly look back to see if we are still following and to get that approval look that she's still headed in the right direction





She safely returned us back to the room and had redeemed herself from her mishap at the comedy club and we headed to bed at 11pm. Zzzzz

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52 minutes ago, mitsugirly said:

For an appetizer, the hubby ordered some fancy Deviled Eggs:









Really? For $123, (I know you didn't pay that, but that's what the receipt shows as the total cost), they can't give you TWO eggs?


What the hell do they do with the fourth half... let it just sit there for hours until someone else might order the deviled eggs? Throw it out? 


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30 minutes ago, Daruma said:


Really? For $123, (I know you didn't pay that, but that's what the receipt shows as the total cost), they can't give you TWO eggs?


What the hell do they do with the fourth half... let it just sit there for hours until someone else might order the deviled eggs? Throw it out? 


I'm loving @mitsugirly's thoughts on NCL's specialty restaurant prices. Mainly because I agree wholeheartedly on the pathetic portions for the price. I know that pitmaster is a lot of food, but not worth $32 if paying a la carte. It's good'ish though for shipboard bbq. 


Also...hahaha about the fourth half. Gosh! I had never thought about that and that's how deviled eggs are served in Q and in the Haven. I'm sure they sit around for hours since they're likely prepped much earlier in the day. 


And, I'll take time now to say thank you @mitsugirly for your review! I'm loving the photos and details. How you remember everything, I do not know. When I do a "liveish" I forget what happened an hour ago! An dyou're posting all these thoughts days/weeks later. Wow!! My mind would be mush. I'm glad your website is broken as I've seen you link to previous reviews, but never clicked the link. Now, I think I'm going to have to since I've experienced a review of yours! 


Thank you! 

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8 hours ago, Daruma said:


Really? For $123, (I know you didn't pay that, but that's what the receipt shows as the total cost), they can't give you TWO eggs?


What the hell do they do with the fourth half... let it just sit there for hours until someone else might order the deviled eggs? Throw it out? 



You know I didn't even think about not getting the full 2 eggs until now. You are totally right. That's kinda weird. 😕 I'll have to bring that up to the hubby. lol  At least he did say they were good. 😄 



8 hours ago, cruiseny4life said:

I'm loving @mitsugirly's thoughts on NCL's specialty restaurant prices. Mainly because I agree wholeheartedly on the pathetic portions for the price. I know that pitmaster is a lot of food, but not worth $32 if paying a la carte. It's good'ish though for shipboard bbq. 


Also...hahaha about the fourth half. Gosh! I had never thought about that and that's how deviled eggs are served in Q and in the Haven. I'm sure they sit around for hours since they're likely prepped much earlier in the day. 


And, I'll take time now to say thank you @mitsugirly for your review! I'm loving the photos and details. How you remember everything, I do not know. When I do a "liveish" I forget what happened an hour ago! An dyou're posting all these thoughts days/weeks later. Wow!! My mind would be mush. I'm glad your website is broken as I've seen you link to previous reviews, but never clicked the link. Now, I think I'm going to have to since I've experienced a review of yours! 


Thank you! 


Yea, I just can't imagine anyone going to any of these places and actually paying for them. I imagine most go on the free coupons or buy the dining package to go. I did see large families in there...I just can't imagine.


You are welcome and glad you are enjoying the review. Well, as you can tell, I take a million pictures and there are so many that are never included in my review. So, it pretty much documents what we are doing at any given time and I refer back to the dates and times. I also write things down in a notebook at the end of the day if I can remember them (I will look back at my photo's during that time as well). 


I'm not sure what you mean by you're glad my website is broken but I'm glad you might take a chance to look at it or the reviews on there. I do the website in order to help others out and give them ideas on things to do in individual ports. If it helps anyone out, I've done what I set out to do. 🙂 That's why I try to have a section that is just ports only and divided up into different places. 

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On 1/1/2024 at 8:57 AM, mitsugirly said:


Thanks for the Y'all lesson...since I'm from Ohio, I'll keep that in mind next time for you southerners. 😄 

Happy cruising to you as well. 🙂 



Three or four pictures a YEAR? 😶 I would not survive. lol   I love memories and being able to look back at all the places, things and times we've shared so I have to take the pictures. hehe


Thanks for the comments. Maybe we have cruised together...I've been on a lot over the years. 


I will keep the Blue Lagoon area in mind next time but looking at where Blue Lagoon is located, when I was booking, that area was more expensive than the north side of the airport (I did check all around there) but will definitely check them out each time. Thanks!


Thanks for tajing my post with the 'tongue in cheek' manner that was intended.  One hint on hotels and airlines that helps a lot.  Get a Citi Bank American Airliunes and an American Express Hilton Credit Card.  We all have one of each and use them to buy/pay for everything possible.  Then as soon as the charge hits our on line account. we pay the entire charge.  That way we pay $0 interest and get a ton of airline miles and hotel points.  We have crusied about 20-25 times and we never had paid for a hotel and we have flown for just the $5.60 9-11 fee per person each way.  Not to mention that keeping a $0 balance at the end of each month has zoomed our redit scored well into the 800s.  It is the ony way we can afford to cruise 3 times a year!

Thanks again for the great review.  Hope y'all get to sail again soon and have yet another fantastic voyage!

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Hey MITSUGIRLY I noticed the picture of the three of you in the hot tub!  Are the tubs on the Encore actually HOT or are they somewhere between tepid and slightly warm like all other ships.  I like a HOT hot tub!

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10 hours ago, MoCruiseFan said:


Thanks for tajing my post with the 'tongue in cheek' manner that was intended.  One hint on hotels and airlines that helps a lot.  Get a Citi Bank American Airliunes and an American Express Hilton Credit Card.  We all have one of each and use them to buy/pay for everything possible.  Then as soon as the charge hits our on line account. we pay the entire charge.  That way we pay $0 interest and get a ton of airline miles and hotel points.  We have crusied about 20-25 times and we never had paid for a hotel and we have flown for just the $5.60 9-11 fee per person each way.  Not to mention that keeping a $0 balance at the end of each month has zoomed our redit scored well into the 800s.  It is the ony way we can afford to cruise 3 times a year!

Thanks again for the great review.  Hope y'all get to sail again soon and have yet another fantastic voyage!


Yea, we've always had a Chase SW card that we put everything on it (including our business expenses for our company) and have flown for free and also used points for booking hotels and such. So I know what you mean. 



5 hours ago, MoCruiseFan said:

Hey MITSUGIRLY I noticed the picture of the three of you in the hot tub!  Are the tubs on the Encore actually HOT or are they somewhere between tepid and slightly warm like all other ships.  I like a HOT hot tub!


It was warm to hot but not extremely hot like what I like. Although we were in the Caribbean and it was hot outside, so it was good enough for us at the time otherwise we wouldn't have been able to stay in it as long as we did. 


5 hours ago, medicalma'am said:

Just decided to check out your review as Wendy told me it was up.  Enjoying it!  I am trying to get excited about our upcoming week on the Prima.  : )


Glad you found it Robin. I hope you have a great cruise on Prima. Are all the Ma'am sisters joining?

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14 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

I'm not sure what you mean by you're glad my website is broken but I'm glad you might take a chance to look at it or the reviews on there.

Haha I get why you're like "whaaaaaaaa?" I don't mean that I'm actually glad you're struggling with getting it back online. I've just seen your reviews before on Cruise Critic, but then a link to the real review (like you're doing here). I never clicked on those links, because I was just too lazy to go to another website....but now I know you actually write quality reviews, because your site is broken and you're doing it here. So now, I know not to be lazy. Just click the link when you do get the site figured out (which I hope is soon and doesn't cost you a ton of time and frustration). 

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3 hours ago, mitsugirly said:


Yea, we've always had a Chase SW card that we put everything on it (including our business expenses for our company) and have flown for free and also used points for booking hotels and such. So I know what you mean. 




It was warm to hot but not extremely hot like what I like. Although we were in the Caribbean and it was hot outside, so it was good enough for us at the time otherwise we wouldn't have been able to stay in it as long as we did. 



Glad you found it Robin. I hope you have a great cruise on Prima. Are all the Ma'am sisters joining?

Three of us with hubbies are.  If one hubby can't go at the last minute, they said that the other ma'am can go (up to 2 days before sailing) in his place.  Hoping he can go as this is their anniversary week.  We have often cruised or vacationed with them late January, tagging along on their "anniversary trip".  Oh M Gee,  like the fateful "Epic Icey Auto Race to Miami" after flights were cancelled out of Houston!  LOL 

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On 1/5/2024 at 8:35 AM, cruiseny4life said:

Haha I get why you're like "whaaaaaaaa?" I don't mean that I'm actually glad you're struggling with getting it back online. I've just seen your reviews before on Cruise Critic, but then a link to the real review (like you're doing here). I never clicked on those links, because I was just too lazy to go to another website....but now I know you actually write quality reviews, because your site is broken and you're doing it here. So now, I know not to be lazy. Just click the link when you do get the site figured out (which I hope is soon and doesn't cost you a ton of time and frustration). 


Ohhhh, I get it now. 🙂 Site is not actually broken and everything on there still works,  I just had too much on there and had to remove a lot and didn't want to add more to it (causing it to crash), so just decided to remove all the cruise reviews and link them back to here where I originally did them at. I hope you get a chance to check out the website. There's a lot of useful content for ports and such as well. (You'll also find my land vacation reviews to a lot of the cruising ports over there as well). Thanks so much for being here for this review. 🙂 


On 1/5/2024 at 10:07 AM, medicalma'am said:

Three of us with hubbies are.  If one hubby can't go at the last minute, they said that the other ma'am can go (up to 2 days before sailing) in his place.  Hoping he can go as this is their anniversary week.  We have often cruised or vacationed with them late January, tagging along on their "anniversary trip".  Oh M Gee,  like the fateful "Epic Icey Auto Race to Miami" after flights were cancelled out of Houston!  LOL 


I really hope he gets to go...especially for an anniversary. I'm crossing my fingers for all the ma'ams. Have a wonderful vacation/cruise!

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