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The table from Hell!


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Alexborngal post #93 Yeah; keep cutting him off at the pass and conspire with the others at your table to do the same thing. Every time he goes OT, someone jumps in with the original topic, or a new one that relates to all of you. You do it every time. Every time. When he gets tired of this little game, he will shut up.


After a while, it gets to be a fun game with everyone and, when he gives up, dinner returns to normal.



I figured you for the more direct route:

Try saying this with the most genuine smile you can muster:

"How nice for you to once again remind us how fabulous you are Mr Smith - (turning to other guests at the table) but I'm sure we'd all like to hear about Ruth and Donald's hog farm this evening!"

...or the slightly less direct approach:

"I'm sure we're all fascinated hearing about your business Mr Smith, but I think you'd agree that it's a shame to waste a week at sea talking about such things when we can all have much more fun talking about what we did on the island today (turning to another guest at the table)Didn't you go ashore and do some shopping today Ruth?"


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I figured you for the more direct route:

Try saying this with the most genuine smile you can muster:

"How nice for you to once again remind us how fabulous you are Mr Smith - (turning to other guests at the table) but I'm sure we'd all like to hear about Ruth and Donald's hog farm this evening!"

...or the slightly less direct approach:

"I'm sure we're all fascinated hearing about your business Mr Smith, but I think you'd agree that it's a shame to waste a week at sea talking about such things when we can all have much more fun talking about what we did on the island today (turning to another guest at the table)Didn't you go ashore and do some shopping today Ruth?"



Here Brian, please sit next to me!

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We just did the 105 day World Voyage on the Pdam so having great tablemates was a must. We started off at a table for 8 and one couple on the first night were a bit offputting. She gave us the history of her given name change which was puzzling at best and he recounted long stories in a low mumble that was incomprehensable. I said to my wife that this cruise would certainly seem endless with them to look forward to every night. We were nonetheless offended as were our other mates when on the second night the weirdos changed to the next table. I questioned if it was something I said which was likely. (I certainly hope so.)


We got to know a charming couple at that next table who eventually confided to us that they just couldnt take Mumbles et. al. who dominated each dinner and had requested a change to a table for two waiting to the end of the second segment to show a little class. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. They were seated next to a couple who were generally regarded as the most obnoxious on the boat and with a mere 6 inch separation between tables couldn't duck undesired conversation easily if at all. They were too embarrassed or nice or both to try another switch so they Lido'd a lot.


We were left at a table for 6 and our mates became our closest friends on the boat with one couple achieving "lifelong" status or so we hope.


At another table beside us, one fellow brought his computer to dinner every night, shunned conversation and pecked away. I asked one of his tablemates about this and she said they didn't mind as it was better than talking to him.


Table strategies were frequently discussed and some vets start with a table for two and shop around for compatability. Others advise to move early and not to worry about sensativities as its YOUR cruise and you have the right indeed duty to do anything you have to to maximize your experience. If you offend, so what, the cruise ends and you don't have to see the undesirables again. Great advice if you have tbhe nerve.



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These stories are really very interesting and entertaining! We have never asked for a table for two because we like meeting other people so always request a large table. My wife is one of those individuals who has absolutey no problem talking to anyone. We have made and kept some very nice friendships on board. The only two times we've ever had somewhat not so positive experiences was on the Sagafjord where we had a female tablemate who kept complaining about something different not to her liking night after night (that got really old after a while). The second was a HAL cruise where a German couple, we were seated with, did not speak a word of English. We have been seated with folks from all different age groups, backgrounds, nationalities, crew status, etc. etc. We are always looking forward to meeting new people.


Margretha's story about the captain's table sounds very familiar. I heard that some captains are very picky as to who they want for dinner mates and have a staff member (usually the Maitre 'd) pay particular attention to those issues. Some of those captain table dinners have been very painful and/or very boring for the captain and/or for some of his guests.

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Try saying this with the most genuine smile you can muster:

"How nice for you to once again remind us how fabulous you are Mr Smith - (turning to other guests at the table) but I'm sure we'd all like to hear about Ruth and Donald's hog farm this evening!"

...or the slightly less direct approach:

"I'm sure we're all fascinated hearing about your business Mr Smith, but I think you'd agree that it's a shame to waste a week at sea talking about such things when we can all have much more fun talking about what we did on the island today (turning to another guest at the table)Didn't you go ashore and do some shopping today Ruth?"



Brian....what a hoot! However, this only works on people who have at least a tiny bit of social sensitivity. I'm sure the motor mouth at our table would have been totally nonplussed.....he would know more about hogs than the hog farmers.....to say nothing about the entire evening devoted to his shopping skills as he relayed in exquisite detail how he bargained with the jeweler in St. Thomas for an expensive tanzanite necklace for his wife (he brought it to show us). He proceeded to explain the finer points of law to a lawyer who was seated at the table! I tell you the man was an expert on EVERYTHING. No one was gonna rain on his parade.

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I was at a table for six like that. Five regulars and one motormouth. We just started talking among ourselves and ignored him. Guy turned toward me and said, "I guess I lost my audience." What do you say when the ball comes across the plate at just the right speed? God will forgive me. I turned toward him and said, "Huh??" That really shut him up.

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I think this is one reason we like freestyle dining: you may get a table from HELL for one night, but you never have to sit with them again. It happened to us on a freestyle cruise plus a few other times. Once we asked to be moved: a table of 6 and the other 4 were good friends: we were obviously outcasts plus one of the gals was quite over bearing: informing the wait staff the first night what she expected from him. We were able to not only change tables but switched from late to early seating. This way there was no embarrassment. We were seated at a table for 4 with a very nice, young couple on their honeymoon: it worked out fine: they only showed up for dinner twice.


To be seated with those you have nothing in common with can make for a long 7 or 10 night cruise. I am a little concerned about our HAL cruise: we have requested early seating and the shortest wait list is the earliest dining: please don't put us with 2 other couples who are about the exit the earth. We will be with old friends as well so guess we will do fine: At home we eat between 6:15 and 7:15: 6 is too early and 8 is too late. NMNita

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Please don't put us with 2 other couples who are about the exit the earth.
The way honeymooners have been going over the side this past year, I'd stick with the dinosaurs; your odds of seeing them the last night are better.
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The way honeymooners have been going over the side this past year, I'd stick with the dinosaurs; your odds of seeing them the last night are better.

LOL! So true!


Actually, I must say that some of those people who may be "about to exit the earth" are the greatest conversalists. They have so, so very many wonderful experiences to relate ... they can make for the best dinner companions. I prefer to take it on a case-by-case basis. If I see after a couple of evenings that I really can't relate to my tablemates, I'd just ask to be reassigned to another table. No problem.


As for offending, one can always offer a passable excuse ... one that will make sense and not offend.


Blue skies ...



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please don't put us with 2 other couples who are about the exit the earth.


None of us know when we're about to exit the earth! Could by you, could be me when we least expect it!;) Good dinner companions have nothing to do with age, IMHO. We shared a dinner table once with four couples in their seventies (we were in our thirties) and had a great time (they adopted us as their kids). It's all about personalities, backgrounds and opening up a little! Have a great cruise!

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LOL! So true!


Actually, I must say that some of those people who may be "about to exit the earth" are the greatest conversalists. They have so, so very many wonderful experiences to relate ... they can make for the best dinner companions. I prefer to take it on a case-by-case basis. If I see after a couple of evenings that I really can't relate to my tablemates, I'd just ask to be reassigned to another table. No problem.


As for offending, one can always offer a passable excuse ... one that will make sense and not offend.


Blue skies ...



yes, we offered the excuse we preferred early dining, that way no one was insulted I hope. As for conversations, well I might be in the almost catagory before long so I want to relate my stories first. Only kidding, not about the age, but the stories. You are right and I am just being a smart A##.
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As for offending, one can always offer a passable excuse ... one that will make sense and not offend.


Blue skies ...




I have to admit that at two of the "tables from hell" we've experienced, the other guests were so rude during dinner that I made no excuse, no apology, we just got up and left the table. I didn't give a rat's behind if I offended them as they had already offended us. (DH was ready to get off the ship at the first stop and fly back home if we had to stay at the table; luckily we were able to change). Another "TFH" had two other couples who argued politics the first night and I said I wouldn't go back; DH persuaded me to give it one more try and they behaved better thereafter.

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Copper 10-8 said:

It's all about personalities, backgrounds and opening up a little!
Stop me if I've told this one before, but once I was on a cruise and the lady next to me at table was the stereotypical "retired old lady schoolteacher" type. (Actually not sure what she did.) A little dowdy, no off-color stuff in her presence. At the table to my left on this formal night was a woman who God created just right; AND she was wearing something low-cut. At one point, I got this kick under the table from the old lady. "Quick, look," she hissed, "that gal is bending over to get up." I glanced into the window (it was night and reflective) to check out the view.


Never underestimate the old folks, no matter how they look. This lady sure had a lot of life left in her!

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We cruised on Carnival last Christmas simply because it fit into our schedule. We had a table for 10 and the first night only six of us showed, one a couple and the other two female friends. The man of the couple did his best to get everyone to talk but the two females weren't interested. The second night was "formal" night and no one but us showed up! We thought it was a riot and the waiter had the busboy serving us, I guess it was good practice for him, but we didn't care and I got my two chocolate souffle desserts which I love! The last night everyone showed up, and the missing four people turned out to be a family who refused to talk to anyone or even look at the rest of us. Makes you wonder why they even bothered to show up that night.


As for a table for two, we not only requested it on our first HAL cruise, we PAID for it by getting the romance package. We showed up, checked out our table, and they had us at a table for four. We did see the maitre 'd and pointed this out, and he said "oh, yes, you're with the (last name) couple" so it's not like he just decided to give us a larger table to honor our reservation. He then found us a table for two.


If there's some "I always get a table for two" trick that always works, I'd love to hear it.

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None of us know when we're about to exit the earth! Could by you, could be me when we least expect it!;) Good dinner companions have nothing to do with age, IMHO. We shared a dinner table once with four couples in their seventies (we were in our thirties) and had a great time (they adopted us as their kids). It's all about personalities, backgrounds and opening up a little! Have a great cruise!
You may want to lighten up a little:I was joking, at my age we are watching friends go on all the time. In fact today, one of our county commissioners husbands (they have been married barely a year) in his early 40s died of a stroke. I was just having fun. I don't care who I sit with as long as they are fun and we have something in common.
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You may want to lighten up a little:I was joking, at my age we are watching friends go on all the time. In fact today, one of our county commissioners husbands (they have been married barely a year) in his early 40s died of a stroke. I was just having fun. I don't care who I sit with as long as they are fun and we have something in common.


Did you notice the ;) in that post? But thanks for the advise! ;)

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Did you notice the ;) in that post? But thanks for the advise! ;)


Copper, I'm totally aghast! In one afternoon, on two separate threads, you've been labelled "hoity-toity", and told to "lighten up a little"!;) :rolleyes: I never realized before what a "kill-joy" you are! (There, now you've been called a kill-joy!)


To participate in this very long and entertaining thread, I can say that we will totally side-step the issue of tablemates from he--, by dining en famille as a party of five. We'll have that extra seat at a table for six, so if perchance Tom C shows up, we'd gladly invite him to dine. (He might consider us the table from heck, though:D).

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Copper, I'm totally aghast! In one afternoon, on two separate threads, you've been labelled "hoity-toity", and told to "lighten up a little"!;) :rolleyes: I never realized before what a "kill-joy" you are! (There, now you've been called a kill-joy!)


To participate in this very long and entertaining thread, I can say that we will totally side-step the issue of tablemates from he--, by dining en famille as a party of five. We'll have that extra seat at a table for six, so if perchance Tom C shows up, we'd gladly invite him to dine. (He might consider us the table from heck, though:D).


Hi Kelly and Mom, come on down and join the club!:D The water is fine;)

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sorry, I didn't and I will pay closer attention. If only I knew how to add those little smilies, etc. LOL


Not a problem;) When you compose your post, you'll find them in the column to your right - just click on them :mad: and they'll appear!:eek: :p

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Hi Mom, come on down and join the club!:D The water is fine;)


Haven't you noticed? I've been "all wet" for a long time already!:D You meet the nicest people in the water:)


(Piet Hein, Piet Hein,

Piet Hein zijn naam is klein.....) Now I'm being totally silly...you know I just may be the tablemate from heck..:eek: Hey, New Mexico Nita, John's a jolly Dutchman, absolutely no harm in him!

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