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No Children in Adult Areas!!!

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When the waiver is signed, 18-20 year olds get 1 punch, if not signed, they get 2 punches. My kids, 18 and 20, had the waiver signed and had to provide picture id's (driver's license or passport) before entering the disco, no exceptions. This was on the Serenade last month.


That is exactly how it was on Voyager over xmas. I didn't spend much time in the pool myself, but it did seem that they made it a fact to keep the minors out of the casino. I also missed portofinos, but I am leaving on Mariner in a few weeks and will definitely be spending my anniversary dinner in there. Children don't bother me, and as long as the are polite and fairly quiet I don't have a problem with it. I think the cruise line could make an exception and say no kids under 16 or 18 after 8 pm. That way, if a family has to bring everybody they can get it over with early and let the adults enjoy other adults in the later part of the evening. Im just trying to think of a compromise that might work?

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There is no defense for these parents. 'No Children In Hot Tub' = no children in the %&!# hot tub. Otherwise, it would say 'No Children In Hot Tub ...... Unless You Really Need To Relax And The Only Way You Can Do It Is To Bring Your Child - Who Is Much Better Behaved Than All Other Children, We're Sure - In The Hot Tub With You'


This thread is amazing. At the local grocery stores there are carts all over the parking lot because people can't be bothered to put their carts back where the signs tell you to. (Annoying when one of your cars is expensive because you are restricted from driving it to the grocery store for fear of damage.) I used to chalk it up to just a bunch of illiterates.


After reading this thread, I now surmise that it's actually people that just can't be bothered by all of the rules that suckers like me actually follow.


As much as that gets me down, the next time I cruise I'm going to continue following the rules and the laws and even the 'suggested attire' guidelines in the hopes that there are a handful of other people on the cruise who will appreciate my efforts.



I agree with your attitude 100%. My folks raised me to respect the rules, and I still do. As a teacher, I am reminded on a daily basis that today's parents do not teach their children that the rules are meant for them to follow. The opposite is true--the rules are for those other people to follow--I'm special, and can do as I please. Parents lie for their kids all the time, and I am really tired of it. When I go on a cruise for a much needed vacation, I don't want to be forced to put up with these parents and their "special" children all day and all night. I specifically go to the "adults only" areas to get away from them; and I get awfully aggravated when I find that the only place to get away is to lock myself in my cabin, only to have them running up and down the corridors by my door. The cruise line has a responsibility to enforce the rules, and risk offending obnoxious parents in order to provide to the rest of the passengers the cruise experience that we paid for.

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The scary thing is that if the comedian/show content, which is for adults only, could come back to bite RCL in the butt! ! :rolleyes:

On our last Mariner cruise, they came over the loudspeaker about 4 times reminding the audience that it was an ADULTS ONLY show and children should leave. The group of about 16 kids (under the age of 16) hooted and laughed loudly at the announcement every time. Therefore, when the show started, comedian was OBVIOUSLY very uncomfortable, tried to "clean up" his act, and resulted in the WORST show I'd ever seen...

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i agree there are places which should exclude under 18 for adult entertainment. there should also be a dining spot for adults only. i raised 2 kids and went thru all the fussy meals i care to recall. i now like to enjoy my meal without listeniing to other's fussy kids. however, this is a family cruise and some families enjoy participating together. the kids have their disco and he adults their's. couldn't places like the disco, gym, adult pool, dining spots, etc. have certain time schedules for "family" participation and times for adults only. this way everyone could enjoy their cruise in the manner in which they prefer. with their kids or without. My girls are 16 and 23. they enjoy dancing, exercising, etc. with their parents and each other. sounds like my 16yo will be sailing pretty much by herself while the rest of the family can enjoy each other's company.

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Rules say no one under thirteen. That does not mean your 8 year old is an exception, or your 10 year old or even your perfectly behaved angel who is 12 1/2. I read more stupid reasons for not following the rules laid out on cruise ships, more desperate grasping at any reason why someone is the exception in this one case. I have four kids. If I want to see kids I can look down.


Sometimes I want it to be just about adults. That does not mean I do not love my kids or think there is anything wrong with children. They belong on a cruise as much as I do. I'll stay out of AO, they can stay out of the adult areas.


The Maitre D was clearly at fault and I would have made comments (The OP done good) and left a comment card.


I cannot go into the teen disco, and really why would I want to? Yuck. They cannot come into Chops. End of argument. Fair? You betcha.

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I have been watching this thread because I am just amazed at how heated some of these topics are. :rolleyes:


I think we all "break the rules" in life. The key is to have good judgement. For example: I have used the men's room on occasion - not to stand in the VERY long line in the ladies room. I do not, however, go into the men's room when there are men present. Once they have all gone (it must be great to be a guy), my friends and I watch the door, get in and get out, not to make any men wait. I am sure this is breaking the rules. I do not feel privileged, I try to be respectful but I have a bladder the size of a thimble and get infections very easily - so I try to take care of myself without "butting in line." :o


We all break rules, no one is perfect but I reiterate ~ We need to take care that we are the best person we can be. We have the right to report bad behavior and hope it will be taken care of by an authority. It is sad that there are so many people who do not realize by not respecting others, they have no respect for themselves! I have stepped down from my soap box! ;)

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I still say the blame has to lie at the feet of the cruiseline for not enforcing their own rules. You cannot change people who feel like the rules don't apply to them and you shouldn't have to. If RCCL wants to make the stipulation that certain areas have age restrictions, they should deal with the adults who choose to ignore them. We can't begin to blame kids for being kids.

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On our last cruise, my 14 year old daughter got very sunburned in Grand Cayman and afterward used the solarium pool which was covered so she could still enjoy her cruise and heal from her sunburn. The pool says "over 16". There were adults in the pool and I asked her if they said anything. She said the kept commenting on how painful her sunburn must have hurt. It was nice that she was allowed in that area. Of course, you can't tell by looking at her that she is not 16.

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On our last cruise, my 14 year old daughter got very sunburned in Grand Cayman and afterward used the solarium pool which was covered so she could still enjoy her cruise and heal from her sunburn. The pool says "over 16". There were adults in the pool and I asked her if they said anything. She said the kept commenting on how painful her sunburn must have hurt. It was nice that she was allowed in that area. Of course, you can't tell by looking at her that she is not 16.


Kathy~~ Actually she was NOT allowed in there. You just taught her it was ok to break the rules. By you asking her if anyone said anything to her you knew it was wrong for her to be there and so did she.


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Just chiming in again. RCI, I paid my money too. I love kids. I spent years with my kids in the kid areas and you've provided some really good ones for those travelling with families. But now mine are grown, so let me enjoy my adult space! I know it must be hard from a customer relation point of view to tell someone that an area is not for them. However, when you say yes to them, you are saying no to me and I am a customer too.

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I do think all lines should be strict in regards to the adult areas. I have never seen a child in a bar or the casino. And I would raise a stink if I saw that.

The only incident my family ever had in regards to kids was our last cruise with my parents. Kids do not bother my dad, he is also wears hearing aids. There was a family pool area in a location he likes. He just turns off the ears when he is sitting and reading. A woman showed up and just started screaming at the kids for splashing and she had the right to be there. Dad turned on the ears and he is old. He pointed out the adult only pools, and just reamed her. She liked the pool location better, but it was where families are allowed and they can splash. He had parents thank him.

I liked the spot also but we grew up around pools and splashing is just a part of life. Fortunately my dad can turn his ears off. But he does observe because he always worries about drowning. Pools can be dangerous. Something we were all raised to be aware of, and most ships do not have life guards.

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On our last cruise, my 14 year old daughter got very sunburned in Grand Cayman and afterward used the solarium pool which was covered so she could still enjoy her cruise and heal from her sunburn. The pool says "over 16". There were adults in the pool and I asked her if they said anything. She said the kept commenting on how painful her sunburn must have hurt. It was nice that she was allowed in that area. Of course, you can't tell by looking at her that she is not 16.




i dont understand the point of this post...

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I could be wrong about this but aren't children allowed in the hot tubs under parental supervision? Now the casino is a whole different story, I do know that is for 18 and older, the staff should have asked to to take the children out immediately.


I Believe there are signs posted on all the hot tubs that sat 16 and older only.

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I will be very angry if there are kids in the Solarium when I am on vacation. I work with little people everday/all day M-F. I love working with little. When I am on vacation, I want adult time. Not Kiddie time. I will have NO PROBLEM telling a parent to ditch the kid.:mad: I paid just as much as they did for my cruise, so I would like to enjoy the amenities that are offered to ME.

To Bad RCI didn't have a person standing guard at the entrance of the Solarium to avoid many of these issues. If they did many cruisers wouldn't have anything to complain about.;)


I want to hang out with you on my next cruise, than maybe i will be able to sit in the hot tub and get some relaxation.

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On our last Mariner cruise, they came over the loudspeaker about 4 times reminding the audience that it was an ADULTS ONLY show and children should leave. The group of about 16 kids (under the age of 16) hooted and laughed loudly at the announcement every time. Therefore, when the show started, comedian was OBVIOUSLY very uncomfortable, tried to "clean up" his act, and resulted in the WORST show I'd ever seen...


That was when the comedian should have stopped the show and told the audience that he would not continue until the group of kids were gone. Again, parents putting the crew into a bad situation by not doing their job. Sad!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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Rules say no one under thirteen. That does not mean your 8 year old is an exception, or your 10 year old or even your perfectly behaved angel who is 12 1/2. I read more stupid reasons for not following the rules laid out on cruise ships, more desperate grasping at any reason why someone is the exception in this one case. I have four kids. If I want to see kids I can look down.


Sometimes I want it to be just about adults. That does not mean I do not love my kids or think there is anything wrong with children. They belong on a cruise as much as I do. I'll stay out of AO, they can stay out of the adult areas.


The Maitre D was clearly at fault and I would have made comments (The OP done good) and left a comment card.


I cannot go into the teen disco, and really why would I want to? Yuck. They cannot come into Chops. End of argument. Fair? You betcha.


Excellent post!!!!!!!!! Too bad some won't be able to comprehend it.

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I still say the blame has to lie at the feet of the cruiseline for not enforcing their own rules. You cannot change people who feel like the rules don't apply to them and you shouldn't have to. If RCCL wants to make the stipulation that certain areas have age restrictions, they should deal with the adults who choose to ignore them. We can't begin to blame kids for being kids.


You're right we can't blame kids but we can blame the parents as that is where it all begins. I also agree that the cruise line needs to enforce their rules be it enforcing a certain age, saving chairs, etc.

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You're right we can't blame kids but we can blame the parents as that is where it all begins.


On the surface, it might be the old question "which comes first, the chicken or the egg?". This is one of those cases in which the answer is, most likely, "the chicken".


I am not the world's biggest Dr. Phil fan, but he said something once (or multiple times) that stuck with me...."you aren't raising children, you are raising adults". In other words, a parent's job is to see their children through to being well-adjusted, productive adults. The chickens hatch the egg, and there you have it.....a new chicken!


If you want to get all philosophical, ultimately, bad behavior is the great great great grandparents' fault!! (and then some!) There you have it....only dead people are to blame, may they rest in peace. :)


If you hate Dr. Phil and are a Hillary Clinton fan, "it takes a village", so do your job and ask some guy being paid $50/month (plus tips) to kick the kids out. :o



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When we were on the Serenade, they were very good about enforcing age restrictions. Not that they needed to be. On a few occasions, I went to the Solarium pool late at night, and would find teenagers (innocently, it appeared) hanging out in there, and they would promply leave (being so un-cool looking at my age, despite the pink hair, LOL). Personally, its not the age that matters, its the level of manners and respect. A 13 year old can be a spectacularly screaming tyrant, while an 8 year old can be an angel, and a drunken 40 year old can be the worst. I don't want ANYONE of ANY AGE disrupting my dinner, and that includes my being able to hear your conversaition over the one at my table - THAT is what needs to be addressed.


Still, I believe in enforcing the rules (a good example for the kids), and that the age limit should be more like 16 or 18 to be in the specialty restaurants.

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