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Entertaining the Kids on the way to the Ship?


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Okay, I'm going to be flying from Miami to Seattle in June with my two kids (7 year old girl/10 year old boy). What do you suggest I bring for their entertainment on a six hour plane ride?


I was thinking about getting a small DVD player, but am uncertain if it will work well on the plane and if I'm allowed to use it. My son will bring his Gameboy, even if it is fully charged, it will only last 2-3 hours. I am going to bring earphones for the movie shown on the plane. I'll also bring some snacks. Any other suggestions? I am traveling cross country so I don't want to carry alot of toys or excess things.


To top off the plane ride, the next day I'm taking a four hour train to Vancouver. Benedryl sure sounds good. ;)

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For my kids, 13, 11 and 6, we bring the gameboy, CD Player and snacks! I take them to the dollar store and they pick out a few things to occupy themselves. I also bring the magic color markers and book for my youngest. They are usually so excited, this is about all it takes. My older kids watch the movie and listen to the airplane stations as well.

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Dvd players are allowed and work very well on the plane. I have even taken ours when I am traveling without kids and actually get a chance to watch my movies. It sure makes the flight go quickly.

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Make sure you bring head phones for DVD/CD player.. (dual phones or a splitter if you have 2 kids).. Some flights are not allowing playing movies without headphones which makes me a happy camper, since I can't stand sitting in the middle of 10 different movies playing at the same time

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Okay, I'm going to be flying from Miami to Seattle in June with my two kids (7 year old girl/10 year old boy). What do you suggest I bring for their entertainment on a six hour plane ride?


I was thinking about getting a small DVD player, but am uncertain if it will work well on the plane and if I'm allowed to use it. My son will bring his Gameboy, even if it is fully charged, it will only last 2-3 hours. I am going to bring earphones for the movie shown on the plane. I'll also bring some snacks. Any other suggestions? I am traveling cross country so I don't want to carry alot of toys or excess things.


To top off the plane ride, the next day I'm taking a four hour train to Vancouver. Benedryl sure sounds good. ;)





Definately get a DVD player and make sure it has a long life battery. They are fine on planes, trains, and automobiles! scubagirrl is right; don't even think about not bringing a headset for using on the plane though. ;)

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When we go on a long car trip, I pick up a bunch of little gifts and wrap them, then hand them out when the kids are being quiet/not bickering/etc. Things like card games, small puzzle books, magazines, little toys, candy, gum, Happy Meal toys, etc. I usually also pack a plastic pencil box for each kid and give to them before we leave.......a disposable camera, tissues, sunscreen, snacks, chapstick, etc. That gives them somewhere to keep all their little treasures. Remarkably, my kids seem to be able to tolerate each other when we are on vacation much better than at home!! :rolleyes: My dd also sleeps a LOT on a car trip - she will sleep probably 8 or 9 out of every 10 hours on the road!!

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We've had portable DVD players since 1999 for our daughter while traveling - never had an issue with them. Do bring headsets and check battery time.


Apart from the electronics, one or two small age-appropriate puzzle books are good.


My 10YO is into crafts - you can usually find some light-weight limited number of "parts" crafts (using plastic lacees to braid lanyards is popular among her group now, oragami is also a good choice, as are other needle crafts - just be careful that none of the tools/components are considered security risks).


We discovered the Klutz Press books a while ago - many are great for travel. DD has been doing the "string games" for years - a long loop of string, you follow instructions to weave it between your hands and fingers, many of the patterns have stories that go with them - Klutz has several titles for those.


Our daughter likes to read, so she always has a good book.


ALWAYS bring more snacks than you think you will ever need - a hungry kid is IMPOSSIBLE to keep happy. Have fun!

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. . .My dd also sleeps a LOT on a car trip - she will sleep probably 8 or 9 out of every 10 hours on the road!!


My DD does not sleep on the road - I however do! :) Like your DD, I'll be asleep more than awake during most long car trips.

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Thanks for all the replies. I will definitely invest in a portable DVD player before the trip. My son is desperate for a PSP, which I have refused to buy for quite a while now as I don't get the concept of 250.00 for a toy. This weekend they droppped in price to 199.00, still very steep, but they do play videos. So that would keep him occupied. Might have the Easter Bunny bring it.


I did pick up a hang man puzzle book and I will get some word finds; I do want to try and limit what they take as we will be moving around quite a bit (planes, trains, and automobiles). Also the safe on the ship will not be able to hold all of the electronics, and I really don't want to have anything disappear. This is also true for the three nights we will stay in hotels.

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Several months before our cruise we get out the kids backpacks and gradually start buying things to put into them. We get things on sale or on clearance and pack them away into each kids backpacks. Then while on the road or on the plane we let them pick a new item out of the backpack each hour or every half hour depending on how long the trip is and how well they behave. If they behave really, really, well they sometimes get 2 things out of the backpack. If they are bad, they don't get anything out of the backpack until they are very good for a specified amount of time. I buy all types of things from really cheap stuff like coloring books to more expensive stuff like a new Bratz doll. This not only keeps them busy but it's also a good disciplinary tool.;)


Ever since I've started doing the treats in the backpacks they've been little angels when they travel. Neither of them wants to lose out on getting another goody out of the backpack so they try real hard to behave. Plus, I don't have to lug around their stuff, it's all in their backpacks which they insist on carrying since it's got all types of goodies in it. One thing that is a real big hit is putting in the candy necklace kits, it's a snack and a project that takes work at the same time. It's always a big hit with my kids and it's cheap. This doesn't have to be expensive either, you'd be surprised how many cool things you can get for the kids at Dollar Tree or Wal-Mart for next to nothing.:)

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We travel with our 9 yo DS (and our 16 mo DS) often. We always bring the portable DVD player (with earphones) on the plane (or in the car for raod trips) with us. Invest in a carrying case to store earphones, car charger (if you are renting a car or driving), regular charger, and cords to plug into a TV. We have had many a trip where we have recharged the DVD player at the airport. If you look hard enough, you should be able to find an electric outlet at the gate. The DVD player is great because it can easily provide a few hours entertainment, plus it can come in handy at the destination, too. Also, my son likes to use his headphones to plug into the music stations on the plane at takeoff since you cannot use electronics until the pilot gives the okay.


He also has a PSP that he received for Xmas last year. He usually travels with about 8 games and 2 PSP movies so that he can have it to himself without having to watch what he calls "baby movies" with his younger brother. He also has downloaded some of his favorite music onto it from the computer. Although it was pricey, at least it acts as a three-way entertainment system with games, movies and music.

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I think the Easter Bunny will be bringing my 7 year old, the DVD player (there's a dual 7 inch screen DVD player at Toys R Us this week for 149.00) I have a raincheck for it. Tomorrow I will have to try a different one if it doesn't come in by then. It comes will the ac adapter, car charger, and headphones. I do have to check if it has rechargable batteries.


My son will probably get the PSP he has been begging me for. I will have to invest in a few games and movies before the trip. This will be the most costly Easter ever. At least if I do it now, they see these items as gifts. They won't get them for no reason in two months. He has friends who have PSP's so I'm sure they will help him download music.


Thanks for the ideas. It is such a long plane ride. The one coming home is a red eye. So they will sleep all the way, even thought they will complain at first how uncomfortable it is!

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In addition to having the kids each carry their own backpacks with things to entertain them, I put a few things in my bag as well. Just in case....


Most of these things are items restricted for travel (like DS's gameboy) or items I've accumulated for travel. I have a drawer in the guest room where I stash items I find along the way - everything from supplements to Parent magazine, inside pull-outs from the Land of Nod catalogue, stickers (often free in the mail from promotions), to a maze book or special coloring book.


I also pack a small bag of things they've never seen before, which I put in the checked luggage and secret away on the top shelf of the closet in the cabin. When it's time to pack up to head home (never a good moment...), I pack these things in their backpacks for the plane ride home. I put a lot of thought into this as the trip home always seems longer, they are tired, and are without the excitement of the trip to look forward to.


Also, I think snacks are key. It is amazing the amount of food my kids can consume when bored...I limit it to low or no-sugar items, like Chex-Mix, raisins, baby carrots, etc. Also, lots of bottled water: they each have a bottle in their back-pack, and DH and I carry several each.


We're planning a trip to Europe next year, and I am considering something I would like your thoughts on. First, let me say, it's bribery, no doubt about it...


How about offering them each (independent of each other) a "free" treat at the local ice cream shop for each hour they exhibit good behavior on the plane? The only stipulation would be that they could only cash in one freebie a day.


I'm thinking I will warn them once if their behavior is getting dicey. If it improves, and stays that way the remainder of the hour, they get the treat coupon. If it doesn't immediately improve, or improves and then deteriorates (in which case, I'll probably give them a little, subtle, second final warning) and doesn't immediately improve, they've lost their shot at the prize for that hour.


I suppose you could substitute about anything your child would most enjoy. I'd just be interested if anyone has tried a similar scheme.


Would appreciate any thoughts! Thanks!

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I've done the bookbags for many of our trips in the past, I just really want to limit the stuff we are carrying around this time. I'll let them share one bookbag. I will probably decide to carry it, as it will have most of

our electronics too. They can carry something containing food and snacks. (6 hour flight, Miami-Seattle, no meal provided:eek: ). So along with all our other bags, food and snacks will be a necessity.


As for bribery, I have done it many times. It works for my seven year old, but it doesn't really work with the ten year old. He is more the type who wants instant gratification. When you use the bribery method, you have to be willing to really not provide them with the "prize", so you can't use something that YOU really want them to do or have. Odds are if the prize is important to YOU then it is important to THEM, they may or may not by into the idea that they will not get the prize. My son has long since figured out which things I really will take away or withhold, so I have to be very careful what I say or warn him about.


Now I'm thinking the Easter Bunny may not bring him the PSP, he may just get it the day before the trip, with just enough time to charge it before we get on the plane!! That will keep him busy for the majority of the first flight!!

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Okay, I'm going to be flying from Miami to Seattle in June with my two kids (7 year old girl/10 year old boy). What do you suggest I bring for their entertainment on a six hour plane ride?
I'd take them to the bookstore and let them choose 2-3 books each.
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Mrs. Pete,

I wish that books would work. However, my son used to be quite an avid reader. He has always enjoyed reading the different children's book series' that have come out (for ex. Magic Tree House, Captain Underpants, Lemonny Snickett, Harry Potter) He has completed all of those books, as well as a few other sets. This year, 4th grade, he has complained that there are "No sets he likes". I have spent countless evenings in the bookstores trying to convince him to try different sets. I think that he has gotten a little bored and just needs a break for a while so I have dropped the issue. My daughter is only in first grade, and I have a few "Junie B. Jones" books put away for the trip.

Last summer, we went to Las Vegas- 5 hours from Miami. I had bought him the most recent Harry Potter book just before leaving home- He barely opened it.

I did buy a portable DVD player today. I'm going back and forth on whether to get the PSP for esater, or just get it right before the trip. If I wait I can hold the PSP over his head for the next 7 weeks to make sure he toes the line;)

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I bought a travel checkers set. My kids love it. It folds in half and is magnetic. They also like cards. They also have the gamboy/DS toys. They each have a small mp3 player. My 13yr old takes a book. MY youngest will usually have a coloring/doodle pad and some hotwheels to play with. That is about it.


I refuse to lug laptops, dvd players etc. even on car rides. When I was young we travelled alot, none of this stuff was available, and we occupied ourselves.


Now that my kids are 7 and 13 and I dont even lug snacks on planes. They can have a drink and snack on plane that is offered. We eat prior to boarding, layover..whatever is appropriate.


Have a great trip!

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Thanks for all the replies. I will definitely invest in a portable DVD player before the trip. My son is desperate for a PSP, which I have refused to buy for quite a while now as I don't get the concept of 250.00 for a toy. This weekend they droppped in price to 199.00, still very steep, but they do play videos. So that would keep him occupied. Might have the Easter Bunny bring it.
If you are a bit of a computer geek, you will find that the PSP can do a lot more than just play games. If not, you can also buy movies for it.


I always take my iBook when I travel and have a selection of movies and TV shows on the hard drive. I like the iBook better than a dedicated DVD player for several reasons. Mine has a 12inch screen which is much bigger than most portable DVD players, and it does so much more than just play DVD's. Playing a movie from the HD makes the battery last longer and many of American Airlines plans have power outlets under the seat for recharging if you have the right adaptor. Check http://www.seatguru.com for great info about the the planes most airlines fly. I also take headphones for the whole family and a head phone splitter for use with the iBook.


My boys slept. I was surprised but after the excitement of getting up early and checking, not to mention the drink cart, they were done.
I didn't think they would serve those kind of drinks to kids. ;) My DS always asks for a bloody mary (without the vodka).
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If you're looking for a reward system, you might try the method I often use, it works real well for me. I go to Wal-Mart and buy the roll of tickets that look like raffle tickets. It's near the office supply/greeting card area. You then give each child 5 tickets per day. If they behave badly they have to give me a ticket. If they're really bad I take more than one ticket away. They can earn tickets back by cleaning their rooms or doing other good deeds. They then use these tickets to "buy" things from the treasure chest at the end of the week. It's the system our school uses to reward good behavior and I've adopted it at my home too. It works great!:)


I imagine this could easily be adapted to a traveling situation too, I just hadn't thought of using it while traveling. Right now, I'm always looking for goodies to go into my treasure chest. Sometimes the kids go with me to the store and we pick out a few cheap goodies to go into the treasure chest, including a few of their favorite candy bars which are rarely eaten around our house which makes them a big hit. I've always got my eye on cheap little toys on clearance for the goodie box. This system has worked wonders on my children's behavior and it isn't very expensive or hard to do. My kids are always counting their tickets throughout the week and planning what they're going to buy out of the treasure chest on Saturday. They try real hard not to fight because fighting is an automatic loss of 2 tickets.;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the Seatguru link! Heading for Hawaii next March and plan on bring the laptop, but my batteries only last 1.5-2 hours and it will be a 8 hour flight.


There are external battery packs you can buy to extend the life of your portable DVD player. Some of them last 6-8 hours.

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we are traveling in june also but we are going from orlando to maui w/ 2 stops, and we are bringing a portable dvd player for both boys ages 8/9 as well as for my husband and I. we are also bringing their gameboys which we have movies and cartoons for as well as the 10 hrs batteries and also each child has a mp3 player w/ some songs and ebooks on them,so we will only be bringing 2 carry ons w/ these things and snacks. we are bringing our laptop but do not plan to use it on the plane we need it for our cruise,pics and so forth. and we have had our children pick which ebooks to have on their mp3.





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It may sound simple, but bubbles work great for my kids (4 and 9). It's amazing what blowing bubbles does- the kids laugh and try to catch the bubbles, and everyone around us in the airport/mall/wherever can't help but smile.

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