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Yes the tummy. It may have happened anyway Sheila. The pregnancy that did me in was my last and Lindsay only weighed 4 lbs 7 oz. I think the muscles were pooched at that point and never regained their elasticity. Exercise does help, but I've never had a flat stomach since.

I'll make a deal with you. Are you sitting down and ready for this? :p If you can get through a week with no cheating on your WOE (week-end too), I promise to get up early and exercise EACH morning next week. Deal? If I can do it, you can do it.

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[quote name='mellow']You are making me feel lucky, Tami. I certainly know that medical mishaps can and do happen but yours was definately a biggie! Sounds like you have a very good and positive attitude. I am extremely impressed.......[/QUOTE]

I have to have a positive attitude or I'd be nuts! Ok, I'm nuts anyway but not the depressed kinds of nuts, just the "mom of 3 kids" nuts. :D

I seem to be good at attracting medical mishaps. I had a gall stone blocking my bile duct in 2000 and our local hopsital lost the lab results so my doctor didn't get them until 2 weeks after I'd gone to another emergency room and had surgery. :rolleyes: Then in 2001 my gastroenterologist wanted to do a colon scope to see what was going on and he perfed me too. :mad: I spent 11 days at IUmed center for that one.

Luckily, I have a new gastro and she said that there was no way in H#$$ that she was going to scope me :D Love her! Fortunately now they have that new virtual scope. I think I'd just have them yank the whole colon before allowing them to do another scope. It's just taking up space in there anyway. :p
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Man, Ya'll are making me want to sign up for a tummy tuck, but I don't think there's any way I could have one because I have so much scar tissue in my abdomin. I have so little muscle tone in the abs that it's pathetic but I have some really cool scars according to my kids. :D

I found that pound I lost, plus one of his buddies today. :mad: Not sure whether it was the taco bell finally showing up or PMS but I'm really annoyed because I was really strict yesterday. Didn't get to iceskate though. I was bummed about that. I'm trying out some new ostomy equipment because since I've lost weight the old stuff doesn't stay on very well. It's a trial and error thing right now and it pops at really annoying times!

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Wow! You sound like a great group. My hubby and I started SB the end of July. I have lost 24 lbs and he has lost 20lbs. He is at his ideal weight and I need to lose 36 more lbs. I have found SB to be very easy to live with. Like someone else said, I am on Phase 1 1/2. Probably my biggest downfall is Tanqueray and Tonic. I try to be good and just drink red wine, but every now and then I must splurge!

Oh! I forgot, my name is Juli. I am 39 years old and live in Denver. I am married without kids. We are going on our 4th cruise in January. I am hoping to lose the final 38 lbs by the cruise. Then after the cruise I would like to drop about 15 more. My current goal is 150 with a final goal of 135. I am 5'7" and I know that when I have less weight on I feel better.

I look forward to chatting with each of you and getting some great recipes. I need some new ones because I am getting tired of meat and salad!
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[quote name='nosnobunny']Yes the tummy. It may have happened anyway Sheila. The pregnancy that did me in was my last and Lindsay only weighed 4 lbs 7 oz. I think the muscles were pooched at that point and never regained their elasticity. Exercise does help, but I've never had a flat stomach since.

I'll make a deal with you. Are you sitting down and ready for this? :p If you can get through a week with no cheating on your WOE (week-end too), I promise to get up early and exercise EACH morning next week. Deal? If I can do it, you can do it.

Beth[/QUOTE]Beth, you're on! Starting today or tomorrow? I've been good all week AND exercising so I can keep right on going. I don't have any plans for this weekend so the cheating thing is NO problem. ;)
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[QUOTE]Man, Ya'll are making me want to sign up for a tummy tuck, but I don't think there's any way I could have one because I have so much scar tissue in my abdomin. I have so little muscle tone in the abs that it's pathetic but I have some really cool scars according to my kids.[/QUOTE]
I have lots of scar tissue in my abs also. My intestines have "gone to sleep" twice due to scar tissue. That was fun! Anyway, you can still have a tuck with scar tissue. That was the first thing I did research on.

Juli, we sound so much alike....both 39, first goal is 150, second goal is 135! However, I'm 2 inches shorter than you. ;)
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Sheila, yes I am - at this moment in time - a size 6. I put in the caviat (sp?) in order to try and not jinx myself. I have lost and gained sooooooooo many times. :( And I can tell you 12-14's don't sound bad to me. Especially as I have been up to 226 pounds at least (quit weighing myself when I get too big...sigh) and wearing size 24/26. Usually when I lost weight I would get down to about a size 12 (although have made it to size 10 before) and then would "take a vacation from dieting" and never make it back to being good. I was a size 7 in high school too. College took me to size 9. And marriage did the rest in.

Tami, I am still impressed. I think you must be a very good example for your children. How we live life and face problems is a much better teacher for our children than what we say to them.

Juli, welcome. I have only been posting here for a couple of weeks although I have "lurked" for about a year. Even when I just read others posts, I got encouragement and help sticking to my WOE. :)
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Is tomorrow too soon Sheila? Or would you rather we wait until Sunday for a fresh week?

Scar tissue had better not be a factor for the tummy tuck for me either. I've had 6 major surgeries and 5 of them were on the front torso. I already look like a roadmap. What's one more? :p

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Beth, sounds like you, Shelia and I could start a roadmap company with all our scars. :D I'm intrigued.... Can they actually take away your scars when they do the tuck? They really dont' bother me and I wear a two piece even with them and fat rolls. However, sometimes they ache or itch and I would love to be rid of them in that aspect.

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Hi everyone! Just joining up on this thread to seek advice. On the thread I started I asked about bad carbs so I would know what to avoid. My kids are junk food junkies and so is my DH. It is very hard to avoid anything good around here. Blue Bell icecream is the #1 food consumed here! I was wondering what type of exercise everyone does? Is it just walking or more strenous like a gym workout? I dread trying to walk again but I know it is what will really boost any kind of reduced eating. BTW Tami.......I just saw on the news yesterday where scientist are saying that Croans(sp?) may be caused by a certain bacteria and they will be treating it with antibiotics. This would be great news for you and those with the disease. It reminds me of when they discovered ulcers were caused by bacteria and started treating it with longterm antibiotics. Good luck with that!
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Beth, today (Fri.) is fine with me! :D Good luck!!!!

Tami, I have sooooo many stretch marks on my belly (some are even an inch wide) from my only pregnancy. Like I said before, my son weighed 10 lbs 14 1/2 oz. and was 23 inches long...huge! When I got pregnant, I went from a size 7 junior to a size 18W Maternity! When they do a tuck, it depends on how much skin/fat they remove to determine if they'll get rid of all of your scars. I have a bikini line scar from my c-section and when I had my uterus out. I have another scar running from belly button down to bikini line (they took my ovaries out), and I have the smaller scars (4) from having my gall bladder out. I really don't care about the scars because I never plan on wearing anything that actually shows my stomach. I just want my clothes to fit right and be comfortable when I sit down. The scar from the tuck runs from hip bone to hip bone.

Linda, you have done so well! You've given me inspiration! I didn't think that I could ever get into a size 8, but you've given me hope. Thanks!

KarenH, welcome! I'm a big Blue Bell ice cream junkie myself. Step away from the freezer! :D There are several good ice cream recipes that are SB friendly. Go to the prevention.com message boards and visit the South Beach board. You can find soooo many recipes on there. Good luck!
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Karen, I just walk - 4 miles a day 5-6 days a week. It takes me about an hour and 10 minutes so not a really fast walk, just medium brisk. But I am too lazy and uncoordinated for anything more strenuous or active. :D

As for bad carbs, they are the ones that cause quick rises in the blood sugar, leading to increase in insulin released to metabolize the sugar. The sugar is then gone but you are left with increased insulin in the blood which then leads to hunger and cravings for more carbs. Such a vicious cycle and one that I am definately very sensitive to.

Those bad carbs include obviously anything high in sugar content - cakes, cookies, candies, all "sweets" basically. Another easy generalization is "white"/processed starches - white potatoes (sweet potatoes are OK), white rice, white flour/breads, etc. And even whole grain products if eaten in anything but smaller amounts can increase blood sugar.

I am sure there are other things that I am forgetting at the moment. Someone else help me out here. :)

Good luck with the WOE! I know I found it harder to change my eating patterns when my girls were still at home with needing snacks for themselves and all their friends and we were fast fooding it way too often because of time crunches with all the school activities and sports. With just DH and I, WOE is much easier.
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I don't think the tuck will do anything for scar removal for me. I've been split wide open from mid-chest right down to the pubic bone. So they run the wrong direction. Figures! :rolleyes: I managed to get through all my pregnancies without stretch marks only to need C sections. Again - figures. In any case, it's not the scars that drive me nuts, it's the paunch. A little lipo and snipping and it will all be gone for good. :D Now if I could only do something with the face........ :D That's not going to happen. My scars don't heal really well, at least not well enough for my face.

Sheila, I missed this morning because I didn't read this until I got to work but promise to do the whole routine tonight. Honest! :p

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Beth, I also have a scar from chest to pubic bone plus one over to the side from my gall bladder, several drain hole scars and other lovelies. They'd most likely have to take skin from somewhere else to get rid of mine. No thanks! I'm not that keen on more surgery anyway.

Karen, thanks for posting that info about crohn's. I'll have to do some digging. That could explain why I haven't had a flair up because heaven knows after the peritonitis I've had more antibiotics than blood in my veins. :rolleyes: I also had a really big infection in the lungs about a year before my symptoms started. Still, I know alot of active crohn's patients who are on antibiotics all the time and don't get relief. It will be interesting to see. they are also running investigations to see if food allergies play a roll.

Today is going to be a day where I bounce up in weight. I can just tell you now. We're going to meet some friends at the indian restaurant for lunch in a little while. It will be worth the weeks worth of phase 1 afterward. :D

Question: It's getting to the time of year where I love to eat oatmeal in the morning but I like it sweetened with brown sugar. Are there any good substitutes for brown sugar out there?
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Beth, okay, I don't want to hear an excuse for not exercising tonight on tomorrow. And yes, I HAVE NOT seen any brown Splenda here in the States either. I do have some Sugar Twin Brown Sugar Substitute in my pantry. Tami, why don't you try that one? I love to eat oatmeal in the winter also. Yum!
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Hi. Sorry I've been gone awhile... this week just had a lot of unusual demands on my time. I'm glad to see some more new people on the thread. Welcome. There's lots of helpful info to be found here.

DH got his bloodwork results back today, and I'm so happy to say that his total cholesterol was down 30 points, LDL (bad) and triglycerides down significantly, HDL (good) up quite a bit. The doctor wrote "Excellent" on that part of the report. Last year he was told to get the numbers where they should be, or he'd have to go on a statin drug. The odd thing, we think, was that his blood sugar was up to 113. It should be below 110 to be good, and was only at 90 something last year. Could it be that since the test was done during his 4th week on SBD that his body is still adjusting to not having insulin highs and lows? He's been really excellent about not cheating and eating only good carbs.

Tami, we don't have the brown Splenda either. I did find the Sweet n Low Brown Sugar substitute that I used to make the SBD wholesome oat muffins (good!) and my own version of baked beans (not so good). Sometimes it takes us forever to get a new food product, and other times they try it out here first.
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Shae, I know what you mean! I'm just a bit north of Indianapolis. Pre-internet it used to take a couple of years for things to trickle down to the midwest. :rolleyes: Now it's so instantaneous that it freaks me out when Mcdonalds in florida doesn't have yogurt yet. etc.

I was all over the north side of Indy today though and no brown splenda yet. I even tried the Lo Carb store. They had brown sugar substitute..... FOR $16 A POUND! :eek: I flew out of that store. :p Yikes. I bought some sugar twin brown sugar so I'll try it in the morning.

The Indian restaurant was completely awesome as usual. I ate way too much but I completely skipped dinner. I also did not snack my way through trader joes or costco so I did well today. Hopefully the scale won't have to go sailing out the window tomorrow morning.

Paula- I'm so jealous! Ireland is on my list of MUSTS when the kids are a bit older. I'm English and Irish on my dad's side and I've just always wanted to go. Plus every picture you ever see of Ireland is just drop dead gorgeous.

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Okay, so some of you know that I'm not following any specific "diet plan" right now. I know what works for me and so far I've lost 24 pounds in 9 weeks. I'm not complaining! But I think I'd like to do Phase 1 of SB and see what it can do for me! I've never been really good at sticking to a certain "plan", but I think I can handle 2 weeks of something. I've learned what strong will power (for the lack of a better word) I have, so I think SB is doable for me.

Any suggestions/tips? I don't have the SB book, but there is so much info on line that I've found that I think I have a good idea what is on Phase 1 that I can have. I see cottage cheese is allowable. I can replace the yougurt I'm having now with the cottage cheese. I made a list of the things I can have and I'm going to head to the grocery store later and stock up! I also saw a recipe for little quiches baked in a cupcake pan. Think I'll make a batch of those with some canadian bacon and cheese. Are green onioins allowed? That would be good in the eggs too.

Thanks in advance for any "tips". Think I'll get started tomorrow (once I'm stocked up on the things I need.)

Have a super day!
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Jean- Yes, green onions are allowed. A while back someone posted a "typical phase one day" and I printed it out. It might be worth digging for. It shouldn't be too hard to find as it was a fairly long post. Also prevention.com is great.

Well, my day at the indian restaurant only cost me a pound so I'm happy.

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[quote name='adoptmom']Shae, I know what you mean! I'm just a bit north of Indianapolis. Pre-internet it used to take a couple of years for things to trickle down to the midwest. :rolleyes: Now it's so instantaneous that it freaks me out when Mcdonalds in florida doesn't have yogurt yet. etc.

I was all over the north side of Indy today though and no brown splenda yet. I even tried the Lo Carb store. They had brown sugar substitute..... FOR $16 A POUND! :eek: I flew out of that store. :p Yikes. I bought some sugar twin brown sugar so I'll try it in the morning.

The Indian restaurant was completely awesome as usual. I ate way too much but I completely skipped dinner. I also did not snack my way through trader joes or costco so I did well today. Hopefully the scale won't have to go sailing out the window tomorrow morning.

Paula- I'm so jealous! Ireland is on my list of MUSTS when the kids are a bit older. I'm English and Irish on my dad's side and I've just always wanted to go. Plus every picture you ever see of Ireland is just drop dead gorgeous.

Tami[/QUOTE] hi Tami, well the weather is not great here, but the crack is mighty as we say...i,ll have a Guinness for you tonight,,,:)
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