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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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You have a Trader Joe's?? I'm SO jealous. It's one of my favorite stores to visit in N.J. What town are you in outside Indy? We're just east of Evansville between Newburgh and Boonville. DH prefers to call it "North Newburgh".

We also hope to get to Ireland before too long. I'm Irish on my dad's side. My sister married a Gilligan, and they've been to Ireland a few times and just loved it.

I think it might be helpful to at least borrow the SBD book to get a very good understanding of what the plan is about. I know a lot of people who have "sort of" done SBD, but failed. You sound like you have a lot more willpower than they did, but I think it's easy to sabotage yourself by not knowing which foods are "booby traps".
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Well, my DH and I started the SB together, and so far, we're almost finished week 1 of the Phase 1 plan. We actually found the plan to be very easy to follow and not too terribly restrictive. Of course, our Spaghetti Friday was out (LOL), but the loss of 5 lbs made the whole week a plus!

PaulaFagan, we visited Dublin when we took the Jewel OTS this past June! We had a great time and enjoyed Dublin very much. It was very special to see some of the great sites we visited.

I really enjoy reading all the posts here and thanks for creating a place to talk! :D
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Shae, Our technical address is Tipton but we are between Kokomo and Carmel out in the boonies. We actually get down your way once a year to go to Holiday world. We didn't make it this year as our budget was blown on Disney but we usually camp at Lake Rudolph. My kids love the Lincoln Boyhood National home site and state park too. They're studying to be junior rangers. IDNR has some great programs for kids.

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Disney can blow your budget so easily! (And knock you right off SBD, too, I imagine, although we did pretty well when we were there 2 years ago. We ate fish (seafood for DH) and grilled chicken and steak alot even though we weren't yet familiar with SBD. Also walked as much as we could. ) I haven't been to Holiday World for years and years, though my son and daughter-in-law go occasionally with my granddaughter. From what I've heard it just gets nicer and better every year. I'm embarrassed to say that after 17 years in this area I've never been to Lincoln Boyhood National Homesite. We live out in the boonies, too. Lots of deer, raccoon, wild turkeys, foxes, coyotes and lots and lots of TICKS! UGH.
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Disney is unbelievably expensive. I know families that go a couple of times a year but even with a season pass I don't know how they do it. Credit card debt I guess.

The re-enactors at Boyhood Nat. Home are exceptional. We do lots of things like that for US history lessons since we homeschool. The kids get so much more out of talking to a real live person, even though it's an actor, than they do out of reading about it.

The thing I like most about Holiday World is that it's impeccably clean. I've even seen the lady who owns it out with a broom and dustpan. They're that hands on with the place. We also had the misfortune to witness an accident once where a child got hurt and couldn't move in the little kids' ball pit. Their reaction and treatment was impressive. You can tell that they drill and drill for such things. Makes me feel good about taking the kids there.

Zavoria- Congratulations! You'll love this site. Everyone is full of support and help. If you have time to go back through the first pages there are alot of recipes posted that will help you out. Also [url]www.prevention.com[/url] has some great Southbeach info. I started SB at the end of last January and lost 30 pounds before my cruise in May without much hardship. I've had alot going on over the summer and haven't given it much attention but I have rededicated myself to this Way of Eating (WOE) and want to lost 22 pounds by Christmas. Good luck and keep us posted.

We have a potluck today so I'm trying to hope for the best. I'm taking a layered bean dip that's all SB friendly and some soy chips that I found at Costco. For the dip you just layer fat free refried beans, cheese and salsa in a baking dish. You can bake it at that point or serve it cold. After it's heated spread on light sour cream and/or guacamole and sprinkle it with lettuce, tomato, chilis, olives, jalapenos or whatever you desire. We actually eat this for dinner alot in the summer because it's a 3 minute supper.
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Hi everyone! Have y'all missed me? I've been WAY too busy to even get on the internet (at home and work). How said is that? :( I've missed you all.

Welcome to the newcomers! :D

Now that I have the "bet" going with Beth, I haven't cheated once. I even ate out on Friday night and went to my brother's for dinner Sat. night. I brough my own food to my brother's. (Thanks for that tip, Tami.) I worked and worked in the yard all weekend also so I got a good muscle workout. I sure hope the scales show a loss on Thurs. If not, I'll be okay cause my clothes are fitting better and I know muscle weighs more than fat.

Beth, how's the exercising going??????? ;)
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Hi, All,
The West Side Fall Festival started yesterday. I'm planning on going only once so I can stick to my plan of just one "cheat".... a funnel cake which I'll share with DD. I was quite surprised to see 3 of the 105+ food booths list low carb options. I'll have a chicken kabbob first to make sure I'm not tempted to have anything else. They were doing live remotes from the fest. on the local new channels. I swear you could smell the grease! Now one booth is doing deep fried choc. chip cookies along with the d.f. Oreos and candy bars. UGH.

I decided to move into Phase 3 and just maintain the loss I've had. The scale hasn't budged since I lost the 10 pounds, but my measurements did get smaller. When the bras started getting loose, I decided it was time to level off! I made lasagna last night using whole wheat noodles, SBD recipe spaghetti sauce and either low fat or fat free cheeses. Delicious! I used a small baking dish so used only a total of 6 lasagna noodles.. 2 layers instead of 3. I calculated the carbs per noodle, and we only got 11-12g. of net carbs per serving from the noodles. I didn't make my ol' favorite Cheesy Bread to go with it, just a salad. I never realized before SB just how many carbs I used to consume with each meal. I saved one little piece to have for lunch and froze the rest so DD can take it home with her this weekend. She's been toying with going low carb, and I want her to see how easy and tasty it can be.
Shelia and Beth,
Good luck with your bet! Hope you both win!
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Way to go Beth! But 6:15? :eek: Ugh! I don't function at that time in the morning. I do better if I can stay up until midnight and sleep until 9am. (Actually if I don't have a kid or two rocketing up the stairs at night with nightmares I can do 8am but lately those nights are few and far between. :rolleyes: )

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Eh, minor details. :p When I taught I usually was at school by 6:30 so I can relate. Luckily 2 of my 3 kids are late sleepers and the "crack of dawn" is old enough to get up, get himself breakfast, start on school work or watch cartoons. That will change soon though with the new baby coming.

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Hi all. I haven't posted in a while because I thought I was in a slump and didn't want to bring you all down with me. I had a great boost this weekend, though. My son is turning 18 tomorrow, so we had a party for him on Saturday. I haven't seen most of my family since July. My parents came in on Saturday and the first thing my mom said was, "Wow, you look great, what plan are you using?". A few hours later, my sister and her partner showed up and they said the same thing along with "keep up the good work!". Made my week. Now I am motivated again.
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[QUOTE]I'm getting up at the crack of dawn (6:15AM) and doing my Tony Little exercise tape every morning. I forgot how good this makes me feel for the entire day.

Beth[/QUOTE]Beth, I'm glad to see that you are keeping your end of the bet. ;) I'm very proud of you! BTW, I get up at 5:00 AM!!! :eek:

Deb, I'm so happy for you! It makes all of the difference in the world when we receive compliments about our weight loss. I, for one, only receive the compliments from the men family members (DH's family). The women never seem to notice that I've lost around 55 lbs. Now, why is that? ;)
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=indigo]Shelia...I agree with Beth. They noticed for sure, they just don't want to say it. Probably major jealousy going on.[/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4b0082]Rose[/color][/font][/b]
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Hello again!
My apologies for not checking in for awhile. Had my mom here visiting and well...she likes to talk...A LOT!

Yeah, Shelia, what a bummer about Brodie Croyle getting hurt. Seems now our Tide won't be doing very well the rest of the season.

Hey! I know where Prattville is! I'm in Gadsden! So you have friends in Scotland? You're not going to believe this, but my husband is English, and when we married, we lived in England for several years (although I'm originally from here!). I was in a bagpipe band over there and we made quite a few trips to Scotland for competitions! Scotland is really lovely! Where in Scotland does your friends live? My ancestors all came from Glen Coe in the Highlands and our bagpipe band traveled to Glasgow for the World Pipe Band Championships, Annan and some other places who's names escape me at the moment (old age, ya know! :D )
I've seen several posts on here commenting about the brave job our military is doing. I have twin brothers and one of them is in Iraq right now. He is able to stay in contact with his wife by email and stuff, so to this point, we know he's still ok. I pray for all of our soldiers everyday.
I'm really enjoying collecting the recipes y'all are posting on this site. I haven't started the diet yet. I need to lose about 20 lbs, so am getting a nice collection of recipes from here before I "plunge in".
I'm very impressed with the progress so many of you are making! Congratulations to you all! I hope I can do half as well!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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Rose, I should add that my dear mother-in-law comments all of the time how great I look. I even loaned her my SBD book so she could "see" if she wanted to follow the plan. She's very supportive.....so it isn't ALL of the women in DH's family. And yes, I agree, some of them are jealous. That's what DH says. It is so funny because DH and I both have lost a lot of weight. They'll comment on his weight loss with me standing right next to him. It used to hurt my feelings, but now I just laugh it off cause I know I look better than them. LOL :D J/K

Hi to the other Sheila! :) Yes, it is a definite bummer about Brodie Croyle. I feel so bad for him. I won't be surprised if Bama doesn't win another game this season. We are heading to Kentucky this weekend for that game. I see where UK has more losses than Bama, but you never know. We've never been to Kentucky so it should be a nice trip.

My friends from Scotland live in Eastriggs, which is a village in Annan. You might have passed through there! I love Scottish people. They are so open and friendly. I can't wait to visit them in 2006. So you married an Englishman? I bet you enjoy listening to that accent every day. ;) I've always wanted to go to England. We are going there when we visit Scotland. We'll be staying in London and I don't know where else...maybe York. You'll need to give me some pointers about where to stay, etc. I can't believe that you play the bagpipes! That is sooooo cool! I love the bagpipes. I told DH that if I die before him, he better have a bagpipe band play "Amazing Grace" at my funeral. I just think it is soooo beautiful. I can't listen to it without getting chills and tearing up.
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Sheila...everyone on this board has been so kind about praying for my son (who is in the Army). I will pray for the safe return of your brother. [/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#8b0000]Rose[/color][/font][/b]
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I also have a brother and SIL over in Iraq right now and my older little brother who just got back in April is packed and ready to be deployed somewhere else any day now. They had to pack two bags with different equipment for deployment to two different areas. He says he's not going to Iraq again but he's not allowed to say what is possibilities are.

My baby brother should be home in January. Poor kid gets to spend his 21st birthday over there at the end of this month.

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I need some help. I am one of those people that can go all day without eating. I just don't get hungry. I started SB the first of August. I have lost 25 pounds and have 35 to go before my cruise in January. My challenge...

I tried the spinach 'cupcakes'. I hate spinach so this did not work. I can't stand oatmeal. Since I am not a big eater, I need something that I can just grab in the mornings. Eggs take to long to cook and consequently I don't take the time to eat. Beside yogurt, do you all have any suggestions for me?

I would also like suggestions for lunches. I'm getting tired of salads and luncheon meat. Same as with breakfast, it needs to be grab and go or I will just skip the meal and not eat anything.

Since I am married and my DH wants dinner, I do at least eat dinner and have not had a problem fixing meals. I just need help with breakfast and lunch. I have become very bad about eating. Help!

Along the line of people noticing the weight loss...I haven't had anyone say anything to me. My clothes are getting rather baggy on me, but no has said anything to me. This plays mind games with me and I wonder if I have really lost weight or is the scale lieing to me. (I know, crazy) I am seeing my mother tomorrow for the first time since I started SB. I am hoping that she can see a difference.
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ColoradoJuli- Whew! I missed the spinach cupcakes somewhere along the line. I love spinach as long as it's never seen a can but yuck! I do kind of a "south atkins" as my friends and I like to call it because I seem to do better with a bit of fat in my diet. Here are some of the things I eat for breakfast because many mornings I just can't deal with eggs. There are some really good nutbutters out there other than peanut and I use them alot. (My little one can't have peanuts.) We like macadamia, cashew and sunflower seed the best. I either stuff it into celery or for phase 2 a low carb tortilla. Even a sliced apple with peanut butter would be good. I also like Fiber One cereal with splenda and soy milk. (the soy is just my personal preference.) Ricotta cheese with splenda and some flavoring like vanilla or almond is good too. I grew up on breakfast bars, poptarts, etc so I often grab a low carb bar in the morning. Some of the atkins and carbolite ones are really tasty. There's always a couple of string cheeses if you're really running late.

Also there's no law that says you have to eat breakfast foods in the morning. I have a friend who refuses to eat anything breakfast related. She's been very successful by making extras at dinner and eating that for breakfast.

Congratulations on your 25 pounds. I'm also trying to lose 35 or so by January because we're bringing home a new baby sometime after that and I want to look good in all the pictures. :rolleyes: Vain, I know, but it's my motivation at the moment.

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