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Cruising after weight loss surgery


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I'm currently on ww's again and was considering the lapband but our ins won't pay... Is that why you go to Mexico? Here it's 25k....


I really want to do it ( I have 120 to loose) but hubby doesn't want me to do but I told him it' my bod:o



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We have no insurance, cant get it due to hubbys weight. You dont have to go to Mexico to be able to afford it. I found that the prices of Mexico and then you have to pay for aftercare here, if you can find anyone to do aftercare that is. But the prices if you add in aftercare really arent that much cheaper and then you have to add in your expenses to get to Mexico and all. We live an hour away from New Orleans, La and hubby has found his Dr and his price is $13,500 cash price and they have a company that does financing. That includes all aftercare. Now you might even be able to find that cheaper, he didnt price check around he just went with a Dr who had a great reputation and found the price to be resonable. But $13,500 isnt that bad. I read where some went to Mexico for $10,000 but then aftercare and all that you just as soon stay closer and pay a bit more. IMO :rolleyes: But really it isnt all about price you got to find a Dr that you trust and remember you get what you pay for sometimes. Not saying that all cheaper Dr's arent good but just go off of reputation and you will be fine.



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For that kinda price it would pay you to travel to Louisiana :rolleyes: Just a thought, lol... it really would. Do research on other Dr's a little bit further out and the prices might go down, at least you know what they are in Louisiana if you needed to travel.



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If you do research, the lap-band can be quite affordable for someone without insurance, like me!! I did go to Mexico, July 21, 2007, something that I would have not thought I would do in a million years....But it was awesome, I would do it again without a doubt. I had a wonderful caring surgeon and his team was awesome. They STILL keep in contact with me, emails, calls, from one of the Dr.'s on the surgery team to make sure that I am doing fine.....you would never get that in the U.S.... sorry to say, I am completely sold. I was banded by Dr. Gonzalez in Tijuana.


I did a lot of research and my surgery was $7250, 1 night hotel, $95.00, plane fare $325. Total of $7670. I have found a Dr. that will do my fills, $250 the 1st time, fill, meet with nutritionist, & a check by Dr. and then $150 for each additional fill. (Dr. Trace Curry, Cincinatti)


I did not chose the Surgeon by $ amount, I actually chose him on referrals and how many lap bands done and how long doing lap surgery, etc.


I have lost 25 pounds so far and very happy!!

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I also went to Mexico for my band- I'm from Canada and I'd never have been able to get it done here. I did a lot of research about Mexican doctors and chose Dr Kuri because of reputation,referrals and because he had done thousands of these surgeries. I have no regrets and have found a surgeon at home for aftercare. This has changed my life and I believe will allow me to lose the weight I need to as well as keep it off. Good luck with your decision.

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  • 6 months later...

Reviving this thread to ask a question.


First - some history: I was banded with a Lap-Band in Sept 05. I've lost 75lbs (woo hoo!) since then.


I recently returned from a Carnival Conquest cruise to the Caribbean. It was HEAVENLY. Enjoyed every minute of it...except dinner. I was at a loss for words every evening when my waiter and assistant waiter would make such a fuss over the fact that I hardly ate anything. We were at a table for 8 and I was acquiainted and felt comfortable with the folks I was sitting with (it was a CC group cruise)...but...still...I felt self-conscious when they made a fuss over what I ate...or rather what I didn't eat.


It usually never bothers me - but this time it really did. Don't know why. I said "I had a really big lunch" or "I'm saving room for Midnight pizza" or "It was DELICIOUS, but I really can't eat that much" every night, but they really thought I didn't like the food. :(


What do you say when someone makes a fuss and thinks you don't like the food?

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What do you say when someone makes a fuss?

I have been saying I reciently had stomach surgery and I can only eat a little bit at a time....

It seems like when I say this they bend over backwards to help me, they don't know what kind, and its funny I don't think most people think it was WLS because I'm not "fat" anymore... Well i am, but not 306 lbs!:p (227! brag)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I do exactly the same thing. Have been on 4 cruises since surgery (lost 120 lbs) and once you explain, "I love the food, but I had surgery and I just can't eat very much", they are fine. It seems to take the pressure off that you feel like you have to eat it all.


One thing, your surgery does not change your brain. I still want to eat everything. When people say "you took the easy way out", I tell them, you have no idea how hard it is, both physically and mentally. That being said, I wouldn't go back for a million dollars!

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I do exactly the same thing. Have been on 4 cruises since surgery (lost 120 lbs) and once you explain, "I love the food, but I had surgery and I just can't eat very much", they are fine. It seems to take the pressure off that you feel like you have to eat it all.


One thing, your surgery does not change your brain. I still want to eat everything. When people say "you took the easy way out", I tell them, you have no idea how hard it is, both physically and mentally. That being said, I wouldn't go back for a million dollars!


Thanks for the great post!


The nurse at my wls clinic once talked about how to handle friends when they say "you took the easy way out". She said "If your house is on fire and instead of climbing out a 2nd story window you were able to run out the front door, do you think the firefighter would say "wow...you took the easy way out!""


It soooo true - it's a fight for my LIFE...and I'll do whatever I damn well please to keep it and increase the quality of my life and if other's can't hang, well then keep on truckin!

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I was going to "quote" several people, but then I realized how old some of this thread is... so, I decided instead of responding directly to people who might not even be here anymore... to just speak my mind... randomly... like I do everything else... lol


I was banded 4 months ago... and cannot think of one single thing that would stop me from doing it all over again.


Did I take the easy way out? No... taking the easy way out would have been to do NOTHING at all.


The past four months have been an awesome experience for me... not only do I feel better PHYSICALLY than I have in years, but also mentally and emotionally. I have "disposed of" over 50lbs in four months (I don't like to say "lost" because lost implies that I am looking for it and want to find it again).


I pretty much eat anything I want... just a lot LESS of it. I do have a bit of trouble with chicken and bread, but those are not foods I really liked much before, so I do not really miss them.


We are going on our first cruise in August... but I am not really worried about the food issue... my doctor (who also has the band) likes his patients to live normal lives in terms of eating whatever they want. He says "You will NEVER be on a diet again!" I like that philosophy :)


I have had three fills... and he says I am at my "sweet spot". (Yay!) Hopefully, I will get to goal before August for our trip!


I do "slime" sometimes, but it is usually because I have eaten too fast, or gotten upset with my teenager while trying to eat. Like someone else said earlier... my brain and stomach are not on the same page yet. Do they EVER get on the same page?


My doctor says he would like to deflate my band when I go to Alaska... we will be gone 20 days, and he said he would rather I be deflated since I will not be near a medical facility (except for on the cruise). He also said that I should be almost or AT goal by that time so I should have my "mind" pretty much trained by that time.


He is leaving that decision up to me, so I will see how I feel about it as the time gets closer. Has anyone else been deflated for a vacation or after they achieved their goal weight?


Most of you probably know this.... but for those of you who do not.... there is a really great LapBand support group at http://www.lapbandtalk.com



What do you say when someone makes a fuss and thinks you don't like the food?


I just tell them the truth... if people who have WLS allow it to remain a mystery to others by keeping silent about it, we can never expect them to understand.

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Did Dr. Smith do your band? He is the only surgeon, in the DFW area, that I know has been banded.


There are great support groups in the DFW area, including DFWBandsters and bandbuddies over on yahoo groups.


We meet for dinners and lunches all over the metroplex.


Rhonda K

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Did Dr. Smith do your band? He is the only surgeon, in the DFW area, that I know has been banded.


There are great support groups in the DFW area, including DFWBandsters and bandbuddies over on yahoo groups.


We meet for dinners and lunches all over the metroplex.


Rhonda K


Yes, he did :)

And, I love him!!!!!


When and where are the support group meetings?

I live in Ennis, so it is difficult for me to get into the metroplex during the week. Right now, I am just using lapbandtalk.com as my primary support group... plus we have five banders where I work, so that makes for "daily" support :)

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I figured Dr. Smith must have done your surgery. I have heard that his meetings are also very good to attend.


There are diners in Ft. Worth, Arlington, Plano, Dallas, and Burleson. If you go over to the DFWBandsters webpage on Yahoo, and look on the calendar, it will give you dates, locations and times. On the calendar, there are also open meetings, that are held in both Ft. Worth and Dallas, for all bandsters :) .


Rhonda K


Yes, he did :)

And, I love him!!!!!


When and where are the support group meetings?

I live in Ennis, so it is difficult for me to get into the metroplex during the week. Right now, I am just using lapbandtalk.com as my primary support group... plus we have five banders where I work, so that makes for "daily" support :)

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I was going to "quote" several people, but then I realized how old some of this thread is... so, I decided instead of responding directly to people who might not even be here anymore... to just speak my mind... randomly... like I do everything else... lol


I was banded 4 months ago... and cannot think of one single thing that would stop me from doing it all over again.


Did I take the easy way out? No... taking the easy way out would have been to do NOTHING at all.


The past four months have been an awesome experience for me... not only do I feel better PHYSICALLY than I have in years, but also mentally and emotionally. I have "disposed of" over 50lbs in four months (I don't like to say "lost" because lost implies that I am looking for it and want to find it again).


I pretty much eat anything I want... just a lot LESS of it. I do have a bit of trouble with chicken and bread, but those are not foods I really liked much before, so I do not really miss them.


We are going on our first cruise in August... but I am not really worried about the food issue... my doctor (who also has the band) likes his patients to live normal lives in terms of eating whatever they want. He says "You will NEVER be on a diet again!" I like that philosophy :)


I have had three fills... and he says I am at my "sweet spot". (Yay!) Hopefully, I will get to goal before August for our trip!


I do "slime" sometimes, but it is usually because I have eaten too fast, or gotten upset with my teenager while trying to eat. Like someone else said earlier... my brain and stomach are not on the same page yet. Do they EVER get on the same page?


My doctor says he would like to deflate my band when I go to Alaska... we will be gone 20 days, and he said he would rather I be deflated since I will not be near a medical facility (except for on the cruise). He also said that I should be almost or AT goal by that time so I should have my "mind" pretty much trained by that time.


He is leaving that decision up to me, so I will see how I feel about it as the time gets closer. Has anyone else been deflated for a vacation or after they achieved their goal weight?


Most of you probably know this.... but for those of you who do not.... there is a really great LapBand support group at http://www.lapbandtalk.com





I just tell them the truth... if people who have WLS allow it to remain a mystery to others by keeping silent about it, we can never expect them to understand.


Your doctor's advice sounds very similar to mine (when you referred to his statement about living life and eating like a normal person and never feeling like you're on a diet). He sounded like my doctor with one exception...mine has never recommended deflating the band for vacation or any other reason. I understand the issue about getting into trouble and not having medical personnel around who are familiar with the band. But by then you'll have had the band quite a while and I think as long as you're not getting a fill close to vacation time, I would leave it alone. Remember, deflating the band is going to cause your "stomach" hunger to return and every time they go in with a needle, you run the risk of infection. I've been on many vacations (some as long as three weeks) since being banded, and my doctor has just never let me have a fill within 2 weeks of leaving. I've been at my "sweet spot" for over a year now, so it's not really an issue. I just think you're better off leaving your band alone...you will still enjoy your cruise. We cruise 3 times/year and I haven't had one problem (except what others have mentioned about waiters thinking I wasn't happy with the food because I didn't finish everything on my plate!).


Good luck and welcome to the loser's bench.



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deflating the band for vacation or any other reason.


I guess I was not very clear when I typed my last post... it was ME who brought it up about the concern of my band being tight while I was gone... then we talked about it... the pros and cons... after about 30 minutes, the conclusion was... deflating was a good idea if travelling to parts where medical personnel were not (we will be camping in Alaska for ten days prior to the cruise)... and a lot of patients actually prefer to be deflated (some) after they reach goal.


At thispoint, I am weighing the pros and cons, and will make a decision closer to that date. If I am in a comfortable place, maybe I will choose to remain where I am...

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I guess I was not very clear when I typed my last post... it was ME who brought it up about the concern of my band being tight while I was gone... then we talked about it... the pros and cons... after about 30 minutes, the conclusion was... deflating was a good idea if travelling to parts where medical personnel were not (we will be camping in Alaska for ten days prior to the cruise)... and a lot of patients actually prefer to be deflated (some) after they reach goal.


At thispoint, I am weighing the pros and cons, and will make a decision closer to that date. If I am in a comfortable place, maybe I will choose to remain where I am...


As long as you're not tight and are at your sweet spot, it might be best not to tinker with it. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!LOL


Good luck whatever you decide.



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so glad to see some of you guys from DFW.. as I am from that area too.. I was just banded last Monday and can tell you I already love my band.. I know the first month is really for healing, but I have to tell you that I have lost 25 pounds since I started my pre op diet on 03/10-- I cant believe I have lost that much in 2 weeks.. I know it wont continue to come off that fast all the time, but its such a great morale booster to me that it has..


Me and my husband cruise every year, sometimes twice.. we actually just went on a cruise a few weeks before my surgery and it was great.. but I have many of these same concerns.. When we went on this last cruise I really tried to watch what I was eating and made it a point to not devour my entire plate and the head and assist waiter do tend to take it personal if you dont finish everything..


Now I know how to handle it..


as far as someone asking about letting out the band prior to a cruise.. my dr mentioned to me prior to surgery that in all the years he has been doing this surgery that only one patient has requested to have it unfilled due to going on a cruise.. he said if I wanted to do that, just let him know and he would have no problems doing it.. he mentioned that several patients have mentioned it before but they had such great results with the band that they didnt want to mess with anything and chose to leave it as is when they went on their cruise.. I like the feeling of knowing that its my choice though..

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so glad to see some of you guys from DFW.. as I am from that area too.. I was just banded last Monday



Who is your doctor?

(if you don't mind sharing)


It's nice to know there are other doctor's out there who LISTEN to the patients.. afterall, it is still our bodies :)

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Who is your doctor?

(if you don't mind sharing)


It's nice to know there are other doctor's out there who LISTEN to the patients.. afterall, it is still our bodies :)



Dont mind at all.. My dr is Dr Marsden.. He has an office in Argyle but also in Hurst which is closeby where I live...

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Dont mind at all.. My dr is Dr Marsden.. He has an office in Argyle but also in Hurst which is closeby where I live...


Did you get yours done on Pipeline? or is that clinic on Precinct Line?


Dr Smith goes to that clinic too. I wanted to go there because my daughter lives in Bedford, and she was taking me home... but my insurance would only cover Baylor.

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Did you get yours done on Pipeline? or is that clinic on Precinct Line?


Dr Smith goes to that clinic too. I wanted to go there because my daughter lives in Bedford, and she was taking me home... but my insurance would only cover Baylor.



I had to have my actual surgery done at Decatur Regional due to insurance purposes.. I have Blue Cross and they wouldnt cover the procedure if done in the clinic but they did if I did it at the hospital.. I assume he doesnt have priviledges at a closer hospital so thats why I went out there.. It was only about a 30 minute drive so it wasnt too bad..


I had all my initial visits at the clinic.. I did everything there which made it very nice since I work about 5 minutes away..


Everyone was sooo nice.. from all the office staff to the dr.. even the nurse who watched me in the observation after surgery at Denton Regional called me on Friday to check up and make sure I was doing fine and wished me a Happy Easter..

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