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Reviews - Sincere or Fabricated?


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Many of you know that I used to work on a cruise ship in a senior (non-officer) role. I can honestly tell you that everyone on board works very hard to make sure that every guest has a top notch vacation.

For years, I have been coming on the internet to read reviews from actual guests. I always find some that seem puzzling...

I understand that first time cruisers sometimes come on board not knowing what to expect and television can raise your expectations (Many people think the Captain will always be around to handle their needs personally, that there are elaborate buffets everywhere, all day long, etc).

BUT... May times I read reviews from guests who claim to be "experienced" cruise lines, and give very detailed accounts of their experiences...

BUT... In their review, they hated LITERALLY EVERYTHING about their cruise, in every detail...

Check this one out for instance: http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=18578

Now... being in the business for a long time, I know that their cruise could not have been THIS BAD. So I am wondering...

1. Are they really NOT experienced cruisers and just have a very high expectation of what they should have expected?

2. Did they just board with an already soured view of how things would go, and it just affected their view of everything? Or did the very first thing that made them angry (Travel agents going first) sour the whole cruise for them?

3. Did the Carnival just really mess their vacation up, singling them out, and offending their vacation tastes at every turn?

5. Are they just not able to be satisfied in general?

I just find it very hard to believe that any cruise line experience can really be this bad... Especially when all of the reviews around them are exactly the opposite, everything is fantastic!

Again, knowing that everyone works very hard to make it the vacation of your dreams, I understand that no one is perfect, and sometimes mess up, but to have EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that you come in contact blow what we called "Good Show", and have your entire vacation ruined? Hmmm...

Could it really have been this bad? I am just curious about your opinions about reviews like this one.

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Some people lie. They could have just filled that out to stir the pot. They may have actually cruised but that was so crazy, I was laughing the whole time/ Most of the reviews like this are people set off by something and are looking for every little thing that any cruise line could not control to complain.

so much of that sotry in my opinion was made up. I am no expert, I have cruised 2x( soon to be 3) on Carnival. I am actually getting married on board in 5 mo, so I am trusting it with one of the most important days of my life, and am not afraid.

Some people dont like buffet food. DUh go to the dining room then! And some people are overweight/obese for thing not of their control. Some peopl are just stupid!!

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My guess is these types of reviews are from people who are never satisfied with anything. Some look for problems at every turn and others are just perpetual victims. Someone else's review of the same cruise will probably be a little more balanced even if there were some problems. We thouroughly enjoyed our first cruise. Was it perfect? No, but no need to nitpick. Like a lot of us say on this site, a cruise is always better than being at work, or something along those lines. Now we're looking forward to our second cruise and expect to have a good time. Your vacation is what you make of it.

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I can't figure out for the life of me why the guy even got on the ship. If he was going to be miserable from the start why even pay for it? And his review wasn't much better with all his misspellings! (yes, I know people do make typos!) I've only been on 3 cruises and there has been little mishaps along the way, but in no way, shape or fashion did I let it ruin my vacation. I figured I paid for it and I can only make it as much fun and as enjoyable as I determine. I don't let anybody ruin my good time.


But there are people out there that are unhappy with everything they encounter and they have a miserable life, so, in turn, they have to try to make everybody elses life miserable too...but it won't be me!:D

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The thing that I find odd is that this is NOT unique. These type of reviews are all over the internet, including this site...


Again, I know things can and do go wrong, just I can't imagine that many thiings going wrong to the same person on the same sailing.

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I was under the impression that not all reviews submitted were chosen for publication. I'm really surprised that cruisecritic would choose that one. It's not a balanced review at all. I have no problem with reviews that objectively show warts and all but I tend to ignore the ones that are over the top either way. I too have a hard time believing that there's absolutely nothing good a person can say about their cruise. It can't all be bad.

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Some also like the attention they get, or like to cause trouble for things that didn't happen. Hey it could be someone from RCCl who knows.

Also I know someone who is never satisfied. Glad they don't cruise with me. I go with the flow :)

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Many of you know that I used to work on a cruise ship in a senior (non-officer) role. I can honestly tell you that everyone on board works very hard to make sure that every guest has a top notch vacation.


For years, I have been coming on the internet to read reviews from actual guests. I always find some that seem puzzling...


I understand that first time cruisers sometimes come on board not knowing what to expect and television can raise your expectations (Many people think the Captain will always be around to handle their needs personally, that there are elaborate buffets everywhere, all day long, etc).


BUT... May times I read reviews from guests who claim to be "experienced" cruise lines, and give very detailed accounts of their experiences...


BUT... In their review, they hated LITERALLY EVERYTHING about their cruise, in every detail...


Check this one out for instance: http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=18578


Now... being in the business for a long time, I know that their cruise could not have been THIS BAD. So I am wondering...


1. Are they really NOT experienced cruisers and just have a very high expectation of what they should have expected?


2. Did they just board with an already soured view of how things would go, and it just affected their view of everything? Or did the very first thing that made them angry (Travel agents going first) sour the whole cruise for them?


3. Did the Carnival just really mess their vacation up, singling them out, and offending their vacation tastes at every turn?


5. Are they just not able to be satisfied in general?


I just find it very hard to believe that any cruise line experience can really be this bad... Especially when all of the reviews around them are exactly the opposite, everything is fantastic!


Again, knowing that everyone works very hard to make it the vacation of your dreams, I understand that no one is perfect, and sometimes mess up, but to have EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that you come in contact blow what we called "Good Show", and have your entire vacation ruined? Hmmm...


Could it really have been this bad? I am just curious about your opinions about reviews like this one.


Some people are just unhappy in life. I feel so sorry for them! Give me the biggest or littlest boat in the Caribbean and a little food, some good music, some good company and I am happy. Life is what you make it and so is a vacation. Live life to it's fullest!




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This particular reviewer, was posting here on the forums under a different name. I believe he has now been banned for calling people liars and idiots, etc.


When he posted his experiences here on the boards, he refused to provide any details saying "there is no way he would put personal things on the internet". I guess he just didn't want to spoil his big "debut". :rolleyes:

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With regard to the negative review . . . I have but one question . . . if things were as bad as they claimed, whey didn't they get off at the first Port and fly home? I sure as heck wouldn't want to spend anymore time on a ship I hated with people I hated. I really have to wonder if they were even on this cruise . . . .

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That was one of the most rediculous reviews I've ever read. I would like to believe it is all lies but it's probably more of an exageration. Some people love to complain...if they couldn't, they would expolde.


After reading some of the odd reviews here and at other cruise sites, it makes me realize just how easy to please I am. I've never had to complain about anything on board, all of my room stewards have kemp my cabins spotless, the wait staff in the DR and buffet have kept me fed, and even the bartenders have been willing to fix me a few drinks:D I couldn't want for more.

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With regard to the negative review . . . I have but one question . . . if things were as bad as they claimed, whey didn't they get off at the first Port and fly home? I sure as heck wouldn't want to spend anymore time on a ship I hated with people I hated. I really have to wonder if they were even on this cruise . . . .


I think in this guys case his debarkation was so bad he decided to trash the entire cruise.


The guy claims to be an experienced Carnival cruiser, yet he whines about the lost towel charge like it is a new thing. :rolleyes:

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I take one-sided reviews whether positive or negative with a grain of salt. I am much more interested in critical details. Individual tastes differ, what someone else likes I may not and vice-versa. When I see a first time poster write a horrible review my first inclination is that they have another username and created a new one just to troll. Likewise when I read a review where every last thing was just wonderful I become skeptical.


As for the crew, I can't praise them enough. The hours are long and the work is hard. Being so far away from home makes it even more difficult. Everyone has bad days. We all have recieved word of the death of a relative or some other problem with family or friends. Bad news from home effects us all. Imagine being out of touch and carrying such a burden so far away while still working twelve hour days. I draw the line with being treated rudely, which honestly I cannot recall an employee doing. Bad service is reflected in the tip, as is good service.

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Well, one obvious lie in the review:

He stated that there was only one salad choice- tossed green salad. I know for a fact there are two salads every night. He also said the entree choices were between chicken or fish, also not true. There are always at least 6 entrees every night- beef, poultry, fish, shellfish, pasta, and vegetarian. Some nights have 7 different entrees.

Those lies right there red-flag the entire review for me, I doubt they were even late getting into port. In fact, I doubt they've even stepped foot on the Legend at all, or even on a Carnival ship.

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is that i will be taking my first cruise ever with my family sept., 2. i'm already anxious about this especially with it being peak hurricane season but my family is soooo excited. reviews like that just feed ny fears of have i made the right choice. plus the obese insult, my son has a mental disorder and this has caused extreme obesity (willis-prater and tourettes), also as a middle aged mom, i have alot of extra luggage around the waist. i hope not all cruisers spend they're vacation judging the way others look. thank goodness most of what i read here puts my mind at ease and alows me to start getting excited. i wish the person who wrote such terrible things knew how it could impact first timers and how angry, cruiser or not, the obesity remarks made me. my son has had to deal with morons like this all his life. this is his graduation present.i agree with you all. noy everything could go wrong and from what i read, the captain and crew keep passenger safety priority one.

thanks for letting me vent

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but on another cruise site, this guy mentions his belief that the ship was in a race with a NCL ship to get to port. I couldn't quite follow his review/complaint...:confused: Anyway, he expands on the chest pains/anxiety attacks and mentions that "he almost had a heart attack." I don't remember any mention about the crew getting off first though. How much of the crew would be getting off the ship to begin with? And why would they be in uniform? I would assume the reason they are getting off the ship is because they are not working at that time.


To answer the OP's question; one, some people just want to complain and, two, some people have too much time on their hands. If I were that miserable on a cruise, or any vacation for that matter, I would be going back home at the first opportunity; but, honestly, I cannot imagine every single aspect of my vacation being that horrible....my regular working life isn't that bad (and believe me, I've had some bad days)!

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I think someone forgot his meds! ;) I mean really - his heart was pounding with anxiety and then he was on the floor? Sounds like a MAJOR drama king to me! And just a tad on the paranoid side, I might add! I doubt seriously they almost hit another cruise ship! Lotta kooks out there! :eek: And how much do you want to bet that, having removed the automatice tips, he totally stiffed the staff on their tips???

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We learned long ago, that upon boarding we head straight for the purser desk and have the automatic tips removed, do you tip your waiter or waitress before they serve you, we certainly dont.


This one sentence gives you a clue as to the attitude of the OP (of the review) upon boarding. The OP ( of the review) was not looking for good service and therefore "saw" none. Saying everything negative is probably the OP's justification in removing the tips right off the bat.

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Wow! Anxiety attacks and heart palpitations because he had to wait a bit longer for debarkation?? Someone needed a soothing spa treatment! :p

I didn't quite get the reason he was wanting to lodge an official complaint with the Coast Guard and CCL??

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First, let me tell you congratulations on your son's graduation!:) Second, do not let that person's comments about obesity get to you...or leave the impression that all cruiser's judge other's by the way they look!


All the people that I met on our cruise were there to have a good time...not compare sizes. And let me further validate your observation...the crew will do everything in their power to make sure you and your family have a safe and wonderful cruise!


In regards to hurricane season...where are you embarking? Is it a Caribbean cruise? From what I understand, the predictions are for hurricanes to be further north this year...Charleston, SC and up. (Go figure, I move from Florida to DC and they follow me...guess I should move back to Florida!) However, wherever a hurricane might be...the captains and the rest of the crew will do everything they can to circumvent it.


Have a wonderful time!

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Ok maybe Im wrong...I got from that review that he had been on that ship once before. So he complained about the look of the ship....the "tacky decor"....he saw it the first time and it didnt bother him enough to NOT go back. He saw the shows and must have enjoyed them the first time.Travel agents boarding before he did ruined his entire trip. I smell something stinky!



*shakes head*

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I read the report and I totally think that the author is way off base here. I have sailed on 2 carnival ships and about to make my third in Sept. I have sailed on other cruise ships too and I have never even remotely had any of these so called troubles. I am very skeptical of this review. I would think that if this is all true why the writer has not filed a lawsuit against Carnival. Probably because its not true.


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is that i will be taking my first cruise ever with my family sept., 2. i'm already anxious about this especially with it being peak hurricane season but my family is soooo excited. reviews like that just feed ny fears of have i made the right choice. plus the obese insult, my son has a mental disorder and this has caused extreme obesity (willis-prater and tourettes), also as a middle aged mom, i have alot of extra luggage around the waist. i hope not all cruisers spend they're vacation judging the way others look. thank goodness most of what i read here puts my mind at ease and alows me to start getting excited. i wish the person who wrote such terrible things knew how it could impact first timers and how angry, cruiser or not, the obesity remarks made me. my son has had to deal with morons like this all his life. this is his graduation present.i agree with you all. noy everything could go wrong and from what i read, the captain and crew keep passenger safety priority one.

thanks for letting me vent


I really would not worry. If you take a land based vacation, lets say, Orlando... In the course of a week around the city, you will certainly fine some people and places that you do not like... Would a few people ruin your entire vacation?


A ship is no different. It really is a floating city, with every department and business that you would find in Orlando or any other land destination. During the week on board, not everyone will be to your liking. That is just life.


I will say this... many people think that the Cruise Director is only in charge of making your voyage fun. In fact, he is also responsivle for the morale of the ship's crew as well as making sure that they provide the best possible service (morale and attitude wise) to each and every passenger.


Everyone on board works very hard to make your vacation a great experience. You simply can't let one or two small things that you may not like ruin your hard earned vacation....

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