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definition of formal wear for women


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I would be happy to meet you and sit next to you, even if you were naked wearing rhinestone shoes...


My opinion..."too many opinionated "Beeches" on these threads..."


"Your'e NEVER really dressed without a smile".......and from the tone of these boards, everyone is more concerned with attire than having a good time.


Flip flops in the dining room.....??? I had a broken foot (recovering at the time) and had no choice for footwear. I did my best to match it to my formal dress but NO>>>>couldn't wear shoes. Bought those glittery ones (flips) that matched perfectly..


I'm hoping that there isn't anyone out there saying that I ruined their cruise because I had flip flops on...


Should I have stayed home and booked another cruise until my foot was better and I could have worn heels??? I DON'T THINK SO...


Or should someone stay home and save their money until they can buy "proper" cruise attire....??? These days, one can wonder what everyone considers that to be.....I'm not so sure anymore...


I was at an upscale restaurant in NYC (Daniel for those that know the area) and a guy at the table next to us had sneakers and dockers on...)...Our bill for 2 of us was over $300... (trust me, nothing special). Did it bother me that he was dressed that way...NO!!


I just don't know what all the fuss is about..........


All this talk about "mass market" lines and the way they dress....(past posts)


"Your'e sailing on a 3 day Carnival cruise, so your dress is OK for formal night...but don't think of it for Crystal or Silversea"


"You MUST stay dressed for the night...formal is formal."


"THAT dress is NOT formal."


My sympathies to the people (especially first timers) who post simple questions and are bombarded with all the negativity.


I'm guessing that I was lucky that I cruised before I was introduced to these boards...if I were a first timer and was subjected to some of the responses, I probably never would have sailed...


Sorry ladies, I just think that some of the responses are a bit "Beechie"!!!

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Your selection of evening wear for the Seabourne Legend cruise sounds beautiful. My question -- how in the world did you pack all of that and still have room for your casual clothes? How many suitcases do you travel with? I'm the world's worst packer and could use some advice! ;)

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My opinion..."too many opinionated "Beeches" on these threads..."


"Your'e NEVER really dressed without a smile".......and from the tone of these boards, everyone is more concerned with attire than having a good time.



Sorry ladies, I just think that some of the responses are a bit "Beechie"!!!


I beg your pardon but isn't this reply a case of the pot calling the kettle black?


This is the Fashion Board. What else should we be concerned with on a Fashion Board? Excursions? Food? Carnival Cruise line?

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I would be happy to meet you and sit next to you, even if you were naked wearing rhinestone shoes...


My opinion..."too many opinionated "Beeches" on these threads..."


"Your'e NEVER really dressed without a smile".......and from the tone of these boards, everyone is more concerned with attire than having a good time.


Flip flops in the dining room.....??? I had a broken foot (recovering at the time) and had no choice for footwear. I did my best to match it to my formal dress but NO>>>>couldn't wear shoes. Bought those glittery ones (flips) that matched perfectly..


I'm hoping that there isn't anyone out there saying that I ruined their cruise because I had flip flops on...


Should I have stayed home and booked another cruise until my foot was better and I could have worn heels??? I DON'T THINK SO...


Or should someone stay home and save their money until they can buy "proper" cruise attire....??? These days, one can wonder what everyone considers that to be.....I'm not so sure anymore...


I was at an upscale restaurant in NYC (Daniel for those that know the area) and a guy at the table next to us had sneakers and dockers on...)...Our bill for 2 of us was over $300... (trust me, nothing special). Did it bother me that he was dressed that way...NO!!


I just don't know what all the fuss is about..........


All this talk about "mass market" lines and the way they dress....(past posts)


"Your'e sailing on a 3 day Carnival cruise, so your dress is OK for formal night...but don't think of it for Crystal or Silversea"


"You MUST stay dressed for the night...formal is formal."


"THAT dress is NOT formal."


My sympathies to the people (especially first timers) who post simple questions and are bombarded with all the negativity.


I'm guessing that I was lucky that I cruised before I was introduced to these boards...if I were a first timer and was subjected to some of the responses, I probably never would have sailed...


Sorry ladies, I just think that some of the responses are a bit "Beechie"!!!

I'm sorry you feel that way.


Speaking only for myself when someone asks if a dress is formal or not, they should receive an honest answer.


That's is the point of this board...to discuss fashion and included in that discussion is what is appropriate for certain venues.


And it is also true that certain lines seem to hold different ideas of what they will allow for formal nights in the dining room. I can only say from my own experience that formal nights on Carnival and HAL do differ.


It isn't a judgment call, it's simply acknowledging that there is a difference on what is deemed appropriate and allowable by certain lines. Some people cruise certain lines for that precise reason. I am one of those people.


If someone chooses to ignore the requested attire for the evening, then they are doing themselves a disservice. It doesn't bother me in the least, nor will it ruin my cruise.


But if someone comes here asking questions on what is or isn't appropriate, I think it is only polite to answer them honestly.


It isn't as if we're chasing people down and berating them for their choice of clothing.


Posting here is voluntary.



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Ok, I am the OP, and I am asking people to stop responding to this thread (I don't know if that is allowed, but I'm going to ask anyway). I never meant for this to get personal, honest. I am a math and science kind of person, and I tend to need a specific, concrete, no room for speculation kind of answer (believe me, the Priest at my church hates it when I walk into his office with a question because of this). I appreciate all the support I got for my dress and I appreciate all the people that gave me their honest answer to my question, they were answering what I asked and not being in any way rude about it. I probably never should have started the thread. So now I would like to end it. I would like to say, ladies, have a great time on your cruises. I'm sure we will all look beautiful, in our own special way.

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I'm sorry you feel that way.


Speaking only for myself when someone asks if a dress is formal or not, they should receive an honest answer.


That is the point of this board...to discuss fashion and included in that discussion is what is appropriate for certain venues.




It' is so sad :( that this original topic has gotten to be so negative. I was going to stay quiet, but it's gotten to the point that I have to say this, and by no means intend to hurt anyone's feelings: :o


But, exactly WHO is deciding what is appropriate dress? Is there someone standing at the door that decides "you're in" or "your out" ? What's appropriate for you, might not be for me, or anyone else who posts on the boards. I myself can't afford to get a whole new "cruise-approved" wardrobe, and I don't know of anyone who can in this day in age.

I have spent the last two weeks reading (and posting) here on the Cruise Fashion boards, and the most important thing that I've learned is....

...to wear what's appropriate for how I normally dress. Wear what I want, and what I'm comfortable in, because it really shouldn't matter to anyone else...

The cruise lines gives a "guideline" as to what would be appropriate, but I don't see them paying for whatever wardrobe that they want people to wear. If they did, then we'd have nothing to talk about, because we'd all dress the same.

There are some of us here, on CC, that get to have a "once in a lifetime" vacation of a cruise. I, like many, don't have the financial status to cruise several times a year, so when I FINALLY get the chance to, in 2008, I won't be stressing over what get's packed in my suitcases....

.....stepping off my soapbox now.......

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But, exactly WHO is deciding what is appropriate dress? Is there someone standing at the door that decides "you're in" or "your out" ?


I have spent the last two weeks reading (and posting) here on the Cruise Fashion boards, and the most important thing that I've learned is....


...to wear what's appropriate for how I normally dress. Wear what I want, and what I'm comfortable in, because it really shouldn't matter to anyone else...



I think what you could be missing here is that people come to this board asking us for our advice. We aren't just randomly throwing out fashion advice.


We aren't judging anyone.


When someone asks, "Is this dress formal?" we give our educated opinion on whether the dress is formal. We don't coment on how the dress looks or the size etc.

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For English not being your first langauge, you have an incredible grasp of the language!


Thank you very much, I do my best and love this board to keep/pratice/improve my English.

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What I wanted to do is to inform the people who say cruiseships formal nights should be floor-length gown only that it was not what cruiselines ask from us.


In my earlier post I did refer to floor-length gowns. However, the OP asked what OUR definition was, and where we got it. That was the basis of my reply. I did not say that shorter dresses were inappropriate. Not at all. In fact, I am considering wearing a shorter length dress this time. I bought a gorgeous cocktail dress (sequined) last fall, and I think it will do quite well. :)

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Oh my goodness Im going to have to just go NAKED:D that will solve all my worries and it will scare everyone so badly that my spouse and I will have the whole dining area to ourselves, but I promise I will wear my pretty black sandals with rhinestones:) " Good Lord that's and aweful image of me sitting in my wheelchair naked with pretty shoes,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. Just to make you all laugh, be happy you are alive and well enough to enjoy your cruise. I have a huge hump on my spine (tumor) I have a plate that clearly shows from the right side of hairline down to over most of my eyebrow, a scar that runs down to upper part of spine, and scar that runs down the middle of my back. I have scoliatic chestwall and right clavical and rib sticks out. Covered in even the best of my wear I !!! will still know what is under that dress and what shows and does not and what is under my bangs trying to cover the plate over front part of me head and in the back what is covering part of my skull that is gone for good. When I drop my glass of champagne or juice or coffee I will laugh and smile knowing there is nothing I can do about it, when I have to ask what day it is or where I am at that moment I will feel lost in my brain damage.


BUT most important I will know I am lovley for all the things I bring to that dining table. " My smile, my compassion, my straightforward self, I will proudly hold my 89 pounds as straight as I can when one has 2 torn rotators and a huge tumor on upper spine, and I will laugh at jokes and when I choke from my severe Dysphagia I will say" excuse me it cannot be helped but again I will smile and say how lovley everyone around me looks and hope they feel the same, not for what I am wearing but for seeing WHO I am as I will them.


Class comes in many forms, if you have the wit and personality to make good company, and caring, with good humor and your own style and not making totally ignorant comments, money means nothing. Holding ones head high with charming smile and showing an interest in ANOTHER persons world is CLASS:) .


Please enjoy your day today. I spent the other day crying about going on my cruise because of how I look in my clothes compared to the average world, how my face would appear , would anyone notice my plate or the palsy that can come to my face, would they see my pretty shoes and notice how nice my dresses and clothes look, or would they look past it all and see nothing but a very ill woman as many do. I hope not but maybe we will be lucky and be seated with couples who are kind with class.


Thats about the only time you will see me on my soapbox.


Im a good person and it DOES show in many ways and I know I will look GREAT in my clothes because of one thing" MY SMILE:D . and SO will all of you.


Relax,enjoy life.



I was not going to post in this thread, but what you wrote, I just have to.


I would be honored to meet you and sit with you. I would be honored to know you as a person, your courage and strength and personality, I look foward to reading your posts, your thoughts. You have brought so much to me personally with your writing.


The only thing I would notice about you is your wonderful personality, the kindness and big heart you obvioulsy have, your love of life and of course the smile. A smile can light up a room, not a dress or a pair of shoes.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise, I hope the people you sit with, only see your smile and your fantastic personality and your good manners. Bascially that's all they should see, the rest is just doesn't matter when all is said and done.


Please don't cry about how you will look, I know for a fact you will look beautiful, why? because true beauty comes from within, not from clothing.

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I was not going to post in this thread, but what you wrote, I just have to.


I would be honored to meet you and sit with you. I would be honored to know you as a person, your courage and strength and personality, I look foward to reading your posts, your thoughts. You have brought so much to me personally with your writing.


The only thing I would notice about you is your wonderful personality, the kindness and big heart you obvioulsy have, your love of life and of course the smile. A smile can light up a room, not a dress or a pair of shoes.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise, I hope the people you sit with, only see your smile and your fantastic personality and your good manners. Bascially that's all they should see, the rest is just doesn't matter when all is said and done.


Please don't cry about how you will look, I know for a fact you will look beautiful, why? because true beauty comes from within, not from clothing.


Mrs. Moose that was so kind and sweet what you said here.


You know this type thread is the main reason I have hung around this board so long. Most people who ask if something would look right in dress are asking because they feel unsure for some reason or another, (often because of health issues) they care how they look and do not want to stick out as differant . they are not the dress code violaters.


That is why I hate it when people start spouting the definition of formal wear-what it really is and not what the cruiselines accept on formal nights.


Many people who cruise and are cruising for the first time are like I was, they have never been to a black tie formal affair-and they are afraid they will be dressed incorrectly as they do not understand what the mainstream crusielines require for dress on formal night. They are NOT the blue jean wearing, tee shirt with slogan wearing, "this is my vacation and I will wear what I want" type people.


99.9% of these people are not even crusing HAL or Celebrity-the more upscale cruiselines but Carnival or Royal Caribbean. I can tell you from experieince on Carnival and Royal Caribbean BOTH, many people do not dress to suggested code on formal night or even casual night.


So this woman wearing a LBD and being concerned if it is correct is worrying for nothing-even on Celbrity and HAL she will look very nice on formal night.


Thank you, Mrs. Moose for your kindess and geniune empathy for other's feelings.

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Mrs. Moose that was so kind and sweet what you said here.


You know this type thread is the main reason I have hung around this board so long. Most people who ask if something would look right in dress are asking because they feel unsure for some reason or another, (often because of health issues) they care how they look and do not want to stick out as differant . they are not the dress code violaters.


That is why I hate it when people start spouting the definition of formal wear-what it really is and not what the cruiselines accept on formal nights.


Many people who cruise and are cruising for the first time are like I was, they have never been to a black tie formal affair-and they are afraid they will be dressed incorrectly as they do not understand what the mainstream crusielines require for dress on formal night. They are NOT the blue jean wearing, tee shirt with slogan wearing, "this is my vacation and I will wear what I want" type people.


99.9% of these people are not even crusing HAL or Celebrity-the more upscale cruiselines but Carnival or Royal Caribbean. I can tell you from experieince on Carnival and Royal Caribbean BOTH, many people do not dress to suggested code on formal night or even casual night.


So this woman wearing a LBD and being concerned if it is correct is worrying for nothing-even on Celbrity and HAL she will look very nice on formal night.


Thank you, Mrs. Moose for your kindess and geniune empathy for other's feelings.


Momofmeg, thank you for the kind words,it was very nice of you to take the time to write to me and say that, but no thanks required, I wrote from my heart and my head.


I fully understand what you wrote and I agree with you completely with what you wrote about your thoughts on the subject.

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;) everyone has their own opinion and I think that this dress is very appropriate....times have changed greatly....as long as it's not something you wear everyday (which this isn't,lol) and it's black so as far as I am concerned this is lovely ;)

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That is why I hate it when people start spouting the definition of formal wear-what it really is and not what the cruiselines accept on formal nights.


momofmeg - the OP specifically ASKED for definitions in her first post. I would certainly assume that someone asking the question, wanted to hear all the different views. Otherwise, why ask??

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momofmeg - the OP specifically ASKED for definitions in her first post. I would certainly assume that someone asking the question, wanted to hear all the different views. Otherwise, why ask??


the definition she got back was for black tie events and not the mainstream cruiselines' definition of formal wear. I have never been on an upscale line and I know 99.9% who come here for adivce for their first cruise are not talking about an upscale line but Carnival or Roayl Caribbean.


I don't know about you and what lines you cruise- but even on HAL and Celebrity,the most upscale I have been on-though not really upscale , the LBD's and sparkly tops with black dress pants were more in evidence then evening gowns.


That is what I was referring to-and also this other person who was in a wheel chair and felt a LBD orr cocktail dress would work better on her and many had blasted the poor woman.


You know as well as I do-many of the regulars who post on this board-do not even cruise that often, they come here mainly just to talk about fashion, and when they do cruise- they go on more upscale lines then the mainstream lines. So maybe on those lines all the women wear evening gowns and the men wear tuxes-I don't know-I doubt I will ever be able to afford a line more upscale then Celebrity, and even at that, not every cruise for sure.


Mrs. Moose can afford that type of line-but even though she can- she does not turn down her nose at those of us who can't. I thought what she said was very sweet and kind and if I want to compliment her for caring about other people-why should that put your nose out of joint?

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Momofmeg, that is very nice of you and kind of you and I thank you.


You do "get me" that is for sure with what you wrote. I would never and never do turn my nose down or up on anyone for what is on their back or what they can afford such as a cruise or what they buy or otherwise. I simply was not raised that way.


I was raised that all jobs are important, or they wouldn't pay you to do the job. If it's an honest living then that's all that matters. Some jobs pay more, some pay less, but it's all the same in the end "a job". Today you can be rich tomorrow poor.


I'm rich and on top of the world if I'm healthy and my family is healthy.


People are people, I do not see their clothing, disabilites, or whatever, I see them for what's inside. If I like a person it's not for what they wear or where they go, it's for who they are inside.


Someone will always have less or more than me. Someone will always be thinner or bigger than me.


I try to put myself in others shoes so to speak. How would I feel if I were treated that way? is a question I always try to ask myself.


One of my closest friends would think a Carnival cruise is the most luxurious vacation in the world for her and her family. When she does get the opportunity to travel a Super 8 would be luxurious as she stays at dorm style universtiy residences or goes camping because that is all she can afford and this year her family can't even afford that, and we are close friends. I don't see her as poor or rich, just as a nice person who is a good friend. She sees me the same way. Another close friend in the US who is living on disability as he became disabled is grateful that he won a 2 night vacation at Niagra Falls from a local raffle for him and his wife. Still when I go to their area, we go out for a meal and talk for 3 hours and all 4 of us have a great time, no one notices who is wearing what, we just have a ball.


I know one couple who will cruise Carnival but could afford Crystal, they just choose not to spend their money that way. They also choose not to spend it on their backs/feet.


This is an annoymous board so how would I even know how much money anyone has just because of a cruise line they choose or how much they say they spend on their "back/feet".


My oncologist doesn't want to cruise Crystal, Radisson, or any of what I've gathered to be "upscale" lines. I think his favorite is Princess. That is his choice even though he could probably afford any line he would choose.


I come here because I love fashion and to talk about clothing. Maybe I shouldn't be on this board because I'm "not a cruiser", but I figure it's a public board so it's no big deal and plus the fact that when some of my friends who do cruise talk about cruise life, I have an idea of what they are talking about and can join in somewhat as opposed to them feeling they are excluding me from a topic of conversation. Some ask questions and this way I can also partake a little with all that I've learned from the people here.


You know Momofmeg, you are quite right too, I went on Radisson, and because I came to the boards here before I went on the cruise, I looked at what some people wore, and I didn't see anything "way out there", just normal people, wearing normal clothes. Some cost more some cost less. Even though it was all CCC we all know that there is expensive CCC and non-expensive CCC and I saw it all, and most was just ordinary mainstream clothing. Just because it was a Radisson, didn't mean everyone was decked out in designer duds, and it certainly didn't mean everyone had good manners.


I've been around too many snobs and what I call "wannabees" and I don't like it and I hope I am not one and never become one.

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Momofmeg, that is very nice of you and kind of you and I thank you.


You do "get me" that is for sure with what you wrote. I would never and never do turn my nose down or up on anyone for what is on their back or what they can afford such as a cruise or what they buy or otherwise. I simply was not raised that way.


I was raised that all jobs are important, or they wouldn't pay you to do the job. If it's an honest living then that's all that matters. Some jobs pay more, some pay less, but it's all the same in the end "a job". Today you can be rich tomorrow poor.


I'm rich and on top of the world if I'm healthy and my family is healthy.


People are people, I do not see their clothing, disabilites, or whatever, I see them for what's inside. If I like a person it's not for what they wear or where they go, it's for who they are inside.


Someone will always have less or more than me. Someone will always be thinner or bigger than me.


I try to put myself in others shoes so to speak. How would I feel if I were treated that way? is a question I always try to ask myself.


One of my closest friends would think a Carnival cruise is the most luxurious vacation in the world for her and her family. When she does get the opportunity to travel a Super 8 would be luxurious as she stays at dorm style universtiy residences or goes camping because that is all she can afford and this year her family can't even afford that, and we are close friends. I don't see her as poor or rich, just as a nice person who is a good friend. She sees me the same way. Another close friend in the US who is living on disability as he became disabled is grateful that he won a 2 night vacation at Niagra Falls from a local raffle for him and his wife. Still when I go to their area, we go out for a meal and talk for 3 hours and all 4 of us have a great time, no one notices who is wearing what, we just have a ball.


I know one couple who will cruise Carnival but could afford Crystal, they just choose not to spend their money that way. They also choose not to spend it on their backs/feet.


This is an annoymous board so how would I even know how much money anyone has just because of a cruise line they choose or how much they say they spend on their "back/feet".


My oncologist doesn't want to cruise Crystal, Radisson, or any of what I've gathered to be "upscale" lines. I think his favorite is Princess. That is his choice even though he could probably afford any line he would choose.


I come here because I love fashion and to talk about clothing. Maybe I shouldn't be on this board because I'm "not a cruiser", but I figure it's a public board so it's no big deal and plus the fact that when some of my friends who do cruise talk about cruise life, I have an idea of what they are talking about and can join in somewhat as opposed to them feeling they are excluding me from a topic of conversation. Some ask questions and this way I can also partake a little with all that I've learned from the people here.


You know Momofmeg, you are quite right too, I went on Radisson, and because I came to the boards here before I went on the cruise, I looked at what some people wore, and I didn't see anything "way out there", just normal people, wearing normal clothes. Some cost more some cost less. Even though it was all CCC we all know that there is expensive CCC and non-expensive CCC and I saw it all, and most was just ordinary mainstream clothing. Just because it was a Radisson, didn't mean everyone was decked out in designer duds, and it certainly didn't mean everyone had good manners.


I've been around too many snobs and what I call "wannabees" and I don't like it and I hope I am not one and never become one.


thank you Mrs. Moose-it just seems many do not like me personally and take offfense at my posts. I know people give their opinions on stuff, I just wish people would also explain to new cruisers that cruiseline's formal nights are not really black tie.

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thank you Mrs. Moose-it just seems many do not like me personally and take offfense at my posts. I know people give their opinions on stuff, I just wish people would also explain to new cruisers that cruiseline's formal nights are not really black tie.


I'm sure many don't like me either, but that's ok.


I have to tell you, you raise an excellent point. I always believed that "formal night" for a cruise meant absoultely a tux (no suits) for men and a full length ball gown for women. That it was an asbsolute must, that nothing less was acceptable.


To be honest, I waited to go on my Alaska cruise because I didn't know about Radisson and all CCC and DH and I refused to bring what I thought was an absolute necessity for "formal night". Finally someone told me about Radisson and all CCC so I got to go.


At that time, the few people who I knew that cruised said they wore tux and ball gowns and the others that I now know who cruised hadn't cruised yet or we didn't talk about it or I didn't know them at the time.


So your point is a very valid one and a good one in my opinion. I haven't a clue as to what people wear but from all the posts I've read, it doesn't have to be strictly "tux and ball gown".

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I'm sure many don't like me either, but that's ok.


I have to tell you, you raise an excellent point. I always believed that "formal night" for a cruise meant absoultely a tux (no suits) for men and a full length ball gown for women. That it was an asbsolute must, that nothing less was acceptable.


To be honest, I waited to go on my Alaska cruise because I didn't know about Radisson and all CCC and DH and I refused to bring what I thought was an absolute necessity for "formal night". Finally someone told me about Radisson and all CCC so I got to go.


At that time, the few people who I knew that cruised said they wore tux and ball gowns and the others that I now know who cruised hadn't cruised yet or we didn't talk about it or I didn't know them at the time.


So your point is a very valid one and a good one in my opinion. I haven't a clue as to what people wear but from all the posts I've read, it doesn't have to be strictly "tux and ball gown".


EXACTLY-but from many posts here-as in telling that woman her dress was not even semiformal-and making her feel badly about choosing that dress- and it was a LBD-perfectly accceptable on every line I have been on-I just could not undertand that.


But you say even on Radisson it did not have to be black tie? I just figured it was there.


I do know, not all the upscale cruiselines have a dresscode. Cruisewest allows shorts even at dinner and they start at $5000 a person-we are not even paying that much for our 12 day balcony cruise on Jewel of the Seas next summer-and we have saved YEARS for that cruise as it is our 25th anniversary cruise.


I do not think Cruisewest has a formal night.


I want you to know too, I don't care if you take cruises or not, you do give good advice to first time cruisers on dress. That is what is important.

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You know as well as I do-many of the regulars who post on this board-do not even cruise that often, they come here mainly just to talk about fashion, and when they do cruise- they go on more upscale lines then the mainstream lines. So maybe on those lines all the women wear evening gowns and the men wear tuxes-I don't know-I doubt I will ever be able to afford a line more upscale then Celebrity, and even at that, not every cruise for sure.




That would be me. I've been on one four day Carnival Cruise and had a blast but probably will not cruise again. I post on these boards because I travel a good bit (a lot) and my love of fashion.

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That would be me. I've been on one four day Carnival Cruise and had a blast but probably will not cruise again. I post on these boards because I travel a good bit (a lot) and my love of fashion.




I would have never quessed that from your posts. I figured you cruised upscale lines. Carnival is a good value cruiseline but other lines are much nicer, I think from your posts, you would love Celebrity. People dress much nicer on that line. Only at the after dinner show did I see a few who did not stay dressed on formal and informal nights-and they were only a handful-if that-and that was a 5 day mini cruise on an old ship-the type of cruise that is more common to see.


I did not mean to sound as if I was criticizing you Blue Herons-in fact I thought you cruised alot-I just don't like it when people tell first time cruisers they should dress black tie on formal nights. We know formal nights are not really black tie.

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I could NOT agree more with dzboss1's post above. If you spend all of your dining time analyzing what everyone else is wearing, you're missing out on the whole point of the dining experience. Enjoy your friends/family and have a great dinner! If you don't approve of what someone else is wearing, get over it! As long as it's not jeans and a t-shirt, it's fine. Mumom95 - that dress is just fine! I would like to have one myself. Where did you find it? Don't worry about it. Just enjoy your cruise! You'll look smashing in that dress I'm sure!

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I would have never quessed that from your posts. I figured you cruised upscale lines. Carnival is a good value cruiseline but other lines are much nicer, I think from your posts, you would love Celebrity. People dress much nicer on that line. Only at the after dinner show did I see a few who did not stay dressed on formal and informal nights-and they were only a handful-if that-and that was a 5 day mini cruise on an old ship-the type of cruise that is more common to see.


I did not mean to sound as if I was criticizing you Blue Herons-in fact I thought you cruised alot-I just don't like it when people tell first time cruisers they should dress black tie on formal nights. We know formal nights are not really black tie.


I didn't take it that you were criticizing me and know exactly what you are saying.


I have spent time in some of the nicest resorts in the world thanks to my extensive background in the hotel business (talk about a job with nice perks). I also have spent a lot of time at formal functions.


I loved the whole cruise thing and would maybe go trans Atlantic or Alaska if I go again.


I really thought Carnival was a great bargain and had a fantastic time.

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I didn't take it that you were criticizing me and know exactly what you are saying.


I have spent time in some of the nicest resorts in the world thanks to my extensive background in the hotel business (talk about a job with nice perks). I also have spent a lot of time at formal functions.


I loved the whole cruise thing and would maybe go trans Atlantic or Alaska if I go again.


I really thought Carnival was a great bargain and had a fantastic time.


Oh I would cruise Carnival again too and am sure I will-I just feel with your tastes you may like Celebrity better.


As some would say Carnival is Holiday Inn-not a bad place to stay but Celebrity is more like Marriott. Just slightly classier.


You realy should go to Alaska- an entirely differant feel then a caribbean cruise. I loved Alaska's beauty and heck I would cruise there on any line just for the chance to go there again!


I am just plain hooked on cruising! that IS our vacation every year-we don't do the "land thing" anymore. If I could I would cruise much more often-we just don't have the pocketbook (or the time either) for it.

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While some folks seem to have gotten a bit emotional about this subject - I have found this thread to be a pretty good discussion of the issue.


I've chimed in on other posts about what is and isn't formal wear when folks started coming up with "rules" to which they expect everyone else to adhere simply because they are their idea of what formal is and isn't.


I worked my way through high school and college selling women's formal wear and I've discovered that what many people arbitrarily designate as "formal" isn't really the traditional definition of formal. I still have the occassional work-related event that is truly formal, and really don't look forward to the gown, hosiery, undergarments, hair torture, makeup and other acrutriments (SP??) that is expected at those events.


I have a different definition of formal for my cruises - - everyone is on the cruise to enjoy themselves. Formal night is an excuse to "dress up" and feel pretty -- whatever form that takes for you is formal when you are on vacation. It should be fun, not stress inducing.


While there are always those folks EVERYWHERE who are mean-spirited and narrow-minded enough to judge others by their outside appearance. I don't worry about those folks beyond my feelings of pity for them - in so far as I've found that all sorts of people are worth knowing - even those folks who are not wearing the correct labels or this seasons' latest fashions.


So rest assured that if I am on a cruise with you, I will not be doing a Joan Rivers on everyone coming into the dining room! Relax, have fun, play nice!:)

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