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Accessories Loser needs advice

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What does a well prepared woman stock in the way of accessories? I'm pretty much a t-shirt/polo and jeans kind of girl with a few decent dresses stashed away in the closet (I've learned that much!) but am totally hopeless when it comes to accessories. My small jewelry collection is mostly from my godmother, a woman who seems to have lots of handbags, scarves, and matching shoes.


Please do tell me what you think I should add to my "classic style" accessory collection. Think more Audrey Hepburn than Paris Hilton or Oscars Worst Dressed list. I have 1 pair of black high heels I usually wear with formal outfits and they're Chinese Laundry I got for my prom 8 years ago (hey, they're cute and comfortable. They still sell these shoes). Otherwise it is a shiny loafer or low heeled boot.


I've worn nail polish once in my life- for prom. Burt's Bees lip shimmer is about as fancy as my makeup gets. Clearly, I'm out of my comfort zone when it comes to wearing heels (my father insists I "clomp around" in them and look funny).


Like the Devil Wears Prada movie Trailer, I'd say I'm fashionable but the true fashionistas would not.


Give me some advice, please? What accessories do you consider essential to a good basic wardrobe? What accessories make the "change a few accessories, wear same dress, and voila! new outfit!" magic happen?


[And please don't sign me up for a reality/talk show ;) ]

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The first thing that came to mind was some sort of an evening bag. A little clutch can really make and outfit look nice, and so much more pulled together in my eyes. Also, it will give you a place to put your keys, makeup or anything else so your poor husband won't have to carry them around for you (as we all know women's formalwear has no pockets). A classic style, probably in black would be best if you only get one. Black goes with most anything, and we already know it will match your shoes :) As for other accessories, I'll let the women here tell you, since I'm sure they're much more knowledgeable than I, but I just wanted to throw my one bit of advice in there :D

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The first thing that came to mind was some sort of an evening bag.


Should a clutch be an evening clutch in cloth? Or is a small underarm leather handbag okay. What's considered a "classic clutch". Sorry, here in the geek squad area of California, very few events involving evening clutchs head my way. Now the different types and brands of messenger bags I can explain...

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While Bethwte is correct that if you are only getting one handbag, black goes with everything (and your shoes:) ), I feel that one of the easiest ways to accessorize is to get a bag with a punch of color. Or shoes in an unexpected color. For example - yesterday I wore a dark grey skirt suit, with forest-green kitten heel shoes and a rich red "hobo" purse. It wasn't matchy-matchy, but everything went well together. Another day I might wear the same suit with high black heels, a crisp white shirt, and a patent leather black clutch.


I tend to wear the same jewelry over and over - but try to incorporate newer, trendy pieces - I just bought a chunky turquoise necklace and earrings, but haven't figured out what to wear them with yet:o . I don't wear gold, but it is certainly classic. I have a set of pearl earring studs and a matching necklace I wear a lot, also a silver earring/necklace set from Tiffany's that sees a lot of wear.


A "classic" clutch is going to be approximately envelope-size, with no strap. regardless of fabric/material. If you wanted, you could also/instead get a tiny dangly evening bag. I'm a big fan of wristlets when I cruise, because all i need to carry is my lipstick and my room card.


This is getting sort of long - but the key is to be confident in your appearance!

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There are a couple of things that you could add to make your look timeless.


Watch: start with a nice watch. A clean metal two-tone watch which would go well with either silver or gold, would match jeans or even a sundress.


Earrings, a simple pair of diamond studs go with everything. Gold hoops are also a staple in my wardrobe. And don't forget the ever popular pearl earring. Once you have the basics, then you can look at dainty delicate drop earrings... not too overpowering, but pretty.


Bracelets: gold bangles, and a charm bracelet (I really want one of these, that way whenever we go on vacation, I can add a charm to remember the place by).


Necklaces: pearl strands are classic, a chain with a diamond on it. I have an Omega necklace that I wear close to my neck, almost like a choker, and I have pendants that I can add to it depending on my outfit.


Belts: Basic black / brown leather


Shoes: try some wedges... you would be surprised at how comfy they are. I can wear heels, but when I wear my wedges, I can wear them all day with no pain at all!


Bags: clutches are great... I have a metalic cloth one that is pretty simple, but very pretty for formals.


It seems like you are a very down to earth girl, so I think that your look should represent that. Pick things that you feel comfortable in that compliment you (and your budget:rolleyes: ).


Have fun with it... this is one of the reasons it is great being a girl, you can change your look with simple accessories each day!


Good luck and enjoy!

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Classic on a budget includes the following:


1. A good watch.


2. A string of pearls (cultured are just fine) & a pair of single pearl stud earrings.


3. A pair of black pumps.


4. A black twin set.


5. A good pair of black trousers.


6. A crisp white button down shirt.


From there, the rest can be up to you -- a pretty scarf, maybe some gold earrings, a fun pin, a blue blazer, maybe grey slacks & a good suit.


Good luck. Have fun developing your wardrobe & sense of style.

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well it sounds to me you are a basics type of gal. That is a good thing because now that you have the basics you can buy other stuff that only matches one or two things.


I believe in buying the basics and then as you can afford to-you can go into colors. so if you see a paii of shoes that you love but you have nothing that goes with them-that is okay-you have the basics now- you can buy a dress or slacks later that only goes with that pair of shoes.


What is bad is when you buy that pair of shoes that goes with nothing you have and you need a pair of shoes that will go with lots of things you already have. (You know your good black shoes are worn out but you see those fushia ones and just have to have them!)


I am looking forward to that movie too- and I am more an Anne Hathaway type then a Merle Streep type myself.


One thing that has really helped me in that area is that show What Not To Wear. Stacey and Clinton have great advice and they say buy that colored shoe-they say everything does not have to be matchy-matchy as long as the colors do not clash.


They would stick that fushia shoe with black slacks and a teal jacket and say everything is fine because the colors don't clash. I still have trouble doing that though!

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I think you got some excellent tips from RachelD and Trish1.


I'll assume you're like most 19 year olds and on a tight budget, if I'm wrong, so much the better. <g>

So to that end, I'd skip buying an evening purse. You said that you hardly ever have the need for one, so why spend the money? When the occasion comes along, at that point you can perhaps borrow one or pick up one inexpensively.


Depending on your lifestyle, bodytype and geographic location, there are many variables. If you're a jeans kind of girl, then a classic navy blazer is always a good wardrobe investment and looks casually polished over a white shirt. Always buy good shoes - buy less but buy better, especially when it comes to the basics like a good summer sandal, a winter boot and something inbetween like a loafer.


The real key to looking great is to buy clothes that fit you well and don't look cheap. I'm not saying to never buy a $3.00 tanktop in a wild color, I'm really referring to the basics - the "investment" pieces that you'll wear for years.


If nail polish and make-up aren't appealing to you, skip them. As you grow older you may find you change....or you might not. However, do make sure your nails (hands and feet) are nicely trimmed and filed and it's never too early or too late to take care of your skin. Wear sublock and use skincare that addresses your particular needs.

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Everyone has given you good advice. One thing I'd add is, I'd try to find a saleswoman who knows what she's doing and tell her you need help.


Once your basics are covered, you might try stores like Ross, TJMaxx and Nordstrom's rack. You can buy a lot of goodies and not drop a lot of cash.

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I'm actually 26:D But have been in student mode for a long time (just got my master's) and I think I might have a good start on the basics.


Here's a few items I do have, based on the comments:

- Blue Blazer: It might be a bit big, though, so I'll be on the lookout for a fantastic blazer.

- Good watch: Fantastic titanium Tissot I bought in Switzerland. Oops, I need to replace the battery.

- Pearls: Thanks to my godmother and other relatives, I have a choker and longer (24/29"?) pearl necklaces.

- Black Trousers: Just bought a hideously expensive Banana Republic 0P suit trouser (it flows so nicely) and it looks Fantastic on me. Didn't get the coat as it was only so so and didn't fit well.

- Bags: Tiny Black Coach bag and a few others for more casual use.


Where does one get a well-made classic white shirt for a petite? Brooks Brothers?


I'm going to take your wonderful advice and will be on the lookout for fashionable saleswomen. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? There have been a few women (sales and not) whose clothing has caught my eye and I'll definitely try to take a camera phone pic of each one I see from now on. Also, I made a rule 2 years ago that anything (even the cheap stuff) that I buy must fit well. I may be a tomboy but my clothes mostly fit.


Guess I should subscribe to Lucky Mag and Instyle again. Those magazines helped me build my limited classics wardrobe in the first place. Will be watching "What Not to Wear" instead of Star Trek...:o


?? However, what does one throw over the Little Black Dress that changes it from night to night? A different shawl or necklace?

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For a little black dress, I think the accessories that will change it the most will be a necklace and/or a "cover" of some type. Could be a dressy blazer, shrug, shawl, etc--depends on the style & cut of the dress and where you plan to wear it. Sometimes Glamour and Marie Claire (mags I subscribe to) do "day to night" features--wear the dress to work, change the accessories and wear it out for cocktails & dinner after work, etc. Though shoes are nice and I agree you should have a couple pairs of good quality classics, when you're looking to quickly change your appearance, I think items near your face get the most attention.


For a classic white button down for petites--try Talbots too--they have a great petites selection, lots of good "classics".

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THe LBD has lots of options with accessory changes -


Summery - with colorful (but not beachy) jewelry, linen shawl, summer sandals.


More fall/winter dressy - Pearls to be classic/demure, long Opera Length crystals and black satin high heels for drama. Lipstick.


Upscale/casual - a bolero or a unique shawl, stand-out bracelets and a pair of great boots.



VERY important is a GREAT haircut! Go to an upscale store and look for women with great haircuts that look like something you might like and ask her who cuts their hair. A good stylist with give you options that work for your hair texture, facial shape, image you want to project and your blowdrying/styling ability.

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A good stylist with give you options that work for your hair texture, facial shape, image you want to project and your blowdrying/styling ability.


How'd you guess that my hairdresser despairs over my (lack of) blowdrying ability? She cuts my styles to "air dry", especially for the summer. In the winter, I blow dry my hair to avoid catching a cold. Whenever I get a new shape, she shows me how to style it and has me try to do part of it so I can learn.


Thanks for explaining how to take the LBD into different styles. That'll help me with my shopping strategy.

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I'm actually 26:D But have been in student mode for a long time (just got my master's) and I think I might have a good start on the basics.


Here's a few items I do have, based on the comments:

- Blue Blazer: It might be a bit big, though, so I'll be on the lookout for a fantastic blazer.

- Good watch: Fantastic titanium Tissot I bought in Switzerland. Oops, I need to replace the battery.

- Pearls: Thanks to my godmother and other relatives, I have a choker and longer (24/29"?) pearl necklaces.

- Black Trousers: Just bought a hideously expensive Banana Republic 0P suit trouser (it flows so nicely) and it looks Fantastic on me. Didn't get the coat as it was only so so and didn't fit well.

- Bags: Tiny Black Coach bag and a few others for more casual use.


Where does one get a well-made classic white shirt for a petite? Brooks Brothers?


I'm going to take your wonderful advice and will be on the lookout for fashionable saleswomen. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? There have been a few women (sales and not) whose clothing has caught my eye and I'll definitely try to take a camera phone pic of each one I see from now on. Also, I made a rule 2 years ago that anything (even the cheap stuff) that I buy must fit well. I may be a tomboy but my clothes mostly fit.


Guess I should subscribe to Lucky Mag and Instyle again. Those magazines helped me build my limited classics wardrobe in the first place. Will be watching "What Not to Wear" instead of Star Trek...:o


?? However, what does one throw over the Little Black Dress that changes it from night to night? A different shawl or necklace?


It sounds as though you have some beautiful things to me and you need advice? I don't think so-you could teach the rest of us a thing or two!


If the neckline works. wear your pearls with the LBD and then another night wear a nice CZ necklace or silk scarf. Ofcourse that depends on the neckline of your dress as to what would work. I think you already know that though!

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Okay, the secret to making nail polish last, for me is Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails, I put it on for manicure day and one coat each day thereafter. I can get my polish to last five days that way. I was a chipper before and my nails never grew. I got a compliment last weekend wherein I was asked where I had my nails applied, since they look so natural. THEY'RE MINE!! That was fun.


For accerories. Don't ask me about shoes. I'm hauling along 11 pair on my next cruise. Just sad.


Jewelry I am better with. I have a pair of large gold hoops. Not ridiculous, but definetly showy. I wear them with everything. I also bring a pair of silver as well. For evenings I have a pair of gorgeous faux pearls that look real. I did pair a pretty penny for them, but they are drops. I bought them at a better department store. I also take a pair of pearl earrings my husband bought me for our engagement.


Brooks Brothers is the perfect place to buy a classic white shirt btw.

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I do not shop there myself but I know that Ann Taylor has a petite section and their looks are fairly classic.


They have good sales as well. :)


A great twinset would go well with the trousers and is versatile.


I agree that a pair of gold hoops are a staple. There are many sizes available and you can surely find a pair that you will wear often. Since you have a watch that is titanium, perhaps earrings in a combination of white and yellow gold would work best for you.


I am not conservative or classic in my tastes and never wear my pearls but it is nice to have a strand or two. I prefer bold pieces as that is that is what best suits me.


A great pantsuit sounds like it would work well for us and can be dressed up or down with the right accesories. For more formal events there are some elegant tuxedo outfits available for women. If you could ever snag one at a great price, you just might get some good wear out of it.


I have never learned how to wear a scarf well (I look like a flight attendant in training) but if the look appeals you might find this really dresses up an outfit.


And I like the look of a metallic belt with a crisp white blouse and trousers.


The final thing that comes to mind is to invest in a slim back skirt in a year round fabric. It can be worn with boots, flats or kitten heels (what do you think of those?) for different looks and paired with a blouse, sweater, twin set, etc. I think it is an essential wardrobe staple.

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What do I think of kitten heels? Well, I hope these will fit me 'cause they'll be in the mail soon. Bargain score from the advice you ladies gave (get a bright shoe and wear it with a solid. Doesn't need to be matchy matchy)


Lots of earring advice but alas, I don't have pierced ears and am too lazy to actually get them. You need to clean your earlobes right after piercing, right? However, the hair doodads thread presented a great eBay resource for cute things to stick in my hair, instead. Still draws attention to the face and possibly right beside the ear.


"Flight Attendants in Training"- Hermes "Playtime With Your Scarf" book free pdf download (I found this link from lifehacker.com, just to give full geek credit )

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