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Curios about the Majesty reviews. Is it that bad?


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I can spell curious I just can't type or edit that part!!


I have read the latest reviews posted on CC and I am a bit concerned about the Majesty's reported condition. I sailed her twice but that was three(and four) years ago. People are saying that things are in poor repair/condition and while service is good even the menus are minimal.


Some other opinions, please. I am not saying no negative feedback I just would like more to go on. There really hasn't been much on this part of the boards.




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Suggest you try the "Search" function at the top of the page.


Contrary to what you wrote above, most recent Majesty returnees have been quite positive about their experiences. It's uninformed blanket statements like yours--when read by newbies--that give ships an undeserved bad reputation.









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I was on the Majesty in June. As a ferry to and from Bermuda, it is unsurpassed. The ship is NOT in a state of disrepair, as some have posted. Yes, it does show a bit of wear in places, but they are being addressed with routine maintenance.


If you are looking for the traditional 7-night gracious cruise experience, you will not find it on this ship. The food is nothing special, thanks to the Freestyle concept, which dumbs down every meal to fewer choices while making your seating more problematic. And your choices for entertainment are mediocre, since the ship has to shut down shops and the casino for the 3 1/2 days in port. The cabins are almost comically small. However, if you are looking for a clean, inexpensive way to experience Bermuda, this is undoubtedly your best way to get there.


OK, Hotspur, go ahead and start hurling your usual nasty flames, since you seem to specialize at shooting the messenger.

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I was on the Majesty in June. As a ferry to and from Bermuda, it is unsurpassed. The ship is NOT in a state of disrepair, as some have posted. Yes, it does show a bit of wear in places, but they are being addressed with routine maintenance.


If you are looking for the traditional 7-night gracious cruise experience, you will not find it on this ship. The food is nothing special, thanks to the Freestyle concept, which dumbs down every meal to fewer choices while making your seating more problematic. And your choices for entertainment are mediocre, since the ship has to shut down shops and the casino for the 3 1/2 days in port. The cabins are almost comically small. However, if you are looking for a clean, inexpensive way to experience Bermuda, this is undoubtedly your best way to get there.


OK, Hotspur, go ahead and start hurling your usual nasty flames, since you seem to specialize at shooting the messenger.

You seem to "specialize at" bashing NCL's ships while failing to mention the circumstances that are the cause of the items you gripe about.


You must be aware that all ships docking in Bermuda have to "shut down shops and casinos" while docked. So why knock Majesty for doing so? There's a show every night in the theater and music in a number of lounges on Majesty, just like every other ship docking in Bermuda. With your usual negativity you make these sound like faults specific to Majesty. Some of us don't care a whit about casinos or shopping on cruise ships--especially when docked in a lovely place like Bermuda.


Sorry you didn't care for Majesty's food. Those writing the reviews cited above clearly have a different opinion. Guess whose opinion I will readily discount. And freestyle doesn't "dumb down" anything. It simply treats passengers as adults capable of deciding for themselves when, where, with whom, and in what attire they would like to dine. Sorry you couldn't cope with that flexibility. We've never waited more than ten minutes to dine on three freestyle cruises on full ships not built for freestyle. Perhaps it was the passenger who was "problematic."

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We did the Majesty on June 11th and loved it. You will absolutely love Bermuda. I found the ship to be much nicer than I thought and based on some of the reports. the trip is so easy from Boston. Being able to dock at an island for three and a half days is truly a great experience. Why rush from island to island when you can experience an island at your own leisure. The buses in Bermuda are quite an experience......Hold on....


I found the food to be acceptable to really good. The waiters and service was so great there were times I thought I was eating in a luxury restaurant. While it's true the boat doesn't have all the stuff the bigger boats do - I found it comfortable and fun. There's something about the Majesty that I found to be very "home like" and comfortable. I never felt overwhelmed. I actually laid out and did nothing. I enjoyed the quiet decks below the 10th floor. If you do some exploring you'l lfind some quiet places. If you like action - stay upstairs by the pool area.


We played bingo but found it to be too expensive. We only lost $20 in the casinos. That was our big limit. We saw one show and enjoyed it. We wished we had seen more of them.


We loved the casinos and stuff being closed while in port. If you want to gamble then don't go on this trip. This is a trip for people who love to explore at their own leisure.


The rooms are small but adequate. The next time I would get a window so I could see Bermuda at night from my room. Our room stewarts were so cute and nice I wanted to bring them home. We did tip them very generously and received alot of attention.


You really need to experience St. George from the 10th deck of the ship at sunset. It's really quite lovely with the sun shining on the buildings which are painted pastel colors.


Make sure you go to the little street festival the first night. It was small but really quite quaint.


The best thing I thought was how easy it was to get off and on the ship. You simply walk out a door right onto the dock. St. George is beautiful too. The beaches were incredibly nice. I found Tobacco Bay near the ship to be a fun place for the kids to just wear masks and look at the fish. It wasn't crowded either. It's quite a walk if you have children. We took a taxi over and the little shuttle bus on the way back. I wish I could remember the name of the ice cream place we went to. It was near the zoo and Swizzle Inn. I think the ice cream was made with real cream. It was really super.


Bermuda can be really, really hot. Even in June I was sweating with the humidity. Be very careful at the ocean too. If you get a sunburn the first day - it could put a damper on things. It's so beauitful swimming there it's really hard not to get burned.


My daughter loved doing the Dolphin Dip. It's really quite a unique place located inside a fort. The fort was very pretty. Take the water taxi over - it's so much nicer than the buses which can take forever. I liked the bus ride the first time because you get too see all the coves and houses, etc. However, having to take the buses all the time can be tiring especially if you have to stand. They drive really fast especially around corners. Don't stand unless you absolutely have too.... Buses come very frequently. It's worth it to wait if you can't sit. Riding the buses does give you a sense of how people in Bermuda live here. There's alot of waving going on.


Watch out at the caves - if you are not in shape you might find the steep stairs (82 of them) to be hard especially when you near the top and you suddenly experience the humidity. If you do both caves, there's alot of stairs.


After exploring the island all day - it was so much fun to come back to the ship. It would be waiting there with all that food and comfort. I loved the way it towered over the small town. It's just so pretty to go up to the top floor at night and look over the town.


We had a really wonderful family vacation. I loved the Majesty and especially the crew. Even though I love kids (I have 7 of my own), I was glad we went before school was out. I could see on a ship it could get annoying if alot of kids were running around.


Anyhow, enjoy your trip. If you think you're going to enjoy it - you probably will...... We did. We hope to do it again soon.

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I have sailed the Majesty to Bermuda four times and plan to sail again in August. Like many Majesty fans, I accept the cruise for what it is..a small comfortable ship with a super crew which stays in beautiful Bermuda for three full days. The fact that we can drive to the pier and reach such a nice destination makes the cruise perfect for DH and myself. That being said, I am sad to say that on my most recent trip on the Majesy last August, the quality of the food had slid a bit. For instance, the first two times we sailed, I ordered steak diane in the dining room, and the beef was tender and the sauce delicious. On last August's sailing, DH and I ordered the same dish and could not eat it because the meat was unchewable and the sauce was overly salty. I mean really salty. Who knows, perhaps they were having a bad week. That happens at restaurants at home, too.

We noticed that a number of dishes that we had enjoyed previously were being prepared differently, and DH and I both felt that there was a marked drop in the food quality in the main dining room. Did it ruin our cruise? Nope, the crew was still fantastic, Bermuda was still sunny, and I was still on vacation.


I think that some people are put off by the tiny cabins, and the overpriced drinks and bingo. That doesn't bother me, because I am only in the cabin to sleep, and I can elect not to purchase liquor or bingo, but it may be important to someone else.


I am encouraged by the recent reviews where people are saying that the food was good. Perhaps NCL recognized that people were not satisfied and

took steps to improve. I hope so. I am going in August, so I will post my impressions when I return.

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Personally, I have loved this ship and itinerary both times I have sailed. In fact, I recommend Bermuda to all clients especially if they have never sailed. I like the Majesty for the town and the beach. I just wanted to know if she had declined as was said by some.


I think for two the cabins are fine. I took my three kids on this ship for their first cruise so she will always be special.


I realize that many people love to complain but even though she is not grand or new or big I do think this is a great ship and a fabulous itinerary. I am glad you feel the same.


Seven kids. OMG. I am glad you can cruise, god knows you deserve the rest!


Hotspur you are wound way too tight. You're a regular little conclusion jumper, you are! Defending her honor is commendable, however. Just try not to attack so viciously, please. Also, the recent returnees should submit their reviews to the Review section if they are so stinking HAPPY!!!!!! That would neutralize a few of the bitter, unhappy folks that "will never sail NCL again". Just a suggestion.


There, I feel better...

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Hotspur went my throat before over my initial observations of the Majesty, so I expected another vicious attack. This time, he/she totally ignored all the good things I said and, as always, focused only on what he/she could twist for his/her own personal bashing purposes.


OK, Hotspur, I get it that you believe there is no better ship/itinerary on the planet, and I have no beef with that whatsoever. To each his own.


However, your relentless personal attacks on me are quite offensive. I realize I'm in good company because I've checked your previous postings and found that you seem to assume more often than not that everyone's an NCL basher and go for someone's jugular, including the OP of this thread, who simply asked for information.


I've sailed with NCL 24 times. If I hated them, why would I keep returning? I've asked you before how many times YOU have sailed, but I don't believe you responded. Until I see what qualifies you to be THE expert on all things NCL/Majesty, your comments carry no weight with me, so please move on to your next victim.

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We have traveled on the Majesty 3 times before and are going again in october. When we pulled in to boston , october 2004 the majesty went into drydock for 10 days... so i hope we see some of her improvements this time... we went on a 10 day rccl last yr w/ a balcony.. it was great.. but we love the Majesty and her crew.... its so comfy, will be sad when she no longer makes her weekly trips to bermuda :( . I believe since we started cruisng on her we appreciate the ship... you can't compare her to the mega ships.... they are totally different




NCL Majesty Oct, 2001,2002,2004 and 2006

RCCL Jewel: Oct 2005

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Hotspur you are wound way too tight. You're a regular little conclusion jumper, you are! Defending her honor is commendable, however. Just try not to attack so viciously, please.

Sorry, Gypsea, but you could have asked your question without adding the "Is it really that bad," don't you think? The "conclusion-jumping" I'm concerned about is when some newbie scans the thread titles and comes away thinking the Majesty isn't worth sailing, when you and I know better and should be trying to avoid giving that incorrect impression.


LuvBNatC's generalizations and usual negativity, as always, is to be ignored.

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Was on Majesty in february and they were working the whole time on the ship refinishig floors and painting. I personally thought it was very clean, cleaner than an RC ship I had previously been on.


Everyone's tastes and quality expectations are totally different. We did not care for the food at all. And had great and horrible dining service.

On our cruise the hamburger place at the back was great but not opened 24 hours. People either love or hate the freestyle dining.


We go on cruises to relax, read, eat etc. Not for big entertainment , crowds and such. So a small ship suits us fine. Yes the rooms are small but not bad. Tendering is easy with a small ship. There were no lounge chairs by the pool but only tables & chairs , ok with us we wanted quiet upstairs anyway.


Back to your initial Question the ship is very clean and the cabin stewards were magical elves whom we never saw but cleaned our room immediately and left towel animals every night

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We took the Boston to Bermuda cruise on the Majesty in May, Good cruise for most part, I love the fact we were docked for three and a half days didn't have to worry about missing the boat. The food was nothing great except for the Turkey Dinner which was excellent. We seen every show, great high energy shows for such a small ship, We enjoyed them all, We didn't play bingo because we thought it was very expensive. We had been on bigger ships and I will stick to that, but that is just my preference. Clean Ship I didn't see much wear and tear although I know she is an older ship. Didn't leave much in the Casino either I would rather spend my money on something I can see. Not many shops one shop with clothes, one with Jewelry and that is about it. Only downside is the 24 hour pizza shop on the top deck. You either get your drinks first and walk down to the other end of the ship to get your food or vice versa which I think is a really dumb concept. We had rough seas so was a little queasy the last couple of days of the cruise but I didn't miss anything. We enjoyed the parties even though they had to work around the weather and had to move some things inside. Mike Witte the Cruise Director was AWESOME. The Chocolate Goddess of Love was wonderful and the Juggler was great...................... And the Production company was great, I found it hard to walk on the ship and they are up there dancing. Hats off to the Majesty. Would I do it again, probably not but thats just me nothing against Norweigan..........................

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Was on Majesty in february and they were working the whole time on the ship refinishig floors and painting. I personally thought it was very clean, cleaner than an RC ship I had previously been on.


Everyone's tastes and quality expectations are totally different. We did not care for the food at all. And had great and horrible dining service.

On our cruise the hamburger place at the back was great but not opened 24 hours. People either love or hate the freestyle dining.


We go on cruises to relax, read, eat etc. Not for big entertainment , crowds and such. So a small ship suits us fine. Yes the rooms are small but not bad. Tendering is easy with a small ship. There were no lounge chairs by the pool but only tables & chairs , ok with us we wanted quiet upstairs anyway.


you just gave most beautiful answer to everybody in you post.!!you must know what you are looking for on cruise.For people like you who like to read,relax and dont care about food and entertaiment NCL its a peferct line.(I am not carcastic ).People who like to be active and looking for activities and entertainment or like to dress up for diner ,they should not book this line ,this way its gonna be much less negativ revies.Do you search people before you go:)

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We've gone on the Majesty 8 times and are going out of Boston again in September. It is an older ship - not flashy, no gigantic shopping mall or rock wall or skating rink and yes, the cabins and suites are smaller. But it is a comfy, "kick off your shoes" sort of ship. Frankly, we've done a number of the newer RCCL ships and waste a day or so just finding out where things are. The Majesty has great nooks and crannies where you can grab a drink (liquor or otherwise), put up your feet, sit by a window or in a window seat and watch the water go by - or the stars. Their cheeseparing ways can be noticed (prices of things. inroom ammenities, etc.) and some of the food - like the Lido buffet- is really predictable. But I look at it this way: I'm not cooking, I'm not cleaning, I'm being catered to and Bermuda is just fantastic. In a couple of years the Majesty will be retired, I understand, and be replaced by a newer, larger flashier ship. And I'll bet the newer glitzier ship won't be able to pull right in to St. George or Hamilton and so what you gain from glitz you'll lose from the immediacy of the docking. It is clean and the staff are nice and you can't have a bad time. I have never seen dirt though you can see window haze in some areas; it is like going home for a lot of us. In a way it is nice: we have the same pictures taken almost every year at the same place against the ship - the gangway in Bermuda. Oddly enough, every year we seem to change but behind us the Majesty is still there unchanged. I'd equate it to one of those older hotels or inns that people love to visit - no hanging antriums or flashy balconies but predictable good times. Hope this helps. Margretha

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