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Need Great Ideas of clever things to bring


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This didn't reference the post that was quoted, but it was about bringing clothes line and pins to hang laundry on the balcony. For a very good reason ships ask that you not hang laundry on the balcony. It can be a very real fire hazzard if someone from above decides to flick a burning cigarette butt over the side of the ship. Not to mention that the ship would start to look like the Clampetts are sailing on the ship. We just use the laundry service (just a few things is really not that much money), some ships have laundry rooms with dryers. I wash only my underthings in the sink and there is a clothesline in the shower. Wash in the morning, dry by that evening.


Think carefully about every "thing" you pack, make sure you really need it. You are not going camping and the cabins have plenty of storage if you utilize the space provided. I know people are well intentioned, but these lists get so carried away. On our first cruise I took these suggestions seriously and not only took way too much luggage to accomodate the "extras", I spent a fortune on junk I never used and eventually threw away or into the Goodwill bag.


We have never used a hamper, post it notes, over-the-door shoe hanger (bought it, got rid of it), thermal cups, highlighter pens, etc...


We have used and always take a tap light for the bathroom (rude to be awakened in the middle of the night by the bright light of the bathroom), a short extension cord, a small battery powered alarm clock and a very small first aid kit with typical remedies and a few bandaids. These items are even used in hotel rooms and are a permanent part of our always packed carry on.


We learned the hard way to always take one cell phone, we don't use it to chat with friends at home while on the trip, but it is essential to call for shuttles, directions to hotel, check with family once during the week and most of all, if you get stranded at the airport you can call the airline rather than wait in line. All of this has proven over and over again to be good choices for our "extras".


So take only essentials that will enhance your vacation and leave the gimmicky things at home.


You're right you know, but sometimes people do need the "extras". So I think it's like, what do you really need and prefer. Some don't need these, others do and really do use them.

But I agree with you totally "think carefully about every "thing" you pack".

So true!!

Thanks for your tips!:)

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You're right you know, but sometimes people do need the "extras". So I think it's like, what do you really need and prefer. Some don't need these, others do and really do use them.

But I agree with you totally "think carefully about every "thing" you pack".

So true!!

Thanks for your tips!:)


Agreed. Just like with the cruise reviews. Some of the things that make or break a great cruise for one person, have no bearing for another.

That said... Another thing or two that we like to bring:

The walls of the staterooms are steel soooo


1. Magnetic hooks for hanging my necklaces from (DH also uses them for his neck beads that he likes to wear in the tropics).

2. Magnets to post papers to the walls. Like our daily cruise paper and anything else that we don't want cluttering the surfaces in our room. You should see the "wallpaper" after a two week cruise!

3. Magnetic spice tins that I keep my earrings in.

4. Chip clips for keeping the curtains closed and not letting in that annoying slip of light.

5. A deck of cards to play a simple card game together while waiting for the entertainment to begin (we like good seats).

6. Cork screw & bottle stoppers

7. Not sure what to call this one...a gizmo that seals a caned soda, to keep it fizzy. I like the club soda in the mini bar, but one can can last a day or two for my needs.


That's a few that come to mind that make our cruise what WE want it to be.





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Persons who like magnetic hooks should consider the damage that magnets might do to cards with magnetic strips.




Hey John, not sure what that means? Why would a card be anywhere near a hook on the wall??




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Hey John, not sure what that means? Why would a card be anywhere near a hook on the wall??





Magnets have to be packed, one false move while travelling, and who knows what those magnets might come into contact with. Play safe, and forget about magnets.



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I agree with the duct tape but don't pack a whole huge roll! If you can't find "travel size" duct tape just unwrap 10 ft. or so off your big roll at home and wind it around on itself to make a little roll. It came in very handy once when the airline broke my suitcase.


Also--I take a bungee cord but not for my door. I use it to strap my carry on bag to my big rolling suitcase. That way I can roll both bags together at the same time and still have one hand free.


I take a small flashlight and hope I never need it. But in the event of a power outage at least I know I won't be stumbling in the dark. I also take the small power strip (there's only one outlet in the room). A book light (in case one person at night can't sleep) and one of those giant suction cup hooks to put in the shower for hanging wet bathing suits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with the duct tape- I wrap some around a pencil so I don't have to bring the roll.

I always bring a nightlight and one of my favorite things is to buy a plug in scent that I've never used. Then I take it home (save the screw on cap) and the scent takes me right back to the ship!!

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You're right you know, but sometimes people do need the "extras". So I think it's like, what do you really need and prefer. Some don't need these, others do and really do use them.

But I agree with you totally "think carefully about every "thing" you pack".

So true!!

Thanks for your tips!:)


Memory tags are great things! Good idea!!




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Bring a flash light, you will probably never use it, but if there is a blackout you will be glad of it


Flash lights come in handy for checking under the bed, and finding the time at night.



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  • 1 month later...

I've not tried it, but maybe those repositionable sticky dots people use in scrapbooking?



Please give a craft-challenge girl some ideas!


What is the nicest way of wrapping the dollar bill around the mini-candy bar?

It feels like I shouldn't use scotch tape. What are your thoughts?

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  • 2 months later...

Bump! I love this post :)


A lot of ppl bring neck lanyards for s&s cards. I personally find that gets in the way and looks silly on me. What I do is, I buy a cheap stretchy bracelet from Dollar Tree or Wal-Mart and attach a keychain ring or clip to it, then attach my hole punched s&s card to it. Kinda cute and functional :)


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2

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Not sure if this was mentioned before but a cup with a cover on it. I had to purchase one and I have them at home.

I was able to have coffee, tea, lemonade, water with lemonde, hot chocolate and bring to the room instead a cup with no cover.


A can opener was one thing we so needed for that extra beer you bring to the room.


Rain hat if you are going to Alaska!:) Had the raincoat but the hate was a must!

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I agree with the duct tape- I wrap some around a pencil so I don't have to bring the roll.

I always bring a nightlight and one of my favorite things is to buy a plug in scent that I've never used. Then I take it home (save the screw on cap) and the scent takes me right back to the ship!!


I take about 3-4 feet of duct tape and wrap it around a straw, then cut the straw down. That way I have a very small & compact roll of duct tape to pack. I keep the same in my car for emergencies too.

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Most of the other posters have hit on everything I can think of, but I'll add a few thoughts. I pack a small packet of wipes and small zip lock bags in my day pack for excursions, along with protein bars -- the reason for wipes and zip lock bags is that I typically grab an apple at the breakfast buffet to take along to snack on, then after eating it on the bus, I have sticky hands and nowhere to easily stash the core (or banana peel) until I can get to a trash container. When you're out and about, the wipes and hand sanitizer are very helpful.


I think the magnets for the cabin walls is great -- I took them last cruise and they were very helpful for tacking up daily schedules, excursion tickets, etc on the cabin wall. I packed them totally separate from any credit or id cards with magnetic strips.


Also - photocopy of your passport and store it separately - in the event of loss, having this would be helpful (however, am not talking from personal experience thank goodness). Also I take extra pair of my prescription eyeglasses and also a photocopy of my eye prescription - again, you never know.


I have an LL Bean toiletry bag that hangs, multiple pockets, etc., it is great for hanging on the back of the bathroom door, readily accessible. I also take a room freshener for the bathroom.


We just came off a transatlantic 15 night cruise and I did wash out undies and spot wash a small area on a shirt to make it wearable again -- and I had a cheap stretchy type clothes line with clips that I used, it was handy.


Highlighter is a must also, for marking up activities of interest on the Compass while on those many days at sea coming home from Iceland!

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I pack a small packet of wipes and small zip lock bags in my day pack for excursions, along with protein bars -- the reason for wipes and zip lock bags is that I typically grab an apple at the breakfast buffet to take along to snack on, then after eating it on the bus, I have sticky hands and nowhere to easily stash the core (or banana peel) until I can get to a trash container.


Just an FYI, bringing food, especially fresh fruit, off the ship is completely forbidden at many ports, in many countries. If you are caught with the food, and have not declared it you can be fined a huge amount of money, if not worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  1. If you don’t like what is offered on the main menu, you can ask the waiter for either a steak or grilled chicken.
  2. Any pasta item on the main menu CAN be ordered as an appetizer. Just ask.
  3. Post cards, foreign postage stamps and playing cards are available at the pursars desk.
  4. Get a FREE lanyard at the Casino. Pursars desk will punch a whole in it for you.
  5. 24 hour pizza place also serves Calzones and Caesar salads. If you want a special topping and they have it they will make you that pizza.
  6. Go to tea-time they have different snacks and its a nice place to relax
  7. Ask the steward if you forget something ie toothpaste...they often have samples
  8. Bring baggies of assorted sizes. For saving snacks for excursions and wet clothes.
  9. Take the tour of the galley
  10. They have an early and late night seating as well as captains party...take advantage of both for double free drinks.
  11. Bring on own bottles of water, and soda and save $$$
  12. Bring a reusable cup with lid...less trips to get a drink
  13. Ask for your drink in a plastic cup (not the fancy one ) saves $$$
  14. You may be able to eat free lunch at the places they charge for dinner
  15. Orange juice is available at the same place all day they just remove the label
  16. You may get a free facial if you call the spa and ask to be a volunteer.
  17. Tie a bright ribbon/scarf to your luggage for easy spotting. Also can work on cabin door
  18. When the regular hot tub is too full, use the spa one.
  19. Use of the sauna/steam room is free
  20. Use the spa shower if multiple people need to shower at same time
  21. Ask for children’s dessert menu (banana splits)
  22. Bring Duct tape
  23. Bring a highlighter
  24. Bring post it notes
  25. Sit close at the port talks sometimes they toss out free stuff
  26. You can ask for extra pillow chocolates
  27. bring an extension cord/power strip
  28. Early and extra tips for stewards = more perks for you
  29. You can order free drinks from the bar in the room at Captains dinner as opposed to those on the tray.
  30. Bring travel hooks to hang stuff in your room
  31. Bring a few paper funnels to make filling the water bottle easier.
  32. Bring towels from home to avoid fearing losing one
  33. Take a hand towel with you to the beach it will help remove sand and is handy for lots of other things too
  34. Baby powder helps remove sand
  35. Use a magnet to trick the balcony door into thinking its closed to keep the air on
  36. Most ships have a secret door...find it
  37. you can also print cards to take with you on the layout of the ship...simply use a word document...format in normal 8pt bold: Times New Roman: 8pt and divide into for equal columns.
  38. Self disembarkation is FASTER
  39. It is possible to ‘smuggle’ alcohol on board
  40. Make sure to stock up on "snacks" before debarkation. The wait can be pretty long and everything is closed during this time. Except for the coffee shop which takes cash
  41. Cards become demagnetized don’t use your credit card for the room safe
  42. If the safe will not open call the desk they will send someone to open it
  43. If you get sea sick you can go to the Pursers desk and ask for pills. They are free there
  44. use your telephone for leaving each other messages in the cabins
  45. Did you know you can call Carnival's Bon voyage department and pre-order alcohol to be delivered to your cabin? You can order bottles of hard liquor so that you can make your own drinks. You can't order online. You must call to set this up. It is a little pricey but worth it and cheaper than buying by the drink.
  46. Do walk the entire ship on your first day
  47. You can also ask your Room Steward for the book that is in your cabin
  48. Bring a night light/ alarm clock
  49. bring water shoes
  50. The ship uses two types of toilet paper. Both are made by the same company. The sandpaper they call "envision" you will not want to subject your bottom to for 8 days. Ask your room steward to make sure that your stateroom is stocked with the "preference" paper instead.
  51. Bring a sweater the dining room can be cold

you are so awesome. i have cruised many, many times and i have learned a few tricks from you!!

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Many of the ideas here are great! I'll be trying some new ones on our next cruise!

I absolutely always bring a power strip and extension cord. A word to the wise - make sure if you have items with 3-prong plugs, you do not only bring a 2-prong extension! Been there, done that, so now I always bring 3-prong extensions.

Also, the tip about packing half of your clothes in someone else's suitcase has saved us twice, so if you are flying, do it if you can! Also, pack a change of clothes/bathing suit in your carry-on so you can change when you get to your cabin and start enjoying.

Don't waste space on hangers - you can always ask your cabin steward for extras, I always get at least another 12 hangers and just leave them in the closet at the end of the cruise. Same thing with vases - I've picked up a bouquet at the Pike's Place Market, then asked the steward for a vase on board. No fuss!

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  • 9 months later...

Glad you revived this thread. My latest tip isn't something to bring, but something useful to do. I put a standing order in with room service for a pitcher of ice water for each evening. It saved me the trip to the Buffett each evening that I was doing to have fresh cold water in my room at night and in the morning.




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