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What is the worst behaivor you have seen by a passenger on an NCL ship


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From my many years managing ships:


Husbands punching wives; wives punching husbands.

Husbands strangling wives; wives strangling husbands.

Husbands and wives threatening each others' lives.

Fistfights - usually over sunchairs or a place in line.

Brawls in cabins where everything was destroyed.

Passengers trying to jump overboard.

Passengers trying to push other people overboard.

Passengers biting security Guards.

Passengers assaulting Security Guards.

Passengers assaulting Receptionists.

Passengers assaulting Sales Staff.

Passengers assaulting Shorex Staff.

Passengers assaulting dining room waiters.

Passengers assaulting cooks in the Lido.

Passengers sexually assaulting Security Guards, Sales Staff, Receptionists.

Passengers arrested for shoplifting (Many, many times).

Passengers arrested for stealing ship's property (Many, many, many times).

Passengers unwilling or unable to pay their bills (Many, many times).

One passenger punching the Captain.

People running naked through passageways.

People having sex in public rooms (with other passengers present).

People; some naked, some clothed, defacating in public areas.

People; some naked, some clothed, urinating in public places.

One kidnapping (over ownership of a sunchair).

Passengers throwing furniture overboard.

Passengers throwing ship's artwork overboard.

Passengers throwing just about everything overboard.

Passengers trying to smuggle firearms onboard.

Passengers booking additional cabins and then opening shops, beauty salons, and travel agencies in those cabins. ("Nobody told us we couldn't do it")

Passengers firing up charcoal BBQs on their balconies.

Passengers lighting candles and butane hair curlers, forgetting about them and burning up their cabins (Many, many times)

Passengers dropping heavy objects from the top of the atrium.

Passengers spitting from the top of the atrium.

Passengers with service dogs, allowing them to bite other passengers.

Passengers with service dogs, allowing them to defacate and urinate in passageways and then walking away from it.

Passengers witrh service dogs, allowing them to swim in the pools.



Thankfully I have 5 cruises under my belt and only once encountered bad behavior. Nothing like this. If I would read this before my first cruise, I never would have gone!!! Nail Clippings??? Diapers???? :eek: YUCK

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On a cruise through the Mediterranean this one couple insisted that they had to sit in the front seat of any tour bus because the wife was disabled and couldn't walk to the middle or back of the bus. They would push to the front of the line to make their claims and everyone always gave in. Funny how I saw her walking all around the ship and through museums with no trouble! And then when we were going through the Vatican the guides and staff were adamant about no flash photography in the Sistine Chapel. The husband looke them directly in the eye and started flashing away. When they told him to stop he did until they turned around and started flashing away.

Like the rest of you we have met so many delightful and charming people on cruises. I always sort of pity the 1% who cannot enjoy the cruise unless they feel they are putting it over on someone, getting something more than the others, breaking a rule, or just taking advantage. They must live such miserable, empty lives if these are their greatest joys.

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I must say, that I find NCLpassengers very pleasant and very laid back. We cruise in the summer, and we never had a problem with unruly teenagers on NCL. Nobody pushes, or rushes, or shows up at 7 a.m. to reserve pool chairs.


Here's my story -- We were in the Seven Seas Dining Room, eatting breakfast, at the adjoining table was a couple, who didn't even look up to say "good morningt" (I have a theory that one of the reasons some people cruise NCL is that they are introverts and don't like talking to strangers, but I digress) Well, the lady takes out her nail clipper and CLIPS HER FINGERNAILS. right at the breakfast table. :eek: While we were eatting.


I agree with you on the fingernail clipping nastiness, but I also wanted to point out that the reason I wanted to take an NCL cruise so bad WAS due to me being an introvert! Now I am a friendly person, I just don't care to make the usual same old round of "Hi good morning" small talk with EVERY single traveler I should happen to be within distance of. So don't always be so quick to judge. I am not being rude, just don't feel like chatting.

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Thankfully I have 5 cruises under my belt and only once encountered bad behavior. Nothing like this. If I would read this before my first cruise, I never would have gone!!! Nail Clippings??? Diapers???? :eek: YUCK



I only have done 2, and thankfully both cruises I loved and will do many more. When we went on the Carnival cruise last Dec. there was a table of 8 adults who put all their 7 or 8 children at another table. Fighting, spills, yelling, drooling, ect. Poor waiters were besides themselves, and really we should have complained as we were right there, but didn't.


Turned out though due to a choking incident of one of the toddlers, the last 2 nights of the cruise an adult (most unhappy) had to sit there. It was quite a show every night though in the dining room.


What those poor waiters have to go through! Ours who also had to serve these ninnys we gave him a huge tip and his helper. They went above and beyond imo.

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We've had a few stories to tell too. Here they are:


Latitudes Party: We are standing in line to go into the Spinnaker Lounge as the doors are still closed. Well, there’s two entrances and thus two lines. Just before opening the doors, a crew member takes our line and tells us to go to the back of the other line. Now, keep in mind once inside the lounge for the party, being at the beginning of the line will not mean a better seat, a better handshake from the captain, a greater chance at winning a prize. What I’m trying to say, there is very little value in being in the front of the line. Everyone is going to get in. It may mean, you get your drink first but that’s about all. Well, there were a few people who threw a fit about having to move and did they let it be known. Complain, complain, complain. Seriously, I thought they were going to start asking for compensation for having to move. I could just envision a one time poster in our future talking about their nightmare cruise. One of the ladies complaining the most, we observed for the entire party appeared as though it was the end of the world. I tell you her anger was HUGE. She even called over one of the officers to share her feelings. It’s one of those times, you just wonder folks, what’s the world coming too.


Next Story…. Kids in Specialty Restaurants: Now, let me first preface this topic by saying our two kids have been to every specialty restaurant. They are well-traveled, well behaved kids who know their manners and how to act appropriately. They also dress well for the occasion. It’s our second night in LeBistro and there are four adults with seven young kids. The parents are loud, the children are louder. Some kids are standing on the chairs, some kids are laying on the floor, one kid is playing with the fake candle using it as a flashlight. Shoes and socks are off of one kid and they have been discarded almost in the aisle. Kids up from the table, then back, kids running out of the restaurant, kids running back in. Kids yelling. It was nuts! Our final straw is when one of the adults starts singing very loudly with one of the kids, “Dora the Explorer”. We kindly asked our wait staff about moving table locations, but it was a full house. The maitre ‘d came over and profusely apologized. Since we hadn’t ordered yet, we suggested we go outside and have a drink and return when the family had left or a different table was available. "Excellent idea" he said and he escorted us out to the bar where we had a drink. He soon came back for us, apologized again, seated us for dinner where we thoroughly enjoyed our meal. Bottom line, staff and Maitre “D handled the problem with professionalism and ease and we just wonder, what were those parents thinking?


And then, there was Animal House at Sea... for those of you have been around for a while here on CC, I'm sure you remember the tales of the "nightmare" college kids who were drunk, disorderly, and damaging the ship. Too much has already been said on this one so I'll let it go at that.

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And then, there was Animal House at Sea... for those of you have been around for a while here on CC, I'm sure you remember the tales of the "nightmare" college kids who were drunk, disorderly, and damaging the ship. Too much has already been said on this one so I'll let it go at that.


I was waiting for that - enough said :rolleyes:


those that need details just type Animal House in the search engine

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How about this....on the 7/29 Dawn Cruise, an adult punched a teen in the dazzels lounge for drinking. This is what i got out of the situation, but appearently the adult had been giving the teen "looks" for drinking while on the dance floor and the teen approached the adult about it, then exchanged fists. I caught a view of the end of the brawl which then cause security to close the club and finally ID people...

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  • 2 weeks later...

We just returned from the NCL Sun on August 19th and the WORST behavior, I have to say came from my own kids ages 6 and 8! Mind you, they can be great kids, polite and happy and they had a ball but they just seem to get a little too rambunctious for my taste when we travel. And in the enclosed quarters of a ship's cabin...it's magnified 10-fold! They don't just walk down the hallways, they have to run, skip and cartwheel everywhere we go! We did get a lot of "understanding smiles" from a lot of fellow passengers but to all who were on our ship that may read this, I apologize for Lily and Casey's antics!


Funny, when we returned yesterday, I was telling my mom about their behavior and she just smiled and said, "paybacks!"



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yeah, that 'what's in it for me' attitude really stinks. we were on a cruise where unfortunately we could not stop at grand cayman due to rough seas, what are ya gonna do, right? this happens. i happened by the front desk as we were sailing off and there was a nongentleman there asking for compensation for the missed port. the staff were trying to explain that missed ports sometimes happen due to weather, seas, etc, it is beyond their control. but this nongentleman kept on asking for some sort of compensation because he missed his port. how is not slipping and getting smashed between the hull of the ship and the tender for compensation? works for me. geez.

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This may get me in trouble but here goes---listening to the woman trying to decide how much to tip the servers and chefs in the Tappanyaki room and mad because she left her papers she had printed from Cruise Critics about tipping in Speciality Restaurants in her cabin.:rolleyes:

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On our March cruise on the Jewel, my three-year-old daughter and I decided to take the Tabyana Beach tour while my husband went off scuba diving (I'm a nice wife, aren't I...but I digress.....)


I deliberately took the ship-sponsored excursion rather than taking a taxi because I felt that it would be a safer environment for the two of us. Big mistake. There were at least 20 buses all lined up taking loads of people to Tabyana, and the pushing and shoving was almost unreal. I'm short...5'1 on a good day, and my daughter was only three. So there I am.....short me and my tiny tot with a huge beach bag being shoved and prodded by a bazillion people who just HAD to make it on to one of the first buses. One older man actually pushed me so hard that I stumbled with my daughter in my arms. My daughter was so freaked out by the entire thing that she started to cry. Some young man finally took pity on us, grabbed my arm and guided us out of the mayhem. I then waited until the crowd died down and boarded a less crowded bus. It's unfortunate that common courtesy for some seems to fly out the window.....

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I had to walk down this hall to go anywhere on the Spirit from my cabin in Deck 6 mid. One night, I was walking back and forth a few times, popping in and out of my room every hour or so and each time noticed a cabin I passed got louder and louder. I saw 11 y/os going in and out with a secret knock. After I saw some of them stumbling out (like they were drunk) I told my BF was tempted to use the knock to get some booze... LOL. Sadly, the next night, we were on the elevator and 2 11y/os were talking about how mad their parents were about the night before and how the kids were instructed to stay in their rooms while their parents were at the party on GSC. One girl was planning on taking the risk to go to the party to hopefully avoid her parents and meet up with the other kids.


We quickly figured that it was a party the night before, parents must have had booze in the room and abandoned it, and the next night, insteading of being parents, went to the island to party, punishing their kids by leaving them on-board! WHAT?!?!?


Look, I don't have kids, but I assume that if you are parents, and want to go on a cruise, DON'T TAKE YOUR KIDS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM!


aside from that, the worst behavior was people being pushy about the elevator

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great thread. I'm normally the mildest of people and don't react, but there are times.....


1. Carnival Cruises: Eastern Med

Was on an excursion to Dubrovnik and the tour had set up a table so you can get a drink. I'm nearly 6' and 300lbs but was tossed aside from the queue by a family of italians. This family kept pusing into queues and nudging people out of the way. When they sent my wife sprawling I'm afraid I kind of lost it. The 'father' got a pair of sore testicles, the 'mother' got a sore ear. We all stayed away from each other after that.


2. EuroDisney I

I'm in a queue waiting for ride with my wife. This little 'child-of-questionable-parentage' kicks stepping on my heel or kicking me in the foot. Asked parents to stop the behaviour and got a french f*** you. Child just grinned and didn't stop. So I stepped back and placed all 300lbs on their precious little foot. They stopped after that.


3. EuroDisney II

Big queue (> 300 people) and this father and son (french again I'm afraid) barges past people, jumps barriers. My excuse was it was a very hot day but I grabbed the father's hat and flung it to the back of the queue. He tried to hit me but was suddenly surrounded by a lot of angry people. Phew.


4. Buffet on Thomson Jewel

Customer picks up a piece of chicken, tastes it, decides she doesn't like it and puts it back.


5. Eiffel Tower

Wonderful sights, and it was time to go down and people would just push and shove to get into the elevator. My 11 year old brother was getting crushed so I had grabbed onto the center post and shoved with all my force backwards. It's amazing how much they complain about pushing and shoving when they're on the receiving end.


6. Thomson Emerald Transatlantic

Every morning I would go for a walk before breakfast and deck chairs would be reserved with books and towels. I'd go to breakfast and come back and there would still be no-one on the seats and people would be looking for places to sit. I've watched them come back after LUNCH and claim the seats. Well I don't agree with this policy so whenever I wanted to sit down I would re-arrange their towels and books into a neat little stack and sit down. I thought it was hilarious when they called the cruise director to complain about what I'd done. She thought it was funny too.


7. Geriatric Delinquents

My 2 year old daughter holds open a door for an elderly passenger to go through. She was completly ignored, not a single thank out or nod of acknowledgement. Bless her little heart but my daugther said to me: "She's a bad girl she didn't say thank you." I was a bad daddy because snorted CocaCola through my nose.

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I was on the Majesty last week and while at the desk picking my reservation slip for LeBistro there was a woman standing there berating the poor woman working the desk because she had made reservations for LeBistro that night and she didnt know she wouldnt be able to order lobster. (I guess there is some law that you cant have lobster while in Bermuda). She went on and on for 15 minutes.....I felt so bad for the woman handling the reservations....

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We have been on four cruises, most recently on the Star in Alaska. On all of our cruises I have been pleased with the overall behavior of our fellow passengers. That being the case, I guess on cruises as in life there will always be a few bad apples.


The worst behavior I witnessed in all of our cruises was from one extended family on the Star. They were sharing a group of staterooms just down from ours and never hesitated popping their heads out into the hall and screaming at each other all times of day and night. Even worse in my book though was one day as I was exiting the buffet area I stopped at a doorway where there were a number of people walking in and out. A very sweet older gentleman holding two cups of coffee as well as sugar and cream packets in his hands had stopped to hold the door open for a couple of people. I thought this was so nice of him. Even though his hands were full he was determined to be a gentleman. My two classy neighbors from down the hall (mother and grown daughter) were walking toward him acting like they were about to go through the door. He waited, holding the door open with his back. I stopped to let them pass and was astonished to see them turn away at the last second and break out into floods of laughter at their funny joke. I was mortified. I said "Sir, please let me hold the door for you now, you're so kind but your hands are full and people keep walking through." He wouldn't hear of it. He insisted that I go first and finally he was able to let the door close behind him and make his escape. I literally wanted to smack those women in their smug, laughing faces.



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I just remembered something we saw on our last cruise on the NCL Sea. My kids were having fun watching the karaoke contests, as one of the members of our roll-call group was participating. Unfortunately, there was another passenger who was pretty drunk by that time of night, and he kept interferring with contests.


The last night, they had it set up like the old "gong show", complete with gong and 3 guest judges from the crew. As they were setting up the show, he walked in, drunk as usual. He walked over to where they had the "judges table" set up -- complete with large, full, martini glasses and a tablecloth. He sat down on the table and as you can guess, pulled the tablecloth and the drinks went flying. The glasses shattered, and the drinks spilled all over the dance floor where the table was set up. They called security to escort him out, and I overhead the judge from the cruise director's staff mumbling something about taking him to the brig. I've always wondered if he actually ended up there :eek: .

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They called security to escort him out, and I overhead the judge from the cruise director's staff mumbling something about taking him to the brig. I've always wondered if he actually ended up there :eek: .


The brig? :eek: They don't really have one a cruise ships do they? Looks like I know where I'll end up.

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Actually, I think they do have some sort of holding room for unruly passengers. There are several reports of people being detained for various security violations, including drugs, who've been put ashore at the next port....

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Actually, I think they do have some sort of holding room for unruly passengers. There are several reports of people being detained for various security violations, including drugs, who've been put ashore at the next port....


I would like to bring forth a motion... Moved that "All cruise lines install a pillory for the public humiliation of unruly passengers." All in favour??


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