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**Welcome to the South Beach Buddy Thread***

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Welcome to the South Beach Buddy Thread! This thread will be a meeting area for anyone who has started South Beach or would like to start South Beach. We are coming together to encourage one another, swap exercise tips and food ideas, and record our progress. Our official kick off day is Monday, July 31st, but if you didn't start on this day, still feel free to interact with us on this thread! Jump in anytime; it's never too late to make a positive change in your life!


Mondays should be our weigh in days, and I think the best way to approach the aspect of logging our process in a uniform manner is to follow the guidelines below, and then plug in our respective numbers. I know everyone can't check into the boards everyday, so if you would keep a record of your exercise/food/progress on your own, you can record your weekly summary on Mondays.


starting weight / current weight / goal weight

Brief description of exercise for the week


Last but not least, I am enclosing some great links that I have been using for the South Beach diet; these are great for people who don't have the official South Beach book, but they are also beneficial for those who do have the book; check them out! These links are not final; I only posted the pages I have bookmarked. Once you click on a link, do some exploring of your own. Remember, this plan will work, but only if we work the plan!










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OK, I'll post first!


189 / 180 / 130


Exercise Summary for week preceding today's weigh in (July 34-30):

Three cardio sessions (30 min / 45 min / 60 min)

Two strength training sessions (each 20 minutes)

One flexibility session (60 min power yoga)


OK, off to have an egg and pack my snack of cheese; good luck today everyone@!

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Hi and thanks for starting this! I'm going back into phase 1 for a few days or a week to get myself back in the zone after a week of camping. I have crohn's disease and can't follow phase 1 for very long but do really well with phase 2.


Starting weight: 237

Now I weigh: 201

Goal for 11/27 (Jamiaca) 180

Ultimate goal: around 140


Last week's workout: Lots of walking around camp and hiking

Yesterday's workout: 15 min. on the elliptical torture device and 30 on the bike.


I'm off to eat breakfast. Probably eggs. We raise chickens so I eat eggs alot!:D



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Hi all, I started on Jume 20, 2006. So far the weight loss has been fast, and I've been eating! Thank God I'm not going hungry, 'cause the fastest way for me to lose willpower is to make me hungry. :) Very little exercise, some dancing - an a few short walks during the day. Its been 90+ with heat index of 102 and killer humidity.


Anyway, here are my stats:


June 20, 2006: Starting weight: 230

Now I weigh: 209

Goal for 10/14 (Caribbean Princess Cruise) 180 - 185

Ultimate goal: around 150


Good luck everyone!!!

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Hello everyone! Today is my official start date, so here are my stats.


Starting weight: 160

Goal for 2/4: 130


I plan to do 30 minutes of cardio three times per week, but have not been able to nail down a weight regimen. Anyone have any suggestions?


Good luck to all!

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Hello Everyone!


My stats.

Weight now - 160

Goal - 140 in time for October cruise.

Exercise plan either cycling or walking the treadmill for 30 minutes 3 times a week. Yoga on the other days.


Good luck to all!

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Well, I didn't do so hot yesterday:( I went to a steakhouse, which is totally South Beach friendly; had the filet mignon, yum! But did I have a side of veggies? No! I had beans (good) and a half cup of macaroni (bad, but at least it was only half a cup!) Then I had a roll with a pat of butter! Oh well, today's a new day, and I will do better!


Hope everyone is doing well; I'm off to the gym for cardio and weights!

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Hi everyone- Did ok yesterday. Didn't really do a complete phase 1 as I have to slide into it over a couple of days or completely risk throwing off my whole digestive system. Stayed pretty true to phase 2 though and did my exercise.


Here's the weight training I've been doing lately: http://www2.oprah.com/health/omag/health_omag_200603_fit.jhtml It's a circuit training set of 3 exercises that progresses every 3 weeks. Circuit training really blasts calories and the fact that it changes up a bit every 3 weeks is good because it will keep your muscles from getting in a rut. I'm on my 3rd week. I like it because it's quick, dirty and yesterday I modified the middle exercise a bit and did the whole thing in the pool.:D It's also upper 90s with heat index of 110 here in Indiana!


I also love, love, love power yoga and pilates, especially Lotte-Berk Method. LBM is short (usually 20-30) minutes and doesn't feel all that challenging until you try to walk the next day.:rolleyes: My favorite of those is Muscle Eats Fat but I have the whole set of 4 and tend to rotate them when I am in a Pilates phase. I haven't done them for a while because I hurt my back and shoulder moving my Grandma from the car to wheel chair and so I've stayed away from training that area until it heals.


Yesterday I did my circuit training in the pool and I just finished 15 minutes on the elliptical torture device and 30 on the bike. I've got to go to the library and get some DVD's to watch while on the ETD. I have an MP3 player but I still find myself watching the clock on it. I can read on the bike. Next week I want to do 20 on the ETD but my mind has to be able to tolerate the time.



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Thank you, this thread is exactly what I needed. I have been on South Beach Diet (SBD) for a few months but I have been lazy with it (especially in the last 2.5 weeks (I was on vacation) where I ate way too much and not always SBD friendly food. Still, I didn't eat too much fast food or highly processed food and it's good because that is my main problem (I went only once to Mc Donald, ate chips 3 times and drank more than the allowed 1 glass of wine... I was more in the 3 glass/day).

I had not seen your post yesterday but I had decided to go back to a strict SBD way of life anyway... your post fits perfectly! I don't have a scale, I really need to buy one. 3 weeks ago, I was weighing 106lbs at the doctor office but I'm sure I gained a few pounds. For me, it's not really a number on the scale thing, I may even gain weight if I go more to the gym (my goal is to go 3 times a week to the gym + follow SBD phase 2).


I hope we can all support each other on this thread.


What would you think about a food intake journal here on this thread. Each day, the people who want to do that could write down what they ate, highlight their good days and get support from others when they have not such a good day.


I also think that it could be fun to create a Meal Plan each week. On Monday, we could all post a one-day meal plan and the other people could choose to follows our meal plan and tell us if they did good on that day, if they liked our recipes and all.

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Hello all! My first day went well. Today may be a little more difficult b/c I'm going out to dinner with friends tonight. My weakness is wine and since I'm in phase 1 the next two weeks are completely alcohol free for me! I didn't do any exercise at all yesterday. I'm also in Indiana and this weather is unbearable. I'm forcing myself to go to the gym tonight though.


I did speak with my doctor yesterday and told him I was trying South Beach. He said he considered it to be the best diet on the market. That was reassuring!


I love the idea of a meal plan thread. I have been sticking to the book pretty strictly and it would be nice to have some ideas to change it up a little.


Hope everyone has a good day!



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Hi Lindsay!

What type of restaurant are you going to tonight?

Most restaurants do have some healthy meals like grilled chicken breast on salad or served with veggies.

As for the wine, I understand what you mean! When I did phase 1 (only 1 week for me), I didn't drink any alcohol and I was happy I didn't (it would start cravings too). When my friends order a pre-diner cocktail or glass of wine, I stick with a virgin Bloody Mary. This way, I'm still enjoying the pre-dinner cocktail with them even without the alcool and it's also a good veggie intake.

During the meal, I ask for a glass of water with a lime. A little lime in my water makes it tastes better and I don't feel like I'm drinking ''only water''.

Please let us know how this dinner went.


About the meal plan, maybe we could start this next Monday. If you join me and suggest a one-day meal plan, I will suggest one too. If 5 more people join us, we will have a week full meal plan.

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I've been on since the 3rd week of June, about 5-6 weeks.


227/ 211 / 150 (ultimate 130!)


Exercise is a downfall of mine. I work long hours as a hospital pharmacy manager. I do walk alot in my job and take the stairs most all the time, but still need to carve out time to do sustained exercise. I hope when my kids start back to school I can get back on some type of schedule.


I use the SBD web site for help in developing my meals plans. Also other low carb cookbook recipies. My DH is on this with me and helps with the cooking!


I hope I can help be of some support to other SBD'er and gain some support too! I really want to be swimsuit ready for next summer!


Jacquelyn :D

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Hi all! Wow, I'm really sore today. Must be from getting back on the elliptical torture device. I hadn't been doing that but I'm sick of being stuck at 201. :mad: Today's a circuit training day but I think I'll definitely do it in the pool. It's still supposed to be in the upper 90's. Ugh, I'm sick of this. Frankly, I'm probably the only one here who is ready for ski season but bring it on! We didn't get to go last year because of the new baby.


Planned menu: Breakfast: SB bar, Lunch: sushi (low rice kind), Dinner: home made turkey and veggie soup. Haven't figured out snacks yet. Probably watermelon.


Lindsey- I'm just north of you near Tipton. I've been wanting to take my son to the track on Friday for some of the Brickyard festivities but the temperature is going to have to drop alot if we're going to make it. It's just not worth the risk of heatstroke otherwise.



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Hi everyone! I went to Damon's (a sports bar type restaurant) last night for dinner and surprisingly fared pretty well. I order the 8 oz. sirloin with sugar snap peas and a salad. The server messed up my order and brought my steak out with a ginormous baked potato with lots of butter and sour cream. I explained the problem and he brought out a side of sugar snap peas but I had to stare at the potato for the remainder of dinner!! Talk about temptation! But I managed to not take a bite. :D So I have survived my first restaurant experience since starting SB and it wasn't painful at all.


I again didn't make it to the gym last night due to dinner running late, but I did take my dog for a 20 minute walk, so at least I got some physical activity in. Tonight I'm headed to the gym for cardio and yoga.


JP, I agree we should start the meal plan thread on Monday. If you and I each post one day's meal plan, we still need 5 more volunteers. Any takers??


Tami, good luck with your plans to go to the track on Friday. I hear it's supposed to cool off a little. I'm a big NASCAR fan and have been to the Brickyard three times. Every time the heat has been a bear especially since there is very little shade.



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Congratulations for ordering the right stuff and to have looked at the potatoe for the entire meal. You're an example for us all!



I go to the restaurant a lot (for lunch especially) and I try to make wise choice (probably not 100% SBD but at least 90%). I'm lucky to have a restaurant close to my work place that serves home-cooked-like lunch and there is always a salad on the menu. Whenever they don't have anything else healthy, I order the salad.


I am on phase 2

Today, my breakfast was 1 small V8 can + 1 ww toast with 100% natural peanut butter + 1 glass of 1% milk.


Lunch: Vegetable soup + Ham served with pineapple sauce (I left most of the sauce) + veggies (no potatoes) + cole slaw (I know, the pineapple sauce + cole slaw are probably not the best choice but it's a good improvement for me) + 1 glass of milk.

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Hi all- Just a quick post today as we're heading out to our homeschool park day in a bit. I did my circuit training yesterday and I'm taking the day off today. I'm going to a dinner theater tonight with my mom and sisters to see Steel Magnolias.



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Glad this board is here! I have been dabbling at SB most of the summer. Difficult because my elderly mother won't eat what I consider healthy, and I refuse to cook two dinners each night. So...I will do what I can, and hope for the best.


I am 197 now and hope to lose 20-25 lbs by late October. I did it before (my mother did not live with me then)...but I know I can do it again. Haven't been to the gym since mother came either, but I will make a concerted effort to get there at least 3x wk. Used to go nearly every day. I miss it.

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Wow, it sounds like everyone here is doing great today! I am glad to hear it; I went and ran my 30 minutes on the treadmill, but did not get to lift weights; Also, I believe I am going to have to miss power yoga tomorrow for a lunch date. Oh well; I'll make it up somehow, I hope :o


Having a South Beach friendly dinner of Thai StyleGinger Beef Stir Fry ( I modifed by adding a bag of veggies; recipe link below); my brother helped me cook, so it was a fun way to pass time this evening:)


Hugs, Andrea


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My DH and I Celebrated 15 years today! I started it off by getting one tooth filled & one filling fixed at the dentist. Numb on both sides!! :eek:


We went to a local greek restaurant. Had a small gyro and a greek salad. Split a wedge of bakalava with DH. Nice, quiet dinner w/o the kids! (But not quite SBD fare!)


For this anniversary we are building a new house! We have the wall poured for the basement and getting the basement foundation ready. My DH is the GC on the project so we are doing this the right way on our schedule. Hope to have it completed by next spring!


Back to SBD tomorrow!


Jacquelyn :D

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Hi all- Just a short post as I need to get out of here in a few. Had a great time at the dinner theater last night seeing Steel Magnolias. Ate way too much but brought the chocolate cake home and sent it to work with DH even though it was sugarless. It just didnt' appeal even though it is GOOD! I guess that's progress.


Back on track today.



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:eek: Off to CLEAN OUT THE FRIDGE! Only way to get a good handle on not cheating.:D Compost heap--here I come!

Picnic on Sunday for my sister's birthday et al, but I am doing a Indian barbecue...so lots of grilled veggies and tandoori chicken. I will make biryani rice, but I can skip that. Can hardly wait.

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V8 small can (I go for low sodium) right when I wake up. I get dressed then:

High Fiber Cereals (I go for Quaker Corn Bran Squares, I think they are ok on SBD) http://magasin.iga.net/index_fr.html

Lait (I go for 1% but skimmed is probably the best).


(Phase 1? Then 1 boiled-hard egg instead of cereals)


Snack: (being of phase 2, I don't always eat my snacks, I usually eat 1 per day)


1 small celery stick with 1 tbspoon 100% natural peanut butter

1 glass of water




1 small V8 can

2 slices of low fat cheese (mozzarella for me)

5 slices (thick) of cucumber

3 slices of ham, rolled (my grocery store has 1 brand that is healthier)

15 grapes

1 glass of water


Snack (I usually don't eat both snack though but you HAVE TO in phase 1)


3 slices (thick) of cucumber

1 slice of low fat cheese

1 can of diet pepsi (OPTIONAL - I need my pepsi in the afternoon and I like the sweet taste)

1 glass of milk




My easy Chili Con Carne recipe (4 servings)


1 tbspoon olive oil

1 onion, chopped

1lbs of extra lean ground beef

1 can of kidney bean, rinsed

1 can of diced (or whole) tomatoes (with its juice)

1/3 cup salsa (or to taste)

salt, peper


In a skillet, pour the olive oil. When it's hot, add the chopped onions. When slightly brow (very slightly), add the ground beef and stir for a uniform cooking.


When the beef is cooked (not brown, just cooked, no pink), add the kidney beans and tomatoes. Add salsa, salt & Pepper to taste.


Then, reduce the temperature to low-medium and cover for 20 minutes or longer (can stay there very long at lower temp if you are waiting for someone, it will just makes it better). Stir occasionaly.


Serve by itself or with a side of brown rice.


1 glass of water with a little lime juice in it (I sometimes indulge for a glass of red wine, depending on the day and if my boyfriends wants wine too).


SNACK/DESSERT (I prefer my snack 1-2 hours after dinner, it's my snack at the same time).


Almond Ricotta Creme (SBD recipe)

1 serving:

1/2 cup low fat ricotta cheese

1 artificial sweetener

1/8 tbspoon almond extract

almonds, sliced (not too many, you already had tbspoon peanut butter this morning)

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Hi Everybody!

How's everyone doing so far?

I did O.K. eating and exercisung till today, I caved and had pizza...ugh! Well, I'm going to go clean house and then jump on the treadmill.

This weekend I'm going cycling so that should help.

Hope everyone does well over the weekend.

Take care.

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