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A&E's TV Show "Airline"

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I saw that too yesterday. How can an airline be allowed to intentinally overbook a flight in the first place? If people paid for a seat, what right does an airline have to tell them it's overbooked and they can't fly? I never used Southwest and I don't think I ever will. It's worth paying some extra money especially if I can't go a day early.




ALL airlines overbook...and so do cruise lines!!!!!

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One thing that I didn't agree with was the one where they decided that the baby a couple was bringing on board was over the age of 2 and needed a ticket, when in fact the baby was mearly 16 months old. Those poor folks had to go nuts finding a way to prove their baby's age...which they did by calling the hospital and having records faxed over to the airport...that would have ticked me off!!


What a show!!

I don't understand why anyone would expect that they wouldn't have to prove the child's age especially if they wanted the child to fly for free - ie they should have had the birth cert. in the first place!
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I agree with many of you who will not fly SWA. They are not my first choice, but because they are the major player at BWI, it keeps airfares low. The bad news is most of the major carriers don't fly as many non-stop routes out of BWI because of Southwest. In order to get a non-stop (low fare) flight for my Triumph cruise, I had to book Washington National to FLL.

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I know that ALL airlines overbook, my point was that it's just plain wrong and I personally feel that I have less of a chance of that happening on another airline, especially after watching what they did to those people on that show.

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I worked for a major airline at the Orlando airport for 18 years--when they offered early retirement (if you had at least 10 years service) I jumped on it to keep my sanity.

Have been yelled at, cursed at, etc etc----

the people on Airline are pretty nice compared to some I've had.

Yes, all airlines overbook, it's a standard policy- just get there early and you will be ok.

One of the best stories was when a lady was checking in and her "hand luggage" which was a small duffel bag started meowing- haha--she was trying to avoid the pet fee(which is now 75.00 big ones one way)

I asked her what that noise was and we went round and round- finally I unzipped the bag and there was her cat/

Do you believe she said"that's not my cat" ok sure haha.

Most people are very nice, but when the weather up in the frozen north delays flights--it's like a day in hell.

Don't you know that the airlines are responsible foro the weather?

Anyway, one good thing- we can get really good discounts on cruises since I worked for an airline.

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I've flown on Southwest a lot for many years. I personally think they are a great airline. From my experience, the quality of their service exceeds most other airlines. Their planes hold 137 passengers. If you check in at the 60-90 minutes recommended time, you will have a seat on the plane. The ones who are bumped off, generally are those who show up at the last minute and choose to not follow the rules. Southwest even allows you to print your boarding pass from your computer at any time past midnight on the day of your flight. So, if you don't want to get bumped off, print your pass out early before you leave for the airport and/or show up on time and don't wait until the last minute. If you choose to procrastinate, you may have to suffer the consequences. I've been on flights that were overbooked by 20+ passengers and the flight has gone out with numerous empty seats. Many people don't realize how many people make reservations, even buy the ticket and do not show up for the flight.

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I watched this episode also and can't figure why SW didn't just bring in another plane. I have flown on many flights with less the 33% occupancy. Maybe this much harder than it sounds just my thought.

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Halos~the show that you mentioned with the 16 month old..I think the airline rep called the hospital but they had no records of that child being born there..correct me if I'm wrong but I think the family ended up buying a ticket for her.

I love this show too and the British version as well, I've been watching since the beginning of the first season.

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I watched this episode also and can't figure why SW didn't just bring in another plane. I have flown on many flights with less the 33% occupancy. Maybe this much harder than it sounds just my thought.

It's a good idea but a logistical headache. The hardest part is just getting the plane, as airlines like Southwest fly at or close to fleet capacity -- if that equipment is in working order they want it in the air. Also, getting the thing prepped (cleaned, fueled, catered) and staff with a complete cabin and cockpit crew are not things that happen quickly. Unless you cancel a flight with less than 33% occupancy, of course. :)

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I too love that show! I stumbed upon it for the first time when I was flying on JetBlue ( how ironic!). I also caught the marathon yesterday and was stuck to the tv for a few hours. Some people are so stupid! That lady that needed to go to CLeveland to get married, but would keep getting drunk - stupid stupid lady.....then the one trying to get to San Diego with her two kids - how embarassing for the kids! If any of their friends saw that show and how their Mom was acting - they'll never live that down!

I did feel for the guy that had such a bad odor that he couldn't board- that was so sad, and he had such a calm attitude about it. Oh, and then that poor guy that was waiting for his girlfriend to show up so he could propose to her, and she never got on the flight. Poor dude.

All the other people I could care less..it was because of their own stupidity that they couldn't make their flights. What idiot gets to the airport 20 minutes before their flight? If they're that stupid, they shouldn't be on an airplane to begin with.

I do give the airline employees a lot of credit. I was offered a job as a flight attendant with United Airlines about 6 years ago, thank goodness I took another job offer instead. I would probably have to strangle some of those people! They need to do a show called "cruiseship" and film the cruise industy, you know all of us would be glued to the TV then!!!

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I also agree that if you are going to get a free flight you should have to have the proof with you. She knew her baby was big and looked older. There are too many people out there that try to get things for free, and lie about it, so because of those shmucks, the honest people of the world have to suffer.

Just like people with AARP, if they look young for their age ( especially if they have been under the knife) they'll probably have to show proof, it should be the same across the board.

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I love watching those shows (including Airline UK about Easy Jet in the UK & Airport about various workers at Heathrow). It always astounds me how rude & selfish many passengers can be. You have to wonder how many of those type the folks who work for Carnival have to handle! Many moons ago, I worked as a reservationist for Braniff. Yes, airlines routinely overbook by a certain percentage (I believe the cruise lines do as well), because they expect no-shows. General rule of thumb--if you're flying to Florida, ALWAYSALWAYSALWAYS make an effort to get to the airport AT LEAST an hour ahead, if not earlier. Virtually every flight, no matter the airline, I've taken has ended up being completely full & they've asked for people to give up seats. Also another reason why you don't want to cut your return time too closely either--you're not the only cruise passenger headed for a flight home.


Just as a thought--that's one reason, even tho it's expensive, to also book flights thru Carnival. If you book your own air & the flight is late/delayed, you're on your own. If you book thru Carnival, I think they do try to a bit more to help you. (Not sure on that, some experts here may know a bit more about that.) But thinking that they'll hold the ship (like that one lady wanted--can you imagine how nasty she probably was with Carnival?!) is usually not gonna happen--altho it is interesting, particularly during the winter, to see how many ships go out late. My mother lives where she can see the port, & when she sees the ships staying late, she'll watch the Weather Channel. Almost inevitably, there are flight delays in major cities. Apparently, if a large number of passengers with Carnival-booked air are on planes that are being delayed, they'll hold the ships.

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I also agree that if you are going to get a free flight you should have to have the proof with you. She knew her baby was big and looked older. There are too many people out there that try to get things for free, and lie about it, so because of those shmucks, the honest people of the world have to suffer.

Just like people with AARP, if they look young for their age ( especially if they have been under the knife) they'll probably have to show proof, it should be the same across the board.




Yeah...I guess you guys are right on that one. I just thought it was awful.


Muddywater, this particular episode I saw, the Mother called a friend of hers who worked at the hospital the baby was born at, and the friend (who was obviously a hospital employee) faxed over the needed documentation...BUT then after all this confusion, when they all went to board (it was a whole family) they had misplaced one of the boarding passes and had to search through their luggage to find it...they almost missed the plane because of that!!!

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Now we know what some of the pursers on the ships go through with passengers. I have seen some of this same type of garbage being dished out by passengers on ships when it has been the passengers fault. It is not easy having to deal with the public period.

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I also enjoy watching "Airline" I applaud Southwest for having the guts to air this. I doubt the other carriers would ever allow that much access to their potential customers.Southwest has been in the top 3 for customer service ratings 10 years straight.


I love Southwest, but then Im always at the airport 2 hours early. The people that use them know the drill "first come first serve" Early birds like myself love it!! With that being said I would NEVER fly to a cruise the same day it scheduled to depart. I think its a great way to get into the vacation mood..get a room with priceline and explore or just relax a day or two before the cruise. I have read far too many reviews of people waking up at 5am to catch an early flight and they pass out right after dinner. :)

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I have to agree with what you said.

There are WAY too many things that could go wrong when you fly on the day you need to sail..not just overbooked flights...mechanical problems alone on planes are enough to cause major delays and tons of headaches for people. It is so much safer to spend a night at your port city pre-cruise.

As far as what one poster said about booking your air through Carnival to avoid a disater...I'd rather take that money you'll be spending by booking through Carnival and book on line instead at a discounted rate and have a night at a hotel REAL close to my ship!!!!

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I find it funny how people can never take the blame for their own negligence and stupidity. They always want to blame everyone else -it's Southwest's fault that the line was long, so I missed my flight. It's Southwest's fault that I drank too much at the bar and now I can't fly. It's southwest's fault...yatta yatta yatta. Although the flight being over-booked by 50....I would have been mad with that as well. I'm sure I would have been fine because I always arrive early and usually always get in the first boarding group. I was thinking about flying in on the same day as my cruise for the next one, but now I think I will reconsider, or just sail out of Baltimore rather than fly anywhere.

I am also considering sailing out of New Orleans, and since I have never been there before, it would be great to spend a Saturday and a Saturday night there before the cruise on Sunday.

Port Canaveral is a nice place to sail out of because you can get there a few days early and hit the theme parks, plus the hotels are cheap out there.

Oh....I did feel for the girl on "Airline" whose wedding dress got run over, but what was she thinking by checking it, rather than carrying it on??????? That was pretty dumb. The she had to make a scene and look like an idiot - when she was the idiot that checked the dress! When I had to fly to San Francisco with my wedding dress, before the wedding, I carried it on, and the wonderful Southwest flight attendants even hung it ( in the garment bag) somewhere by the cockpit, so I didn't have to worry about it getting smashed. That's what I love about Southwest, they will always try their best to keep people happy.

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Definitely plan on spending at least one night in NO if you decide to take a cruise from there.

What a great place!!!!

We stayed at a haunted B&B called The Castle Inn Of New Orleans (which has a great web site (castleinnofneworleans.com).

The people of NO are awesome. We had a great time and I'd sail from there again in a heartbeat.

I've heard some complain about embarkation at that port, but we had no problems because we got on the ship late (probably close to 3pm...it was due to leave at 4). There were no lines at check in at that time. We just sailed right on in. Debarkation was also easy for us that cruise because we had an early flight and were able to debark first. We made out flight with plenty of time to spare.

That was a nice vacation.

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The women with the wedding dresses wedding was already over. She wanted to show her children what she looked like in it since she didn't bring them to Vegas for the wedding. I thought it was dumb also to check a wedding dress in the carrying bag, I don't consider that a garmet bag.

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Regarding the couple with the "big" baby. This was the second leg of thier trip. It was the return flight. It stands to reason that they had already flown SW with their big baby and were allowed to board but this particular SW rep did not take that into consideration.



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They still should have had documentation....if they had gotten away with an over age child on the first leg, why should SW let them go free on the second? With all the docs we need for travel now, it was pure stupidity of the parents to not have docs for the baby and expect the baby to fly free.

PS - SW's website recommends a seat for all infants, lap travel is very unsafe.

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I'm not disagreeing about having proper documentation. However, they purchased round trip tickets. They boarded with round trip tickets. I think once said ticket is purchased and used on first leg of trip that in itself should negate the passengers responsiblity to prove age. That is just my opinion.



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I only fly Southwest wherever I go if at all possible. I love this airline.


I however, have NEVER seen any incidents that they are showing on this tv show, which by the way I love to watch.


I always arrive 2-3 hours early anyway so that I can just sit and people watch, I am always one that gets the first, "A", boarding pass.


It would be fun to see some of these things take place, with or without a camera there so I can watch and laugh at their stupidity.


Judi Hensley

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I love SWA and always use them whenever possible. Like everyone else said, there is no problem as long as you show up early. They will usually offer free tickets to anyone willing to give up their seat, which I have done when not in a hurry. They have the best frequent flyer program of any airlines also. I have received MANY free tickets from them, since I use them for both business and pleasure.



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