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Hoonah, Alaska's Icy Strait Point - A taste of the REAL Alaaqsaq (Alaska)


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Picture looks kinda familiar!!! You can also see this one and others of Koo Hook and ISP at my website:


My apologies John! :o


I assumed flyfisher had taken the picture since he posted the link to it. I like to give credit where credit is due!! Your album is a real teaser to what we look forward to seeing in a few months. :D

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Picture looks kinda familiar!!! You can also see this one and others of Koo Hook and ISP at my website:




I **FOUND** the picture on Webshots!!! I was looking through the pictures post and found Alaska. Lo and behold......the photographer is our very own John!


Giving credit where credit is due! BTW, I especially like picture #20 of the bear strolling lake/stream side! Who did you use for this excursion?? (if you don't mind my asking...)




Sue :D

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Just wondered!! Thought it looked familiar. First time I have run accross one someone else, although I think I've had something like 6000+ visitors to the albums since October or whenever. The bears on the river bed/beach were taken in Katmai NP with day trip from Homer with Halo Bay. Got as close as 10-15' !! Hope you enjoy. And where is your album? JPCruising also has nice photos and his website is on this board several times.



Weren't you on cruise last summer and in Skagway? Or were you doing early planning for this year?

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I have good intentions but have slight technical problemos - such as forgetting to take off the lens cap! DUH!! I haven't advanced to the digital age yet. (the rest of my crew has....) Seriously, I never thought to put mine on the web. (scary!!) Look what happened to you! ;) You know....I've been all over this great world (except the far east) and this would be a very time consuming project for me! Some other life time!


Later.... :D

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Thank you so much for the advice, and now a question - can I do the Nature Trail on my own or is it the same as the Shore Excursion through the cruise ship and therefore something I have to book from them

My name is not anything as exotic as you think. I come from the UK and I am a TOG - lets see how many other UK readers react to that - but it basically means I am one of Terrys Old Geysers and Gals. Terry is a national radio presenter on an early show who has 8m listeners. He addresses his programme to the silly observations in life and in particular to the 40+ market with things like do you remember products that were around in the 60s. No one writes in with their real name so there are people like Hellen Back; Jacob Sladder, Ivy Noidea, Dora Jarr, Edina Cloud etc etc. Oh and we Togs raised £90k through our antics for charity last year

You should listen to the show - its on the web!!

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Weren't you on cruise last summer and in Skagway? Or were you doing early planning for this year?

Hey John :D


Last time we were in Alaska was the week after 9/11 in 2001. I guess you might have seen me posting something about the upcoming trip.

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Alright guys, now it's YOUR TURN to let me take a gander at what you look like! I FEEL SO EXPOSED....HAH! The pictures are less than perfect, but who defines perfection anyway? Not I......


Sherry - Gunalcheesh for the great remarks in referring to Hoonah and Icy Strait Point as possibly being something like "a little piece of heaven". It truly is for me, and if it wasn't for this little nook in the world, my ambitions, aspirations and conquests would be non-existent. I contribute all of my successes to the Xunaa Kaawu (people of Hoonah) and to the village itself. I never thought I'd say those words just a few short years ago, but many young people take MUCH for granted, and I was riding that boat for what seemed like a long time. Again, GUNALCHEESH!


BMLD - Possibilities are truly endless when you have the option of trekking in the forests of northeast Chichagof Island - where the LARGEST concentration of brown bears in the world are found!!! Then again, the Whale and marine mammal cruise to Sdakweixh Lut'u (the area we head to to watch the wildlife of S'ix Tlein {Icy Strait}) pits you in an area known for having some of the largest congregations of humpback whales along the Alaska coast....so if that makes your decision any easier....I'll let you choose. Brown bears are peculiar terrestrial mammals (land mammals) and sometimes can be IN YOUR FACE, or sometimes be a little more elusive...the chance of seeing one is ALWAYS there.....regardless of your choice...it'll be as great as you decide to let it be...


Flyfisher – Gee whiz, gunalcheesh for the massive influx of compliments. WHERE DO I BEGIN? I guess I won't =) Your sense of humor stimulates mine, and that goes for all our neighbors here at Critic Square. I highly doubt most Manhattaner's are as humorous! Or am I jumping to conclusions???? Another great bonus to having people from all over the world visit tiny Hoonah and Icy Strait Point is for the simple fact that it exposes the populous of Hoonah to the many different types of individuals out there, otherwise unknown. That exposure creates well-rounded personalities and only brings a strong realization to the rarity of our bloodline and culture, creating a new-found pride we otherwise would not have known. GUNALCHEESH TO EVERYONE WHO VISITED AND OUR FUTURE HONORED GUESTS who continue to shape a great and strong future for the community and people of Hoonah!!!!


Sharon - I'll be sure to be at the tender dock for your arrival on the first tender...you should see me in full Tlingit regalia with my extended family, drumming in your entrance to Icy Strait Point! I'm usually at the tender dock for the first arrivals, so from the pictures you've seen, you should be able to spot me! Your daughter sounds like an outdoorsy type, and I think she'll benefit greatly from the vast spanse of trails and mountainsides immediately available to traverse at Icy Strait Point! I know how it feels to really want to stretch your legs whenever you get the opportunity to leave the ship...


Marilyn - You are more than welcome for the assistance. I'm always happy to help my friends here find and shape the experience they are so longing to find. Remember, I'm always eager to help in any way that I can. GUNALCHEESH!


Uktog - Koo Hook is actually the entirety of my Tlingit name, so Koo alone is not a name...it's okay, a lot of people are accustomed to the European traditions of having a last name and first name, so in no way am I offended. Again, the complexities of the Tlingit societal structure are difficult for anybody to comprehend, and I most certainly sympathize with that. GUNALCHEESH! The trails at ISP are available to scout at your own leisure...and no, they do not cost anything. They are actually great trails...some moderate, some not so moderate. I've taken the trails many times, and it was rather strange to stroll through the rainforest on a path...there was never one there before, and walking along the gravel path pitted me in a forest of elves! That's what it felt like for the first time...there was no more dragging yourself over stumps, falling in root holes...I liked it. I've walked it several times with my cousins, sisters and brothers, and they all felt the same way...I think you'll appreciate the sereness of it and the remoteness of the wild. The UK sounds like a very interesting place, and it is somewhere I'd like to go...I've got friends from the UK whom I met on a bus trip across the lower 48 (the continental United States). It was my first true exposure to the rest of our country, and I felt like an international myself...it was GREAT! To finally get to see all the things we've watched on television with others who'd never seen the continental US as well was fitting...it was great exposure. Each city and landscape had it's own tale to tell, and that made each place all that more interesting. I'll be sure to check out that website you're talking about...I think I need to know about these TOGS...GO TOGS!!!


Mr. Q - Hopefully we'll get to see you again friend, and this time we'll have to make it just a tad more personal, and get you into the thick of Hoonah and all it's splendor. Just be sure to let me know if you are ever heading back to northern Southeast Alaska.........


All in all, the pictures were okay. I guess it's nice to put faces with the many words that have been said here. With that in mind, I thought I'd give my neighbors an opportunity to see some of my own pictures, just for your safety so you know you're not sharing screentime with a crazy kid.....

Feel free to visit:




I hope everyone is doing well, as I am gearing up for a GREAT trip to South Beach next week!!! YOWZA!



Koo Hook

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So nice to hear from you Koo Hook! I wish you could have somehow looked thru the computer to see the warm smile on my face when I was that you had posted. It was a feeling like hearing from an old friend! I will find a pic and post it so you too can put a face to a name! I will certainly be on that first tender! I can hear the drums and picture the dancing of your troup right now!


Yes, Bethany loves the outdoors and will be so happy to explore your lands! I actually bought a some hiking boots tonight, so I to will be ready to explore! I do have a feeling she will be exploring the more challenging paths...me I'm the easy path type!


Thanks again for visiting with us!



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Koo Hook wrote:

I thought I'd give my neighbors an opportunity to see some of my own pictures, just for your safety so you know you're not sharing screentime with a crazy kid.....

Feel free to visit:




What great pictures, Koo Hook (aka Howard) :D I loved the Huna Lu Lu theme for your frozen drinks! Can hardly wait for June to come so we can visit your great land.

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Koo Hook wrote:


What great pictures, Koo Hook (aka Howard) :D I loved the Huna Lu Lu theme for your frozen drinks! Can hardly wait for June to come so we can visit your great land.


Thanks Char for reminding me that I forgot to check out the pictures Koo Hook shared with us! Thank you Koo Hook for sharing with us the many "faces" of our new friend Koo Hook! I love the one where you were leading the cheer for your squad, because I know how much your work with them means to you! Good going, we know why the beat the stronger team!



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(not really - originally from Connecticut - MUCH Better! )


Anyhoo, yes, great pictures! Glad you posted them. Stanford, huh??? As in Cal-I-for-NI-A?? My, my! :D


BTW, thanks Char! (for reposting the webshot site).



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Hi Koo Hook: My sister collects Santa Claus's and I was wondering if the Tlinget indian tribe celebrates xmas and if they do do they make Santa's. It would be a great gift for my sister and I guarantee she would have no other kind like it. Would appreciate any help. Thanks



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Hi EVERYONE! I'm so sorry for not responding for a while....I'm in South Beach right now! WOOHOO.....it's spring break and I'm here for a convention......if any of my neighbors here at Critic Square live in the Miami area.....I'll be at the Icy Strait Point booth at the Seatrade Convention being held at the Miami Beach Convention Center! I'm OVERWHELMED!!!! Truly, I am like a fish out of water right now.....I'll be at the convention center from today through Thursday, the 17th......St. PATTY'S! I'll be in full Tlingit regalia with my seal skin drum singing to the thousands of people at the convention center....just listen for my drum and you'll know where I'm at.....sorry I have to keep it brief...but I think you all know how hotel internet access is.....I promise I'll write a novel when I return to Alaska and respond to everyone individually.....GUNALCHEESH!!!!!! WOOHOOO......SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!


Koo Hook

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Great hearing from you Koo Hook! Oh how I wish we could come meet you in Florida!


OK, let me be the first to say it: Tough job, but someone had to do it! Make sure you don't work too hard down there in the land of Sunshine...and during Spring Break to boot! Not bad Koo Hook! Have a ball!


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AHHHHHH…it’s great to be back in the crisp, cool air of home. The humidity in Miami Beach was pretty saturating, and the effort to “feel” clean was a never-ending bout…but the sun was most definitely worth it! I can now spring into SPRING! No more hibernating inside, looking peaked (sp?) and gaining the winter baggage to stay warm in the frigid weather. WOOHOOO! So how are all my friends and neighbors here at Critic Square doing? Is the planning for your adventure to the land of the midnight sun getting any easier????? If not, you know I’m here to help in any way I can….


So the experience I had in Miami at the Miami Seatrade Convention was one that I won’t soon forget…the scale of such an event astounded me! There were more people in two isles during LUNCH BREAK than there are in all of Hoonah! People from all over the world, coming together to share and discuss one thing: the wonderful experience of cruising and traveling. I met people from places I had never even heard of before, and saw races of people I never knew existed! I made quick friends with Swahili’s from Tanzania, and we argued which major land predator would win when put up against one another….the Alaska Coastal Brown Bear, or the African Lion! Of course I said the bear!! I shared stories and experiences with friendly people I met from Mobile, Alabama... I thought their booth was a cell phone kiosk to begin with...MOBILE?? What a great name…and who knew the original Mardi Gras started here!!! Whoa…

I formed great bonds with Waa Wei folks from Vancouver Island, BC and Nisga’a also from British Columbia. To see cultures with so many similarities artistically only to be SO drastically different in their societal structures and beliefs was culturally stimulating to listen to...


I have to admit one of the great highlights was, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THIS…running into people who had been to Icy Strait Point during the inaugural season and recognized me from dancing and singing on the beach! Two women who had cruised on the Vision of the Seas had walked by our booth, and as I was talking to other folks, they were looking at me peculiarly and talking amongst themselves, and all I heard was, “That has to be him…” and immediately I said, “Hello ladies, how are you today?” And they said, “You were on the beach, right?” “The beach at Icy Strait Point?” I replied. They said “Yes, the beach directly below the pier, and you were drumming and singing near the shoreline….” I quickly said yes, and they let me know that the visit to Hoonah and Icy Strait Point was the highlight of their entire trip to Alaska, and that they were so emotionally touched by all that they got to be a part of that they cried as they watched the Tlingit children dance on the beach with me... I quickly gave them a hug and I let them know how the remainder of the season at Icy Strait Point went, and how we celebrated the great, positive things that had been bestowed upon us in our ventures to invite worlds of people to our shores. It certainly made me feel proud to hear such great things from these two women. It brings validity to the great efforts I’ve put forth and many people at Icy Strait Point have put forth in keeping our guests experience meaningful, educational, authentic and virtually unscathed by commercialism.


I wore my Tlingit regalia for much of the time at the convention in Miami, turning heads as the deer hooves I wore clinked loudly throughout the venues!! At times I felt a little uncomfortable and out of place, but I always thought of everyone back home who couldn’t have this opportunity…then I’d stand taller!!!! I was so tired one day that I hadn’t the energy to take off my regalia, so I walked to my hotel in full regalia, and people just didn’t know what to think!!!! I think I was awkwardly out of place like a reptile would be in Alaska! As you could imagine walking down the major thoroughfares of South Beach, a Tlingit in full regalia doesn’t exactly blend in with the nude sun-bathers and some of the folks benefiting greatly from advanced technology in cosmetic surgery….but it most certainly was gratifying to know that my moose-hide moccasins had walked on lands all the way across the North American continent.


I also had a very unique opportunity in sharing with business people in corporate cubicles for a major cruise line, the greatness about Alaska and the truth behind my traditional regalia and Tlingit upbringing. Many people assume when they see us in our regalia and traditional wear, that we’re dressed in costume, but one couldn’t be more wrong in that assumption. Our regalia represents everything that defines one’s “Tlingitness” so to speak…whom their mother’s people are, who their father’s people are and who their grandparent’s are, all through the art displayed on the regalia. To be able to put a real person and significance to all the things that may be commercialized and stereotyped to this region of the world (ie. Totem Poles, moccasins, etc.) humbled me. I feel it brought a great sense of understanding and curiosity to the folks selling guests the wonders of this great land. I was treated with great respect while visiting these 9 to 5’rs, and the eagerness I saw in these people’s eyes to learn more and their need to understand made me realize what many visitors to Alaska don’t get the opportunity to absorb. Talking about home, the way we live, and the positive impact that Icy Strait Point has had on the people of Hoonah had moved some of these people to tears.


I imagine many people travel to this vast wilderness and return home without ever having had the opportunity to see through the eyes of a Tlingit, an Inupiaq, or an Unangan. That’s why I can’t imagine a better opportunity for us as Tlingits in a remote environment where tradition still runs thousands of year’s deep. to provide our guests with a full grasp, scenically, spiritually and culturally to the great land they opted to see during their lifetime. I hope someday that the more common ports of Juneau, Skagway and Ketchikan, which all have Tlingit beginnings, begin to see the significance in it and no longer allow this intricate culture to be overshadowed by native-style art pieces made in Taiwan. It’s vital to the health and success of the younger Tlingit generations, and it’s the strongest way for them to maintain their proud identities. The commercialism of our art and our history will only fog the cultural thread of the upcoming generations, especially in the more urban settings. So, hopefully someday when I become the Governor of the State of Alaska, I’ll be able to make a real impact! HAHA!!!!!! Who knows….someday…….


ANYHOW! I’m sorry to be so long-winded, but I learned so much just in my long canoe ride to the shores of Florida, and I was eager to share it. But enough about my experience to Neverneverland… the sun is shining today, the Hoonah Braves boy’s basketball team finished 2nd in the state championships, and all the Tlingits are in Juneau for MARCH MADNESS – the 59th Annual Gold Medal basketball tournament pitting village teams against one another fueling decades old rivalries! HOONAH…HOONAH….HOONAH!!


Take care everybody, and I hope to hear from you all soon…




Koo Hook

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Koo Hook, I'm glad u had a memorable experince in Miami, Florida.It was so different for you to go from cold weather to warm weather. In New Jersey, where I come from, we had 10 inches of snow a few weeks ago. All of that snow makes me think about Alaska and the wonderful time I will be having visiting ISP. I can't wait. Glad you're back home and I can't wait to visit "your home" in June 28, 2005. Talk to you soon. Lois

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Hi Koo Hook: Glad you had a gareat time. Man that must be a different cultural change from Alaska(Hoonah) to Miami Beach. WOW. I reaelize that you just got back so if you can go to post number 168 and answer my questions I would really appreciate it.



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Koo Hook, Glad for you, having a new experience in Florida.

I have a couple of questions. My husband and freind will be fishing with Petersons. Looking for suggestions for the rest of us (4 adults). Is there somewhere to hike? We do not want to whale watch. How big is the town to stroll. Are the only tours from the ships? Thanks for your time.

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