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Hoonah, Alaska's Icy Strait Point - A taste of the REAL Alaaqsaq (Alaska)


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Glad to hear from you once, again. Your home is the most important stop on our whole cruise tour. I really am looking forward to seeing the real side of Alaska, not the Diamonds International stuff. You can send me Kathy's phone number at the AOL address or the Yahoo address at the bottom. Please send as soon as possible since time is flying right now.

Can't wait to meet you. Tell all the bears and whales that I said "Hey!" That's southern for hello.



Don Pyle



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Koo Hook,

You can't imagine the anticipation my husband and I are feeling about our trip to your shores. We'll be on the first ship of the season. We'll be looking forward to seeing you on May 22nd. We'll see the Tlingit Dancers and then have time to check out your village. How is the walking accessibility to Hoonah? My walking is a bit shaky, and a shuttle or ride to Hoonah might help. How far is it from tendering spot to Hoonah? Thanks for your help.

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Hi Koo Nook, I've missed you. Yes, I've made the decision to do the whale watch with celebrity .We will be doing the whale watch on June 28 at 8:30 a.m. Hoping that the whale watching boat will pick us up from the ship, this way saving time and being able to spend more time in ISP.(have you heard any definite word about being picked up at the ship?). Excited about meeting you and hoping you will be our naturalist on the whale watch tour. Was telling a friend of mine about my Alaska trip. She asked if I was going to Sitka. I told her no, that I was going to ISP. She said she never heard of ISP. I told her that is the "new hot spot" of Alaska. I feel as if I know you and your people from the board. Keep on promoting Hoonah. Can't wait to see Hoonah for myself. Lois

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Koo Hook,

You can't imagine the anticipation my husband and I are feeling about our trip to your shores. We'll be on the first ship of the season. We'll be looking forward to seeing you on May 22nd. We'll see the Tlingit Dancers and then have time to check out your village. How is the walking accessibility to Hoonah? My walking is a bit shaky, and a shuttle or ride to Hoonah might help. How far is it from tendering spot to Hoonah? Thanks for your help.


Barbsul: If you don't mind me answering your question, I had asked the same thing about walking to Hoonah because my DH has the same problem. Koo Hook said that there will be shuttles that can take you to Hoonah. Hope this helps. Our trip to ISP will be June 2. I am also looking forward to seeing that area and meeting Koo Hook.



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Koo Hook, Read in two places on this board that the ships excursion boat that is used for whale watching was condemned and in need of repair. Please tell me if this is true!! The reasons that I am booked (can be cancelled) for the ships excursion is because 1- hopefully you will be the narrator on the whale watch ship

2- the boat is coming to the ship for the 8:30 a.m. whalewatch so I won't have to be tendered to get to the whalewatch boat. Please give me some info to ease my mind on the safety of the boat and if you know you will be on the whale watch boat.(June 28,2005 - 8:30 a.m.)and if the boat is coming to the ship. Looking forward to your replies. Thank you, Lois

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If you're walking is shaky at all, you won't be able to walk to Hoonah. It's a 30-40 minute walk. Have to take the shuttle, which I think is $5/pp/per way. It's a really nice bike ride, though--if I had a suggestion box for Hoonah, I'd recommend they have more bikes to rent out to the public.

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Hi guys...I did reply yesterday but because of some glitch in this "contraptionology" it didn't send......woah is me.....


Sunny days...wishing the....clouds would stay!!!! If it sunshines anymore than it has already, I'll be looking for berries amidst a mountain of palm trees...sheesh! How's the weather in the lower 48?


Anne Marie - Either the whale cruise or the remote exploration and bear search should be great choices...the bears are out in abundance in July as they only have so much time to gorge themselves before going back into hibernation. The weather surely influences the behaviors of the wild - too much sun and many terrestrial (land) mammals will run for shade, but marine life comes to life with the blooms of plankton...the rain is THE NORM (however I'm beginning to question that) so it really doesn't affect the patterns of the wildlife. Again, WILDLIFE IS ALWAYS A GAMBLE - sure we have the largest concentration of brown bears in the world and the largest congregations of whales, but that surely doesn't mean we're going to see them when we'd like. Just recognize the gamble and pick either with the belief that no matter what you're going to be pitted directly in the wilds amongst some of the most beautiful country in the world....


Marilyn - It's also great to hear from you. You do realize that June 2nd is merely a few weeks away right? WHO WOULDA THUNK IT! Gunalcheesh for getting the message to Jukeboxy, I appreciate it. Continue to count the days, and I'm sure I'll hear from you before your trip!


Sharon - MAY 25th!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!#%@! WOAH NELLY....I'll be seeing you in just about three weeks. Are you excited? I bet you are, especially since you're going to get the opportunity to view the lands of Xunaa Kaawu when you fly overhead at S'e Shuyee (Glacier Bay)! This is where we originated from before the advance of the glaciers forced our departure...it's been very difficult for the Huna Tlingit to maintain an identity shaped by a place that now restricts our cultural fabric from strengthening by limiting traditional hunting practices... it's a very touchy subject when it comes to the National Park status of S'e Shuyee and an emotional one...someday I'll have a seat of power to see that things are right once again. I'm happy that you'll get to see the magic of that place.....I just got the chills thinking about it.....woooo....


Hey Don - I just finished e-mailing you and you should have the number for Kathy Marvin. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to make you those great moccassins. She's awesome. It'll be great to finally get a chance to meet both you and Sharon. I look forward to the opportunity...


Barbsul - I'm EXTREMELY glad you're going to get the opportunity to see the Huna Tlingit Dancers!!!!! You'll probably get to see my cousins and auntie performing!! I'm extremely proud of my heritage ( as you all know....ha) and I'm ecstastic when I hear someone is going to get the chance to see or learn about it. The walking to Hoonah isn't too bad, however it is a dirt road. It's roughly 1.5 miles from "the cannery" to Hoonah. If it's a shuttle you think may be better, there are definitely shuttles available for friends to take. I hope to hear from you soon and have a GREAT WEEKEND!! Smile more than once and hug a family member...


Lois - And I've missed you as well. Gunalcheesh for being such a good promoter of this remote and great place. Hoonah is my heart and it's good to hear good things about it. I'm sure it will be all that you envision. Chances are fairly good that I will be the naturalist aboard the whale boat with some other great people. I'm excited about the opportunity again, so we'll see...about the boat meeting the ship, I couldn't say FOR SURE if that's the case, but I'm fairly certain. Either way, taking the first whale cruise will most definitly enable you more time to get to the beach or stroll through the forest. You'll really appreciate the "non-hussle and bussle" that other ports seem to have in abundance. Rest soundly young Lois, Koo Hook's built you a great ship.... I get a kick out of the fact that you used the word "condemned".....we will not be using the whaleboat that was used last year. I personally thought it was a great boat, but I knew there were more efficient ways of watching the yei (humpbacks) and keet (orcas). This year we will be using catamaran style boats which I assure you, will be more than safe. I've actually been on these vessels before elsewhere in Alaska. Looking forward to meeting you as well!


Tetleytea - The bike rentals to the public is a good recommendation, and I'm sure it won't go unheard. The one worry I would have to say is concerning the safety of 50 plus bikers steering clear of any traffic or snarling the TINY streets of Hoonah. It's a great idea, I don't know how feasible or sound it would be, but it's most definitely something to consider. Gunalcheesh.


Alright everybody, I don't know how to do the overall countdown anymore because you will all be at the shores of Xunaa Kaawu sooner than later. I look forward to the many opportunities we'll have to meet one another, and more so look forward to thanking you for giving my people an opportunity to see what others are like on the outside, and how appreciative they really are of such a unique and rare culture. GUNALCHEESH GUNALCHEESH GUNALCHEESH!


Koo Hook

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Sunny days...wishing the....clouds would stay!!!! If it sunshines anymore than it has already, I'll be looking for berries amidst a mountain of palm trees...sheesh! How's the weather in the lower 48?


Anne Marie - Either the whale cruise or the remote exploration and bear search should be great choices...the bears are out in abundance in July as they only have so much time to gorge themselves before going back into hibernation. The weather surely influences the behaviors of the wild - too much sun and many terrestrial (land) mammals will run for shade, but marine life comes to life with the blooms of plankton...the rain is THE NORM (however I'm beginning to question that) so it really doesn't affect the patterns of the wildlife. Again, WILDLIFE IS ALWAYS A GAMBLE - sure we have the largest concentration of brown bears in the world and the largest congregations of whales, but that surely doesn't mean we're going to see them when we'd like. Just recognize the gamble and pick either with the belief that no matter what you're going to be pitted directly in the wilds amongst some of the most beautiful country in the world....

Koo Hook


Koo Hook,


Thank you so very much for your time and sharing all your knowledge.


First off here in Connecticut it's cold, windy and cloudy. It did rain over night as we had a Nor'easter pass us to the East. Just think a Nor'easter in May!!! Everytime it snowed this winter, and it snowed allot, I said "why am I going to spend my summer in Alaska?" :D But I cannot wait.


Thank you so much about the bear watching and whale watching. I think we will do the Bush Exploration with Brown Bear Search. Seems like it's one excursion that will be really different.


Again thank you so much and I hope I get a chance to meet you when we are in ISP on Celebrity Summit. It will be on July 12th.


Anne Maria

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Thanks Koo Hook: Hopefully we will be able to meet you on June 2 if you are not whale watching. It sounds like you are going to be busy being a naturalist on those boats. Oh well we will just ask around.


See you soon.



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Sharon - MAY 25th!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!#%@! WOAH NELLY....I'll be seeing you in just about three weeks. Are you excited? I bet you are, especially since you're going to get the opportunity to view the lands of Xunaa Kaawu when you fly overhead at S'e Shuyee (Glacier Bay)! This is where we originated from before the advance of the glaciers forced our departure...it's been very difficult for the Huna Tlingit to maintain an identity shaped by a place that now restricts our cultural fabric from strengthening by limiting traditional hunting practices... it's a very touchy subject when it comes to the National Park status of S'e Shuyee and an emotional one...someday I'll have a seat of power to see that things are right once again. I'm happy that you'll get to see the magic of that place.....I just got the chills thinking about it.....woooo....


Hey Don - I just finished e-mailing you and you should have the number for Kathy Marvin. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to make you those great moccassins. She's awesome. It'll be great to finally get a chance to meet both you and Sharon. I look forward to the opportunity...


Koo Hook

Oh Koo Hook, you are exactly right...we're so excited we're just about to burst! We will be on our way in less than two weeks! Don is one happy camper today. He talked to Kathy Marvin today and he was very happy when he told me she's going to make his moccassins! He just went to work, but told me he attempted to post, but it went away. So I will say it for him...Thank you so much for "hooking" him up! It's especially special because his birthday (a big one!) is next Thursday. Oh well, I'll just tell him right here on Critic Square..."Happy Birthday Don, I'm going to buy those moccassins for you!" Isn't that a great birthday present (I won't tell you how old he's going to be...awww, I'll give a hint though...I've been having fun calling him a soon-to-be "Medicare Man"! OK, I just have to add: We wouldn't want him to get a big head, but he sure doesn't look his age, so I really should have kept that part a secret...but what the heck, he's not getting older; he's getting better!


We will ask someone and anyone where you are when we get off the tender. I better warn you...I'm a hugger! Or should I ask: Is that acceptable in your culture???


Your comments about your ancestrial home, S'e Shuyee, make me really hope your aspirations of having a seat of power one day come to be. You will represent your people well!


Bye for now. I'm off to get some more tasks accomplished before we leave for our soon approaching great adventure to Alasaka!


Looking forward to meeting you real soon!


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OK, now I am getting excited about our trip. I let Sharon do all the planning and then say yes or no. Then she goes ahead and does what she wants anyway.


KOOHOOK - many thanks for getting me in touch with Kathy Marvin. She sounded like a real neat lady over the phone. She is also proud of her mocassins. I think anyone that can do any type of craft using their hands should be proud of what they can accomplish. If you happen to see a big truck carrying a pair of mocassins down to the ship on May 25, you will know they are mine - not saying my feet are big, just the size of a large boat!

Tell all the bears and orcas "Hey!" for me and to get ready for us since we are coming real soon.


GUNALCHEESH for the help,


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OK, now I am getting excited about our trip. I let Sharon do all the planning and then say yes or no. Then she goes ahead and does what she wants anyway.



Hey, it works for me, at least my "other half" knows the rules! Nah, let's see, the truth is our team works...for going on 34 years anyway!


It's really neat to see Don excited. He doesn't show excitement very often!


Till we meet...very soon!


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Koo Hook, I am so bleary eyed from reading all the post, but I am so glad I did.

My cousin told me about the Cruise Critic site last night. To tell you the truth I was busy searching previously for all the well know cities, I did not know much about ISP.

But now!!!!!! my eyes have been opened.

We have a group of 15 family members sailing on the Summit 8-12. We range in age from 13 to the 70's. I have decided to make my plans for ISP first and fill in all the other places afterwards. It sounds like the Alaska I have been dreaming about.

Six of our party have been to Alaska twice before, but for 9 of us it will be our first trip. I was excited before, but after reading this site for the last 4 hours I'm ready to start packing now!.

Thank you to everyone who has given so freely their advice. I hope to be able to meet you Koo Hook and thank you personally for letting me see what a wonderful place I am going to. Doreen

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Well, after reading this post my planning was made for me and we have booked our first trip to Alaska with Celebrity for June of 2006 so that we can visit this marvelous port. Please keep all as it is until after we have visited because it sounds like a dream come true. Thanks so much JohnQ for telling me about this post and I am sooooooo looking forward to this awesome trip.


It did make my eyes tired but was well worth all of the insite and I hope everyone getting ready to sail has a marvelous time!!!!!!!




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One of the main reasons we booked our upcoming Alaska cruise with Celebrity was because of this port. Sounds like a very nice place and not so commercialized. No excursions booked for ISP yet, still trying to decide but leaning toward the Nature and Forrest Tram. We are on a pre cruise tour so am thinking we will see bear in Denali and booked with Captain Larry for whale watching.

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That is kinda how we were trying to plan. We had Katmai np 1 day bear viewing scheduled from Homer and Capt Larry for Juneau. We were torn between going whalewatching again or going on bear tour, depending on how we did on our previous tours. Our preference was bear viewing, but I was pretty sure we would see fine in Katmai. The other deciding factor was that on our early Sept Summit cruise, we only had one whalewatching tour for ISP and several bear tours. So I booked the whalewatching, thinking I could change to the bear tour once on board if we struck out on earlier ones. So next trip, we may do ISP bear tour. I have photos of ISP and bears on this site if you haven't seen before. If you have, I haven't added any new. Just haven't had time.


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Nice photos. If we do not see bear in Denali we might book that tour at ISP and cancel the Forrest and Nature tram. I am counting on bear in Denali but you never know. Have see bear in Yellowstone and one time in my back yard here in Wisconsin. Have also see Humpback whales in Hawaii and they are the same ones that spend the summers in Alaska. Really hoping to see some Orcas but the Humpbacks are impressive.

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Koo Hook, If by chance you are able to sign on between now and when we arrive next Wednesday, Don and I want to say we'll look for you and are looking forward to meeting you!


To others on this thread: I know Koo Hook has got to be so busy with last minute things before we all desend on Hoonah, just know we'll give a full report when we return! Of course we can hope he'll have a chance for a report after the first visit of the year. If I remember correctly, it's the Infinity, right?


Thanks for all your advice and I am so looking forward to going down to the shore's edge and putting my hand in the water! If we're there at the right time we're looking forward to seeing the abdundant waterlife...hopefully a whale!


Again GUNALCHEESH for all your time and effort to help us experience your land and your people to the fullest!



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Sharon I got to agree with you. I am going to be on the Infinity at Icy Strait on June 2. So looking forward to meeting Koo Hook. I truly hope that I can find him. I know as soon as I get off of the ship I will ask someone there who he is . Hopefully he will not be on an excursion but I am going to do my best. I feel like I have been talking to an old friend so a week from Sat. May 28 will be sailing to Alaska. Yippee.



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Look at my photos under ISP to see photo of Koo Hook. He is the big guy with his name under the picture, I hope.




Thanks John for the great pictures of whales and Koo Hook. I make a copy of his picture and will look around for that face on my trip. Again thank you so much.



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Just a comment about Cruise Ship recommended shopping. I don't know about Celebrity but having been on 10 RCCL cruises I can tell you this. Yes the merchants who are recommended donate merchandise for givaways and pay for promotional advertising. BUT I have also seen RCCL drop some of the bigger stores - Little Switzerland is a prime example because of customer complaints. We had an issue with a Ring we bought many years ago - not really the store's fault but a "well meaning friend" who sowed seeds of doubt. The store took care of the problem satisfactorily.

Friend had an issue with a camera - RCCL had the camera "fixed" still not right - store replaced it a week later. If the ship doesn't recommend a place there is usually a reason. One thing they told us - never buy a diamond ring from the guy who sells t shirts

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Thanks John Q for the great pictures. Would you please share about your Summit flight and also you ride to Carcross. We are debating between Talkeetna Aero's Summit and also the circle Denali with a glacier landing. Any thoughts?

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What a terrific thread!! I've learned so much - but now I simply can't make up my mind on what to do. I'm kind of leaning towards the Bear excursion, or should I go see the dancers? Oh, what to do! :rolleyes:


Koo Hook, a million thanks for all the fabulous history and info you've shared. ISP has come alive because of you. My hubby and I will be there June 2nd on the Infinity. BTW, I've noticed you've had a problem making a few posts. If you write your post in Word, or any word processor program, and then copy and paste it to the board you'll have a back up if a problem arises. You won't need to write it all over again.


Can you tell me how strenuous the Journey Through Time Trail is? My legs are affected by fibromyalgia and arthritis so my walking is somewhat limited at times. I'm pretty ok on flat surfaces, but inclines knock me for a loop.



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