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Smoking Cabin


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I know this is horrible but my husband is a smoker so I booked us a smoking balcony cabin, I really don't want him to smoke in the room because I make him smoke in the garage at home, I HATE smoke smell, anywho... my question is do the smoking rooms smell smokey as soon as you enter them? :( I would hate to have to stay in a room all week that smells like an ashtray. :(


Also since I plan on makeing him step out to the balcony to smoke do you know if we will be next to smoking rooms, I'd hate to subject someone who dosen't smoke to his bad habit.

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Carnival doesn't have Smoking and Non Smoking Rooms.... I smoke on the balcony and my SO doesn't like the smell at all, but it's non existent in the room and the wind blows the smoke out to sea, so it doesn't drift back into the room. It's no problem at all. Enjoy!

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Carnival doesn't have Smoking and Non Smoking Rooms.... I smoke on the balcony and my SO doesn't like the smell at all, but it's non existent in the room and the wind blows the smoke out to sea, so it doesn't drift back into the room. It's no problem at all. Enjoy!

I am glad you are considerate of your SO. How about the people trying to enjoy their balcony down wind of you. I'd sooner be down-wind of a latrine than a tobacco smoker. At least I am not allergic to latrines.

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Carnival doesn't have smoking/non smoking cabins.


I am glad you are considerate of your SO. How about the people trying to enjoy their balcony down wind of you. I'd sooner be down-wind of a latrine than a tobacco smoker. At least I am not allergic to latrines.

Because you are a non-smoker you have a right to enjoy your balcony but a smoker doesn't have the right to enjoy theirs? I doubt very seriously sailing along at 20+ knots, that the smoke would make a bee line for your balcony.

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Liveto jump

News flash: Sailing at 20+ knots does NOT mean that the smoke won't go onto the next persons balcony. I KNOW this for a fact. It really cracks me up that some people out there think that the smoke goes "out to sea" they don't want the smoke going back into THEIR room~!? What about the others around them who have to deal with the smoke coming onto their balcony?


I agree with yarlenna, I'd sooner smell a latrine then someone elses smoke.

I just came off a cruise that was perfect except for the smoking. The balcony was useless to us, chain smoking neighbors were so ignorant. People smoking in the elevators and in the non smoking lobby didn't help matters either. Butts thrown on the deck of the hot tub.

Smokers are a different breed of people.

To think I was concerned that I'D offend others who were on their balcony if I painted my nails on my balcony. I'd never dream of making someone else have to smell something I could control by just CHOOSING NOT to do it. I cannot for the life of me understand why others just don't give a crap about offending someone with their bad habit.

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Liveto jump

News flash: Sailing at 20+ knots does NOT mean that the smoke won't go onto the next persons balcony. I KNOW this for a fact. It really cracks me up that some people out there think that the smoke goes "out to sea" they don't want the smoke going back into THEIR room~!? What about the others around them who have to deal with the smoke coming onto their balcony?


I agree with yarlenna, I'd sooner smell a latrine then someone elses smoke.

I just came off a cruise that was perfect except for the smoking. The balcony was useless to us, chain smoking neighbors were so ignorant. People smoking in the elevators and in the non smoking lobby didn't help matters either. Butts thrown on the deck of the hot tub.

Smokers are a different breed of people.

To think I was concerned that I'D offend others who were on their balcony if I painted my nails on my balcony. I'd never dream of making someone else have to smell something I could control by just CHOOSING NOT to do it. I cannot for the life of me understand why others just don't give a crap about offending someone with their bad habit.


I'm a smoker and try to be very curtious to those around me. I suppose my comments were spurred by the "latrine" comment. There are things much worse than smelling smoke outside.


How were the chain smoking neighbors...."ignorant"?


Smokers are a different bread? How so?


Those that "don't give a crap" as you put it are in the minority IMO.

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Liveto jump

News flash: Sailing at 20+ knots does NOT mean that the smoke won't go onto the next persons balcony. I KNOW this for a fact. It really cracks me up that some people out there think that the smoke goes "out to sea" they don't want the smoke going back into THEIR room~!? What about the others around them who have to deal with the smoke coming onto their balcony?


I agree with yarlenna, I'd sooner smell a latrine then someone elses smoke.

I just came off a cruise that was perfect except for the smoking. The balcony was useless to us, chain smoking neighbors were so ignorant. People smoking in the elevators and in the non smoking lobby didn't help matters either. Butts thrown on the deck of the hot tub.

Smokers are a different breed of people.

To think I was concerned that I'D offend others who were on their balcony if I painted my nails on my balcony. I'd never dream of making someone else have to smell something I could control by just CHOOSING NOT to do it. I cannot for the life of me understand why others just don't give a crap about offending someone with their bad habit.

Emme, I sure am glad that you and I don't have any offensive habits!! Can you imagine the nerve of those who smoke. Not to mention someone that belches or "passes gas" in an elevator. What is this world coming to!

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The "smokers are a different breed" was a little below the belt... to lump all smokers into the same category is a bit unfair. I quit smoking for 3 years and during this time I went on my first cruise... I did not find smokers to be a big issue... NOW, there was a teenager that got drunk and threw up on someone... and I'm highly allergic to the scent of, well.. ick.... really, it makes me sick :D Everyone has something that really bothers them... I have since started smoking again (and yes, I agree it is a nasty habit... but it is my choice to do so and I am paying just as much to be on that ship...), I am very courteous and aware of others while I am smoking... I know MANY smokers that are the same way. I know MANY people that I knew for years without even knowing they were smokers (most non-smokers would be very surprised at how many people they know that smoke but don't let them know because of their attitudes and prejudice towards smokers). That being said, I don't think people should NOT be allowed to smoke on their private balconies outside... As a courtesy, I would try to avoid it when my neighbors were outside... but that is about it... It's my vacation, I paid the money, I am being respectful...


If you see someone smoking IN AN elevator... you might want to let someone know about that.... same goes with any "non-smoking" area. There are places that are designated non-smoking and you have every right to say something. AND, it's just not as simple as "choosing not to do it"... I only smoke where smoking is allowed... and even then, try to be considerate... but there is a reason I live in the US and not Russia, Cuba, etc...

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DebBrown, No offense but I can't remember the last time someone got cancer from a second hand burp or fart.

Liveto jump, Glad that you believe that "there are things much worse then smelling smoke outside". Because you believe this to be so makes it your opinion. I personally believe there is no odor as offensive as cigarette smoke.


Call me crazy, but if a person is forced to watch a loved one die from cigarette smoking, it can only lead to a very strong distain for cigarettes and smoking in general.

My daughter has asthma, a non-"curtious" smoker got in the elevator with his cigarette by my daughters face. Maybe he thought he was also being "curtious" because he held it "cupped" in his hand. Unless you can make a magic sheild appear around my mouth and nostrils that will stop me from breathing in your smoke then there is no such thing as a curtious smoker. Unless you can prevent more money from being taken off my paycheck for the raising cost of healthcare due to smoking related illnesses-there is no curtious smoker.

There is NO gray area here, if you smoke, someone somewhere somehow ends up paying for it in one way or another.

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One guy did die of his own farts. His bedroom was sealed and too much of that gas did him in.


I picked up the odor of a Latrine once on the ship, but I've seen more smoke on these boards than I ever saw on the Conquest!

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just a sidenote, but do you realize how much tax is on a pack of cigarettes? any clue as to why the government is not doing more? Hmmm...



Actually, I'm not a smoker but my husband is and so are my parents it's a really bad habit, but...although I try not to be a "big brother is watching us" type person, I do agree that the reason smoking is a legal drug is because it is so addicting, so hard to stop, and makes TONS of money for the government on all levels, local government all the way up to federal, it's really sad actually.


Anywho... thanks for the comments I'm sure my husband will only smoke on our balcony (sorry) and in designated smoking areas, he hates the smell to but has tried too quit many times and has not been successful yet, oh, well, try, try again. :) (I have my fingers crossed for him) ;)

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Tinydancer, I hope you guys have a great time... I know how difficult it is to quit and I wish the best to your hubby... it is a very hard habit to break. It sounds like he is very considerate as a smoker as well...


And yes, without cigarettes the government would be without millions of dollars in taxes... I don't want to hear anyone mentioning money being taken out of their paychecks because of smokers... without smokers, MUCH more would be taken out... the government is certainly not going to give up a sure thing. Sad but true. The drastic rise in healthcare over the past several years has been directly linked to an overweight nation, obesity, etc. Sure, people die from smoking, but anyone that blames smokers for the rise in healthcare is missing the boat... there are MANY other reasons that healthcare has increased. Smokers pay much higher premiums just to have coverage... this is a debate that won't be settled on a message board though...

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I personally believe there is no odor as offensive as cigarette smoke.


Call me crazy, but if a person is forced to watch a loved one die from cigarette smoking, it can only lead to a very strong distain for cigarettes and smoking in general.


Like you said, everyone has an opinion, try going into a "communal" latrine, summer time in say NC or SC. I opted for the woods it was so offensive but that is neither here nor there.


As a matter of fact I did only a couple of weeks ago. Have another helping of crow.


You are obviously one of those individuals that has no bad habits or faults. Kudos to you. But that does not mean that those of us that choose to smoke are 2nd class citizens. The "rude" smokers are far and few and if you'd not look down your nose at "all smokers" them you'd realize that fact.


If you were my neighbor and you were on your balcony (first) and I came out and lit up and it bothered you, I would gladly put it out and wait until you were not on your balcony. However, I would not put it out if you made "rude" or "arrogant" comments about my smoking (in which case I'd probably break out the box of cigars) or if I were out on the balcony first and you came out and asked me to put it out.


Now the person in the elevator....well he should have been B***H slapped.


I think I what I initaially posted was legitimate, and the personal attack was uncalled for. JMO.

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DebBrown, No offense but I can't remember the last time someone got cancer from a second hand burp or fart.

Liveto jump, Glad that you believe that "there are things much worse then smelling smoke outside". Because you believe this to be so makes it your opinion. I personally believe there is no odor as offensive as cigarette smoke.


Call me crazy, but if a person is forced to watch a loved one die from cigarette smoking, it can only lead to a very strong distain for cigarettes and smoking in general.

My daughter has asthma, a non-"curtious" smoker got in the elevator with his cigarette by my daughters face. Maybe he thought he was also being "curtious" because he held it "cupped" in his hand. Unless you can make a magic sheild appear around my mouth and nostrils that will stop me from breathing in your smoke then there is no such thing as a curtious smoker. Unless you can prevent more money from being taken off my paycheck for the raising cost of healthcare due to smoking related illnesses-there is no curtious smoker.

There is NO gray area here, if you smoke, someone somewhere somehow ends up paying for it in one way or another.

Emme, please don't get me wrong. I am a non smoker. Never have and never will. Does that make me better than someone else that does though?? NO, it doesn't and I have habits of my own that no-one had better tell me I can't do. I do understand the concerns of your daughter having asthma but honestly, did you think that you would go on a cruise and not encounter smoking somewhere? I say this is a good spirit, you really should have sailed the Paradise as it is non-smoking. I am as non smoking as they come, believe me but you can't change another person, only they can change themselves. Have you met Robbyxoxo yet? I think you both would get along splendidly.

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I'd also like to add that it's NOT Liveto jump....it's "livtojump". I haven't "butchered" your alias by calling you Enema.


Now, smokem' if you've got'em....but only if you're in a designated smoking area!

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Regarding the smell of smoke:


My husband and I were just on the Conquest a few weeks ago and we noticed walking to our cabin the excessive smell of smoke in the hallway which we assumed were coming from the cabins. If the smell was this bad in the hallway I can't imagine what it must have been like in said cabin(s).


My husband and I book a balcony cabin so that we can smoke out on our balcony and not subject others to our "toxins". All this time I thought we were doing a good thing but it has become obvious by the different threads on this subject that I was wrong.


While I will gladly accommodate someone who approaches me nicely, I will not however succumb to the brow-beating I read on this thread (and many others).


Yes we as smokers know it is bad for us. We would have to be pretty stupid in this day and age not to be well informed of that fact. Probably most of us wish we could become non smokers. And probably most of us are willing to accommodate non smokers around us. But getting in our cyber-face about smoking is not going to do it.


Simply point out the fact that smoke does drift into your balcony and is bothersome to you. Realize that there are designated smoking areas on a ship and respect those areas the same way you want non-smoking areas to be respected. As for casino and bar areas you can only take that up with the cruise line. As I stated before I am more than willing to compromise but not if someone is going to be a butt about it.



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Liv, doll... you MUST warn me when you are going to do that! I will try not to be drinking :D My computer has now been doused by my margarita.... leaving me not only with a mess, but an empty drink! LOL!

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No offense but I can't remember the last time someone got cancer from a second hand burp or fart.



Call me crazy, but if a person is forced to watch a loved one die from cigarette smoking, it can only lead to a very strong distain for cigarettes and smoking in general.

There is NO gray area here, if you smoke, someone somewhere somehow ends up paying for it in one way or another.



The potential for gray area exists

ALL sciences rely on this


even cancer research...

Thank you very much.......


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These topics are always so, ummm, "interesting." :D


My DH and I both smoke. We are always aware of those around us and only light up in the designated areas. We also book a balcony because we enjoy it whether or not we're smoking. If someone sits down next to me in a designated smoking area and asks me to put out my cigarette, I'd consider it, depending on HOW they asked. Getting in my face and being rude would NOT gain my cooperation!

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