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Can't even to tell you how upset I am with our Inspiration cruise.....


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Believe it or not, we had an almost exact experience on Carnival Holiday a couple years back. Only the group on our ship were "Hashers" - a supposed running club. Only it was more like a drunken love fest. It was amazing to me, I was 33 at the time and on an anniversary cruise with my husband. All I can say is thank goodness we didn't have our kids. There was so much drunken nakedness at the pool, I couldn't believe it. We got a very similar response to our complaints.

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Believe it or not, we had an almost exact experience on Carnival Holiday a couple years back. Only the group on our ship were "Hashers" - a supposed running club. Only it was more like a drunken love fest. It was amazing to me, I was 33 at the time and on an anniversary cruise with my husband. All I can say is thank goodness we didn't have our kids. There was so much drunken nakedness at the pool, I couldn't believe it. We got a very similar response to our complaints.

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Why would CCL owe them a free cruise. The cruise lines aren't required to disclose ANYTHING about other pax or groups:rolleyes:


Did the the pax on the Princess receive a free cruise last year when the "Bears" were sailing? (In case you don't know it was a gay porn cruise from what I understand. I also understand that there was some filming taking place onboard)


Personally, I'd rather be onboard with a group of swingers than a g/l chruch group (who BTW are on the Conquest with the S&Sr's as we speak)...or any chruch group for that matter.


So the OP isn't into the alternate lifestyle and was apparently shocked (hearing) about all sorts of "jobs" in public places, so if it was that bad by all means write a formal letter of complaint but certainly doesn't entitle him/her to a free cruise:rolleyes:


Cruizin I hope someday we can sail together and have cabins next door to one another.


You are right. Owed a cruise is a figure of speech.


Check out my new signature for a list of my future plans. I am sure you and I would have a ball on the ship.

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Believe it or not, we had an almost exact experience on Carnival Holiday a couple years back. Only the group on our ship were "Hashers" - a supposed running club. Only it was more like a drunken love fest. It was amazing to me, I was 33 at the time and on an anniversary cruise with my husband. All I can say is thank goodness we didn't have our kids. There was so much drunken nakedness at the pool, I couldn't believe it. We got a very similar response to our complaints.


We lived in Taiwan for a couple years and were invited on a "Hashers" run. I was mortified by their behavior and so offended that these morons would bring children to their obscene events. One experience was all it took to totally turn me off to their group. I can't imagine taking a cruise with a big bunch of them!

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I had sort of the same experience on the Conquest on my honeymoon. I had a group of about 500 black lesbians. NOTE: I AM NOT PREJUDICE in any way towards any color or lifestyle. There was also a group of about 300 people from a church (who are all going to hell haha) and a family reunion of about 150. It was thrown in our faces. It was the awfulest cruise ever. I am also a TA, and all I got was a call saying sorry and 20% off my next cruise. I had refused to go on CCL again, but the guy who called told me to go on a Spirit class, I did, and am hooked again.


We are going on the Elation on December 4, and it has been sold out, and I have received calls from CCL wanting our cabins, offering us a better deal and amenities to go the next week... I am scared this will happen again. I have tried to look up on line if there are any big groups, but havent seen anything.

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A group can book and lie about what they are all about, so it's kind of hard for Carnival to do too much about that part of it.


Carnival certainly could, and should have, advised the group that some member's behavior was offensive and unacceptable. Each guest who continued to violate reasonable standards could (and should be) put off the ship in the next port. Problem solved.


Since Carnival failed to protect the other guests, they certainly owe them something...people missed out on their vacation! I have no respect for whiners who write to the cruise line about stupid stuff that could happen anywhere, expecting some kind of compensation. But this situation was outrageous and the cruise line should have addressed it. Since they didn't, they should make it up to the other guests on board who were adversely affected.

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We had no idea untill the afternoon we returned from GC, a couple ask if they could use the chairs next to us on the lido deck they kept looking around staring at us finally she just came out and ask we were with the purple band group and went on to tell us how they found out who they were. The day before a small group was down on the lido explaining to others how great it is to "find love in the arms of a stranger".


Part of this group was a 60ish blind man and many 60 to 70 year old men and women, seeing those prople was way it took a couple of days to figure out who the group was.

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It seems ANY group should be limited so that there is no possibility of "taking over" areas of the ship day after day.


I surely don't want to be on a cruise like you described! But I also would never go Spring Break time.


On the theme cruises site there is a thread that I think would make many cringe. I'd like to get e-mailed when dates (of cruising) are finalized to make sure I didn't end up on that ship.

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The cruise line industry has been growing over the past number of years as a result of promotion and denial ... they promote the well being of their passengers and deny that anything wrong can happen as a result of their actions or in-action to deal with a situation on board. The United States Government has started to hold accountable these corporations who register their ships in countries where the laws we all live by as either US citizens or us as Canadian citizens, don't apply. It has become more and more apparent that they need to be held accountable simply by the number of incidents which have been happening, and not just because of an unhappy customer, but the rapes, the thefts, the murders, the missing persons.


For those of you who have never heard of a board called www."Cruise Bruise".com, no quotes and no space, I suggest you visit it and see just what kind of things are going on and keep yourself abreast of the activities which these monoliths almost always deny.


I AM NOT HERE to promote this site, I just read it to keep informed. Check out the different things which have happened, and be sure to pass around this link, NOT TO SCARE people, but to simply give them an opportunity to keep informed. I am not here to slam or slander one cruise line over another, that would be the same as hating a nationality because someone robbed my house and I found out what country that person was from.


I simply wanted to make people aware that things do happen, sometimes they are beyond the control of the cruise line and it simply comes down to cleaning up the mess. But in the case of your cruise, where people were performing acts in public which should have been a chargeable offense and jail time to follow ... then it was the responsibility of every crew member to put a stop to it. Surely if they were at a resort with their children and walked into the resturant with their 7 year old child and someone was performing an act on another in the resturant, they would demand it be dealt with.


This is where my post comes in ... The US Government is beginning to hold accountable those cruise lines which carry passengers departing from a US port when something goes wrong and is not dealt with appropriately.


Check out the link on the "Cruise Bruise" site referring to the Governemt.


I know that each of us has the same idea .... "I can write a letter, but they won't do anything about it" and that is true, because you are writing to the very organization which is making money from the paying public you are complaining about. As a collective body, individuals need to come together somehow and voice their opions or raise their concerns to the parties who can make a difference. I don't have the solution on how to get your voice heard or your statement read, but I know that if you are as passionate as you seem, you will find a way to get your story to the right person as long as you keep trying ... Remember the history lesson about the first Black woman in America to refuse to give up her seat to a White person? Well I am neither American or Black, but I will tell you this:


I not only agree with her decision but I support the fact that being denied what is rightfully yours as a fellow human being, is not only worth fighting for, but worth following if for nothing but to change the way people think. Now comparing the historical event of that Black woman so many years ago with what you experienced on your cruise, is not my intent, I only wanted to say that we should all stand up for what we believe to be right and honest and know that if we stay the course, we can make a difference.


Find the time, make the effort and get your story heard, it will only make this industry a better place for all those who enjoy it and for the future of cruising as well. If you try to get your information to the Government body who is trying to make a difference, you just might succeed in doing so.

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After reading this I decided to see if anything was going on the days I sail on the Elation in OCt 2007 and did find a gay cruise heading out on the Elation the end of May 2007. I dont have anything against anyone but this is my 3 sons first cruise and dont want them seeing anything they dont need to see.:eek:

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I just spoke with a woman in my office who was on this cruise with 2 other women, also from my office. She said she was horrified at the things she saw these people doing in public. They were having sex in the pools and hot tubs. People wouldn't take their children to dinner in the dining rooms because people were making out right at the tables. They had very graphic signs on their doors, telling their 'specialty' and offering business cards.


I don't think this is something that would only happen on a Carnival cruise; these people are everywhere and I'm sure which cruise line they are on doesn't really matter. BUT Carnival does need to do something for the people on this cruise who didn't need to be subjected to that lifestyle. I realize that the OP isn't asking for anything from Carnival, but just wanted to let people know what happened. They need to write a letter to Carnival (and I told my office friend that, too) explaining what happened and how disgusted and disappointed they are.


I don't care what sexual persuasion people are, but I do expect it to be kept private. It's none of my business!!:eek:


Hey, bellera, the redhat women were on my Inspiration cruise in January (2-7)...is that when you went?? They were a little annoying, but I'd take them over the swingers any day!!

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If nothing was done to curb their behavior then I can see why it slowly progressed into a shipwide event. Why not call the local news station in the port where the ship sailed from and tell them your story. It might be of enough interest for them to research it and do a story in the future. Especially if there are a lot of cruises from that particular port.


I totally agree!

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We lived in Taiwan for a couple years and were invited on a "Hashers" run. I was mortified by their behavior and so offended that these morons would bring children to their obscene events. One experience was all it took to totally turn me off to their group. I can't imagine taking a cruise with a big bunch of them!


I did a search and could not find what you are talking about


To hash or not to hash, after that all choices are made for you.




Hash House Harriers offers visitors an excellent opportunity to meet the locals and make new friends. Join in on one of their running/walking rallies and get fit at the same time. For more information contact them via: 0960-243-299 on arrival.



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That is an EXCEPTIONAL idea. And you are right--it would cause an immediate clean-up, I think. Which leads me to the question, why would it take a camera and TV crew to cause a cruiseline to clean up what should never be happening in public in the first place? That is a sad statement of reality, IMHO.


I like that idea a lot myself. It most definitely would get some attention. I am another in the camp that doesn't care at all about anyone else's sexual persuasion or behaviour but I don't want to see it in a venue that's clearly marketed to children, seniors, everyone basically. I don't want to personally see it in any venue actually, but that's just me. People have no class anymore.

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Just glanced through an old Welcome Aboard pamphlet and, lo & behold!, there's a section for "Code of Conduct." It states:

"... We reserve the right to refuse or discontinue passage to anyone who, in Carnival's judgement, is conducting themselves in a manner that adversely affects the cruise experience of others. Please refer to paragraphs 6(b) and 24 of your ticket contract for more details on this important policy."


And looked at our previous tickets in the contract and found what you'd need (don't know what the rules are here for posting URLs...?):




"6.(b) Carnival and the Master each reserves the right to refuse passage, disembark or confine to a stateroom any Guest whose physical or mental condition, or behavior would be considered in the sole opinion of the Captain and/or the ship’s physician to constitute a risk to the Guest’s own well-being or that of any other Guest or crew member. Passengers who will enter their third trimester(twenty seventh week) of pregnancy by the time of the voyage and infants less than four months old shall not be permitted to board the vessel. Carnival and the Master reserve the right to disembark any guest whose behavior affects the comfort, enjoyment, safety or well being of other guests or of any crew."


There's also this part:

"10.© Carnival has a “zero tolerance” policy towards reports of any illegal activity or behavior by passengers or crew aboard its vessels. Guest agrees to comply with this policy and further acknowledges that Carnival will report any and all alleged instances of illegal activity or behavior to the appropriate law enforcement authorities."


Last I checked, public nudity (beyond the cordoned-off topless deck... and that's not full nudity) and public acts of indecent nature (ie: oral and other acts) was illegal, regardless if the ship is "foreign registered."


Personally, I would have complained to the Purser desk, pointing out Carnival's ticket contract. Contracts work BOTH ways, and CCL should've enforced their rules. I have a 4 year-old, and we travel with family sometime, so the nieces and nephews range from 10 on down. If stuff like that had happened on any of the cruises we had been on, you can bet there'd be a long line of my family at the purser desk demanding something be done. That didn't work, I'd start considering carrying buckets of ice... :D (think "football celebrations"...)


(BTW - asked my vacation specialist about this and he read off the "Adult Groups" information and sounds like that group was in complete and utter violation of Carnival's group policy... wonder why the ship staff didn't do anything?)

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I cannot fathom being on a cruise of this nature, and I would never knowingly book a cruise if I knew this sort of behavior was going on...in public.


What you do behind closed doors, I don't care...as long as it doesn't involve children and animals.


Kind of hard for CCL to tout being a "family centered cruiseline" when they allow crap like this to happen.

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I just spoke with a woman in my office who was on this cruise with 2 other women, also from my office. She said she was horrified at the things she saw these people doing in public. They were having sex in the pools and hot tubs. People wouldn't take their children to dinner in the dining rooms because people were making out right at the tables. They had very graphic signs on their doors, telling their 'specialty' and offering business cards.



I'm not shocked or offended by much, but that would just piss me off. There's no excuse for that. I agree that whether straight or gay, swingers or not, sex should be confined to private venues. Geez.


That also validates my uneasiness with cruise ship pools and hot tubs.

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Just because people enjoy a different life style than yours does'nt make them wrong. I am not into swinging I love my husband of 20 years, but gosh. Lets see these people were on the funnel deck which is topless, and in bars ohh where adults are. Its your choice not to look or take part or just leave. Did you ever think maybe your children annoyed them? But forgive me or not these people paid money for there cruise just like you. I can not judge people on there lifestyle, I have enough going on in my own life without judging other peoples.

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Well said Peg. The OP claimed to be offended by what she heard was going on in a lounge but didn't actually see. The fact that these people wore purple wristbands identifying themselves?? Is that many more offensive than wearing a cross around your neck?? Mt vacation is mine and what others do with theirs will NEVER take away from my great time. Live and let live...it's more fun that way.

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Well said Peg. The OP claimed to be offended by what she heard was going on in a lounge but didn't actually see. The fact that these people wore purple wristbands identifying themselves?? Is that many more offensive than wearing a cross around your neck?? Mt vacation is mine and what others do with theirs will NEVER take away from my great time. Live and let live...it's more fun that way.


That's all fine and good, and but IF people were in fact havin sex in public areas, that's NOT OK.


I do recognize this is a second or third hand account, however. But if someone posts here stating that they did observe this behavior, then I'd have to say that they have definitely crossed a line there and "live and let live" is asking just a tad too much.

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I hope someone can post a logical explanation for this happening. Otherwise' date=' I think that is a wrap for me and Carnival. I feel for the OP. I cannot imagine having to deal with something like that. I can tolerate a lot but what you described is unbelievable.


My goodness. How horrid.:eek:


Does anyone know anything about this happening?[/quote']


So you would stop using a cruise line based on second hand information posted on an internet message board?

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Who were the complaints made to? With the number of people these days with digital cameras and videocams strapped to their wrists even when they're NOT on vacation, there should have been ample evidence to go to the officers of the ship and have the situation addressed. No way in hell I would put up with any nonsense.


Having said that, various rooms are often reserved at various times for specific groups' activities, so they're not "taking a room over" if the room is designated for their specific use.

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Well said Peg. The OP claimed to be offended by what she heard was going on in a lounge but didn't actually see. The fact that these people wore purple wristbands identifying themselves?? Is that many more offensive than wearing a cross around your neck?? Mt vacation is mine and what others do with theirs will NEVER take away from my great time. Live and let live...it's more fun that way.


Um hello, it's not the wristbands that are offensive. Do what you want, just not behaviour that can get you arrested on land in front of the rest of us. That's too much to ask?:rolleyes:

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