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ROLL CALL: 2/25/07 Caribbean Princess


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Hi cruisers,

This is my first time to post on this group. My partner Kent has done all the posts for us so far. Here is what is happening with me:


Yesterday I strained my knee at work and ended up in ER last night so I am taking it easly for the next few days. Kent will be taking me to an orthor doc tomorrow. This afternoon I have another doctors visit to talk about a hernia operation. Just over a week ago I was in pain from that problem.


My attempt to lose 2 inches around the waist is going in reverse. I was down from 196 to 192 a few weeks ago but I am back up.


Hotels in Fort Lauderdale: Last November I got a little crazy with priceline and ended up with a dump for our precruise stay for this trip. I tried to deal with priceline to get out of it but with no success. My husband found a great gay resort for a few $'s more than what I paid. I have been told by the hubby that I may never use priceline again.


Through it all, maybe on crutches and with a bag of frozen peas on my crotch I will be on this cruise.


Thank God for husband's.......like Kent.



Andy Barten

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hi all,

special thanks to tim and rick for the "book of love"............

i cant believe we're up to 550 posts and there's still almost 3 weeks to go!

might be going for a record here.........(although, quite frankly, i have NO idea what that record might be)........

speaking of which.....just for the record, let's be glad we're NOT on that ship today.....the winds are ferocious down here, and the sky is gray..........

(or is it "all the leaves are brown.....and the sky is gray"........??

anyway, the seas are righteous rough today......not a good day to be on a ship......even a very BIG ship....

but by late feb, it's usually gorgeous down here. spring comes very early to south florida.......so tough it out gang......almost there.........

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The point was brought up on whether the Atlantis sell out and RSVP non seel out is indicative of the product.

I would say no.

There is currently a pool of past and potential cruisers that both companies are seeking. Atlantis is currently the first to post their schedules and many jump right away. Second the Royal Caribbean ships are in demand because of the hype in the media...the biggest..the newest with all the bells and whistles. Many cruisers also think the more the merrier or the gretaer the chance of seeing what you are looking for. RSVP has on the otherhand gone for ships with less bells and whistles like the Holland America ships.

When you have over 3000 people rushing to get on the Freedom of the seas, then the number of passengers for the Princess ship becomes smaller.

If RSVP charters the new Celebrity ship or the next jumbo out of Royal Caribbean...the bookings would be reversed. But...Atlantis has a history with Royal caribbean and celebrity..RSVP does not.

So the competition will remain as is with the first with the schedule getting the lions share of passengers...until such time as the customer base increases of both companies specialize in some way.

Ive done both companies....I will stick with RSVP because of the type of passengers they attract and the service RSVP has provided (we shall see where there goes inder the new management).

Ciao...by the way it was 9 degrees this morning...can you say shrinkage factor!

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Good Morning All,


I tried to reply to everyone who emailed photos for the directory but if I forgot you just send me an email to smack me upside the head.


Dendren, I'm compiling a year book of sorts to distribute to all the CC members. If you want to send me a photo to include the address is thyatt@sejumc.org .


We are up to six pages now! I am so easy to amuse.


grin... I'll see what I can dig out picture wise when I get home from work tonite. It will prolly be the same pic as on here tho, since it's the most recent I have, and I'm clothed (mostly) LOL

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Howdy! I'm going to set a publish date for the directory of the 19th. So if you want to be included please have your picture to me before then. I will put any finishing touches on the directory and then email it out the next day.


Sending out big, big love on a big, big boat!

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Finally we can make a large group meeting plan. My vote is for those who wish join together and PLAY BINGO and then those who do not want to pay can join us afterward. We can then wander over to the Welcome Aboard Cocktail party.


Wow on open bar for an hour during the Ballz T dance. That ought to be interesting.




I vote for bingo too. Sister Helen is hilarious!



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Ok, for all of you non-celsius people, it is around -22 F today and all this week in Toronto. I am soooo ready for fun and frolic and Kristine W. I saw her at the Black and Blue in Montreal 10 years ago and she is very good.


Can any of you tell me what my friend and I should expect to pay for drinks on board? Do you give a credit card number up front and just run a tab? wear plastic beads. I am really new to this, but ready to pop that cherry.



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Ok, for all of you non-celsius people, it is around -22 F today and all this week in Toronto. I am soooo ready for fun and frolic and Kristine W. I saw her at the Black and Blue in Montreal 10 years ago and she is very good.


Can any of you tell me what my friend and I should expect to pay for drinks on board? Do you give a credit card number up front and just run a tab? wear plastic beads. I am really new to this, but ready to pop that cherry.




You will give Princess your credit card number at the start (you can do it beforehand online) and they will issue you a card that will be both your room key and your shipboard account card. Whenever you buy a drink they will swipe the card. I usually have no clue what I'm paying for drinks since it's all on the card and I just sign my name on the receipt. I seem to remember bacardi diets were 4 something and doubles were 8 but I could be totally wrong. Also, don't forget they automatically add 15% for tips on your drinks, no need to add tips separately.


I always buy the unlimited soda sticker also, well worth it as you can get sodas the entire trip and not pay for them each time. Only useful if you want sodas occasionally.


Oh... bring a lanyard or chain (like for dogtags), go to the lobby and get your card punched and hang it from the lanyard. Makes things much easier with your key card around your neck at all times, especially when in a sarong with no pockets :)

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Well, that will have to do although I bet most of us would prefer the other photos! :D


hahaha... well, those I keep safely tucked away, or wait, maybe they are all over the internet. I can never remember where I keep them any more (evil grin)

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Greetings from Northern California,


I can't tell you how much all of your posts have helped me (although it has taken me about 4 days to finally read the whole thing!).


My partner Larry and I have never been on a cruise so I booked this one back in October for his 40th birthday. I have been just dying for more info over the past few weeks and really just someone to talk with about the cruise. I was initially just going to read all the info, but I felt I had to tell you how much this page has been like a support group for people like myself who can't do anything but sit here and think about the cruise.


Also, just a note on the entertainment...the singer Levi Kreis is absolutely amazing (I think on one post he was listed as Levi Chris). I couldn't believe when I read on his website about a month ago that he was going to be performing on the cruise. You can get his CD's on itunes (or at least listen to the samples...his 2nd CD just came out last month). He was on one episode of the Apprentice (sorry to mention it Rosie)...the groups had to help a promising new singer to write a song...a lame episode, but Levi's group won the challenge. His music is really touching, and actually an out of the closet singer singing about relationships. I hate to even mention, but if the music doesn't get you, look at the photos on his website http://www.levikreis.com. I'll say no more.


Anyway, again my thanks to all of you and I look forward to more reading in the days to come (since I can't seem to do anything esle but sitting here reading away).


All the best from Sonoma,


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Phil was absolutely right about this...


You will give Princess your credit card number at the start (you can do it beforehand online) and they will issue you a card that will be both your room key and your shipboard account card.


...but from one non-American-based traveler to another, you need to be aware of the currency conversion service charges. The following comes directly from the boarding pass that you print out after completing your credit card details.



If the card you are using is a MasterCard or Visa issued outside of the US and which is billed to you in your local currency, and the currency is AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, KRW, MXN, NZD, SEK, and JPY, the full amount of the charge will be converted, at a currency exchange rate, to the currency of the card at the time the amounts are charged to your account. The rate will include 3% currency conversion service charge. If you opt for charges not to be converted or if your card was issued in the US or in a currency not listed, your charges will be processed in the onboard currency. Choice of currency conversion is final.


Prior to your credit card details on the boarding pass is a place to check if ou do not wish for your account to be converted.

BUT there has been quite a bit of discussion on the Princess Cruise Lines threads, specifically by Canadians who have traveled on the Caribbean Princess, that event though they had checked the form for non conversion, that Caribbean Princess had converted and charges the 3% service charge. These travelers reccommendthat you check at the service desk early in the cruise to be sure that your wishes have been marked appropriately on your account.


As for me (and perhaps a bit of advice is good for any cruiser),

I provide my credit card details when boarding but then put down a lump sum (in cash or travellers checks) at the service desk upon boarding. Then I have a credit to draw from and potentialy have little to no conversions to worry about for my credit card.


I hope this helps in your planning and prevents any extra surprised on your bill at the end of the cruise.



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hey specialkinCA

thanks for the heads-up on levi. i checked out the site. what a hottie indeed. and a very dynamic singer. the kind of voice that touches your insides. very cool indeed. i'll make him a "must see" on the ship.

thanks again.

if you need a daily schedule, i have one. email me at davidk954@aol.com and i'll send you one. that will really give you the "crazies" about the upcoming cruise. so much to be excited about.


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Welcome new posters! You've found the best board on Cruise Critic. So many experienced cruisers here I didn't have to wonder about anything. These guys have all the answers!


I am compiling a directory of Cruise Critic users to email out to everyone in this group. If you would like to be listed email me your picture along with your cabin number and I'll add it to the list. thyatt@sejumc.org

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you're doing a heckuva job matt..........

thanks for the list.

a few corrections, my fault.

davidk314 and cruisydave are one and the same.

i had a lot of trouble logging in so i took a new name and password.

cruisydave is david and john

Cabin is D-711 (lucky number, hope it helps in the casino)

it's an insided cabin. we're going to decorate the door with pix of our babies.......2 cats and a dog. and maybe a campy pic or 2 of us on the last cruise. are any of you decorating your doors? it's a big deal on these cruises............the stuff you see will make you laugh out loud..........

and it makes it easier to find your way home, deep in the night,

after 1 too many cocktails..............LOL


I'll be decorating my door also. I had the same idea with pix of my kids--one chihuahua and one pussy.

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Since our beloved Sister Helen has once again answered the calling of the Bingo vocation, perhaps we (as good christian ladies) should do something as a group to show our "spirit" and "thanksgiving" for her unselfish deed.


What could be more holy than a whole group of god-fearing (yeah, right) "women" all wearing their Sunday Best "Church Hat"... You know, something that Barbara Bush would find charming. Think like a scene from "The Women" ...hats with birds... hats with pearls... Page boys... you get the idea.


I know we have the Salvation Army Store just round the corner. What a special place it is. And no more a blessed place to find something appropriate... it even has Salvation right in the name!


Seriously, on the Mexico trip, a few of the bingo goers were clad in some lovely hats, good christian women they were. It was hilarious!


I have no experience in such things, but I do have a great thirst for silliness.


I'm thinking just the hat would do, easy to get and pack. Those that are moved by the spirit to go further should do so. (Someone cue Tom!)


Any thoughts?


I'm Man enough... Who's with me?

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Since our beloved Sister Helen has once again answered the calling of the Bingo vocation, perhaps we (as good christian ladies) should do something as a group to show our "spirit" and "thanksgiving" for her unselfish deed.


What could be more holy than a whole group of god-fearing (yeah, right) "women" all wearing their Sunday Best "Church Hat"... You know, something that Barbara Bush would find charming. Think like a scene from "The Women" ...hats with birds... hats with pearls... Page boys... you get the idea.


I know we have the Salvation Army Store just round the corner. What a special place it is. And no more a blessed place to find something appropriate... it even has Salvation right in the name!


Seriously, on the Mexico trip, a few of the bingo goers were clad in some lovely hats, good christian women they were. It was hilarious!


I have no experience in such things, but I do have a great thirst for silliness.


I'm thinking just the hat would do, easy to get and pack. Those that are moved by the spirit to go further should do so. (Someone cue Tom!)


Any thoughts?


I'm Man enough... Who's with me?


Amen, Sisters BucknJeff. I'll join you.

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I'm so glad that this thread has caught fire. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on board,especially you ,Tom. Your scandalous behavior has even reached my ears here in NYC.tsk,tsk,tsk.


Matt___ I believe you asked mr awhile back whether I was on points or core. I do the core plan because it's less complicated for me. I don't want to sit down for a meal and say to myself,"ok 2 points for this, 12 points for that, and 4 points for the other thing etc, etc. Of course I'm going off the plan totally while on the ship, so watch out.


On a completely different subject that has nothing to do with this cruise, "Did anyone catch the Snickers commercial that was shown during the ,Superbowl?" It was HYSTERICAL!!!! I was in a bar when it came on and I was suprised that they let the 2 straight guys lips meet. It was definately a LMAO moment.


It's on youtube.com if anyone missed it. Just type in ,Snickers 2007 Superbowl commercial, in the search box.



Cabin C232

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Must be another Tom on this board....heaven knows I just sit in the shadows and watch from afar.......

whats this concern about weight....points, diets, waist sizes......

I'm lookin for others to dine with.........especially in the steak house. I didnt try it on the Diamond in October......but will do it on this trip. Christopher.....you are going...NY...so are you unless you fall in love during boarding and remain occupado for the week.

Anyone makes a crack about what I stick in my mouth during this cruise....shame on you.....unless its..........

I complain about my weight on every cruise.......this time.....I hope not. Did I make my 2nd goal weight for the cruise.....no. So when I get back its try for the Rome trip. The first goal was made then plateau......sigh.

So its enjoy the cruise and hopefully you all will be happy with yourselves. If you have a six pack..sit by me so I can melt a hershey chocolate kiss. If you have a keg instead of a six pack...lets go to lunch.

I'm ready to warm up...its cold here.....3 degrees........Matt...help! Send up some heat or a bed warmer.....you know what kind I mean. LOL

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YAY! I've been hoping that the idea of wearing church hats to Church Bingo would catch on. I sure hope y'all do come in hats as a group!! Thanks again for y'all's support.....there's nothing I love more than to bring laughter to people


Paul J.

aka Sister Helen

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