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ROLL CALL: 2/25/07 Caribbean Princess


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WOW 600 posts. I don't think I have seen this many posts on any other thread that has been around for such a short time. And we still have over 2 weeks to go.


It has been awful rainy weather here that has made waiting for this trip even more unbearable. I just want to again say thanks to all of you on this board who are making the wait easier by sharng the anxiety and harder by making it all the more exciting to look forward too. I know we are all going to have the week of our lives because of what we make it. Can't say you can tell that about every vacation before you leave. How awesome.


Thanks guys and gals.



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The hat idea isn't getting the Love I was hoping for!


Is this something that more than 4 of us are interested in?


Should I take the non-responses as a "no"?


I'd like to get a show of hands to know if we are going to try this as a group.






grin... well, as fab as the hat idea is, I pretty much always skip bingo, at least the last few cruises. It's almost always nap time for me if I have any hope of being out til 1 or 2 in the morning (ok... fine, later usually but my naps have to happen *sometime* :)

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Steven - RCI and Celebrity ships are definitely more impressive ships in terms of ship amenities and style. Radiance class is very elegant. Voyager class just have to be experienced to be believed. I have only done an Atlantis land resort, and sure there was plenty of circuit activity, but it was not at all overwhelming... I have friends who are very much *not* into that kind of activity and they happily sail Atlantis and RSVP interchangeabley.. also if you are booked on a european cruise, you will get fewer of the circuit youngsters because the cost gets prohibitive.



Buck.... hmmmm... have to admit I am slightly ambivalent about the hat...but I am not saying no as yet... Ralph is for sure no. He only wears baseball caps and safari hats... he may have a problem with me in the church lady hat :)


As for being on deck with cocktails... thankfully I drink vodka...goes perfectly in a water bottle. Easily poured into a virgin club soda and cranberry from the bar :)

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The hat idea isn't getting the Love I was hoping for!


Is this something that more than 4 of us are interested in?


Should I take the non-responses as a "no"?


I'd like to get a show of hands to know if we are going to try this as a group.






You can count me in. I'm doing it, with or without a group.

Email me: stevem95@hotmail.com



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I was just reading a post on the Princess board, and thought - didn't someone here ask about cell phones in the islands? Anyway, for those of you wondering - check with your carrier! For example, I am with Cingular, but if I don't sign up for their special international plan ahead of time, the charges are like triple what they would be if I forked out the extra $5/mo the plan the costs...(and you basically wait a month after the cruise, and cancel the plan)... Sprint used to require you to let them know ahead of time, because of all the fraud of stolen cell phones..not sure if they still do that... and my Verizon friends may have great connections in the US, but always seem to have trouble outside the US...probably because they have yet to go to a GPS system, like the rest of the world.


As a Cingular customer for many years, can tell you connecting is no trouble in St Martin and St Thomas.. there will be probably be no service on Princess Cays, unless the ship has one of the new cell phone agreements that are starting to spread throughout the industry - but Princess has been slow to go this route, unlike Royal Caribbean, Carnival and other major cruise lines. St Thomas will be comparatively cheap, since it is a US territory.


Anyway, moral of the story is: don't leave the US just automatically expecting your phone will work. Call and ask and find out.


And now I feel bad about the hat... we'll see. But I have added to my super hero costume :)

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I thought it might be helpful to explain that I think of hat as just another costume.


While I don't wish to launch into a philosophical discussion about what it means when men wear church hats, I want you all to understand this is meant just as silly fun.


Reflecting on my original post, I wish I had found better words to float this idea. I wanted to be careful to not make it seem like those that choose not to do the hat thing are somehow not "group players". That was not my intention. My thought was that it was just another "costume". I should have more carefully considered that other people don't always think like me! Honestly, I'm not doing much in the costume department because I'm not that clever and sort of lazy. This is the outer limit of my dress-up creativity! (sad, I know)


Hat or no hat, I hope to meet all of you for Church Bingo!


Weather your hat is on your head, or there in spirit, I think Sister Helen will feel blessed regardless.

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I thought it might be helpful to explain that I think of hat as just another costume.


While I don't wish to launch into a philosophical discussion about what it means when men wear church hats, I want you all to understand this is meant just as silly fun.


Reflecting on my original post, I wish I had found better words to float this idea. I wanted to be careful to not make it seem like those that choose not to do the hat thing are somehow not "group players". That was not my intention. My thought was that it was just another "costume". I should have more carefully considered that other people don't always think like me! Honestly, I'm not doing much in the costume department because I'm not that clever and sort of lazy. This is the outer limit of my dress-up creativity! (sad, I know)


Hat or no hat, I hope to meet all of you for Church Bingo!


Weather your hat is on your head, or there in spirit, I think Sister Helen will feel blessed regardless.


By any chance, would anyone also be interested in a trashy tourist group costume?



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Sounds like fun Steven...any ideas?



When I think of the trashy tourists from when I worked at Disney World I think of people in a pair of light colored shorts with a loud shirt and colored sock pulled up to their knees. And the obligatory sunglasses and camera(s)



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Hi all,

I have been reading all of your threads and decided to post one of my own, offering a few of my thoughts to you new cruisers.

Remember to bring a bunch of $1 bills. You may be tipping the porter who takes your luggage at the dock, the people who bring you room service on the ship, tour guides and tour bus drivers, and the bus driver who takes you to the airport after the cruise. On the Atlantis cruise last week, we also had a tipping opportunity on the private island for the guys who placed our lounge chairs.

The Horizon Court buffet can get very crowded during lunchtime. Tables could be hard to find. If you have the time, have lunch in the dining room instead. It is never crowded on an RSVP cruise, and you get to meet the people who are seated at your table.

I know a lot has been written about formal night. Here is my two cents. Check the schedule for what is happening right before and after the formal dinner. If you have time to enjoy getting dressed up, then by all means do so. But, if you are going from a T Dance to dinner to a party on deck, why hassle with bringing an extra set of clothes you are only going to wear for three hours. After eleven RSVP cruises, I am wearing a long-sleeve shirt instead of a suit or tux.


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Here is a link that shows the bridge of the Diamond Princess, which is in St Maartin today.




The view changes every few minutes.


If you are looking for a cheap internet cafe in St Maartin, you can find one in the shopping center at the end of the dock as you exit the ship. It is in the upper level of the Little Switzerland building. The price is cheaper than on ship, and it was almost empty last week.



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hey greg,

hi. great posts. very good advice about the dollar bills.

and also about the tux. my feeling is that my jacket is off before the soup comes.....<G>, so why bother. i have a very elegant long sleeve, black silk shirt, and my husband has a white one, and that's as formal as we get.


bet you'll be glad to go from denver (this year's blizzard capital of the world) to the caribbean.....<g>


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Probably a dark suit for me or I may throw in the white dinner jacket just in case....

Problem I have is I have a wish to dine at one of the specialty restaurants dressed up...and dine with someone special...you know a "date". Finding someone special is the problem...and then there is no guarantee they will dress up or even have a suit on board.

Too much drama girl...

Question for all you single travelers.....do you deep down in side hope to meet someone special? I dont mean a quick boy did I drink too much last night experience. But a hold hands while the sun is up connection for the entire cruise.

And for those doing the cabin share...are you secretly hoping the roomy will be Mr fantasy man and not just a room share? How will you cope if he is not or the felling is not mutual....will you be bummed out for the rest of the trip?

Can you remind yourself that life on a ship is fantasy island, and after the cruise the Prince can turn into a mouse.

Yes, I must continually remind myself to take a sanity check...but fantasy is still fabulous.

Then some live out their fantasies....right Matt...

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Sounds like fun Steven...any ideas?



When I think of the trashy tourists from when I worked at Disney World I think of people in a pair of light colored shorts with a loud shirt and colored sock pulled up to their knees. And the obligatory sunglasses and camera(s)




Christopher, you're on the right track. Just think trailer trash that's won a cruise. I have most of my get up so far--the tackier the better. Want to join me?

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Question for all you single travelers.....do you deep down in side hope to meet someone special? I dont mean a quick boy did I drink too much last night experience. But a hold hands while the sun is up connection for the entire cruise.

And for those doing the cabin share...are you secretly hoping the roomy will be Mr fantasy man and not just a room share? How will you cope if he is not or the felling is not mutual....will you be bummed out for the rest of the trip?

Can you remind yourself that life on a ship is fantasy island, and after the cruise the Prince can turn into a mouse.

Yes, I must continually remind myself to take a sanity check...but fantasy is still fabulous.


This will be gay cruise number 2 for me (first was Atlantis to Mexico, October 2005). And unexpectedly I did meet someone by being randomly seated with him at dinner on Monday and then by chance running into him again Tuesday and then again in port on Thursday. From that point on we were near inseperable. We even booked another cruise together before disembarking. We managed to keep in touch over the great distance of him being in Boston and me here in Switzerland with weekly phone calls, frequent emails, and me visiting him for New Years. But distance and time took its toll. His visit to me the following February seemed the turning point with a week together and nothing physical happening. At about that time I was informed that school would start earlier than originally scheduled which meant I had to cancel the cruise wehad booked. By April communication stopped all together.


So I don't really know what to expect out of this cruise. I guess anything could happen. They say lightning doen't strie twice in the same place so I guess my time has come and gone when it comes to cruise romance. Though that was Mexico....and this is the Caribbean...so I guess it could happen. Is that what I want this time around. I don't know. I have a lot more to look forward to this time as I intend to spend time with the great group of people that I have met here. Wil seeing couples spending their vacation together urge me to want the same? Will I find time for a personal endeavour? Will I lucK into meeting someone again? Will Tom kick me in the ass and introduce me to some guy that he manages to chat up that he thinks is perfect for me?;) Who knows.


All I know is that during this week I am on vacation and I intend to enjoy it; however it presents itself. 18 days and counting.....



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Christopher, you're on the right track. Just think trailer trash that's won a cruise. I have most of my get up so far--the tackier the better. Want to join me?


Steven, I'm in. That last message got too mushy for me, phew, so yeah let's talk trash and get all kitted out. Not sure what yet but a trip to the Salvation Army might do the trick.



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Hello All!


John and Derek here. This is our first time on a cruise, and joining friends Buck and Jeff, and we also know Maria and Janet from our travels.


We are quite excited as the date comes quickly!



Buck, as you might guess Derek is all for the Bingo hat idea, and well, my arm might be twisted hard enough?...


See you all aboard, I believe we are in C404.



John and Derek


See our Blog at http://www.johnandderek.com

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If I plan one more minute of this cruise Ricky might kill me! I'll have to run it past him and see what his reaction is.


What a group we have here. I've been away from a computer all day and look at all the new posts! A big old Caribbean Fantasy welcome to all the new participants.


I'm building a bonfire for all of us to dance around and pray to the cruise gods to make the next few days pass fast and the days onboard pass slooooooooow.


Just a quick note to the new posters, I am compiling a directory of all the Cruise Critic gang so we can associate a face with a name. If you want to be included just send me a picture along with your CC name, your real name, your cabin number, your email and a top shelf margarita on the rocks no salt to thyatt@sejumc.org


I'm off to work on the directory. I've gotten lots of new photos so I may have to take the weekend to catch up!!

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If I plan one more minute of this cruise Ricky might kill me! I'll have to run it past him and see what his reaction is.


What a group we have here. I've been away from a computer all day and look at all the new posts! A big old Caribbean Fantasy welcome to all the new participants.


I'm building a bonfire for all of us to dance around and pray to the cruise gods to make the next few days pass fast and the days onboard pass slooooooooow.


Just a quick note to the new posters, I am compiling a directory of all the Cruise Critic gang so we can associate a face with a name. If you want to be included just send me a picture along with your CC name, your real name, your cabin number, your email and a top shelf margarita on the rocks no salt to thyatt@sejumc.org


I'm off to work on the directory. I've gotten lots of new photos so I may have to take the weekend to catch up!!

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If I plan one more minute of this cruise Ricky might kill me! I'll have to run it past him and see what his reaction is.


What a group we have here. I've been away from a computer all day and look at all the new posts! A big old Caribbean Fantasy welcome to all the new participants.


I'm building a bonfire for all of us to dance around and pray to the cruise gods to make the next few days pass fast and the days onboard pass slooooooooow.


Just a quick note to the new posters, I am compiling a directory of all the Cruise Critic gang so we can associate a face with a name. If you want to be included just send me a picture along with your CC name, your real name, your cabin number, your email and a top shelf margarita on the rocks no salt to thyatt@sejumc.org


I'm off to work on the directory. I've gotten lots of new photos so I may have to take the weekend to catch up!!

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If I plan one more minute of this cruise Ricky might kill me! I'll have to run it past him and see what his reaction is.


What a group we have here. I've been away from a computer all day and look at all the new posts! A big old Caribbean Fantasy welcome to all the new participants.


I'm building a bonfire for all of us to dance around and pray to the cruise gods to make the next few days pass fast and the days onboard pass slooooooooow.


Just a quick note to the new posters, I am compiling a directory of all the Cruise Critic gang so we can associate a face with a name. If you want to be included just send me a picture along with your CC name, your real name, your cabin number, your email and a top shelf margarita on the rocks no salt to thyatt@sejumc.org


I'm off to work on the directory. I've gotten lots of new photos so I may have to take the weekend to catch up!!

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