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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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Lots of people who are gluten intolerant eat this way all the time.


Yep. For those of us who are Celiac or gluten intolerant, this is not a choice. We either skip the wheat (as well as barley and rye, whole grains as well as flours) or suffer extreme illness. This "diet" is a pain, but a requirement to myself and my three children. Unfortunately... I'm not seeing any weight loss as a happy side effect. Those of you who do are lucky.

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I've read this post with interest because who isn't looking for an easy way to lose way. I have no experience with this approach so can't say whether it works or not. However, there appear to be some random rules thrown in that have no bearing on "No Flour, No Sugar".


What do egg yolks have to do with that tenet? Why no Alcohol? Alcohol has no sugar unless it is in the mixer used and has a glycemic index of 0. I also don't understand the rationale behind no wheat or gluten unless you suffer from Celiacs. Seems to me, a piece of high fiber whole wheat bread would be better for you than corn chips.


Can someone explain these inconsistencies?:confused:

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I think what happened is:


The original gal who posted this thread kept it simple.."no wheat, no gluten, no sugar", and she did drink wine. I think from what I've read it's close to what people with Celiac disease follow. The gal didn't have it, but it did help her lose weight.


What happened is that a lot of people didn't read the whole thread from the beginning..and started making the "diet" "their way"..by adding things that kept away from the basic no wheat, sugar, gluten stuff.


Which is why probably most people don't succeed on diets..they want to do it "their" way..still eat fast food, not exercise, think they deserve a special treat when they haven't earned it,etc.


Thats my explanatin.



I've read this post with interest because who isn't looking for an easy way to lose way. I have no experience with this approach so can't say whether it works or not. However, there appear to be some random rules thrown in that have no bearing on "No Flour, No Sugar".


What do egg yolks have to do with that tenet? Why no Alcohol? Alcohol has no sugar unless it is in the mixer used and has a glycemic index of 0. I also don't understand the rationale behind no wheat or gluten unless you suffer from Celiacs. Seems to me, a piece of high fiber whole wheat bread would be better for you than corn chips.


Can someone explain these inconsistencies?:confused:

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I have read the entire thread and did adhere to the the no sugar, no gluten for a month or so. I believe that the no egg yolks was because of the fat content. I agree with you about the high fiber wheat instead of corn chips. After reading what the OP has posted regarding this way of eating, IMHO, she did it, it worked for her so she shared what worked for her. Like I posted earlier I felt it was to restrictive for me to follow for a way of eating for the rest of my life. Instead of no gluten its no white flour for me. From the hours of research I have done on different diets and ways of eating the ONE thing they all have in common is no or very limited sugar. Sugar releases insulin which produces easy energy for your body to use, if you have too much easy energy, your body uses what it needs then stores the rest as fat. There are other reasons for inability to lose weight, thyroid, hormones, emotional issues, etc. But I really believe that for most people refined sugars, honey, etc, are big players in weight issues. So for me the no or very low sugar and high fiber grains works best for me, I don't feel deprived at all.


As for alcohol its the mixers, mostly, that are the issue, to me thats one of those things to have sparingly. I might have a drink or two every other month or so.


jedisous along with gluten have you stopped using sugar? Having eaten no gluten for a while I understand its hard. I have found some pretty good recipes, one for black bean brownies, no flour and actually pretty good, also cinnamon quinao with berries and agave for breakfast. Let me know if you want more info on those. Try the sparkepeople recipe site for gluten free and I found some recipes at allrecipes also.

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I have also read the entire thread and because of things I have learned here, I've lost 6 pounds and 11 inches in about 6 weeks....but, I have taken some liberties with the OP's original plan. Now I know a some people may say I am therefore not successful in following this diet because I did not adhere to the exact plan as the OP presented it....no whole eggs for instance. I eat whole eggs every morning. But, because of her ideas, I have come up with a way of eating that is working for me, and I thank her big time for posting her ideas.:D


I was already counting calories and had eliminated sugar, when I read this thread and I have continued doing that and eliminated the gluten. Once the gluten was taken out, I saw inches disappear.


The OP stated that she had found that eating Mexican foods worked well with the "no gluten" diet. That's where the corn chips come in. I agree that whole grain/multigrain bread would probably be healthier, and yummier,:) but, unfortunately, is ruled out because of the gluten.


I followed the "no FLOUR, no sugar" diet a few years ago and lost 20 pounds, but, I found it pretty restrictive. This one allows for brown rice pasta and corn chips, so I'm a happy camper.:D


My 6 pounds in 6 weeks is only a pound a week, but, in one year at that rate, it would be 52 pounds lost. Even if I don't loose that much (really don't need to), I will continue to be happy with every lost inch and pound...and I have a pretty pink formal that I will be able to wear on the Explorer next March.


Thanks Bardgal.:)

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I already have a pretty healthy WOE but have never tried this plan. I went shopping today and was shocked by the amount of items that contain sugar. If you eat anything processed at all, it likely contains some form of sugar or wheat. I am going to try this approach next week in combination with reduced calories. I plan to eat whole eggs and may or may not have a cocktail/day. If I do, I will drink vodka with Crystal Light so no sugar involved. I've lost 9 lbs since April and would like to lose another 5 lbs before my August cruise. My weight loss has really slowed down in the last month so I am hoping that this jump starts my metabolism.

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Bardstown, be careful with the crystal light, it is full of chemicals.


If one has to drink, i'm thinking red wine might be better than vodka as it has no grain in it (I don't think), just fruit that turns into sugar. I'm not sure if i'm 100% correct on that.


When I read the original post, I thought it was no flour/no sugar and I bought the Ezekial 4:9 bread which is flour free. Now I see it has wheat in it. :( Is the glutan free bread acceptable? This is my 2nd day of being gluten/sugar free and although I have no energy yet, I will say i'm not craving chocolate and sugar as much as I thought I would.

Thanks everyone for your input. I've now read thru page 20!!



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I've been following this since Monday, and so far it's pretty easy and my sugar cravings are gone! I do notice a slight migraine type headache at bedtime, but i'm not sure it's related to this. I have always taken a dish of ice cream to bed with me at night, so I have something to eat whilst watching tv, but I haven't done that this week!

I need to up my water intake and exercise, but I hate doing that, it's torture!!!!



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I've been following this since Monday, and so far it's pretty easy and my sugar cravings are gone! I do notice a slight migraine type headache at bedtime, but i'm not sure it's related to this. I have always taken a dish of ice cream to bed with me at night, so I have something to eat whilst watching tv, but I haven't done that this week!

I need to up my water intake and exercise, but I hate doing that, it's torture!!!!



Have you lost any weight? I started today. I'm not a big sweet eater so don't really expect to have many problems. The hardest thing so far is finding things to eat that don't have hidden sugar and wheat. For breakfast I ate an egg, a piece of canadian bacon and a couple of slices of tomato. For lunch I had 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with cantaloupe, blueberries and sliced almonds. For dinner, I am having roast turkey, mashed potatoes and green beans. I am counting calories too and am shooting for 1275. I may need to add a snack to get to my calorie goal.

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To all the recent posters.... If you stick with the OP's plan, you will lose the weight. You must not eat gluten, period. I have corn tortillas for breakfast with a little butter and they are delicious and fill you up!


Don't cheat by saying maybe a little whole grain bread might not hurt. There are plenty of things out there that are gluten free and taste great. Check to see that they are not loaded with sugar, though. You definitely don't have to starve yourself. Once you refrain from sugar and gluten for a week, you will feel so much better and less bloated.


Just a thought.... is alcohol really that important that it is a "can't live without" product?

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To all the recent posters.... If you stick with the OP's plan, you will lose the weight. You must not eat gluten, period. I have corn tortillas for breakfast with a little butter and they are delicious and fill you up!


Don't cheat by saying maybe a little whole grain bread might not hurt. There are plenty of things out there that are gluten free and taste great. Check to see that they are not loaded with sugar, though. You definitely don't have to starve yourself. Once you refrain from sugar and gluten for a week, you will feel so much better and less bloated.


Just a thought.... is alcohol really that important that it is a "can't live without" product?


I am trying to stick with the original poster's rules; no sugar, no flour, no wheat, no gluten and I will not weigh myself until Monday to see what I lose in a week.

I have read every label. I too can't believe how many things have sugar! Tomatoes!!! Sugar Free Salad dressings!!! I am going out to dinner at an Italian place for dinner tonight and I am allergic to all fish and seafood, so I don't know what I will find to eat. Any suggestions?


I haven't had any wine, nor have I eaten the Ezekial bread as it has wheat grains in it.

I do eat a product called quorn which is an all vegetable (not soy) crumble that can be used in place of chopped meat in any recipe that calls for ground beef. I'm also allergic to soy.


I've been having blue organic corn chips for a snack with Herr's mild salsa. It has no grams of sugar! It does take time and patience to read all the lables.


I'm sticking with this until my cruise. I just wish I would stop feeling so tired and bloated.


Good luck everyone! Keep posting!!!



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To all the recent posters.... If you stick with the OP's plan, you will lose the weight. You must not eat gluten, period. I have corn tortillas for breakfast with a little butter and they are delicious and fill you up!


Don't cheat by saying maybe a little whole grain bread might not hurt. There are plenty of things out there that are gluten free and taste great. Check to see that they are not loaded with sugar, though. You definitely don't have to starve yourself. Once you refrain from sugar and gluten for a week, you will feel so much better and less bloated.


Just a thought.... is alcohol really that important that it is a "can't live without" product?

Alcohol is not a "can't live without". I just don't understand how no alcohol fits with this program.

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Alcohol is not a "can't live without". I just don't understand how no alcohol fits with this program.


I guess it is because the alcohol turns into sugar in your body?


It's difficult eating out when you can't have fish or seafood. I am proud of myself though as I didn't eat any bread and I didn't order dessert when everyone else did. I had no pasta and yet I feel a bit more bloated tonight. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day.

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You point out something important..which is a reason why a lot of people don't make it on any diet..they want to tailor the diet to "their way".


If people are eating such healthy diets, why isn't everyone thin? I think there is alot of denial going on. Not saying that of anyone here, just making a point.


To all the recent posters.... If you stick with the OP's plan, you will lose the weight. You must not eat gluten, period. I have corn tortillas for breakfast with a little butter and they are delicious and fill you up!


Don't cheat by saying maybe a little whole grain bread might not hurt. There are plenty of things out there that are gluten free and taste great. Check to see that they are not loaded with sugar, though. You definitely don't have to starve yourself. Once you refrain from sugar and gluten for a week, you will feel so much better and less bloated.


Just a thought.... is alcohol really that important that it is a "can't live without" product?

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I guess it is because the alcohol turns into sugar in your body?


It's difficult eating out when you can't have fish or seafood. I am proud of myself though as I didn't eat any bread and I didn't order dessert when everyone else did. I had no pasta and yet I feel a bit more bloated tonight. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day.



Cheryl...you must be getting seriously excited now about your cruise in just a few days. Good for you for giving this way of eating such a great try. Skip the bread on the cruise and there is a huge (no pun...really):) chance that you will fit in those cruise clothes even on the last day.


You will enjoy the Explorer...not nearly as mouth dropping beautiful as the Serenade....but, with fun stuff like the ice rink and royal promanade, it is beautiful in it's own way. Oh...and stay away from those yummy coconut and toffee cookies in the Cafe Promanade and Windamer.:rolleyes:;)


Have a great cruise!!!:D

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Cheryl...you must be getting seriously excited now about your cruise in just a few days. Good for you for giving this way of eating such a great try. Skip the bread on the cruise and there is a huge (no pun...really):) chance that you will fit in those cruise clothes even on the last day.


You will enjoy the Explorer...not nearly as mouth dropping beautiful as the Serenade....but, with fun stuff like the ice rink and royal promanade, it is beautiful in it's own way. Oh...and stay away from those yummy coconut and toffee cookies in the Cafe Promanade and Windamer.:rolleyes:;)


Have a great cruise!!!:D


Thanks Liz!


I am so frustrated and depressed today. I feel so bloated today and I feel almost nauseous. My dinner last night was eggplant parmegiano as it was the least offensive item (gluten/sugar free) on the menu. It was not fried, or breaded, but baked and it had a homemade marinara sauce which I thought wouldn't be that high in sugar. The thing that I did have was a glass of red wine. It goes to show, one can't deviate at all.

I tried on my Mother of the Bride dress from last year and it doesn't fit :(

Now I don't know what i'm going to wear on the first formal night.:confused: I hate that I gained so much weight sitting around all winter with a fractured pelvis. One of my friends who is going with us is wearing her MOB dress and we both said it would be the only time we ever got to wear them again. I don't know of anything I can do between now and Thursday to fit into it.

I loved Serenade, it's my favourite ship ever. I'm sure the Explorer will be a fun adventure, but it looks huge and glitzy. It goes out of NJ and that is a huge benefit.

Thanks for listening to me Liz.

Happy 4th!



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I started on this plan on Friday and haven't had any problems skipping the sugar and gluten. The only problem I am having so far is getting enough calories. I have been tracking my calories and have only been eating around 1000/day. I know that is not enough -- my target is 1200-1300 but without bread and sugar I'm having a hard time getting there. Any suggestions?

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I like to have a smoothie for a snack its filling and has just over 200 calories the way I make it. I use 1c light and lively vanilla yogurt, which has less sugar grams than most and the sweetener in it is low GI. I add 1c of frozen berries, I like a mixed with rasp, blue and blackberries or Wymans wild blueberries from costco because it has 6g of fiber per cup. 1/2c of juice, I use blueberry pomagranate, or you could use some skim milk just to thin it some.

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I have been avoiding all sugar which is very hard. I have basically had to make everything from scratch as sugar is added to everything processed. I'm going to stick with it until Friday to see how much weight I lose. This morning I added a piece of fruit to my breakfast. I'll try to add 100 more calories to each meal today. Next week, I'm going to add back products with less than 5 grams of sugar. I only want to lose 5 more pounds -- 2 to hit my goal and 3 more for cruise cushion. As I get closer to my 5 lb goal, I will add back whole grains. I want this to be a sustainable weight loss. For me, no sugar and whole grains is not sustainable long term.

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Congratulations Bardstown for sticking with it!

I've been doing this for a week as of today and I lost 4 lbs this week!! I've never lost that much in a week! Considering i've been doing WW forever, I don't think it could just be water weight. I have to say, my tummy does not feel as bloated and my ankles aren't as swollen.

I've been reading the labels on everything. When I need a sweet dessert, i've been having some ff ricotta cheese with vanilla extract and splenda. It tastes like a canolli filling and the only sugar is the 1 g of milk sugar found naturally in ricotta cheese. I've totally stayed away from yogurt as even plain has 12-15 g of sugar! Even the ones with artificial sugar have that much in them. Another snack i've been doing is jello brand ff/sf pudding cups in boston creme and cinnamon. No sugar and they meet my sweet tooth need. I don't know if that's cheating, but there is no gluten/flour/wheat or sugar in any of those things. I've also used the WW shakes. I have had berries, pears and nectarines as they are on the lower gi end. Brown rice and protein have been staples for me. So have blue corn chips and salsa! Keep reading labels and good luck!!!!!



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Whiskeyswife, your shake sounds good!! I'm going to try that when I return from the cruise.

I am trying to be so strict right now as I am still trying to see if I can squeeze into my mother of the bride dress for the cruise. So far I still can't zip it up all the way, but myabe with someone else zipping it it will work!!!!!!



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Whiskeyswife, thanks for the suggestion about Sears. I've been using Spanks as they seem the best so far. I've tried them all! I'll have to check out the Sear's ones.

I went to my cousin's today and she was able to zip me into the dress, so i'm figuring if I restrain myself between now and formal night on Friday, maybe i'll still be able to get into it! Like The Biggest Loser show, maybe if I do a "last chance workout" all day Friday as well!!!!

I'm making some rice pasta for dinner. It has an interesting texture:rolleyes:



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I like to have a smoothie for a snack its filling and has just over 200 calories the way I make it. I use 1c light and lively vanilla yogurt, which has less sugar grams than most and the sweetener in it is low GI. I add 1c of frozen berries, I like a mixed with rasp, blue and blackberries or Wymans wild blueberries from costco because it has 6g of fiber per cup. 1/2c of juice, I use blueberry pomagranate, or you could use some skim milk just to thin it some.


YUMMMMMM!!!!:D I am definitly going to try this. Thanks for the idea!


Congratulations Bardstown for sticking with it!

I've been doing this for a week as of today and I lost 4 lbs this week!! I've never lost that much in a week! Considering i've been doing WW forever, I don't think it could just be water weight. I have to say, my tummy does not feel as bloated and my ankles aren't as swollen.

I've been reading the labels on everything. When I need a sweet dessert, i've been having some ff ricotta cheese with vanilla extract and splenda. It tastes like a canolli filling and the only sugar is the 1 g of milk sugar found naturally in ricotta cheese. I've totally stayed away from yogurt as even plain has 12-15 g of sugar! Even the ones with artificial sugar have that much in them. Another snack i've been doing is jello brand ff/sf pudding cups in boston creme and cinnamon. No sugar and they meet my sweet tooth need. I don't know if that's cheating, but there is no gluten/flour/wheat or sugar in any of those things. I've also used the WW shakes. I have had berries, pears and nectarines as they are on the lower gi end. Brown rice and protein have been staples for me. So have blue corn chips and salsa! Keep reading labels and good luck!!!!!




WooHOOO!!!:D Congrats on the weight loss!!! I eat the pudding cups too....LOVE the dark chocolate.

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I have been on this diet for 2-1/2 weeks.


I was on the Atkins last January for 3 months and had lost 12 pounds. I had gained 5 of those pounds back. Since starting this new diet 2-1/2 weeks ago, I lost the 5 pounds in the first week....and nothing since.


I have stuck to the diet...no cheating. I don't think I can get below 130. It is really DISCOURAGING. That was the problem with the Atkins. Lost the 12 pounds....got down to 130....then NOTHING for 2 months. And that was with being below 20 carbs a day. I am 46....so I am not sure if I will forever be 130 lbs. My metabolism must have shut down. I really need to loose my gut. LOL. I also walk on the treadmill for 30-60 minutes a day.....do 200 crunches ( different ways) 5 times a week. So I am not sure what is wrong with me.

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