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Carnival Spirit & toddler needs


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I've read volumes of very helpful postings but I still have a few questions. We're tentatively planning a 8-day Mex Riviera sailing in Jan on the Carnival Spirit. It'll be two couples, each with a 2 yr old girl. My questions are:


1. Can I buy diapers on board? I'm packing what I believe is a generous estimate, but you never know what wackiness can ensue!


2. Has anyone tried the stroller rental? What kind of stroller? Was there enough to meet demand? Any other tips?


3. I've read lots of posted opinions about non-potty trained children and pools. My kid isn't fully potty trained and I don't intend to take her into any place she shouldn't be. But is there any kind of wading pool that allows non-potty trained kids?


4. I found one very good description of Camp Carnival in a review but I still would like better info on CC's set up in the evenings. My kid usually sleeps between 8:30-9p. I plan to feed her dinner at her usual 6p, dress her in her PJ's and take her to CC by 8p so hubby and I can dine at the late seating. I figure DD will likely stay up later with the excitement of CC but once she's ready to sleep, is there a quiet, separate room for the sleeping kids? I read they're provided blankets & pillows, are they in beds or cribs?


5. I know how tiny showers are in cabins. I can't imagine trying to bath my child in one. Does anyone have any suggestions (other than an expensive suite with a tub)?


6. I think I'd like to have DD sleep on the sofa, but only if fully surrounded by bed guards. Has anyone tried this? Does it work (ie. will the bed guards install properly on the sofas?


Lastly, does the Spirit have family cabins? Right now we're considering a standard oceanview but I worry that'll be too cramped and the close proximity might disturb everyone's sleep.


Many thanks to everyone for the great info already posted and any additional you have to share here!

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Hi again, Wencel. I usually travel Princess, so I can't help you with the specific Carnival questions. I can tell you from the many posts I have read that where you don't have a tub in your room, people pack blow up baby pools (you know the little round ones that can fit one kid) to put at the bottom of the shower for baths. As for diapers, just pack and pack! I think if they sold them on the ship at all (Princess doesn't) they would be very expensive. The islands you are going to (sounds like Mexico) might have them, but again, at a premium.


If you can get a family cabin or mini-suite, go for it! We do (although we travel with two kids, ages 5 and 20 months). You will be very happy with the extra space and sometimes those have tubs so you won't have the stall shower issue to worry about.


Don't worry, you will have a great time, WHATEVER YOU DECIDE.


Oh, and call Carnival about the baby pool (non potty trained kid pool) question. They can answer that the best.

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we are flying out from Chicago in winter (2 weeks from now plus a day or 2) so we are allowing a whole day of possible delays and staying in Tampa overnight before our Miracle cruise Dec 3rd. My son is 22 months old and still in diapers, but our hotel said I could ship a box there. So I am sending enough diapers for the trip and a few throwaway novels, our garage sale snorkel equip, etc into the box to ship to the hotel. Anything I don't want to bring home then can be thrown away and it won't take up precious weight/space in our luggage that flies with us.


Carnival has given us different answers on different days regarding whether or not our ALMOST 2 yr old son will be allowed to do camp carnival, and definitely their crib/pack N play will not work as the dimensions they gave me (24" x 36" ) are too tiny for my 33" tall toddler. :) I am hoping the sofa is bolsterable, but if not, son will sleep in bed with us (not as much fun! we like to cuddle and son is a bed/pillow hog!)


I still anticipate a great time. I am also pregnant so our excursions are simple beaches and snorkeling where toddler will join us.


we are bringing (shipping) a $10 blowup duck shaped mini pool from Target, which we will throw away/leave behind etc. We will also let him splash in it on the balcony, just be sure to empty the water in your bathroom and not over the balcony edge if you do that, there are folks beneath you that wouldn't appreciate it.


I will come back and post after our cruise how the Miracle was on a lot of those topics as they concern me too. PLEASE feel free to post again and remind me after Dec. 10th.



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minxkelly, I hope you have a fantastic cruise and look forward to reading all about it!


You'd be surprised how well a 33" toddler fits in one of the portable cribs. My daughter (26 mos) is also 33" right now and naps half the week in a wooden portable crib 24" x 36". I had reservations about it at first but when I saw her lying down in it and saw how much room there still was all around her, I relaxed.


I am very interested to hear if you are able to bolster the sofa in any safe way. I'm willing to haul 2-4' long plastic bed guards onboard if it can actually be securely fastened to the sofa somehow. My last Carnival cruises were so long ago, I don't recall what the sofa's are like.


My daughter has never taken a shower and I'm not about to try for the first time in a tiny space. I'll bring an inflatable tub also. But I was thinking about trying her in the big showers in the fitness center. From reading the Princess boards, it seems the showers in the fitness center are very spacious and pretty awesome. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

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Do NOT rely on buying diapers on board - with the limited space, they can't carry the amounts and sizes that people need and they are extremely expensive. Bring many more than you think you'll need - there was a woman on my last cruise who ran out (and needed much bigger ones than I had) and she was really in a desperate situation. I drive to the port, so I just buy a big box and stick a luggage tag on it, but if you're flying you'll be amazed how many diapers fit into the outer pockets of all of your suitcases, so you don't take up the valuable room inside.


If you find that you need more of something, in Puerto Vallarta there is a Sam's Club within walking distance of the ship - but you don't want to have to spend your nice day there doing shopping for basics.




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gerif, that's great tip on turning the sofa around. I didn't realize they're moveable, just assumed almost everything is nailed down!


And yes, you're right, Kerry's Girls. I'm bringing enough for 10 days, but think I'll try to jam a few more anywhere I can. If I actually run out I wouldn't care how much they cost onboard (when you need 'em you need 'em!), but I hadn't considered that the right size wouldn't be available!

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I've read volumes of very helpful postings but I still have a few questions. We're tentatively planning a 8-day Mex Riviera sailing in Jan on the Carnival Spirit. It'll be two couples, each with a 2 yr old girl. My questions are:


1. Can I buy diapers on board? I'm packing what I believe is a generous estimate, but you never know what wackiness can ensue!


2. Has anyone tried the stroller rental? What kind of stroller? Was there enough to meet demand? Any other tips?


3. I've read lots of posted opinions about non-potty trained children and pools. My kid isn't fully potty trained and I don't intend to take her into any place she shouldn't be. But is there any kind of wading pool that allows non-potty trained kids?


4. I found one very good description of Camp Carnival in a review but I still would like better info on CC's set up in the evenings. My kid usually sleeps between 8:30-9p. I plan to feed her dinner at her usual 6p, dress her in her PJ's and take her to CC by 8p so hubby and I can dine at the late seating. I figure DD will likely stay up later with the excitement of CC but once she's ready to sleep, is there a quiet, separate room for the sleeping kids? I read they're provided blankets & pillows, are they in beds or cribs?


5. I know how tiny showers are in cabins. I can't imagine trying to bath my child in one. Does anyone have any suggestions (other than an expensive suite with a tub)?


6. I think I'd like to have DD sleep on the sofa, but only if fully surrounded by bed guards. Has anyone tried this? Does it work (ie. will the bed guards install properly on the sofas?


Lastly, does the Spirit have family cabins? Right now we're considering a standard oceanview but I worry that'll be too cramped and the close proximity might disturb everyone's sleep.


Many thanks to everyone for the great info already posted and any additional you have to share here!


We were on the Carnival Spirit to Alaska in June with a son who turned 11 on the cruise and a daughter who turned 3 in August. It was our son's eighth cruise and our daughter's third. We had an extended balcony on deck 5.


To answer your questions:


1. No. There was a lady on one of our Caribbean cruises that planned on buying diapers in Cozumel--one of the port stops. But, they ended up canceling that port and she needed diapers for over 2 more days! We all pitched in trying to help her.


2. We have only used a stroller once on any of the cruises. On embarkation day, my daughter's napping schedule was thrown off and she ended up sleeping through most of early seating dinner. But that was the only time we used one. For us, it's more of a hassle.


3. No, no place for non-potty trained kids to go. You'll probably have plenty of beach/water time at your port stops.


4. Quiet time usually started at 10:00pm (paid babysitting). They do provide pillows, blanets, and a mat. I don't remember seeing any cribs, but on RCCL, they did have them in the kid's area. The area on the Spirit isn't that big, so I would probably say no.


5. The shower nozzle/spray is on a movable hose. So, I would just sit her down on the shower floor and wash her. After I was done, she enjoyed playing with the hose herself. Just make sure the curtain is closed or you'll have a very wet bathroom. :-)


6. No, I remember thinking the rails wouldn't work. The sofa is like on a platform. The rails would have to go into the platform box which with the sofa cushion, it would be too tight (at least for our rails). We ended up having our daughter sleep with us. She was on one side on the bed (with rails), I was in the middle, and hubby on the other side. Son was on the sofa. The sofa had pretty big, heavy back bolster-like pillows. You could always move those to the outside to act as a barrier. Put the vanity chair in front of the them for added support from falling off.


7. I don't think there are family staterooms on the Spirit. We stayed in an 8C. They have 9As (don't know how those differ) and Cat. 11 and 12 suites. Maybe those would work for you. With 4 of us in a cabin, it's cozy, but not too bad. The balcony does help.


Let me know if you can anymore questions. You can see pictures and read my review in the links below.


Good Luck!

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You've been so helpful! I love your suggestion of bathing my daughter on the shower floor. One problem solved! I had a problem viewing your photos, only saw a few. The one of your son and husband doing their tie is great!


We've confirmed our reservation and we're also on deck 5. In fact, I checked the deck plan and our cabin is just a few down from the one you had! I wanted to be on the same deck as Camp Carnival for convenience. But I've been a little worried about noise as we're so close to the elevators (about as close as you were). Did you find any noise problems, especially late night?


I'm still torn over the stroller thing. Didn't you find it would have been useful on shore? I haven't checked into excursions yet but I suspect we won't do much than meander around town. My 2 yr is very active and generally prefers walking on her own than being strapped in a stroller but I don't think that'll be so safe. I actually have the Ride-on Carryon (www.rideoncarryon.com) which would be great for the airport but wouldn't be much use for shore excursions.


PS. $70 for the Westin Bayshore's a good deal! It's in such a great location. Did you have a chance to check out anything in Vancouver?

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You've been so helpful! I love your suggestion of bathing my daughter on the shower floor. One problem solved! I had a problem viewing your photos, only saw a few. The one of your son and husband doing their tie is great!


We've confirmed our reservation and we're also on deck 5. In fact, I checked the deck plan and our cabin is just a few down from the one you had! I wanted to be on the same deck as Camp Carnival for convenience. But I've been a little worried about noise as we're so close to the elevators (about as close as you were). Did you find any noise problems, especially late night?


I'm still torn over the stroller thing. Didn't you find it would have been useful on shore? I haven't checked into excursions yet but I suspect we won't do much than meander around town. My 2 yr is very active and generally prefers walking on her own than being strapped in a stroller but I don't think that'll be so safe. I actually have the Ride-on Carryon (www.rideoncarryon.com) which would be great for the airport but wouldn't be much use for shore excursions.


PS. $70 for the Westin Bayshore's a good deal! It's in such a great location. Did you have a chance to check out anything in Vancouver?

You're welcome!


I checked Webshots this morning--it's being kind of flakey. Maybe try again later.


Yes, it was great having Camp Carnival close. No, we didn't have any problem with noise and I'm a pretty light sleeper.




With the stroller, if you plan on doing a couple hours of shopping, yes, you'd want it. But, we're not into that. Well, I might be, but with the other three with me aren't. :) For Alaska in each port, we took tours that left right from the ship. None of them had excessive walking that a 2 yr. old couldn't handle. Even in the Caribbean ports, we didn't take it. Sand is not a stroller's friend. Once when we went to one of the Mayan ruins (preplanned tour), we brought a metal-framed backpack with us because we knew we were taking that tour. It would be very difficult with a stroller over that kind of terrain.




Also, most tours/arrival in port is in the early morning. She didn't need a nap until mid-afternoon. The tours where we were in a bus--I brought a little travel pillow for her to nap on. We even worked the naps into beach time.






On the ship, having her walk was good exercise and helped wear her out for naps/bedtime.


Our daughter is used to walking. I'm a mean mom and made both of them start walking young. :D My daughter is pretty good about staying by us, espeically in new places. She likes holding our hands, too.


We have Ride on-Carryon, too. I love it! Great for embarkation and debarkation!




We arrived in Vancouver later in the evening on the day before the cruise (after flying into Seattle). Then, on the day of the cruise, we were pretty excited about getting on the ship and headed for the terminal early. So, we didn't do much besides walk to a restaurant for breakfast.

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Lisa - too funny about being the "mean mommy" - I thought I was the mean mommy.


As for the stroller, it's probably different for me since I'm outnumbered by my toddlers, but since the ships are so big, I need to be able to put one or both into a stroller if they're done walking, too hot to walk, or if they want to nap, since I can't carry them both. Nevermind the twins, I also really like having a place to put bags, snacks, water, etc!




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