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A Friend's Bad Time On Jewel

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A friend, who is a very experienced cruiser, was on the Norwegian Jewel Eastern Caribbean cruise last week. I doubt whether she'll be doing any more holiday cruises. Here is an excerpt of her e-mail about the experience.


"I have never experienced so many rude people on one ship as I did on the Norwegian Jewel over Thanksgiving Week. Teenagers asking complete strangers, us included, to buy them beer, and peeing in the ash trays by the elevators. I guess that’s what you get when you go on Holiday sailings. Don’t wish to repeat that experience. Have people turned into complete idiots?"

So it wasn't just those on the Norwegian Dawn who had a tough week!


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The only question I have is why the original posting wasn't made on a forum discussing teenage behavior. Posting it here implies that somehow this is NCL's fault.


Do you all really think that posting something "bad" here implies that it is NCL's fault? I thought this was a place to discuss all facets of cruising in NCL...the good and the not so good. How else can people make educated choices? IMO, both sides should always be presented.

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Not sure what unspeakably rude and obnoxious teens have to do with NCL. These under-supervised spoiled brats could have been on any cruiseline.

What a drag for the OP's friend to have to experience their 'charms'.

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Do you all really think that posting something "bad" here implies that it is NCL's fault? I thought this was a place to discuss all facets of cruising in NCL...the good and the not so good. How else can people make educated choices? IMO, both sides should always be presented.

Thank you. Your posting couldn't illustrate my point any better.


So you think because there were rude teenagers on an NCL holiday cruise that should affect someone's decision whether to cruise NCL or not? I suspect there were rude teenagers during the holiday on nearly every cruise ship. The problem isn't NCL, it's the parents of the rude teenagers--and it's a problem that we hear about here after cruises during Christmas break, spring break, etc. On ALL cruise lines.

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It's a shame when things like this happens. I try to always make sure that I never book a cruise when the Little Angels are out of school. Even then, it's never a sure thing as more and more parents are taking their kids out of school to cruise so they don't have to put up with other people's kids.

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One thing we know for sure is that those kids don't belong to anyone here on Cruise Critic. All their kids are mature and well behaved when Mom and Dad let them roam the ship alone.:rolleyes:


Here's one: It's NCL's fault for accepting the booking of their parents. How's that?:D

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Am I the only one who dislikes second-hand reports? Don't get me wrong - I welcome information from any source. The problem I have is that we can't get any further feedback or clarification from the original source. It ends up being a one-way communication, which isn't what message boards should be about. Isn't that why hearsay testimony isn't allowed in court proceedings? (Yes, I know this isn't a legal forum but I just wanted to make the point that second-hand reports don't allow us to "cross-examine" the witness, so to speak.) And, BTW, I'm posting this as a general point, not necessarily aimed specifically at the OP.

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Am I the only one who dislikes second-hand reports? Don't get me wrong - I welcome information from any source. The problem I have is that we can't get any further feedback or clarification from the original source. It ends up being a one-way communication, which isn't what message boards should be about. Isn't that why hearsay testimony isn't allowed in court proceedings? (Yes, I know this isn't a legal forum but I just wanted to make the point that second-hand reports don't allow us to "cross-examine" the witness, so to speak.) And, BTW, I'm posting this as a general point, not necessarily aimed specifically at the OP.


Well, I was actually ON the Jewel for the Thanksgiving cruise, and I can say that the OP's "second hand" report is actually accurate. I know that NCL can't do anything about people who are rude or just plain stupid, but it was very annoying and totally ruined the experience for my DW and I. On one occasion I was out on the Promenade Deck enjoying the view when a group of four teenage boys (the oldest could no thave been older than 15) came walking down the deck, all of them smoking and cursing and carrying on loudly. An older couple who was sitting next to me were shocked to see this kind of behaviour. And then to top it off they all stood next to rail and started chucking their lit cigarrette butts over the edge which is a serious fire hazzard. This is just a sample of the "out of control" teenager behaviour I experienced. During the chocolate buffet, I saw a kid (probably about 15 also) walk up to the display where all the chocolate dipped strawberries were and scoop up every single one into a bowl and walk away lauging his *** off, leaving us who were waiting in line with none. The DW and I tried to go to the Garden Cafe really early or really late when we knew there would be fewer people because during the "rush" hours it was complete chaos. I saw people yelling and arguing at the top of their lungs at each other, kids cursing and just generally running amok, people dropping food all over the floor and making no effort to at least inform the crew to get it cleaned up, etc. To be honest, the only time we enjoyed ourselves was whenever we were in port and were able to get off the ship. I have other observations about this cruise (my first with NCL) which I will post in a separate message since it is about the ship and crew and not in line with this topic.

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Yankee_Fan, I'm sorry you had to deal with such rude, inexcusable behavior. Reminds me that I need to steer clear of holiday sailings or other sailings that might attract rowdy behavior (e.g., spring break cruises). I look forward to reading your full review on a separate thread.

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I don't care what line you cruise or what resort you visit: holiday time will always bring out families and the more families, the more spoiled brats you will see. The worst we ever had was on Celebrity about 3 years ago for thanksgiving week. It wasn't as bad as what OP experienced, but it was bad and the parents were blind to what the rest of us experienced. NMnita

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Am I missing something here?? When I read the original post, I didn't feel the poster was attacking the Jewel or NCL. She was simply telling a story about what took place on a cruise ship.


I thought she was more attacking Holiday cruises in general than a specific line or ship. Are we becoming so defensive of NCL that we are attacking people for giving us information?? If we are then it is time to rename this Forum: "Cruise Cheering" instead of "Cruise Critic."


I too experienced problems with kids on our cruise on the Star in the summer of 2005. THe kids were running all over the place, running into people (nearly knocked down my 70 year old mother), playing "tag" on the elevators. (and cussing me out when I dared use the elevator they were using, but since I teach behavioral handicapped students, it didn't faze me) When I tried to report it to the main desk, I was told "kids will be kids" and they wouldn't do anything about it. You ask crew members to do something and they would just shrug their shoulders and say "happens all the time in the summer."


Video Cruiser: I quite agree that kids are out of control on the ships and the parents could care less as long as they are not being bothered. I just laugh when kids at this way...not at the kids, but at the poor excuses of parents that these kids have!


As far as the urinating in the ash trays....I hope your friend reported that! That is a sanitation/safety problem that could lead to a serious medical outbreak on board!

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I was on the Thanksgiving Jewel cruise also (HI, Yankee_Fan!). Had never done a holiday sailing before, so I have no way to compare. That being said...there were a LOT of unruly children and teens aboard, running around and bumping into people, crowding ahead of others who were on queue to leave and/or get back on ship at the ports, leaving glasses, dishes, cans, and all sorts of trash all over the place (EXCEPT in trash receptacles) and, in general, being nuisances. Then again, there were some groups of adults (I mean age 40 and over) in dining rooms and, most notably, the "quiet" bars, who had to scream, laugh, and yell so loudly you could have sworn they were at a football stadium or something. I'm glad they were having a good time, but geeeez! Take it down a notch or two! The rest of us would like to enjoy the piano music and some conversation!


It is the parents' responsibility to keep their kids in line. And what about the teens who are onboard with no parental supervision? The parents evidently did not teach them how to behave properly in public nor to show respect for other people. And the adults who have to have conversations that you can hear on the next deck? Maybe we could surreptitiously throw them overboard. "Oooops! They must have gotten drunk and fallen overboard!" :p


In NO WAY is this the fault of NCL.

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NCL could provide more security in and around the bar areas. Holiday weeks bring in the big bucks, they could re-deploy more crew to security detail for these weeks. It won't control the rude passangers but NCL does have control of their bars and who is drinking there.


You can't blame NCL for the rude passangers but they do have a responsibility to the other passangers and providing adequate security to keep teens from drinking in the bars seems like a minimum they could do. Thanksgiving week means capacity on all the ships. They can fund a few extra crew for security detail during those weeks.

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Well, some aspects of the cruise were not good at all.

Quick example. While staying in line at the front office on Jewel, the mother of the teenagers had asked the reception if she can "Sign the release/permission for her underaged kids to drink the alcohol at the bar.".I ' ll tell you, that was something...

I have to agree with many of the people above. Lots of kids were playing " "90201 California style life" with drinks and behavior that was NOT appropriate for kids - kissing and touching each other in ALL places in Garden Caffe and whatever.. Where is their mothers?


Oh, yea, I forgot, they could not be anywhere on this forum... Yea, right.

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What brought that on?




Perhaps a little different view of the week on the alternate thread ;) :)


Shoreguy, I just got home five hours ago!


Unruly kids? In my opinion, the kids were great! I probably kept THEM up at night! Seriously,...I was on the lookout for that being Thanksgiving week...I saw well behaved kids with their families, well dressed kids every evening, kids in the kids pool, precious kids watching in awe at the Teppenyaki cook, kids walking everywhere ...even so...you will find from my review that I did spend a lot of time on the balcony...


Rafaella, we were looking for you the rest of the week after the cruisecritic party...!!!


Okay, off to write more...


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In all fairness to the OP......their friend never mentioned that it was NCL's fault in the email she sent. :rolleyes: I read the post over and over and did not get the impression that the person was complaining about NCL. They were complaining about "holiday cruises" and all the rude teenagers etc....and it just so happened her holiday cruise was on the Jewel.

Correct me if I am wrong here........but why do people read things into what other people say that are not there? :confused:

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One thing we know for sure is that those kids don't belong to anyone here on Cruise Critic. All their kids are mature and well behaved when Mom and Dad let them roam the ship alone.:rolleyes:


Here's one: It's NCL's fault for accepting the booking of their parents. How's that?:D


Hey Monte...this is what brought that on. My bride being wisenheimer self again.:D



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Wow, I did not see any kid misbehave. Even so, I do not doubt it happened. For this cruise, I was not looking for a crowd so I tended to stay away from the big venues. I think I did everything opposite most during the week (stay on ship when everyone went ashore), lay out on balcony in sun instead of on deck), (get up early to eat buffet breakfast...then go back to bed).

THANK GOD I did not see any kid mis-behave.


When kids misbehave, it is okay as a passenger to address it. For example, on other cruises I have seen kids running down the stairs or playing on the elevator. I tell them that they need to stop right away. If they do not, then I tell them they will be put in a life-raft and sent out to sea by themselves. I pick up the nearest phone and say, "Captain, we need to slow the ship down, we may need to drop off a couple of children..."


If they are teenagers, then it is okay to stay full speed ahead...



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We were also on the Jewel last week. As people said, there were a large number of kids and especially teen agers it seemed. However, while they seemed to be all about the ship they were normally just hanging out with their friends and talking. We did not notice them being unruly or troublesome. We did go to public locations quite a bit like Fyzz or the Spinnaker lounge and did not have any problems with them being out of hand.


As Coka said, I'm sure it did happen some but for us that seemed to be the exception and not the rule. Unfortunately for some others it sounds like they happen to be at the wrong place and ran into some bad behavior. I agree that the parents are largely to blame for the problems.

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To some extent I think the cruise lines can do something about it, probably with additional and trained security. For example, I have seen it happen at a "luxury" place we stay in Vegas where the parents just camp out in the casino and let the kids run wild in the hotel, particularly the swimming pool areas. On our last trip there was one time when security come to the casino (with the teen) and made the parent leave the table. I assume he was told be better control the kids. I think telling the parents to either control your kids or you will be asked to leave (even a cruise ship) should get the point across. Well, hopefully! :(

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Kids will be kids, parents will be parents!:eek:

Golly, their parents are also on vacation.:rolleyes:

Just go with the flow, let troubles bounce off your shoulders, and stop worring about what others do.:D

After all, you are on vacation too!:)



Totally agree with this sentiment! From the sound of some of the other individuals posting in this thread you would think that they themselves were perfect little angels when they were in their teens and are demanding the same. Thank goodness my parents still don't know some of the stuff we pulled growing up...they'd whack me on the backside of the head to this day. Personally I've typically seen a couple of kids getting a little out of hand on each of our cruises but I see a lot more of the adults doing the same and doing some worse things (IMO) than what these kids did.

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