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It is my first time on CC. I will be cruising to Cozumel in Feb 07. I am trying to decide on which beach to go to. I see all good reviews about Paradise Beach (free chairs, good food, great service...etc); however, when I go to the website it doesn't look that appealing to me. I've went to a few other websites (Mr. Sanchos, Playa Mia, etc) which all "look" okay to me, but I've read positive and negative things about them. I've read nothing negative about Paradise Beach.

Bottom line.....I don't like knowing what I'm going to do. Should I go with the reviews or the "view"s of the websites.

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Well, this is JMO>>> but it really depends on what you enjoy


a lot of people "rave" about PB....but....for me, any beach with jetskis, and lots of kids climbing on toys..."look at me Mom"..and running around..isn't what I would look for.... BUT of course IF you have kids this would be great, keep them entertained and you could drink, get a massage, relax in sun etc


Playa Uvas seems more "adult"...and limits the amount of guests. If you have a lot of ships in port, PB may be way too crowded! Uvas has nice looking 'teak' sunloungers and "beds", looks very "south beach", really different


Uvas has massages, a small pool, and offers clear kayak for more $$ but NO motorized noisy "toys"..$7 for a lounger and that includes a drink/mixed, maugerita, beer or whatever


Another option seems to be an all inclusive day at Reef Resort....they have a pool and jacuzzi and nice ...they seem to have a nice spa, beauty salon with decent prices...


There are a couple other resorts with all included day pass...I have heard Fiesta Americana is nice and they have a pass apparently


I am not a big drinker so that is one reason I probably would go to UVAs vs Reef day pass LOL...but it might be a good deal for you.



I am not sure about Sanchos, but from what I have read here, Playa Mia is where the cruiseships bring their "beach party">> so that might be way overcrowded


Paradise Beach has "free" chairs but they expect you to buy $10 worth of food...a "wristband" to use the floats, climb iceberg costs $9 and that would count toward the $10...


I think much of Cozumel was hurt by Wilma, but they seem to have done a good job of recovery


one thing I do see is that at Uvas and many other beaches with snorkeling, the "entry" to the water is rocky...bring beach shoes

Really Uvas does not look all that great for small kid, toddlers and stuff, not a "gentle" sloping sand beach


Paradise Beach and San Francisco have nicer entry,...but not shore snorkeling...they offer a snorkel catamaran tour for more $$

From what I read, they are right next to each other , San Francisco has a pool and an "all included" offer....they have parasails between them, jetskis and other stuff.......vroom vroom haha


yes, it is very very confusing also a lot of people will give you different answers here so you have to keep reading and looking LOL


One thing nice about Uvas seems to be a bit closer to the cruiseship piers, quicker and cheaper on taxis


If you find out more about the "Sancho's" place please share it. This stuff can be very confusing. I know in Grand Cayman I did my own thing and was very happy on 7 mile beach, avoiding the crowds of Carnival tour people who were all at a nearby beach club, and I hope to do the same here

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Sansan.....make sure you take advice from people that have actually been to these places. You'll see on this board that's there are some folks who have never visited any of these places but seems to have an "expert" opinion. I'd give you my opinion but I'm sure "someone" would come back with a "cheerleader" comment. Whatever you decide to do, have fun, it's a great place to hang out!

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Sansan.....make sure you take advice from people that have actually been to these places. You'll see on this board that's there are some folks who have never visited any of these places but seems to have an "expert" opinion. I'd give you my opinion but I'm sure "someone" would come back with a "cheerleader" comment. Whatever you decide to do, have fun, it's a great place to hang out!


Oh...yeah..and would you really reccomend this to people who don't like jetskis and lots of kids running around ??


Any negative post about some places are overshouted by the ...um...rah rah gang


why are some people so concerned about forcing others to go to a particular place??


This reminds me of the Grand Cayman boards where people (like me) who have NO desire to swim with stingrays were constantly told "not to miss this"?>?? not everyone wants the same thing


I have to laugh


do you have a problem with someone listing various options??


Or one size fits all?? IF you all go to ONE place it will really be crowded, already have seen the rows upon rows of chairs, people saying it is crowded, etc.

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sansan.....again, try to consider all the advice you get. You'll definitely get advice from people who have never been to any of these places. As previously stated, I won't mention where I've been (the key words being "I've been") but it was not crowded nor were there lots of kids running around and the waverunners could only be utilized way away from the swimming area. Some people get on a high horse about something they have no clue about. Enjoy your cruise and have a great day in Cozumel! :)

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Sorry, I had read some board members posts who said over and over that the $9 wristband fee applies to the $10 required food fee at Paradise Beach...


however, it has been just stated that the $9 wristband does not count to the $10 fee


not that $10 is bad, or a lot...just that some people have given a lot of misinformation


I personally hope YOU find a great place, maybe a new place, and give us all a good review of it.

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It is my first time on CC. I will be cruising to Cozumel in Feb 07. I am trying to decide on which beach to go to. I see all good reviews about Paradise Beach (free chairs, good food, great service...etc); however, when I go to the website it doesn't look that appealing to me. I've went to a few other websites (Mr. Sanchos, Playa Mia, etc) which all "look" okay to me, but I've read positive and negative things about them. I've read nothing negative about Paradise Beach.

Bottom line.....I don't like knowing what I'm going to do. Should I go with the reviews or the "view"s of the websites.



Tyman is correct, the person above has never been to PB. I have been twice and yes it is more of a place to go if you are traveling with children due to the availability of kayaks, water trampolines and climbing glacier. It has not been crowded either time I have went (Nov 2005 and May 2006 - peak time). I have never found it to be overrun w/ children either, I have found it very relaxing both times. Food and drinks are reasonably priced and service is great. If you have any further questions about PB, please feel free to email me at kporter25@sbcglobal.net.


If you are looking for a very un-crowded "adult" place, the excursion to Passion Island is nice. For about $70 you will get a very good buffett lunch as well as unlimited Corona's and rum punch. It is where they shoot the Corona commercials, very pretty private beach. Only negative is it takes about 45min to get there and come back. It is a beautiful place though.


Mr. Sanchos was a cool place, but I have not been since the Hurricane of last year. It was completely wiped out and they lost their pool and some beach. I had been twice prior to the Hurricane.....Service was always great, drinks/food reasonably priced. Definitely check their website out and see what they currently have to offer. I have had friends go since and they said it was still great fun.


Good luck!!

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There's truth in a lot of the posts and it all depends on what you like. We went to PB this Thanksgiving and food and drink were good as usual. I think it cost $8 for the braclets but not sure. Lots of kids but not a problem. Beach seemed to be narrower since the last time there/ Hurricane had something to do with that. Not good for snorkeling though. San Francisco beach is right next door.


Some of our crew went to Dzul-Ha and snorkeled and they loved it. Reef Club is also a nice place to stop.


It would be hard to go wrong at any of these places. Didn't stop at any others on the West side.


Have a good trip.

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Kerry, I like that idea! Of course you'll still have some people that will comment about certain other people and not even have met them...almost like doing a review on a place that they've never been.....does anyone come to mind? :rolleyes:

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Kerry, I like that idea! Of course you'll still have some people that will comment about certain other people and not even have met them...almost like doing a review on a place that they've never been.....does anyone come to mind? :rolleyes:


Hmm....I think if you read my "overview" that I compiled using various info on this board and other sites, it is pretty fair


How many times are you and your friend going to point out that I have not 'been there, done that">?>? I fully agree...and have said as much


Thank heavens I have read thru many posts here and used search features..


some people who are huge fans of this one place apparently are NOT good spokespersons, they give misleading info and their "promoting" can be confusing


One guy posted over and over that the $9 "counted toward the $10 per person" til whooops, the manager of that club set him straight, it does not

very misleading


He also stated that ONLY this one beach club had a manager who came to this board, I politely pointed out to him that the owner/manager of Playa Uvas is also on the board and very helpful, which he then acknowledged


a month ago a visitor claimed up and down that the club "does not own/maintain the pier" when someone cut their foot there...but whoops...the manager did come in and set that straight, saying they did own it

very misleading


I also see some of these people urging others to go there, most recently a single woman who (from other posts) is NOT into crowds and kids.....why?? very misleading


I feel my posting above was very "objective">>listing what I have learned about places. I actually was complimentary to "your choice"

from what I have learned the sand is probably better there, the beach more sloping into the water, tho the shore snorkeling is not as good


that is objective and truthful...I have learned that from reading


>>> however, I do feel it is probably better for families/kids...

and when you push it so hard it makes me wonder :

why do you push so much? Why would you reccomend it to people who don't do motor sports or climb icebergs or want to be around kids all day


(I am sure there are enough on the ship, I am not looking forward to teens racing jetskis frankly)


Just as I listed what I have learned about beach clubs in Cozumel here,I also made a "list" of the beach clubs at Costa Maya...no one had a problem with that....I don't feel obligated to one or the other club

I don't want to "push" people to do one tour/club over the other



I am doing my homework here, and trying to be objective. The site is called Cruise Critic, not Promoter. Please refrain from these annoying "jabs", thanks

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We've only been to Paradise beach and didn't notice that it was all that crowded or overrun with kids--note: we did have 5 kids with us! Second note: this was pre-Wilma, Jan., 2005. We were just in Cozumel two weeks ago and they trees and foliage, as well as some buildings and beaches are still pretty beat up, although they are really making progress. I can't let you know first-hand how Paradise beach fared, as we went on a dune-buggy tour this time.


Maybe we just got lucky, but there was no 'required' purchase of food or drinks. No entrance fee. A waiter asked us a couple of times if we wanted anything and then we were left alone. Four of our kids were little (under 6) and they just played in the sand and water; no wristbands necessary. The 13-year old was the only one who used a wrist-band. It was a little cool that day, so none of us spent all that much time in the water.


We didn't snorkel there, but I agree that you'd have to be offshore quite a bit. I really didn't notice that the beach was excessively noisy or busy. We enjoyed our day there and thought it was very pretty and low-key. I'm sure the beach/trees have suffered since the hurricane, as has the whole island.


Was it the best beach on the island? No way to tell, since we haven't been to any others and this is completely subjective anyway, depending on what you are interested in.

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Kerry, I like that idea! Of course you'll still have some people that will comment about certain other people and not even have met them...almost like doing a review on a place that they've never been.....does anyone come to mind? :rolleyes:

Hmmmmm.....Yep, and I was going to respond to the last email from "said" person and decided it wasn't worth my time. That last interesting thread got pulled eventually, got too heated I guess.


I always try to make multiple suggestions based on different places I have been and don't try to comment too much about places I haven't. Some have been better for those of us with kids and some not. Passion island was beautiful, but my kids were bored and wanted me to pay for tattoos and hair braiding. I would go there again, but probably without them. Paradise Beach has just been there fav place and it is nice and relaxing for me! Last time I had a bit of a hangover and they have quite the spicy bloody Mary! Brought me back to life :)

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Hmmmmm.....Yep, and I was going to respond to the last email from "said" person and decided it wasn't worth my time. That last interesting thread got pulled eventually, got too heated I guess.


I always try to make multiple suggestions based on different places I have been and don't try to comment too much about places I haven't. Some have been better for those of us with kids and some not. Passion island was beautiful, but my kids were bored and wanted me to pay for tattoos and hair braiding. I would go there again, but probably without them. Paradise Beach has just been there fav place and it is nice and relaxing for me! Last time I had a bit of a hangover and they have quite the spicy bloody Mary! Brought me back to life :)


email from "said person"?? who emailed you?? Not me


I highly resent your nasty jabs at me


I can comment about places I have not been by posting info I find on the boards, many people have posted various misinformation and that confuses people


I would not refer everyone to the same place


for instance I enjoyed the "Cool Runnings" Party boat in Jamaica...but I would NOT reccomend it to you with kids


I did my "due dilagence" on that before I took it...I KNEW it was a party boat, dancing, unlimited rum drinks on way back,not kid friendly, usually NO kids on it...which was fine with me. I did not have to go on it to know that, research on the web told me that, emails told me that..and it proved to be correct


I have nothing against kids, and know they will be on the ship, I had no problem with the kids on cruises. I do not cruise at "spring break" tho to avoid hoardes of kids.


On excursions I would honestly prefer a more "adult" area...either party fun or more luxury, or maybe a tour/history/ruins type excursion....either way is fine with me


What I do NOT think is fun (*for me) is to have kids running past my lounger, revving up jetskis etc....I don't find it fun, sorry


One size does not fit all

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Looks like we touched a nerve.....:rolleyes: As Nebr.cruiser says, it was a very nice day at PB. I'm glad some people are actually able to go places before they comment on certain vacation spots. Thanks Nebr.cruiser for your review, glad you had a great time. As for "revving up jetskis", the rental place between PB and San Francisco beach only have waverunners and they're used way out past the roped off area. But then again, you actually have to witness it to truly understand.....I believe it would be very hard to take advice from a stranger who's never been to the place I'm going, wouldn't you agree?

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Looks like we touched a nerve.....:rolleyes: As Nebr.cruiser says, it was a very nice day at PB. I'm glad some people are actually able to go places before they comment on certain vacation spots. Thanks Nebr.cruiser for your review, glad you had a great time. As for "revving up jetskis", the rental place between PB and San Francisco beach only have waverunners and they're used way out past the roped off area. But then again, you actually have to witness it to truly understand.....I believe it would be very hard to take advice from a stranger who's never been to the place I'm going, wouldn't you agree?


You didn't touch a nerve, your personal attacks are boring.


Unlike you, Nebraska gives very good advice...they said it was great for their FAMILY.....I am sure it is a fine place for kids


why you are so concerned that everyone would go there is beyond me..


I don't think it is the best choice for people who don't have kids ...why do you want everyone to go there??? I have found it annoying that some people push this place so hard they give incorrect information


I have been able to post the "correct" info, and never said I was there. Too bad the people who have been there mislead others a lot (ie, "it's free, just buy a little food"...."the $9 counts toward the $10 food" etc)

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We've only been to Paradise beach and didn't notice that it was all that crowded or overrun with kids--note: we did have 5 kids with us! Second note: this was pre-Wilma, Jan., 2005. We were just in Cozumel two weeks ago and they trees and foliage, as well as some buildings and beaches are still pretty beat up, although they are really making progress. I can't let you know first-hand how Paradise beach fared, as we went on a dune-buggy tour this time.


Maybe we just got lucky, but there was no 'required' purchase of food or drinks. No entrance fee. A waiter asked us a couple of times if we wanted anything and then we were left alone. Four of our kids were little (under 6) and they just played in the sand and water; no wristbands necessary. The 13-year old was the only one who used a wrist-band. It was a little cool that day, so none of us spent all that much time in the water.


We didn't snorkel there, but I agree that you'd have to be offshore quite a bit. I really didn't notice that the beach was excessively noisy or busy. We enjoyed our day there and thought it was very pretty and low-key. I'm sure the beach/trees have suffered since the hurricane, as has the whole island.


Was it the best beach on the island? No way to tell, since we haven't been to any others and this is completely subjective anyway, depending on what you are interested in.

Good review Nebr....I never saw PB pre-hurricane, but it was very nice when we went and I could see they had to bring in all new palm trees. The first time I went was Nov 2005 and we were one of the first cruises that stopped back in Cozumel. They rebuilt very fast! Nice soft sand beach and great food!! I have been to Mr. Sanchos too which I also find to be a fun place, but maybe more adult?? I too have never noticed a lot of kids at PB, but I imagine it is because they are having too much fun and keeping busy.



It is not worth it :) Happy Holidays, I probably won't be back in front of a computer until next Tues.

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Hi Susan.


Just wanted to mention that you might get more accurate advice if you mentionwhat you're looking for in a beach.


For me . . . Paradise Beach WAS "Paradise":-)


As soon as I came off my ship, I hopped into a taxi & went to PB. I was the FIRST person there! The staff was still raking the sand making sure it would be "picture perfect" for when their guests when they started to arrive.


One of the staff guys told me I had my choice of any chise lounge chair I would like.


I almost felt "guilty" about putting my footprints into the perfectly smooth sand, but chose a chair in the very front row right at the waters edge.


Once I got situated, a waiter came over and asked if I would like something to drink, or to see a menu. I ordered one of their infamous Pina'Coladas, made with Bicardi rum, served in a pineapple shell, garnished with fresh fruit, which the waiter brought back out to me within just a few minutes, and set on the small table next to my chair It was DELICIOUS!! (Who cares if it's only 10:00am. I'm on vacation!!)


I relaxed on the beach for 1-2 hours. , just soaking up the sun, while listening to the waves gently come ashore & sipping my pina colada.


Then I decided it was time for one of their beach massages I had heard so many good things about.


I spotted the massage beds, and went there to ask what time I'd be able to get a full-body 1 hour massage. She said "I can do you right now". Before I knew it, I was laid out on the bed face down getting one of the BEST massages I've ever had! (I'm sure the fact that I was having my massage in the great outdoors where I could still hear the waves coming ashore had "something" to do with it)but this girl REALLY knew how to give a GOOD massage!


After my massage I was SO relaxed, I decided to take short nap in one of the hammocks (also located on the beach (further back from the water). ahhhhh, now I KNEW I was in Paradise!!


After my nap, I climbed the stairs up to the Terrace Restaurant where I had a terrific Mexican lunch (overlooking the beach).

So as you can see . . . everyones opinion is just that. an opinion. But when I can tell you my exact experience, I hope that it will help you be able to make an informed decision on how to spend your day in Cozumel.


Whatever you decide to do, I hope you enjoy.



IMO, PB has something for everyone. Awesome drinks for the adults, water toys for the youngsters (& adults), loungechairs & great food for evryone!


If you do a google search for "Paradise Beach in Cozumel" you'll find their website. It really is just as it appears on their site.


I hope this review will heklp you make your decision.


Wherever you decide to go . . .





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Annie....very nice review. Glad you had a great time. I always enjoy reading a review from cruisers that have actually visited the place. Third party reviews are so BORING and lack details....thanks again :)

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wow, sansan--

i see you've received the royal welcome to CC :) . you'll probably come to realize that, as helpful as these boards are, you often have to read between the lines of needless arguments, people obsessed with post counts, and flirtations in order to get to the helpful information! ahhhh, the things we must do to keep ourselves entertained while waiting for our cruise dates to come... :rolleyes:

my advice? between the websites or reviews, go with the reviews. i'm going in february too (triumph) and am considering where to go. i've used the websites, reviews, and pictures to decide... and I still have NO DECISION!!!

personally i think that first hand knowledge speaks volumes more than a well-angled picture. (having worked in the industry, i know how they can spruce up the scariest of places when it comes to pictures!!!) by the same token, i believe that more experienced (or obsessed :D ) posters on here will be able to share with you helpful information that they've already read-- without necessarily having been there themselves, yet.


i don't know what the big fuss is over-- so, to avoid the fuss and answer your question-- keep coming to CC and keep asking questions! there are so many people here to help!!!

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Good post Cruisehopper, some common sense. Merry Christmas TK! Cheri, I think you are trying to be helpful and I thank you for that but you need to chill out. For all, just keep browsing and roll with the flow and enjoy, you're on vacation.:D


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<-----We've been to Cozumel four times over the past four years, and always look forward to our next trip. I've enjoyed the island more by renting an inexpensive rental car, and exploring the island on our own. Chankanaab Park was beautiful before Wilma, and we returned last month to experience the damage first hand. We were shocked by the extent of the damage, (even though we personally experienced Hurricane Rita and extensive home damage three weeks before Wilma hit there).


Chankanaab has rebuilt the structures, added new shops, and the beach is still one of the best for snorkeling and sunning. It will be a few years before the jungle rebuilds itself though......


The past two trips, Aug. '06 and Nov. '06, we spent time just cruising around and visiting each side of the island, enjoying the beaches and small, out of the way bars around the island. Nothing like an ice cold Sol to ward off the hot sun! ;)


If you're not into exploring on your own, I'd recommend taking a taxi to Paradise or Mr. Sanchos beaches, though they are usually crowded with the cruise ship and other tourists. All-in-all, I've never had a bad experience in Cozumel.........Enjoy your trip!

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