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Anyone have their traveling companion cancel when final payment is due????


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In the past, moderators have posted saying that even mentioning an agent's or agency's name is considered advertising, whether it is good or bad advertising. Its clear these posts are not from the agency, but mentioning good or bad service will likely get the whole thread pulled. FWIW, the no advertising rule is in the guidelines.

Thank you...correct!..no mentioning TA names good or bad....I deleted the name in the post that had it listed.

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On December 22nd I faxed a cancellation notice to the travel agency and also sent in a claim form to the travel insurance company. I could not find anyone else that wanted to travel; most of the people that I work with cannot take 16 days of vacation at one time or else they did not have the $$$. I was not charged the final payment amount on the due date of 12/12, nor was I charged the additional single supplement, but I did not want to take any further risks. My traveling companion did submit a claim to the travel insurance company, but I am not sure that it is going to fly and of course my claim is in conjunction with hers. It was not a Merry Christmas for me this year; just a rather disappointing one.

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I am so sorry this has happen to you! That is why i am so afraid to plan a trip with other people. So my oldest daughter and i are planning one in April and not asking anyone eles because of being stuck with them cancelling. I hopen you get to go on another cruise soon.


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I guess you never know people. I have cruised with this cabin mate and her sister before and considered them to both be reliable individuals. My cabin mate is a nurse in Utah and you would expect her to be a responsible person once a commitment has been made to take a trip with another individual; especially knowing that she would be out the deposit money along with myself.

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I am so sorry to read this story!! It sounds as though I am taking the same trip as you had planned in August.


However, I am going solo by choice, even though it is quite pricey. It is also impossible to find people with BOTH the cash for such a trip AND the 16 days off from work.


In fact, I am on this thread because I was looking for any comments on people who had the Single Supplement charge waived. I am booked through Carnival, though.


Anyway, FWIW, I have the newest brochure. It clearly states that 12, 14 and 16 day European cruises require final payment at 90 days out instead of the standard 75. This is probably because it is more of a challenge to book a cancelled cabin so close to sailing. Cancellation on Europe cruises is: 91+ days out: $0, 90-46 days out: $500 (Deposit), 45-15 days out: $50%, 14 days and less: Full fare.


I'm curious about the cabin mate's claim... I was under the impression she just "couldn't afford" it in the beginning. Then you said that she has some "issue" that I assume developed later (what "issue" can you NOT tell your kids about?). Not affording a trip is not a claim that will be paid. If it's a medical issue, then why the big secret? If it's a work issue, I'm pretty sure it won't be covered, either.


I'm also curious about what age group we are talking about? The sister and friend who are still going, as well as the cabinmate all seem like selfish teenagers! To not take in an abandoned traveler is downright cruel. You all could have upgraded to a bigger/nicer cabin and split the cost 3-ways. I'm thinking it might even be cheaper that way because the 3rd in a cabin is so much cheaper than the first two.


Has the cabinmate even CONSIDERED helping you with the single supplement? Maybe you could still afford, say, half of it? At least you could still go, even though the cabinmate should pay the ENTIRE supplement for you.

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I am so sorry to read this story!! It sounds as though I am taking the same trip as you had planned in August.


However, I am going solo by choice, even though it is quite pricey. It is also impossible to find people with BOTH the cash for such a trip AND the 16 days off from work.


In fact, I am on this thread because I was looking for any comments on people who had the Single Supplement charge waived. I am booked through Carnival, though.


Anyway, FWIW, I have the newest brochure. It clearly states that 12, 14 and 16 day European cruises require final payment at 90 days out instead of the standard 75. This is probably because it is more of a challenge to book a cancelled cabin so close to sailing. Cancellation on Europe cruises is: 91+ days out: $0, 90-46 days out: $500 (Deposit), 45-15 days out: $50%, 14 days and less: Full fare.


I'm curious about the cabin mate's claim... I was under the impression she just "couldn't afford" it in the beginning. Then you said that she has some "issue" that I assume developed later (what "issue" can you NOT tell your kids about?). Not affording a trip is not a claim that will be paid. If it's a medical issue, then why the big secret? If it's a work issue, I'm pretty sure it won't be covered, either.


I'm also curious about what age group we are talking about? The sister and friend who are still going, as well as the cabinmate all seem like selfish teenagers! To not take in an abandoned traveler is downright cruel. You all could have upgraded to a bigger/nicer cabin and split the cost 3-ways. I'm thinking it might even be cheaper that way because the 3rd in a cabin is so much cheaper than the first two.


Has the cabinmate even CONSIDERED helping you with the single supplement? Maybe you could still afford, say, half of it? At least you could still go, even though the cabinmate should pay the ENTIRE supplement for you.



No, the cabinmate has not even CONSIDERED helping me with the single supplement; it seems to me that she does not even realize what a financial burden that she put on me....she keeps asking me why my Mother does not want to go...my Mother is 84 yrs old and just came back from a Hawaii cruise. It is like she is just trying to brush over the fact that due to her cancellation I will most likely lose my entire deposit. My cabinmate even called to wish me a Happy New Year last night...how nice of her???


I am 52 and the 2 sisters are in their 60's and I am unsure of the other woman's age (the one that did not want to put a third person in the room). I have to agree that it is "downright cruel" to not take in an abandoned traveler; I know that if it were the other way around I would certainly take in her sister. And her sister actually left a Xmas present for me with my next door neighbor; I mailed it back to her over the weekend...I did not buy her a gift under the circumstances nor will I accept a gift from her...if she is not willing to help me considering she is the one that asked me to go on the cruise to begin with then I want nothing to do with a gift.


I did not press by cabinmate as far as what the "issue" was ....when she called last night asked if she had heard from the travel insurance company and she said no.


I do not have my Carnival brochure with me at the moment, but when I did contact Carnival the representative stated that their cancellation policy was not as strict as that being charged by the travel agency.

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First of all, AL, it is not appropriate to list your company name on this board. I am alerting your post to the moderators because I don't think your agency deserves free advertising. No one else, good agency or bad, has that luxury in this forum.


That said, I certainly hope that you will make more of an effort to contact Linda. Post your direct email address, cell number or something else so she doesn't have to jump through hoops trying to "get to" you.


Linda, another option might be to downgrade yourself to a 1A, if one is available. The ones with Port Holes are very, very nice.... in my opinion, nicer than the interiors because you have a view (but the same cabin). They are located all the way forward on the lower decks. I had one on Destiny and LOVED it. Low traffic area, 2 windows, etc.


I'm sure if one is available, your friend, AL will accommodate you appropriately given all you've been through.


Your "friend", her sister and the other "friend" are miserable people. You are far better off without them.


Please keep us posted. We care!

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I have the newest brochure in front of me. For EUROPE cruises, cancel policy is:


91+ days out: No Penalty, full refund

90 - 46 days out: Deposit ($500)

45 - 15 days out: 50%

14 and less: Full Fare


Because you have been TRYING to figure this all out and have documented it all here, maybe our buddy AL will make it "nice" for you. It's not like you haven't been in close contact with the agency and they failed to assist.

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AL: I wasn't meaning to be harsh. It is a well known rule and is agreed to when you join that you will not mention your agency's name, nor are members allowed to mention them in discussions. Good or Bad, we can't name names. We just want to help Linda resolve this issue and don't want the whole discussion pulled for not adhering to posted rules.


That said, I just looked up Linda's sailing on carnival.com. As of 8:46PM EST 1/1, Cabin 1212 IS AVAILABLE. It is a 1A with port holes. $1374 for one pax. There are also cabins available in every Cat 4, many Cat 6 and all the way up to Cat 12. Every Category IS AVAILABLE and with several cabins in each Category. I don't know where you get that this sailing (3/14) is "completely sold out".


Further, name changes are done all the time, are only $50 and you can do it right up to sailing, or like a week ahead, if necessary.


Most certainly you can help our friend out... I don't know what Category she is currently booked in, but a 1A seems to be quite affordable for her as a solo. And in my opinion, the 1A with port holes is far nicer than any Cat 4 because of the windows.


Please remain on the boards until Linda comes back. I would like nothing more than to see that this whole thing has been resolved and she can still sail. She deserves it after getting the shaft from her friends and the runaround from your agency, who refused to wait to hear from the insurance company about having her single supplement covered based on her "friend's" claim.


PS: I understand that your cancel policy may be stricter that CCL's, but I am quite sure you can still accommodate our friend. She has been looking for solutions for 2 weeks (that we know of) and you hold the key. I'm asking that you do the "right" thing rather than what is "policy" in this one case.

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2. Carnival does not allow 1A in group contracts EVER.


Sorry to be butting into this, but I have to comment. That above quote is NOT true. I happen to be booked on a Cruise Critic Group Cruise on the Miracle on 4/1/07. And I booked a 1A as a single. According to this, I shouldn't have been able to do so. If the 1A had not been available, I doubt that I would have been able to even afford this cruise. I'm not even sure if you're on the level, but if you are, I suggest you speak to Carnival.

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AL: I understand your savings due to group bookings. That is not in dispute. Perhaps saying "our GROUP" is sold out would have been more accurate. However, the ship itself has MANY cabins available.


As a SOLO (the whole point here), I'm sure it will not matter if this cabin is upper/lower. She can just use the lower bed. My 1A with port holes on Destiny was 2 lowers, so perhaps this cabin is the same. Freedom isn't even in the water yet, so maybe we just don't know on this at this point. However, I don't think it would be a deal breaker either way.


Perhaps you can assist Linda by keeping her booked into the transfers, hotel and air, but return the cruise portion so she can book a 1A through Carnival.


Another option might be that you call CCL yourself, explain that you want to add one 1A to your roster and explain that this nice lady has been through alot by having her cabinmate cancel at the last minute. As for her already booked cabin, maybe CCL would take it back into inventory or you could still sell it. Do you have a "waiting list"? Many cancelations come in at final payment time, hopefully you have people waiting on those cancels.


I have an EXCELLENT PVP that I will call tomorrow for a little more insight on this and will report back.


At the same time, Al, I hope that you will continue to be diligent in looking for solutions for this nice lady and will assist in any way that you can. Even if it appears to be "beyond your policy" or you "think" CCL won't accommodate, all options should be explored before our friend, Linda, loses her trip (and alot of money).


Thank you for your attention. I hope Linda reports in again very soon.


PS: How many "Linda's" do you have on the roster? Also, according to her, her "friend" cancelled on or around December 14th via fax (from what I understand). Can you back track to that and find out who she is so you can give her a call first thing tomorrow expressing your concern, involvement at this point, and willingness to assist however you can?


I am quite sure she will be thrilled that you have taken an interest and will work with her to find a reasonable solution.

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AL: I hope you are still concerned about this issue and will read this.


Because I caught the name of your agency before it was deleted, I was able to go to your website for a little "look see".


You are offering cabin 1212, including air from MCO for $2667. You are also offering plenty of 1A's for my sailing in August. I don't see the offer for transfers and hotels for pre/post on your website. Through CCL, they are $340 on each end (transfer FCO to Rome, Hotel, Hotel to Pier transfer and in reverse for post-cruise.)


I am now MOST CONFIDENT that you can help Linda out. You CAN book this cabin for her, you CAN arrange the money reasonably, and you CAN still see this nice lady not only enjoy her trip, but also restore her faith in your agency.


What do you say?

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I was booked in a 4D and my cabin mates's sister and friend were booked in a 4A. The 1A category was not offered on this group package.


I was also told by Carnival that a name change in certain cases is feasible right up to the sailing date, but that they could not do anything to help me regarding my situation as the reservation is owned by the travel agency that booked it.


The issue was with the roommate and the agency for the simple fact that they wanted to charge me the additional single supplement before the insurance company even reviewed the claim. Prior to this situation I was completed satisfied with the service rendered by this agency.



I guess I can try and contact Al today to see what he has to say.


A great big "thank you" for all of those who have tried to help untangle this situation; you have all gone above and beyond and I wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

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Linda, Please do keep trying to fix this ugly situation. I would hate to see you miss this trip. I'm counting on you for a FULL review that I can use in August (same itinerary as yours).


It's 9:45AM EST now... my PVP gets in at 11AM. I will call and ask him what he thinks might be able to happen. I am VERY close to my PVP... he even sends me photos of his grandkids!


He'll try to find SOMETHING that will help. But frankly, I think our friend, Al, is the key to fixing this. He CAN do it and it's up to us to convince him that it would be the right thing to do, even if he just breaks policy to give you back your deposit, even though you are a little late.


If he does that, you can re-book (either through him or CCL) for another sailing. A 1A in August would be $2666 for flight and cabin through your agency, plus $340 on each end for hotel and all transfers through CCL (if your agency doesn't offer the whole package at that time). Can that be an option for you?


I'll report back after I talk to my PVP.

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Al, we must have been posting at the same time.


Thank you! Your continued diligence in resolving this is great.


I hope it can all be worked out to Linda's financial ability. Hopefully, the bottom line won't be as significant as going solo in a 4D or not going at all.


At this point, all I can do is to beg you to act quickly to get that 1A with port holes! (Cabin 1212) I haven't checked this morning, but hope it is still available. I absolutely loved mine, as it is really a 4A with windows, just on a lower deck.

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Al, we must have been posting at the same time.


Thank you! Your continued diligence in resolving this is great.


I hope it can all be worked out to Linda's financial ability. Hopefully, the bottom line won't be as significant as going solo in a 4D or not going at all.


At this point, all I can do is to beg you to act quickly to get that 1A with port holes! (Cabin 1212) I haven't checked this morning, but hope it is still available. I absolutely loved mine, as it is really a 4A with windows, just on a lower deck.


I just emailed Al, so I will keep everyone posted.


Thanks again for your concern as it is greatly appreciated.

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Linda, Please do keep trying to fix this ugly situation. I would hate to see you miss this trip. I'm counting on you for a FULL review that I can use in August (same itinerary as yours).


It's 9:45AM EST now... my PVP gets in at 11AM. I will call and ask him what he thinks might be able to happen. I am VERY close to my PVP... he even sends me photos of his grandkids!


He'll try to find SOMETHING that will help. But frankly, I think our friend, Al, is the key to fixing this. He CAN do it and it's up to us to convince him that it would be the right thing to do, even if he just breaks policy to give you back your deposit, even though you are a little late.


If he does that, you can re-book (either through him or CCL) for another sailing. A 1A in August would be $2666 for flight and cabin through your agency, plus $340 on each end for hotel and all transfers through CCL (if your agency doesn't offer the whole package at that time). Can that be an option for you?


I'll report back after I talk to my PVP.



Any news yet??? I have not heard back from anyone so far today....have a good evening and I will check back in the morning.

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2. Carnival does not allow 1A in group contracts EVER.


Sorry to be butting into this, but I have to comment. That above quote is NOT true. I happen to be booked on a Cruise Critic Group Cruise on the Miracle on 4/1/07. And I booked a 1A as a single. According to this, I shouldn't have been able to do so. If the 1A had not been available, I doubt that I would have been able to even afford this cruise. I'm not even sure if you're on the level, but if you are, I suggest you speak to Carnival.


I agree... on EVERY group cruise we have done, we have been able to get 1A's with NO problem!!! ALL of our CC groups include the group pricing for the 1A cabins... so obviously this is NOT a Carnival issue. However, they CAN close a group to not add additional cabins... that has happened as well. So if there were no 1A's in the groups inventory and the group is closed, then they can't add to the group. But Carnival DOES allow 1A's into groups...

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I finally spoke to my PVP. He was on vacation over the holidays and it took awhile to get to my voicemail. Sorry for the delay.


He said that SOME groups get 1A's and some don't. It depends on the negotiations and contract details for the group. That said, CCL kind of likes to hold them as well as Aft (extended) balconies, and some of the Cat 11 & 12 balconies for their own use.


Basically, Al CAN put Linda's deposit on the 1A through CCL (or return it to Linda so she can book herself. Linda, if you do this, let me know and I'll direct you to my awesome PVP in private... I'm not sure I can post his name and number on the boards.). He then has the 4D to deal with, but hopefully, they have a waiting list for this trip and can fill that cabin quickly. Also, I don't know if it's done within 90 days, but maybe CCL would take it back into inventory.


Al can still retain the income from the flights, transfers and hotels. This way, no one loses out completely. I'm thinking this would be the most admirable action to take.


I thought I would throw this out to my PVP and see what he said: Any chance of having the single supplement waived or at least lessened?


Sadly, he almost couldn't contain his laughter. It was a long shot, but I tried because he waived it for me on Destiny in 2005 for my 1A with portholes (only paid $450 solo on that one!).


So I said "What if I email his supervisor, that I kind of know"? He said she would laugh even harder, and maybe even pee in her pants. He wasn't being cruel or rude. He just knows I know it's just plain not done. He loves it when I call to entertain him with my ridiculous requests that I know can't be met. It's what we do.


CCL makes a ton of cash on the SS, so waiving it is evidently just not an option for ANYONE anymore.


Linda's particular voyage is special... the maiden voyage. The Godmother of the ship is Kathy Ireland and she "should" be on board. I'm not sure if they do the christening ceremonies at the maiden voyage or before, but it would be an interesting addition to Linda's trip.


That said, I can't help but wonder why this ship has so many empty cabins? Maybe because Europe for 16 days is just too far out of reach for the masses when it's not summer or holiday time, when people have more vacation days to use. Of course, price is a factor as well, and probably many don't realize Freedom will be ready to go on 3/14.


Linda, I am confident that our friend Al will do the right thing. He seems to be willing to try at least. If nothing else, hopefully he will see his way to refunding your deposit, given this debacle. Then, you can rebook for a solo (go on MY sailing!) cabin on your own or through them, but without added expense.


I dislike your "friend" more and more by the minute.


Try again to reach Al. I would recommend going to their website and going to "Contact Us". There is a main corporate office, where he might work. If you get a run around about reaching him or voicemail, explain that you have been in contact with him previously (it's true, even if on this board) and if voicemail, tell him you are the lady from the boards so he will get right back to you.


Please keep us posted. I think I've done all I can at this point, but would be happy to help you in any other way I can think of.

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I'm so sorry you had to go through all this, but as I was reading, you mentioned that your travel companion told you about this around Thanksgiving before penalties started. Couldn't you have cancelled then and avoided the whole mess, and rebook in a 1A if it was available? I know it is not ideal, but these things happen.. and cancelling before final payment is a way out of the vacation if your friend was not able to afford it.


Anyhow, I really hope that you are able to travel, this sounds like a great vacation, and certainly not one that is so easy to take twice in a lifetime. Good luck to you, I know we all wish you well



Kindest regards,



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