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Infants in Pools....helping others break rules..disgusting


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You post this like the majority don't agree with you?????? I think almost all agree with you here so why are you being so defensive? BTW I have babies and I am not an ignorant parent thank you. I think maybe your point would go over a little better if you weren't so busy insulting and mud slinging. Life isn't fair people break rules. Hey maybe you should join the cruise security and save the pools one poopy baby at a time. Do you really let what other people do upsetyou so bad that you actually took them time to look up all those threads and make a huuuge post about it....especially with another going on.




And I may have taken this wrong but you think they should charge what they do for babies cause parents are ignorant....excuse me!!!! I have no problem paying for my kids and am not complainig about it but your comment was a bit rude.

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Well it sure is clear that this OP is so upset that she took the time out to look up many posts on this subject of babies and swimming and poop a doop. Like others have said, you can "cry" all you want about how all of this is disgusting, but it's like coming on here saying how rude and disgusting it is to spit into someone's face. Most of us know it's wrong, you may have one person who posts that it's perfectly ok, but really maybe there just playing around or just bored and wanted to write something stupid to a forum. Don't take what people say on this website so personally. You will give yourself a heartattack. Anyways, I defn wouldn't waste my time going to Carnival with posts and threads, it will be a waste of your time, unless your going to get a petition going with many people's signatures backing you up. Maybe then they may take alil listen.

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The reason I made this post is that by one simple search on the "Family" board I was able to find all of these many posts "helping" others to bring their NON potty trained kids in pools, even encouraging it


Of course, the usual space wasting "get my popcorn" posts are here, along with some defensive ones


As I stated before it is NOT the fault of the baby, it is the fault of the parents....these posts are all over the family board, I don't usually post there, but if YOU do why not "nip" these posts in the bud when you see them??


To me the story of the Atlanta park, which I found from other posters on this board, is very very important....a little girl died from this


Until reading posts here I really didn't give it much thought....but what bothers me most is the way that some people encourage others to break this rule or try to ignore the facts about it with stupid posts about drunks or smokers etc (not that I am fond of either one of those groups LOL)


This is something different...and the fact is that many of the (non usa) crew members simply don't have the cojones to stand up to arrogant in your face "my kid has a right to fun" parents.....


The really ironic thing about the posts that I copied was that one of the most adamant "my baby needs to swim" posters, who posted both before and after her cruise how to get around the rules, who even seemed pleased to be in the water with a 3 year old boy in diapers (!!) was the very poster who complained that her family was sick after the cruise...wondered if there were "yucky's" on board...ummm...maybe she could look in the mirror??


If you are a responsible parent, fine....some of the parents advise a little blow up pool or one of those little rubber duckie tubs...put on balcony...or (if able) even put it on board in an out of the way place...I am not sure how this will work IF everyone does this LOL>> but somehow I think it is safer than taking a kid in a pool or (god forbid) a hot tub


Yes, you pay money for the infant on board, so you should have fun...maybe in future more cruises will have stuff like Disney...


till then?? I think more parents need to follow the rules...and the people who encourage others to not follow the rules need to be educated...


Look how many people encouraged others to simply take the kid in and pretend they are potty trained...that is pretty sick


What will it take?? Will we have a kid airlifted off the ship with hyperthermia from a hot tub?? Will we have a bunch of little kids sick from a kiddie pool, an e colli outbreak like in Atlanta??


FYI >> from reading the stuff on these boards I personally only went in the adult hot tub early in the day 1x and in the hot tub in the spa....LOL

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The reason I made this post is that by one simple search on the "Family" board I was able to find all of these many posts "helping" others to bring their NON potty trained kids in pools, even encouraging it


Of course, the usual space wasting "get my popcorn" posts are here, along with some defensive ones


As I stated before it is NOT the fault of the baby, it is the fault of the parents....these posts are all over the family board, I don't usually post there, but if YOU do why not "nip" these posts in the bud when you see them??


To me the story of the Atlanta park, which I found from other posters on this board, is very very important....a little girl died from this


Until reading posts here I really didn't give it much thought....but what bothers me most is the way that some people encourage others to break this rule or try to ignore the facts about it with stupid posts about drunks or smokers etc (not that I am fond of either one of those groups LOL)


This is something different...and the fact is that many of the (non usa) crew members simply don't have the cojones to stand up to arrogant in your face "my kid has a right to fun" parents.....


The really ironic thing about the posts that I copied was that one of the most adamant "my baby needs to swim" posters, who posted both before and after her cruise how to get around the rules, who even seemed pleased to be in the water with a 3 year old boy in diapers (!!) was the very poster who complained that her family was sick after the cruise...wondered if there were "yucky's" on board...ummm...maybe she could look in the mirror??


If you are a responsible parent, fine....some of the parents advise a little blow up pool or one of those little rubber duckie tubs...put on balcony...or (if able) even put it on board in an out of the way place...I am not sure how this will work IF everyone does this LOL>> but somehow I think it is safer than taking a kid in a pool or (god forbid) a hot tub


Yes, you pay money for the infant on board, so you should have fun...maybe in future more cruises will have stuff like Disney...


till then?? I think more parents need to follow the rules...and the people who encourage others to not follow the rules need to be educated...


Look how many people encouraged others to simply take the kid in and pretend they are potty trained...that is pretty sick


What will it take?? Will we have a kid airlifted off the ship with hyperthermia from a hot tub?? Will we have a bunch of little kids sick from a kiddie pool, an e colli outbreak like in Atlanta??


FYI >> from reading the stuff on these boards I personally only went in the adult hot tub early in the day 1x and in the hot tub in the spa....LOL

I understand how you feel and agree with you, I think most of the posters that have read these "babies in pools" threads agree with you. You cannot change the way a lot of people think. You are going to make yourself sick with all of this. Just go on your cruise and have FUN. There will be things that you see that you agree with and that you don't agree with. Yes, it's the parents fault and yes they are ignorant but I will say it again, you cannot change the way some people are. I think you are expending too much energy on this. It's the weekend, sit back and enjoy.:)

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The reason I made this post is that by one simple search on the "Family" board I was able to find all of these many posts "helping" others to bring their NON potty trained kids in pools, even encouraging it


Of course, the usual space wasting "get my popcorn" posts are here, along with some defensive ones


As I stated before it is NOT the fault of the baby, it is the fault of the parents....these posts are all over the family board, I don't usually post there, but if YOU do why not "nip" these posts in the bud when you see them??


To me the story of the Atlanta park, which I found from other posters on this board, is very very important....a little girl died from this


Until reading posts here I really didn't give it much thought....but what bothers me most is the way that some people encourage others to break this rule or try to ignore the facts about it with stupid posts about drunks or smokers etc (not that I am fond of either one of those groups LOL)


This is something different...and the fact is that many of the (non usa) crew members simply don't have the cojones to stand up to arrogant in your face "my kid has a right to fun" parents.....


The really ironic thing about the posts that I copied was that one of the most adamant "my baby needs to swim" posters, who posted both before and after her cruise how to get around the rules, who even seemed pleased to be in the water with a 3 year old boy in diapers (!!) was the very poster who complained that her family was sick after the cruise...wondered if there were "yucky's" on board...ummm...maybe she could look in the mirror??


If you are a responsible parent, fine....some of the parents advise a little blow up pool or one of those little rubber duckie tubs...put on balcony...or (if able) even put it on board in an out of the way place...I am not sure how this will work IF everyone does this LOL>> but somehow I think it is safer than taking a kid in a pool or (god forbid) a hot tub


Yes, you pay money for the infant on board, so you should have fun...maybe in future more cruises will have stuff like Disney...


till then?? I think more parents need to follow the rules...and the people who encourage others to not follow the rules need to be educated...


Look how many people encouraged others to simply take the kid in and pretend they are potty trained...that is pretty sick


What will it take?? Will we have a kid airlifted off the ship with hyperthermia from a hot tub?? Will we have a bunch of little kids sick from a kiddie pool, an e colli outbreak like in Atlanta??


FYI >> from reading the stuff on these boards I personally only went in the adult hot tub early in the day 1x and in the hot tub in the spa....LOL


Well you have more then made your point. Have you started this same kind of thread on the Family Boards maybe? Because I think we all get what your saying on this board.

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The reason I made this post is that by one simple search on the "Family" board I was able to find all of these many posts "helping" others to bring their NON potty trained kids in pools, even encouraging it


Of course, the usual space wasting "get my popcorn" posts are here, along with some defensive ones


As I stated before it is NOT the fault of the baby, it is the fault of the parents....these posts are all over the family board, I don't usually post there, but if YOU do why not "nip" these posts in the bud when you see them??


To me the story of the Atlanta park, which I found from other posters on this board, is very very important....a little girl died from this


Until reading posts here I really didn't give it much thought....but what bothers me most is the way that some people encourage others to break this rule or try to ignore the facts about it with stupid posts about drunks or smokers etc (not that I am fond of either one of those groups LOL)


This is something different...and the fact is that many of the (non usa) crew members simply don't have the cojones to stand up to arrogant in your face "my kid has a right to fun" parents.....


The really ironic thing about the posts that I copied was that one of the most adamant "my baby needs to swim" posters, who posted both before and after her cruise how to get around the rules, who even seemed pleased to be in the water with a 3 year old boy in diapers (!!) was the very poster who complained that her family was sick after the cruise...wondered if there were "yucky's" on board...ummm...maybe she could look in the mirror??


If you are a responsible parent, fine....some of the parents advise a little blow up pool or one of those little rubber duckie tubs...put on balcony...or (if able) even put it on board in an out of the way place...I am not sure how this will work IF everyone does this LOL>> but somehow I think it is safer than taking a kid in a pool or (god forbid) a hot tub


Yes, you pay money for the infant on board, so you should have fun...maybe in future more cruises will have stuff like Disney...


till then?? I think more parents need to follow the rules...and the people who encourage others to not follow the rules need to be educated...


Look how many people encouraged others to simply take the kid in and pretend they are potty trained...that is pretty sick


What will it take?? Will we have a kid airlifted off the ship with hyperthermia from a hot tub?? Will we have a bunch of little kids sick from a kiddie pool, an e colli outbreak like in Atlanta??


FYI >> from reading the stuff on these boards I personally only went in the adult hot tub early in the day 1x and in the hot tub in the spa....LOL


Well you have more then made your point. Have you started this same kind of thread on the Family Boards maybe? Because I think we all get what your saying on this board.

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collapsable ice chest........check

$20.00 to bribe the room steward to fill ice chest full of ice....check



Baby/toddler..........leave at home

rules.........only rule I know is to relax and have a great time!!!!

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Have you started this same kind of thread on the Family Boards maybe? Because I think we all get what your saying on this board.


Yes she did and I'm sure they get the point over there as well.

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Yes she did and I'm sure they get the point over there as well.


LOL>> the quotes here are from that board...and some of the parents apparently don't get the point..


one QM2 cruiser from the UK just told me that .."Most sensible people realise that a swim nappy worn with a proper swimsuit with properly elasticated legcuffs is actually cleaner than a lot of adults using the pool."


Guess they can have translantic poo in pool there ??


I am really sorry that so many people here wish to simply attack the messenger and not even read the message...all of those posts I copied and pasted were from "helpful" parents helping other parents to break the rules and even encouraging them


This is also something for parents of older kids to think about ...poo in the pool could make them sick

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Of course, the usual space wasting "get my popcorn" posts are here, along with some defensive ones


C'mon Liv, quit wasting space!!:rolleyes: sharecruises, I think you are preaching to the choir, so to speak. The majority of us agree with you. But you will always find somebody that is going to have "their vacation" regardless. To that I say, stupid is as stupid does. If the little ones wanna get wet, put em in the shower for a couple of minutes.

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at first i couldn't think of how a thread with a topic that was "beaten to death" just today on another thread, could receive 36 (now 37, i guess:D ) posts.


But, now i see that you're just waitin' for Zaandam to show up w/ the popcorn.:p


He didn't show up this morning, and I'm still hungry!

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Ok....I don't like poop in the pool, but if I'm paying $1000 for my kid to be on the ship....I'm letting them swim.


I get more grossed out from the big fat smelly adults going in the hot tubs!! You know..the same ones who don't wash their hands in the bathroom and then reach for food in the buffet.


And...if you go to a resort, the kids can most often use the pool with a swimmie.


As long as the water is recirculated out constantly, it doesn't bother me.

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Ok....I don't like poop in the pool, but if I'm paying $1000 for my kid to be on the ship....I'm letting them swim.


I get more grossed out from the big fat smelly adults going in the hot tubs!! You know..the same ones who don't wash their hands in the bathroom and then reach for food in the buffet.


And...if you go to a resort, the kids can most often use the pool with a swimmie.


As long as the water is recirculated out constantly, it doesn't bother me.


WOW! Do you just realized that you are going to start another 30 posts acoming with your comment:eek: . All I have to say is run and don't look back because they are coming, it's never gonna end.......

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Ok....I don't like poop in the pool, but if I'm paying $1000 for my kid to be on the ship....I'm letting them swim.


I get more grossed out from the big fat smelly adults going in the hot tubs!! You know..the same ones who don't wash their hands in the bathroom and then reach for food in the buffet.


And...if you go to a resort, the kids can most often use the pool with a swimmie.


As long as the water is recirculated out constantly, it doesn't bother me.


Are your children potty trained? Then fine, let them swim. If not, you might want to rethink that position. Recirculated water is no guarantee of keeping a pool safe for EVERYONE to swim in (minus babies in swim diapers or no diapers).

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Hi Cheri,

I have a serious question for you. It is not meant to be "funny". I really have a point I would like you to consider.

Do you think all adults and potty trained little kids clean themselves well after a BM? Or that "whoofers" don't happen when passing gas?

I think that there is a very good chance that there is fecal matter in the pool even if there are no babies in the water, don't you?

So maybe we should be asking the cruise lines to clorinate the water HARD, so there is less chance of people getting sick. But I really think that if the pool is a source of bacteria and people are getting sick from it the cruiselines would figure this out and do something about it.

I don't know, what do you think? And yes, we have "met" on the other thread.


Now one more question.

I think you have made your point very well that what upsets you the most are the people teaching others how to break the rules. And you are going to, or have already informed the cruiselines of our discussions on this board. I am wondering if you also informed them of all the other threads that involve teaching "how to's"..you know the ones about booze and stuff like that. or is it just this topic that gets you fired up about the teachings?

I hope you take me seriously, I am really wondering about your thoughts on the matter.:)

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WOW! Do you just realized that you are going to start another 30 posts acoming with your comment:eek: . All I have to say is run and don't look back because they are coming, it's never gonna end.......


Ohhhh boy, you've got that right!!!!! She should Run, run, run, run away!!!!! :eek:

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I tried my hardest to stay out of this one, but just because you paid to bring your child along does not make it ok to put other passengers at risk for illness. That's just not fair to the other passengers who also paid for thier cruise.

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