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Back from the Oosterdam 1-06-07


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Kerry - Are you serious? You don't know if people are reading this? Have you checked the view count lately? We are ALL reading your excellent, entertaining and most informative review. In fact, your post is higher on my favorites list than the rollcall for our 1/27 cruise (sorry, Cruznfool and catvango - no offense - very much looking forward to meeting you on 1/28!- but this is good stuff!)


Many, many thanks for taking the time to entertain us and help us get excited for the O!

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Kerry - Are you serious? You don't know if people are reading this? Have you checked the view count lately? We are ALL reading your excellent, entertaining and most informative review. In fact, your post is higher on my favorites list than the rollcall for our 1/27 cruise (sorry, Cruznfool and catvango - no offense - very much looking forward to meeting you on 1/28!- but this is good stuff!)


Many, many thanks for taking the time to entertain us and help us get excited for the O!


Thanks! I am quite envious of you all. We are planning to do the same route next year, and hope to take the New England cruise with Dr. Clean Plate Award Winner 2007 and Dr. Linda.



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"Thanks! I am quite envious of you all. We are planning to do the same route next year, and hope to take the New England cruise with Dr. Clean Plate Award Winner 2007 and Dr. Linda. "


Hi Kerry,

Really enjoyed your review of last week. I'm still going through withdrawal. Tell Dr Frank and Dr Linda Hi, from their red headed trivia partner, Chris, when you decide to call them. I really, really enjoyed their company. Too bad we never won as a team. I agree about that lobster tail being very small. I thought it was because we were at the "As You Wish" dining, that they didn't cut the lobster out of it's shell. Good to hear that you people from high above got the same treatment. (Joking) And again, the beef on a cruise ship, is not like the beef here in the midwest, when you were talking about that "filet" that came with the lobster. But, I have to say that I gained 5 pounds on this trip, so I really did enjoy the food more than I should have! And I'd be back on the Oosterdam in a heartbeat if I could. Thanks again for your great review!

Chris (Iowa)

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Steve: I did not realize you will be on this ship. Be really interested in your observations.

I canceled my RCL to Canada to do this cruise.





Will let you know about the Oosterdam. See you in September.

Hi to Coral.



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Hey Kerry, I give you credit for going to any of the shows on the ship. We looked each night as to what was offered in the Vista Lounge and said YUCK! Nothing innovative; "same old-same old". We usually just took a walk around the deck and went to bed.

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Dear Omnium, Whatever you say about the next dinner in the next installment of your review, it's been a delight to read it. You're like Bardgal's long lost sibling!. I even printed the whole darn thing out for my husband to read. A great primer for a first time cruiser. I especially wanted him to read about the goodies in the Neptune lounge. A bit cruel because we've been on the South Beach Diet to make room in our clothes for all the temptations we're going to face. (I know, I know, it's supposed to be a permanent lifestyle change, not a pre-cruise crash diet:rolleyes: ) Thank you so much also for, "keepin it real". Warm regards, Catherine


Thanks for the nice compliment. We were actually booked upon the same cruise (Nov. 25) that she was on, and had to cancel. I regret not getting to meet her. All diets have to go by the wayside. Even the ever slender Jane ate like I have never seen. On the healthy side though, Jane went wild (her words) over the carrot and celery sticks in the Neptune. They were good. She ate hundreds of them, probably more. Don't ask me to explain. This has got to go down as one of the most obscure secrets of the ship. They were the best vegetables I ate on board.



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Hey Kerry, I give you credit for going to any of the shows on the ship. We looked each night as to what was offered in the Vista Lounge and said YUCK! Nothing innovative; "same old-same old". We usually just took a walk around the deck and went to bed.



Herb, my brother!


The juggler was incredible. I am sorry that you did not see him. Neither did Jane. She turned in early. The doctors and I really rubbed it in for the rest of the trip.

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Time for a little more housekeeping:


Flowers: There were flowers in the room. A little bowl with daisies. It measured about 6" in diameter, and 3" high. They were always fresh, so perhaps they were replaced. They advertise flowers, but that is pretty thin. We would not have missed them if they were absent.


More Flowers: I negected to mention, that when we had the appetizers brought in they were accompanied by flowers both times. Once with an orchid, and the other a small assortment. I don't know if room service brought them on the other occasions that we used it. They hor'douvres were brought in on a silver platter that must have weighed 15 lbs. Trey chic!


Fruit: There was always a basket of fresh fruit. Grapes, oranges, eeples and banninis (Oh, No! I broke into a Raffi song! Help!) Very well done.


Mr. Taguh: I can't say enough abour our beloved waiter. One day at breakfast, I was looking for a table. It gets pretty dicey trying to find one at times. I look around and there is Taguh, with a table for two by the window. He tells me to always look for him at breakfast and lunch, and he will have a table ready for us. True to his word, he did. Sometimes he would put food at a table to reserve it for us.


Beers: I mentioned that the beers in port were small. They were not. I stand corrected.



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Wow! I have been home for a week now! I have to finish this! Lot's to say about day 7. Already received emails frrm our English and Arkansas. friends.


After another greats night rest, I went to the Neptune and for some reason had a craving for fruit. I took a huge platter to my room that included pineapple, watermelon and various other melons. Being full on fruit did not stop me from making our final trip to the Lido for breakfast. I have finally found something to complain about in the Lico: the sausage patties are a bit too pinguid for me, and they have all these little signs that say what they have. That I like. Everything is labeled. It's just that the signs are cheap little hand lettered signs, the kind you find at a really cheap buffet restaurant, if you know what I mean. Not too classy. I know that I am nitpicking, but it is all on the details. The breakfast was great, and there was Turgoh holding down a table for us.


I don't know how I passed the morning. It was freezing outside so there was no chance to lay out. I brought a lot of reading material along, and probably read about two pages. We scooped up some souvenirs for the girls. That morning, we went to a Mariner Society reception. It was fun. Remember, I was invited after a 20 year layover. Frank and Linda were sitting up front and they were proudly wearing their 5 voyage pins. Our friend Kevin was presented a medallion for his 25th cruise, and I wanted to be there to see it. They served drinks, and I had a Bloody Mary. It was probably a virgin one, being totally devoid of any alchohol. The Captain, James, and personable Michelle greeted everyone at the door. Still shaking hands with all. A very good sign as I said.


On the way to the reception, I ran into my very own Secret Santa and he told me that he was going on a tour of the bridge. Would Jane and I like to go? Would I! Would I! (punch line to an old joke). I swore secrecy as to who he is, and would meet at 2:30 for the tour.


For lunch they had a private luncheon for Suite Holders in the Crow's Nest. Again, the Ships Axis of Power again greeted us. Friend Kevin had a table and we asked if we could join him. John and Sue soon popped in and they joined us as well. The food was from the Pinnacle Grill. It was a fabulous spread. Easily the best meal I had on the entire cruise. No kidding. The drinks were again flowing and I had another Bloody Mary. Whoa! This was a real one! With a bullet! And they kept coming. Nothing virgin about these babies! Another marvelous time was had by all.


After lunch, I was really listing to port. It was not the ship, it was the Bloody Mary's. Jane was feeling the same, but it was because of all the champagne she had. She was listing to starboard. We made quite a couple. We met at the Martini Bar and were escorted with about 20 others to the bridge. The average age of this group was about 80, and it was only that low because we brought it down.


We had an hour or so tour of the bridge. I love stuff like this. Behind the scenes. Awesome. The crew was, as always very gracious and accomodating with their time. They enjoyed answering our questions. What was really interesting was how young they all were. In their mid-to-late twenties. That old Three Stooges line came to me; "you sure you boys know what you are doing?" (Aw, don't worry Mr. B., you won't recognize the place when you get back!".


Needless to say, the lunch and tour were two of the highlights of our cruise. It was quite an honor to be part of that. Thank you Secret Santa!


Tomorrow I will wrap up my Epistle to the Cruise Critics. Last dinner, (the score is 3 to 3, how will it turn out?), final show (Ricky Martin? Ricky Ricardo? A real Ricky wannabee.) Packing and sad farewells all around,and things that go bump in the night.


BTW: I have not commented on the laundry service. Did you know that with a suite, you get free laundry? How cool is that? Since I underpacked, and was about two shirts short of a vacation, I made great use of it. My laundry was done perfectly, and was always back the next day. I had all my dress shirts pressed. Fastidious and tidy Jane did not need to avail herself.





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This review would be remiss if I did not tell you what I did not do.


1. I did not try the taco bar. It always had that "picked over" look whenever we would approach it. We also did not eat at any of the pool side buffets.


2. I did not try the Pasta Bar. This I regret. It always smelled so good and looked very applealing. A man can only eat so much.


3. I never made it to the ice cream bar. I tried. There was always a line and I did not have the patience. Once I went and the only lady in front of me could not make up her mind. Frustrated, I walked away. We are not talking 31 Flavors here folks. There are only a few. The waffle cones looked very good. Huge too.


4. Nothing at the sushi bar caught my attention.


5. I did not attend the BBQ on sail-a-way night from Mexico. I did look. Without trying to sound like every cruise comedian in the history of cruise comedians, you should see them eat! Waves and waves for hungry people descended on it like lemmings. Apparently they had starved themselves just for this moment. A must see.


6. We did none of the activities apart from the kitchen tour. Nothing. We are the yin to Frank and Linda's yang.


7. No excurisions either.


8. I did not have a box of cereal at the Lido. I did not come all this way or spend all this money to have a box of Cheerios. Puh-lease!


9. I did not spend anytime in the thermal suites or the hydro pool. I would have liked to, though.


10. I spent too much time in the Internet Center. Talking to the kids on AIM, and emailing work. Eventually I lost interest in work and cut off all communications.


11. Never went to the late night buffet. We did go to the Chocolate Buffet. Only for a taste, mind you!


12. We did not have the assorted cheese plate for dessert.


I was never bored, nor did I ever lack anything to do. The only decisions I had to make was where to eat lunch. That was tough!


I am sure there are others things we did not do, but these come to mind.



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One last round of appetizers from the Neptune Lounge. It is really sinking in that we are going home in the morning.


No workout tonight. All my exercise buddies were probably wondering where I was.


The final show is before dinner tonight. First up was Bob Cates, the amazing juggler. He did not disappoint. He set up a Dance-Dance Revolution Play Station game. He did the highest level and the fastest song while juggling three "bowling pins". He only missed three steps! My kids cannot even do it at that level, let alone juggling while on a rocking ship. He got a standing O from all on the O. Truly, he is one outstanding entertainer.


Next up were the husband and wife magician team. Now I know why I did not go see them. Very disapointing. A couple of cheap tricks, a lot of insipid bantering and that was about it. This is about the worst magic I have ever seen and no one was impressed. Last was Latin Crooner Peter Fernadez. Whew! As Rosanne Rosannadanna would say, "I thought I was going to die!". Rickey Martin, he is not. Sorry, but this was a bit too much for me. When he slipped into his red sequined shirt...let it go Kerry, let it go...


Off to dinner for one last time. I will not keep you in suspense. I liked it! Four good dinners out of 7! As Bill & Ted would say, "Not Baaaad!".


Great rolls again including Ciabatta Bread. Anyone for a grilled ciabatta sandwich?


The best appetizer of all was on the last night. We all ordered the Salmon and Shrimp Cake, not really with any great expectations. It was delcious. We asked Taguh if he could score some more for us and he did. Each plate had two, and we all ate four. Frank, I think ate six. The Baja Conch Chowder was also very good. (being the last night I didn't want to think what recycled seafood was in it, but it was quite tasty!).


For dinner I had the Pan Seared Gulf Red Snapper and then went off contented. Hugs all around with our beloved waitstaff. I was so full I wanted to just lay down and pass out.


John and Sue ate in the Pinnacle for the second time that evening and we all agreed to meet for drinks in the Crows Nest. We waited unitl 10:20 with Frank and Linda, and they did not arrive. Tired, full, and with some packing still to be done, we bade our new friends farewell and agreed that we must do it again. Misty eyed, hand in hand, Jane and I made the long walk alone to 7077.


Next: Disembarking and some final thoughts.





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I have not commented much on the ship. A lot of people have complained about the ships layout. No great atrium, and it gets snug in the gift shop area. That is true. I myself like the large atriums. Yet, the layout of the ship never affected my personal Feng Shui, and I was quite comfortable. It took maybe about 30 minutes to my myself at home.


The roof that opens and closes above the main pool is brilliant. I have seem events rained out before. This will not happen here. Plus, it gives us more room to move about and the cold and windy days. There were many people enjoying the pool, even though it was quite cold outside the ship.


We packed our bags and put them outside. In a suite you have the option of 1:00 or 6:00 AM. We chose 1:00. For the first time we hung out the card for room service. We chose the 7-7:30 slot. We had the choice of anything we wanted. Full breakfast. I don't know if this is only for suites, or if everyone can order a full breakfast. On RCCI and X, you can only get a continental breakfast on the last morning. At least the last time I was on one of their ships.


We went to bed about 1:00 or so. I was awoken by Jane's cursing. She got up about 4 in the morning and crashed into our big suitcase! I forgot to put it outside! Idiot! I called the concierge number and they said, no problem, just set it outside the door.


I woke at 6:00, and went for my morning coffee and rolls. My last visit to the magic coffee machine. Sue from England was there. We had just missed them the night before. Dinner at the Pinnacle ran late. At 7:00 our breakfast arrived, beautifully presented and piping hot. There were of course, flowers. Now, Madame likes her omellettes well done and I wrote it on the card. Madame was well pleased. While we ere dining, we got a phone call asking if everything was OK. Can you imagine? My final hours, and they still want to know how we enjoyed the meal and the service. A perfect way to end our perfect week.


HAL came up with a winner of an idea when they decided to let you stay in your cabin until your number is called. It is so much more comfortable. At 8:20, ours was called. Having a suite means never having to say goodbye late. We went to the Nepturne to bid adieu to Louise and Jun. We chatted a few minutes and left.


Our luggage was waiting. We brought it outside. I went across the street to get the car. When I came back, Sue and John were there, getting ready to traverse the California Coast. More hugs and goodbyes. By 9:00 we were on the freeway, and by 10:30 we were home. The girls gave us a few minutes of grace, and then laid into us with their demands. Welcome home Kerry and Jane.


Next: one last message to sum it all up. I have to figure out how to wrap this up. Hopefully in a little while.


Thanks to all for your nice comments and for reading this. It has been so much fun to write!





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Kerry - Fanastic review - I've re-lived every minute of it whilst I have my lunch at work (wishing I was somewhere else). My only comment - you should have made it to the Pinnacle for breakfast more often - even on the last morning it was great! We have snow here today, most unusual so close to London and our transport system and roads have struggled to cope! Dreaming of the hot Mexican sun and a cocktail!

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Hi Sue,


I did not even know the Pinnacle was open on the last day. Another great benefit. We could not get out of bed early enough to ever get there. They close too early. We are planning to take the same trip next year. I see that the prices are a lot higher. Didn't you book yours at a higher price, and then got a lower one later. Frank and Linda are considering it as well.


Tell John thanks for the pictures. It was just what I needed at work, another reason to daydream on the job!



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Hello Sue,

I remember your name from years ago.

Glad you had a great time on the cruise.

The reason I remember you is that Trever (from Newcastle) gave yourself a lot of information about a Panama Cruise if memory serves me correctly.

I might still have your e-mail address.


Kerry, I'm enjoying your review and for my self will be on the Oosterdam this Saturday. I'm really going to miss that Neptune lounge, a suite was not available when I booked.

Keep up the good work and look forward to any posting you have about the cruise.



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I have really enjoyed your reviews and am looking forward to our cruise on the Oosterdam 3/3. On other HAL cruises, we have always enjoyed the Indonesian dishes...I am a sucker for satay with peanut sauce!! Did they serve any Indonesian dishes on the cruise?


Yes they did. One night for dinner they had these dishes, including the chicken satay with peanut sauce. There was also a poolside lunch buffet of all Indonesian food. At the suite lunch in the Crow's Nest, we were served the chicken satay. That was fabulous.



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Kerry: I have had so much fun on your cruise with you and the beautiful Linda.......thanks for sharing. You have definitely enticed me into seeing and being on the "O"! We'll see her on April 14th. I'm counting the days!

It certainly sounds as though you';ve recuperated quite nicely from your heart attack. Keep up the good work.


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Kerry: I have had so much fun on your cruise with you and the beautiful Linda.......thanks for sharing. You have definitely enticed me into seeing and being on the "O"! We'll see her on April 14th. I'm counting the days!


It certainly sounds as though you';ve recuperated quite nicely from your heart attack. Keep up the good work.




Thanks Roz. I have really come back from the HA and am at full speed. The cruise was just what I needed to complete my recovery.


My wife is the lovely Jane. The beautiful Dr. Linda is a professor at Southern Arkansas University. If anyone watched American Idol last night, the first one was a cheerleader from her school. They showed all the cheerleaders as well. He was quite talented, but got the boot anyway.



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I would like some comments and clarifications about your As You Like It dining schedule. There is conflicting information on our 3/3 Roll Call on this subject. Some think we are still on the As You Like It experiment. Others think we are on a different experiment. My TA swears we are not on As You Like It from her calls to HAL.


My letter in the docs is as follows:




Dear Guest,


We are excited to advise you of a new dining concept - Leisure Dining Service - that will be featured during this sailing. We have designed Leisure Dining Service to provide our guests with that extra flexibility that we all want on our vacations.


Simply stated, Leisure Dining Service means you do not have to arrive at the Vista Dining Room at a specific time. Instead, we have created two dining time windows which you can use as you please.


For those guests who had confirmed dining times of either 5:45 p.m. or 6:15 p.m., you may now come to the Vista Dining Room at any time between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. We do request that you arrive no later than 6:00 p.m.


For those guests who had confirmed dining times of either 8:00 p.m. or 8:30 p.m., you may now come to the Vista Dining Room at any time between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. This is truly leisure at its finest.


No one has to make a special reservation for a certain time. Furthermore, the table previously reserved for you will still be your table.


If you have questions, our Dining Room Staff will be available during embarkation from 12.30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. outside the Explorer's Lounge on Deck 2.


At Holland America Line, we are always looking for ways to make your vacation just a little more luxurious. It is with that goal in mind that we are proud to present our new Leisure Dining Service.




Is this the same letter you received? I read on one of the other threads that the As You Like it experiment had been a "logistics nightmare" for the staff and that they were now experimenting with this "Windows" concept.



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Hey Kerry,

When is it you are crusing this fall? I want to try and remember to come back to these boards then, and read your review of the New England cruise.

Otherwise I probably won't be back till next November, when we decide to book our next January, 2008 cruise.

Chris (Iowa)

PS--I really, really enjoyed reading all your commentary, and particularly about the Neptune Lounge, and the joys of the good life in the Suites!

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Kerry: I hope this is not a duplicate post.....I couldn't get the last one to register.

I'm so sorry about coupling you with the wrong woman....please give the LOVELY JANE my apologies! :p

Yes, I did see the cheerleader on Idol....he was fantastic...Simon thought he was "over the top!" He was a definite "triple threat!" I loved seeing his squad cheer for him outside the room and poor Simon had to go out and ask them to "shut up!" He can be such a jerk! :mad:

Stay well,


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