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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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Thanks, mowrider. I was truly starting to semi-freak. stbDH and I will be taking our first cruise in April, and this is one of my (many, many) fears. :)


NOt to Worry......

We always request a large table....even if it's just the two of us.....

in over 20 cruises we've really never had a truly bad experience.....

Cruising is about meeting new and different people to us........:)

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First cruise ever and we were seated with a couple who had just been married (30ish), a couple who were 1) a lawyer and 2) an IT Tech, and the final couple also 30ish who were swingers and proud of it. We missed one meal in the dining room and the next nite when we showed up the newly weds (the professional couple apparently didn't show the nite before either) whispered loudly - "Don't ever leave us alone with those two again!" refferring to the swingers of course ha ha.

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The servers often encourage guests to sample more than one dish of each thing.



This is true. On several occasions our waitor (who was really great!) would bring over something extra that we didn't even order just so we could try it! It was like our "surprise of the night". One night he brought over the standard grilled chicken that is available every night. I have to say that was the best thing I ate in the dining room! Order the chicken!!! :D

Same thing with the desserts. On the first night my daughter couldn't decide which sherbert she wanted to try and he just said he would put them all together for her so wouldn't even have to decide. I'm glad she doesn't expect that service at home.....:rolleyes:

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We have had too many bad experiences with table mates that now if we can't get a table for two or with just our sailing party we eat in the specialty dining room or sail Princess.


These come to mind:

--large table: five women of the ten at the table decided they could show up at least 30 minutes late each night and then kept asking what we ordered since we already had our food. The other people were a guy with two girls, sailing together..really weird....


--large table: A woman sailing alone that never stopped talking about herself in a very shrill voice, a couple of chirpy early twenties that never stopped saying "like, man," a guy sailing alone that never said a word but had horrible table manners, another couple that didn't like anything and kept complaining.

Our waiter was also horrible, and thank goodness we moved to a table for 2.


--large table of obnoxious women with very loud voices, drunk when they got to the table.....


--etc., etc.


We always now have a table for just us..or eat at alternative dining.



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As far as being seated with tablemates who brag, brag, brag ~ I really like this comment:


In my experience, if someone starts to talk about money or brag about their possessions, I simply say, "I'm sorry....I don't talk about money. It's tacky". That usually shuts them up. :)


My grandfather had a saying that seems to sum up the braggers of the world. He always said "The empty wagon rattles the loudest".


It's just like another poster said ~ people who actually have money don't talk about it.


On our 2 cruises, we have not requested a table for just our party of 4, but that is what we got both times. I wouldn't have minded tablemates, but I was fine with just the 4 of us also.


We have eaten breakfast in the dining room only a couple of times. Once, we got seated with a table of nice folks, but the next time were seated with a couple ~ it was very obvious that the DH was NOT happy to be seated with another couple (us). Very uncomfortable.

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I haven't had any real bad tablemates... but one almost came close. Two days into the cruise, they anounce that they don't like cruising and then want to proceed talking a lot about why cruising is bad compared to other vacations.


Heeeeellloooooooooo...! Nothing but a bunch of cruising addicts sitting at the table with you!


I'm pretty good at changing the subject so it wan't a big deal.


I have sat with a lot of complainers, but I figure those folks are probably happiest when they are miserable.

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I would wholeheartedly suggest that from now you, you eat at a table for just you and your family, so you never have to worry about anyone elses eating/sampling habits ever again.


Don't recall being "worried". The subject was "bad experiences with table mates" and this was mine. Am I not allowed to have this experience? or simply not allowed to think it's "bad" because it's something you yourself do?


You are in a place that has a MENU, and you are trying to justify using it as a smorgasbord. That is inappropriate if used to the degree I observed it being used -- every meal with multiple appetizers and multiple entrees. And it's inappropriate for a number of reasons.


First, it imposes on other tablemates, who have to cede their portion of the table to the grazers. Second, while "allowed", it abuses the allowance in the same way that going to a wedding reception and claiming "well, they're handing out glasses of champagne -- so that must mean I can take a bottle for myself" abuses the privilege complimentary champagne. ...or going to the Captain's Ball and snagging a whole tray of complimentary drinks abuses that privilege.


Will they kick you out? Almost certainly not, but it's rude.


Instead, you can look over your shoulder at others and snicker about them to your hearts content.


Ahem: I. Don't. Make. Scenes. Didn't I say that? [answer: yes I did.]


Looking around and snickering at the hoi-polloi is one of those things that is not appropriate in polite company.


I guess rwilymz has taken a firm stance against ordering more than one of anything, and that just won't do.


I'll try it again with slightly different words this time:


Once in a while is fine; every meal...? multiples of every course...? That's a buffet.


LOL Has a definate opinion on what cruising should be and how everyone is expected to act.


Aye. Politeness, decorum, basic socialization skills, and following rules.


Yeah. I'm the bad guy. I see that very very clearly.


There's nothing wrong with eating buffet style. That's what they have a buffet for. They don't have dining room options on Lido deck? That's the trade-off. It's not a lot to ask, frankly.


Doing something "allowable" might still fall outside of "polite". But if you were raised by wolves, how would you know that? ...except to have a mean old bully like me tell you, of course.


Anyway, to stay on subject.. when we were on the Holiday, there was a woman that talked incessantly about her jewelry.


Never got off the subject, Mike. But isn't it ironic that you and I both think self-centered, impolite, me-firsters belong as topics in the "bad experiences with table mates" topic? I find it ironic.


I find it ironic because what *I* consider self-centered and impolite is what you yourself do.


Yet, you have the temerity to sit in condescending judgment of a woman with cheap jewelry bragging loudly about it.


I find it arrogant, rude, and down right bossy to worry about what other people are eating at my table.


I'm worried about what these people were eating? Where ever did you get that from? Must be a lot of thin air in Georgia, there. Nay; ain't what they were eating that was the issue, but the ever-expanding territory they claimed while eating it.


rwilymz always seems to divert every thread he posts on, and starts an argument.


What is the "diversion? The subject is "bad experiences with table mates", isn't it? Am I not allowed to have any bad experiences? Or are my bad experiences only allowed to coincide with yours? When I am denounced for suggesting that maybe, perhaps, just possibly grazing off the menu is -- like chewing with your mouth open -- not something that's specifically prohibited, but more along the lines of "merely rude", am I supposed to take my tail between my legs, and walk away properly chagrined for suggesting that maybe, perhaps, just possibly people might wish to think about how others view them in very public social settings?


Or does that make me a troll?


I'm getting the picture that others denouncing me make me the cause of arguments. Boy howdy! Isn't my face red!

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... When I am denounced for suggesting that maybe, perhaps, just possibly grazing off the menu is -- like chewing with your mouth open -- not something that's specifically prohibited, but more along the lines of "merely rude", am I supposed to take my tail between my legs, and walk away properly chagrined for suggesting that maybe, perhaps, just possibly people might wish to think about how others view them in very public social settings? ...


sorry, but i truly think you are wrong. sampling another appetizer is not rude. ordering a second entree (like a small order of steak to go w/ lobster) is not something that is merely "not specifically prohibited." You've read the other posts on here where some have stated that their own head waiters suggest sampling more than one appetizer, dessert and/or entree.


i just don't understand why it is that you are getting so upset. at first i thought maybe you really weren't upset, that maybe you were just trying to get the "goads" of some on here for fun. but i see you are sticking w/ your point, so now can only surmize that this truly bothers you. but being able to sample more than one delicious dish in the main dining room is a fact of cruising. the dishes offered in the main dining room are not offered on LIDO. Guests have the priviledge of ordering more than one if they'd like. That's just the way it is.


What your waiter did (by bringing out tons of plates), i think was wrong, and was his fault. But, people will continue to order a selction of things, no matter what the cruise line (i got my second chocolate swan on Celebrity :p ), and if this really bothers you, you will need to get the maitre d' to assign you a separate table (as one poster suggested), and if that is not possible, then the only other options would be:


1) head to LIDO and get a table for two;

2) stay in the dining room w/ the people at your table; or

3) order room service.

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Quite often, we've sat with people (and at times BEEN those people) who order multiple items from the same course at dinner. We have been very lucky, however, in that our waiter knows to deliver ONE ITEM AT A TIME to those who order multiples. Once it looks like we've finished all we want from a plate, it is removed and the next plate brought out. We've never ordered more than two items from the same course, and we've NEVER had a table look or feel crowded. What we HAVE done is something ALL of our tablemates have enjoyed - we absolutely loved the shrimp cocktail on one of our first cruises, and the waiter said he'd be happy to bring it (in addition to whatever we wanted from the menu) as an appetizer for us each evening. When I asked if he would be able to do it for the whole table, he smiled, and so did all of our tablemates. We've arranged for that - after asking our tablemates - on each cruise since, and it's really surprizing how quickly we've made friends at our dinner table on our cruises.


Without causing a riot, would it be too much to ask everyone to lighten up a little? I was under the impression that this thread was started in order to bring a chuckle now and then, not create such animosity. Relax, folks! Believe me when I tell you that life is too short to look for arguments.

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I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for taking the bait to begin with. If I had realized rwilymz's history of blowing things out of proportion, I likely would not have answered him in the first place. Since this is a thread about something that is perceived as negative, and I thought that perhaps the responses were a way to possibly have fun with a negative topic, my inital reply was a bit tongue in cheek. I apparently hit a button with rwilymz, and I will make sure his username is on my radar next time to not contradict with in any way, even if it's mean to be in good fun.


Until then, have a few appetizers. They're on me. ;)

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ya know what guys -- i just read half of his post to me and stopped. can't even stomach it anymore. guy is such a miserable slog. nothin is ever going to make him happy. just read how he has responded to each and every one of you. better yet, look at his posts, i've never sen anything of value. what's the option, report abuse?

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Well... you can't call him a slog and want to report abuse in the same breath. :D


Don't report abuse. It's not all that bad.. it's actually a good discussion.


True, i guess:D . But, he's just so evil in every post to every poster and has never once had anything of value to offer.:rolleyes: he shld move on ...

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True, i guess:D . But, he's just so evil in every post to every poster and has never once had anything of value to offer.:rolleyes: he shld move on ...


No way. Just because some don't like what he has to say, he has every right to say it. I actually look forward to his replies. I know I'm gonna get a chuckle.


Besides, believe it or not, there are a "few of him" on every cruise. It's comical to see them in action.

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No way. Just because some don't like what he has to say, he has every right to say it. I actually look forward to his replies. I know I'm gonna get a chuckle.


Besides, believe it or not, there are a "few of him" on every cruise. It's comical to see them in action.


you are too funny, stuart. your gonna make him pop a vessel if you get him riled up again:p

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double... 1st one today. i almost thought they fixed it.


you are too funny. i kept waiting for you to show up w/ the infamous popcorn pic on one thread that got so bad. but i think it was pulled b/4 you even got a chance to see it. then the infants in the pool thread looked like it needed your pocorn, but i think that war has faded a bit.;)

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zaandam_2 - Where was this taken? It looks like every table in every Chinese restaurant I've ever been to!


i'm not sure where it was taken. i just google images for picture of a full table.


i haven't put out the popcorn picture yet, because the thread usually gets pulled after i do. this one is too funny.

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Okay, let me try this again. Newbie here, sorry.


And since you appear to dislike dissention, let me apologize for that as well before I even say anything.


I'm an attorney in a fairly good-sized office. You can probably say that I'm a professional dinner-haver. I frequently take along junior partners and associates depending on the clinets we're entertaining. I also cruise alot, and this topic caught my eye a few days ago.


As some of you siad, those who talk loudly are rude, as are those who monopolize conversations. So are teeth pickers, nose pickers, nose blowers, belchers, f*rters (and any other bodily functions being exercised at the table), ... cud chewers. Cell-phone gabbers. Little kids who run around. Many things are rude.


I've got a brother in law, Brian, who sprawls at the table. If you sit next to him, his elbow will find its way into your lap, your plate, knock your silverware to the floor. You name it. Each of those has happened at least once to me, and many more times to my sister, his wife. It's become a running joke. Now, please understand, we all think it's rude, and we've told him about it, but he's just the sprawling sort. Some people are just the belching sort. Others are just the loud talking sort. (and I've noticed that the loud talkers and the monopolizers tend to not realize who they are. There's quite likely several of you being called rude, here)


Well, it seems that a few of you are the "order everything in sight" sort, and you don't like being told that others find it rude. And it seems that others are the "occassionally order another appetizer sort" and you didn't (didn't want to?) read what he actually said before you jumped all over him.


But if you'll allow me to do my job here and summarize what I read over the last few days:


rlimzy: when you order so much at once that your plates cover mine, it's rude


Some of you: how dare you tell me I can't order seconds!!


He didn't say you couldn't order seconds, you're being defensive. And I applaude rlimzy for not making a scene when his dinner companions absorbed the table space out from under him.


Now if he were my client, I'd advise him to seek retractions and apologies from a few of you. And those who thought he was being abusive... not him, I'm afraid.

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Now if he were my client, I'd advise him to seek retractions and apologies from a few of you. And those who thought he was being abusive... not him, I'm afraid.


Legal action is required for defending myself for being jumped on on a message board?


The only thing I apologize for is feeding the troll in the first place.


The original post, if you reread it carefully, as you suggest, did not make it seem like the number of uncleared plates were the problem, but the fact that the extra food was ordered to begin with. If I misinterpreted, that was my error, but instead of clarifying, he chose to jump all over me.

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