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Dining Room Attire Thought


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jeans topic again, this come around almost 3-4 times a week. MY THOUGH. take no jeans with you on your cruise. leave them all at home and take casual & fomal wear to cruise. wear your jeans (work clothes) around the house when you get home. if you can afford to cruise you can afford to dress as required.. Phish Tales :) :) :)

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jeans topic again, this come around almost 3-4 times a week. MY THOUGH. take no jeans with you on your cruise. leave them all at home and take casual & fomal wear to cruise. wear your jeans (work clothes) around the house when you get home. if you can afford to cruise you can afford to dress as required.. Phish Tales :) :) :)


OK - THAT'S not a rude thing to say? Now it's OK to tell people how to spend their money, along with how to dress? This is so ridiculous it's downright funny......in a "not so funny" kind of way.

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To Toto2Kansas and latitude 2


Very well said!!!


Both posts say it all!


My hubby and I are new cruisers (only2 so far) and we love it, feel it is the only way to vacation.


We especially look forward to formal nights, it is a chance to go to that gorgeous dining room dressed and polished :) and sit with six other people feeling very festive. The ambiance is wonderful and we leave to see the shows after dinner in a lovely mood.


To open another can of worms, we were surprised at afternoon tea - with the white-glove service how many people showed up 'undressed' :rolleyes:


NOW DON'T EVERYONE JUMP AT ONCE - it was just an observation - I am leaving the thread now so won't read all the 'rude' comments made to me.:D


Sorry if I started something - just couldn't resist!:D

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OK - THAT'S not a rude thing to say? Now it's OK to tell people how to spend their money, along with how to dress? This is so ridiculous it's downright funny......in a "not so funny" kind of way.



Everyone is entitled to their opinion once again, be it rude or polite. :rolleyes:

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if you can afford to cruise you can afford to dress as required.. Phish Tales :) :) :)


Tacky! You have no idea what it takes for some people to save up for vacation and decent clothing that is used only for the ship atmosphere. I see why some would love to but do not go on cruises.

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Please go the princess web site and read the "passage contract". This is what you are agreeing to when purchasing your ticket.




The Dress code is a suggestion only!


If anyone wants to challenge me on this please do so!!

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The reason we do not attend formal night anymore has nothing to do with finances. I have an entire room devoted to strictly clothes for cruises. After almost 30 cruises, we have accumulated a lot of things. In that room is one closet full of long gowns, cocktail dresses and other formal clothes. So, our choice has nothing to do with whether or not we have the proper attire for formal night.

We just choose to not participate anymore. There are those of us that did the formal night thing for many years and enjoyed it, but it grew tiresome after many years.

That is another reason we stick with Princess, they give us the choice whether to dress as we wish or dress up to the suggested standards of the ship that evening.

Last cruise we ran into many friends at the buffet on formal night and they asked us why we were so dressed up if we didn't plan to go to the diningroom. Our answer to them was that there were other things we wanted to do on the ship that evening and we don't like looking out of place.

So, some of us have the proper things to wear, we just choose not to wear it. BUT, we also don't join into the areas of the ship where formal dress is expected if we plan to dress down that evening. We do this out of respect to the ship and it's crew and the other passengers onboard that look forward to this sort of thing. It isn't their fault we aren't thrilled with the idea anymore, and standing next to someone all dressed up with me in capris just is lack of respect for others. IMHO of coarse.

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Maybe “rude” isn’t the correct word……,.


However, there’s something not right about one person telling another how to spend their money or what type of vacation they should take or what they can or cannot wear to dinner. In what universe is that acceptable behavior? Let’s face it, sometimes it is “rude” to state your opinion.


The idea that just because you can afford to take a cruise, you can afford to buy what some consider appropriate clothing, is absolutely ridiculous. Tell me again how what Joe Blow wears to dinner affects Jane Smith?


One more time: If Princess decides that these are strict rules (rather than guidelines) and that they are going to really enforce them, things would be different. Until then....

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You aren't the 1st poster that has brought up this topic, I believe it began just a few months after Cruisecritic.com 1st began. You won't be the last.
I'm sure there are still a few people arguing about this on Usenet (if you know what that is, you're a cyber-dinosaur!) :)
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We are there to eat not participate in a catwalk fashion show, have cute "fun" photos taken, or pretend that we are the Bonds, Astors or Guggenheims of the world.
After reading the closed jeans debate, I concluded that those who equivocate jeans that might cost more than a suit or tux might be charged with trying to pretend they are Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or even George Clooney. Different fantasy, same dream...:rolleyes:


Sorry pard, couldn't resist. First pint's on me, if we get the chance. :)

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Please go the princess web site and read the "passage contract". This is what you are agreeing to when purchasing your ticket.




The Dress code is a suggestion only!


If anyone wants to challenge me on this please do so!!


Let us start with the following from the Princess Passage Contract:



You shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of all immigration, port, health, customs, and police

authorities, and all other laws and regulations of each country or state from or to which You will travel and You agree to

reimburse Carrier for any expenses or fines that it may incur as a result of Your noncompliance. You must at all times obey

all the rules, regulations and orders of the ship, Carrier and the Captain. You shall not solicit other Passengers for commercial

purposes or advertise goods or services on board the ship without Carrier’s prior written permission.


Now let us look at the dress codes from the Princess website:


Princess makes it easy to know what to pack and what to wear when you're dining onboard. There are two designations for dress codes: Smart Casual and Formal.


Smart Casual Evenings:

Passengers dress as they would for a fine restaurant at home.

• Skirts/dresses, slacks, and sweaters for ladies

• Pants and open-neck shirts for men

In the dining room, items such as cutoff T-shirts, shorts, halter tops, and jeans are not permitted; shoes must be worn at all times.


Formal Evenings:

• Evening gowns and cocktail dresses for ladies

• Tuxedo, slacks with dinner jackets, or suits for men


Now let us look at the definitions of the word code from dictionary.com. This definition is the same in all dictionaries you search


1. a system for communication by telegraph, heliograph, etc., in which long and short sounds, light flashes, etc., are used to symbolize the content of a message: Morse code.

2. a system used for brevity or secrecy of communication, in which arbitrarily chosen words, letters, or symbols are assigned definite meanings.

3. any set of standards set forth and enforced by a local government agency for the protection of public safety, health, etc., as in the structural safety of buildings (building code), health requirements for plumbing, ventilation, etc. (sanitary or health code), and the specifications for fire escapes or exits (fire code).

4. a systematically arranged collection or compendium of laws, rules, or regulations.

5. any authoritative, general, systematic, and written statement of the legal rules and principles applicable in a given legal order to one or more broad areas of life.

6. a word, letter, number, or other symbol used in a code system to mark, represent, or identify something: The code on the label shows the date of manufacture.

7. Computers. the symbolic arrangement of statements or instructions in a computer program in which letters, digits, etc. are represented as binary numbers; the set of instructions in such a program: That program took 3000 lines of code. Compare ASCII, object code, source code.

8. any system or collection of rules and regulations: a gentleman's code of behavior.

9. Medicine/Medical. a directive or alert to a hospital team assigned to emergency resuscitation of patients.


I have said it again, and stand on the above, that just because they do not enforce the rules to the letter, the code stands.


Consider yourself challenged.





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The reason we do not attend formal night anymore has nothing to do with finances. I have an entire room devoted to strictly clothes for cruises. After almost 30 cruises, we have accumulated a lot of things. In that room is one closet full of long gowns, cocktail dresses and other formal clothes. So, our choice has nothing to do with whether or not we have the proper attire for formal night.

We just choose to not participate anymore. There are those of us that did the formal night thing for many years and enjoyed it, but it grew tiresome after many years.

That is another reason we stick with Princess, they give us the choice whether to dress as we wish or dress up to the suggested standards of the ship that evening.

Last cruise we ran into many friends at the buffet on formal night and they asked us why we were so dressed up if we didn't plan to go to the diningroom. Our answer to them was that there were other things we wanted to do on the ship that evening and we don't like looking out of place.

So, some of us have the proper things to wear, we just choose not to wear it. BUT, we also don't join into the areas of the ship where formal dress is expected if we plan to dress down that evening. We do this out of respect to the ship and it's crew and the other passengers onboard that look forward to this sort of thing. It isn't their fault we aren't thrilled with the idea anymore, and standing next to someone all dressed up with me in capris just is lack of respect for others. IMHO of coarse.

Please stop with the logical thinking, common sense rational, and level headed response... you are going to ruin the thread! ;)

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This is fantastic, absolutely outstanding! DW has turned-off her soap operas for first time in 4 years to read with me! You people are wonderful, completely barmy. We love you very very much indeed. Please please make us one of your States. Personally, I'd like to be Wisconsin, great name.


Brits amongst you will be familiar with a BBC Radio 4 spoof game show called "Mornington Crescent", a complicated game full of impossibly complex rules and conventions, which both participants and audience join in with with enormous enthusiasm and intellectual endeavour, and in a very British way of course. The whole point of course is that it's a spoof, the game is entirely improvised on the spot, those in the know know, and those who don't take weeks to wake up to it because it's so well done.


Now come on guys, this is your version of Mornington Crescent isn't it? This isn't for real is it? This is outstanding American ad hoc humour of the type Kelsey would be proud of. You don't really get this excited about trousers do you? REALLY? On a HOLIDAY????? Don't you make babies and get alcohol-wobbly and spend too much money and take crap photos of fallen down buildings like us??????


Can you give us five - we need a refill of beer and crisps (the proper name for chips).


OK, go for it. Do the thing about the legal definition of thongs again! We liked that. And the lady who wants to sail with me on the Sapphire: do you look good in Jeans?


Big loves. Please, please don't stop.



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The reason we do not attend formal night anymore has nothing to do with finances. I have an entire room devoted to strictly clothes for cruises. After almost 30 cruises, we have accumulated a lot of things. In that room is one closet full of long gowns, cocktail dresses and other formal clothes. So, our choice has nothing to do with whether or not we have the proper attire for formal night.

We just choose to not participate anymore. There are those of us that did the formal night thing for many years and enjoyed it, but it grew tiresome after many years.

That is another reason we stick with Princess, they give us the choice whether to dress as we wish or dress up to the suggested standards of the ship that evening.

Last cruise we ran into many friends at the buffet on formal night and they asked us why we were so dressed up if we didn't plan to go to the diningroom. Our answer to them was that there were other things we wanted to do on the ship that evening and we don't like looking out of place.

So, some of us have the proper things to wear, we just choose not to wear it. BUT, we also don't join into the areas of the ship where formal dress is expected if we plan to dress down that evening. We do this out of respect to the ship and it's crew and the other passengers onboard that look forward to this sort of thing. It isn't their fault we aren't thrilled with the idea anymore, and standing next to someone all dressed up with me in capris just is lack of respect for others. IMHO of coarse.

Please stop with the logical thought process, common sense approach, and level headed response... you are going to ruin the thread! ;)

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.....Tell me again how what Joe Blow wears to dinner affects Jane Smith?

One more time: If Princess decides that these are strict rules (rather than guidelines) and that they are going to really enforce them, things would be different. Until then....

And that's the name of that tune.

When we go to the dining room, we don't wear jeans as smart casual, and we suit up on formal nites as per the guidelines/rules. We don't concern ourselves in the least with how others are dressed....this is our vacation.

When Princess decides to enforce the dress codes and other codes. then all the pax will follow the codes also. Until then....

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Ok, as a new person to cruising I came to this site with much enthusiasm for my wife and I going on our first cruise this summer.

My wife and I are pretty easy going people, and generally socialize well, have a bit of a smart alecy sense of humor, but we also like time alone etc. We had hoped that the cruise would be a relaxing fun time with mostly fun people to be around.

I don’t have a particular problem with the formal or casual dinning guidelines per say. We will likely dress “smart casual” and use the dinning room some casual nights and find other accommodations on other nights. Rest assured we would not come running through the dinning room on formal night in our cutoffs and ruin your evening. ;)

Reading this forum the last couple weeks has us a bit concerned though with what seems like maybe more than a few really uptight, humorless people.

Please tell me the people on the actual cruise don’t behave like this???

Again, regardless of how my wife and I feel about the guidelines, we will follow them and intend to have a good time, but the level of uptightness on this forum has been very surprising to me. I find this so ironic because going on a cruise is supposed to be relaxing and fun for people… or so I thought.

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....Reading this forum the last couple weeks has us a bit concerned though with what seems like maybe more than a few really uptight, humorless people.

Please tell me the people on the actual cruise don’t behave like this???

A funny thing happened when we decided to go to the Caribe Cafe on formal nite on CB last October. We dressed up thinking we would go to the dining room , but changed our minds and went upstairs for more seafood gumbo. The look we got from one lady who was dressed very casually clearly illustrated one question; what are you doing dressed like that in here??? :)

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Ok, as a new person to cruising I came to this site with much enthusiasm for my wife and I going on our first cruise this summer.

My wife and I are pretty easy going people, and generally socialize well, have a bit of a smart alecy sense of humor, but we also like time alone etc. We had hoped that the cruise would be a relaxing fun time with mostly fun people to be around.

I don’t have a particular problem with the formal or casual dinning guidelines per say. We will likely dress “smart casual” and use the dinning room some casual nights and find other accommodations on other nights. Rest assured we would not come running through the dinning room on formal night in our cutoffs and ruin your evening. ;)

Reading this forum the last couple weeks has us a bit concerned though with what seems like maybe more than a few really uptight, humorless people.

Please tell me the people on the actual cruise don’t behave like this???[/wuote]


This is a forum, and lots of people like to debate and make things interesting. No, people will not behave like this on the cruise. As a matter of fact, you will be so busy doing, and trying to do so many things while onboard and ashore, that you will have little time to worry about the people around you.


Again, regardless of how my wife and I feel about the guidelines, we will follow them and intend to have a good time, but the level of uptightness on this forum has been very surprising to me. I find this so ironic because going on a cruise is supposed to be relaxing and fun for people… or so I thought.


The wife and I love to dress on the formal nights. Quite frankly, I couldn't tell you what the others were wearing. I noticed mostly suits, dresses, tux, nice pant suits. I never really took notice of anyone dressing casual.


People have opinions about everything, and the fact that they choose to voice them should not be taken as being uptight.


You will go on this cruise, have the time of your life, be bitten by the cruise bug, and will have many more opinions to share in the future. You might even find yourself being called uptight down the road.





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CornerExit, Don't worry. It seems to me that the vast majority of passengers attempt to dress appropriately and that same vast majority of passengers really aren't concerned with how other passengers are dressed. I believe that most, like me, are having too much fun to worry about whether the guy at the next tables pants are denium or not.

And for the record... I am a compulsive rule follower who would rather stay in my cabin than "break" a dress code, suggestion, law....

Keep reading this forum. You will learn a lot of important tips for your first cruise. You may want to skip threads that begin with the words, "I may be starting a huge feud", unless, of course, you just want a good chuckle.

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I'm still just looking at what is sent out when I purchase a ticket...theoretically I have no way of going to the Princess web site, nor do TA's (the one's I know) hand out any ship literature.


In no way do I equat following the rules of the ship, Princess, or the Captain with what anyone should wear. There is no regulation in what I am told to adhere to that says I have to go to their website and read it line by line in order to cruise with Princess.


I also found a line on the Princess website that says anytime dining gives you a choice of going as casual or as dressy as you want. It doesn't break this thought down any further.


Let's all agree to disagree and have a great Cruise when it is our turn to vacation.


See you all in my $100 flip flops!

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I've never seen the statement about Anytime Diners are not guided by the Suggested policy


Please tell me where you found this information


We have had 7 Princess cruises with Anytime Dining--have never noticed anyone not dressing on Formal Night--any more than in Traditional.


I admit I haven't looked at the Princess web site--fior conformation of dress codes


I only know about smart casual and Formal--sure missing something if this does not APPLY to ANYTIME DINERS.



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After reading the closed jeans debate, I concluded that those who equivocate jeans that might cost more than a suit or tux might be charged with trying to pretend they are Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or even George Clooney. Different fantasy, same dream...:rolleyes:


Sorry pard, couldn't resist. First pint's on me, if we get the chance. :)


You know I think you may have something there! :D When I pull on my jeans I am not pretending to be anyone other than myself, and I think jeans are as smart-casual as any other wear, times change and jeans have entered the mainstream of casual wear whether others want to agree with it or not.


Must be the modernist in me!


Ok for the pint, and I'll get you a long pull of a nice ale, deal? ;)




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