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Valor Review 1-21-07 Western


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Just got off on Sunday. Had a great time. This is a wonderful ship. We went with our travel group. We had 38 with us this time. Flew out of Chicago on Saturday the 20th. Arrived in Miami round 7 and at the bayside holiday inn around 8. Ate at the bayside. The hotel was expensive for what it was. The bayside music thumped until midnight then all was fine. Got up on Sunday and hung out at bayside until 12. Caught the shuttle over to the boat. Got into the line for the funpass (online) checked through, went around the terminal to the boat. Bordered the boat went to lido and had lunch and a drink all before 1. We decided to do the fountain card and picked that up on lido as well. We were allowed to our cabin (8337 inside) at 130. We had sailed the Victory in 2002 so we were aware of the layout of the ship. Sailed out of Miami round 430. We had the 615 lincoln seating and enjoyed our dinner. Went to the show that night. Our luggage was 1/2 at our room before dinner and the other 1/2 was there after dinner.


I will say the the ship had movement anytime at sea. the waves were generally 4 to 6 ft. This is part of cruising. I never heard that the stabilizers were used at all. We still have a little swaying as we are standing.


1ST day was at sea. We just hung out at the pool all day enjoying the sun and warm air. Did check out the infamous top deck. Nothing to exciting to report there. That was the only time I was up there. went to dinner and the show that night. nothing to exciting comes to mind. We did go out the front door on deck 10 bow. There wasn't anyone out there. Kind of windy. Did go down and get of free post card at the pursers (thanks cruisecritic).


I will post more later on. gotta go finish with work.

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Back with my vacation review. Monday was a day at sea. It was also the 1st formal night. The wife went to the spa for some treatment. She enjoyed her time there. We went to the captains party and enjoyed some free drinks. Wife had 6 red fruit drinks and couldn't figure out why she couldn't feel the alcohol. Later she realized that she was drinking the n/a punch. Hehe. Dinner was good (had the lobster). Our service in the dinning room was excellent. Lyundia (sp) from ukraine was our server and she really worked hard all week long. Victoria was our bar service and had my diet coke at the table every night. Rodel was our asst. and was a real joy. He had a puzzle for us to solve every night. The show that night was the nightclub express. Lots of singing and dancing. Went to Jeff Laub midnight comedy show. We all liked his late show the best. His act was based on making fun of people in the crowd so I'm sure his show changes every night. Played some blackjack and we walked away $140 ahead. Others were losing on the slots. I'm not much of a slot person.



Tuesday was Belize. We had the corel reef fishing booked through carnival at 12:45. This was a tender port so we went down for our tender sticker at 10:00 and was in a boat at 10:40. Our goal was to use our walmart att calling card to call our kids back home. To no major suprise, they do not work here. In fact our cards ended up not working at any ports on the pay phones. We walked around the pier for a few minutes and headed back to the ship in order to meet the fishing boat which picked us up on the Valor. Our tender over was full and took about 20 minutes to get to the city. This was not a shopping port. I would recommend doing some sort of tour here as the town is not really set up for much. Our ride bad to the valor only took 10 minutes as we were the only 2 on the tender and the tender crew dropped all 3 motors in and turned up the speed. Our fishing was really fun. All but 2 caught fish. I toke a few pics but not of all of the them. The crew did everything for you. They were great and even had some very good pinapple and bottled water for us. The pineapple on the Valor was still green and not ripe yet. Dinner was great as always. The show that night was the cruise director doing some of his magic followed by a comedian Percy Crews. His comedy was almost the same routine as Jeff's. He had a completely different midnight show that we found pretty good. We left Belize at 6:00 that night.


Wednesday we were at Isla Roatan, Honduras. At first glance, the island is so senic. The reality was that this is a true 3rd world country. The people live in small shacks. We did encounter a few mice (Isla Roatan means island of rats). The people were very nice to us.This was not much of a shopping port. The Valor did park at the pier. We did not have anything booked for today so we walked the town. Basically the people set up tents in front of there homes on one side of the street and sell their goods while the sea side had shops. I did pick up some Oakley sunglasses for $5. I'm sure they are knock offs but no one back home needs to know. We bartered with the locals and found some souveniers.

Headed back to the boat for lunch and played some shuffle board on the deck. The 2 police officers were having lunch on the valor while we were htere. We talked to them a little. Lunch on the cruise ship is a job perk for them. The earn $650 a month usd. There are 3 islands in the area and they rotate every 2 years except for one of them. He is the only one that speaks good english so he gets to stay at isla roatan. There are 100 people total that live on the 3 islands.

My parent-in-laws were on this trip (remember this for later). The wife had enough of the island so she sunned on the empty decks and my father in law and I went back out for more island exploring. Ship left at 3:30 that night.

Captain Fazio took over today as well. He was off on training and we had the 1st officer bovo as captian up until then. He must have done well because noone even knew that he was not the captain. We opted to play black jack instead of the motown show with Jerome Dabney. Walked away with $60 ahead tonight. Went down to the karaoke afterwards. Watched the auditions for the legends show. Father in law even tried out for Garth brooks but didn't make it. Was still a lot of fun.


Thursday was Grand Caymen. We got in around 8:30. There were 5 or 6 other ships in port today. We watched the shopping guy the night before and he said this was a great shopping port. Went down and stood in line for tender ticket. Waited round 15 minutes before we got our number. Not a big deal as tenders were leaving all the time and we were off the boat within 1/2 hour. Did the main street shopping thing. Picked up a few items. They are a little higher priced and did not do much bartering. Tried to look for a watch for the wife and noone wanted to make any deals. After a while I got to do my favorite thing on port that we have not been to before. Island exploring. We walked around the back streets for a few hours. Found better priced shops and even a grocery store. Pickup a few things there (popcorn). Lots of banks here and most people were dressed in business attire. We left at 5:30 that night. This was the 2nd formal night. We had a group picure with the travel group and had dinner (prime rib) yum yum. The show had the Balacing act with Lubo and Lucy. We saw them on the Victory in 02 but still enjoyed them. they were followed up with comedian Jim Brick. He did the same stuff the other 2 did. Went to Blackjack after that and doated my $20.00 tonight. went back to the karaoke that night. We skipped the midnight comedy and went to the midnight gala instead. We got there too late for photos, sorry. Had the excact same set up as the victory did in 02. Same dragon ice scupture and all. Still neat to see. As it turns out, some others went to the midnight comedian and said it was the same show as his earlier one with a few swear words added. They were diappointed in that.


I will start up again with Cozumel in a bit. My laptop battery light is flashing. I will be more that happy to answer any questions!!

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Friday was Cozumel. This was the shopping port on this cruise. We docked on the pier next to the conquest. The ships are the same build. It was so impressive to stand between the 2. Felt like downtown NY, They are so big and the people were everwhere. This was also the port that most of the dinning staff got off the ship. We wanted to go parasailing here but we did not have the souvenier shopping done and the wife did not have a new watch. We docked aroun 10:45. We got right off and hit the main street. Today a friend of ours came along as well as the in-laws. This proved to be an expensive day for me. I was greatful thet the shops all had $1 bottle of beer. We drank our fill for the price of a few on the boat. Started watch shopping and ended up with a pink saphire and princess diamond ring for the wife. Gave up on watch looking for today. Did a lot of haggling with the natives. I enjoy this soo much. I have friends in mexico and I do business there as well so I know how they price things. walked down a buch of side streets. You do get to see what it is really like in a place when you get off the beaten path. got back on the boat round 3:30 for lunch and wife and I headed out for more. I got a $6 t-shirt. This would be all that I got this trip. The boat set sail at 7:00. Had a great dinner and went to the "vegas" show. It was a good show. One must keep in mind that these are vegas style shows. I have seen boards complaining about the quality of the shows and being compared to broadway production or real vegas production shows. They are advertising the style. Anyway the crew does an amazing job at the shows. The stages are much smaller and the props are limited. we enjoyed The Far From Over show. Played black jack and walked away $27.50 ahead. Went up to lido at midnight for the mexican night deck party and buffet. They had a nice dessert buffet also.


Saturday, day at sea. Slept in til 10:30. Haven't done that in years. got up and had lunch. walked the track for a while. Went to the shops on board and the wife bought one of the "designer" watches for $29.95. Some no name but it works and should do her fine for a little while. At 3:00 went to watch the newlywed game. Thats usually pretty funny. Not today. Wife got us up as the 10 year married couple. Had to answer 12 questions about our relationship. I think you know how the game works. The bad parts was the pre-married questions with the in-laws in attendence. Made it through just fine. I am told that we won however I did not keep score nor did the cruise director. Got a bottle of Brut that was shared at the dinner table. Had a great dinner and said our goodbyes. Our head waitress even had tears as we hugged her. It always amazes me that they get so attached to some people in such a short time knowing that they will be leaving. Played some blackjack again. Lost my 20 tonight. Packed our bags and set them out for the luggage fairies to take to customs. hit the 10:30 legends show. All those guests in the show were really good (except 1 unmentioned) and seemed to be having a blast.


Got up at 6:30 and ate breakfast. went to the theater at 8 and was off at 8:30. Customs was n/p and we did the everglades tour through carnival to kill time. Wasn't really worth it to me. The air boats were pretty cool though. And of coarse the tip patrol was in full force on that trip. Plane was delayed 1 hour back to Ohare. Got home just fine and really had a great time on our trip. We both were a little disappointed in the cruise director. He was almost invisable except for a few imformational talks, his magic show, and occasionally at the shows introducing. the asst. cruise director was really fun. We were able to talk with her. She is in the top of the list for a cruise director position. Carnival is launching 4 new ships in the next 4 years including a 130,000 ton boat. We did attend the past guest party for a few free drinks. Wife did not get the punch this time.

Our biggest suprise was the rest of the crew. EVERYONE would stop to say hi to us any time we walked by. They were all smiling and really seemed to be happy.


Again, I know I have forgot a ton but I'm trying to be a little brief. I will check back for any questions that any one has. If you are going to be sailing this boat or with carnival, you should not be dissapointed. 20 of the group we were with were 1st time cruisers and want to go on the next. 16 in the group have not been on a carnival and were worried that it would not be like the rccl. They were all plaesed with Carnival.

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Our trip did have 4 to 6 foot waves on average. Out of Miami was probably the smoothest sailing for us. You could feel the ship moving anytime at sea. Wasn't a big deal for us. The wife had gotten sick leaving St Thomas on the victory at 5-6 foot waves back in 02. She did not get sick at all. Another friend of mine (miami Joe) was taking sea sickness pills the whole trip. So to answer the question, Yes the ship rocks. It was not bad for us. I hope you enjoy the ship!!!

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We too cruised Valor BTB Dec 10-24. Had a great time even if the weather sucked the first week. Anyone who sailed Dec10-17 were really unlucky weatherwise but you cannot change the weather. The temperature was fine though compared to winter in Canada. We took 1000 pictures and some of them are




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Glad you had a good time! There must be more than one Rodel on the ship (lol) because when I was on the Valor on the 7th-14th in the Washington dining room there was a Rodel, who was head waitering! LOL We had a great team-Lijana and Ernie!

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Thanks for the review. I am sailing the Valor on the 18th. I am presently in an inside stateroom, but am considering ponying up the extra $500 to go to an oceanview. I note you were in an inside. Were you happy there? Did you ever check out the OV rooms?

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Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a detailed review. I am sailing Valor on 3/18 and I can't wait. I loved your pics too. It seems that almost everything I have read has been really positive.


I do have a couple of questions . . .


1. Did you eat at the Sushi bar? I am a sushi addict and I am curious if it is "real" sushi or the kind you buy at Publix.


2. I am traveling with a group of about twenty - It is our kids Graduation present so I will have about 10 - 18 year olds and some younger siblings. Did you notice alot of teens on the boat and did they seem to have enough to do - or did they look bored?


3. I am also curious about the inside cabin. We will have three in a room - do you think there is enough space. I went on RCCL last year and the rooms were really small compared to other Carnival cruises I have been on.


I appreciate any insight you may have.

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1. Did you eat at the Sushi bar? I am a sushi addict and I am curious if it is "real" sushi or the kind you buy at Publix.


2. I am traveling with a group of about twenty - It is our kids Graduation present so I will have about 10 - 18 year olds and some younger siblings. Did you notice alot of teens on the boat and did they seem to have enough to do - or did they look bored?


3. I am also curious about the inside cabin. We will have three in a room - do you think there is enough space. I went on RCCL last year and the rooms were really small compared to other Carnival cruises I have been on.



1. We did not eat at the sushi bar. I did see a few people there and it looked like pretty fresh stuff. We did check out the fish and chips. That looked like mostly fresh fish. I was expecting a Long john silvers type place. In Iowa sushi is not real popular yet.


2. There were not a huge crowd of kids on board. The older ones seemed to be having fun. A lot of cell phone usage. The lido pool had a jamica type band that was pretty good. Most of the kids were at the shows. They were pretty well behaved as well. I guess you make of the vacation what you will. They did offer teen times in the disco which was next to the video game room.


3. Our room was great for us 2. The only other cabin that we were in was a balcony. They had a little more room in them as well as a couch. I do believe that the ocean rooms have a couch as well. Our room was smaller than the one on the victory, but we were on 10th deck there and it had the fold down beds in that room. we did not spend a lot of time in the room. If we did I would have upgraded. My parents went on a princess a few years back and booked an ocean and got upgraded to a balcony. They will not have anything less now.


I hope this helps out. I did forget to mention that it was 85 in Miami when we left and 5 in chicago when we landed. It's -2 here now. Were ready to go again!!!

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2. I am traveling with a group of about twenty - It is our kids Graduation present so I will have about 10 - 18 year olds and some younger siblings. Did you notice alot of teens on the boat and did they seem to have enough to do - or did they look bored?


3. I am also curious about the inside cabin. We will have three in a room - do you think there is enough space. I went on RCCL last year and the rooms were really small compared to other Carnival cruises I have been on.



1. We did not eat at the sushi bar. I did see a few people there and it looked like pretty fresh stuff. We did check out the fish and chips. That looked like mostly fresh fish. I was expecting a Long john silvers type place. In Iowa sushi is not real popular yet.


2. There were not a huge crowd of kids on board. The older ones seemed to be having fun. A lot of cell phone usage. The lido pool had a jamica type band that was pretty good. Most of the kids were at the shows. They were pretty well behaved as well. I guess you make of the vacation what you will. They did offer teen times in the disco which was next to the video game room.


3. Our room was great for us 2. The only other cabin that we were in was a balcony. They had a little more room in them as well as a couch. I do believe that the ocean rooms have a couch as well. Our room was smaller than the one on the victory, but we were on 10th deck there and it had the fold down beds in that room. we did not spend a lot of time in the room. If we did I would have upgraded. My parents went on a princess a few years back and booked an ocean and got upgraded to a balcony. They will not have anything less now.


I hope this helps out. I did forget to mention that it was 85 in Miami when we left and 5 in chicago when we landed. It's -2 here now. Were ready to go again!!!

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WILECOY - I forgot to say thank you so much for responding to my questions. You are very helpful.


P.S. I almost hate to tell you this but I am in Florida and it is still in the 80's and sunny.



Where are you in Fl in the 80's??

Here in Tampa we just got to 70 and saw the sunshine again yesterday after a chilly, cloudy weekend & early work week. Was 45 here last night. Think we saw 80, 2 weeks ago here.

Thanks to the OP for the review. Looking forward and counting down to our vacation on 4/1!!

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kellygirl3 Wilecoy


I have been reading a lot of threads and I was wondering is Alan Cuming still the cruise director? I have read terrible things about him




The cruise director was Brett Allans. He seemed friendly. We just never saw too much of him around.

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