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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi everyone!


Tom, Pinky, I think I may be almost over the induction flu. Today I had a board meeting and my mental clarity to stay focus was unbelievable. I am also able to drink my water with ease. The headaches are pretty much gone. A couple of times it tried to spike but went away, actually, after I ate. I sincerely enjoyed a chick-fil-a salad last night, so much that I got another one today. I enjoyed eating that 1g carb of ranch dressing. lol that is, compared to years of trying to endure light/fat free ranch dressing. My energy level is up. I can tell. My 4 year old nephew is putting it to the test too.


Mermen, thank you for sharing your friend's site. Wow, so many yummy items. I chugged 24 ounces of water down in less than a minute today. It was so funny. Then refilled for another 24 ounces and was done with that within 5 minutes.


Oh, Tom, I was so excited last night after I ate that salad and how great it was, I think from there my energy boosted and I had a hard time going to sleep. Surprisingly today I am not sleepy. I'm so focused. It's awesome.


I will start Turbo Jamming tomorrow morning. I may even get it in tonight. Thank you all for your warm words and encouragement.



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Hello Erica:

I know all about the focus. It is very real. Week before last I had a very stressful night at work. I was really glad I could focus more.

I am so gald you are feeling better. I am sleeping so much more restfully (if that makes sense) and I seem to need a little less also...

Keep up the good work..


Tom in Long Beach

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Hi Everyone,

Well I have been at it for 4 days now :) I feel really good. I have not had any headaches or felt any LC flu.. I have actually felt better then I have in so long :p

I was SO SO tired of feeling MISERABLE, belly ache and i was always so tired..

I have even lost about 7 LBS :p . Loven it!!! I am going to start excersizing on Monday.

Question are we aloud SF jello???

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend..

Happy LC, Sheri

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You've got quite a variety of cruises under your belt. Carnival on the one hand and Queen Mary on the other???! Do you find having been on the nicer ships that it's harder to go back on Carnival? We really enjoyed our first cruise on NCL (the food was never the BEST we have ever had but certainly edible and plentiful) and are going on Princess in a few months. I'm surprised at how upset frequent Princess cruisers are when they take an NCL cruise. I'm hoping we're easy to please and that it's easy to go back and forth between the two should we continue doing so.


I also wouldn't mind tackling one of those nicer cruises some day.


Are you fairly happy with the food/service on all your cruises after having gone higher end??

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Hi everyone,


Tom, that makes plenty of sense. I rest better at night also. I had such a stressful weekend. I ended up in Taco Bell drive through twice. Oh well, I'm still low-carbing. Tonight I'll have a chick fil a salad and get back up on the horse and keep galloping on. I know I'll be in the Induction stage for a while.


Sherri, that is a good question. Dr. Atkins mentioned it somewhere in his book but I honestly forgot where. We can have it but I'm not sure about during induction. That would be so nice if we could. I'd go to Krogers and rack up. LOL kidding.



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Hey All - Happy Monday!

Well, I just had lunch and here is how it worked out!

Did you guys see my new picture? Yup that's the Pup...Sadie (discovered this week she is part Ridgeback) She's my personal trainer and a walking machine! :D

So, I had to get some supplies for the office at Sam's, went down the book isle....which is dangerous for me because I like to read - and what caught my eye? Cesar the Dog Whisper's book - now I don't get to see his show, but my DS quotes him a lot, and I picked it up and -gulp- opened it up and started to reeeeead........ "good chapter, oh this one is on.....turn the page...what a great thought...turn the pagessss.." Holy Cow I stood there reading for 45 min!! It's time for lunch and who 'whispers' my name - the food court with those huge pictures of pizza and hot dogs and pretzels...You Guys Know What I'm Talking About!!!!!!!!! But, because my pants were snug this morning and I've re-dedicated my WOE to induction for the rest of the month (Lord help me!) instead of going to the food court - I picked up a rotessery (sp?) chicken and brought the whole thing into the office :eek: - No, I didn't eat the whole thing! :p Just a wing and the 2 legs! But when I get home this afternoon, and cut it up and put it on a salad for dinner - Whammo! 2 meals already done!

Camping was fantastic! Friday it drizzled just a bit, but that just made it a bit cooler and the smell of fresh wet pine....lovely!

Keep Going Erica!! So glad for you that your energy kicked in!

Tom- We love the Jemez Mountains... have you been where the Red Clay rocks area? On the Jemez Reservation.


Sheri - Good Job! You Go Girl!


Pink - Tried the Ginger chicken...yum!


Gary - Been a long time since I was up around Madrid! Wild Hogs was filmed up there and some of the biker guys from our old gym were in the movie and they had their pictures with Tim Allen, J Trovolta all up around the walls! They have a jazz festival up there - I think - but I forget what time of year it is.


Lisa - Joceylyn - Donna - Karen -Blonde - ..... How you girls doing?


Ok, got lots to do on my desk, this working 4 days a week is great - except that I have Friday's work to crunch into the other days too!

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Hello all!!


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent it cleaning and reading!! I am so glad I have 4 more weeks before fall semester starts. I am really enjoying having the summer off from school. My daughter goes to year round school and today was her first day of fifth grade. I still can not believe that my baby is in the 5th grade.


I just could not wait until next April for a cruise. I booked a four day on Carnival Destiny for October!! I am so excited. :D Then I got home and was trying to find out more information about the ship. Boy, was I surprised. It is going to dry dock in September! I lucked out on that one. My boss asked me if they have a 12 step program for cruise addicts. I can't help it. I just love it!!


Well, I lost the weight that I had gained over the fourth. I have got to get serious now. Our next cruise is only 3 months away!! I hope everyone has a wonderful week.



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Hello All:

Just got back from 6 flags Magic Mountain for son's 13 th B-day. We had a blast and I was pretty good. I had bunless double chese burger for lunch and panda express for dinner. For dinner I traded breaded orange Chic for kung poa with my son and almost completly ignored the noodles ect. They only sell three combos (no subsitutions Please). All had orange chic with lots of breading (can you say high profit/little real food).

So I ended up with Brocolli Beef and Kung Poa :D. My "treat" for the day was 2 diet cokes. We went on lots of roller coasters. My son brougt a friend and it was GREAT.

My weigh in this morning was not so great. Only down 1 lb :(. I think I got a little too happy with scoops of old fashioned peanut butter, and home made sugar free choc ice cream. Life is all about balance.


Hi Jean: Glad you had fun camping


Hello Pink: As far as your cruise question: It is like this. I find Carnival an excellent value for the money. Cunard and Hal do give you extra touches, but for a price... The QM2 is great. But honestly I really can not afford that all the time especially when you add in airfare... There you go a Caddilac is nicer than a Chevy, But they both get you there...

I can get a suite on Carnival for what an inside is on Cunard. I sort have come to view all Carnival owned brands as enhanced Carnival on different levels. The food and service I got on Paradise was almost as good as QM2 Britannia for a lot less money. And more fun and cheerful on Paradise. Perhaps if I had been "spoiled" by Princess' or Queen's Grill there would be no going back for me. LOL The Maitre d on QE2 had worked on Fantasy. When I went on Elation I met a crew member who had been on QM2. One big happy family... I just really enjoy being on a ship at sea. Every ship / line has something unique to offer.. Focus on what each ship and or line does well. I could be all bummed out that Carnival does limited / cold items only room service, But that would be a waste of energy. You sould however try QM2 some day when you can get a deal...


Donna: Way to go booking the Destiny. I can not wait to try one of the bigger Carnival ships when the Splendor comes to Long Beach in March.


All for now, Tom

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Hello Erica: hope you are doing well. Watch out for that stress... We all have to get back on that horse... I know you will not give up. I think sugar free gelatin is O.K. but beware neutra sweet. The DR. thought that slows weight loss. Can you still buy unsweetenend and add splenda ?


All for now, Tom

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Donna- Booking another Cruise! How fun! A great goal to keep you focused on!:D

Tom - How fun to do 6 flags with kids! A 1lb loss is still pretty good...do you think the Chinese food might have a lot of extra salt that you don't normally have?

Erica - After induction, I keep SF jello on hand for that killer sweet tooth attack that can sneak up on me.:eek: I haven't seen it have much of a difference on my weight loss.

Have a great LC day!

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Hello Gang!! I need some help. We are going on the Carnival Destiny October 16th. I am having difficulty in deciding in which balcony stateroom to take. Would you take 8185 or 8272?? 8185 is the stateroom that we are currently booked in. 8185 has an upper, which we do not need but is mid ship. 8272 is farther back but doesnt have the upper, which is not needed anyway. It is just the two of us going. If we stick with 8185 they said there may be a chance that we would be moved if a stateroom for three is needed. Please help!! My boyfriend is no help. He doesn't care.

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Hello Jean:

I had the chinese food after I weighed. Salt does not seem to affect me. I do not use a lot anyway.


Hello Donna: I would go with the most amidships room for two people. 8272. How did you book ? travel agent, PVP or on-line. Are you prone to motion sickness ? If you did book online it does not show everyroom in inventory.

If you did book online you could call Carnival and ask if there is more amidships avail. One thing I have found is motion is more of an issue as you go forward. Aft of amidships seems less of a problem. Sorry your boyfriend is no help. Just do what I do and plan the whole trip :D. My better half, save for asking for the time off at work does not seem to care about the trip until the week before. LOL


Opps I just looked at the plan and 8272 is under the lido. Not good if you like to sleep in..

It would be better to move to a lower deck than be under the lido.



All for now, Tom

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Nice job choosing the rotisserie! You go girl!!!! We got a costco run going in a few days. Today we threw a 3lb beef roast into the crock with a half jar of minced garlic, 1 tbl of mustard, dashes of salt and pepper, and 1 cup of water. It smells good and is awful tender after 8 hrs on low. I'll let you know how it tastes. It's so nice to have TASY, EASY recipes.




Thanks for posting healthy indulgences blog!!!

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Tom- Thank you so much for your input. I decided to stick with 8272 because of the location. The noise will not really bother us because we are early risers. My boyfriend leaves the house every morning at 5:30 so if he sleeps until 8:00 that is a big deal. :rolleyes: He is really not the planner in the family, I am. I have done all of the planning for the cruises so far and he is happy with whatever. We had an oceanview last year on the Inspiration and probably will never do that one again. We have to have at least a balcony. I am looking forward to our mini suite on Ruby Princess in April!!


I have got to get back on track. I have blown it several times in the last couple of weeks. I am back on induction and hope to lose at least 20 pounds before we go in October. ;)

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Hey All!

Did any of you catch The Early Show this morning - where they compared the Med Diet, Low Fat & Atkins diets?

Check this out...



They had a Dr Ian 'something' on there and he referred to "Atkins type" of dieting. Well, I thought it was interesting - and especially since today I had my blood tests done. It'll be interesting to see what my cholestrol level will be.


Sounds like everyone it having a good week!

Catch ya's later!!

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That's so funny, Jean...I came here to post the same article I saw on MSNBC. It's great, isn't it? But to us, no surprise!


My doctors have always been amazed at my BP & cholesterol levels. My total cholesterol is 145, even overweight, and my HDL/LDL ratio is fantastic. Also, my triglycerides are super low. Blows them away every time!


This week WOE is really great, but the scale isn't cooperating. I will be having my thyroid checked, as it's become way too easy to put on weight lately. I also need to get back to the gym, but between going in & out of town all summer & still trying to get our remodeling & unpacking done, it's not happening right now!


Tom, I'm so happy for you, but green with envy. I wish my scale responded like yours does!


Hey to everyone else & have a great day!

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Thanks Jean for the link to the article. I heard the storey on the radio but only caught about 1/2 of it. Hello Lisa :D


BTW went to the Dr. this week My BP was excellent.....

I can not remember the numbers but the nurse said it was great.


I told my spouse about the article and all he could do was sort of roll his eyes... At least he was cool about me buying seafood at trader Joes last night...


All for now, Tom

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Hello Erica: hope you are doing well. Watch out for that stress... We all have to get back on that horse... I know you will not give up. I think sugar free gelatin is O.K. but beware neutra sweet. The DR. thought that slows weight loss. Can you still buy unsweetenend and add splenda ?


All for now, Tom


Hi Tom, I am still with Atkins. I feel so much better. I'm never changing. I've been goofing up but I'm going to keep on till I get it right.


Donna- Booking another Cruise! How fun! A great goal to keep you focused on!:D


Tom - How fun to do 6 flags with kids! A 1lb loss is still pretty good...do you think the Chinese food might have a lot of extra salt that you don't normally have?


Erica - After induction, I keep SF jello on hand for that killer sweet tooth attack that can sneak up on me.:eek: I haven't seen it have much of a difference on my weight loss.


Have a great LC day!


That is what I'll be doing too Donna.


Hey All!

Did any of you catch The Early Show this morning - where they compared the Med Diet, Low Fat & Atkins diets?

Check this out...



They had a Dr Ian 'something' on there and he referred to "Atkins type" of dieting. Well, I thought it was interesting - and especially since today I had my blood tests done. It'll be interesting to see what my cholestrol level will be.


Sounds like everyone it having a good week!

Catch ya's later!!


I'm going to check that link out and see what's going on. No one can convince me that a low fat diet is ever better. Not how my glucose responded last week when I accidently ate light/or fat free catalina dressing. My glucose levels are wonderful and so is my BP.


I have a question for you all that have lost significant weight (like maybe 40 plus pounds). I will be going on a cruise in December. I am currently a size 22 but fitting 20s now. Is it possible with steady weight loss that I will be in a size 16 by December? I'm asking because I need to start buying clothes for my caribbean cruise and I really don't have stuff like capris and nice sun dresses. Any input, guesses, or suggestions are very much appreciated. I'm going to wait till about October or early part of November to buy a swimsuit, my bad, swimsuits. :D



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Hi Tom, I am still with Atkins. I feel so much better. I'm never changing. I've been goofing up but I'm going to keep on till I get it right.


I'm going to check that link out and see what's going on. No one can convince me that a low fat diet is ever better. Not how my glucose responded last week when I accidently ate light/or fat free catalina dressing. My glucose levels are wonderful and so is my BP.




Hello Erica and all: I think we are struggling to "get it right" I know I am. :D


I know I feel so much better when I cut out sugar (and its evil twin high fructose corn stuff) and flour. I will leave the clothes advise to the girls. :cool: I would only buy one or two new things now for motovation...


All for now, Tom

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Pink's simple rules for dieting:


Remember, there are good fats (salmon, avocados, olive oils) and bad fats (artery cloggers especially when consumed in excess), just as we know that there are good carbs (veggies, low glycemic index fruits, whole grains) and bad carbs (white anything). And everything in moderation!!! Too many good fats or good carbs = a bad thing.


Behave yourselves this weekend. Choose the good :p

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Sorry I can't help you with the balcony rooms. I only have been on one cruise and it was not my ideal vacation.:rolleyes: Next time I will choose by cruiseline not by destinations.


OK guys I'm getting back into low carb today. I have to take it slow because I have crohn's disease so any sudden changes in my diet cause major drama but I'm cutting back to just 1 serving of carbs a day. I leave beans and seasonal fruit in my diet because I follow protein power life plan not atkins. I don't do well at all in ketosis.


I have to get this going again though because I broke my foot a while back and I've put on 10 pounds since then. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Well, after reading this thread from beginning to end, I am on board with Adkins! I also went to sugar free shelia dot com and got her cookbook. What a sweetheart! She emailed me a personal message! I love her website!


My start day was 7/14 so my first weigh-in is in the morning. Don't really feel like I have dropped any weight or inches, but I am determined to loose this 55 pounds I have put on the last 5 years. My blood pressure and cholesterol are very high and I am on medication for both. I am tired of my clothes being so tight. So I am in!!!


Let's do this together!!!


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Welcome Pat:

Wishing you success on induction. Also read "New Diet Revolution" Understanding the "why" of this diet really helps.:D


Pink you are so right. I always slip into too much of the good things and then they become bad..:eek:


All for now, Tom ( Down a total of 13 lbs from restarting mid june) :D :D

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Well it is Monday weigh-in...down 2 lbs!!! Considering I didn't feel like I lost anything, I am pleased. Hope to incorporate exercise this week (walking).


Thanks Sirwinston for your encouragement! I have read the Adkins book and am ready to lose this weight! Would you mind reprinting your before and after photos? They are very inspiring for us newbies to see! I saw them somewhere in the beginning of the thread. Do you mind telling us how much from the beginning you have lost?


Erica, you are from MS? I am from Mendenhall, but am living in Bogota Colombia for 5 years due to my husband's work. The change in world's have cost me 55 lbs! I bet it is hot at home now!!!! Keep up your hard work on the diet! We MS girls can do it!!!!


Everyone have a GREAT "Low Carb" day!!!


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Good Morning Atkineers! :D

Wow...busy weekend posts!!

Erica - Can't help with the room - but I posted a question kind of like yours on buying clothes on a different thread - but the search link wasn't working. I'll see if I can find it for you later. But it kind of went like this " when losing enough weight that you have to buy new sizes in clothes - what do you do?" There were lots of different posts, some people bought all new clothes as they went down in sizes, some people shopped in second hand stores for things to get them through to the next size and on down. I know for our first Cruise it was hot - and shorts and sun dresses were perfect! Size 20 to 16 is a great goal!!! - But only you know what kind of a budget your on, and if you have seperate working, uniform, exercise, casual, fancy clothes. I don't know if I would really start buying for a Cruise during my weight loss days - just to make sure I didn't have clothes that were to big or to tight - until a month or so before we were to take off. Just stash your $$ and then keep an eye on what you would like to wear and have a big shopping spree within sizes that you'll feel most comfortable in - this would be my plan. From sizes 22-16....we know it'll be more then just dresses and swimsuits you'll need! ;) I'll be so excited for you to be shopping for all of your new items!! You Go Girl!!


Welcome Tami - My ex- BIL also has Crohn's-and has to watch what he eats closely! I think that there is a balance in eating low carb - and we all know that it is not No Carb - and that's what is the balance. But with very sensitive digestive systems you have to eat what keeps you healthy and pain free! With low carb and being able to exercise again now that your foot is better - you'll see the weight come down - even if it's slowly!


Welcome Pat - Wow! Your pretty far from 'home'!! Isn't the internet so great to still keep in touch with everyone and be on a thread like this! :D

2 lbs is a great start! Walking is one of my favorite exercises!

Tom - 13 less!! Woo Hoo!

Jocelyn - where are you Girl?

Pink - Thanks for the Good Reminders!

Ok, that's it for now - I'll check back this afternoon!

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