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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello Everyone!

Thanks so much for the good vacation send off! :D It is raining and grey outside - and a bit of a chill in the air....I think I have an idea what to pack now! LOL! And yet - it'll be 90 by next Thursday! Ahh the good ol' southwest! My yard is going to be loving this moisture and we really need it everywhere in the state! I got an extra memory card for my camera yesterday...or so I thought...I got the wrong one! arrgh... one more errand that I wasn't counting on was taking it back and exchanging it! Oh, well... Laundry is caught up and my bag is 1/2 packed!

Donna - Sporting around in your 16's....what a GREAT feeling!! YAY!!! Good for you!! Sometimes our clothes can be more encouraging then the scales! ;)

Ok, well....I really need to keep going here at work so I can slip out a little early to take our much needed vacation! I'm going to miss my cyber friends on here ....but I know you'll keep posting and be a big support to each other and then I'll have pages and pages to go back and read....right!?!! :)


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Hello Everyone!

Thanks so much for the good vacation send off! :D It is raining and grey outside - and a bit of a chill in the air....I think I have an idea what to pack now! LOL! And yet - it'll be 90 by next Thursday! Ahh the good ol' southwest! My yard is going to be loving this moisture and we really need it everywhere in the state! I got an extra memory card for my camera yesterday...or so I thought...I got the wrong one! arrgh... one more errand that I wasn't counting on was taking it back and exchanging it! Oh, well... Laundry is caught up and my bag is 1/2 packed!

Donna - Sporting around in your 16's....what a GREAT feeling!! YAY!!! Good for you!! Sometimes our clothes can be more encouraging then the scales! ;)


Ok, well....I really need to keep going here at work so I can slip out a little early to take our much needed vacation! I'm going to miss my cyber friends on here ....but I know you'll keep posting and be a big support to each other and then I'll have pages and pages to go back and read....right!?!! :)




Have a wonderful time and take lots of photos! Hope to hear all about it upon your return:)

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Hi Gang, this is the first time in days that I have gotten a second to breathe from the craziness that is this week. I am just starting school for the summer session (this school runs a little different 3 trimesters ughhh). And on top of that my mom had surgery yesterday at 6am in Manhattan so I was up real early to drive her. She is doing ok, but needs some help getting around etc.


But I knew I had to get on line and say Hi and:


JEAN, Have a GREAT time in Scotland!!!! I want to hear all about it when you return!

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Good Morning Everyone:)


Trust you're all doing well and anxiously awaiting the weekend to begin.


Jocelyn...I'm so happy to hear that your mom is doing well after her surgery.


Donna....What a wonderful feeling it must be to fit into a size smaller! I can't wait until I can say the same thing!


Tammy...I hope and pray things are improving with your Mom's situation.


A big hello to everyone else!



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Hi Gang,

I am at work and finally got to catch up on the post LOL:D


Kim, Great job on the loss!!!!


Tammy, hand in there, your mom is in my prayers.


Hey Pink, no babies here yet either, but Ed keeps asking for one. And I keep thinking that means no more cruises; so I keep reminding him to be careful what you wish for LOL:D


Donna, hang in there, I find usually right b4 my monthly TOM the scale usually resgisters a little more then goes back to normal.


Guess Jean is on her way to Scotland right now, if you get to check the boards have a great and safe trip.:)

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Hello All!!


I am having a pretty good weekend. I am waiting until tomorrow to do my weekly weigh in but I think I lost another pound or two!! Yesterday was pretty busy. I worked for about five hours and ran a bunch of errands. Sound like fun huh? Today is housework day. So far I have shampooed carpets, cleaned the kitchen and washed loads of laundry. You know how it goes. Right now my daughter is out riding the Harley with my boyfriend and I decided to take a break and check in.


I started my custody case Thursday. My attorney thinks it will be a breeze. Her father has had no contact with her for a year and the two years before that he had her a total of 7 overnights. I sure hope it goes well. She really wants to go on a cruise. Once I get sole custody I can do it!! Any suggestions for a cruise when you are taking a 10 year old?? She is in year round school so she gets a three week break every nine weeks. I am thinking about probably mid December unless I can get the custody thing taken care of before her fall break in October.


I hope everyone is doing well!



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Good Morning All....I did my weigh in today and lost a total of zilch:confused: I've not cheated and been very diligent about my diet so I'm hoping it's just a bit of water holding me back.....hope everyone had a great weekend and looking forward to a wonderful new week.


Donna.....I wish you the best at your hearing and congrats on the additional weight loss!


A big hello to Jocelyn, Karen, Lisa, Annie and all the rest of my CC buddies:)

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Hi Gang,

Just came up for air to pop in and say HELLO:D

I have to get myself in gear and get back to working out. I think it would really help with giving me some much needed energy. (As I am writing this I am daydreaming of my bed LOL:D ) But no, even if it is only 20 to 30 mins I have to do something when I get home.


Donna, good luck with the custody hearing. Mid December is a great time to cruise. The fares are usually really good right before the holidays.


Kim, hang in there, the scale will start moving down again soon. And don't forget even if you aren't losing lbs, you can still be losing inches.;)

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Jocelyn - Good luck on Induction!! I know you will have a ball on your cruise. :D


I am planning on booking our next cruise for 2010 pretty soon. I think I will take another Carnival cruise but we will just have to see. I have lost over 10 pounds so far so I am getting there. I have stuck on Induction for over three weeks now. I just have so much to lose so I will really restrict my carbs for quite a while. I do need to find new things to eat because I don't want to get bored with what I am eating. My boyfriend brought home a French Silk Pie (my favorite desert ever) the other day it was tempting but I stayed away!! I just think about all the weight I want to lose and how well I have done so far.


I am a little worried about this weekend. My boyfriend is a big Nascar fan and we are going to the Coca Cola 600 in Charlotte, NC. I need to find something that I can take with us to keep away from all the Carbs at the racetrack. ;)

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Hey Donna,

Great job! I sometimes think Induction is the easiest phase of Atkin's b/c you really know what you can and can't eat, although you are right, the food choices are limited. Check SF Sheila's website, she has all kinds of great Induction Friendly foods. Have fun at the Nascar race:)

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Hey guys!


Sorry I missed Jean's send off party- can't wait to hear the details of her trip once she's back!


Donna- If I had a 10 year old (a real one, not my husband who sometimes acts...) I would probably be inclined to check out Disney. In fact, once we've cruised a few more times and saved a chunk of change I will likely look into one. Though they are more expensive they look extremely kid-friendly and adult-friendly depending on what you're looking for and are reputed to have some of the best food, activities on the seas. The ports leave a bit to be desired...although I know we would love an adventure by disney too...although those are a whole different "chunk" of change. Good luck! I included my typical induction diet below. The best way to not be tempted to overeat (IMO) is to overeat before you get there. If you're stuffed it doesn't matter what comes across your path. A giant steak and an overstuffed omelette... then take a giant bag of pumpkin seeds and plan to get yourself a diet coke while you're there. YOU CAN DO IT!


Jocelyn- One of my buds at work is preg for the first time and has to gain 35-40 lbs b/c she's underweight to start. It makes me laugh because I could do it soooooooo easily. I'd add a couple of frothy milkshakes to my diet and possibly a pizza every 3 days and gain the added weight (and nec calcium- she doesn't drink milk!!) in no time. She's struggling with it. That is one of the major benefits of pregnancies!! Then you get to breastfeed after and all the weight magically disappears!


As for hubby and I... we ventured down to the Cape this week and had a wonderful trip! While it wasn't hot, it was sunny and beautiful. It was his first trip and he just couldn't get enough of the beautiful scenery, the safe "small town" feel everywhere, and the jaw-dropping homes and landscaping. It is such an amazingly different place. And of course we indulged- champagne, wine tasting, lobster rolls on buttered buns, french fries, warm rolls, tostitos and salsa, beer... you name it, we ate it. So yeh, I'm off goal and back up to the upper (outer?) limits of my acceptable weight range. So, back to induction for a week!


Just a sample of my plans for induction eating this week:

dinner-omelette w/cheese and colored peppers (10)

lunch-romaine salad, tuna w mayo, half avocado (5)

bf-beef/broccoli stir fry with soy sauce (5)

snack- pumpkin seeds (5) or almonds (5)

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Hey Pink,

Glad to hear you had a good time on the Cape. Those delish lobster rolls are DANGEROUS but sooooo YUMMY!:D I wish I had your co-workers problem:rolleyes: :D . I was just telling someone today how my sister eats nothing but junk never (and I mean never) worksout and never gains a pound. Guess I missed out on the thin gene:D


Well, I have been doing my re-Induction (LOL) now for 3 days now and as of yesterday (forgot to weigh myself today) I am down 2.:) I want to be down at least another 5 by next sat, I think I can do it.


Hey Donna, Lisa, Annie, Tammy, Kim how's it going.....

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Remember me? It's been several months since I posted. I have been off Atkins since March. We got back from our Carnival Glory cruise on March 8th and I got sick on March 9th, and was sick with sinus crap and bronchitis for 7 weeks. UGGHHH! I ate more chicken noodle soup and crackers which is definitely not Atkins-friendly. Then we had my parents visiting with us for the month of April. There was always cookies, pastries, candiy etc. in the house besides going out to eat. Since I wasn't feeling good, I didn't have much of an appetite, so I gained some weight, but not as much as I could have.


My DH booked us on the Carnival Valor for June 1st-8th to celebrate his birthday. So, I just kind of blew off the month of May and keep telling myself that as soon as we get back from this cruise, I am back on Atkins induction.


My cousin went to a diet doctor last August and has lost 58 lbs. She is on a 1200 calorie low-fat diet and is still taking appetite suppressants and is afraid to get off of them. She went from a size 18 to a 10/12. She was wearing a 38H bra and is now a 34DDD. I am so happy for her, but at the same time disgusted in me for not sticking with Atkins. I am probably about the same weight I was last summer. I keep losing and gaining the same weight over and over again. I know Atkins works for me, I just need to do it.

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Pink- I don't think we will be doing Disney. The cheapest thing I could find is $1600 for the two of us with an interior cabin the middle of December for a THREE night cruise. Number one, I have neved had an interior cabin and I just don't think I could handle it. My first cruise was a mini-suite and my second one was an oceanview. I had a hard time with having just an oceanview. I guess I got spoiled with the balcony on the first one. Our next cruise is on the new Princess Ruby in a Mini-Suite. I am thinking about the Carnival Fascination out of Jacksonville, FL. We can go on a 5 day oceanview for less than $1000. I just can not see spending that kind of money for a three day interior stateroom. Maybe we can do Disney next year. :)


Jocelyn - Good luck losing the rest of your weight before next weekend. We know you can do it. ;)


Jean- I hope you are having a wonderful vacation. I am looking forward to getting one real soon!

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Well, I blew it at the race. :( I had a corn dog and part of a funnel cake. I ate almost half of it and gave the rest to a friend. I hate that I allowed myself to slip. :o I am back on induction today. Hopefully that one slip wont hurt me too badly. I had lost 11 pounds so I will have to see what the scales say tomorrow. I hope it isnt too bad. The funny thing is that once I had a couple of bites of the funnel cake I just did not want anymore. Maybe that is a good thing.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Well, I blew it at the race. :( I had a corn dog and part of a funnel cake. I ate almost half of it and gave the rest to a friend. I hate that I allowed myself to slip. :o I am back on induction today. Hopefully that one slip wont hurt me too badly. I had lost 11 pounds so I will have to see what the scales say tomorrow. I hope it isnt too bad. The funny thing is that once I had a couple of bites of the funnel cake I just did not want anymore. Maybe that is a good thing.


I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Donna...try not to be so hard on yourself...we all have our weak moments and one is not enough to ruin how far you have come...I'll bet it won't even affect your weigh-in tomorrow:)


Hello to everyone else and hope you had a wonderful holiday!

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Sticking to plan works... I've dropped my 3 day "vacation" wt.


I reinducted for 3 days and am back down the 4 lbs I gained. I believe the occasional slip up can be remedied by reinduction since the gain is mostly water/salt related weight. But I remember the frustration last fall/winter of trying to stick to plan, making mistakes, and then not seeing the scale move. The frustration of that coupled with real life frustration (work, family stress etc) would cause me to binge on comfort foods like pasta and cookies. I tried to keep a monthly perspective this year and aim for a loss of 1-2 lbs/month not letting the wt creep up but not aiming for 5 lb losses like I got each week of induction!


Last night I had TOM cravings and wanted a sundae all night long. After work today DH and I went out for Thai and I had a salad with ginger vinaigrette, chicken with peanut sauce and ginger chicken with stir fry veggies. I also had a small serving of white rice that they put on my plate. While I know it's more sugar than I should have had it filled me up (and was mostly legal) so I'll be interested to see if the scale even moves tomorrow. I guess what I'm saying is, a cheat is a cheat. But last year I would have gone out for alfredo pasta, had some sort of fried something or another as an appetizer, and followed up with an ice cream sundae somewhere. This year I make smarter choices and having less carbs to account for makes it easier for my body to burn them.


Did anybody see the recent article on yahoo news about the sugar in our favorite drinks? Those vitamin waters from coke co. are loaded with sugar. And dairy queen has a heath bar shake that has more sugar than 12 heath bars total in it. YIKES!


Hope everyone had a happy Memorial Day wkend!

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Hello Everyone!:)


I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!


I wanted to say thank you so much to everyone for being here for me during this difficult time with my mom. Thankfully she is stabilized and feeling stronger and ready to divorce her DH. They have court next week for the Battery charge against him, then she will be moving into a new apartment and is looking forward to fresh start as an independent woman. I'm so proud of her!:D


And I also want to say thank you for all of your support in the Atkins WOE. It's so great when you can rely on fellow Atkin'ers for such great support and positive thinking. With that being said, I will say goodbye. I will try to pop in from time to time to say Hi, but for now I am going to try the Body for Life program with my husband. He has been asking me to give it a try for a long time so that we can work on it together as a team. And that is what we are, a team with great support for each other. So I want to give it a try.


I wish you all the best success with the Atkins WOE and happy sailing!:)

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Did anybody see the recent article on yahoo news about the sugar in our favorite drinks? Those vitamin waters from coke co. are loaded with sugar. quote]



Hi I've never posted anything on this thead, but I am on the low carb diet and loved vitamin water too, but have found at walgreens they have a similar product called zero calories thats either sugar free or has very little in it and they don't taste too bad although not as good as the real thing, but hey is anything ever as good as the real thing?


Congats to everyone!

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Hey Gang,

Just popping in to say Hi.


Kreeb, Welcome back;) :)


Tammy, glad your mom is doing better.


Donna, my DH and I were saying the other day that if we had one cheat it would be a funnel cake:eek: :D But like Kim said, don't beat your self up about it, you are back on track and that is really great!


Kim, congrats on the news of a new grandbaby!!!!:)


Hey Pink, great job on losing those 4 lbs.


Welcome Zibbster.


As for me, I am about 3 lbs away from where I want to be b4 the trip on Sat. I went off Induction and had a few Light Beers over the weekend (felt like yuck after) so I have no one to blame but myself if I don't make it to my goal b4 cruising.


I did promise myself that I WILL NOT indulge in carbs like breads and pastas on this cruise. Last cruise I went off plan and ended up gaining like 6 lbs:eek: I will have a few cocktails, mostly no carb items like rum with a side of club soda and SF desserts but I plan to treat the desserts like dessert and only have a taste. I know my DH is planning to go off plan but he is at goal so he can afford too once in a while.

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I can't believe it has been a week already!! I did gain 2 pounds last weekend at the race but as of this morning I lost it and a couple more pounds. My total weight loss is now 14 pounds. I still have a long way to go but every pound counts!! :)


I did not get any exercise this week and I really need to change that for next week. I worked 58 hours this week and was just too tired to exercise at night when I got home. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. My boss finally hired an assistant for me. Maybe now I can start working my normal 40 hour weeks again. ;)


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

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I can't believe it has been a week already!! I did gain 2 pounds last weekend at the race but as of this morning I lost it and a couple more pounds. My total weight loss is now 14 pounds. I still have a long way to go but every pound counts!! :)


I did not get any exercise this week and I really need to change that for next week. I worked 58 hours this week and was just too tired to exercise at night when I got home. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. My boss finally hired an assistant for me. Maybe now I can start working my normal 40 hour weeks again. ;)


I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


Donna....wonderful news on the 14 lb loss and the new assistant!!

Glad to hear you'll be able to cut down your hours at work.


I have weigh in tomorrow but I don't know if I've lost anything or not.....I may be up to the 10 pound mark but will know for certain in the AM...been making big batches of the "oopsie rolls" and they've really helped me to stick with the plan:)


A big hello to everyone and hope you're enjoying the weekend.

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Second day here back at work... :eek: Not enough hours in the day to catch up this week! lol! But a I just keep attacking each pile as I get to it! And I seem to still be on UK time - so that's not helping and it's been super hot here - so by 10:00 am..I'm ready for a nap! LOL!:p Our trip was WONDERFUL!! Such great memories and we only had 1 day of rain in 14 days! I guess the drought came with us! ha! We went to the Highland Games in Blair - bright, hot, sunny day - lots of sunburned Scottish folks and most of the guys competing had to take their shirts off! ;)

I held off stepping on the scales - the airplane food and such long flights my ankles and legs were pretty swollen, even with getting up each hour, just to walk down the aisle and then stand for awhile! I was pretty sure I was hanging onto a lot of water weight...and after a few hundred trips to the bathroom yesterday - yup - a LOT of water! (Is this TMI? he he) Anyway, on the scales today and I'm right where I was when we left! :D But now I've decided that I'd really like to work at my goal from last October, which says I have 17 lbs to work on this summer! Was right back on induction as of yesterday and DH is too, which makes it a bit easier for me - but his favorite souviner over there was what he would pick up in the bakeries - need I say more?!?! When eating meals, I would always look to see what would be Atkins Friendly - sometime there was, sometimes there wasn't - but we were walking about 3-5 miles daily - and then we had some that were 8-10 ( got lost in the forest, another story) miles and at the Wallace Monument we did all 246 spiral steps to the top, and back down, after exploring Stirling Castle just 2 hours earlier! Stairs in a Castle/Monument, Stairs on a Cruise Ship = A Whole Bunch of Stairs either way! LOL!! So with that I'll be back on my favorite thread with my Atkins cyber buddies - who keep me honest and encouraged! Thanks Everyone!!

Tammy - If you pop back in - best to you on your weight loss, however you do it! Be sure to let us know when you reach your goal - we always like a reason to celebrate!

Donna - YEA an Assistant - and 14 pounds down! Woo Hoo! you go girl!

Pink - You've done so great! Isn't is great when we just know what we can eat and shouldn't eat and our bodies are glad we made the right choice!? :D

Jocelyn - Out on her Cruise - Hope she's having a great time!

eddiesgal - Another Grandbaby - Terrific!! - What's an oopsie roll?

Kreeb - Good to see you back! I'm on induction again too! Come on - we can do this! Take it a meal at a time / a day at a time! What are you doing for exercise? It's so hot here - I loved all of the walking we did in Scotland, but now it's almost 8pm before it's even nice enough for me to get out!

Ok, lots to do - I'll catch ya's all later!

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