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Anyone on Atkins?


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Eating has been rough this week. Entirely too many sweets consumed for my birthday. It's crazy how bad the cravings get when you've been reexposed to too much sugar.


Yes, I know that some things will taste good. And I have weak cravings when I'm following plan for a long time because I'll remember that something is good. But wow, when I break the plan to eat birthday cake...and then keep eating cake til it's finished- took it home for DH, should've left it for my family... the cravings are soooooooo strong. I almost feel possessed- like I NEED them... today it was root beer, tonight I was needing klondike ice cream bars...


Just know that I DID NOT give into these cravings. I've behaved... but it's very hard to ignore them. It's like the sugar has taken over my body again. I'm headed back to some induction style eating for the rest of this month so I can cleanse my body and not be tormented by every sweet that crosses my path.


Good luck to everyone else this weekend... summer is wrapping up and soon the season of temptation will be upon us. We really need to get our resolve in high gear before October hits...



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Hello Everyone,


It has been a long time since I've posted, a very L-O-N-G time. But I am back and on induction. It's been a week and 5 lbs lost! So I'm going to try and get myself back where I belong, fit and healthy. I lost really well the last time I was on and then after the cruise, well, life threw me a bunch of curves (excuse the pun!). Not an excuse, just what happened. I'm going to try to keep it on track!!


It's so good to see so many of you still here! Tom, Jean, Pink, Lisa, I have missed all of you. And all the new ones.


It has been a cool and wet summer here in Maine. Hardly a summer at all. *sigh*:( But were having a few nice days right now. But I smell fall in the air.


Don't know how much exercising I can do with that challange, but I am going to try and walk on a treadmill at my work 5 days a week. It may only be 20 mins or more, but consistency is the key, right? Baby steps once again. But Tom is right I deserve to be healthy. I need to take care of me.


So, here I am and I hope I can help any of you also, and I'm so glad you are here with me.



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Hello All:

It has been a rough week for me too. Pink it is so true, when you give into a little sugar it is like it keeps calling to you. I sort of wiped out on this week. But I am back on track. I gave into the seductive just one taste thinking. To be fair I think some people can have just a taste here and there. With us carb addicts it is another storey...

Good news I am doing good with exercise...


All for now, Tom

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Donna H-


That's me in my avatar loving my new wii fit :) Thanks for asking. I posted about it a lot this week in the atkins exercise thread. We have a love/hate relationship- me and the wii fit. I hate the way it feels to walk down stairs now... ouch. I love how much fun it is and how dedicated I am to my exercise now! I would totally recommend it to anyone. Only wish we'd gotten it sooner. I just came in to check in with everyone...


To everybody---

DH and I had a tasty breakfast today but I ate whole grain bread. I ate two whole grain english muffins when really one half is about my carb limit on top of my daily diet (and thereby violated my induction eating these next 10 days!!!). But anyway, we had welsh rarebit. I love that stuff. I love the cheddar sauce. I was thinking, next time I make it, maybe I'll get sausage patties or canadian bacon or something and eat mine on that... instead of bread. What do you guys think? Have you had welsh rarebit? What would you eat yours on????


thanks, pink

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Caffeine stalls some people. I read the scientific Atkins book and I think it had an explanation in there but sorry, can't remember it.


It never stalled me but I also drink it black (sans sugar and cream) and I only have it 3 nights/week when I work. I drink about 16 oz those nights though :)


I am trying to resist frosted vanilla cookies tonight... pink cookies or pink bikini...pink cookies or pink bikini... who will win???! :p

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Well, the custody case is over! I have sole custody of my daughter!!:D I am so happy. This is a wonderful birthday present. Oh yeah, tomorrow is my 38th birthday. :o I am getting too close to the big 40. ;) I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I blew it last weekend. I ate everything in sight and gained a few pounds. I am back on track and should lose those pounds this week. Yesterday I changed the cruise for me and my DD. I originally had booked the Imagination 3 day out of Miami but got to thinking about the 13 hour drive down and 13 hour drive home for a three day cruise. I changed to a 5 day on the Fascination out of Jacksonville. Now I only have about 7 hours to drive each way, saving me about 12 hours of driving!! :cool:

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Hi I am new to this Loose before you cruise area and I have been reading through your posts for the last couple weeks and am really excited about this diet. My brother came back from Vegas after being here 4 months ago for moms funeral and had lost 40 pounds on the Atkins diet. I have always thought that the diet was not for me because I am not real big on eating protien all day.


I bought the book and a lot of things really made sense to me regarding the carbs and the breakdown of them. I thought about my diet and realized that although I don't eat a lot of food that most things I chose to eat were carbohydrates and maybe that is why all my dieting has not worked. WW I always chose little meat and brown rice and carbs and frozen meals, vegies and the desserts just stayed in my point level never lost weight, I also had hired a personal trainer for 8 weeks did loose 8 pounds but buffed up too much and quickly stopped. I have had a tummy tuck at the weight of 185 and some lipo came out at 175 but a size larger "go figure". It has been 2 years and I am now at 190. :confused: 2 sizes larger then surgery. I should also say that I have had 2 neck surgeries and one back surgery in the last 15 years. That also had a lot to do with the weight for recovery time. I am still not a flabby person just thick and firm if that makes sense. I can pinch an inch in a couple areas being flanks and bra area. It just seems that the more I work out the more I bulk what I have instead of shrink it. I come from a family of very large people "all siblings pushing 300" and have been starving or doing obviously what ever I need to not to follow in their footsteps. I am 42 now and am thinking that maybe Atkins is my last resort and the only thing I haven't tried. My mother however was 4'10 and petite until she got sick 8 years ago with COPD and prednisone made her bigger.


I have been a yo yo dieter for about 8 years, I never had a weight problem until I had my second child 10 years ago, I had gained 85 pounds during pregnancy I am 5'4 and was up to 230 when I gave birth by c-section and quickly lost the weight and was back to 150. Some think that is heavy but I did not have an inch to pinch at that weight I was in a size 8 or 9 which I am completely happy with I have no desire to be a size 2 I like my curves.


I have never been a big eater, I ate a very small breakfast and mostly rice, peas with chicken or fish, some pasta some times, vegis for dinner or a sandwich at lunch and just kids leftovers for dinner, not a huge sweet tooth except on certain times of the month. I drink Tanquray and Diet Tonic on Saturdays, and usually go to dinner with hubby and out with friends.


I have started the Atkins diet yesterday and am not liking all the protien but am determined to follow through for the next two weeks. My question is after reading all of your threads is do any of you actually eat bread whether it is Atkins bread or just wheat bread once or twice a week? I am really not having sweet cravings but have an aweful taste in my mouth and am wanting milk products which I never craved before aside from yogurt. I know that I will not NEVER put another piece of bread or ever eat a bowl of cereal or have a bite of something sweet so am worried that I am starting something that may not work for me. I am committed to not doing it until goal weight but would like to incorporate some form of these at a later date without beating myself up about it. How do you all do it.


I am trying to loose about 30 pounds 40 would make me way happy but not expecting it. After reading my bio have any of you had the same previous symptoms prior to starting this diet. Sorry if this is hard to read just don't know what info to give to you all to make a informed answer.



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I forgot to add, that I do smoke and a lot of my motivation is that I am wanting to quit but as soon as I do I know for a fact I will pack on 20 pounds within a month or so as I have quit 3 times for a year each time and this is what happens even though I don't eat more than normal. :confused:

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Welcome cruisin 4 fun.


Sounds like you are off to a great start. Reading the book is the number 1 thing people don't do. Rather than focusing on what you may be able to eat later, how about we talk about what you can and ARE eating right now. IT's easy to find lots of examples of sweets, breads and pastas that aren't allowed but can sometimes be frustrating to find what is allowed.


For me, I love protein. But I can't eat too many chicken breasts or burgers without feeling bored. What saved me on this diet was fat. In induction I ate some things every single day:



EGGS (scrambled or fried over steak)

SALADS w/ 0 carb dressing



What sorts of things do you love to eat that are allowed in induction? Are you drinking lots of water? Do you get at least 8 hrs of sleep? I only had about 20 lbs to lose and I lost 7 during induction in the first 2 weeks. I bet if you stick to the diet strictly, drinking lots of water (to flush out toxins), exercising daily, and sleeping well you will find you are very happy with the results. If not, we can reassess in 2 weeks.


How are you eating now??? Good luck, we're here to support!


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Thanks for the welcoming:D I started Monday and "also started monthy :confused: had:

B- Bacon/scambled eggs

L-cheese stick, roast beef roll up

D- Skinless Chiken thighs sauteed in olive oil with ****aki mushrooms, garlic powder, onion powder, shallots, and a little no carb oriental seasoning.


Tons of water


Yesterday: felt yukky


B- scrambled eggs/2 pieces bacon

L- egg saled, shrimp cocktail w/mustard mayo and horseradish sauce, a couple pork rinds for crunch note"do not like the pork rinds at all made my stomach yukky"

D- Taco saled i.e. lettuce tomatoe hamburger cheese ranch dressing. (felt much better after having this for dinner) will remember to eat veggies which I love anyway just tried to stay low on carbs.


I weighed this morning I am 7.5 pounds lighter then Monday but must think at least 3 or 4 are due to my monthly.


My mouth does not seem to have as bad of a taste as yesterday I am thinking it is the saled that helped me out on that so will have that for sure everyday.


Finding that I don't like bacon or scrambled eggs, so now I have hard boiled in the fridge and I will eat those for breakfast. I am going to make pickle roll ups today and have some lobster I have been saving for a special occasion.


I think the wierdest thing for me is actually eating 3 meals a day and eating things I have stayed away from for the last 10 years in fear of sodium in pickles, colesteral in eggs, fat in bacon and meat, mayo "which I find I like, full fat dressing. Its just really wierd eating them and trying to convince myself that its ok and giving up the low fat stuff which in all reality has not been working for me. I am italian and was raised on little meat and lots of pasta and it never effected me until I hit 30 I am committed to this and very excited just trying to get a good menu down.


As far as the exercising I am going to walk for now, I get gung ho on this when I start, I went 6 months before I convinced my hubby to buy the personal trainer working out like a mad person i.e. 1 hour eliptical, 1 hour tredmill 5 days a week and low fat diet he saw that I was actually trying and it didn't work must have been the carbs, what else could it have been.


Thanks for your support:D

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cruisin 4 fun,


you're off to a great start! I thought I'd share one of my favorite easy egg recipes for you since you've found scrambled aren't your thing. It's from an atkins board on the net though I can't cite the place because honestly, I copied the recipe but not the source. Hope this is to your liking! I find 2 muffins are usually enough for me. Once you get comfortable with the recipe you can substitute cheese, add meats, or change up the veggies!


Crustless Quiche

Dozen large or jumbo eggs

2 cups heavy cream

2 cups shredded cheese (Vermont cheddar recommended for best results)

large red and green bell peppers


Whip up the eggs and cream. Fold in other ingredients. Spray a 12 muffin pan with Pam. Pour mixture in there but don't overfill each muffin thing too much. Bake 20 min at 350 degrees or until cooked through. You can freeze them individually and nuke them for a minute or two if you need a quick breakfast on the go.


Enjoy :)

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Howdy all, I'm really glad to find this forum. Dh and I have been doing Atkins for 3.5 weeks now. I am down 14lbs and he is down 12. I have been a little more vigilant than him. I want to ultimately lose 73 more lbs. My 18 yo son jumped on the bandwagon last night.

I have enjoyed getting a little creative with our family's dinners. Last night was crustless quiche, one was bacon, onion, swiss and the other was mushroom, spinach, feta, with tossed salad, and low-carb ice cream, diet-rite float for dessert!

It can sometimes be a challenge to find suitable substitutions for favorite things. Like I really enjoy flavored creamer in my coffee, and I like plenty of the flavored creamer in my coffee! I found some sugar free flavored syrup in the coffee aisle so I can whip up a mean flavored latte right here at home!

I have found keeping Atkins book in my bag to refer to when I am out is really handy, because I am still re-learning how to think about food.

Now to go back and skim 70 pages of posts:eek:

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So far so good w/ the ice cream. I have found that if I start feeking sorry for myself re: what I can't have is when I cave. Like passing a Dairy Queen and thinking how much I like DQ and poor me I can't have any. But knowing I have an acceptable alternative at home helps sooo much. My 18 year old son really appreciates a little L/C Rocky Road during a study break.

I cannot use nutrasweet, it makes me sick to my stomach. So I use Splenda. We had been drinking Diet Rite with dinner or Fruit 2-0 in the afternoon. One thing I have found is after this much time w/o sugared drinks, I am finding even these diet drinks too sweet. So I am preferring plain water or if I want some punch to a drink, flavored seltzer/club soda. This from a 15 year Dr Pepper addict! Yeah for me!!

This weekend we are having a big cookout at our camper. We are smoking some pork and beef, so I am off to make some sugar-free rub and bbq sauce!

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Good Morning and Happy Friday to Everyone! And a 3 day weekend too! ... well for most of us! I have to tell my favorite CC, cyber buddie, weight loss and sometimes gaining some of it back, high protein, creative cooking friends, and the Newbies from about Aug 10 forward, that I've missed posting with you! Aug 12 my sister lost her battle to Breast Cancer and so you can understand my absence and know that I have had much to do. Monday Aug 11 I made the fastest trip to Colorado that I could and still be safe and spent my little Sis's last night with her, and I say this with bitter sweetness, as she knew I was there, and physically, spiritually and emotionally...she was ready to go. To much to share here but for you ladies -- I'm reminding you now to shedule your mammogram...if you haven't already! With all of that....yes, my weight is up. Depressed about it? some....but any of you that have read my posts know I'm an emotional eater :o and I'd say this was tough. But, this morning, yep 2 med cooked eggs, cup of hot tea (gotta have that cup of tea) and I have a list of yard chores that should count towards 'gym' time - - c'mon...I'm moving rocks!:eek:

Tom - Contrats!

Pink- Girl you RAWK!!!!!!!!!!

I have gone back a few pages and so I want to say Welcome to the Newbies...and there were some that sure started off determined in July...how you doing girls? Easy, Peaches,Donna,

ME Donna...good to see you back...new CC Name? Jocelyn, Lisa.....in a few weeks on the new gals/guys I'm drawing a blank on your names...but come back and post!! :)

Ok, time to get busy ...its' going to get warm again today and I really work better when it's cool outside!

I'll check back on ya's later....


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Hope Everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend! One of the things that I like about 'cook out' holidays is that there are some really good sales on steaks, chicken, fish etc.....I got a really good deal on some roasts and I put a couple in the freezer! What about you guys...what are you cooking this weekend? We are doing Kabobs! Lots of fresh peppers are in the stores right now too..... I just love the end of summers veggies!

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Hey Jean - I am really sorry to hear about your sister. I was wondering about you. I hope you are doing okay. I had an almost perfect birthday this year. My boyfriend really outdid himself!! :D Yesterday, we applied for my daughters passport and she is getting real excited about her first cruise. A very good friend of hers spent the night last night and it looks like her family may be going with us on that cruise. They love to cruise as well and it would be so much better to have friends with us. :) Now, all I have to do is talk my boyfriend into going. I doubt I will be able to do that but I will keep trying. He keeps saying that he can not go on three cruises within 3 months. I thought about cancelling our Ruby Princess cruise because of the cost but I have always wanted to cruise with Princess so I will probably leave it as is. I just cant believe that we are paying $4000 for a mini-suite. Hopefully it will be worth it.


I am hoping that the scales will be friend tomorrow. I blew it big time last weekend but have done very well this week. No cheating, not even on my birthday. I sure would have loved a piece of birthday cake but I was a good girl!!:D One thing that helps me is my sugarfreesheila shakes and I found some Walden Farm chocolate syrup that I put in them. It has no calories, no sugar and no carbs! Gotta love it. :cool:

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Pink..........how great it is to have a resident Atkins supporter and student.


I have done Atkins..........as a diet........but my biggest mistake the first time around...........and second for that matter...........is I looked at it just as a diet.............not a lifetime change.


I am just about finished with my induction program..........2 days before we head out on a cruise. My goal is to lose 20 pounds.......which puts me back at 150 on the nose. So far I'm down 7 and probably will lose 2 more before next Saturday.


I have a couple of recipes to add that are fun. One is similar to your quiche, only it includes ground round, onions and spinich.


I look forward to following this thread!!



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Here is my recipe for what I call Joe's Special to Go.


The list of ingredients for 30 tins.


10 ounces frozen spinach, Microwave 3 minutes

2 pounds ground sirloin

2 1/4 cups eggs, raw, shelled

10 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded

3/4 cup green bell pepper, diced

1 1/2 cups onion, chopped

20 drops hot pepper sauce


And directions:


1. Microwave frozen spinich for 2-1/2 minutes to 3 minutes and set aside

Squeeze 90 percent of the water out of the spinich when cooled.

2. Line 2 ea 12 cup muffin pans with foil baking cups. Spray the cups with cooking spray.

3. Cook the ground sirloin till browned and chopped into small pieces. Drain fat and set aside.

4. In a large bowl, combine the raw eggs, cheese, pepers, and spinich and mix well. Add meat and stir. Add hot pepper sauce (optional)

5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

This has a total of 5 gr of carbs per serving. It's great for breakfast!! I freeze these these, and seal them with a seal a meal, two muffins at a time. Then reheat when needed.



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Hey There Everyone!

Here we are on Tuesday morning and we have a yummy sounding recipe from Rick to start our week off with! Thanks Rick!

The Kabobs yesterday were really good and I stayed pretty good all weekend - up until we went and saw the 3D Journey to the Center of the Earth movie..and the popcorn jumped right into my and and...well you get the idea! :p What a FUN movie! :D I've never seen a 3D before...and if you haven't either..GO!! It was so much fun and especially if you have a few kids around you...they were hysterical! all of the ooohhs and squeee at all of the right places! :D

Donna - thanks so much! :( But a Very Late Happy Birthday to you!:)

Hope everyone had a great weekend - -catch ya's later!

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Hey all,


Just dropped in really quick to say to Jean...


My deepest sympathy in the loss of your sister. I can only imagine how hard this time has been for you!


Only you can manage to come right back & encourage everyone after that. What an amazing person you are.


My thoughts & prayers are with you & the rest of your family. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}


Hello to everyone else...WOE is woeful right now. I'll be back in a bit to catch up.

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