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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all low~carbers!! Hope the "poison" of candy hasn't driven y'all into a diabetic coma!!:eek:


Ms Jean, your ticker seems to indicate you are going on a cruise now woo hoo!!(BTW, I am still soo enjoying your, as well as others, pics on the photo thread...hey, do us all a favor, & post some here; foodie, before/after, whateva.. okiedokie??:D)


I had a pretty good week, but the lure of popcorn, a salty dog DOD, & a movie tonight kinda did me in, tho I allow a few little 'cheats' here & there to remind me they're really not worth it after all & just get right back on track, asap...I have tried to exercise at least every other day, so all is good.:rolleyes:

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Hey Low Carb Buddies!

Tomorrow...I pack for the Cruise, last notes for my DD as she watches the house and doggie sits Sadie. Do some cleaning so when we get back I won't worry about doing anything else but going back to work and sulking that we didn't do a B2B! haha We leave bright & early Sun morning - and be back on next Sunday.

luvroberts - I'm so sorry that they changed your ship! But DD went on Liberty last summer and really liked it. I know you'll still enjoy it - you'll be Cruising!

Cerabella - Your so sweet to ask for pictures! I'll keep in mind your request as I go through some old ones and new ones from our trip!;)

Welcome susiefay, and IloveMexico! It's so nice to see new faces around! :D


Pink - Hope your feeling better...because you are packing for your Cruise too!:p

Ok, you all have a great week - keep LC-ing - I plan to be a good girl - ok, well at least most of the week!;) Will read your posts when I get back!

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Jean - Have a wonderful cruise!!


I am currently back at my pre-cruise weight!! I knew it would come right back off since it was mostly water weight. Now, I just have to focus on losing more pounds before my December cruise. :) It took me about a week to get caught up at work. I sure hope it wont take quite so long when I get back in December. ;)


This week was pretty rough with cravings but I did not give in!! I will try to do better when we go on our December cruise so I don't have those major carb cravings when I get back on track.


I better get back to homework and housework!! :( I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and I will try to check back in tomorrow!!

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Hey all,

Jumping back in after our b2b cruises. For the 12 days I gained 5 lbs. Not to bad really as I was expecting 10ish lbs. I am already back down 3 of them in 1 day. I was able to enjoy a few drinks and dessert each night. We walked a lot and used the stairs as much as possible.

Dh and I got right back to low carbing Sat AM. It is really great to have him eating the same way.

Our next cruise is in May, so I have to consider what kind of goal. I would really like to be at my goal weight, that is 61 more lbs. I am not sure that is realistic though.

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Hey Low Carb Buddies!

Tomorrow...I pack for the Cruise, last notes for my DD as she watches the house and doggie sits Sadie. Do some cleaning so when we get back I won't worry about doing anything else but going back to work and sulking that we didn't do a B2B! haha We leave bright & early Sun morning - and be back on next Sunday.


luvroberts - I'm so sorry that they changed your ship! But DD went on Liberty last summer and really liked it. I know you'll still enjoy it - you'll be Cruising!


Cerabella - Your so sweet to ask for pictures! I'll keep in mind your request as I go through some old ones and new ones from our trip!;)


Welcome susiefay, and IloveMexico! It's so nice to see new faces around! :D


Pink - Hope your feeling better...because you are packing for your Cruise too!:p


Ok, you all have a great week - keep LC-ing - I plan to be a good girl - ok, well at least most of the week!;) Will read your posts when I get back!



Thanks for the welcome - enjoy your cruise:)

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Today we finish packing and tomorrow we leave for Fl bright and early in the a.m. Thank goodness, the snow is already falling here in New England (not every night but still cmon...) and we need an escape-- and a sunny, warm one at that!


I broke down and ate several bags of skittles and a bagel at work this weekend. A lot of hours cut lately due to budget stuff so it's been kind of emotionally trying and we all know what happens when things get emotionally stressful...


Good luck to everyone who is already coping with holiday stress. We'll get it when we get back. Enjoy your time while I'm gone. Look forward to sharing details of our first PRINCESS cruise when we return!

Pink :p

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Pink - Have a wonderful cruise!! Please come back and tell us all about it. We were booked for the Ruby in a mini-suite for April but had to cancel due to the economy. :( I am hoping that we will be able to book something to replace it soon. ;)

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If we hadn't prepaid a huge chunk of our flight, hotel and cruise for Feb I'd be rethinking our Mardi Gras cruise right now too...


But I figure with 1k already invested we should just scale back if necessary and enjoy the cruise because W. Carribean cruises don't break the bank. I just wish my work had the flexibility to book at the last minute because there are sooooo many good deals right now ;(


Alright, DH and I leave for the airport in an hour... I was just online to make sure the flight is still ontime!



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Pink & Jean ~ yay, cruisin'!!! well, don't eat anything I wouldn't eat hehehe:p


Congrats donna & mama ~ getting right back on track... Isn't it kinda funny, if you get to eating right soon after sorta going off program that the weight will come off pretty quickly...kinda like it didn't stick, if ya know what I mean...;) However, those other lbs who have been attached to various places for looong periods of time, well, maybe a different story...:(


Been pretty consistent this week, I guess I got over that change of seasons funk of wanting to eat any & everything that wouldn't eat me first!!!:eek:


Hey all, whatcha been eating lately that's yummy & low ~ carb?

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Yay!! Friday!!


For me that can mean trouble because sometimes I have that 'I've been pretty good all week, maybe I can have some of that ....' mentality... Oh well, that's life...:o


I actually re~set my weight goals now to go ahead & commit to losing about 10~12 more lbs... I know they just kinda melt off in the beginning, but then come the stalls,... maybe an occasional 'whooosh' or so, but I find what's attached to my physique now kinda stubborn. I know a little more exercise surely wouldn't hurt in my case, so back to the ole drawing board...


Today I put three turkey legs in the crock pot to cook all day. They are fairly reasonably priced about a dollar a piece. I eat one & DH usually eats two with veggies of course :), now, I don't know why they are sold three in a package...but that's the way I find them.. poor three legged turkeys...:p

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Hi everyone, I hope you all had a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Did everyone stay on the plan?? I did for most part except for the

2-4-5:rolleyes: glasses of wine!!!!

Tonight we are having shrimp wraped in bacon.. Yummy I also put a pork

roast in crock pot for the week.. I made spaghetti sqush last week for the first

time.. WOW I love it, bought another one a store today!!

Have a wonderful week all.. ;)

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Wine, shrimp, bacon woohoo!! Why didn'cha call! hehehe!!:D

Stayed pretty much on plan... hope to begin induction this week (after gro. shopping...) I have held steady for the last couple of years; up a couple, down a couple, but need to re~commit to losing another 10 or so...:p


Sooo, let's go girls ( sang in my best Shania twang!! ) & guys!!:D

We can do it!!!

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Down one more pound!! I know it is not much but every single pound counts for me. I am now down 33 pounds. If I just had time to exercise, I know it would really come off. This semester between working fulltime, take 9 hours at the local community college, my daughter and keeping the house in order I just don't have the time or energy to exercise. I have decided that I am only taking one class next semester instead of 3 and hopefully I can start some exercise. If I could just walk I know that would make a difference. My weight loss is slow and steady and eventually I will get there. ;)

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Hi low carbers

I lost on atkins 4 years ago-40 pounds. have gained it all back after losing my son last year and trying to eat my saddness away. i am trying to find my way back and want to feel better so hope to lose again. I started induction last Monday. I feel like all my weight went to my middle-it is so huge! Love to hear your stories and that somone is still finding success on atkins. Everytime I bring it up someone shoots it down. But I know I felt really good on it and I lost weight. My husband and I are going on a cruise in december and want to look and feel better. Thanks for listening. I must be stupid but what are the references to pink and purple?

Thanks for listening.


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Congrats Donna ~ as we all know a pound is a pound...better off than on!!:D


Welcome zeegirl. How sad for you to lose your son. I think alot of us eat to try to comfort ourselves in some way or another, & sadly, most find out the hard way it never really works...You are proof however that eating low~carb & sticking to it can bring tremendous success, you just have to determine that's what your gonna do, to heck w/ the naysayers...do it for YOU!!


The references to shades of pinks & purples have to do with the testing strips that show whether one is in 'ketosis' ~ litmous type strips that arr tested by, ummm, urine sample. :p

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Thanks Cerabella

Ok why do we check our ketosis? When do you do this? Where do you get the strips?


For me, ketosis sticks came in handy in the very beginning when I was trying out new foods (e.g., restaurants) just to make sure what I was eating kept me on track ... and I've had a few surprises, too! You can find these at any drugstore, usually near the pharmacy.

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Zeegirl123- I found the ketosis sticks at Wal-Mart with the diabetic supplies. I do check from time to time and I am usually in the pink range. I have had a few purple sticks but as long as you show a trace then you should see the weight loss. It helps me to see that I am keeping my carbs low enough. I wish I had found out about them years ago when I did Atkins for the first time. :rolleyes: Maybe I would have stuck with then. ;) In my case it is pretty much just a frame of mind. This time around I am doing it for myself!!


The other day I didn't have any lunch so I stopped at McDonalds and got a double quarter pounder with cheese, no bun. The girl at the drive thru asked when I was getting married. I told her that we would probably get married in about 5 years. She was shocked and asked why I was doing Atkins. I am doing Atkins because I am tired of being fat!! I bet she really loves telling that story. For the first time in my life, I am taking control of my weight for me. When I was younger it was easy to lose weight but now that I am in my late 30's I have noticed that it is harder and harder to lose weight. This time, I am going to lose it and keep it off!! :cool:

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Thanks Donna

I feel the same way-fat!!!! My middle section is a big old muffin top-YIKES! I too want to get control, feel better and look better. It is a mind set-to be totally commited to cutting carbs. I think i am there. But could use the support from here to stay there. Thanks for responding. Know I am in this with you. How much do you want to lose? I need to lose 30 but would love to lose 12-15 by Christmas. I have already lost about 10.



I love, love, love your sight. You are truly an inspiration much needed by me. I am going to try your recipes. They seem very simple and sound good, too. I need that-simple. I feel you can get in a rut with Atkins if you dont think outside the meat and cheese box, don't you? Thanks for responding.

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Zeegirl123 - My goal is to lose 93 pounds. This battle with my weight started after I had my daughter. I weighed 150 pounds when I got pregnant and I was VERY happy with my weight. I am 5'8" tall and IMHO look good at 150 pounds. The day that I gave birth to my daughter I weighed 248 pounds. Imagine the shock that I had gained almost 100 pounds while I was pregnant. After she was born I lost about 30 pounds and then I went to Depo Provera for birth control. In six months while I was on Depo I gained 50 pounds. :eek: I started Atkins to lose that weight but just could not stick with it. :o I think my main problem was my ex husband telling me how fat I was all the time. That just made me more depressed and want to eat more. After we split up I finally made the decision to get rid of some of this weight. At this point I weighed 268 pounds and I just felt terrible. I started eating low fat and exercising every day. The weight was slowly coming off and I was working two jobs and just stayed busy all the time. Then I started having back problems and pretty much gave up. When I met my fiance I was around 210 and I wasn't happy with my weight but I was not stressing over it. After two years together or eating wrong and eating out all the time I got back up to 243 pounds. That is when I decided that it was time to do something and I found this wonderful thread. I have lost 33 pounds and am down to 210 again and boy do I feel some much better!! I have fallen off the wagon from time to time and have my little cheats but then I get right back on track. I am just worried about the upcoming Christmas Season. I am going to have some really strong will power!!!


I think it is so much easier this time because I do have support from this group of friends as well as from my fiance'. He loves me for who I am and has never said a thing about my weight. He is one of those men that has never had a weight problem. It doesn't even bother him that I weigh more than him but I am sure he would love to have a leaner and healthier wife. :) He is 5'11 and has a 32" waist, I am hoping that one day I can fit into his jeans! :cool: My weight is mostly around my middle and of course that is the hardest to lose especially since I had a C-section with my daughter. I am just taking it one day at a time and I will get there eventually.

Edited by donnaholder
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Dear Donnaholder

You have done fantastic already! You should be very proud of yourself. You have been through so much and you seem so strong. I am currently 187. I gained a lot (60+) with each of my 3 kids too. Their health was important so I ate. I am 46 now with 2 teenage girls and one son in heaven. I had a hysterectomy which has also really changed my stomach-yeesh it is so big. All the chocolate for the last 20 months hasn't helped either. I have the mind set that I am going to do this-it isn't helping my saddness by no clothes fitting. I understand the 150 pounds at 5'8'' as I was 155 at 5'7" and felt I looked good. I would be thrilled to be there again. We can do this!! Thank you for sharing so much. How old is your daughter? It is hard to eat right with kids, too. I teach Kindergarten and they eat everything! My teenagers do too and at all hours. Do you cut off your eating at 7 pm? I try but sometimes supper is that late.

Thanks for all your support and for being so welcoming to me here. People on this forum seem very supportive and I am glad I am here.

Take care!


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Ahoy there all Atkiners!


Thanks for popping in SFSheila!! Your webpage is truly a very big help to me as well as others...You are our Atkins cheerleader/guru...yay!:D



I stayed pretty much on plan this weekend. DH made a big pot of homemade chili with hamburger, deer sausage, & other yummy things in it. No idea the carb count, but sure it was fairly reasonable. (No beans, chips, cornbread etc for me)



Everyone seems to be doing great with a very positive attitude. That's what can make or break a successful WOE!! That's one of the reasons I finally posted after following this thread for sooo long, support & results & even failures...we all learn from each other.

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Ok, girls (and guys!!) I weighed this morning, & as usual, I got on the scale, then got off the scale, then moved it around a little, then got back on, then off, then..well you get the idea, sooo, DH says something like, 'well that's not going to make a whole lot of difference, is it now???':eek: ....but...the scale was reading a couple of lbs down so I was just making sure...so I asked him in my sweetest voice, of course, 'Do I look fat or skinny ?!?' & he says , like a good husband of 24 years,,, 'yes..' ...Well, gotta love 'im.


Any hoo, I finally got to the gro store & stocked up for my week or two of back to induction because I would really, really like to drop a few more lbs during the time of the year when most people I know actually add lbs basically from mindless eating...:p


I am currently at about 158, but I go up about 4, then down 2, then up 1, then down 3, so I just call myself 158, but I would like to go down at least 10 or 12 & I know it is possible...I am 48, so I know too I am at the time in my life when I now have to work harder, eat smarter to be where I know fits me best... soooo, wish me the best, & likewise, I do the same for all our low~carb cruisin' buddies!!;)

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Glad I found this thread- I actually started from the begining 2006 and started reading... after reading 4 pages I skipped the the last were we are currently. Started the Adkins thing or variations beginning of September 2008. Im quite disappointed this time with the results. I have been so dedicated and very strict this time and seriously only lost 18 lbs so far. I need to loose A LOT. My cruise is in 1 month - and already packed. Everything I packed is 2-3 sizes smaller...so I really need a boost.

I have been on Adkins in the past and it worked GREAT! It gives me energy and makes me feel good as many others have shared. The crusie is in celebration of my end to smoking- it will be 1 year ago on 12/21/08!!! this is why Im back on Adkins- gained 73 lbs! :(

I look forward to the future stories shared- and wish ALL great sucess and focus. It is a life long battle, but having others that share similar journeys makes it easier.

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Hi Cerabella-sounds like me with the up and down. Except right now I seem to be at a plateau. Any ideas to move down? I think I read earlier that sodium can stall you-is that true??? Glad you are here.



How wonderful that you quit smoking! You should be very proud. If you can do that---you can definately lose weight now -what willpower you must have!!!! I am cruising 2 days after Christmas so I am really on the push here, too!


We can do this together!!!! I got on the scale and it has not moved all weekend-darn!!!!! I will not give up as I do not want to stay this weight!


Take care and let me know how you are doing.


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