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Anyone on Atkins?


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Donna- fun Mother and daughter times. Enjoy these times- they dont last. I have a 21 yr old son- still wish he was home :( and two little girls- wish I had more time with them- this crusie will be time for me and MY girls t be togeter constantly!

enjoy shopping.

Keep making the low carb choice all- WE WILL OVERCOME!!!! and be BIG LOSERS!!!

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Hey guys!


Holiday tip- pick out your next evening gown and keep trying it on each week in anticipation of your Feb 09 cruise! It's working for me right now.


I'm considering switching diets to South Beach now that I'm so close to goal. While I love how restrictive Atkins is (I think it makes it so much easier to lose when you have less choices and it WORKS!) I'd really like to eat on South Beach rather than feel like I'm cheating every time I eat whole grains, fruit, etc. Haven't decided for sure yet. Have some more reading to do before making the jump but that's where I'm headed :( Sorry to disappoint but maintaining on Atkins is proving to be more challenging.


Has anyone else read South Beach?

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I just wanted to check in. I am working until noon today and then we are hitting the road for our cruise on Carnival Fascination tomorrow!! :D I finally packed last night and Keith left at 4:00 this morning for a fishing trip to the Outer Banks. It would have been nice to get another hour or two of sleep but that just did not happen. Every time he leaves early like this I just can not seem to get back to sleep. Hopefully I wont get too tired driving down to Jacksonville. Everyone have a great weekend and week. I will check back when we get home next Friday!!:cool:

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Hey guys!


I'm considering switching diets to South Beach now that I'm so close to goal. While I love how restrictive Atkins is (I think it makes it so much easier to lose when you have less choices and it WORKS!) I'd really like to eat on South Beach rather than feel like I'm cheating every time I eat whole grains, fruit, etc. Haven't decided for sure yet. Have some more reading to do before making the jump but that's where I'm headed :( Sorry to disappoint but maintaining on Atkins is proving to be more challenging.


Has anyone else read South Beach?


Hey Pink!

I had a Dr or 2 tell me that they thought South Beach was more 'friendly' then Atkins, but either way - getting my weight down was important to help control my High Blood Pressure .. and it has! You have been such a great support to everyone here during your journey getting to your goal weight - and a Big WooHoo and Congrats for Getting there!!! :D I will miss you girl.....tear....:( But You Do what you feel is going to 1) keep you at goal weight 2) fit your life style and being committed to it. ;) I think that you'll do great in what ever your going to do - because you have so many great 'eating skills' in knowing how to balance your WOE and WOEX! :D

Donna - Have a fantastic time!

Zee & RVP , have a great weekend!

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Good morning, Atkins-ers! I've been lurking at this thread for quite some time, as I had lost weight on Atkins a few years ago. I didn't have to lose much, but it was the only successful plan I found. Well, life intervened (mother's illness then death, then my retirement, etc., etc.!) and the weight crept back on. I found myself at my highest weight ever - 157 (I'm 5'8") and I should be at about 140. I know, some people would say, "17 pounds, big deal!" but suddenly nothing fits me! Actually, I'd like to get to about 135 by our (sister and me) Panama Canal cruise in April.


So, long story short, I started Atkins again on Thursday...already down 3 pounds of water. I'm going Christmas shopping today and I plan to swing by a drug store and pick up some keto sticks. I've never used them but it might be a great motivator. I guess Christmas is not the greatest time of the year to go low-carb, but if I can do it now I can do it any time of the year! Wish me luck and good eating......



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Good morning all-


Not much changes this week- actually gained 2 lbs in the beginning of the week- too much wine from the weekend. :p

and then lost a 1lb or 2?


SW 258 (mid September)

CW 234

GW 165 long way to go!


This is definately going slower than the last time I did this a couple years ago- and Im more diligent than before?? Well Im going to stick to it and NOT turn back....

GOOD LUCK to ALL this week.


I leave this friday for my cruise!! SO EXCITIED:D

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Hey all cool cruising low carb peoples!! Welcome Susan, great success so far! I think our bodies kinda adjust the longer we are on Atkins, or else, the 'older' we get..remember, even Dr A recommended switching diets sometimes. Pink, I got my DH's SouthBeach diet book out & flipped thru the pages...I don't see how I could maintain or even lose on it personally, it seems somewhat more liberal, but please keep checking in for results & moral support (for us & you!!) Hope you have success!!


Nothing to report weight wise, neither gained nor lost any, but not complaining, I have been sorta eating yo~yo...as usual...one day really good, one, kinda off plan a little, catch myself the next meal...have a glass of wine (okaaaay, maybe it was two...)See?

perhaps I really am doing SouthBeach after all!!


Jean, did you do those 'few' extra lbs in yet? hehehe, makes you wonder why we sometimes sabotage ourselves when we see success...just call us OPRAH:eek:


We have really blustery, windy weather here in east Texas ~ it's in the 70's today, windy as heck, sooo that 'blows' my plan to rake the yard...the leaves are flying north, but the sticks & limbs are not.


Keep it low carb & Atkins friendly!!



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Hi all


SW 197 lb

LW 183 lb

CW 183 lb

GW 155 lbG

GW by December 27-anywhere in the 170's!!!!!!!!!!!



Well I yo-yo'd this week am I am back to last week. RVP-same with me-came off faster last time and I hardly exercised at all. Buuuuut, I have since had a hysterectomy and as Cerabella said am 4 years older. So, My cruise is a week after yours RVP so I hope to get 5 more off before I go. Regardless, I am going, right?



Welcome, welcome! You are doing great so far. just think when everyone else is putting off starting to diet after New Years you will already be ahead of the game!



Awesome girl! Are you packed-not me, I am a very last minuter! I am worried about only having one piece of luggage-darn!



Good for you for maintaining. It is better than going up and this time on Atkins it seems I plateau a lot and then finally drop when I am ready to give up. Hang in there!!! We need you.



Cant wait to hear about your cruise!!! We miss you!



Thanks for all the support. How much more do you want to lose or are you just maintaining(I am sure you told me I have no brain anymore)?Hope you had a good weekend, too.


Take care all---so glad you are in this with me!!!!


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Kay- I think you are right- body changes and age!! DARN IT! oh well nothing worth it is easy. We will get through this and Im sure you will loose those few more pounds before you go. Im way off the goal weigh I wanted to be at for my cruise, but hopefully I will loose 10 lbs on the cruise. :) Plan on taking the stairs- NO ELEVATOR for me, and lots of walking in the ports.


The support is great from all- KEEP UP THE ENCOURAGEMENT!!!


Here is a great "treat"

1/2 cup Ricotta cheese

1-2 packeys Splenda

1 tbsp vanilla-

mix together and enjoy!!!



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Hey Everyone! Happy Monday! :p

It's blustry, and trying to snow outside right now - about 25 degrees!:eek: Hmm..it must be winter! LOL

Hey There Susan...welcome to our thread!

Cerabella - I was wondering if you got any of that snow that hit last week there in east TX!?! But if your back up to the 70's...I guess not! Ha! Oprah!?! Oh, come on now! I guess she's supposed to be back in Jan about her weight issues.... I'm sure glad I just have you all to share with and it not be all over the TV air waves, in a magazine or all over a website, the Tabloids and ET tonight!! LOL.... that's being mean huh... Sorry O! But how about she goes back to real foods, exercise? I'm just wondering if she's going to get some 'fad' diet going and that'll be the new thing to do....rather then healthy food choices.

RVP - You Go Girl!!....up and down those stairs!! The best stair climbers around are the ones that get you actually to the next floor! :D I work on the 2nd floor...and there is no elevator here..... I always get a chuckle when the Fed ex or UPS guys only climb them once and they are huffing and puffing and ask me where the elevator is ........ and then roll their eyes when I tell them...there isn't one!! LOL! I'm up and down those stairs at least 6 times a day! Really... they get easier the more you use them!

Kay - Yeah...it was about 5 years ago for me that Atkins worked really well for me! And I've got about 12 lbs that I have lost and it found me again, and lost and ....well you know. I know it's poor food choices, parties, holidays, vacation, traveling, and I love to cook!!


Donna- I bet your having a good time!!

Pink - How ya doing?

Ok...gotta get the Monday work duties on my desk done!

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Hey all! Hope the winter blast hasn't done y'all in. We are in the area between Tyler/Lufkin...sooo, no snow for us last week or this. Isn't it kinda crazy how it snowed further south & further north, but we were in that corridor that got just a dusting...I don't mind snow if it is going to be cold anyway...(good photo op for me!)


I just realized that I actually haven't even exercised in the last couple of weeks ~ my how time gets away, & you know how you lose it if you don't use it...wow, don't we wish that applied to cellulite!!!!!:eek:


Breakfast ~ almost always easy for me: today egg, mushroom, sausage scramble.

Lunch ~ kitchen sink soup: well, it had left over ham, grilled chicken breast, mixed veggies, beef broth & a few other goodies.

Supper ~ more soup & hope it is all gone so I can start over tomorrow!!


Hope eating this week is starting off very well for everyone, especially those getting ready to cruise. However, don't stress if you are not where you think you should be, go & have the time of your life!!! & we want pictures!!!;)

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I love that you post what you eat. That is a great motivator to me to stay on track. The kitchen sink soup-that is a riot.


Gosh RVP-3 days!!!!!!


I am trying to find a silver clutch to match these silver/rhinestone shoes. Any good ideas where to find one? I really havent looked that hard been to busy preparing for the "Grand Opening" of our Gingerbread Man play that my Kindergartners are doing on friday. I have to mix up dough tonight for 75 gingerbread men. Busy, busy, busy...


Jean and RVP the stairs are a great idea. How about eating? I know I will cheat-I mean come on...I was thinking of keeping it low carb for at least lunch and breakfast and skipping bread at dinner. But honestly my downfall will be the drinks. Cant skip those. Wonder how many stairs=drink of the day? Hmmmmm...

Take care my favorite losers,

Love, Kay

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Hey guys- just got back from 2 days in Denver on business. Record cold days while I was there of course- and a Florida girl cant handle that cold.


Kay- you are just like me Im worried about the drinks- ohhh well Im sure a liquid diet will be ok for 10 days hahahaha- Im not going to sweat it, just looking forward to having a blast and meeting some cool people!

I love the kids plays!! enjoy and have fun. KIDS ARE GREAT!


Cerebella- Im a soup person too! Adkins website (reciepts) has a great homemade chickson soup!


Stay warm Jean!


Take care all- just 2 more das for me!!! yeah!!

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Good Morning Gals.......If there are guys lurking....'Morning to you too! ;)

So on Sunday night we went to the Children's musical at church and I have to say...if your needing some Christmas spirit....get around the kids!! I told DH last night - I am soo excited that we'll have a grandbaby around next year!! Don't get me wrong...I'm an adult, love the adults.........but the kiddos! There were hand motions with the songs and the kids were say 5-14....LOVED IT!! If you get pictures of the Kindergardener's program....would love to see some! :D

Heard a great tip on another thread...this gal says that she holds off on all of the 'No No foods' ... until Christmas Eve and day.....then she has what she wants!! Kind of a food control there.

Kay & RVP: If you have seen a lot of threads on the DOD, on most of the ships....they are mostly sugar and sweet, and that's what I found on the Pride too. I only had 1 when I realized it was mostly sugar water - yuck!!:eek:

If you drink wine (?)... fewer carbs and not as much sugar. At least I knew what was in my glass :p Just my .02 cents.

You Gals go and Have A LOT of Fun! And post a picture when you get back!!

Kay.... If you can Low Carb Breakfast and Dinner ( just the best you can) ... I've read often that the lower carbs for dinner in your system, through the night = might be less chance of extra weight. For DH & I....we do what we want for lunch - because we might be eating on our excursion, trying the local flavors or eating on the ship...but we have all afternoon to burn it off before dinner, more stairs up and down. But usually after dinner we might do the show, walk around the deck, check out some music, be up top for when we pull out etc.... but we are not up real late and I don't sleep as well if I have a lot of bread or pasta in my tummy before we turn in. ....just saying.....

And I think I'm going to start having Kitchen Sink soup TOO!!! :D

WOEX.... this week.... I'm doing push ups! I saw the other thread on push ups and thought...humm I'm going to add some! Want to know what muscles you AREN'T using in your sides & shoulders...do some push ups! I've done 10 on Mon & Tues, and 11 today!:p Remember...I'm pretty old... hehe!

Ok..off to UPS for those last packages to be sent - of course I waited till today just make sure those guys have something to do next week! LOL (NOT!)

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tomorrow!!!! Go have a GREEEEEEAT time-how long is your cruise? It sounds like you work alot and can really use one. Hurry back-we will miss you. My sis lives in Denver-actually Golden where the Coors brewery is. Great area.



I love wine. That is a great idea. I like white the most too which has the least carbs I think. The idea of the carbs at night really makes sense too.


I will def. walk all I can and use the stairs a lot. I would be happy to just not gain but I gain so easy I am sure I will.


Love the eat what you want only on christmas eve and day. I was thinking the same thing. But still want to watch as my cruise is 2 days later.

I thought I was doing well and then i tried on a bathing suit. Yikes. Still got a ways to go.


Oh well, If we stay the course we have to see success, right?


Well going to hit the hay early. I have 23 bright eyed little guys raring to go with their play tomorrow. Jean, I agree kids are the best. They keep me going and getting up most days. They love you unconditionally and are so very very special. Even the troubled ones need us to be there for them.


Take care all and keep up with the food ideas. I love to hear what you are eating as I get in a rut so easily.


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Bon voyage RVP!!!


Donna is back, or on her way back, right?? Don't forget to check in on us gals slaving away in the 'real' world while y'all get to live the good life on the high seas!! Hope you keep up the good WOE even if you do allow for some xtra goodies!!


I really didn't gain but a lb or two in Sept on my seven day, that turned into a 'never~ending' cruise.....hehehe:p I agree w/ Jean on the DOD's... full of poisonous sugary stuff...but, if you like martinis, bloody marys (tomato juice isn't too bad carb~wise) or wine which you can actually carry on legally on Carnival, anyway...I'm just sayin'...


DH made a yummy omelet this morning, did I mention yummy (always yummy when I don't have to cook)

Lunch I sorta improvised w/ a handful of macadamia nuts, a spoonful of cream cheese.

Supper I pan grilled some prawns 3 for me, 3 for DH...they were really big & yummy too!!


Hope all are hanging in there, I can see everyone's busy, busy..Kay, hope the play goes well, kids, they are adorable that's for sure...I know when I used to sub, I only wanted the little guys...

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Well, I'm down 5 pounds in my first week. I know from past experience that such large losses won't continue, but I'll be glad for every little pound I lose. Five down, 12 to go by my April cruise! I'm sure I'll make goal, the question then will be sustaining it!

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Happy Friday Everyone!! :D

Susan...YAY!! 5 lbs!! That's great! another 12 by April...You can Totally Do This!! A very reasonable goal and we will be excited to see you reach it!

Cerabella - - funny "I'm just saying...." My kids have said that they are going to put "She was just saying..." on my headstone! I guess it seems like I use this alot! LOL :D:p Omelets....oh yeah!!

RVP - Have a Great Trip!! Does anyone remember where she was headed? I'm sure somewhere warm! :p

Kay..Where are you headed after Christmas? I do hope the play is FUN - for everyone! :)

If I don't get to drop back in later...have a great weekend everyone!

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Oh, if this isn't the perfect place to post this, I don't know what is ... :D


I just got back from a wonderful cruise (almost a month long!), & every morning, I had the following room service breakfast at 8 A.M:


6-egg omelet with "extra" of the following: onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, sausage, avocado, & tomatoes. 3 sides included 4 sausage links, 7 pieces extra-crispy bacon, & a whole sliced avocado.


Kept me full for hours! I cannot tell you how much I miss this breakfast. Seriously, I would hit the sack every night looking forward to it the next morning. :)


Hope you all are staying warm!

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Ahoy SFSheila ~ wow, what a cruise, & those omelets...was that for one or more???:p That sounds like it would keep me full until midnight!!


Even tho it is currently near 80 degrees here in ETex, when the blue Arctic norther blows in later tonight or tomorrow, we will once again get chilled to the bone. That's winter here tho.


Tried to eat according to plan this week, did a baby amount of exercise. What is it, am I just lazy or trying to conserve energy, like a hibernating bear?? I don't know...DIL & I planted about 30 flats of pansies & 30 snapdragons & cabbage for a customer Friday. The weather was georgous & we were sooo glad to be able to work outside & dig in the dirt & work at our own pace...but, I don't know, I'm old like Jean said, hehehe. Tho I did try the pushups too. Funny, I was doing pushups this summer in prep for my fall cruise, plus a plethora of other exercises...hmmmmm...



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Welcome back. Omelets are even better when you dont have to make them, huh?



Very jealous about the weather.


Well here is the weight in this week

SW 197

LWI 183

CW 182

Goal 155


Hope to get below 180 this week!!!!!


What is everybody eating??????


Take care all


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Oooh, somebody 'slap' me. I weighed Sunday morn, great news, doing good, down a couple of lbs...then family forced me to go to Pizza Hut, yes the buffet was simply irresistible don't you know (not, but that didn't deter me any). Yes I felt sick even before I got home, lesson learned, right?? Well, of course I've done it before, just not in a long, long time. BTW, I really don't even like pizza much, never really have... sooo, what does that say about me???:( I think I eat with my eyes instead of my brain!!


Hope everyone did better than me..the scales were actually up this morning...revenge of the carb overload...


It is actually bitterly cold here in my neck of TX, but supposed to warm up mid week, yay!


DH cooked yummy sirloin steak w/ stir fry mixed veggies, sprinkle of cheese for supper.

Breakfast, he did bacon, suasage, over easy eggs. Is he good or what? I fixed him a couple of hi fiber, lower carb pieces of toast. He sorta does low carb on his own terms. Being of the male persuasion he seems to tolerate a few more carbs than me & not suffer such detriment....

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