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Welcome Melanie - Yep!! I'm so glad that I like Cheesecake...it is such a great LC dessert! My taste buds are getting a little picky about eggs right now, so I have deviled eggs made up and ready to go. I can make them a little spicy and not hurt my carb totals.


Yea Kay! I've been walking more too - it really makes a difference doesn't it?!? Remember - 'was doing so good' is the confirmation that you have the skills - and it works!! C'mon Girl - you can do this!:)


Cerabella - 25 yrs for you, eh?:p he he ... funny! Love seeing you on the other thread too! :D


Donna - Enjoy your time off - you get so busy with work and school!!


All of this water that I've been drinking...I can plan my route when I leave home or office and know where each safe ladies room is within a 3 min warning! jeeeesh!!:p I think I have the bladder of a 2 yr old!! yikes!:eek:

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Thanks Jean for all the support-I really need it.


Welcome Melanie-i have never made cheesecake (can you believe it???)

Does anyone have an easy low carb recipe? Do you have to have a special pan?


I def. need to increase my water intake.


Good for you Jean with the walking. How is your dvd workouts going? Sounded tough!


Oh, what is the peanut butter fudge recipe?


Hope all are doing well with their low carb woe.


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Just like the first post on this page says... Finally Friday!!

Has this been a crazy week or what!?!? Well, for me anyway.

Ever sent out 35 invitations for a party and everyone has RSVP'd except for the 2 that went out of state? :eek: And some of them are bringing a daughter!?:eek: ..... Note to self....people don't have a lot to do the weekend after the holidays...that's when to throw a party!! Yes, the shower is tomorrow....I'm doing Most of this by myself...and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed! I've been to the party store twice already and now I have to go back this morning...so everything matches! I'm glad that I'll have help in set up and take down...or I'd have to ask all of my CC Atkins buddies to come help me - and I'd give you a bacon candy bar for helping! :p ha ha Thanks Melanie..that was pretty funny! I know I'm stressing a bit - but I think I was just really tired last night. I've tried getting up in the morning and walking the tread mill for about 20 min before getting ready for work. Doing either more walking with my dog in the evening or more tred mill. I brought my hand weights to work, that I can use when I'm standing at the printer waiting. (perks of being the only one in the office ...he he) I think I'm tired! ......but slept good and long enough last night that today I can say "Bring it On!"...............oooo thanks for letting me vent!! :o whew... :p


Kay - Funny that you ask about the DVD's....I picked up the Billy Blanks Tae Bo Cardio, and I worked up a sweat just watching it!! And I might have pulled a hip muscle contracting my rear in my seat when they did the kick boxing part! hehe LOL... jk!! :D Ummmm I'm glad I got them...but it'll be months before I can do the whole workout - on either one! I don't think the Sweating to the Oldies is enough - and yet - there is a lot on these others ! I dunno....Do you do any? If so, which ones? Keep drinking the water, Girl!!


Ok...I'll be back a bit later....Plus, I've used up all of the faces...hehe

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Hi gang, quick post...I'm back. In all ways. Set myself a really high goal this time, gonna lose it all. Hopefully by 8/1. No cruise, but a goal with some friends & a Biggest Loser contest with my hubby.


Sorry this is so short, I may not be able to post much, but I do think about y'all & wanted to pop in & say hi!

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First of all, welcome all new ones, & welcome back 'old' ones!


Lisa...I know I have read your posts in the past, so a special welcome back to you...40 lbs is very doable with the right mind set & pantry /fridge full of good options!! ( &yes, of course the other variables...exercise, supplements, exercise, exercise, did I mention ~ exercise!!:p) Let's all re~commit to getting back on program together!! We can do it!! :D:D


Pink, hope all is well with you, thanks for not forgetting us even if you aren't on Atkins right now, so much is similar that you can be of great encouragement, really hoping this works for you, I know no 'diet' or WOE is one size fits all.;)


Jean, happy occasions shouldn't stress us out, but I know in the same situation, I would probably be melting into a puddle.. you are funny, tho, & with your good attitude & some help, hopefully this will be a memory not to be forgotten by your family!! & the pics can go into a future 'baby book' from those amazing addicting online book sites!!


Kay, 6 lbs isn't killer from your cruise...I have found for me in the past that it will come off really pretty quickly because it hasn't become cement yet!!! if ya know what I mean!!:eek: Keep up the good work, tho, so we can all be losers, yeppers, not many can say that w/ pride ~ I'm a loser & proud of it!! he he he.


Melanie ~ ha! ha! about the bacon, so true~ I think it is my number one food ever... always has been. When I was a little girl, I would beg my older bro & younger sis for their bacon @ breakfast because we only got one each... now I can make all I want, but I usually try to limit myself to only three or four pieces!! Yay, aren't we soooo glad that fat is not the enemy, despite all that propaganda!!!


Sorry if I left anyone out, didn't want to write an essay, yet I did anyway.

Some interesting links about fat in our diets from respected sources on the home page of Sugar Free Sheila! Worth checking out... have a low carb weekend!

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Monday! It's already Monday?! HI EVERYONE!!!

My weekend zipped by so fast - I woke up wondering if I really had a weekend! ha!

And I weighed in - happy to say that after an 'event' weekend, the Baby Shower - I'm still at last Thursday's weight! That is huge for me!

I think I'll have a new reciepe the end of the week...but I want to try it first! ;) It's with ingredients that I used this weekend for a hot dip at the shower!


Everything went really well......I was getting RSVP's up till 9:30 Friday night...but it was for a gal who thought she was going to have her baby earlier in the week...so I was ok with her not knowing for sure until Friday! ha! 28 ladies, and 3 were pregnant!

One little side issue.... I was using my little one cup, pyrex measuring bowl to measure some cheese for a hot dip I was making, and it slipped out of my hand, crashed on my counter - exploded more like it!! :eek: My DD came to the rescue, helped me get a couple of slivers of glass out of my left eye, more off my face and blot the blood from a few spots on my nose!! It could have been a lot worse, but a scare none the less! My DH walked in the kitchen after doing an errand with a :confused: look on what were we doing - cleaning up glass! But all was well and a 1/2 hr later we were loading up the cars to take everything to the church...we were using the multi purpose room for the shower. I have to say...I was exhausted when we got home! But everyone wanted to go out to dinner - Outback - I could have put my jammies on and stayed home....they won. But I had the 6 oz special and a salad...I think that was a good balance after the snacking I did at the shower. I'll have a few pictures to show ya....if you want to see them!:D

Oh... and I threw out the dip ingredients that I had just started....just to be safe! Then I made a new batch! :p


Lisa Girl - So good to see you drive by!!!

Hey Everyone....so What'd you do this weekend?

RVP... did you ever get off the ship? Or are you still sailing around the world? ;)


Be back later to see who's checked in!

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Yay, begone...I was freakin' a little earlier, couldn't believe my eyes~ all those posts on every thread:eek::(:mad:


Anyhoo, hey Jean, so glad the shower went well except for that little 'explosion' could have been worse, sounds like...Doesn't it seem like just yesterday you were the one needing the shower? Don't our babies grow up fast...my DS will be 24 this year, sooo hard to believe seeing how I am only 29 hehehe;)


Looking forward to at least a pic or two, & that yummy recipe, ok? I really had a quiet weekend. Wanted to do a lot of things, but weather was a tad unfavorable to be out much for me...usual farm chores...feed the horses, play with my Aussie, Cera, try not to eat myself out of house & home. I think I did pretty well food choice wise. I really am wanting to get myself in the mentality for a week or two on induction again & jumpstart a few lbs to go 'bye bye', hasta la vista baby, so long, hit the road jack... well, we get the idea...


Forgot to weigh this morning, did anyone experience a loss, a gain, holding steady like Jean?

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Yay, begone...I was freakin' a little earlier, couldn't believe my eyes~ all those posts on every thread


Anyhoo, hey Jean, so glad the shower went well except for that little 'explosion' could have been worse, sounds like...Doesn't it seem like just yesterday you were the one needing the shower? Don't our babies grow up fast...my DS will be 24 this year, sooo hard to believe seeing how I am only 29 hehehe;)


The term - outta control fit for sure!!!!! I tried to deter....could tell that the best and more effective thing was to report. And it wasn't just me. So until they get a new name....


29!!! LOL! :p Yep....and I almost had to ask my DIL who her husband was when she told me that he sat down and helped her with their thank you notes yesterday!!:eek: Hey! DS (Feb 28) & DIL (July 26) turn 25 this year...just a year older then your DS!


We'll have my new idea for supper tomorrow night - so I'll post on how it turns out! Well...time to turn on that treadmill and watch some TV! Have a good night!:D

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Hey all purple stix peeps! I actually tested today, yay I'm purple! :p I am not actually yet back on induction, but will try to make the right food choices when I go buy groceries Wednesday. I'm sooo not wanting to give up my coffee even for just 2 weeks or so, so I may just cut it in half or so.:confused:


It's soo darn cold even here in East Tex, I know some other parts of country are really socked in. Did I mention I do not like cold! Brrrr... It just does me in, can't hardly function. Thankfully, we have a really wonderful wood burning Earth Stove that keeps my house toasty, otherwise I would just have to hibernate. For real. So, there is my excuse for drinking the coffee...Now, the other unmentionables...wine, DOD, well I just don't know...;)


Hope all are having good low carb choices.

B ~ three bacon (meat candy bars!), one egg over easy.

L ~ three slices turkey breast roll-up w/ mayo, cheese, alfalfa sprouts

S ~ salmon , mixed steam veggies

snack ~ a few macadamias, walnuts, almonds.

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'Morning Cerabella.....and everyone else!

Ok, so I did my experiment in the kitchen and I think what I came up with is a good way for Atkineers to satisfy that 'Alfredo' craving that may come along every so often...........and it all started with a hot dip for the shower! ;0)

Get a mixing bowl that you can use your mixer with and microwave too!

1 pkg cream cheese - soft

1 tsp dried basil

1 tsp of garlic salt - or more fresh minced garlic if your dining with friends! :p

1/4 cup mayo

1 Cup of - Italian Cheese - I found at Sams a container of 4 mixed cheeses, Parmasian, Romano, Mozzeralla and 1 more I can't spell.

1/2 cup - spinich- water squeezed out of it. I roll mine up in a paper towel

1/2 cup - half n half - - use this to make your sauce thinner or thicker.

...and I added 1 can of drained artichoke halves. Did you know that you can't go

crazy with artichokes...but they aren't real high on the carb count? And I like them!

I mixed these all together with my mixer - well blended. Then scrape the beaters. I used my microwave at power 7 for about 2 min at a time - take out and stir with a fork - keep doing this until hot and melted.

I had a big bowl of toasted bagel chips at the shower for the dip .....poof...it was all gone!

Last night I cooked 4 skinless, chicken breasts in a pan with a little EVVO. After they were cooked and cooled down, I cut them into 1 in cubes - tossed them in my hot sauce..... we had Alfredo Chicken and steamed broccolli ! It was pretty good! I thought about 2 cups of pasta thrown in would have made it perfect ... but we didn't! I was wondering about the sauce....but when I checked the scale today and I'm down another pound....I think Alfredo Chicken will be on my list a couple of times a month...and I have about a cup left over for lunch today.

I'm sure there are recipes out there that are pretty close to this...but this is just what I made, and if you don't have an Alfredo Sauce....this would give you a good start!

Cerabella - You mentioned your horses...do you ride when the weather is nice? A friend of mine had some really good horses and we rode together for about a year...and now they are down to just her Mustang mare, that only she can ride and a colt. We havent' ridden together since spring.... I really miss it.

And... Donna, are you back at school? RVP...back from vacation, Kay.... I didn't get to the Peanut Butter fudge - but how ya doing?

I've been on the treadmill 30 min each morning before getting ready for work all week, so far. Walking and using hand weights so my arms will tone up for spring tank tops! It's been good - temps are pretty cool so I do what I can.

See ya around!

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Well Hi Jean and Cera

I am so trying to be good and then I cheat arrrrgggghhh! I will not give up-it is a mental thing with me.

Love to hear about the horses Cerabella-I love animals.


Jean-the glass in the eye-scary. Glad the shower went well-sounded like a lot of work.Sounds like your kids are lucky to me.


I live in Ohio and below zero here-cooold and the kindergartners i teach need to get outside and run!!! I love them but they are stir crazy.


Still walking an hour a day-got to get back to induction and stay there!


Stay warm and Jean-rest up if you can


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Hey all low carbers! Nothing to report ~ no gain, no loss yet...hoping to do induction when I buy groceries this week...haven't even been yet- it's either a 50 or 60 mile round trip depending which town I choose to shop in, so gotta plan that: at least gas isn't $4 a gallon right now, that was killer:eek:


My 'ponies' ~two APHA mares, home bred & raised, one AQHA gelding, off the track, all sweeties. However, don't ride much anymore, only one in family that is horse crazy-now days its tractors, 4-wheelers, or 4-wheel drive pu on the ranchero. I used to show a little locally & rode nearly every day, what fun, those were the days. Now it's feed, brush, love, take pics, feed, feed heehee:p


Jean, your recipe sounds absolutely decadent! Gotta try it, esp if you lost a lb!:D


Zee~ wow, I don't know how you do it w/ the kiddos & all that energy & sooo cold! Spring seems right around the corner however here, daffodils, etc blooming & we are planting our spring crop.


Keep up the good work all, even if we backslide some...I know I absolutley will not lose until I move it, move it, move it...when it warms up a little here, maybe I will get motivated. I am my own worst enemy...:rolleyes:

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Hey guys...


Along my south beach journeys I found a yummy blogger at kalyn's kitchen. Now you'll have to disregard some of her recipes since they're not atkins friendly but some of them are downright atkins induction yummy so if you're needing a good resource she has all of her recipes FREE on her site indexed so you can search em.


She had one up today that made me think "hmm, I could have had that on atkins too" and thought I'd drop over and just give ya the link. This one is great for those trying to get their daily greens to taste better!




She's very generous with her time and recipes and may be a good resource for some of you!


4 weeks til we cruise...


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Yea! It's Thursday and 1/2 of my day gone! C'moooon Friday! ha ha!


Kay- Do you have a gym at the school that you could go to .... blow up some balloons and let them

smack them around awhile? Something to burn up that energy? When I hear of schools that are going to shorten recess time in Elementary grades for more teaching time....yikes :eek: .... those little ones are going to explode! That's just part of being a little kid....all of that ENERGY!!!! I'm so not a little kid anymore... :p


Now it's feed, brush, love, take pics, feed, feed heehee - Cerabella - LOL!! :D

Let's see some pictures!!!I've got to find the time to go shoot pictures of Scout...she is Beautiful!.... Her colt is too...they'll be all furry with their winter coats now too! Flowers!?! You have flowers coming up!?! Wow! ..... Now I think I've read that when the temps really dip with the snow and it's a cold winter that the flowers up north are really amazing....wow...Mich, IL, Dakotas etc.... should be a regular flower show!


Pink - Thanks for the post!! I looked at a few of the recipes...yum! And you enjoy that Cruise!!


Got up this morning...walked the treadmill ... will take my desert dog out on the Mesa again.....DH came to find us last night...he lost his good Cross pen...and thinks I can maybe find it for him. :rolleyes: We'll see....

I took this a couple of months ago...she's almost 2...and really filled out! Sweetest thing - minds good - and does some cool tricks - loves camping! This almost sounds like an ad for e-harmony, huh!?! hehe


Sadie - my hiking buddy!!






Catch ya guys later!

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Thanks for the link, Pink! Will have to scout that one later tonite when all is quiet & I have some down time. I usually hit the computer at least around 3 or so CT when I have my delish coffee break, then again around bed time.


Wow Jean, Sadie has a figure to die for ~ look at that little waist ~ girl, what are you feeding her?? I'd look & see if it is low carb & people friendly!!:p:p ..jk, of course, right?, ummmm, yeah...& we were expecting baby shower pics???hehehe



Yes, amazingly daffodils, jonquils, things like that, bulb plants are blooming here - I'll whip out the camera & look for a pic or two...now getting it downloaded & posted - well, another story, but I am going to give it my all to conquer this pic thing...( thanks to Dave's tutorials) when I do, then lookout!! Also, something we call a February bush, I forget the tech name, it has dark pink blooms out now also...( & gee it's not even Feb yet:confused:) The spring crop we are planting in greenhouses, have to be heated until warmer temps...begonias, tropical hybiscus, etc etc..Work, work, work, but an enjoyable side to it too!



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Wooo Hoooo - It'sssss Friday!! And it's supposed to be up to about 56 - no wind - it's going to be B E A U T I F U L !

I was so tired this morning..I slept past my walking time..just shower and get ready for work. But I'll take Sadie out to the Mesa and take her on our long route this afternoon after work, and that should make up for it - it's about 3 miles. OH! And after work yesterday, I drove out to where we park at the top of the trail...and my DH was walking back - And He Found His PEN!! :eek: It fell out of his pocket on one of the hills - and it was there! Holy Cow! Remember when I lost my cell phone out there? Well, now I have a fanny pack - SSHHH!!! don't tell the Cruise & Fashion board that I still wear it! :p - and so I zip my keys, ID, phone, tissue, chap stick & scooby snacks... in the pack, snap it on and unless I drop the whole thing and don't notice...I should get home with everything! ha ha Yeah... I'm married to one of those guys that has a nice pen that he puts in his shirt pockets - but no ink protector!! LOL!! :cool:

I'm feeling pretty good about WOE & WOEX for the start of 2009 ...and the results...since Jan 5 - I'm down 6 lbs! I cannot say that I'm strick induction...and I have had a few no no's...but I really think that watching your carb count, exercise & water = results! Now...not to say that I'll average 3 lbs a week for very long - - and next Wed my DIL's family is having another shower for her that I'll go too, but I just take each day at a time and do the best and try to include some kind of exercise! I have to weigh myself everyday...I just do...and when the scales go up or down....that's my body! Last Saturday - with the shower - no exercise...but I was moving the whole day!

And posting here. Each day that I can. Good day , Not so Good day, really bad cheating days ...... you guys are my low carbing buddies...and I've seen a lot of posters come and go - and I miss the ones that go - and am glad to see the newbies come! But, at almost 52...weight has been an issue for me since my teens...and it always will be.... I cannot give up and quit - and there are days that I sure feel like it! So...that's why I stay on this thread...it's a tool that provides a team work feel with others, sharing in life's daily adventures and great links & recipes!! Wow...this sounds like a Dr Phil session, doesn't it?! :o

There are a lot of posters on other threads that are down on the Atkins and develop their own myths:

No Carbs!? .... uh...that's Low Carb - you have to have carbs - some - not a ton!

All Fats!!.... uh no ... I have fish and seafood, chicken....lean steaks , roasts, pork, bacon, sausage... but... how wonderful to have so many choices and flavor - I'm totally a flavor girl!

No Veggies or Fruit :..... I have 2 servings of some kind of veggie every day - - could be salad, green beans, broccoli, califlower....and this week when we went to dinner there was a beautiful slice of orange on my plate...I ate it! It was sweet and juicy! .....

Eat until your stuffed!!- no. This one cracks me up! If you eat until your stuffed - - then your going to be a low carb stuffed dieter. Portion Control is just as important. But instead of crashing in 2 days with starvation.... On your first 2 weeks...eat when your hungry....but with low carb foods. I've been making sure I don't do 2nd helpings on anything these last couple of weeks. Jeesh, I've just had a dinner plate with good portions! Give my system time to start processing that I've had a meal....and it's usually satisfying! I've also learned to know the difference between hungry and thirsty! Drink more Water!


Ok... there's a lot here and it's good therapy to 'talk' yourself through what Atkins is about. And I go back to my book every so often to confirm what I'm doing...and my scales tell me the truth too...:)


Anyone else want to chime in here?! C'mon, you know you want too....


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Wow Jean, Sadie has a figure to die for ~ look at that little waist ~ girl, what are you feeding her?? I'd look & see if it is low carb & people friendly!!:p:p ..jk, of course, right?, ummmm, yeah...& we were expecting baby shower pics???hehehe

I'll get some of those on next week!!



Yes, amazingly daffodils, jonquils, things like that, bulb plants are blooming here - I'll whip out the camera & look for a pic or two...now getting it downloaded & posted - well, another story, but I am going to give it my all to conquer this pic thing...( thanks to Dave's tutorials) when I do, then lookout!! Also, something we call a February bush, I forget the tech name, it has dark pink blooms out now also...( & gee it's not even Feb yet:confused:) The spring crop we are planting in greenhouses, have to be heated until warmer temps...begonias, tropical hybiscus, etc etc..Work, work, work, but an enjoyable side to it too! What has worked for me (mostly because I couldn't get the other systems to work ) Is...I downloaded Picasa...it's a great, free and easy to use tool,... got a Shutterfly account because I knew I wanted to do a Photo Book, and now after I unload my pictures into Picasa - make any touch ups that I want. Open Shutterfly, upload my pics......then when I click on a picture that I want to put on CC...I just

copy and then paste the picture on the thread. It seems to be the easiest way for me to post pics. Shutterfly is free - Picasa is free - I love the free stuff! :p




Catch ya's later!

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Hello, again...it's me, Kreeb (aka Patti)! It's been a long time since I've posted, but have been lurking. I fell of the low carb wagon last fall when we cruised in October, and had company for a month, then cruised in November, and then the holidays were upon us. Needless to say, it's time to get back to this WOE.


I work at Curves, so it's really not setting a good example for our members when a member of the staff is gaining weight! Our club started a Weight Loss Survivor Island on January 12th that goes until March 31st. So I have been back on induction since Monday and have done well so far. The majority of our members are WeightWatcher or low-fat diet followers. I cannot give diet advice to our members, but tell them that I believe the the low carb lifestyle and that I follow Atkins. Makes for some interesting comments (negative, of course). I'm hoping that I can lose a significant amount of weight during this competition, so that it may inspire some others to try this lifestyle.


My DH and I also have a wedding to go to in Ireland in August, so I have another goal to keep me focused. I definitely want to fit comfortably into an airline seat, since it will be a long flight. This butt and thighs must shrink!!!


We went to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner the other night and they have this awesome salad on their special menu. It was several leaves of romaine lettuce, with blue cheese dressing, bacon pieces, diced tomatoes, and red onion. It was really good. Then I had a steak and broccoli. I brought half the steak home and ate it for lunch the next day, dipping it in blue cheese dressing with a side of asparagus. Yummo!!! How can you not like this diet?



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Hey there Jean, Pink and Kreeb! It's me again, Annie!

I too have fallen off the Adkins wagon....you know the usual excuses:rolleyes:

I am planning on stocking up on my Adkins staples this week end and getting back to business.

I am so glad to see you guys are still hanging in there, you are my inspiration:D

I will check back next week, I hope to have some good news:cool:

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I love all that you said-so true, so true. I have lost 1 lb of my 6 gained from the cruise. I have been eating better and i really agree on the water-have increased it a lot.

You are so right about the kids and needing exercise.

I am still walking-need to do more. I need to do ab work!!

Love the puppy pics. i have 2 pugs that I love.


Take care and keep the advice coming!


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I know low carb works, but have been doing it very sloppily for years so gained the weight back. Needless to say, I always gain a LOT of weight on a cruise- 5-8 pounds. It takes several months to get it off. I don't eat a lot of sweets but even a few too many servings of any carbs a day does it to me.


Anyhow, just came back from a 10 day where the spouse and I did pretty much low carb.


Notes: 2 desserts in 10 days-a flourless (but not sugar free cake), and a sugar free lemon mousse. I also had one tea spoon bite of bread pudding. This may seem like a lot for low carbers, but when you think how many meals you eat in 10 days, and how many carbs thrown at you on a cruise, this is not bad!


Breakfast for me was poached eggs and bacon and.or turkey sausage, cheese, and perhaps smoked fish a couple of times



Lunch -salads, veggies and fish or stir fried meats/veggies. Lots of fish or lamb and veggies at dinner. Asked the waiter to not even bring out the starch or bread. If I saw it, I would eat it. Cheese plate (no crackers!) for dessert.


had some carbs in port eating local foods (ie conch fritters, crab back).


a few tropical cocktails. Too bad they do not have sugar free mixes available.


The big thing: I got a lot of exercise. Lost count after I climbed 100 FLIGHTS of stairs.I took them everywhere, except when in dinner heels. Long workout on sea days, tons of exercise in port-snorkeling on own for hours, walking for miles, etc.


Result: first cruise EVER that I did not gain a pound and did not feel deprived. It can be done :D


Of course, I still have 15 pounds or so to lose, so will be going all out Atkins to get it off.

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Hey Everyone!

I dropped in here to take a quick peek at the threads and stopped to say Hi!


Peabody99 - Good Post!! - Thanks for the report that Low Carb can be done on a Cruise - and you did it! Good Job! I think it would take a person with the will power of steel...or SFS :)...to do a Cruise and not have a few sweet bites!

And all of those stairs!


Annie!!!!!!! Hey Girl! Good to see you back!


Kay...Love, love the Pugs! Can you post a picture of your puppies? I hope this week you warm up enough to let the kids out!


Patti!!!!.... Welcome back! A wedding in Ireland!...cool! Curves is where my sister went to when my sister stopped smoking...it really helped! A Weight loss Survivor Island...hey doesn't the next season start soon?


Cerabella...Donna...hope your having a good weekend!


Beautiful outside....going back out...see ya's tomorrow!!


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DH and I went out for breakfast this morning and I had a delicious omelet. It was called a Philly Cheesesteak omelet and was made with eggs, ground beef, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, and provolone cheese. I will definitely be making this at home. The restaurant does not reduce the price if you don't get the homefries and biscuits, so I asked the waitress to just put them in a to go box before she brought our meals to us. My DH will eat them...not me!!!


I went shopping today and stopped for lunch at a local family-owned restaurant and ordered an unsweet tea and a chef salad. The tea tasted slightly sweet to me so I had the waiter switch it to water. The salad had turkey, ham, hard-boiled egg, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, and ranch dressing. For dinner tonight I made a pork tenderloin and had sliced cucumbers with mayonnaise, vinegar, and salt & pepper.


Another low carb day under my belt, and have completed my first week on induction. I will weigh tomorrow morning and see what the scale says, but I know that I am feeling more energetic and mentally alert, and the food cravings have disappeared.


How did everyone else do this weekend?



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Great choices Patti! That omlet sounds like a keeper, I will give it a try myself.

I have my boiled eggs and cheese sticks ready to go (I am off today for MKL holiday) for snacking at work. I have my chicken ready to grill and my salads ready too. I need to look up that shake recipe that we used with cream cheese and sf syrup and I will be good to go!


Jean- great pics of Sadie. It seems like you just got her a couple of months ago??? She is a beautiful lady. It makes walking/hiking more fun with a canine partner.

We have a Sadie now, not planned though :eek: My daughter (23) found her abandned on a country road and took her to find her a home, and a home she did find!

She named her Sadie (I think that's short for Satin) she likes to bite a scratch when she plays. After a trip to Pet Smart and the vet for shots and tests, she is a part of the family now. Our vet thinks she was 8-10 weeks when she found her and she is probably a terrier mix. She is close to 4 months now so she will start taking her for walks as soon as the weather gets better. Maybe she will keep us on a walking schedule:D


Well, off to run errands.

Have a good low carb week y'all!

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