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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all

Welcome newbies! You found a great place to come to for support. Cera and Jean are great.

I seem to eat good one day-blow it the next! Argggggh I am making myself soooo mad. Tomorrow is a new day I promise to try harder. I feel so much better on low carb.


We are supposed to get some snow here tonight. Tired of winter already.


I threw together some pepperoni, moz cheese, olives, peppers and vinegar and oil dressing-boy did that taste good to me at lunch.


Stay warm and like jean says" Your fork, your choice" so true my friend.



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Hey Everybody - Got Snow? Ice? Freezing Temps?.:eek:........BRRRRR ... You guys

stay warm! Do some cardio....Eat some Hot Wings.....Make a pot of Spicy Beefy Chili! Wow!!.....and if you don't have electricity and come back on in a few days....we were thinking about ya!! :)

Kay... All of those Lil' Kiddos! Think you'll get a snow day? :) Our NY office is out for the day...they can't get to the office! Take your WOE...one day at a time...and your salad was a great choice!

Cerabella ... I don't think that even if I ever hit my 'goal'...in this lifetime :o...I will completely ever get away from low carb - and exactly for the reasons that you so clearly listed!! LOL!! :p .... and because it truly does give balance to our bodies - even if we aren't seeing the scales move quickly.....by weight loss or a hammer! I've been playing with more ground turkey these days.....just to give variety - - and I know cholestrol (?) sp - for me is an issue....my numbers don't want to move no matter what I do....and I don't want to do meds - so I'm working towards a balance of hmmmm how do I say low-carb/low-fat....kinda thing...but it's a tricky balance because you have to have a certain amount of fat for Atkins diet to really work........ahhh! I'm going around in circles here and don't want to confuse anyone.

Ok..I'll quit rambling..... I'm just saying..... :p

deckguy - 14 day Cruise..... how fun....hope it was somewhere warm! 3.7 on my treadmill is running......so do you run?...fast walk? I'm wondering about your wife's loss...has she been able to keep it off? Does she continue to eat low carb along with you for meals?


Your Fork - Your Choice! & Less is More!

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3.7 is a pretty brisk walk on the treadmill, but I gotta tell ya, having a TV on the treadmill with numerous cable channels makes all the difference. Being caught up on the end of a movie and I want to see how it ends...I've found myself actually re-starting the treadmill after 60 minutes just to see the ending. It's a very good gym overall. Since I can work out mid-day, there's never a shortage of equipment.


My wife, sad to say, hasn't been able to keep it off. She moved away from Atkins a few years ago but more importantly, changed her eating habits and does no exercise. It's too bad because she looked and had better energy than when she was 25 (and she's 50 now) I've offered to cook for us both and exercise with her but it's just not in her heart. I've offered oh so many times and I don't know what else I can do. I just hope and pray that she finds the internal desire to make a change. If she does I'll be there to help her all the way.


Thanks for letting me talk to someone.

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Hey Low Carbers...that's Low...not No. :)

Bags are packed and car is ready to hit the road for yet another trip up I-25 to Colorado. My Mom's having some minor surgery that will keep her in the hospital overnight and I just feel that she needs someone there for a little extra TLC! So, I might have internet service here and there...but if not ... I'll be anxious to read all of your great posts on Monday when I get back! It's about 5 hrs up there...sometimes...I can squeeze it in in 4.5...depends on the potty breaks!! :p tmi?? haha! Anywho........Unless that Baby Girl decides to come this weekend...which DIL doesn't think so...... I'll drive home on Sunday. If I get the call that the baby is coming....there may be a new time record for the drive! :p;)

deckguy - funny....resetting the treadmill to watch the end of the show! ha! No...thank you for sharing!! Most of us all have family or friends that have been our bad habit eating buddies (I'm married to one!) , and we can all relate that the truth is.... dieting and exercise can get it off....but boy does it take the Determination and will power of a Gladiator to keep it off!! That's why eating healthy has to become a lifestyle. Or sure...life is part of special occasions, parties, holidays, vacation....but when our feet hit the floor on our regular morning days...we need to have our reminders, support (CC Lose before Cruise buddies), and a good ol' kick in the pants to know that what we do that day...can effect our health the rest of our lives. Just keep setting the example....portions, exercise and keep on loving her...and the day may come when your her Good Healthy Eating Buddy! :) And anytime she wants to lurk around a bit on these threads...she just might find a new spark of encouragement that she needs to get back on track!

But it has to be her Choice....we all know that no one can do it for her. Hang in there!

Less is More...and it's Your Fork and Your Choice!

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What a pretty morning here - I think it's called hoar frost:p - I got out & took a few pics...after DH made a really nice omelet & I had my coffee, of course! Wouldn't even attempt an excursion on a frigid morning without my go juice!


Heeey!! I see some new low~carb friends have come out to play (& virtual snack!) Welcome & keep us informed what works & doesn't work for you...why is it some of us seem to be on this WOE alone in a sea of hundreds of 'diets' or even worse - 'not dieting', just eating any & everything out there, willy nilly!!:eek: We just have to be our own best motivator & ally. We can do it!! Exercise is non-negotiable!! Support from at least someone is crucial, unless one is amazingly self-motivated,ummm, like me.:rolleyes:


Jean, have a very safe trip - of course you will want to be near Mom, & hope that little bundle of photo-ops waits 'til it's convenient to make her entrance...right, we know that will happen, right?? Ironically one of the very first things they will do to her is WEIGH her, & so it begins!! Hehehe ;)


Oh yeah, you don't have to explain the lowish fat deal... I was just retaliating the other day when all you see at the first of the year is low fat this, no fat that , & then there was that 'recruiter' deal...aaaarrrggg!! No, we don't go around eating sticks of butter, but we do know the difference between health fats & that other stuff, so fat really isn't the enemy, but lower fat things many times add more carbs to offset the deficit...not gonna happen with lean cuts of meats & turkey, etc, so you go girl!!


BTW, mid-morn I threw the package of three turkey legs in the crock pot & that was supper...hmmm, I've said it before, but where in the world are those three legged turkeys anyhooo....:p


Hope everyone is staying close to plan, Zee, Kreeb, Donna, Annie, Lisa, lurkers... it's almost the weekend, when the temptations begin...;)

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Hi gang,


Yep, I'm still going at it. I think like many of you, this time around is slow going...but that happened last time too. Dr. Atkins said that repeatedly going off the wagon would cause the body to want to hang on to that fat. It will get there. I just have to be patient. And at the moment, I like what I'm eating, so even if I'm not losing quickly, I'm not feeling like throwing in the towel.


Hope you all have a great weekend!:)

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Hey all!!:p

So glad you checked in Lisa/Rock!! Yes, time & 'yo-yo-ing' certainly can have a negative effect, but we can't throw in the towel girls!! (oh yeah, & guys!!) I remember when it was sooo easy to take off five or ten lbs rather quickly..now, I just seem to maintain, whether I want to lose or not...:(


Anyhoo, we still can make wise eating choices, even tho the lbs are not melting off, which is my case...ggrrrr...but somehow, I feel I must be sabotaging my WOE...ie, too many carbs, a glass of wine too many:p, or sumpin...so, my bad...


In my case, I feel like when warmer weather gets here, then, look out, I'm off again!! I just feel better with the sun out & things are growing, & it's gettin warmer, then I can come out of hibernation!!! Whew!! Then, I will be rockin those tank tops, shorts, woohoo!!:eek:


Hope we all have a nice weekend...I have had a nice low~carb day, but my scary time seems to be the weekend...so, hope for the best!!


Jean, Pink, Deckguy, Jennifer, all others, be good, be strong...one meal at a time...;)

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Hi everyone!


I've been reading your thread. I was on Atkins in 1/1/03 and kept with it for three years. In'05 I went off Atkins "just for the holidays". My DH and I went thru surgeries in '06 and I ended in a wheel chair for 3 months. During that year I managed to gain everything back and left the WOL like deckguys wife.


I went back on Atkins before the Holidays this year. I am down 15 pounds even after the 10 days of cruising I just got off from.


I was on another thread from 04/05 that went away with the OP. I see the OP of this thread is no longer around. It is to bad I'd like to know how she is doing.


Well that is all about me;) Good luck everyone!

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Hey, all!


Good weekend, good Super Bowl, no cheating!


Cerabella ~ I am SO looking forward to the warm weather. We had a couple of nice days in the 50's & low 60's, but we're back to freezing 'til Thursday. This is always a funny month here & you never know what you're gonna get. I just love being outside so much more!


Jean ~ how was Colorado?


Melody ~ welcome! Wow! Great job! You've inspired me today.


deckguy ~ welcome to you, too! I know it's challenging when someone you love doesn't want to do what's best for them. My suggestion would be for you to pour on the love...tell her she's beautiful & compliment everything about her that you can, every day, if you aren't already. Be patient. My bet is that will eventually motivate her far more than the offers to cook & exercise with her. We women are funny that way.:)


Hi to everyone else, hope you had a great low-carb Super Bowl & have a happy Monday!

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Ahhh... My Cyber Buddies! I missed you guys! Mom's surgery for her thyroid went really well...they decided she only needed the right part removed - so that's great! - But when she got to her room...Cardiac issues happened and she's scheduled to go in for an angiogram this morning. She already has 7 stents! :eek: I got back about 1 yesterday. It's a 4.5 hr drive for me. DSis # 1 called to say depending on what happens this afternoon....and family details to numerous to mention here...I may see myself back on the road on Wed/Thur for another quick trip up there.....:( And still waiting for DGB girl to get here! But!! I was soo glad to see that I was down .5 lb ! I guess the stairs in the parking garage ended up being the best work out during the trip!:p One night for dinner...I'm not fond of the selections at hospitals.....but I did manage to find a salad with chicken and gave a yippee when I saw that they gave me packets of Ken's Ranch dressing!

Hey Lisa! I was good for the Super Bowl...I was cleaning my house for this week at work! :D

Hey There Pineview - Wow! 15lbs with Holidays and Cruising! Good for you!

I sometimes wish that the OP would pop in one day and see that her thread is still going and there is a lot more to Low Carbing then she probably thought when she started with her first post! Welcome!

Cerebella - Yep...a pound at a time! I agree that it's to important to NOT just throw in the towel.!! Slow for me yes....but better slowloss then no loss! And I'm with you on the tanks and shorts and outside! The weather guy said that he thinks our winter is just about done...and hopes for some spring showers...which will just kick my allergies in full force...but it also means camping is just around the corner!:D

Hey... Pink is going on a Cruise soon - We've got deckguy checking in - Kay's back on board. - Donna's a busy girl, how ya doing? - Annie....Are you hanging in here with us? - Patti, what did you decide? How are ya? - Anyone I missed...just jump on in here!

It's Monday, It's your Fork - It's your Choice....and

you all be good!

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...I have to say I had success with Atkins while it lasted. I started with the induction phase about 3 years ago. I remember losing 12 lbs in 14 days. Getting past that was difficult though.


Does anybody have "lessons learned" or "tricks" to keeping the momentum going?

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Hi all, I have been kind of busy lately....and slipping a little too:( I only lost three pounds on my two week induction.....but like Jean says, It's harder the older you get.


Donna, sorry to hear about your Grandmother! Yikes! I once used nail polish instead of toner on my face (same color bottle) and that was after I used a scrub:eek: But, I can't imagine how painful that was in her eyes...I am glad she is going to be ok.


Kreeb, I have a friend at work who only lost 13lbs in six months on Nutrisystem last year. She is satisfied with her progress and still buys the foods. I think you pay less as you lose and buy less food. I have heard that you can do the same thing with frozen dinners. I have lost with eating Healthy Choice and that sort before....not as much as when on

Adkins though.


Patti, sounds like you didn't do too bad on the anniversary dinner if you didn't gain. I would rather enjoy dinner and stay the same and then get back on track the next week like you did then depriving my self....that's just me. Congrats girl!


DeckGuy, welcome to the Adkins club:D It sounds like you have a plan. Sorry that your wife is not on the program, it helps when you have a partner. My DH is not an Adkins follower because he doesn't like green veggies, just meat and taters.....and sweets! He just gets soooo depressed without his cookies or cereal in the AM. He has given up honeybuns and candy a few years ago...he had a serious huneybun habit...yuck, just flour, sugar and lard. He has, however, replaced them with beer:p He will exercise though, he stays busy so he keeps his weight at an acceptable range.

Maybe your wife will come on board when she sees how much better you will feel doing Adkins.


Melody, 10 lbs is great! You keep going girl! I would be skipping to the scale for 10 pounds!


Lisa, hummm yo-yo-I-know! That's the story of my life. But, at least we are going down from time to time. I have dropped the Y because of the cost, are you still spinning? My daughter told me they have a bootcamp coming up in a couple of weeks, but I can't make it to work on time after it. I was thinking of signing up until I did the time-math:(

I will stick to Richard Simmons and my gazzel until the weather gets better. Hang in there girl.


Jean, you are always so supportive, we would be lost without you (no preasure there), but maybe you should give us a good lecture and set us straight:eek: Just kidding, we love you advise.

I finally got a picture of Sadie in the snow(she is too dark get a photo in the house) I am going to attach it below. I think you can click it to make it bigger.


Happy Low Carb Week Y'all!







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So Glad that Monday is marked off my calendar! UGH! Long, Long day! I'm having to deal with a new company that has come over to assume the Operations part of the plant we are at ..... and I have to say it just isn't fun anymore! :mad: They use the words "We own you...um ... your service" - - Our game rules and (snapping fingers here Z) that's the way it is. :mad: :mad:

Dinner... Crock pot...chicken thighs!

Took Sadie out to the mesa yesterday...she saw her buddie 'Red' out there...they ran and played - she just loves it out there! I needed to stomp around out there and burn off some of my office steam! Annie....your Sadie is sooo Cute! :) Boy, doesn't that black fur look great in that snow! :D

Just a little this and that.......You all have a great day!!:)

*** and welcome Granduer! - - What are you doing for exercise? You have to keep your feet moving..and do some kind of work out! That's my best tip - others can chime in here too!

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...I have to say I had success with Atkins while it lasted. I started with the induction phase about 3 years ago. I remember losing 12 lbs in 14 days. Getting past that was difficult though.


Does anybody have "lessons learned" or "tricks" to keeping the momentum going?



I've been a lurker on this board for quite a while- I started atkins last year and have lost 65 lbs so far- just 14 more to my goal weight. There are periods where I've hit a plateau but I just keep plugging away- I guess the best way to keep the momentum going is to look at it as your way of life, not a temporary diet.


To deckguy- for years my husband was saying we needed to do 'something' about our weight and health- I don't know why I waited so long, for whatever reason it hadn't clicked that I really and truly could change- I guess I was afraid that I would diet and feel deprived and still not lose the weight. Your wife might have the same fears. We are so happy now- we ride our bikes almost every day, we found that we can still go out to eat all the time- we just make sure it's low carb! I wish I had done this 4 years ago, but I try not to look back anymore- just enjoy today!

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Wow! A chance to post at night! Ha!

Well, I have been a very good girl today! And I think I'll have time to walk my treadmil tonight while watching one of my Favorite shows - The Mentalist - any one else a fan? I agree with deckguy...get something on that is entertaining and it's easier to keep on going! Jocelyn used to pop in here...she had all kinds of work out machines! Girl are you lurking around these days? The Crock pot chicken was great! Green beans and de caf tea. That's it.


Cruise Kitty - - Glad you came on in! :) What a great post and example you are! 65 lbs! Fantastic! Welcome!


Here's a question: How many of you are using Atkins guidelines with a little thrown in WW, Southbeach etc....?

Now....I'm for 'whatever works for you!'....some can go induction for a long time....others a few days and no more. Your results will vary depending on how committed you are.

I guess my question is how many of you/us have an Atkins lifestyle? Or have we been doing this for so long that we are skilled low carbers that can eat just enough to maintain....but barely lose? I'm just wondering ..............

Had this discussion with DH tonight - he's decided to go Atkins for while, his shirts are snug! :p But we'll see how long before his sweet tooth steals him over to the "dark side' again? Annie....he'd be with your DH in line at Cinnabon! LOL!


Ok...to much thinking for this late at night... :p;)


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First, thank you all for your encouragement and advice. This is a nice forum...very supportive.


While at Walgreens today as I was picking up a prescription for my daughter, I noticed some sugar-free hard candies near the pharmacy counter.


They're made by Regal Dynasty and are called, "Mixed Fruit Hard Candy". They are zero net carbs, use Splenda as the sweetener and taste delicious. The size AND taste is much like a Lifesaver candy. It certainly takes the edge off but one would also not want to eat them non-stop. In fact the label mentions that eating in large amounts could have a laxative effect.


Anyway, a nice treat once in a while.

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Yay for new folks, new encouragement, new ideas to toss around!!


Congrats especially cruise kitty - wow- if I lost that much in one year I'd, umm, disappear!!:p jk...but that really is awesome!!


grandeur - as for as tricks, I do remember taking advice from sirwinston a gazilllion pages back that he kept macadamia nuts on hand to eat a couple when necessary to stave off a hunger attack...I try to keep some nuts in my truck, or at least a baggie in my purse to snack on when real food isn't possible, available or whatever...also, sometimes when we think we're hungry, esp between meals, it might really be that we're just thirsty...water, water, water...


Jean, today my DH said...'Im getting fat again...' Well, hello, you've been eating like a bear fixin' to hibernate...anyhoo, we are in our very very busy time of the year for the plant nursery, so he will probably just work it off, while I watch what I eat & neither gain nor lose...:confused: He sorta eats low-carb part time with oatmeal, high fiber bread, & occasional sweet thrown in, but kinda out of hand at the moment....


Keep up the good work all, keep posting to encourage each other...we probably didn't get to where we are overnite, so, it will take some time & effort on our part to 'reverse' the damage...I'm speaking for myself here...:o...

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Pineview, hmmmm I think I have cruise envy, my my my...you probably have some tales to tell about cruise food too!! Do share!!


I find that sticking to Atkins WOE is very cruise friendly!! But for many, the saying is true -get on ship-shape, get off the shape of the ship!!:p


Pink, hope you return to update us on your success...


So many others, so glad to hear from everyone!!

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Ok..it's offical...we're 1/2 way through Wednesday...the weekend is 2.5 days away! yiippee!

Isn't it funny when you take your own advise? ... yup...I stepped up my Cardio - I not only did my stretching, a few weights & then I did that thing where you put your feet in front of each other faster and faster....I think it's called running? :eek: Ok...not so far and not to fast...but long enough, and fast enough it brought my time down for a mile before work, from my time last night! (Picture Rocky at the top of the steps after running through town! :p) For my morning cardio it's going to be to see how fast I can get that mile in before I have to get in the shower for work! ..........oh, and I keep forgetting duh..... For that buff lil'guy at the vitamin store that said that 20 min isn't worth the work, ya gotta do 40. In my best 'Bless your lil' heart voice with a smile, "Well, it's a mile more that I get in that day, then if I don't do it at all !....and do you know how far a mile is for an old gal like me at that time of the morning? Just looking at the treadmil is a shock for my system! " :p:D

Cerabella - I'm one of those that walk through my plant nursery and love it all...but look for the low water, desert, full sun plants to grow around here! No...Not all of it is cactus...HA!

deckguy... Thanks for the 'sweet' tip!! I love Lifesavers! - maybe if I kept them in the car, that would make me have to really want one to take the stairs and go all the way out there to get one! ha!

Count your Carbs....Extras try and sneak in there!

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Wow! A chance to post at night! Ha!

Well, I have been a very good girl today! And I think I'll have time to walk my treadmil tonight while watching one of my Favorite shows - The Mentalist - any one else a fan? I agree with deckguy...get something on that is entertaining and it's easier to keep on going! Jocelyn used to pop in here...she had all kinds of work out machines! Girl are you lurking around these days? The Crock pot chicken was great! Green beans and de caf tea. That's it.


Cruise Kitty - - Glad you came on in! :) What a great post and example you are! 65 lbs! Fantastic! Welcome!


Here's a question: How many of you are using Atkins guidelines with a little thrown in WW, Southbeach etc....?

Now....I'm for 'whatever works for you!'....some can go induction for a long time....others a few days and no more. Your results will vary depending on how committed you are.

I guess my question is how many of you/us have an Atkins lifestyle? Or have we been doing this for so long that we are skilled low carbers that can eat just enough to maintain....but barely lose? I'm just wondering ..............

Had this discussion with DH tonight - he's decided to go Atkins for while, his shirts are snug! :p But we'll see how long before his sweet tooth steals him over to the "dark side' again? Annie....he'd be with your DH in line at Cinnabon! LOL!


Ok...to much thinking for this late at night... :p;)


Jean, you have ESP girl:D :eek:

I haven't opened this thread in a while and I was just changing my signature and saw you just posted. I miss talking to you all daily, I just have been super busy. Not really a good excuse not to talk to my Atkin's friends though.

I am trying to get back on track and still trying to get down to goal. I will be popping in more frequently though, you all keep me honest. Hope all is well.


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Good Morning Everyone!

Yep..I weighed in this morning...I do everyday - it's that visual 'whack' that I need first thing in the morning to remind me to stay on track and it's my reward when I have been good and doing the right things! This morning I saw a number I haven't seen since...I think before Christmas!:eek: I was starting to wonder if it was still on the scale! LOL! I really believe that for me it was that I really stepped up my cardio in the morning and behaved all day! It works kiddos....but as the song by ol' Ringo Starr sang "It Don't Come Easy!!" .... ooo now that's showing my age! ....ahh so what! No DGBaby yet....:( Full Moon on Monday - maybe this weekend? ha!

Jocelyn Girl - - SO GOOD To See that You Popped IN!!! :D Howdy Ho and how's the cats? :p

And Everyone Else..... How ya doing? Cerabella is up to her elbows in potting soil - hey do you have any pictures? Annie...Kay...Donna... deckguy, pineview...Cruisekitty....Lisa.....Jennifer...Pink.... A Big Hey to all of you! - Have a great Low Carb Day! :)

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Hey Jean,

I forgot how much fun your posts are:D The cats are good. How's Sadie? Bet she's big by now.


As for me, I got the hang of maintinence:D:eek: LOL but now I have to get the knack of losing. Still dreaming of me on the beach in a bikini, if I tried that now it would be a nightmare:D But I think Pink said one time to visualize it and it will happen so that is the direction I am going to go in now.


I have just been very lazy with my food choices and it hasn't gotten me very far. Even though this WOEing is great and doesn't make one feel deprived, I found that I still have to be conscious of what is going into my mouth and really think about my meals. No more excuses is my new motto:D:cool:


Talk to ya all soon.

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Yay!! Just call us the 'motto' group!!:p


Less is more!!


Your fork, your choice!!


Thanks to Jocelyn, we can now say...NO MORE EXCUSES!! hehe! I too would be a sight to see in my bikini, pink or not...( ok, get it!?):o I have, however, been pulling out the shorts, cuz it's hot, hot, hot in the greenhouses...duh, greenhouse effect...:rolleyes:


Have also made some really good choices this week, but not gonna weigh til Monday, you know why, gals...maybe it will all be good, since Jean said it will be the full moon!!:cool:


I am sooo jealous of you guys & gals who have taken so many cruises... I guess I got started late, we took our seventh this past September...that has been one a year, so far & can't wait to book the next one...will have to see if plants are recession-proof this year or not...'let's see...food or flowers...food or flowers......'


Hope all are hanging in there, it seems I can get better control when it warms up, something about cold, dreary weather for me...cold=eat...

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