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Anyone on Atkins?


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Yay Jean, you are the winner! No, no prize for you except you get an 'all inclusive swine flu filled cruise to nowhere !!! :eek: Woo hoo!! Maybe that's our ticket to fast & effective weight loss for sure!! (No thanks, I think I'll pass on that!!):eek: BTW, pic of baby Hannah just adorable ~ such a little cutie, so alert & in love w/ Mom, right?? I can just hear her 'coo-ing'!! hehehe:D:D


I did have such a busy week, I didn't even realize it was actually Friday..nothing gained, nothing lost, but still hangin in there...:p


Hope everyone is doing well...sometimes the weekend is a frustration for many, but I work from home everyday, so nothing different for me. We just have to take it one day at a time & do the best we can, losers!! ;)

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A Swine Flu Cruise!!?!?!?!....No Thanks! :p

Good to see ya around Cerabella! Work from home!? niiice!! Ya...sometimes we have those weeks of no loss...no gain...it just means that we are a busier with life! Have a wonderful weekend!

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Curly...your trip is not to far away..are you getting so excited?!?! Of course you are! :0)


Hey! Yeah, we leave on Friday to head to Florida, and we board Freedom of the Seas on Sunday! Things are a little crazy around here right now...we're in the middle of wedding season (what was I thinking taking a vacation right now?!?!), so I'm trying to get everything that we have pending completed before we leave.


In weight loss news, my losing has picked back up since I joined the gym and started working out almost every day. I hit two milestones with my weigh-in this morning. I'm down 52 lbs (so over 50 lost), and I'm below 200 lbs for the first time in about 3 years. Woohoo! I still have about 70 to lose, so it's going to be a long haul, but I'm so excited to make progress again!!

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In weight loss news, my losing has picked back up since I joined the gym and started working out almost every day. I hit two milestones with my weigh-in this morning. I'm down 52 lbs (so over 50 lost), and I'm below 200 lbs for the first time in about 3 years. Woohoo! I still have about 70 to lose, so it's going to be a long haul, but I'm so excited to make progress again!!


Just popped in to say....


WOW! That's fantastic!:)

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Hi there everyone. My name is Raquel and am going on my first cruise in February of 2010. I found this website and fell in love with cruising..lol...if that can even happen.


Well the main reason I am here is to be held "accountable" AND gain support for my WOE. I have been on Atkins since around January of 2004. My start weight was 302. I should say on and off. I lost quite a bit of weight my first go around. I fell off due to life. But, am now back on and ready to lose the rest of this baggage. I gained and lost the same 20 pounds since I fell off the wagon. So nothing really hurt.


The other reason I am here is that I am going on my first cruise with my two younger sisters. I am 36, and they are 23 and 24. One is 115 pounds and stands 5'3". The other stands 4'11" and weighs 90 pounds. So now you see what I am up against. Oh, btw, I am 5'2" and weigh 189 pounds.


I am so hoping to get into single digits (clothing size of course) by the end of the year. I want to be able to hold my head up and be proud of myself and not just proud that my sisters are beautiful. ::think hula girls:: ... yeah, you heard me, they are that beautiful.. I am ready for not only the cruise but my size 8 swimsuit... now if only they both would hurry up and get here.


Well that's my story. Meals have been 2 eggs and 3 slices canadian bacon... snacks have been celery and cream cheese... Garlic herb chicken with broccoli and 1tb mayo (have to eat it like that, not sure why, think broccoli salad). Dinner has been Salad with cheese and veggies. I don't really like salad dressing but do have at least a quarter teaspoon (yeah you heard right) lol.... not sure why I even use any maybe just to keep Hidden Valley in business..:rolleyes:


Well like I said today 189.... start/current/goal..... 12/12/8..... goal date... 12/01/2009

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Wednesday!!? It's already Wednesday!? :eek: Wow! Where has this week gone? I tell ya - the longer the days get - the more I try to cram into each day and then do it again the next day! :p Ha! Are ya loving the longer days? Me too!!


Things are sure quiet around town! Hey Lisa! Glad you drove by! :)


Curly - You go and have a Wonderful time on your Cruise! I just love looking at your website! - Will I be able to see some of the pics from your recent weddings too?


Raquel - Hey! Welcome! Good to see you stopping in! Your story is so great! You've come a long way since your beginning weight...and you still have a goal weight! Lots of work - but it can be done - and you can do it!


Cerabella...Tripster...Sportsmom.....anyone else... are you just lurking...or Hit your goal? I'm not at goal...and I've not lost this week...and I've not gained either....... I'm just Me!! :p:D

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Still here....... no, have not hit goal. LOL


I am scrambling to fix all our excursions again before I leave. Our Cozumel, Mexico stop got cancelled, so I need to reserach and rebook our excursions etc... I had for those days. Now it looks to be my day in Grand Cayman is going to be exhausting with 2 excursions back to back. I bet I loose weight on that day!!


Work has still been crazy with this flu stuff plus the normal flu season isn't over with here and also sinuses are a huge problem here with respiratory.


At least I have this weekend off. I have been working like crazy both at work and at home. Hope to have a relaxing weekend.


Raquel--- WELCOME! You found a great place to be right now. A little slow here due to warmer weather, but usually very helpful and supportive. If you have time, check the previous pages. I know it is alot, I did it too when I came here. Some great info in it though. Just take your time.


Check in when you can and just chit chat away!!

Edited by Roadtripster
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I read your other thread about ipod selection. I know you posted that back in 2006 but it sounded inspirational... I never thought of my ipod really... so I am sure you wouldn't mind me posting my answer here....


Absolutely the first song I have to hear is by a singer Gloria Gaynor


"I Will Survive"


my number 2 and 3 spots have continually been replaced as times change... right now number 2 and 3 are held by the same artist...

Flo Rida...



"Right Round"


Now back on topic thank you for the welcome. I am really glad to be here.

I weighed in this morning (yes, I am a daily scale junky)... helps keep my food journal honest...again back on topic I stepped on and am at 188.


breakfast was 3 eggs this morning and 1 sausage patty. Cup a joe.


thank goodness I ate. My husband came home from work early...took a nap...came out of the bedroom and said "how about we go to the mall for lunch and I can buy candy at sam's club"....lol... no help :::sheesh:::


He has a vending machine he fills up for his buddies at work. I am not a big sweet fan, but, I know he has a case of reese's peanut butter cups in his trunk. As you have probably guessed those are my downfall.:(


good luck everyone....check back in later

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Sail 7....Well it's a good thing they are in the trunk of the car...those things have a way of prying my lips apart and jumping in my mouth! :p:D:p Just lock them in the trunk and have him keep the key!!

Stay strong girl!! 188....that's fantastic...Keep going!!

And you found the ipod songs from 2006......wow....your a digging way back huh?!?! LOL!!

I'm actually on iPod #2......love it!!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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NMCruzzin-lol you are so right!! He has to keep them in the car. Those packages will hunt me down while I'm sleeping and grab hold of my thighs...way BAD!!:eek:



OK back again this afternoon. I wanted to tell and ask advice on my find.


First, let me tell you a little bit more background about me. I work in a restaurant and work Monday and Tuesday mornings and the rest of the week Wed, Thurs, Fri I work nights. Like tonight, I will be there from around 430 to 930. So, basically, during everyone else's dinner time.(Mine as well.)


I get ssssooooooo hungry. Late night eating is my downfall. I don't binge but I do eat a dinner size meal at night...not huge but more than what my body needs for that late at night.


I don't believe in frankenfoods but, I do need something that satisfies and replaces my late night need for food. I know people say if your body is hungry feed it. I believe in that to a point. However, when you are a server the only real available on the go items are really bad for me. Besides, I like to spend time catering to my guests than filling my tummy. I don't really feel hungry while working anyway. Goodness, am I rambling.


I am just trying (in my own long winded way) to ask if anyone uses Low Carb meal replacement shakes? I found one at GNC it cost me 20 bucks on sale. It's called be-Buff. It has 100 calories 8 total carbs 3 fiber and 2 sugar. By my count I have 4 carbs at Breakfast. Most of mine at lunch (10+ carbs) and stick to a smaller dinner. Like I said, it's so late at night that I end up eating, because of the hunger pangs.


I am going to try it tonight. I just wanted to know if anyone else has my kind of trouble, and if you do, what do you do to help finish off your day?


Thank you in advance


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Hi all!


I'm losing again. I'm a pound away from a "normal" BMI. My Wii Fit has finally stopped scolding me!:D


Raquel ~ welcome! I'm Lisa. May I just say a big congratulations on going from 302 to 188. You should already be so proud of your accomplishment! That's amazing! I get Atkins bars & shakes at Target, for some reason they sell them really cheap. I also use a protein powder from Costco & mix it with fiber. Something like that might help your late nights. Sometimes when I'm really hungry at night I grab a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter. Reese's, Kitkats & Oreos are my downfall...so I can't be anywhere near those for a good long while.


Roadtripster ~ hope you have a very relaxing weekend. You deserve it!


Jean ~ sometimes staying the same is a victory! I'm loving the longer days, too. We're having quite a bit of rain lately, but I'm grateful. I know there are many places in drought right now.


cerabella ~ hey there! One day at a time, that's right!


Hi to everyone else, have a great Thursday!

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Curly - You go and have a Wonderful time on your Cruise! I just love looking at your website! - Will I be able to see some of the pics from your recent weddings too?


Thanks! I'm packing now...so excited!!


I'm posting recent stuff on the blog...keep an eye on it because I'll be adding a lot of new stuff over the next couple of months. http://www.khmasonphotography.net


I'm going to TRY to get a post from our wedding Saturday up before we leave tomorrow. Not sure if it's going to happen though. :rolleyes: I'll be posting vacation pics on there as well!

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Good Morning-


Lisa thank you for the warm welcome and encouraging words. I will definitely check out the atkins shakes.


I tried that be-BUFF last night and it actually helped me make it through the evening. I set my watch alarm to beep at 8pm so that I could make the shake and drink it down before the church groups came in. It's been raining here and we didn't get a late evening push in the restaurant like we normally do so I was home pretty quickly.


The taste of be-BUFF is like what the milk from a bowl of cocoa puffs would taste like. Not neccessarily chocolate milk, but almost. If that makes any sense. So if you like the milk at the bottom of your cereal bowl then this is the drink for you...lol...I like it but I think I am going to need one with more substance. For tonight I am going to ask the bartender to blend it up for me with some heavy cream and ice. I am hoping that will fix the slightness of it. Other than that I think this will be my new "dinner" on Wed, Thurs, and Fri.


I woke up this morning and scale junky that I am weighed in...surprise I was down to 186. YAY me!


meals yesterday were...


3 eggs and 1 sausage patty. cup a joe


snack... cup a joe... not really a coffee drinker but it really sounded good


lunch... chicken breast and broccoli/mayo


snack... parmesan crusted tilapia... just one... didn't have anymore salad mix.... have to do more shopping.


"dinner" .... be-BUFF shake.


My day lacked lots of veggies.... like I said have to do some grocery shopping. Better luck today though.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Thanks everyone for all the support.


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Yea!!! It's already Friday and a hot sunny day...now why am I in this office...oh yeah...it's so I can Travel! lol!!

So, Still sitting the same on the scales - a few ounces back and forth but not much else. I think it's because I'm pretty distracted this week....our son is doing some finishing work on our patio and so every day at lunch I run home, and in the evening we are just 'grabbing' something...because we are outside with painting, yard work or just enjoying the yard! I did take Sadie to the Mesa and we walked for a good half hour...but it was in the 90's yesterday - so I had to take her late in the evening.

Well..Curly...is off on her Cruise...Yay!!

Sail 7 - I think that a shake to keep you going while your working at night is a great idea - especially if the bartender has andy SF flavorings? And the extra

added protein like Lisa suggested - yep - that can help you get through the night! It would be an added challenge to me to work in a resturant! There was a guy that used to be on here .. SirWinston...a waiter on the Queen Mary...and he also had to find things that he could eat and still be working around all that food! He did it though and lost quite a bit of weight....haven't heard from him in awhile - so don't know where he's at on his Losing Journey.

Well, Happy Mother's day to all ...if it applies...and if you were born and still have your Mom around...be sure to let her know that your thinking of her! :)

Catch ya's on Monday...be good!

It's your fork and it's your choice!

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good job everyone. I also eat low carb, and am feeling great. I used to use the diet to lose before I cruise, and would pretty much go off it on board-I always gained the weight back, and did not go back to eating low carb when I returned home. It is not as if I pigged out on sweets-really did not have many-it is just i am sensitive to all starches. This was all a depressing cycle I was tired of repeating.


Anyway-since Jan I have taken 2 cruises and for the first time NOT GAINED. After the second one, I came home to a small weight reduction. (I was less diciplined on the first, eating some carbs in port)


Mexico can be fabulous low carb- we had amazing fresh grilled fish, ceviche, and avocado salad. If there were beans and rice involved, we politely asked to have them held-dishes came out with more tomato and avocado! I have lost my love of sweets, so tequilla with lots of lime on the rocks tasted as good as any margarita. It is very easy to eat low carb on board of course. PLus always using the stairs burns some serious calories.


I love forum.lowcarber. org for support. This has really helped me stay ontrack too. I no longer think of low carb as a way to just lose weight and then go back to old habits. It really needs to be lifestyle. Of course my next challenges will be Hawaii (love plate lunch) and Italy/Mediterranean.


If your weight loss is stalled be careful about artificial sweetners, low carb bars, shakes etc. I can't have any of that stuff or I don't lose. SOme people do ok though. Best of luck everyone in meeting your goals!

Edited by peabody99
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Wow...so glad I found this thread. :) It's so nice to see people on here that not only share my love of cruising, but have formed a support system for a healthy WOL.


My husband is a Type 2 diabetic...not yet insulin dependent so we have a good chance of reversing it and getting him off of his meds through diet and exercise. Since we are a team, we are both doing Atkins...started this past Feb. and intend on making this our WOL. We have 2 cruises coming up...Sept. and Jan...and I have every intention of eating as healthfully as I can during them and continuing our daily exercise and walking. I think hubby has other intentions and plans a diet break (I will try not to harp about anything but sugar) but I have an added incentive to be vigilant...we decided to cheat a bit a month or so ago at a seafood restaurant. Really, what tempted me was the fried (breaded) mushrooms and tiger sauce...I love those! I ended up having some of those, french fries, and corn fritters without the powdered sugar. Well, I paid dearly and was sick for 2 days. Did not effect him at all. I really haven't been tempted to cheat since then and do not want to be sick on my cruises. :(


I am going to try to read through all the postings in this forum but am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction...I have cruised many times but not while low carbing. I think the buffet will be a no brainer...I can see what's breaded, sauced, etc. while I am choosing. And there are always carving stations and the salad bar. Breakfast too..even in the dining room eggs and breakfast meats, etc. are available. My concern is with lunch and dinner in the dining room. We just got "tricked" in a restaurant recently with "Broasted Chicken"...thought roasted, but no...it was breaded and deep fried. :eek: Is there anywhere here or anywhere online where some low carbing sweetheart has listed some "safe" choices in the dining room?? Fortunately, Carnival has salad and steamed veggies available for dinner every evening. And I think shrimp cocktail is "doable"...at home I make my own LC cocktail sauce but I think a little regular won't hurt.


Any other ideas or tips would be very much appreciated!!! Apparently my stomach had decided this is a WOL as well and will rebel if I don't comply!:D


Also, I saw peanut butter cups mentioned in previous posts. I found an excellent recipe for these. I hope we are allowed to post recipes and I will find it and cut and paste for anyone inerested. Not something I have on a daily basis but sure comes in handy when the craving for something sweet and sinful hits plus they have to be kept in the freezer so not as readily available at the bag of Reese's I could easily eat in one sitting. If somebody else already shared it, I apologize for the repeat.

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I cannot cite the original website as it was not given. I actually do these in a mini muffin tin and get 12.


Peanut Butter Cups

1 stick unsalted butter (I use salted!)

1 oz unsweetened chocolate

1/3 c Splenda

1 T heavy cream

4 T peanut butter

chopped walnuts (I don't use these)



Melt butter, chocolate, and Splenda in the microwave. Stir in cream and peanut butter. Line 10 (or in my case 6) muffin tins with cupcake papers. Place nuts in the bottom of each tin. Divide chocolate mixture between the tins. Freeze until firm. These need to be stored in the freezer because they melt quick. You can eat them right out of the freezer.



Amount Per 1 serving


Calories 239.37


Calories from Fat 227.88


% Daily Value *




Total Fat 25.32g 39%




Saturated Fat 13.32g 67%




Polyunsaturated Fat 0.718g




Monounsaturated Fat 5.81g




Cholesterol 48.02mg 16%




Sodium 199.28mg 8%




Potassium 47.83mg 1%




Total Carbohydrate 3.79g 1%




Dietary Fiber 1.38g 6%




Protein 3.06g 6%




Alcohol 0g

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Hi, everyone!


I'm not new to CC, but I don't remember posting in this section before ;).


I'm actually not doing Atkins, but Protein Power, which is very similar.


I've tried, well, let's just say I think I've tried EVERYTHING, but limiting my carb intake to only good, low glycemic nutritious carbs (ie cruciferous veggies, certain fruits, nuts and an occasional grain) is the only thing I can sustain for more than 6 hours :D


I do better with short term goals rather than long term, but, I don't have a cruise on plan until March 2010. However, since it is Hawaii, and I would really like to do one of the helicopter excursions, and have no intention of getting on a scale in front of anyone right now I need to get cracking.


I've been back on plan for 2 weeks, lost 6 out of about 60-70 I am hoping to drop. I need all the help I can get, so having one more place to "check" in would be great.


You all seem like a really nice bunch of non-critical people, so...


Can I Play, Too ???

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I've been lurking, not posting this past week...sooo busy, meeting myself coming & going...not making the best food choices, but getting back on track this week.:eek: I was going to test - pulled out my 'keto stix' & found, not stix, but the dumb little silcone pack. I guess I thought since it was rattling, it still had some stix in it, silly me!:p


Welcome new ones - all are welcome here! I hope we don't sound too Atkins strict, because I think a lot of us eat off plan now & then. We do have some who are/ were trying South Beach, so many Protein Power recipes/ideas are certainly interchangeable. I think in my low~carb library I several different books. Personally have found that Atkins works best for me, because I get issues if I incorporate too many carbs, but certainly YMMV!!:D


Peanut butter seems to rule!!! We have posted peanut butter fudge recipes, peanut butter cookie recipes, etc, etc, so thanks for one more for my collection!:D


Hope this next week finds us all sucessful in our WOE/WOL! I shopped today & restocked my staples, so this week should get me back on track!:rolleyes:

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I hope everyone is having a great day today.


Glad to see some other "newbies" here. I lurk the website throughout the day on my phone. Gotta love 3g phones. It helps keep me on track.


I just went to a seafood restaurant this evening. Took my mom to pike's place market and then to fisherman's restaurant. At the market I found some veggie chips... contains veggies canola oil and some seasalt. I used that as my appetizer at the restaurant while my mom, sisters, hubby, and son ate from the bread basket....literally, I was blown away they tasted SOOOO YUMMY!!!


I ended up being really good. I had a salad and crab dip and instead of the chips I told her I brought some celery sticks to dip in it. My mom got the Crab Feast... and I had a leg and some mussels. So for me, all was well.


I was really scared because of all the carbs the meals came with. Each came with bread, clam chowder, and caesar salad. I just ordered from the appetizer menu and had her bring it out as my meal. I ate my hubby's salad since he HATES veggies.


Thank you for posting the peanut butter cups recipe. I'll have to make those sometime. I like making my own items. Some of the frankenfoods scare me. The labels I know how to read, it's just that I'm not sure if they are accurate.


I weighed in this morning and was at 185...so I am really excited. I know for a fact that tomorrow I will be trying to lose all the water again because of all the salt I ate today. But, hopefully, I will come out on top.


Thank You for being there and listening. My goal is a size 10 by the end of May. I am so close I can taste it. (no wait, that's just the celery...sorry my bad.):D



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Welcome new ones - all are welcome here! I hope we don't sound too Atkins strict, because I think a lot of us eat off plan now & then. We do have some who are/ were trying South Beach, so many Protein Power recipes/ideas are certainly interchangeable. I think in my low~carb library I several different books. Personally have found that Atkins works best for me, because I get issues if I incorporate too many carbs, but certainly YMMV!!:D




You definitely don't sound too Atkins strict. I'm not sure what the carb amounts are with Atkins, but mine are no where near South Beach range.

I try to keep under 10g per meal and can go up to another 10 for a snack, but generally have 1-2 g at breakfast, 5-8 at lunch, 5-8 at dinner, and maybe up to 10, split between 1-2 snacks.


If I have more, it drives the sweet tooth demon inside me to start speaking to every food I pass ;)

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Ok Raquel,


and where can I find those veggie chips??????? They sound so good!! I have seen veggie chips in the market but only ones that have added potato starch. :( I was starting to think maybe they couldn't make them without it. Congrats on dining out, enjoying it, and sticking to your plan!


So glad to hear posting recipes is ok. I have been trying to find the healthiest substitutes for all of our faves so hubby does not feel too deprived. Today, I had all the ingredients for cuban sandwiches on hand (ham, pork, mustard, pickles, cheese) so I stacked it all up and sauteed it with a lid pressing down...authentic flavor if a bit messy without the bread. :)


Well, tomorrow is another day, another dollar so I guess I'd better head to bed. Thanks for the welcomes! Mary

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Ooops, didn't mean to imply us Atkins gals (& guys) aren't strict with our WOE, I just meant that all low~carbers are certainly welcome to post & share ideas & recipes...this is not an exclusive club, y'all!! :p:D


Mary'spades'..cute pic in siggy...ummm, now if I can just figure out if you are in the blue or the green heheh;)


Crock pot roast today, cooked some seven hours or so, yummy. Can't say enough about that ole crock pot! Yay, left overs tomorrow! When it's hot & humid, I don't really like meals, just want to go for the easy hand to mouth stuff - that gets me in trouble more than anything else...well, maybe the occasional glass(es) of wine too!

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Good Morning!

Whew...work is busy this week...we have a bid due at 1:00 today.! Hope we get it!

Welcome, Welcome, WELCOME!! Good to see new faces, Glad the regulars are around...and Miss the Past Posters....and Wonder how the Hit N Miss folks are doing! :D

Same, Same, Same...nothing up and nothing down....but right now...I'm ok with that! We are working on our patio...a lot of work for a great summer project! Right now it's getting the ceiling all up and screwed on...with new lights! We work on it for about an hour or two in the evening...after work/before bed...so not a lot of time - but it's good to have a project before we get going in our trailer and will be gone on the weekends!

Low Carb = Yes...most of us have used the Atkins way of getting started on learning what is high in carbs/low in carbs . If you aren't sure...Atkins will teach you! Do I only stay with what the book says?....yes and no, If I'm on induction...yes! If I'm maintaining (like now)...no...because life happens! But I can look at just about any menu and know if I'm upping my carbs that day...or staying pretty low.

The Bottom Line....what works for you???? If you know your system enough to know what your carb numbers should be and still lose...that's where you need to be! Some people eat meals and snack...some just eat meals and allow no snacking, they know what their trigger tastes are....and some just snack (see Cerabella, I read everything you wrote! LOL) This is a place to come for fun, sharing, encouragement and now that we live in a world of cyberbuddies...Just c'mon and be a part!! We all have our ups (we cheer for those) and downs ( we understand!)

Gotta try those peanut butter cups... No not Reeses! I get that!:p

Isn't it exciting to think of all the fun that Curly is having on her Cruise!?:)

Ok...gotta get back to work...I'll try and at least lurk some this afternoon! :p

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