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Anyone on Atkins?


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Atkins book on ebay $ 4.35

Trip to the grocery store tonight $160

Changing my life - priceless !!!!!!!


Ok, so I'm ready to start Induction tomorrow and of course I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. I will weight and measure in the morning and post then.


I do have one question (situation) that you guys might help with: I hate water. I will eat ice, I will drink flavored water and sugar-free koolaid but I do not like plain water. Problem is that I have checked the flavored waters (like crystal light)and sugar-free koolaids and they all have aspartame. What do I do? Suggestions would be welcomed!! I did buy some Sprite Zero (taste like watered down Sprite but do-able) but I know I am to limit diet drinks so I can't drink that for 2 or 3 weeks.


Found a great deal on ground turkey at the store. Apparently someone screwed up the order and they received way too much. Since this is a really small town, it does not sell well enought for them to keep that much for an extended period so they placed it on sale. It is the Butterball brand in packs of a pound each and it was on sale for $1.24 per pack. We bought a few packs to see if we like it. Made a turkey-loaf with it tonight. It was ok. Seemed like a less flavorfull ground beef. Maybe I needed to spice it up more. Anyway, if anyone has recipes for ground turkey I would love them!


Off to watch a little tv and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow!


I got a Culligan water cooler and now they deliver my water to my front porch. Wonderful ice-cold water all the time!


I like 'pepsi one' it's made with Splenda, best tasting diet pop. Diet Rite also makes diet pop with Splenda. They have tangerine, black cherry, grape, etc. Great for the sweet tooth, no headache.


I like to make 'sun tea' and mix regular tea and green tea (green tea is a metabolism booster) then add a little lemon and splenda and lots of ice. Yum! Also you can get unsweetened Koolaid packs and mix it with Splenda instead of sugar. Splenda used to make a little packet just to go with the Koolaid but I haven't seen it lately.


Also, I have a big salad every evening with dinner, I found that if I skipped my salad, I would get constipated.

Edited by seasidehuny
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Wow! There have apparently been some amazing weight loss successes!!:D


cruise kitty - you have lost an amazing 70 lbs?? Congrats & 'weigh' to go!!


Lisa, I think we're about on the same page weight-wise? But great to set a new goal... that is my goal for now also...I was so there just a few years ago...I don't know what happened ( well, I kinda really do, but I wanna blame it on something!)


rvalent2 - yay! down is always better than up...


Carla - you so seem to epitomize many women who have their ups & downs. We all have confidence in you - knowing what works for you, & then doing it, that's the key, right? I went back to the first few pages of this thread & re-read many of the posts...it seems you & Jean & Lisa & even then SFSheila had this thread hoppin'!!


Good for Angie to keep up with what you're eating & tweak it where needed...yes, the veggies are our friends! I just have to remember that I do really like salad once I get it made & this will just be a part of my eating plan forever!!


Jean, somehow we must be sabotaging our WOE...do we have fear of success perhaps, or do we just love, love love to eat!!:confused::p Wellllll....?!


I know I left some out...didn't want to write a whole novel! Way to go guys & gals! Keep it low carb, not no carb!!

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Thanks, Cerebella!


Tonight I'm sure I went waay over in carbs- yet did I??? I made the cauliflower/mock mashed potatoes- OH MY GOD were they good. Cauliflower is supposed to be >4 carbs a cup, and the rest is just cheese and sour cream, but it tasted like a million carbs.


The rest of the day: steak, eggs, cheese, couple of chicken wings/"Buffalo wings" as you call them and we DON'T, and chicken. I am NOT worried about portion sizes of low/no carb things because I am still trying to get ketogenic. I also had a Medifast bar (so many of those lying around) so I think I'm at about 30 for the day. I can get sticks dark purple at 30-40, so I'm good. I feel better already- less stuffed, cranky, tired, bloated- and my rings are turning on my finger. All good.


I should mention that I am 5'10" and 222. I think you can add ten pounds per inch to maintain the same dress size, so... it's as though... I'm 5'3" and 152, right? Just FYI.


OK, off to go refure to watch Jon and Kate :mad:

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Hey all!


rvalent2 ~ woohoo! Fantastic start!


AngieB ~ How pretty you are! Your before pics remind me of Sugar-Free Sheila's...you are off to a great start. If I may suggest, try to get a little more fluid that's not soda, so you don't retain water. I forgot about unsweetened Kool-aid...good stuff. Even my kids like it.


carlalena ~ welcome back! I can relate to the height!:p I'm lucky:confused: to not cruise all that often. It is definitely tough to come back & get back on track.


cerabella ~ I may end up making this goal my final goal, depending on where my body fat % is & what size I am. Since I'm tall, an 8 is about as low as I want to go...6 starts looking a little strange. And I want some fat in my face to fight the wrinkles!:p


Jean ~ it is really tough for me to lose if I don't stick strictly to the WOE. In maintenance mode, I've done really well in the past, but since my youngest was born, both losing and maintaining have been really tough. Just getting older, I guess! You can do this. You've done so well!


seasidehuny ~ mmm, those drinks sound good!


cruise kitty ~ wow, you're so close to your goal! You should be really proud of your accomplishments!


Hello to everyone else! Pop in & let us know how you're doing!

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Hi, everybody!! I have been sitting here with my scrambled eggs (I know it's a weird time to have them lol) reading all the posts since my last visit, and cannot believe how well you all are doing. Helping out and supporting all the newbies to attain what you all have, and that is just the most encouraging thing to see.


I didn't jot down the name, but which of you has the 11 year-old Jack Russell? I have one myself!! Her name is Sassy, and she's napping right next to me.


Annie3468: I love what your doctor says about Atkins being about eating the foods God has put here for us. Very well put!


AngieB30401: how have you been doing on Atkins, and how are you feeling?


Cerabella: I so hear you about the Chinese buffets. I love Japanese; but for some reason, the so-called "clean-prepared" fare at the former has me up 2 transient water weight pounds the next morning. Noooo, thanks.


Has anyone tried the KFC grilled chicken? It seems to be hit or miss as far as location goes; for example, we don't visit the one by our house because the chicken there is noticeably drier. So, if you have given it a shot and it wasn't for you, please try another go at a different location. It shouldn't matter, but it seems to!


I have a trip coming up this winter, and am super-excited about it!!! (I'm happy to share more details on this one on one.) I will be sure to film my next Short Tip Clip there as well - I'm due for a new one. :)


It's too bad private messages are not offered on this forum; however, if you visit my website's FAQ page, both my direct e-mail address and number (about 80% down) are there if you would like to text me. The latter is purposely deeply-imbedded so that only those who've actually read the page are able to text me. lol If you do decide to text me, please feel free to send a face shot of yourself - I love that. When I see a face shot with your texts, it serves as an instantaneous memory jog of our previous correspondence, making everything quicker and more efficient - but it is no requisite. Of course with e-mails, please likewise feel free to send a TinyPic.com link of whatever photos you would like to show me. :)


My current signature photo was taken by Moses, so I will finally be updating this next. Hope you are all keeping cool!!

Edited by SugarFreeSheila
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Well Lookey who dropped in !!! :eek:SFS!! So good to see you!! :D

Lisa - Yup...age makes everything - but getting a seniors discount - harder! :p Really!!

Carla - I keep telling myself that if I would grow just 6 more inches..my weight would be almost perfect! LOL!...

Cerabella - I do sabotage myself...and my DH does it to me too! :o But Today -- taaa daa-- I've been very good and I feel good too! I had a good walk last night..it's just hard to get out when it's still 85 when the moon is out! ...but I did...and plan to go tonight too! I take water with me...but poor Sadie gets really hot...then gets home and lays in the grass to cool off! I'm looking forward to our Sept temps!!

Angie - Your on track ... good job!

Huny... I think that some places the water isn't a pleasant thing to drink...like here at work...but at home it is fresh and great!

That would be a good tip of the week - Eating low carb and water really makes a working combination, but if you really struggle drinking water...maybe it's the water? Trying some that has been purified - on ice - maybe you'll find that it is refresing and not as hard to go down. I use the bottled water here at work , and tap water at home and it sure helps when I'm doing the other right things for my lbs to just melt away.... ok, they really don't melt... but you know what I mean! :p

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Yay!! A flurry of postings to read, & some 'old-timers!' I try to check out SFSheila's site once a week or so to see what's new. I don't 'tweet' or 'facebook' so this is just about as technical as I get!


Jean, you do know that when I said 'we', I really meant ME!;) Trying to give myself a pep talk there, hoping it worked for 'us' hehehe! I have done really well this last couple of days...down a couple of those pesky 'oops ya just ate really, really bad ' lbs. Remember, I have a cruise Aug 30th to get whipped into shape for...ummmm, can anyone say 'miracle'? But really, DH & I are in really good shape, very active- gotta keep reminding myself that muscle does weigh more than fat!?!?:rolleyes:


So, if I can just get a few more off, I will certainly be able to wear shorts, capris, etc. from last year, the year before that & the ...well, you get it right? But...what woman doesn't want to go shopping for at least something new? Just not in a larger size...



BTW...I am ~ 5'5"...so, maybe I should reset my goal weight to coincide with my height!:o

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Hi Everyone! Trying to stay inside to keep cool!! It's just plain hot out there these days. My work has gotten a lot busier these days!

I've been really good...and the scales have said so and the button on my pants. Last night though...I just was craving salad something crazy and since we were going out I told my self " Self..chicken, salad and choose a good dressing!"...we went to Pei Wei...and I had the Asian Chicken Salad - it really hit the spot! And actually today...I was still down a little! yay!! :)

Back to my norm today..and lots of water.

I hope everyone else is making good choices and - seeing that the choices are worth it! :)

We head out for another family camping trip tomorrow - and I'm packing MY STUFF so that I don't have a huge recovery to go through on Monday!:rolleyes:

Stay Strong Everyone!

Cerabella...I'm really glad for your Cruise - Where and What ship? Muscle/Fat Ah ha ha ha!!!!:p

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Yay! All is good & I too am apparently back on track! Sticks are the next to darkest purple...whew! I am pulling out 'cruise' clothes today & trying on...maybe won't have to go out & buy any larger clothes after all!! Just need to watch more closely what I eat (& drink) & get that booty shakin' !!:p;):eek:


Jean ~ way to take control of 'your' stuff vs. 'their' stuff to eat on your camping trip...just be resolved...remember 'their' camping goodies just may not be 'your' allowable camping goodies.. you go girl, I think you can stay on track pretty much & come back a loser...ummmm I mean a winner!! Yeah, that's what I meant! :p


My cruise is Aug 30 ~ Sept 6 on Carnival Conquest, leaving Galveston, ports - Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel... same as last year, same as the year before that & the year before that! It's okay tho, we live just some 3 hours from the dock...we just don't want the hassel of flying (or the expense) We could also do a 5 day again on Ecstasy, but prefer the 7 day...( or longer thanks to IKE last year! hehehe)


Stay on track, everyone! We're headed to the weekend...don't let some funky foods throw us off track to our goal of 'healthy'!!

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Well, I made it through my first two-week induction and lost a total of 12 pounds. But, I got 'off-track' this weekend with crusty Italian bread and butter, chocolate, kettle chips (sea salt and vinegar) and gin & diet tonic.(a few of my favorite things that I miss when doing Atkins) :eek:


I didn't dare weigh in this morning as I know I am packing water weight or check my ketone strips.


I am back on track today though


Breakfast: Atkins vanilla protein shake( I love those shakes, so satisfying)

Lunch: Tuna salad with hard-boiled eggs and a (few) frozen peas

Dinner: grilled steaks and giant fresh veggie salad with spinach.

Snacks: cut up fresh veggies (red bell peppers, broccoli, celery, carrots)with buttermilk ranch dressing for dip; strawberries (I need my vit. C as I have been sick with a virus)

H2O (I read somewhere that if you drink a cold glass of water before and after each meal, it revs up your metabolism and burns your food faster)


I also picked up at walmart a pair of 5 lb hand-held barbells for when I am working all day at my desk.:D

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Summer heat & humidity kinda wearing me down...trying to get my yard mowed as well as MIL's...it's a lot of mowing, but, no...I don't think my 'lawn tractor workout' does jiggle off much weight, sad to say...:p


Made a SFSheila shake last nite ( w/ blueberries for a change) & DH was simply raving - I may have created a monster!! I am sooo good to him, I make better than coffee shop lattes with whipped cream, shaved chocolate on top...now this shake thing...maybe I should open a store with great tasting low carb goodies!!;)

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Great idea Cerabella....but my Egg Beaters have green peppers and onions in it!! LOL!! I picked up the western for omelettes ... ha ha!


Ummm maybe that would be a great way to take off some of this heat...a SFS shake!! yumm!


Had a great time camping last weekend - and since I seemed to have been the head cook...I came back the same as I left! Ha!! Yea! for me!


How's everyone else doing to keep on track and stay cooled down for August too?

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Hey our little camping fiend!! Sooo glad you took control & ate the way a 'crazy, low-carb' camper should!! I must confess...the SFS Shake was a forgery....I didn't put any egg or egg substitute in it, or any protein powder... the heavy cream, cream cheese, blue berries, ice cubes & DaVinci SF syrup was it... maybe it was a SFCera shake! hehehe:D


Kinda quiet again, huh? I spent the majority of the day shopping for upcoming cruise ( hit the thrift shops first...love a like-new bargain! ) Also caught some end of summer sales...just not that motivated to buy clothes when so much from seasons past still fit & are quite appropriate...Also stocked up on goodies for the week... urrr, I mean low carb delights! :p:rolleyes:


Keep it low carb & healthy my friends...results will speak for themselves!;)

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I actually forgot it was Friday a couple of times until I heard someone on the news say 'It's Friday!" Ha! Where does the time go...for me, counting down for our annual Fall hurricane challenged cruise...right on time the 'areas of concern' start coming off the coast of Africa! Who knew! ;):rolleyes:


I have done really well with my eating & exercise habits this week...will see if that made a dent ( well, not like a dent from cellulite...)!!:p


Hope everyone else keeps up the good WOE, WOEx!! Otherwise, have a really good weekend!:D:D

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wow.. glad to see you all are doing so well. :) I kinda dropped off again,

but this week i'm going strong. Football is in fullswing here, so its keeping

me very busy. We have a walking group that does 5 miles every day we have practice, which is 5 days/week now.

I have to go back a few pages and check out those other sites with recipes. I'm needing something new.



Hope you all are having a great summer. (whats left of it) :p

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Hello All :) It's MIA Mary!!LOL Haven't had much time for any web surfing as my mother was here for a 2 week visit. We had a really good time (which is not always a guarantee...mother-daughter friction sometimes gets in the way)...in some ways too good as my hubby said, are you guys going to the meeting tonight? And we asked, WHAT meeting?? And he said Shopaholics Anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Hardy har har...very funny. :rolleyes: Hey, every girl needs a shopping buddy, right???


SFSheila, you asked about the 11yo JRT... I have a female JRT, Lucie, BUT she turned 12 this month...I have seen pics of your Sassy on your site and she is a cutie! My girl is getting old but she's still got that JRT pep and then some! Wish I had that same energy...she eats 3 meals a day plus "cookies" and remains slim and trim.


So here's what is going on Atkins wise...hubby and I both indulged while my mother was here...lots of eating out with a non-Atkins person and she kept offering him all her sweets here at home even though she knows he is a diabetic! Anyway, for some reason did not seem to affect the scale too much for either of us and here is another weird thing...my hair is falling out!! Now I know that's normal when you have a large weight loss and that has happened to me in the past and it's not a big deal as I have hair to spare, LOL, but I just can't figure out why????????? I'm currently just maintaining or losing a pound or so here and there so it's a mystery. The only thing I can think of is that I recently did a regimen of Cipro antibiotics (bacterial sinus infection) and a few weeks ago started taking a Chromium supplement. Other than that, everything has been same old same old. Anyone have any ideas????????????


Glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well and enjoying the summer...for anyone else who is here in Florida..I guess summer is about to be kicked up a notch for us!! How many pounds can you lose putting up hurricane shutters??? I don't want to find out but looks like Ana might force us!!


Enjoy the weekend!! Mary

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Hey Everyone!! How are ya doing?

Well...Tomorrow we take off for 4 days in San Francisco...a fantastic walking city - but I plan to have a few rides on the cable cars too!! :p


Our kids gave us a surprise Anniversary party last Friday and we had family around for the rest of the weekend!!

And now our trip...I think I'm doing ok...just holding my own.

And it 's been HOT outside!! ugh...I have a hard time getting excited to go out when it's like that!


Well, thought I'd check in on everyone and say hi!! :)

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Good to see ya, Jean...have fun on your anniversary trip!! :D;)


Hey MIA MarySpades! The scales are not my friend:(...sometimes when I am sooo good, think, gotta be a loss...nothing...nada...then, eat a little wacko, down one or two...it's a mystery, our bodies are all different, respond different ways....:confused:


DH & I are counting down to our cruise, we leave, not this Sunday, but next...hoping for good weather. Starting to print my docs, etc, getting in the mood to get the suitcases out!! Yes, I am a perfect packer! Already have some things set aside, told DH 'do not touch these, I do not want to wash & iron this cruise stuff again!':p

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How exciting Cerabella! I cant wait till our cruise. Got a few more months. But I'll need it to get these 25lbs off. :p

Hope you have a wonderful trip Jean.


I was trying to go back and find a link that had lots of low carb recipes, but i'm unable to find it. Can anyone post some they use?


Happy Hump day all!

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Well, my goal was to be lean & mean on this cruise...however, reality is I am just about the same...DH doesn't mind, he says he likes me just the way I am! Ha!:D:p;):rolleyes::eek::cool:


Thanks, Sports-mom! I look forward to this cruise every year, will try to take a bazillion pics! Everything from my coffee to ship decor to my toenail polish!


Here are some sites to check out...couldn't make my link thingy work w/ firefox...






Anyhoo, these are just a few, also, don't forget SFS...hope this helps, will look for more, should be a good start!

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Hey Gang,

I'm back again.....I have been away from posting for a while for a couple of reasons, but mainly b/c I have been off of Atkin's for a while.



Here is what happened: In Dec one night after dinner I had a really bad pain and thought I was having a heart attack. So I went to the doctor and after a lot of test etc, they found out in March that I have a gallstone (I do not think it was caused by Atkin's but from my yoyo dieting). So I had to change my WOEing to Lowfat instead of Lowcarb, which BTW, is the WORST for me. I gained back all of the weight I lost on Atkin's plus 2 lbs..Nice huh.


Anyway, after months of trial and error of what I could and could not eat that would affect my gall stone (example grilled chicked w/o skin is a no no but a steak is ok; go figure), I figured I could restart Atkin's (today:))


So here I am again. Not hungry for the first time in months and hopeful that I can keep this up this time. I do have surgery scheduled for Sept and I have read online that people have had their gallbladders removed and still are able to do Atkin's!:) Also, I asked my doc about it and he said that they like to keep it lowfat for a few weeks after the surgery but then Atkin's shouldn't be a problem after that. So I figure I can stick to fish and soup after the surgery then get right back to it;):)


Hey Jean & Lisa, I see you guys are still sticking to it, glad to see you are still here. I am also glad to see that this thread is still here, it does help so much. I will try to go back a few pages to catch up and see what everyone is up to. Talk to ya all later. And thanks for listening.:)

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Hey Jocelyn! Good to see you! I'm sorry to hear about your gallstone.:eek: I'm still trucking along, & have lost almost 20 pounds this year...just more proof that Atkins is for life.


I don't know much about gallstones. It's amazing that certain foods affect them! Let us know as the surgery gets closer so we can keep you in our prayers.:)

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Hey Jocelyn! Good to see you! I'm sorry to hear about your gallstone.:eek: I'm still trucking along, & have lost almost 20 pounds this year...just more proof that Atkins is for life.


I don't know much about gallstones. It's amazing that certain foods affect them! Let us know as the surgery gets closer so we can keep you in our prayers


Hey Lisa! Glad to hear from you. Congrats on losing 20 this year! That's awesome. I read back a few pages that you are in a fitness club, that's a great idea to have a excercise gruop. I also love your ticker:)


As far as the gallstone, I tried to ignore it for a while and put off surgery but I just want to get back to normal....well, normal for me:p:D My surgery is Sept 9th and I have a great Dr so I feel pretty good about it. I did go wild with the carbs though. Whew, you can sure do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.:o


Well, I am back on track now. I got through day 1 and felt really good. I ate on plan and drank my water. I'll be checking in often, thanks for the support:)

Edited by jbrambach
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Hello Jocelyn :)


I had a cholecystectomy about 10 years ago and, like you, my first pain felt like a heart attack. I was a bit young for gall trouble but knew what it was because my Aunt had suffered the same symptoms. Definitely a no no on the fat...I ended up in the ER after ordering a grilled chicken sandwich that came on a croissant. :( I haven't ever had any issues post-surgery while following Atkins.


I would suggest you do some research on adhesions (scar tissue that can form inside of you after surgery). The surgery was such a breeze that I went to West VA. shortly after and climbed around on rocks by a river. Not sure if that's what caused them but I have them and they act up every once in a while (a "pulling" feeling accompanied by pain). I'm sure there must be advice online on how to avoid them post-surgery...wish I had read up then, LOL.


Also, about a year ago I started having pain in my upper right back quadrant that felt identical to the gall bladder pain although I knew it couldn't be pain from something I no longer had. Long story short, I did some research which led me to something called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction...very interesting and several people feel that their pain was from SOD and that they did not need to have their gall bladder removed in the first place. I will include a link here http://yourtotalhealth.ivillage.com/sphincter-oddi-dysfunction.html for you...I always feel best if I gather lots of research, whether it be a health issue or anything else. I was never tested and the pain only bothered me for a short time and I have no idea why it happened or if it was diet related at all (I was not low carbing at the time). I include the link for you simply because it took a lot of searching to find something that matched my symptoms and thought you could file it away just in case.


I have to say that my health has been great since I started Atkins and exercise in Feb. of this year so, as a fellow GB sufferer, I can't recommend it enough. :) I wish you much success!



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