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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all Just starting this plan (again!) and after 4 days the sugar withdrawal headache is finally gone:D Guess i was eating alot more if it than i thought over the holidays:rolleyes:


So far so good, but i haen't given up coffee, is that reallly bad?

this weekend i will try to read through this thread and get more inspiration, thanks to all of you....susan

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Hey You Bunch of Low Carb Losers!!!! In my very Happy that your Losers, voice!!:p

WELCOME to all of the New Kids on the Block!! Yea!!! We're glad your here!!

Cruise Fun + Holiday's + Family Trip + Baking for everyone......= Getting my Rear back on that Tredmil when it's cold...and that dog on a leash for a good walk when it's nice!! AND.... I'm bringing in the weights!! I am determined!

Cerabella - Yep!! We had another really fun time!! So fun I came back 6 lbs up!!:eek::eek:

Holy Cow!! But! Today!! I'm back on!! And...of course feeling so much better! Have you been around ...you know where... sign in!!! I watch for you!! Those Texas gals are freezing there!

Lisa!! Woo Hoo....wow...you did so great in 2009!! You know you'll be changing that tracker soon....I know you will! I know exercise is my hardest thing to handle...I have a desk job and when I get home....working out is just not the most exciting thing I can think of doing.....but I know once I get a routine going it will be so much better...and results are so fantastic and encouraging!! But they don't just show up ...do they!! Drats!! haha

Pink!!! So good to see you popping in!!

Chadci!! -- Wow!! Good for you!!! :eek::)....And Welcome!! I'll check out those recipes soon!

Have a great day everyone!!

Milaandra and susiefay...Welcome!! Post often...tell us how your doing! :)

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Hey There!

So last night for dinner...had to cook something quick!

Looked at the back of a jar of Bertolli's (?) Alfredo sauce... 3 carbs per 1/4 cup!!

Took out a skillet...pat of butter, threw in a few chopped mushrooms to brown, 4 cups of chopped chicken breast and the sauce! I did make a handful of noodles for DH....

And Wa - la dinner!! I made sure that I only had about 1/2 cup of sauce! Filling and quick cleanup! Check it out!

Work out was good! yea!! It felt good to really work up a sweat again!

Hey...Does anyone ever get callouse's on the bottom of your foot?.... It's always my right foot...and doesn't matter which pair of shoes I wear!! Suggestions?

How's everyone doing? Do you guys Watch Biggest Loser? It's on tonight!

It's my fork, It's my Choice!

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Hey...Does anyone ever get callouse's on the bottom of your foot?.... It's always my right foot...and doesn't matter which pair of shoes I wear!! Suggestions?




I get those too on the bottoms of my feet. I went to the foot dr cause I'd also have some pain in the ball of my foot, even with cushy shoes. He determined that my 3rd toe bone hits before the rest, and this causes the callus. I eventually had orthotics made cause my feet have started hurting more the older I get..... :rolleyes: Thankfully my ins covered the cost, so I had one pair made for dress shoes and a more flexible pair made for working out (treadmill, eliptcal, aerobics).

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Well...I got really serious about this 5 days ago......and I have 5 days of results...I love Low Carb eating!:D

How's Everyone Else Doing?:)

Hey Jean, I just started1/5/10 and had a set back on the 4th day, but have been on track since. I've lost 4 lbs. and going strong. I'm hoping to reach keytosis soon, probably today or tomorrow. This is the most successfull and easiest diet I've ever done.


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Hi Diane!

Welcome to the boards...if you've been here before...sorry if I've missed you!

If you hang in with eating low carbs ( the start days are always hard) you'll see results! Because of my Cruise last week, I didn't get to serious until the 10th.

Doesn't matter what day you start if your mentally ready to get to work on your weight - that's the best day to start! :) Be sure to come and post! It really does help with keeping focused and on track!

Last night was a good dinner and work out! I'm just a little sore today - so I guess I did enough to work my muscles...but not so much I can't move! Yea!!:p

Now, I know some people (my DD is one) ... that if they work out at night - it takes them awhile to be able to go to sleep..because their heart rate is up! I started my tredmil time at 7:30 - Was in bed by 9:30...sound asleep! Slept all night. What about you? I wished I could work out in the mornings...not a morning person at all and I start work early.

Here come the weekend = temptations, time to kick up the will power!:)

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Good week (#2) so far, just getting tired of eggs:rolleyes: any other suggestions? All would be appreciated, thanks!


It is pretty easy to stay on the plan, just a bit boring, but I am still in induction, so I hope to experiment more soon:D

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Hope your controlled carb WOE is working out well for you! I have come to the conclusion that salads are my new best friend after forgetting to make them in a while & having to throw out some funky green stuff...:p I went shopping this week & restocked the goods.


Stix are purple ( yes, I feel like I still have to check ever so often) but no weight is coming off without getting physical...does that make you hum that Olivia Newton-John song?!;)


susiefay ~ you asked earlier about coffee...I would say it definitely depends on you...how much you actually drink, how much caffeine, etc...it really is the caffeine, so I mix mine 1/2 reg, 1/2 decaf, & limit it to one smallish cup am, one pm. That seems to work for me - I also do the same with tea, which DH tends to drink...now the egg thing...I could eat an egg every morning for breakfast, over easy & never ever get tired of that (not only could I, I actually do, lol) Well actually we have scrambled, & the best omelets ever, also... Some good suggestions in the first few pages of this thread!


Jean, Jean, Jean... I thought the pics of your recent trips were amazing! I seem to have put my camera away lately...it's business as usual at the ole plant nursery-seeding, cuttings, transplanting...lots of dirty work! Some days I resemble Pig Pen...now maybe there's a picture! :p





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Jean, Thanks for the welcome, this is my first visit to this board. I'm very excited I have a purple stick (amazing what can excite you when your dieting).

I'm envious of you being able to work out, I broke my leg this past October and haven't been able to do to much, but today at phy. ther. I did run on the tred for 5 minutes so I'm almost there.



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Does anyone know how many carbs/day I need to keep below to keep the stick purple? That sounds so wierd to write, but I was purple and now I'm a ligh purple or pinkish. I want to stay motivated.


Light purple or pink is good! Any change from the beige means you're burning fat. Decreasing the carbs or increasing exercise might make them darker, but in my whole Atkins experience over the last 10 years, I've never gotten past the first shade of pink...but lost weight. Hope that helps.:)

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I don't bother with the sticks, dropping the pounds and feeling better is the way I can judge if all is working:D

I have decided to just love eggs for breakfast:rolleyes:


Have you tried the Muffin in a Minute? From the Atkins Website:




1/4 cup flax meal (8.09 total carbs, 7.6 fiber)

1/2 teaspoon baking powder (0.64 net carbs)

1 packet splenda packet (0.9 net carbs)

1 teaspoon cinnamon (1.84 total carbs, 1.2 fiber)

1 large egg (0.6 net carbs)

1 teaspoon butter

(can add tablespoon of sour cream to make more moist)





Put the dry ingredients in a coffee mug.




Then add the egg and the butter. Mix.


Microwave 1 minute (or more). Take out. slice, butter, eat.


Cream cheese would go nicely, too.


The shape of this can be changed by making it in a bowl.


It can be "toasted" once it's cooked.


The cinnamon can be replaced. I would imagine that any sugar free syrup could be added.


Some people count the flax as a carb/fiber wash, so then the net carbs would be 2.78.


I'm out of induction, so I add berries to it, and sometimes unsweetened cocoa powder.


Add butter & yum.

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Thanks for the recipe, I will definitely try it:D I haven't really eaten anything that isn't mainly just protein and veggies. I do eat a bar for breakfast some days when making it isn't convenient. Today is my last day on induction, but my cruise is only 37 days away!! so I might just stay on till then.


Thanks again............susan

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Thanks for the recipe, I will definitely try it:D I haven't really eaten anything that isn't mainly just protein and veggies. I do eat a bar for breakfast some days when making it isn't convenient. Today is my last day on induction, but my cruise is only 37 days away!! so I might just stay on till then.


Thanks again............susan


It's definitely good for induction! The add-ins are for later. :)

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Wow...that was a fast 2 days! LOL!

Lisa has great recommendations.....!! .... and proof that it works! :)

How'd everyone do this weekend...I held strong until last night when our kids and Grandbaby came over...so pfffft!! Yep...back on track today!! We did go on a VERY long hike! :p We'll see how things settle out tomorrow!

**Breakfast foods are just a term.... It isn't uncommon for breakfast to be a lunch or dinner food. Just a little side note. :)

Catch ya's later!

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Wednesday!! Yea!!! It's a busy day for me...but I cam prepared for my breakfast at work...and I packed my lunch!

How's everyone doing today?

Cerabella....I would love to see your pics...of you and potting soil of course! :p:D ..and Get your camera back out!...I know there are things around your area to take pics of!

Have a great day!

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Hi there! I've been on Atkins for about 10 months now and have lost 82 lbs. Could've been more but I took a couple of week long breaks.

It's the only diet that works for me. I love the Ketone Test strips. As long as they show any kind of pink or purple, you are burning fat.

I've been planning our cruise the whole time that I've been dieting and it's been a great motivator.

If you want info on the diet you can go to the Atkins website.



P.S. My husband started the diet last week to get ready for the cruise. Men lose very fast on this diet!! It's sick!

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Hey guys,


We're leaving for our trip next week! Hooray! Couple of atkins stories I read about this week made me laugh. One was about a woman whose sticks were purple and was still gaining weight. When the nutritionist dug into her daily menu it turned out she was eating a stick of butter covered in cinnamon nightly as a snack. You can be in ketosis and not lose weight- true!!! There is still need for self control/portion control on the diet- only eat until your satiated for BEST results ;)


Also I'm glad to report that while my weight has only gone down 5 lbs (I was down 8 lbs but then I've gained it back in the last week or so as I upped my carbage a bit) I now fit into lots more of my clothes. Best bet is to pick some pants you want to fit into and keep trying them on every 2-4 weeks as proof you're losing. Stupid scale is not a good indicator which sucks cause it goes down so much in the beginning...


Everybody have a great time losing and exercising while I'm gone!



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Good Morning Everyone!!

Welcome TX!!! And thanks for posting!! I've had chili for breakfast too!! :p

Pink!! -- Happy Sailing Girl!! Always good to see you pop in here! :D

This morning...I'm up 2 drats!!...But I just have not had the chance to really work out in the last 2 days!...too busy...No, Seriously - by the time I got home - it was time for bed!! :(

Snow storm is coming in ...so I'll have a chance to work out tonight! Yea!!:)


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Hi all 'contolled~carbers' ... yes, we really do live in the real world...sooo...I am down about 4lbs, but I know that I gain & lose the same 1/2 dozen lbs over & over & over...something about this 'middle age' I suppose...


However, that being said, I have never, never, ever sat down & ate a stick of butter covered w/ cinnamon:eek:...thanks for that reality check, Pink!! Here's hoping you have the most wonderful cruise ever...I really am envious of you ~ in a good way, of course!! Report back when you return home & give us all the scoop!


Ok, I made the muffin in a minute in the ole coffee mug this morning...hmmm...I see what I have been missing now, how quick & easy & open for a ton of adds/subtracts to make either sweet or even savory. My kitchen looked like I had been on a full fledged baking spree, however!


Has everyone noticed the Atkins commercials in print & tv...go to the official site for a 'freebie'


Jean, those extra lbs don't really count when you are a Grandma! It just makes you even more fluffy for that sweet baby to love on! (Getting my camera out, now!!;))

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Does anyone know how many carbs/day I need to keep below to keep the stick purple? That sounds so wierd to write, but I was purple and now I'm a ligh purple or pinkish. I want to stay motivated.


I think the rule of thumb is 20g or less per day. You can gradually increase it after the first few weeks but there is a whole method to follow. I suggest picking up one of the books or checking out an atkins diet forum for lots of good tips etc.

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