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Anyone on Atkins?


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Ooops, didn't mean to imply us Atkins gals (& guys) aren't strict with our WOE, I just meant that all low~carbers are certainly welcome to post & share ideas & recipes...this is not an exclusive club, y'all!! :p:D


Mary'spades'..cute pic in siggy...ummm, now if I can just figure out if you are in the blue or the green heheh;)


Crock pot roast today, cooked some seven hours or so, yummy. Can't say enough about that ole crock pot! Yay, left overs tomorrow! When it's hot & humid, I don't really like meals, just want to go for the easy hand to mouth stuff - that gets me in trouble more than anything else...well, maybe the occasional glass(es) of wine too!


I understood what you meant, but when I responded it sounded even more wrong - sorry ;)

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Hi there-


I found the chips at our pike's place market. Fortunately, on the bag it says Janeen Farms. Unfortunately, they do not have a website. So, if any one is interested, I can pick some up and ship it out. It's one pound of chips for $7.50. It was well worth it. If anyone is ambitious to try dehydrating the veggies and then frying them up please let me know how that turns out. I will let you know when I am in Seattle again.


I have a huge commercial dehydrator that does 4 sheetpans but I am so busy I have no time to do it...and I am not a patient person...lol...maybe this summer. It was worth it. I did not lose probably because of all the salt I took in.


So, I am still at 185.


I was wondering does anyone use dreamfields. I stocked up on it last year and was going to use it but someone said it could stall you. So, I set it aside. Now my son is 13 and his new chore chart has him learning how to make a dinner once a week. He has mastered tacos and is working on spaghetti with meat sauce tonight. Out came the dreamfields...lol... what they don't know won't hurt right?...lol.


If you have used dreamfields in your diet successfully please let me know. I have cases of the stuff. The possibilities are endless. I really miss pasta salad. I hate spaghetti but the boys love it. I am thinking that the people that may have stalled and said it was because of dreamfields only stalled because they ate so much thinking it was an "ok" food item.


I hope everyone had a good day. ok off to dinner.


Mary- I know what you mean about feeling deprived. I hope that info helped. I don't mind shipping you some of those chips if you can't find them.



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Ooops, didn't mean to imply us Atkins gals (& guys) aren't strict with our WOE, I just meant that all low~carbers are certainly welcome to post & share ideas & recipes...this is not an exclusive club, y'all!!


Mary'spades'..cute pic in siggy...ummm, now if I can just figure out if you are in the blue or the green heheh;)


Crock pot roast today, cooked some seven hours or so, yummy. Can't say enough about that ole crock pot! Yay, left overs tomorrow! When it's hot & humid, I don't really like meals, just want to go for the easy hand to mouth stuff - that gets me in trouble more than anything else...well, maybe the occasional glass(es) of wine too!



Believe it or not, that is my soon to be 72 yo mother in that pic!! :eek: Taken in Cozumel during our 2007 Fascination cruise. I told her what to do and she's always willing...my family has a whacky sense of humor and my hubby fits right in, LOL. We started a trend...after that several people did the same shot and everyone got a laugh out of it. I just love the "innocent" look on her face. :) We're headed back to Cozumel this January and I'm eager for her to see it as it was the first time I did...not post-hurricane destroyed. Speaking of which...I live in Florida and have made it through 2 major ones so far (not unscathed but made it) and the predictions are for a quieter season this year. I sure do hope so!


Oh boy do I love pot roast as well! I just bought a bottom round roast on sale and am going to try using it for vegetable beef soup. I usually use a chuck roast so I hope this works.


So my treat for the day was a Crystal Light Slurpee from 7-11...they actually had plain ole strawberry flavor and not something funky! I love it!!:) Hubby and I went to see Star Trek tonight (I'm a total Trek fan and I thought it was even better than I'd hoped) and it was my first theatre trip since we started low-carbing. I'll admit it...I am a popcorn junkie and it did smell soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! We came prepared though with a small can of nuts (almonds, pistachios, and cashews) and it was a really nice substitute. Does it not feel like a true test of willpower to bypass the snack counter at a theatre??????????????? I'm so proud of myself...the only problem is that the "rewards" for good behavior growing up were usually fast food, LOL. Really hard to shake that mindset but I'm working on it.


Well, I guess I've prattled on long enough and should get to bed. No work tomorrow so I get to sleep in....................sheer bliss!!:D Mary

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Hi there-


I was wondering does anyone use dreamfields. I stocked up on it last year and was going to use it but someone said it could stall you. So, I set it aside. Now my son is 13 and his new chore chart has him learning how to make a dinner once a week. He has mastered tacos and is working on spaghetti with meat sauce tonight. Out came the dreamfields...lol... what they don't know won't hurt right?...lol.


If you have used dreamfields in your diet successfully please let me know. I have cases of the stuff. The possibilities are endless. I really miss pasta salad. I hate spaghetti but the boys love it. I am thinking that the people that may have stalled and said it was because of dreamfields only stalled because they ate so much thinking it was an "ok" food item.



I've used Dreamfields and haven't found it to stall me, but, I make sure that I take a portion and not more and don't have it often. Maybe once every 2 weeks, no more than that.

I find it pretty tasty - make sure you don't overcook it. ;)

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I've used Dreamfields in pre-maintenance with no problems. Another one I love is Barilla Plus. It has protein, fiber, and Omega 3's. I've used that in OWL with no problems at all--but only about once or twice a month & I really watch my portions.:)

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Thank you both so much for the quick responses.


I enjoyed my sons dinner even without garlic bread. I am going to make

some pasta salad for this weekend. I will definitely watch my portions.


I am going with my hubby to his softball tournament in wenatchee this

weekend and I don't want it to be a fast food weekend, so, I am going to make

us breakfast saturday morning. For lunch I'll make a cobb salad and dinner will

be the pasta.


We can enjoy a restaurant breakfast better than an unhealthy dinner saturday night.


Thank you again.


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Hi there-


I found the chips at our pike's place market. Fortunately, on the bag it says Janeen Farms. Unfortunately, they do not have a website. So, if any one is interested, I can pick some up and ship it out. It's one pound of chips for $7.50. It was well worth it. If anyone is ambitious to try dehydrating the veggies and then frying them up please let me know how that turns out. I will let you know when I am in Seattle again.


I have a huge commercial dehydrator that does 4 sheetpans but I am so busy I have no time to do it...and I am not a patient person...lol...maybe this summer. It was worth it. I did not lose probably because of all the salt I took in.


Mary- I know what you mean about feeling deprived. I hope that info helped. I don't mind shipping you some of those chips if you can't find them.






That is such a nice offer! Yes, please do let us know when you're going as I for one would love to have something crunchy yet legal, LOL.


Hubby and I did not have such a good low carb day. He only ate 2 oz. of cheese for breakfast and he had a doctor's appointment so we intended on eating a late lunch out. Well, I told him that a diabetic can't have just 2 oz. of cheese until 3pm so I got home from work and soft boiled him an egg which left me very little time to get ready. Added to that, the office asked us to come in early so we figured we'd eat after instead of before but ended up waiting in the "little room" for over an hour because of a crisis so "lunch" ended up being at 4:30. Needless to say I was starved and had a killer headache. We ate at a Mexican restaurant and I had corn, corn, corn...the chips and salsa, a taco, an enchilada. :o Of course, a key to eating this way is to not let yourself get so hungry you just grab and eat and that's where I was today.


So, hubby had a weigh in and had lost over 5 pounds in two weeks. I weigh in tomorrow and, besides the corn, we didn't get home in time to walk so I don't see the news being good in any way. Oh well, tomorrow is Friday and that's never a bad thing so at least I have something to look forward to, LOL. I hope everyone else was more successful than I was today! :) Mary

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See what I miss when my computer is acting up and then at work the let you know they are monitoring the internet access cuz of a virus we got. Errrrrrrrrrr. Life gets in the way of my computer life!!


Taking the laptop in this weekend. Not sure how long it will have to stay to get fixed. Better be quick!


Still working and actually doing some OT today. Gotta get that last bit of OT in before I leave for my cruise, next Friday. I can't believe it is almost here.


I started goals on March 1 and I have made them so far or just about too. Not necessarily all weight goals. Mainly exercise goals. I did have an "ultimate dream goal" but I knew that wasn't going to happen, so I knew I would be happy with half that weight gone, and it is!!


I have been watching and counting what I eat. I think in June I will need to switch over to my own plan of "healthy eating" for me. I need to start watching my cholesterol level etc.... so I am just going to try to really watch my bad carbs, throw in more low glycemic foods etc... and not just go strict Atkins. Atkins really helps me focus and know what to eat for me. So I think I will do okee dokee with it.


I love the WOE with Atkins as that is more my style of food. I am not a big potato/pasta person anyway. So, I will be checking in here when possible. I guess I just have to be patient. Besides, I love all the recipes too!!


Hopefully, I can post before I leave on the cruise. As long as my computer comes back healthy!!

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I am sooooooooooo relieved and just had to share...in spite of my Mexican feast, I lost 5 lbs. over the past two weeks! :D Whew!!!


Made a huge pot of vegetable beef soup today and ate on plan and exercised my butt off...well, not literally...wouldn't it be nice if it went that easily???LOL


And, to cap it all off...it's Friday!!!!! So, happy Friday everyone!! :)

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I am sooooooooooo relieved and just had to share...in spite of my Mexican feast, I lost 5 lbs. over the past two weeks! :D Whew!!!


Made a huge pot of vegetable beef soup today and ate on plan and exercised my butt off...well, not literally...wouldn't it be nice if it went that easily???LOL


And, to cap it all off...it's Friday!!!!! So, happy Friday everyone!! :)



Hooray for you!

I read your previous post and that is so typical of me and most of us, I'm sure.

Don't let yourself get THAT hungry.

I'm glad all your previous hard work prevailed :)



I am one of those who weighs daily (but I generally record only once a week) - it helps me keep a reality check

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Hey Everyone - Hope you are all having a great Sunday afternoon!

We went hiking yesterday - a fantastic day!- The got home and working in the yard, at least with warmer weather and longer days - it's easier to keep busy. Forgot to even weigh in this weekend - will tomorrow.


Mary - Fantastic results!! And for your hubby too!


I'll check in tomorrow with you guys - How's everyone doing?

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Hi everyone!


My name is Erica. I haven't posted here in a long time. When I was on Atkins, I lost 25 pounds. My cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improved also. Unfortunately, I gained it all back with stress. Well, I am about to start it again. I am doing something a little different. I've been researching different recipes and getting ready. I think my favorite recipe are the lettuce wraps. I can't wait to eat those. I've bought up all kinds of vegetables.


I had one slight problem when I was on Atkins. I still had cravings. You all will not believe this but come to find out, it was the beef that was giving me cravings. Now, I don't eat any red meat. No pork, no beef. I only eat chicken, turkey, and fish. I will be checking in to this thread at least 3 times a week. I'm pushing for everyday. I gotta do this, for me, my future, and my nephew (energy). I've been on SFS site and Cleo too. They are my inspiration. I'll be posting my stats on here as well as my website.


Does anyone have a good recipe for cooking ground turkey?


By the way, eventually I'm going to buy an excalibur dehydrator.



Edited by Easy_Sailing
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Hi all!!


First of all, thanks for all the kind words about my weight loss and my hubby! I am still feeling the relief of seeing that little needle move!


We FINALLY have some rain here in Florida and it's a boon to my dust bowl lawn BUT it does put a damper on my daily walks. Yesterday I walked on my treadmill and it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!!! :( I had every excuse not to walk tonight...woke up at 4am due to the major feminine "issue" accompanied by cramps all day...still raining...hubby not home so no one to walk with. Anyway, I tried so hard to talk myself out of exercising and then...the guilt set in...so I put on a hooded jacket and walked when the rain slowed to a drizzle. As I was walking, I realized...I'm one of those people!!! You know, the ones you see walking/running in the rain, sleet, snow, or on the hottest days...the ones you pass by in your car and think...yeah, they're a little touched in the head!!! Now I know...it's guilt that drives them!!!!!LOL All I could think about was how guilty I would feel and how angry I would be at myself if I didn't walk. So yeah...now I'm touched in the head too! :)


Actually I guess exercise becomes a little addictive because it does feel so good afterward.


So, for those days when walking outside is absolutely impossible...any ideas how I can make the treadmill more palatable??? I've tried music, reading, books on tape, no tv in the room so can't do that. We paid so much for the darn thing and I hate it!!LOL


Hope everyone is having a good week so far! Mary

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Hi everyone!


My name is Erica. I haven't posted here in a long time. When I was on Atkins, I lost 25 pounds. My cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improved also. Unfortunately, I gained it all back with stress. Well, I am about to start it again. I am doing something a little different. I've been researching different recipes and getting ready. I think my favorite recipe are the lettuce wraps. I can't wait to eat those. I've bought up all kinds of vegetables.


I had one slight problem when I was on Atkins. I still had cravings. You all will not believe this but come to find out, it was the beef that was giving me cravings. Now, I don't eat any red meat. No pork, no beef. I only eat chicken, turkey, and fish. I will be checking in to this thread at least 3 times a week. I'm pushing for everyday. I gotta do this, for me, my future, and my nephew (energy). I've been on SFS site and Cleo too. They are my inspiration. I'll be posting my stats on here as well as my website.


Does anyone have a good recipe for cooking ground turkey?


By the way, eventually I'm going to buy an excalibur dehydrator.





Hi Erica :)


I am wondering how you found out that the beef gave you cravings?? That's very interesting. I love looking up recipes to keep this WOL interesting and I would assume anything you use ground beef for (as long as it's cooked thoroughly) would work with ground turkey. SOMEBODY PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG! I will add two recipes that use ground beef here and you see if you think they'd be good with ground turkey. Again, sorry if I'm repeating some that have already been posted. Hope they help! Mary


this is from food network and allows using ground pork so it must be cooked enough to use ground turkey..I made this using beef and it was really good.






Tomato Topping:


  • 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauceshowlist_icon.gif
  • 1 (6-ounce) can tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup sugarshowlist_icon.gif substitute (recommended: Splenda)
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar or water
  • 2 pounds ground chuck (may use meatshowlist_icon.gif loaf mixshowlist_icon.gif with ground pork)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan
  • 1/4 cup red onion, diced small
  • 1/4 cup roasted or fresh red bell peppers, diced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 pound prosciutto, or any type of ham, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 pound provolone cheeseshowlist_icon.gif, sliced



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a small bowl, mix together the tomato topping ingredients. Set aside. You may add a few drops of water to thin to a ketchup consistency.

In a large bowl, mix together the beef, eggs, Parmesan, vegetables, herbs, and seasonings.

Working on a waxed paper lined sheet pan or counter, form meatloaf mix into a 10 by 8-inch flat rectangle on the waxed paper. Place a layer of prosciutto slices on top, followed by a layer of provolone slices. Roll up the stuffed meatloaf mix like a burrito and seal the edges all around by pinching the meat.

Place the roll, seam side down, into a 5 by 9-inch loaf pan. Spread a heavy coat of the tomato topping to completely cover the top of the meatloaf. Place in oven and bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until the temperature on a meat thermometer registers 165 degrees F. Drain fat and let rest at least 10 minutes before slicing.


I use this next one to make taco salad...I add the whole recipe (plus a little water) to 1lb cooked ground beef, simmer for a few minutes, and then put it on salad greens with cheese, sour cream, etc. I would think if you mixed it up and then added it to the cooked ground turkey, a bit at a time, you would be able to adjust it to your taste. This one is from allrecipes which is a great site to search using the ingredients (like ground turkey) you want and those (noodles, rice, potatoes) you don't using their ingredient search engine.



1 tablespoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon onion powder

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon black pepper



1.In a small bowl, mix together chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, red pepper flakes, oregano, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper. Store in an airtight container.

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Greetings everyone!

Mary, thank you for the recipes. I've been on the Atkins Bulletin Board all day. I'll definitely check out those recipes with beef and make a substitution.

I found out I was getting food cravings from beef by accident (pork doesn't give me cravings like beef does, but I still don't eat it). I hadn't eaten hamburgers in a week and a half, and at first I thought it was bread. To be safe, for about a month, I didn't eat beef or bread. I stayed away from beef because I knew if I started eating beef, I'd be tempted to eat bread. Well, one day we were at Logans and I just had to eat the yummy yeast rolls. I ate 3 of them. The next couple of days I was like oh boy. But the cravings never hit me. I was like huph. Well, my mother cooked a beef dish and I tried it. Not only did the cravings hit me hard, but because I hadn't had beef in a while, it didn't agree with my digestive system.

I go to this wellness doctor who does foot detox. When people eat red meat and get them, their water is very dark, murky and you can see the parasites at the bottom of the bucket. When a person who doesn't eat red meat get a foot detox, their water is way lighter. I've seen this with my own eyes. Don't be sick with a cold. ewwww I think I'm going to get a foot detox next week.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Welcome back Easy! Ohh my goodness!! [I]Parasites!![/I][/FONT][/SIZE] :eek: [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I feel the need to do a cleanse... no, seriously, I eat mostly chicken, no matter when or why for some reason, even tho I live on a working cattle ranch...(albeit small ~ some 30 or so cows, plus bull & calves)...I always laugh when I hear the 'eat more chicken' commercials, & I think 'I [I]can't[/I], that's about all I [I]do [/I]eat!!':p

I hope all are doing well on their low~carb journey. Sad to say, I have exceeded my carb limit the past couple of weeks because the first fruits in ETex are coming in...I mean the dew berries, early cling peaches, etc.... next will be the plums...mmmmm man, how can you resist fresh fruit right off the vine or trees...I am crazy for pick & eat things! heheheh:p

The plant business is somewhat slowing down some, the weather has been fantastic, which is great because our a/c is on the brink, even tho we spent several hundred dollars already to 'gas' it up & have it checked out...I guess after 25 years it is due to be replaced...durrr...Wowzers, it is hard to believe I have been in one spot for that long, but I have...:D;)

NMJean, & others...hope all is well. I haven't been posting much, but do check in daily!
Keep it low carb, guys & gals! Statistics are on our side, read the research ~ yay!!
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[quote name='cerabella'][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]
I hope all are doing well on their low~carb journey. Sad to say, I have exceeded my carb limit the past couple of weeks because the first fruits in ETex are coming in...I mean the dew berries, early cling peaches, etc.... next will be the plums...mmmmm man, how can you resist fresh fruit right off the vine or trees...I am crazy for pick & eat things! heheheh:p


I try to ONLY eat fruit that is in season where I am living. ;)

I can still remember the taste and texture of strawberries and blackberries I picked myself and peaches picked by my brother. The stuff they sell around here, year round, that has been picked 3-4 weeks before it should have been, then packed and shipped, resembles what it is supposed to look like, but has 1/8 the flavor if that much.
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Hi all!
FINALLY got my laptop fixed from the bad virus I had.
Now that it is fixed and I can post, I leave tomorrow for our cruise. LOL

Hoping I can stay low carb and do well. I think I will be good. I usually loose on a cruise as breakfast is so simple, lunch I usually don't eat much and dinner I am so picky that I usually end up with just a salad and maybe some meat. So usually very low carb all day long.

Keepin' my fingers crossed. I will come back in and post when I return.
Only 1-1/2 more hours of work tonight and then I am outta here!!!
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[quote name='Roadtripster']Hi all!
Only 1-1/2 more hours of work tonight and then I am outta here!!![/quote]

JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I can't wait to hear all the details! I do have a trip to Vegas planned that is coming up in July and I am excited about that BUT there is nothing like cruising!!!! Mary
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone! Happy Friday, Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Happy Low Carb - are ya Happy yet? :D:p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm staying pretty steady these days. But a few changes I'm trying to adjust too: About a month ago I had to have some tests done, which included blood work and with the bottom line - my doctor is not at all happy with my high cholestrol readings! So, in agreement, I've had to limit beef to once a week. Right now I am staying pretty strict with that. I have to bring my points down - a Lot. Can't say it's all Atkins WOE....high cholestrol seems to be a battle in my family. But I'm trying to work my WOE around more of I guess you'd call it low carb/low fat - AND I Know that it isn't supposed to 'work' that way - but you guys know I've been more of a - see what works for you- kind of poster. I continue to walk/hike in the evenings - at least 4 times a week, along with right now - a lot of yard work and re-modeling the patio on our home. So that's it with me right now.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tripster - Have a Fantastic time! I'm with Mary.... jealous that your going! I wish we had a Cruise booked![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - Yeah, I'm with you on that fresh off the tree/bush fruit...nothing like it![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Easy - Nice to see you back! ...and I'm glad you found that trigger for cravings!! Isn't it funny how all of our systems are so different!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mary - Good for you for getting out and walking in the rain! I see people walking and running in the heat here and I don't think they are crazy :p - but dedicated and motivated - so what ever gets you out and moving - that's great! I love my time on the treadmill - I entertain myself with things on my iPod - or TV, I know you said you don't have one in that room. How about a magazine? I don't run though...just walk...so if it's BIG print I can kind of read my way through a good work out. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, you guys have a great weekend! Remember: Take the time to be thankful for those who served for our Country! And if you can, thank them personally![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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Hey guys!

I wanted to say that I've started running again. So proud of myself. DH said he would too but I'm sure you all know the resolve of one's spouse during times like these is never as strong as our own. But its ok...becuase I go running with or without him. I've been everyday (except 2 days this weekend when I was working 12s 3 days in a row) for almost a week. Really not pushing- just a couple miles at a time right now and I will slowly increase. The first day my lungs hurt so much. Now my body is slowly adjusting. I think I'll be up to 3 miles soon. I already have a 4 and 5 mile course picked out so that I can get my mileage up there!

The weather here is lovely and I've been doing lots outside! DH and I are going to take a long walk tomorrow am and do some errands on foot. Yes, I love summer weather!!!!

Next winter (Jan/Feb) I'm planning on a trip to Europe and Africa. We're going to give NCL another go (most likely) and will cruise out of BCN to Morrocco with a little land adventure exploration in Portugal before and a little bit in Spain after. I'm waiting to book until the fall when I can confirm 3 weeks (roughly) off of work. I can't get 3 weekends or we'd be taking the 12 night cruise to Egypt out of BCN. However, I still think this will be a great trip and I'm looking forward to it and preplanning now.

Probably won't be needing my bikini body there but I'm on a quest to get in shape for a wedding this September. I'm not a bridesmaid so I'm going to find another killer dress (probably in a purple of some sort!) that I can show off my body in! Motivation is key here right????

We took a great weekend trip to Niagara Falls (highly recommended if you've never been there!) and wine country there this month. We'll probably do another fun weekend trip this summer and then it will be a long stretch without any big trips until next winter...

I wish I could cruise for our trip this summer but I know I can't get time off from work in the summer so I've gotta get out and back in 4 days time. It makes flights tough. And why is Disney so darn expensive????????????????? Its the big 30 this summer... I'm freaking out about it and want an amazing trip-- suggestions welcome...

pink Edited by Pinkbikini
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[quote name='Pinkbikini']Hey guys!

I wanted to say that I've started running again. So proud of myself. DH said he would too but I'm sure you all know the resolve of one's spouse during times like these is never as strong as our own. But its ok...becuase I go running with or without him. I've been everyday (except 2 days this weekend when I was working 12s 3 days in a row) for almost a week. Really not pushing- just a couple miles at a time right now and I will slowly increase. The first day my lungs hurt so much. Now my body is slowly adjusting. I think I'll be up to 3 miles soon. I already have a 4 and 5 mile course picked out so that I can get my mileage up there!

The weather here is lovely and I've been doing lots outside! DH and I are going to take a long walk tomorrow am and do some errands on foot. Yes, I love summer weather!!!!

Next winter (Jan/Feb) I'm planning on a trip to Europe and Africa. We're going to give NCL another go (most likely) and will cruise out of BCN to Morrocco with a little land adventure exploration in Portugal before and a little bit in Spain after. I'm waiting to book until the fall when I can confirm 3 weeks (roughly) off of work. I can't get 3 weekends or we'd be taking the 12 night cruise to Egypt out of BCN. However, I still think this will be a great trip and I'm looking forward to it and preplanning now.

Probably won't be needing my bikini body there but I'm on a quest to get in shape for a wedding this September. I'm not a bridesmaid so I'm going to find another killer dress (probably in a purple of some sort!) that I can show off my body in! Motivation is key here right????

We took a great weekend trip to Niagara Falls (highly recommended if you've never been there!) and wine country there this month. We'll probably do another fun weekend trip this summer and then it will be a long stretch without any big trips until next winter...

I wish I could cruise for our trip this summer but I know I can't get time off from work in the summer so I've gotta get out and back in 4 days time. It makes flights tough. And why is Disney so darn expensive????????????????? Its the big 30 this summer... I'm freaking out about it and want an amazing trip-- suggestions welcome...


Hello Pink :)

Yes, I totally agree about the hubby situation...we walk every day but I've only gotten him up to a mile and a half and I'm more than ready to kick it up a notch but he is sooooooooooooo not. Fortunately, one of my clients told me I can use her pool this summer so I plan on being able to swim laps a few days per week. So funny....she took the hint when I said I would kill for a pool. :o

I live in FL and am assuming you don't since you're enjoying the great summer weather, LOL. You mentioned Disney and your birthday and I wanted to remind you that Disney offers free admission on your birthday this year. They also do some sort of special fast pass (front of the line) thing for you on the big day.

Some other suggestions for a quick trip: Biltmore in Asheville, NC is a beautiful place to visit especially summer/fall. [URL]http://www.biltmore.com/[/URL] Touring the house and grounds can be done in a day and they turned the dairy into a winery. Lake George or Lake Placid in NY are gorgeous as well and so much to see and do. And one of my favorites that I miss so much since I moved south is Lancaster, PA. I love seeing the Amish driving in their horse and buggies, and shopping in the outlets and farmer's markets and they have some really nice B&B's there as well.

Ok, I could go on and on as I love to travel but I'll just say one more thing before I close. Don't sweat 30...I did and really...it was much better than this year which was my 40th!!!!!!!!!! BRUTAL!!!!!!!!:eek:

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Well hey there, Pink!

You have a lot going on! First, don't freak out about the big 3-0. Life begins at 30!:) I will admit that sometimes it's hard to convince the body of that, but anyway...

I didn't know Disney was celebrating the birthdays...hmmm...but if you're missing out on a cruise, have you ever been to the Florida panhandle? Destin/Navarre/Ft. Walton Beach are all beautiful, and you can pack a lot of fun & relaxation into 4 days.

Europe & Africa sounds awesome. Good to "see" you!
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Hi Atkins buddies,

Still here & still going! I've been very good with my eating, with very few exceptions. I've had a couple of good losses the past couple of weeks, and I have begun to get a little more consistency to my exercise. The kids are finishing school today, so we will be spending a lot of time at the gym.

Hope y'all are doing great!
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