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Anyone on Atkins?


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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wednesday!! Yea!! Middle of the week and we head to the Mountains tomorrow afternoon!! The kids are also coming up for the weekend too...just in various shifts. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - so sorry about your heat down there - I do hear that it's cooking! Will you start to get some summer rains to help things out? Cool things down - or is that what everyone looks for with fall?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm just staying the same - Hiked pretty far last night - it felt good! There was a breeze to keep the bugs off...I like that![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think I'll try and keep the carbs to a low roar this weekend :p and with being more active then sitting at my desk -- hopes of my short / pants getting a bit baggier (is that a word? ) would be a good encouragment for me! The scales are stuck...just stuck I say! :o[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I do have to say that I love the grilled foods this time of year! 1) easy to do 2) clean up is very little! = gives me more time to get what I need done![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, You all have a great low carb day...I'll check back later![/FONT] Edited by NMCruzzin
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[COLOR=darkorchid]Hi! I haven't been here in a while. I have been buzy on the Obesityhelp.com boards. I went and got a Lap Band. The diet I was told to follow is so Atkins. I was hoping the band would give me the extra help I needed to say with it. Now I'm having trouble getting in solid protein. Hopefully I be back to normal in a couple days.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorchid]I lost 60 pounds the first year I did Atkins, gained and lost 20 the second year and kept the 60 off the third year. I was totally happy with the life. Than life happened and I fell out of the life style. I know it works. I went back on while I was waiting for surgery and was able to lose 20 pounds. Including thru the holidays and several cruise.[/COLOR]
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Hello All :)

Well, it's been a busy week and I'm sooooooooooooo glad it's Friday! Wanted to share some health stuff so for those not interested in fiber results, pass on by this post, LOL!

Hubby had to get a colonoscopy on Monday so prep day was Sunday and I spent a lot of time trying to comfort/cheer him up. So here's the interesting thing: his system is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow...last colonoscopy (3 years ago) he drank the whole gallon of prep stuff and...NOTHING!! Seriously, nothing happened. He had to use other liquids and we had a hell of a time clearing his system. Now, this time he's doing Atkins and taking a daily fiber supplement. He was 3 glasses away from finishing the gallon and everything moved as it should. What a difference!!! Yet more evidence that Atkins is getting his whole system back on track. :D

So while on the subject of fiber...wanted to share a flax meal idea...I was heating up some homemade veggie beef soup and really wanted bread to go with. I decided to make one of those minute flax muffins without the cinnamon. I sliced it up into 4 rounds, toasted the rounds in a toaster oven, and then brushed them with a mixture that is used for homemade Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits (I made them last Thanksgiving as my brother and sis-in-law like Red Lobster)...it was butter, garlic powder, onion flakes, parsley, and a little salt. Boy were they good!!! Nice bread substitution. Those flax muffins are really flexible!! You know, I am assuming you all already have the recipe but, just in case, I will paste it below. Bless whoever came up with that recipe!!

We've been eating so well...sticking to the plan and really enjoying ourselves. I convinced hubby to make his Ceasar dressing and I cut up fresh greens and grilled chicken breast. What a feast that was! I made scrambled eggs the other day with garlic herb boursin...really sinful and so good!

Also still walking everyday...the bummer is that our 11 yo Jack Russell (Lucie) loves to go with us but is not able to go the distance...yesterday we had to carry her 3/4 of the way. :( I'm thinking maybe arthritis?? She's still so energetic but the heat and the long walk just do her in. I hate that we have such a short time with our pets.

Well, that's about all the excitement here...sad isn't it???LOL Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday night!


[SIZE=3](from the Everything Atkins forum) One minute muffin: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]serving size: 1 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]1/4 cup flax meal [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]1/2 teaspoon baking powder [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]1 packet splenda [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]1 teaspoon cinnamon [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]1 large egg [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]1 teaspoon butter [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Put dry ingredients in a coffee mug. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Stir. Then add the egg and butter. Mix. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Microwave 1 minute or more. Take out, slice, butter, eat. [/SIZE]
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Still going strong! I've decided to do the 30-day challenge with the EA SPORTS Active personal trainer with the Wii Fit (and the gym, and any other activities I happen to involve myself in):), and it seems to be working! I have to really go gangbusters for my contest with DH, our deadline is August 1 & I'm 10 pounds away from my minimum weight loss (we decided to set a minimum for each of us, since the prize is a trip--that way one of us doesn't get to slack off & go on a trip anyway).

So I've been seeing some results...I've been doing it a week & I lost 1.7 pounds this last week. I've been either losing .5 at a time or staying the same, or a combination of both. Bottom line, that goal you see on my ticker was supposed to be for August 1. It's not going to happen, but I want to see just how far I can make it by then.

Hi Jean! How much fiber do you get? Have you tried kicking your exercise up a few notches to combat the cholesterol? It may help you to know that there are some people who follow doctors' supposedly "heart-healthy" (although we know better) ultra-low-fat & cholesterol diets, who exercise regularly & still have to take the medicine. It's in their genes. I did read recently that egg yolks only raise HDL, so some doctors are changing that recommendation--but of course you need to do what your doctor tells you. I hope the numbers change soon!

Cerabella ~ you can do it! Just remember consistency is key!

Melody ~ good to see you! That's great that you were able to lose the 20 pounds before the surgery. You can do it!

Mary ~ what a great idea for the muffins! How very creative! I love the muffins & should eat them more. I especially love them with blueberries. I think I'll have one today!:D

Hi to everyone else! Don't let inconsistency or giving in convince you that this WOE doesn't work! It is for life, and it works for life, if we work for life!:)
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hey all, this thread has sure slowed down I suppose as summer has got us all so busy...
Congrats MelodyPine on losing...I have a friend who is scheduled for lap band sometime in August. I hope this works for her...I need to tell her about that site for help & advice if she's so inclined...

I have never tried that muffin recipe, Mary, tho I have seen it several times. I will have to get over the idea that only my [I]coffee, tea, or soup[/I] should go in that mug...hehehe:p

Lisa ~ girl, you must be quite the athlete! Hope you win your contest w/ hubby, but don't tell him you've got us all rooting for YOU!! GO!! GO!! GO!!:D

And, finally ~ Jean, I did see your shout out on your 'active' site...hmmm, yes, I will join, I [I]will[/I]!! ;) Yes, girl it is on fire hot here...can't hardly bear to go out after 12 o'clock, my yard & flowers are sooo suffering, & no relief in immediate sight...My little girl Cera is hot too. An occasional ice cube seems to make her happy, tho ( & it's 'low carb' too!)

DH has grilled in the eve, tho the air temp is as hot as the grill...steak Mon. eve, hamburgers Tue. eve...don't know about this eve, maybe just a large salad w/ sliced turkey breast, etc...Hope all are hanging in there - keep up the good work & at least an occasional post to let us know!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Bridget! Welcome![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Kiddos! Well....it is one busy summer for me! I'm only working M-Th, so I'm cramming my work in 4 days, then work around the house on Fri - so I can play on Sat & Sun. Or .. We head to the mountains and don't get back until Sun afternoon - which makes it a quick weekend! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm up 2 ... ugh... could be those smores from camping.... good going down...and now I'm having to work them off. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I continue to take Sadie out on the Mesa 3 nights a week - but it has to cool down enough to get out there! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - I think you enjoy Sfly...everyone really loves checking out each others pics....! Let me know when your up! I'm also in charge of a family site for a big Reunion next year. I hear from the other TX girls that it is just cooking down there![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa! Good to see ya around!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Melody Pine - So glad you stopped in - I've been wondering how your doing! I hope you get in a good healthy routine soon!! And I know you will feel better! Hang in there![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Where's Curly?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mary - That's really interesting the changes for your DH!!! And a good recipe!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok...so that's about it for me![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a great weekend!![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Kiddos!
Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July! Fire up those grills and get something yummy sizzling on top if it! :D In my case it'd be some chicken of some sort...but that's ok!:p I love grilled chicken and even though I'm a lot stricter now with what I'm eating in hopes of all the walking, fiber and only beef 2xs a week ... I'll start getting in healthier levels from my cholestrol.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It is a family thing.....but I thought I could dodge that bullet...but doesn't look like it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]We are headed to the Mountains for a 4 day weekend - and lots of new trails to hike! We should get rain showers in the afternoon...so we'll see if we can get a good hike in the morning in. :)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So How's everyone doing? What are your 4th of July Plans? [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hope all are on plan & keeping accountable...lots of all beef weinees for the weekend, eh?? Personally holding steady, but that's ok...I think I am my worst critic. I do eat mostly on plan & am quite active, I just wish about 10 of these stubborn lbs would just take a hike & never find their way back...Then I could work on the next 10 or so!!!:p

MsJean, heard Rio Rancho on the weather channel about the death from lightning...so sad. We also had a pretty active storm blow thru so the two dogs were 'horsing' to get in the house away from all that!! In years past, we have actually lost several cattle who naturally bunch up under trees. I always worry about my horses...so far, so good.

DH has been grilling up a storm ~ in fact, he wants to give the current grill to DS in San Antonio ( where I got a mini vaca to this past week!) & get one of those really cool, enticing models he drools over at Sams...oh well, as long as [I]he[/I] cooks, all is well!!:D;)

Keep it low carb!
[/FONT][/SIZE] Edited by cerabella
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[COLOR=magenta]Hi All! I have been away for some time (computer crashed) and so did I[/COLOR]:rolleyes:
[COLOR=magenta]But, glad to see my buddies are still keeping the faith:D I have gained about 13lbs since I got on the wrong track......grrrrrr. I started Atkins last week and I feel better already. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]We are going to Dallas next month and I can't imagine sitting on a plane when I feel so puffy and fat....just not comfortable:o I hope to be down to a more comfortable size by then.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]I found a wonderful fast food salad this week at Arby's! It's the farmhouse chopped salad....yummo! It is perfect for Atkins! It is chopped lettuce, chopped onion, chopped tomato, bacon, cheese, and chicken......WOW![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]I was in a hurry so the chopped salad was quick and yummy;) You guys may have discovered this little jewel?[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff00ff] I am hooked![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Mary- Thanks for the recipe for the muffin. Where do I find flax meal?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Lisa- You still in Cordova?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Jean- You are still my inspiration:D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]P.S. I will get a pic of my Sadie for you to see.....she is getting sooooo big! We still don't know what kind of dog she is......except spoiled:p[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Pink- You hang in there![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]I will be thinking of you guys this week-end......be good![/COLOR]
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hi ya Annie3468!! I do think the ole Atkins group has hit a summer hiatus!! Sorry to hear about your computer...( & [I]you!![/I]) Wouldn't it be so cool to say...'Ummm, I went [I]off[/I] Atkins for a while & I [I]lost[/I] an amazing 13 lbs!!' Hehehe!!:p Somehow it just doesn't work that way, sad to say...but the key is we all know the way to actually get results if we just actually stick with the program & ([SIZE=1]shhh...exercise..[/SIZE].)!!!;)

I have noted on some other threads there is still a lot of mis- info about low carb WOE...like it is [I]NO[/I] carb....[I]not[/I] healthy, [I]impossible[/I] to do, yada yada yada...:confused: Oh well, I do know that 'one size does not fit all', but still who can argue with the large amounts of documentation that supports a low ~ carb WOE as one of the most successful, healthiest WOE currently being analyzed....

This is certainly the time of year to benefit from seasonal vegetables & fruit which we are doing!! Although DH & I grow plants commercially on a relatively small scale, we usually forgo growing things that we can actually [I]eat[/I]!! This year we have taken the time to plant a few things for us that are edible...some tomatoes, squash, jalepenos, etc...Yay!! We have been harvesting some of the fruits of our labors!! :D

Keep it low carb guys & gals!! Don't be shy! Tell us what has been working or not!!:p
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=magenta]Hey there Cerabella! Thanks for the shout~out......yep, good time of year for the fresh veggies;) Since we live in TN we grill all year long, but just about every night in the summer....love it[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]I know what you mean about those poor and uninformed folks that want to poo-poo the Atkins WOE.....geeeze. My doctor says that Atkins is just eating what God put here for us........meats, veggies, fruits (within reason) but not the McDonalds and Baskin Robbins for heavens sake:eek:......it's when man started to interfere with nature that we got in trouble[/SIZE][/FONT];)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Bridget- you should be slim and trim by November:cool: And you will sure feel better. Cruising in very Atkins friendly, but, you can also indulge a little and walk it off in ports:p Good luck girl, keep up posted![/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Have a great week-end guys![/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Annie:)[/COLOR][/FONT]
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As a type II diabetic I have researched Atkins etc. and Glycemic Index and Glycemic Rating. I did my first Atkins in the 60's at the same time my future wife was doing the Air Force diet. Both diets seem the same. Lately my carbs got out of control and my blood sugar was running too high so I started on long lasting insulin along with my pills, I still wasn't a good boy and I had to go on Regular insulin along with the long lasting insuling. When that happened I started gaining a pound a week.
Most people don't know that when you eat fat your blood sugar does not raise up at all, when you eat protein it rises by 50% and when you eat complex carbs it rises by 350%. When your blood sugar rises your Pancreas creates insulin to lower the blood sugar level. Insulins other job is to create cholesterol. So you see the problem here, eating complex carbs makes your body create a lot of extra cholesterol and when your body has used enough cholesterol to build new tissue/bones etc it has to do something with all that extra cholesterol and what it does IS STORE IT AS FAT. You don't get fat by eating FAT you get fat by eating complex carbs.
I lose a pound on each cruise by eating bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, some fish or meat in the dining room at lunch and by eating part of an apertizer at diner and just the fish or meat at the main course.
My wife says no one would gain any weight if they just eat the portions served at lunch and dinner.:)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Monday! yeah...it's 10:00 and already HOT! This is the part on summer that I hear myself saying "come on fall!"...:p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So did everyone have a good weekend? We went to Sam's yesterday and just by what I was putting in the basket, hubby says "cutting down on the carbs, huh?"...ya THINK!? :rolleyes: I see my Dr today about my cholestrol....but I think that staying more chicken and fish - beef no more then 2x's a week...I have to think that it's getting better! I have to go to my favorite place for some veggies now and we'll be set! .... but what great fruit is this time of the year!! That's what I'm leaning towards, and I even tell myself to have some....just don't eat the whole watermelon!! LOL!:p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Annie!! Good to see you around girl!...Grilling each night - does it get any easier than that?! And your Dr is right....clean eating...keep with the meals that you know what's in there!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella!! Jalepenos, Tomatoes...are you making fresh salsa?! YUMM! And you plant things for 6 mo of the year...I'm surprised that you don't always have a garden type to have fresh items! If our ground could grow more then cactus...I'd have a garden! LOL![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Bridget...How ya doing?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]DavidPatrick - - It is proven that you eat junk loaded carbs and your sugar does go sky high!! And if you eat protein..with veggies for your carbs..things stay stable!! Your Right!...and Thanks for posting! Portion control....another reminder![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, got to get to the stuff on my desk! [/FONT]
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Hi Everyone,
I've been MIA for sometime now. So I figured i'd come back in and say hey. :)
I went off track for awhile.. and feeling blah because of it. So today I
start over with my induction. Thankfully i'm still down 20 of the 25lbs
I lost.

Hope your all doing well, and I hope to stop in more frequently.
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[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=magenta][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sports Mom- good thing you reeled yourself back in and didn't do the damage that I did[/FONT]:eek:[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Mondays are sooooo busy, so I stopped at KFC and got a bucket of the new grilled chicken.......folks, I think I found a winner:D I got some green beans for the side (pot/gravy for hubby):rolleyes: It's hard to resist that temptation, but, the prize is soooooo much more satisfying:p I lost three of those thirteen pesky pounds.......it's gonna take some time-----grrrrr.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]DavidPatrick- thanks for the words of wisdom, please share any helps/hints you have learned over the years......P.S. What's the "Air Force" diet?[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Have a great week ya'll![/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#ff00ff]Annie:)[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Wow...it's already getting hot outside! :mad: I did take Sadie out for a walk last night before it go to dark...at least there was an evening breeze that kept the bugs off and the sweat evaporating! LOL!
Had another Dr visit...he said that he still wanted me on something to bring my cholestrol down - however, it focus' on cholestrol..so if I eat low carb / 'lower' fat - yeah, I know - that I should still be able to work on my weight goals and cholestrol at the same time. :confused: So...I have my work cut out for me - but I'm in the same boat as you all....If I don't keep my carbs in check for maintaining..or losing..then I'm a big cheat and the pounds come back. So...what I have done is..yup, weighed in this morning to know where I'm starting at, know what I'm having for lunch and supper and in this process 1) take off some more weight 2) watch my high fat intake 3) lower my cholestrol 4) and have a fun and happy summer LOL!! :p Any more miracles I should be focusing on..you can tell me! LOL!
I saw this, this morning:
"Laughing is great exercise, it's like jogging on the inside!"
Hmmm...can I laugh my self thin?!?!

Sports-Mom - good to see you again!! I see your photos over on the other board - so much fun!

Annie- I have had the KFC grilled...not to bad!! And so fast! and yep..the green beans too! Now that's some picnic food, huh!! ha ha

Ok, ... Back to work!
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Hello everyone!!!!

Like SugarFreeSheila, I am 5'3" and at 145 pounds. My ideal weight is 105, as a size 3. I think if she can do it, I can do it!

had foot surgery and gained the extra pounds and nothing I do seems to get it off. I have tried Weight Watchers and all that. I think I am ready for the Atkins "lifestyle change" so I can get my old body back and feel better.

I need some help! where do I start? Do I need to buy a book that tells me step by step what to do and what i can eat? is there a website I need to join?

I am ready, just need some guidance and support !!!!!
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Hi, Angie B! Welcome!

My number one suggestion would be to buy Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution immediately. Read it all--don't just read the induction section & go from there.:) People who succeed with Atkins are usually those who learn the science behind the way of life, and once you do, it's simple to follow. Not always EASY, but not complicated.:) There's also an Atkins website, and you can find Atkins on Facebook, too. And this group is great. We are here to support you all the way!

I wish you the absolute best!! Your current weight is my goal weight, but I'm 5'10".:D
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Jean ~ I'm sorry the cholesterol issues are still there. Have you tried really ramping up the exercise? I'm reading more & more that if you do vigorous exercise 6 days/week you can really have an effect on your numbers. I know it's hard when it's so hot.

Annie ~ hey girl! We're not in Cordova anymore, but still in the Memphis area. I didn't know KFC's here were serving the grilled chicken...I had heard they weren't participating...but that's good news! I'll have to check it out!

sports-mom ~ it's so challenging, isn't it? I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now. You can do it!

DavidPatrick ~ preach it!:) Thank you for sharing your story. I know some people are finally starting to listen to the research, but it is so hard to get people's minds to change.

cerabella ~ hi there! I always enjoy your posts.

So sorry I've been MIA for awhile, but I'm hanging in there, and I know I just need to really get my behind in gear exercise-wise. I do read all the posts. We can do it!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]So good to [I]see[/I] a few new faces mingling in amongst the Atkins & 'other' low ~ carb guys & gals! I have to agree that the best advice is to understand the 'method behind the madness' & read the book first!! Then you will see that it is not all bacon, beef & cheese!!:eek::confused:

Speaking of which, I am on a mission to 'clean' up my WOE some more...apparently I have been allowing some bad boys to creep in...so much so that I haven't had the courage to weigh ...I have also slacked off on the exercise, never made it to any pool yet, which may be a good thing because I'm sure it would feel like bath tub water since we've had weeks of double digit temps!

Jean, try to get those LDL' s under control, girl...I would also say add even [I]more [/I]fish...salmon, tuna, etc... that is my plan anyhoo...Sams sells some great filets...(which are frozen right now in my freezer)...oh well, guess I won't be having [I]that [/I]for supper tonite...I know it is hard when genetics as well as ummm [SIZE=1]age[/SIZE] plays a part too!!:p;) (yes, I know we're actually pretty close in years, so I'd better get my numbers updated soon too) BTW, I see that you and DH were such a [I]cute[/I] couple way back then,hehehe!! Yes, [I]still[/I] a lurker...

Lisa ~ sounds like you've been doing really well, I think I may have been lacking motivation with no cruise planned, but this week we've been scoping some out...the usual, Carnival Conquest, seven day, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel, out of Galveston. Hmmm, I seem to remember being in a hurricane last year, something called [B][I]IKE:eek:[/I][/B]...Oh well, just in the planning stage, which means I am not in ship shape, but rather the shape of the ship!!:D

Me thinks I am rambling, but remember to make wise choices, like Jean always says, 'Your fork, your choice'...okay, I think I might get it now!
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Hi everyone! I'm starting Atkins to drop 20-30 before my trip on the Conquest in April 2010.

I'm Rhonda, who carrries my weight in my stomach :-(

My goal is to post everday and any tips for someone like me just starting out would be greatful!

I'm ready to begin this exciting journey towards the New Rhonda!!!! Edited by rvalent2
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Well I made myself get back to the gym yesterday. I figured, if
i'm paying for this membership, I better get my money's worth :p

Hi Angie & Rhonda. This is a great support group. They are extremely helpful, i'm sure you'll find loads of information thru this thread.
Also some great links for recipes a few pages back. (not sure how
far back they are.. but they are there.) ;)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=magenta][SIZE=3]Welcome Angie and Rhonda, you've come to the right place [/SIZE];)[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Rhonda, you mentioned the stomach, this is the right WOE for you.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]When you remove the bad carbs from your diet, the body will burn fat instead of carbs......soooooo where's the fat? Beautiful![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Of course read the Atkins book, but also visit Sugarfreesheila.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]you won't be sorry. She is awesome with tips and recipes:D You guys will do fine.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Jean- I also hear adding more fish is good and healthy.....who am I preaching too? You are the Glycemic Zar:eek: I hope you get the good report next time. P.S. White fish grilles up just fine! I just bought one of those wire fish thingys for our grill and LOVE IT![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Lisa, glad to know we are still neighbors. I got the grilled chicken at the KFC in Millington, not sure about the Memphis stores though. I will have to check next week, I think there is one a couple of miles from my office. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Have you tried the chopped salads at Arbys? The grilled chicken and the turkey club are awesome! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Well, off to the grocery for my veggies and eggs:p[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Have a great week-end ya'll![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff00ff]Annie:)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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