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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello Susan!!

Welcome and you have done a lot of reading!

...and there are a lot of carbs in a slice of Bread!:eek: ha!:)


Sorry Gang...been a little distracted...but I do not ever forget about my low carbing cyber buddies...even if I haven't posted in awhile!:)

Work and life have me going in a lot of directions these days! yikes...so I have been just staying the same...not losing. I really hope in a few weeks things will settle down and I can get back to my exercising that I was really staying with for a few weeks in a row!


Well...gotta go...it's been like this for 3 weeks...and I wouldn't mind if it slowed down !

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Hello, Jean! I feel I know all of you so well from reading all those posts! Actually, I'm now on page 86. Along the way I discovered that I have posted on this board before, about 2 years ago. I guess that was on my first Atkins go-round.


As much as I'd like to reach my goal by cruise time, I'm in no hurry because I'd like to be sure it's actual fat-weight I'm losing, not just water. Although the scale hasn't moved ALL that much yet, I notice a definite difference in the way my clothes fit. I have actually been able to wear several pairs of slacks that had been "obscenely" tight and uncomfortable.


Today I had 3 slices of bacon and 1 egg for breakfast, and a taco salad (lettuce, seasoned ground beef, avocado & sour cream..forgot to add the cheese!) for lunch. Not sure about dinner yet, maybe some fish and veggies. I've always been a HUGE water drinker (my elementary school nickname was "camel" because I was always stopping at the water fountains!)...don't worry, no diabetes!...so that's an easy part of this WOE for me. I'm a widow and live alone so I don't have to worry about having to work around someone else's food preferences.


I've never been greatly overweight...my highest was 160...but I feel best at 140 or so and I'd love to get back there. If I ever get the urge to cheat, I just log back on here and read some posts and realize that I'm not alone in this, and that we need to support each other. Thanks for the welcome!

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Hey all low carbers! Just a quick post ~ I hope all are doing well! Welcome back Linkerbink ~ that is such a cute name, I think I remember seeing it before! I too feel best at around 140 or so, but unfortunately I am a 'little' above that for now, but I will sooo succeed in getting there again or very close ( if it kills me....grrr, & I know it won't):p


Ms Jean, sooo busy, I know the feeling...yes, Texas weather is not cooperating at the moment either...right now it is just pouring down, has been most of the day. Safe to say there is no longer any rain deficit in this part of the country, & yes, to top it off, two snows within a couple of weeks! Woo hoo!:D


Found something yummy at Wally world, but it is probably everywhere, even on QVC (or HSN, can't remember) It is Jillian Michaels New Natural Whey Protein Vanilla Cream Shake supplement...very good in my version of SFS's shake, made it tonite ~ DH even raved, (even tho I forgot to throw in the blueberries, oops!) It is 7gms total carb, minus 3 gms fiber for each scoop. Mixes extremely well & is so smooooth & satisfying. Well, haven't tried it by itself, but better than the one I was using. Hope that helps! Always looking for something new to tantalize the ole taste buds!

Edited by cerabella
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Good Morning everyone!! :D


Susan...when your clothes are already starting to fit so much better...then you know your doing something right! ...What are you doing for exercise?


My WOEX last night consisted of moving /rolling tree trunks around in the back yard! ..I'm kinda sore today! :o We've had some trees that started to die off the last couple of years and so we had to get rid of the old...because the new ones are coming in later this week!! woo hoo!


Cerabella......ok...so what is your version of SFS shake ...do you use the egg beaters? I'll keep an eye out for the JM supplement! With all of the extra rain and snow...will this make your summer better or more miserable? I know your supposed to have an amazing Texas Blue Bonnet season this year with the cooler wet winter!


Hang in there folks...our weight and our health is a priority! :D

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Good morning, Jean! I've been a little lax on the exercise, but I've been trying to do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. Wow! What a workout! I can just barely keep up, but I've been trying. I have a treadmill but it's the manual kind and I can't seem to get into it. Now that the snow is melting I'll be walking outside. I live very close to my market, post office, drug store, etc. so I like to walk there rather than drive. I live in a condo so there's no outdoor work for me. I also have arthritis and bad knees so I have to be careful about what I do.

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Hi Susan! Wow!! that is a tough work out....even just keeping up...wow...good for you!! Yeah...as we've gotten older it's not as easy to 'Just Do It'....for me, I too struggle with joint issues! ugh...but anything that keeps me moving and not sitting in front of a computer so much..it's a plus!! I do a lot of walking too!!

Hi Becca!! Welcome! 27 lbs...from your ticker...is very doable! What is your exercise routine?

It's about 60 here today, blue skies and I think I have spring fever! ha!

Tonight...Dinner is some left over pork and veggies for a low carb stir fry! YUM!

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Hi Susan! Wow!! that is a tough work out....even just keeping up...wow...good for you!! Yeah...as we've gotten older it's not as easy to 'Just Do It'....for me, I too struggle with joint issues! ugh...but anything that keeps me moving and not sitting in front of a computer so much..it's a plus!! I do a lot of walking too!!


Hi Becca!! Welcome! 27 lbs...from your ticker...is very doable! What is your exercise routine?


It's about 60 here today, blue skies and I think I have spring fever! ha!


Tonight...Dinner is some left over pork and veggies for a low carb stir fry! YUM!

Hey there, lots n lots of cardio!!...i gotta do this...lol

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Good Morning!

Weekends are the toughest for me! :oBut I love the weekends! ha! :p

Last night we fired up the grill for some steaks, broccoli w/ mexican cheese and some spinich salad!! YUM Left over steak..........on my egg this morning for breakfast! woo hoo!

Ok...off to do office errands!

Hang in there Gals!! :D

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I must confess that I went off some last night. :( I had some white wine and was looking for something crunchy to have with it. All I could find was saltines so I put some peanut butter on them. I usually LOVE peanut butter & saltines but after I ate a few I found that I wasn't enjoying them at all...I was just eating them. I guess that's a good sign! Back on track today!:)

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Hey Everyone!

So here we are in the middle of the week! Mon & Tues I stuck to plan...and even this morning! I sure feel better!

Last Friday...DH was craving Olive Garden...so we went. Salad tasted good...but I'll confess...I had the Alfredo...and even a bread stick! :eek:..and all day Saturday...I felt

sooo yucky...bloated...ugh!! :( Never again!! It might taste good in the mouth...but it was like paste from grade school in my tummy!! :( blah!!

I went for a long walk with my dog last night...just before another spring storm rolled in!! Today...snow! That's the way it is! :p

Have a great day!

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I see that is is an older thread but I was wondering if anyone is doing Atkins now? I have been on it since January 2010 and have lost 13 lbs so far. This is the 2nd time I have done Atkins. The first time I stayed on it for about 3 years. I lost 50 lbs in about 8 months and kept it off. I didnt put my weight back on until I came completely off of it for about 2 years. This time around it seems harder. I am sticking to it though. I realize now I'm a little older and it is always harder to loose weight the older you get. I have also got to factor in that I had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago right about the time i stopped Atkins completely. I think that has alot to do with me gaining alot of my weight back. If anyone has any advice to offer me or a similar story, please post it for me. I need lots of encouragement! :o

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Hi everyone! Thought I'd jump in here. I started Atkins this past Monday and am looking forward to having great success with it. I lost about 30 lbs on Atkins in 1999 and went on it again in 2002 and lost about the same amount. I know the program works if you stick with it. I need to lose more like 70 lbs this time to get to my goal. I never made it on the other attempts and then had stints with Weight Watchers and other diets in between. To me, Atkins is an easy way to eat and you don't have to be hungry. You just have to have the right mindset and not let those pesky carbs stand between you and what you want to accomplish. I have never met a piece of bread or bowl or pasta that beats the feeling of losing that weight and being thinner.

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It's amazing how fast the hunger goes away. I had to force myself to eat lunch today. But I knew if I did not eat, the hunger might come roaring back mid-afternoon. It would be nice if it was always easy. It's great to find a place for support. We can all do this!

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Hi everyone, I was on the Atkins diet a few years ago with my husband. I am trying to lose about 20 pounds. I have tried other plans but they just don't seem to work for me. I like that fact that I can eat until I am full.


I am on day 3 and have lost about 3 pounds.



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Kim, I am also on day 3, but have not weighed myself yet. I think I will only weigh once a week, on one of the week-end days. I know in the past I have jumped on the scale too frequently and then been disappointed when I didn't see a loss.


So, everyone, when is your next cruise? We are going to Alaska May 23 on the Sapphire Princess. I wonder if it is realistic to lose 20 lbs by then?

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Hey everyone!


Lots of excitement in Pink's world right now- we joined the gym, bought a house, and are considering our first family addition this spring- a puggle puppy!!!! We haven't been great about the gym but joining is a start and we got 1-2 days/week. I'd like to up that to 3 times week for 1 hour/time. I like the elliptical there better than the cheap one at my home. My weight is about 20 lbs more than I'd like to be and I am still struggling with that feeling of not getting it all off and allowing too many unsatisfying carbs into my life... Perhaps the stress of home ownership will be enough to propel me forward into weight loss combined with some carb restriction and exercise this spring. Otherwise I need a whole new wardrobe since I only fit into a few pair of pants now. :(


I'll pop in and see you all again soon.


There is no magic bullet for this- just conscientious daily choice.



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Pink, you have some fun things to look forward to with your move, your new gym, and the puppy. I like your comment about there not being a magic bullet. So true! Maybe posting here will help keep us all focused on what we need to do. It takes a lot of work, but can be done. The rewards are great if you keep at it.

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Hi everyone & welcome to all the new posters!


I'm hanging out in maintenance land...not purposely, but at least I know I will do fine after I finally get motivated enough to lose this last 15. The hard part is that most of my clothes fit because I'm so tall....so it's difficult to find the drive. Even being in a swimsuit this week didn't help.


I'm hoping the warmer weather will get me out & moving more again, and the weight will start to come off. I know going back to induction would do it some, but I'm just not at that point right now.


I know I will never be able to eat "normally" again...thankfully I love the foods I can eat enough to keep me down to a very occasional cheat.


I'm rambling. Hope you all attain your goals!!

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I started back at the beginning of this thread and am going to read all the posts. There are 117 pages! Some of you have been hanging in there for almost 3 years. It's nice to know that there are so many success stories out there and that this WOE does work. I am very psyched to see good weight loss in the coming weeks and months.

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Hi y'all! I have been on CC for a long time and just foound this thread. I have been doing Atkins since mid June and I am down 55 pounds. I've gone from a size 20 to an 8/10. I have about 20 more pounds to go. I did not exercise until January and I just competed my first 5k last Friday evening. I love this way of eating because once you get through the first week or so, it becomes second nature and it works! I saw a few posts about breakfasts. Here is my favorite recipe, I eat it almost eveyday and for some reason have not gotten sick of it.


Broccoli, Swiss, and Ham Quiche


Spray a 10 inch deep dish pie plate with Pam and preheat oven to 350.




6 eggs

3/4 cup heavy cream

1 teaspoon dijon mustard

1/2 onion chopped

2-3 Tablespoons butter

10 oz. frozen chopped broccoli

8 oz. shredded swiss cheese

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

8 oz. ham diced (about 2 cups) (I like lower sodium ham or boiled ham)

2 scallions sliced (optional)


Cook broccoli until tender. Saute onion in butter until soft. Drain broccoli very well. Mix together in a large bowl the ham, swiss, broccoli, onion. and scallions. Put into the pie plate loosely. In the same bowl (now empty) mix the eggs, cream, mustard, salt and pepper. Pour evenly over the mixture in the pie plate. Bale at 350 for 35-45 minutes until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Let stand about 10 minutes befor cutting.


1/8 of the quiche is about 4-5 net carbs.


I cook this on Sunday and then have a slice every morning for breakfast with bacon or susage. Super fast, easy, and delicious!


I got this recipe on the www.genaw.com/lowcarb website. I have modified it slightly. Love it! Enjoy!



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