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Anyone on Atkins?


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Walked one of the local Malls Sunday and they just opened a Cupcake Store. We checked it out and the super sweetness smell and the two inch icing on top actually sickened me, for a moment. What I can't understand was all the skinny people devouring them. One "skeleton" was eating two. One looked like the Chocolate Volcano dessert at Applebees. (Not that I ever ordered one.) I think the other one was Vanilla with a Cocoanut and Pineapple Icing. DISGUSTING!!!

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Yeah! Sounds like you guys are doing great! I didn't have near the temptations ya'll speak of but I did resist waffles at WH (gave mine to hubby)! Staying in ketosis barely at around 50 carbs a day.

I haven't started back working out like I said. Sooo hard to get back into. I have a love-hate relationship with the Insanity workout. Love what it does, hate(dread) the fact that it is so hard! So, I fight with myself. Have to challenge myself to do better!

On the bright side, I am 2 lbs. Away from my original goal of 135! Have lost 20 lbs since january1.

My sis-in-law is doing lo- carb better than my husband or myself (from what I can see and am told), relayed your suggestions and don't think she's having much success.????? What could possibly be the problem?

While I can't fix everybody's problems, it still puzzles me!

I MUST workout! I MUST workout! I MUST workout!!!!!!!!

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Tomorrow will be a busy day as we prepare for our cruise to Bermuda on Sunday. It's going to be difficult if not impossible to keep on my low carb WOE. (WAY OF EATING.) Already, I have been cheating with strawberries from my garden. I only pick one at a time. They are soooooooo good. Anyhow, please send some positive strength my way.


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Tomorrow will be a busy day as we prepare for our cruise to Bermuda on Sunday. It's going to be difficult if not impossible to keep on my low carb WOE. (WAY OF EATING.) Already, I have been cheating with strawberries from my garden. I only pick one at a time. They are soooooooo good. Anyhow, please send some positive strength my way.



Have a great cruise, Carole!! You've got this!:)

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Hi low carb ladies (& gents if any lurk)! Welcome Winterstale... this thread is hot & cold w/ posting - I know we all lead active lives! Sometimes I don't get in the house until 9...it will be that way all summer as the daylight lingers. I am in my early 50's & would be at my 'divine' weight if I lost 20lbs...I kinda go up & down but stay in a comfortable zone where I am never too far to recover, if that makes sense...:p


I have been reading back thru the thread...ahhh...so many recipes have been shared, so much encouragement, angst, ups & downs, some have come & gone...but one common denominator has been....Lisa & Jean!!!:D I know I read for a good year before I ever posted & I like the accountability when you 'blog' or chat about your WOE/WOEx. This may not be the one perfect plan, but I so love how it suits me so well. On various news reports I have seen the "cronuts' demand, & I'm thinking 'blech' what in the world are people thinking...(supposedly it's a cross between a croissant/donut ) Well, that's one thing I can & will be able to live without...


My DH just came home w/ 'WheatBelly' diet book & a gluten free cook book...he has never been a true proponent of Atkins...he really, really, really fears the fat...I just kinda do my thing & he adds bread sometimes, etc...so I will see where this goes;)

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I saw the doctor who wrote that book on Dr. OZ - it was quite fascinating! And alarming! I do know that when I cut out carbs....and I stick with it....I don't crave junk! It's such an easy WOE because you can do it almost everywhere! Including Carnival!





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Thanks for the positive thoughts sent my way. Ate everything I wanted. . .not in excess. . .and only gained 5 lbs. Part of the problem was the lack of exercise. We mostly just relaxed on board and, in Bermuda, took the bus, trolly, and ferries with little time for walking. Haven't gone back on Atkins yet as we had a Red Lobster gift card to use up last night and an anniversary dinner date with friends on Saturday. And then there are the strawberries, they are soooooo delicious. As I have in the past 25+ years on low carbs, I will get back on track on Monday and lose the 5 lbs + in no time.

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My DH just came home w/ 'WheatBelly' diet book & a gluten free cook book...he has never been a true proponent of Atkins...he really, really, really fears the fat...I just kinda do my thing & he adds bread sometimes, etc...so I will see where this goes;)


cerabella ~ I would highly recommend "The Art and Science of Low Carb Living" for your hubby. It goes into great detail why fat is not only not the enemy, but so good for us. It gets deep into the studies that have been suppressed in the medical community for so long--and into why the studies that supported low-fat were published and redistributed. It's almost enough to make one believe in conspiracy theories...:eek: Really, though, it's all about the money. Isn't it always??

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Thanks for the positive thoughts sent my way. Ate everything I wanted. . .not in excess. . .and only gained 5 lbs. Part of the problem was the lack of exercise. We mostly just relaxed on board and, in Bermuda, took the bus, trolly, and ferries with little time for walking. Haven't gone back on Atkins yet as we had a Red Lobster gift card to use up last night and an anniversary dinner date with friends on Saturday. And then there are the strawberries, they are soooooo delicious. As I have in the past 25+ years on low carbs, I will get back on track on Monday and lose the 5 lbs + in no time.


Carole, that's great news! I went to Vegas with DH last week & actually lost some weight. We were able to eat at some of our favorites: In 'n' Out, Roberto's Taco Shop, and Rubio's Fish Tacos and stay on plan. It was a delicious time!


You mention the strawberries as cheating? Berries have always been part of Atkins' arsenal...does your body react differently to them?

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My solution to berries is to eat them in the morning with nothing else - I wait two hour before resuming normal low carb day - not even half n half in the coffee! Works for me and actually helps me lose!



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Carole, that's great news! I went to Vegas with DH last week & actually lost some weight. We were able to eat at some of our favorites: In 'n' Out, Roberto's Taco Shop, and Rubio's Fish Tacos and stay on plan. It was a delicious time!


You mention the strawberries as cheating? Berries have always been part of Atkins' arsenal...does your body react differently to them?


The secret is. . .MODERATION. . . When I walk out and check my veggies and the Strawberries call out to me, I can't resist. I have a clean bucket of water sitting close by and I rinse them off before devouring them. No sugar needed.Yummmmmmmmmy. I was thinking of planting Blueberry bushes but they are so cheap here in South Jersey, during their season, it's not worth the trouble. Blueberries are also allowable on Atkins. Again, in MODERATION.


I also picked some lettuce, spinach and radishes for a salad.

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I'd love to see them.


The easiest way: Above the posting box, there's a paper clip...click on it & go from there! This is what you'll get:


I gave it a try


It worked! One of the Strawberries is in a teaspoon to show how big they are.

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cerabella ~ I would highly recommend "The Art and Science of Low Carb Living" for your hubby. It goes into great detail why fat is not only not the enemy, but so good for us. It gets deep into the studies that have been suppressed in the medical community for so long--and into why the studies that supported low-fat were published and redistributed. It's almost enough to make one believe in conspiracy theories...:eek: Really, though, it's all about the money. Isn't it always??


Thanks for the advice on this book, Lisa - I will definitely check it out. DH's main WOE stumbling for me is he caves in too easily - pizza, some beer, chips, crackers - you know, the nasty stuff which I do buy in moderation to appease him...he thinks I just have great will power, but really that kind of food actually makes me sick...


I have made many modifications tho that he likes...like 'mock mash cauliflower' instead of potatoes, quinoa instead of rice, & fortunately he is a meat eater & loves veggies & esp broccoli! So, it's not all bad...even settles for 'Carb Smart' ice cream...:p



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  • 2 weeks later...

The low-carb peeps are a little quiet!:p


I have a little extra motivation to kick it up a notch - we just booked our annual cruise! I am excited! We almost considered not even going this year, but for us this is the best bang for our buck as far as vacations go... Carnival Magic toward the end of August-ports Roatan, Honduras, Belize City, Belize & of course, Cozumel, Mexico! As usual, leaving out of Galveston...can't wait, but don't want to hurry summer along too fast!


I found a few really nice 'cook books' at a thrift store just the other day & was thrilled! (remember, I soo would love to be a 'goddess' in the kitchen!) My cheap, cheap finds were; The Little Guides Low-Carb, a nice little (hence the name) well photographed book chock full of 150 recipes, nutritional guidelines, hints & tips...

Dr. Atkins' Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook, (gotta love this one!) The Coconut Diet,, 3 Low-Carb weeks to a Slimmer You & Fiesta! Southwest Entertaining with Jane Butel... well, I got them for about 99 cents each & altho probably not everything is conducive to my WOE, I just love, love love me a good (cook) book! I will have to peruse them in the evenings in the air conditioning because it is HOT in East Texas!!!


Keep up the healthy eating guys & gals!



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The low-carb peeps are a little quiet!:p


I have a little extra motivation to kick it up a notch - we just booked our annual cruise! I am excited! We almost considered not even going this year, but for us this is the best bang for our buck as far as vacations go... Carnival Magic toward the end of August-ports Roatan, Honduras, Belize City, Belize & of course, Cozumel, Mexico! As usual, leaving out of Galveston...can't wait, but don't want to hurry summer along too fast!


I found a few really nice 'cook books' at a thrift store just the other day & was thrilled! (remember, I soo would love to be a 'goddess' in the kitchen!) My cheap, cheap finds were; The Little Guides Low-Carb, a nice little (hence the name) well photographed book chock full of 150 recipes, nutritional guidelines, hints & tips...

Dr. Atkins' Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook, (gotta love this one!) The Coconut Diet,, 3 Low-Carb weeks to a Slimmer You & Fiesta! Southwest Entertaining with Jane Butel... well, I got them for about 99 cents each & altho probably not everything is conducive to my WOE, I just love, love love me a good (cook) book! I will have to peruse them in the evenings in the air conditioning because it is HOT in East Texas!!!


Keep up the healthy eating guys & gals!



Been too busy getting all my cruises straight. But in the mean time, I'm staying low carb. For lunch today, low carb chicken soup. For dinner tonight, BBQ tri tip and Brussels simmered in chicken broth, bacon grease, and bacon crumbled over the top.

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It worked! One of the Strawberries is in a teaspoon to show how big they are.


Nice! The only food I'm growing right now is pomegranates--I have a long way to go in learning gardening skills.:o Someday, I hope to grow many veggies & some berries would be nice. We get wild blackberries on our property in MS, but it's a lot of work to gather a few, and the property's on its way to being sold.


cerabella ~ those books sound great! I need some new recipes! We booked the Sunshine out of NOLA for 11/18 & found out it's the US inaugural! Everyone's hoping they'll have a similar party like they had for Magic's debut. We'll see!


CptSticky ~ I just noticed you're from Rancho Cucamonga...I was just talking about that town the other day. I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. We had an amazing, California-like summer day and evening yesterday. It was so nice.



So I'm still in ketosis, but my training has slowed down--it's been a very busy summer. I've lost about 6 pounds so far (it's hard to tell because it still fluctuates often), but nothing like I've lost in the past. My body seems to be holding on extra tight.


We're heading up to MI this week for a family visit. It's supposed to be cloudy/stormy the whole time we're there.:( Oh well. It might be more challenging to keep in ketosis when I'm relying on someone else's cooking...but I have no choice. Have a great week, everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Hey Low Carb Peeps!!!

I know I haven't been around much...............but...

I got laid off from my job the middle of May and have been going like crazy! Apply for jobs... but traveling too...! We have our Alaskan Cruise coming up in Aug so I'm trying to stay good! :( A couple of weeks ago I was out shopping...and I found 2 summer dresses, then I said a prayer and went in and tried them on :eek:....I did not come out in tears or depressed.... and ended up buying both!:p They fit nice and now if I get that job interview that I actually want.... I'll have something to wear!

Cerabella..........Thrift stores always have great cook books for cheapo!! Jane Butel...her cooking school is downtown...I used to walk by it sometimes when I worked down there! Yummy stuff!

I've been walking with my 4 legged personal trainer... and it's been good! I was working in the yard with some heavy stones and kinda tweaked my back ... so I've been watching how much I do and if it's to heavy - I let my DH help me with it!

It's been so dry and yes we've had bad fires, but right now...we are in a monsoon pattern and I love it!! It's hot in the afternoon....but I love those clouds building up and then cooling things off... it's a great time to walk!

Ya all be good! :)

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Howdy y'all! A special shout out to MsJean! Girl, you must be some busy not to be poppin' in here! Hope things are working out for you...


Well, I think my body is trying to adjust to this new ('hotter') phase in my life...yeah, just bring it on already...scales have been inching down lately instead of mysteriously climbing up no matter what the heck I ate or didn't ...It's enough that friends/family are commenting, so I'll take it. Especially since I will be hitting the Western Caribbean in a month & 1/2! It'll be here before ya know it!


There is an abundance of fresh fruit/veggies in ETex, especially real tomatoes off the vine. I need to make salsa! So good to dip my pork rinds in!:p


Keep it healthy my l/c peeps!



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cerabella, throw a little of that heat my way!!:p That's GREAT!


I'm doing well after a blip on the radar...we went to my aunt's house & she cooked all day every day & wouldn't take no for an answer.;) Fortunately, I got right back on track. I haven't checked my sticks in a while, so I need to do that sometime soon.


I'm entered in a road race series: 2-5k's, 2-5 miler, 2-10k's, 2-10 miler, and 2-half marathons. I have to finish 1 of each distance or 6 overall to be a series finisher. All 10 gets you a "Road Warrior" plaque. The joke is that I'm a terrible runner.:p But I did the first 5k on Sunday & beat my best time for a 5k by a minute & a half.


My plan is to do both 5k's & 5-milers so I can do six in case I don't do the half marathon. I'd love to be a Road Warrior, but I don't know if I have it in me. We'll see. :)

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cerabella, throw a little of that heat my way!!:p That's GREAT!


I'm doing well after a blip on the radar...we went to my aunt's house & she cooked all day every day & wouldn't take no for an answer.;) Fortunately, I got right back on track. I haven't checked my sticks in a while, so I need to do that sometime soon.


I'm entered in a road race series: 2-5k's, 2-5 miler, 2-10k's, 2-10 miler, and 2-half marathons. I have to finish 1 of each distance or 6 overall to be a series finisher. All 10 gets you a "Road Warrior" plaque. The joke is that I'm a terrible runner.:p But I did the first 5k on Sunday & beat my best time for a 5k by a minute & a half.


My plan is to do both 5k's & 5-milers so I can do six in case I don't do the half marathon. I'd love to be a Road Warrior, but I don't know if I have it in me. We'll see. :)


Good Luck Lisa. It's so hot here in South Jersey, I can only go outside and do yard work for a very short time. 8-( Please be careful!

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