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Anyone on Atkins?


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Found a new recipe from USAT (I'm going to sub pork rinds for the bread crumbs, and I may just use a whole egg instead of whites):


Eggplant Pizzas



2 large eggplants, cut into slices

Panko bread crumbs

2 egg whites, slightly scrambled

Marinara sauce

Fresh Mozzarella cheese

Fresh Basil, chopped

Pepper and garlic spice



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


Arrange ingredients: plate of sliced eggplant to far right, then shallow bowl of egg whites and shallow bowl of bread crumbs.


Take one eggplant and place into bowl of egg whites for a second until slightly coated (just one side). Press into bread crumbs and place onto nonstick cooking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Continue doing this until all eggplant slices are coated.


Bake for 20-25 minutes or until breadcrumbs are slightly toasted or eggplant is soft.


Remove pans and spread a spoonful of sauce on each eggplant and top with a pinch of fresh basil (as much as you want) and then a few pieces of mozzarella (I just broke the cheese into pieces instead of one thick slice on top). Season with your choice of seasonings, such as fresh cracked pepper and garlic powder.


Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted.

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  • 1 month later...

Well!! Hey Everybody!!... Yup! I'm back in the saddle -- again!! Riding a horse named Atkins on the up hill climb of weight loss, stopping in the meadows of maintaining and sliding down hill when it's the holidays - vacation - cooking channel or my GD's pleading for a trip to get ice cream!! Yeah, it's been that way for awhile now. I am working on the 17 lbs to get me back to a good workable goal... And hopefully some more from there, but for now the scales have me focused on those 17!

I think it also helps that after going through a tornado of life experience for almost 2 years, things have calmed down so emotionally I feel I can work on this part of my life again!


I loved going back and reading posts that are so encouraging!! So, this Gramma will be checking back with you all to see what's new! I've missed you Old Timers too! Take care!



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I was waiting for this thread to pop up in my feed again. Gained four pounds on my B2B, which is nothing short of a miracle as Carnival food has gotten so... marginal... that it's all carbs carbs carbs. And carbs I ate.


I really need to get back in the swing of things and I'm definitely utilizing Mark Sisson's "80/20 rule" but if you're meat and veg 80% of the time and a Milky Way in the middle of the day is that really 80/20 or is it a F-A-I-L? :D


I just bought a ton of stuff, more than I have ever spent on myself at once in my life, at J Jill. So man oh man I cannot grow out of it.


Just need to stabilize and take ten off.


Back on board!

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Hey Seago2!

Four lbs on a B2B cruise??... Wowzers! That's fantastic!!


I beat out 4 chicken breasts on the counter tonight like they were a piñata .. put on the grill and at the almost cooked stage put some slices of green chile over them that was actually from last years supply, topped with a slice of provolone cheese to melt. Some broccoli with a little cheddar ... And that was supper folks!!


I'll be back --- and you be good!! [emoji6][emoji1][emoji5]️



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Well, hello there MsJean! So glad to see that you are 'back in the saddle! Yes there is room to ride double on that horse named Atkins! In fact, hitch up to that ole wagon & let's all see if we can climb in without splitting our now too tight jeans! Ha!:p (btw the thought of you beating that chicken breast like a pinata is way. too. funny!)


Sorry about the scale...it really must be malfunctioning to let you down like that...I just got brave enough to weigh Friday - nearly three weeks after my annual cruise (on Magic) & low & behold, good news- weighed the same as when we left...bad news- it's ten lbs heavier than this time last year. Grrr...


My experience w/ food on Carnival Magic went very well. For breakfast I just got in the 'omelet & eggs' line & ordered two eggs over easy almost every morning. A few pieces of bacon, some slices of cheese, a plain yogurt, cream cheese, proscuitto, a couple of prunes (yes, prunes...not because I needed them lol, but love those little delicious fruit 'candy balls) On the mornings we ate seaday brunch, I got eggs benedict & extra bacon & left the bun.


Lunch went just as well, I always find the salads very fresh & plentiful & there was always a big chunk of some kind of meat at the carving station.


We ate in the MDR every night & thought the dinner selections were fine...the amount of meat serving size were usually too much to even finish (esp the lamb) & altho I splurged on Warm Chocolate Melting cake every night, I didn't eat the ice cream (thanks DH for sparing me that!) so, it was all good. Was the food the best I've ever had? no...but hey, I was being served, no cooking, no dishes...:cool:


Seago2 - I really enjoy your input & appreciate the research you do & your words of wisdom. I was thinking some things are out of our control...esp the availability of real, clean, uncontaminated, non gmo, 'organic' etc food but I guess we all just have to do the best we can with what's available...even 80/20 w/ a Milky Way!;):D


We can do this! We even have another 'new study proving' that low carb WOE beats low fat! As if we needed that!:rolleyes:


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Hey Hey! Cerabella!! Try pounding the chicken breasts... Burns calories, works arm muscles and makes hubby come check on what's getting a whacking!! LOL!!


Ahh.. The Magic! I remember the food being pretty good while floating in and around the Med before it came to the states! Have you eTen in the Italian restaurant up above the buffet? We thought it was really well worth the extra!

I am so land locked... [emoji21] We have a long way to go for any cruise... And I'm ready for one !!


Steak on the grill tonight! And then it started raining! [emoji15]


Hang in there folks!... I'm trying too!



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Was so bummed on yesterday's tattle tale scale reading -- paid close attention to everything that I put on my fork -- and in my mouth ---- and this morning!!... A big loss!! Ye Hawww ..!! Ride Atkins !! [emoji2][emoji1][emoji2]


Stay sting and on track... It really does work.

And I'm giving away a scale that's a big tattle tale.. Anyone want it?! [emoji1] LOL!



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Saw a number on my scales this morning... I haven't seen in a long time!!

Yehaw!!! Riding Atkins to the next 5 lb goal!!

..and I even ate at Chik fi let yesterday!!

I am going to try so hard to be good this weekend !!


Are your goals in 5lb, 10 lb, or shooting for that real weight all the way?



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Lisa!! Girl,.... I wish I could work out like you do!! I chase my 3 yr old GD around all day and I am worn out! No loss to report - I maybe stuck for a few days... Stuck is good, going up - not so good!


Question: Do you eats nuts ? What is your favorite?



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Jean ~ I love nuts, but I'm not super disciplined about having them on hand when I want them.


I like pistachios, almonds, and shelled sunflower seeds (I know those aren't nuts, but they're snacky like that). I used to love macadamia nuts, but ate too many years ago & got sick of them. Never liked walnuts. I love peanut butter in a celery stalk!


Looking forward to carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds...commercially packaged pumpkin seeds just don't compare and I can't abide them. :eek:


How about you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Lisa!!

I just finished a container of cashews .. Thankfully there was a half a hand full left and I took care of those! It reminded me that I had asked about nuts here! Ha!

I ways have pumpkin seeds to munch on when I drive to Colorado!

I was in Red River over the weekend with friends and was a bad kitty... I mean really!! Friends, fall and fun!!

But .. Back on track and I was surprised by how little damage I did .. Even with 3 nights of New Mexican restaurant suppers!! [emoji15][emoji3]

Gotta get on that treadmill this morning!

Balloon Fiesta starts tomorrow for a week!!.... Wise choices and stay away from the funnel cake!



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Hope all the healthy eaters are doing well!


MsJean - I think of SFSheila's 'voice' in my head 'nix the nuts!' when I am really trying to get my good eating habits on! (No, I don't know what she sounds like...but I still hear her!):D That being said...I usually get the big container of deluxe Planters mixed nuts from Sam's - no peanuts...(they are a legume & are commonly contaminated w/ mold & really wreak havok on my intestinal tract!) Anyway, a small handful of those for a snack will satisfy me & tide me over when I am in 'starvation mode'...


I also get the large bags of raw walnuts & almonds & throw a few in my smoothies. I try not to go nuts with the nuts! Ha! That was so nutty!:p


I woke up this morning feeling 'cleaner' & like ketosis has kicked back in. I will use the sticks in the morning just to check...but, you know that feeling when you've lost some of the fluid build up (that means more than usual trips to the rest room!) & your body just feels better...yay!


Lisa, do you train all year, or is it seasonal? I wonder how your eggplant pizza came out that you posted about a while ago? My sweet DIL has tried the cauliflower pizza crust a few times & said it came out good.


DH has been grilling a lot lately...chicken one eve, hamburger, one eve & today @ noon he grilled steak while I steamed two bunches of fresh broccoli. Hmm...looks like enough left for supper too!

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Hi everyone! OMG, I could not make it stick after my cruise. Tried and tried and ended up eating candy or some other garbage after two days. This is the way it is with me- I can only go low carb once or twice a year, max. So I tried Paleo-ing again and all of the bad habits I picked up on the cruise would come back. Always. Cruising. Kills me.


So I went on the Dukan Diet, which is basically Atkins but I got a shiny new book :) to give me strength. Five days, protein only. For some reason it was easier, probably because of the book and reading the million success stories and resources on line. Now I'm alternating pure protein and protein and veggie days. Honestly it's Atkins. You also get yogurt.


We shall see. Afraid to step on the scale- I hate the scale.

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Cerabella... Nix the nuts!! Really! No nuts?! That's just nuts!! LOLOLOLOL they are such a big help to me! And I like almost all of them... Maybe my other personality is a squirrel! Ha!!


Smoked a small turkey tonight... And man does it smell great! I'll get maybe 3 meals off of it! Tacos, a salad and hmmm something else!


'Cleaner' -- great way to describe my nights of ' are you kidding? Again?"... LOL.. But usually it's worth the trips!


Dukan... I'm not sure I know that much about it... But if it's Atkins like... Your going to do great!! I really want to Cruise again next year.. Just trying to decide!... But it takes me awhile to get back on track too!


Ok... Gotta carve the bird.. [emoji4]



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Hi everyone! OMG, I could not make it stick after my cruise. Tried and tried and ended up eating candy or some other garbage after two days. This is the way it is with me- I can only go low carb once or twice a year, max. So I tried Paleo-ing again and all of the bad habits I picked up on the cruise would come back. Always. Cruising. Kills me.


So I went on the Dukan Diet, which is basically Atkins but I got a shiny new book :) to give me strength. Five days, protein only. For some reason it was easier, probably because of the book and reading the million success stories and resources on line. Now I'm alternating pure protein and protein and veggie days. Honestly it's Atkins. You also get yogurt.


We shall see. Afraid to step on the scale- I hate the scale.


I haven't posted in quite a while but your post hits home with me. I lost 22 lbs thruout last year (2013) and between a 7 day Sept 2013 and a 5 day Oct/Nov 2013 and a 7 day in may 2014 plus holidays I wound up gaining it all back! Kept trying to lose but kept falling off the wagon after 2 or 3 days. My carb addiction got the best of me and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working as well. Sooooo- read a new book- Ketoclarity by Jimmy Moore! Got me inspired again and am showing great ketones after 4 or 5 days! Have lost 3 or 4 lbs. Here's. What I learned. Gotta stay in ketosis. Yeah its hard to get past that first 2 or 3 days but then it's easy. Low, low carbs. No grains. Lots of fat and I mean lots! And moderate protein. Overdoing on protein just makes your body turn it into glucose which hinders ketosis /weight loss. Basically I'm eating egg salad and sausage for breakfast, tuna salad and tomato for lunch, and some meat and vegetables for dinner. No peanuts or peanut butter cause that is my weakness and I'm trying to see if that helps. Not starving myself at all and trying to eat enough calories to keep metabolism up. Basically eating to satiety twice to three times a day. Will let you guys know how it goes but I think this book has some great advice and results from new studies that show just how much ketosis helps your body in lots of ways! Keep telling myself "my brain is fueled by ketones-and it likes it". Good luck!

P.S.-that thing you keep saying about not being able to do low carb but once or twice per year is training yourself to fail. Once you get past the 2 or 3 day mark, you will be fine. Maybe you should not keep telling yourself that and come up with something else like- that's. Just my brain trying to get fed. It will get fed best with ketones.I will perform better with ketones. Etc.

Edited by ladybugcruiser
wrong word
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I was thinking of getting Keto Clarity. He's a real sweetheart and I listened to his podcast for years. Then I sort of thought he was obsessive and phobic and symptomatic of orthorexia/disordered eating. I feel sorry for him- here he was such a figurehead and he started to regain. So he went deep into ketosis and did his n=1 thing. Now the book. The reviews have been excellent. Maybe I will buy the book. Thank you!



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I haven't posted in quite a while but your post hits home with me. I lost 22 lbs thruout last year (2013) and between a 7 day Sept 2013 and a 5 day Oct/Nov 2013 and a 7 day in may 2014 plus holidays I wound up gaining it all back! Kept trying to lose but kept falling off the wagon after 2 or 3 days. My carb addiction got the best of me and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working as well. Sooooo- read a new book- Ketoclarity by Jimmy Moore! Got me inspired again and am showing great ketones after 4 or 5 days! Have lost 3 or 4 lbs. Here's. What I learned. Gotta stay in ketosis. Yeah its hard to get past that first 2 or 3 days but then it's easy. Low, low carbs. No grains. Lots of fat and I mean lots! And moderate protein. Overdoing on protein just makes your body turn it into glucose which hinders ketosis /weight loss. Basically I'm eating egg salad and sausage for breakfast, tuna salad and tomato for lunch, and some meat and vegetables for dinner. No peanuts or peanut butter cause that is my weakness and I'm trying to see if that helps. Not starving myself at all and trying to eat enough calories to keep metabolism up. Basically eating to satiety twice to three times a day. Will let you guys know how it goes but I think this book has some great advice and results from new studies that show just how much ketosis helps your body in lots of ways! Keep telling myself "my brain is fueled by ketones-and it likes it". Good luck!

P.S.-that thing you keep saying about not being able to do low carb but once or twice per year is training yourself to fail. Once you get past the 2 or 3 day mark, you will be fine. Maybe you should not keep telling yourself that and come up with something else like- that's. Just my brain trying to get fed. It will get fed best with ketones.I will perform better with ketones. Etc.

hmmmm well i read we shouldn't go over about 30g (or lil higher) of protein per meal or every 3-4 hours, but I had never heard about the protein to glucose thing :eek: But after some googling(lol) I found this term gluconeogenesis grrrr now you have added to my stress and raised my cortisol levels 21 days from my cruise ugggg lol. Thanks for the info, did you find out about this evil conversion in this book "Ketoclarity by Jimmy Moore" ???

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hmmmm well i read we shouldn't go over about 30g (or lil higher) of protein per meal or every 3-4 hours, but I had never heard about the protein to glucose thing :eek: But after some googling(lol) I found this term gluconeogenesis grrrr now you have added to my stress and raised my cortisol levels 21 days from my cruise ugggg lol. Thanks for the info, did you find out about this evil conversion in this book "Ketoclarity by Jimmy Moore" ???


I already knew about it from other books. This book just put it all together with his own body experiment. And has a lot of other experts chiming in with tips.

I'm thinking 25-30g of protein per meal is about right as long as you can get in ketosis. Helped me understand what I could tweak to make it work, maybe. We'll see. Don't stress over it. Reading and studying this stuff is the way I try to reaffirm what I already know with my keto brain but my carb brain keeps arguing for the wrong ways and instilling doubts. I have issues.LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! How's everyone's week?

Stay with it! Hang in there!! What else can I say!?

This morning... A new weight I haven't seen in a LONG time... Maybe even when I started commenting on this thread. So, 10.5 lbs.... By Christmas!! That is my goal!! Trying this 'one goal at a time' therapy. So far it seems to work!

I live where we change winter clothes for summer clothes and I put 2 pairs of capris away that... I hope next spring I can give away!!


I cannot see how we are supposed to stay away from nuts... They have helped me on some 'right NOW' moments!!

Oh you know what I mean..!

Ok! You be good and stay with it!!



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Hey! How's everyone's week?


I cannot see how we are supposed to stay away from nuts... They have helped me on some 'right NOW' moments!!

Oh you know what I mean..!

Ok! You be good and stay with it!!


Hey Jean! :)


I don't think staying away from nuts is necessary or good, unless someone is counting calories OR has the kind of nut habit that eats a whole can at once. :D I had a bit of a very mild reaction to some peanuts on a Southwest flight last week, I so hope I'm not developing a nut allergy on top of all the other allergies that have found me in the last 2 years! :eek:


I'm pretty happy with my eating habits, if still not with my size. My doctor and I talked about it, we're both super happy with my blood counts, including my low triglycerides, so that's what I'm focusing on. My running buddy said that as soon as she got through menopause her weight went back to normal, so I'm counting on that. Part of me is sad that it's happening so early, part of me can't wait to get it over with. I still fit in most of my 10's (though they're a little snug), so as long as I don't get any bigger I'll be ok. My height gives me about 20 pounds per size--that's a lot of wiggle room!!


I'm finding that my usual treats don't tempt me right now, and the thought of eating Halloween candy--even the chocolate ones--makes me sick.


We had a bit of a cool snap this weekend & early this week, so I did chicken soup and butternut squash soup. Tonight is spaghetti, and I have a plump spaghetti squash ready to go in the kitchen. It's supposed to get back to the 80's by tomorrow, but the nights are cooler. AWESOME.


ladybugcruiser ~ I'm going to look up that book. Any additional info is a good thing in my life! More and more, the studies are showing that increasing the fat % is the way to go, that too much protein winds up being metabolized by the body in the same way as carbs.


cerabella ~ lol, I haven't tried the eggplant pizza yet. Too busy traveling, recovering from traveling, and getting ready to travel! It won't be long, though!

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I cannot see how we are supposed to stay away from nuts... They have helped me on some 'right NOW' moments!!



Jean ~ congrats on the success...& sorry about the 'nut' confusion...That advice was for strict induction &/or if someone was 'stalling' or hit a plateau...I eat a few nuts almost every day in some form, shape, size, flavor! :p:D;)


Then again, we all may react in different ways to the same food & amount of food.


Lisa ~ as I said earlier, I cannot tolerate peanuts. Which is a shame because the taste of them brings back cherished memories. We even grew peanuts on our farm when I was young....sorry you may have developed sensitivity...


Hope everyone keeps up the good eating habits! Yum! There's nothing like the full fat version of real food!




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