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Anyone on Atkins?


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hello everyone great stories my husband and I are cruising May 20th I need to lose 15 by then husband would liketo lose 10 needless to say easy for him not me I watch my granddaughter and it is so hard to make breakfast when tending to her nad getting her breakfast please help i'm not a big egg eater but need to do this for my self hate to exercise I know everyone says it is the way but I need to lose the weight also.

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Oh man! I'm having the worst time getting started back. I'm having alot of weather related headaches right now and going through sugar withdrawal does not help! I bordered on a migraine all day yesterday and finally had a sandwich at dinner time which helped. HELP!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading an Associated Press article in my local paper regarding the “low-carb, high-fat Atkins diet,” I had to come back here to make some comments.


First, although I eat my fair share of steak, eggs and bacon, Atkins does not have to be high fat. You can successfully follow the Atkins way of eating by consuming fish and chicken or any other low-fat protein.


Second, according to this article, in a Stanford University study women who were Atkins followers (with an average starting weight of 189 pounds) lost an average of 13 pounds in 6 months, and then most began regaining weight and had an average weight loss of about 10 pounds at 12 months. I don’t know what kind of plan these women were following, because if they truly followed the Atkins way of eating, they should easily have lost 10-12 pounds in the first MONTH, and then about five pounds per month after that.


I started Atkins in September of 2003 and had a weight loss of 34 pounds by the end of December. I eventually lost a total of 53 pounds. Lately, I’ve gotten lazy, and the weight has started to creep back up (too many celebrations), but I am still down significantly from my starting weight. And, I am going back on induction on Monday (one more dinner out and my daughter’s birthday celebration on Sunday).


My cholesterol numbers are good and my blood pressure has dropped since I started on Atkins. So, those of you who are serious about weight loss, Atkins is the way to go.

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Hi all-


I'm doing very well on Atkins this time. I lost 40 on Atkins in '97 but then had a fifth child and although SOME weight came on I was still OK. Then... life happens... and here was me before my last cruise in january:


Ate a whole carrot cake in one day- a huge one bought for the office.

Ate Burger King while rolling through McDonald's- then got donuts.

Ate cereal at night when there were no more cookies or ice cream- two bowls.




After the cruise it was even worse. I would start off with oatmeal and a banana, pledging to be on Core for 6 months, and then be eating granola bars out of my purse by 10 am, then the sugar thing would just snowball. Everyone else in my office is fit to begin with- and they were all dropping Holiday weight. I would just take everything they weren't eating and laugh and walk away. I am a lawyer and suits are a pretty big investment. I wore the same two in December and January, and finally in Feb I broke down and bought two more. And I own about 15, from size 6 Talbot's to (now) size 14 Macy's brand on total markdown, squaresville ugly-a** horrors.


I remember a month ago, spending an entire weekend lying on the couch with my kids hanging around, watching about 10 movies, eating chips, etc etc, ordering out, sending the 12 year old out to get "us" some candy for the next movie...




So anyhoo, started Atkins 10 days ago, induction is going the best it has ever gone- I think because I am staying away from the things that would really give me a "hangover"- such as a pound of bacon:D. My friend started with me and she is doing the things that make me gag, such as cooking a roast all day and then eating and snacking off of it for two days. I am trying to get in and get out, like a Navy Seal, just enough shrimp or cheese or meat or whatever, so that I'm not practically gagging at the thought of it the next day.


Sticks have been purple since day 3, appetite low since day 5.


RESULT: 188.6 ten days ago, 178.1 today. YES!:) Atkins says appr 4 pounds is water.


I know it will slow down asap, but I think I lost the water pretty quickly, and now it's a steady .5-1.0 a day.


I can't believe I have CONTROL. I'm just so PSYCHED that I have lost the obsession with food.


Anyway, we all know it works, so why is it exactly that we go off of it? Oh yeah, cruising. A good ten day cruise will have me bingeing on carbs for at least two months before (why not- I'll diet after the cruise), and then a floating complete binge for ten days, then I come back and I am a carb addicted ZOMBIE, dragging myself around, stomach bloated so nothing fits, eating 3000 cals a day, etc etc!


BTW, in case anyone cares, I'm 44, have five kids ranging in age from 23 to 8, am 5'9", and have been 150 and 188 in the last 2 years. Just for reference!

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i arent necessarily doing atkins but i do follow a low carb plan. It works well for me, improves my skin, completely improves my mood also. I dont eat extremely high fat, i very rarely have red meat but i do eat a lot of grilled chicken, steamed fish, etc.

now if only i can push myself to get to the gym.... but thats another thread, ;-)

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I have been on Atkins since mid-2001, maintaining my weight loss since I made goal in late 2001, and have never felt better. :) As far as breakfast goes, the sky's the limit! Everything from low-carb pancakes, flax muffins, shakes, to even ribs or other leftovers from the evening before is doable.


As for cruises, there is no easier way to maintain or even lose weight. Even though I'm long at goal, invariably I return from a cruise a pound or two lighter just because it's so easy to eat well and get exactly what I want. Special requests of "no-this" and "extra-that" are truly a snap, and every cruiseline I have been on is ultra-accommodating whether you are doing the fine dining option, or are at the buffet.


I've got a cruise fast approaching next month, so I am so very excited! I love reading the posts here. Hope everyone is having a nice week. :)


Welcome, Sheila! I just went to your site- what an amazing resource. I particularly LOVE your FAQ's. I just sent it to about ten friends.

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Hello all,

I'm on a adkin type diet( high protein/low cards) called the idiot Proof diet.

Lost 6 lb first week, 3 the 2nd and none last week:( ( think it may of been due to a chest infection and doctor put me on steriods) so hopefully this week i'll be back on track.

Nice to of found somewhere to hear other stories:o

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Hi all,

So glad to see this thread. Our family is currently doing Atkins for our Oct. cruise. I started in Jan., Weighed in today and have lost 17#. I'm 5'-2", 203#. I would be thrilled to get down to 150 by cruise but hoping for 125.

All together we have a combined loss of 75#!

I'm determined to not cheat on Easter. I have a hard time getting back on track once I cheat.

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Carla, thank you; that was very kind. :) I'm in the process of adding new photos from my Conquest cruise last week. Here is one taken in what I estimate to be around 45 mph winds at the ship's top floor. It almost took me out!


By the way, Atkins (even full-on Induction) is extraordinarily easy to follow on cruises. If there were any forum to point this out, it's this one!

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Glad to see this thread. I am on Adkins, and it is good to have others to commiserate with and give/get encouragement.


SugarFree Sheila, loved your website. Great encouragement.


As I read through the posts, I found similarities throughout; great diet, works, easy, fast weight loss, feel great, movement is easier, have more energy, etc. All true here, too.


I was diagnosed insulin resistant at the end of December, but could not get back into the doctor for over two weeks. Researched the condition on the internet, and decided to give Adkins a go again, but decided to follow it up with South Beach as a lifetime way of eating. I formed in my mind a correlation between what has become the debacle in Iraq, and the news stories concerning our changing view of the situation and dieting failures. That is: NO EXIT STRATEGY! We diet to lose, mostly for a special occasion, but have no plan for the future, or maintenance. That is why I was glad to find your website, Sheila, as a reference and inspiration.


By the time I got in to see the doctor, I had lost 11 pounds, and got the 100% go ahead from her to continue with my plan. I have lost 22 pounds to date, and have 42 days until my cruise. But that is not my only target for losing, I have a family wedding in July, so will be seeing family have not seen for almost two years by then. After that there is Thanksgiving and Christmas with my daughter, who I have not seen since Mother's Day last year.


Losing weight is different for me this time, since there is a medical condition attached. I DO NOT WANT TO GET DIABETES! Let me share a couple foods that I find help. First of all, almost every breakfast is eggs, sometimes sausage or bacon too. But I buy the parmesean/artichoke/jalapeno dip at Costco and mix it thoroughly with two eggs, then micro for 50 seconds, then stir; 40 seconds & stir again, then 30 & 20, always stirring between. It puffs up similar to a soufle, and stirring makes it cook evenly, ending up like a scrambled mixture.


Another treat is fried cheese. Don't knock it until you try it. I like Jarlsburg, since there are 0 carbs. Cut off thin slices to make about a 4 X 4 or 5 X 5 square, and put into a hot, teflon-coated saute pan. Move it around with a wooden spoon so it won't stick, and flip it over after about 1 or 1-1/2 minutes. You can keep a paper towel handy to dab up the grease as it balls up on the pan when you move it from side to side, and flip it over until both sides are crispy and lightly golden brown. Remove to a non-absorbant plate (in other words, not a paper plate), and cut it into about 1" X 1" squares. They can be eaten right away or stored for a quick warm up later. They are crunchy, chewy, and a great alternate to snack foods.


I am glad to see the resurgance of Dr. Adkins's diet after the recent study was released. I have always thought it a good diet, even though DH doesn't agree. He likes the results, tho. Now to get him on it!


Good luck to all!

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i know these should be kept to a minimum and water is always best, but when i crave that carbonated drink is diet sprite or diet sierra mist okay? both of these are sugar free and caffiene free...

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Hey Sheila- I have a wierd one for you! I have an ileostomy and for some reason on induction or anything close to it I get the opposite problem that alot of people get on Atkins. I can't stay out of the bathroom! I seem to need some kind of starchy something to not have bigtime drama. I'd like to get back to Atkins though because I feel so much better when I avoid grains, especially wheat. Got any good suggestions? With the exception of Okra there's not much I won't eat vegetable-wise.





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Hi, Stiffaney! I had diet sodas regularly, and they never affected my losses or maintenance as far as I know. However, since last year, I have kept them out of the house altogether, and only enjoy them while dining out. I figure it's a step in the right direction. ;) But I still have my coffee in the morning - though I add a 1,000 mg Vitamin C packet of coffee-flavored Emergen-C. No sugar added, and it's a nice way to get a little in.




Adoptmom, I am so sorry about these difficulties you are experiencing. Have you thought about printing out this list and showing it to your gastroenterologist or nutritionist? Flax is permitted in limited amounts, as well as psyllium husk, and there are all sorts of things you can do with them - pancakes, shakes, etc. I'll work with you on this as much I can. :)

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Sheila- I haven't tried psyllium husk. Maybe I'll try that. Is it pretty smooth? I have a hard time with small seeds like flax because they get stuck under my ostomy seal and cause leakages. I even thought about some of those fiber capsules but haven't seen any that don't have some kind of starch or sugar in them.


I did start back today. I'm going to go into it slowly and see if that will help. Yesterday while I was cooking dinner I sauted a big bunch of peppers, onions, garlic and mushooms in olive oil. This morning I heated up some of those and scrambled a couple of eggs in with them. So yummy! One thing I love about atkins is that I can eat eggs. We have chickens so not only are they free but they're very fresh.


Atkins will make my life easier anyway. I have kids with food allergies. One is allergic to corn and peanuts. She also used to be allergic to eggs which is when I got away from atkins in the first place. Now, she can eat eggs and she's mostly just sensitive to corn. She could eat peanuts, she no longer tests positive for the allergy, I just choose to keep her away from them as a precaution. The other is allergic to soy. Those two allergies pretty much cut out all processed foods from our lives.


I can't wait for the energy surge to kick in!



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Hi, Tami! Yes, psyllium husk is quite smooth, and one brand I love more than the rest due to its very inoffensive taste is Country Life (I have no product endorsements). At a whopping 4 grams of fiber per teaspoon, a good brand of psyllium husk provides a 400% stronger punch than flax seed meal. I use both, but this fact is worth noting should fiber be a special concern.




Have you considered ground flax seed meal? This is what I use, and it is said that you utlilize the full value of the seed if it is ground. Something to run by your doctor!


Note: When selecting a brand of psyllium husk or flax seed meal, make sure that every gram of carbohydrate is accounted for by fiber. For example, if one of these products contains 6 grams of carbohydrates, then only 3 of fiber, you are not getting the most bang for your buck. Make sure the two match!

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Sheila- I searched the shelves and actually found some capsules yesterday that had no fillers plus they had calcium. Now, the downside is that you can take up to 20 per day:rolleyes: BUT, that is ok with me. Yesterday I ate 6 servings of vegetables. I don't need TONS of fiber I just need enough soluable to balance out what I'm missing by not eating starch to bind up my output into my bag. I started with one yesterday afternoon and one in the evening and that made a big difference already. I probably won't need more than 3 or 4 and once my system gets used to the new routine I may not need it at all.


I do like that it has calcium though. I can't take huge pills because I don't digest them so I'm stuck with chewables. I have a hard time finding calcium that doesn't have sugar in it. I did finally find Costco brand "viactives" for regular vitamins that are sugar free and don't have alot of carbs but the only calciums they had that day were mocha. Bleh!


thanks for all the info. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Today we're having a "mom's day out" lunch. I still don't know where we're going. I'm hoping for indian food because I know my way around it. The naan is hard to pass up but I could care less about rice. My worst fear is that they were talking about italian as the other option. That leaves me with alot less choices. Besides, I'm really jonesing for some chicken masala. I guess if we go italian I'm going to have to make it.



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Tami, please know how it goes. :)


Regarding Indian cuisine, I am not at all familiar with it. I tried it only once many years ago, but never since. There are many Indian restaurants around my neighborhood, so if you've any specific suggestions as far as dishes are concerned, I would love to hear them!

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Hey SF Sheila- OK, I fell off the Atkins wagon two weeks ago in the throes of PMS (is this the TMI thread at this point??). After eating candy with the kids for two days I made the usual bargain: I'll do WW Flex, stick within the points, and if not I'll go back to eating meat all day again.


My stomach bloated out almost immediately, I gained back 7 of the 10 I lost on Atkins induction (if you figure 5 is water on Atkins, then I really gained back two, but lost two weeks of time PLUS the three or four MORE pounds I would have lost if I hadn't fallen off). My eating brought new meaning to the phrase "out of control." Bummed out? Yes. Oh- and well over the points allowance every day, with the groggy mornings full of remorse and the reckless promises of a new day every night as I tucked in to ice cream or whatever.


So yesterday: back on induction, but played fast and loose there with some cashews so I probably won't get purple until Sunday.


I think what really drove me away, besides the sugar cravings- in spite of downing chromium picolinate like they were candy- was that my rate of loss stalled. Intellectually I know that is normal as my water loss had stopped. But then I macked out on some one gram flan and I turned around and went "OK, I've eaten ten eggs and two cups of heavy cream in two days. Weight loss zero in four days. This is insane. I'm out."


I have lost 50-70 six times (five pregnancies and one... let's call it depression). Atkins was a part of every loss but usually just to get me rolling for like a month. Now it is so much harder- I have no real reason to lose and yet my whole life is BUMMED OUT because I can fit into no clothes (lawyer = suits = thousands of dollars sitting in closet)- and my helpful FIL said to me two days ago: "I saw you watching that brownie and then I saw you eat it. Your backside is too big to take any more brownies." He is RIGHT. Out of the mouths of demented, decrepit old men... SORRY PAPA! We have a very jokey relationship but he is so right AND trying to spur me on to a loss here.


Sheila, your website is so inspiring. Maybe I'll go back to your FAQ's and try to get it going. I'm on board and looking forward to the water loss and flatter stomach but at the same time very, very unsure of how long I can make it. Seriously- PMS is the killer. DH and I have 8 kids between us- athletes and little kiddos- the food in this house is unbelievable.


OK, off to eat some bacon. BTW- last time I stayed away from the salty stuff (like bacon) and that really helped. Usually on Atkins I get a wicked salt hangover that no amount of fluids can handle.


Thanks again- oh, and nice to see your cruise went well!

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Sheila- Well we did do indian food BUT it was a vegetarian restaurant so way more carby than a normal indian buffet could have been. I'm up a pound but it's worth it!:D At least I only lost a day. Let's face it. I just need to cook at home if I want to eat good indian food that I know is low carb. Off the top of my head: saag (creamed spinach) is safe as along as it doesn't say aloo (potatoes); also tandoori anything like chicken or seafood. That's meat marinated in yogurt and spices and then baked in a clay oven. It's hard to find good tandoori on a buffet because it can be easily overdone but if you're ordering it as a meal it's wonderful. Dahl or daal (lentil stew) is usually fairly safe for those not in induction. Chicken masala is good too. Occasionally in a restaurant they'll put a small amount of sugar in it to round out the tomatoes but it's maybe a Tablespoon for the entire recipe. I've never had it throw me out of ketosis. When I make it at home I don't use it.


I have to go get my daughter's hair done but I'll try and think of some others. I can also post some of my recipes if you'd like. Also at one time Cuisinecuisine.com had a section of low carb indian recipes from their low carb contest. Don't know if those are still there or not.


Question: Have you ever used Agave as a sweetener? I'm trying to use less nutrasweet and splenda to see if that helps with my migraines but I detest stevia. I have a couple of friends who are diabetic who swear by agave.



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Hi, Carla!


Hey SF Sheila- OK, I fell off the Atkins wagon two weeks ago in the throes of PMS (is this the TMI thread at this point??). After eating candy with the kids for two days I made the usual bargain: I'll do WW Flex, stick within the points, and if not I'll go back to eating meat all day again.


My stomach bloated out almost immediately, I gained back 7 of the 10 I lost on Atkins induction (if you figure 5 is water on Atkins, then I really gained back two, but lost two weeks of time PLUS the three or four MORE pounds I would have lost if I hadn't fallen off). My eating brought new meaning to the phrase "out of control." Bummed out? Yes. Oh- and well over the points allowance every day, with the groggy mornings full of remorse and the reckless promises of a new day every night as I tucked in to ice cream or whatever.


I hear you; believe me, I wish I could have ice cream every night! :D By means of Weight Watchers or Atkins or whatever program works best for you, you will switch gears for good as soon as you are ready to. You just have to get there.


So yesterday: back on induction, but played fast and loose there with some cashews so I probably won't get purple until Sunday.


If you find you are losing a bit slowly or have stalled altogether, try nixing the nuts for a few days. It might help!


I think what really drove me away, besides the sugar cravings- in spite of downing chromium picolinate like they were candy- was that my rate of loss stalled. Intellectually I know that is normal as my water loss had stopped. But then I macked out on some one gram flan and I turned around and went "OK, I've eaten ten eggs and two cups of heavy cream in two days. Weight loss zero in four days. This is insane. I'm out."


Just an FYI: heavy cream is limited to a couple of ounces a day. Cheeses, 3-4 ounces. Most of the carbohydrates in an Atkins menu must be devoted to vegetables and some low-glycemic fruits. For example, I just had a shake, and tossed a 5.6-ounce container of blackberries in there - which is okay to do provided you are finished with Induction. A serving this size yields 15.3 carbs - 8.48 of which are accounted for by fiber. Not bad at all!


I have lost 50-70 six times (five pregnancies and one... let's call it depression). Atkins was a part of every loss but usually just to get me rolling for like a month. Now it is so much harder- I have no real reason to lose and yet my whole life is BUMMED OUT because I can fit into no clothes (lawyer = suits = thousands of dollars sitting in closet)- and my helpful FIL said to me two days ago: "I saw you watching that brownie and then I saw you eat it. Your backside is too big to take any more brownies." He is RIGHT. Out of the mouths of demented, decrepit old men... SORRY PAPA! We have a very jokey relationship but he is so right AND trying to spur me on to a loss here.


Show your father-in-law - and most importantly yourself - that you can get to your ideal weight healthfully, and for good. Whatever way of eating you choose, stick with it with a vengeance! If this program happens to be Atkins, please make sure to read Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution if you have not already done so, to ensure that you are thoroughly acquainted with the program and how it works, what to do, and what not to do. I cannot stress enough the importance of reading this book so that you know what you are doing. Plus, it is hugely motivating! By the way, Half.com sells it brand new for around a dollar.


Please let me know how you are doing - and feel free to e-mail me directly should you ever need any tips, support, or encouragement. I'm always here to help!

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Sheila!!! Thank you so much. You are like a demi God to me at this point- I've spent tons of time on your site and fwded it to ten people. It really is helpful. The FAQ's are great and the motivation part is awesome . Read the magazine article, too (definitely played down the Atkins factor but played up the exercise factor).


I've read the Atkins book so many times it's sick. "Better than sex and sunshine" is how I should be feeling by... Monday. Actually, I am in the pink right now so I am on my way. I never, ever have nuts on induction- that was a rarity. I always rely too heavily on cheese. Oh well. Here goes induction again. I just can't believe I am sitting here, a year later, still fooling around with the same 20 pounds. It is so frustrating. At least I did post a ten pound lost on induction last month, three of which are still off. Considering the damage I did last week, I'll take it.


Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and support. I will definitely buy your dessert book if I can just cruise through induction without bargaining with myself. At the very least Easter will not represent a gain for me.


Hopefully the next time I post I will not sound like such a whiner!

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I have lost and gained about 4 peoples worth in my lifetime. I have tried every diet known to mankind and then some. What I learn over and over again is that I do better with less carbs. ( DUH!! I need to just do it!)

I am back on Atkins.. just began today. I want to get some weight off before our July 15th cruise to Bermuda.

I am sooo happy to have found all of you!

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