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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello All:

Thanks Lisa for the kind words...

I have been doing real good. Then last night I go to a kids B-day/dinner party and it turns out to be all pasta :eek:. I really should have ate before so my bad. I politely ate a small portion. And once again those littel pin pricky feelings in my stomache. Later I wanted to grab some tums, but did not because of the sugar. What was I thinking? I think I thought it was going to be hamburgers and hot dogs so I could do a bunless burger salad thing....

Anyway lesson learned, Unless I know the people well enough to ask what is going to be served I am eating before. I did excercise extra today to sort of negate the effects....


All for now, Tom in Long Beach..

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Don't beat yourself up too much Tom. You will now crave the Atkins staples for the next week or two. I have heard people say that when you stall on your Atkins, just have a cheat day and the next few Atkins days will kick start the weight loss again, at least I hope so. Since I spent a few days dilly-dallying with junk, I already feel better getting back to the basics. You still have time to lose those extra pounds before your cruise. If your tux is a little snug, you won't indulge so much on the cruise. Ok, you can indulge after the formal night:D I'm sure ya'll know what I mean.


I have a pot-luck tomorrow at work, my job is to make the lasagna and the chocolate cake:eek: I made some deviled eggs and chicken salad already for me to munch on...wish me luck!


Good night my Atkins buddies;)

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Good Morning!

Hey Tom, I get ya on the surpise dinner of pasta! For Mothers Day my DS & DIL wanted to do dinner for me and yup - Lasagna, bread and salad - thank goodness the included the salad! And I had been good all weekend up to then!

But, that happens on the road of life! :rolleyes:

Annie, way to go to the pot luck prepared! Hopefully you'll have a couple of eggs left over for snacking on this weekend. :)

It's been really hot down here and even though I've been pretty steady with watching my carbs, a Wendy's frosty and DQ snuck in there this week and so today - the scale didn't move either way. Gotta get that sugar free jello made up so when it's time for that evening time on the patio, after our walk, I stop shooting myself in the foot with the ice cream!:eek: (I'm coaching myself here :o )

Have a terrific day!

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Hello Jean, Annie, Lisa, Island tan girl and lurkers.

Well yesturday went well. and so is today. I keep trying to think long term and mainatiance. Last night we went out and I was good while the spouse and the kid both had desert. But I did not want to blow two hours of excercise for nothing. Funny story Jean about Mothers Day.

Some times you just have to be polite but as long as you jump back on the program all should be well.

Annie so hard to have to make Lasagna and desert and be good. I think from now on I will bring an acceptable main dish just to be on the safe side. Or even deviled eggs would be a good safety net.

I did do my hour walk on the beach this A.M. after dropping off son at summer school. It feels like I am on vacation when I do this. I vary where I walk so it is less boring.. Need to keep up the excercise and still get the other stuff done.

4th of July this week, So I will be on the QUEEN MARY serving dinner.

It is an expensive special menu. The guest get to keep the table all night so it is not a free for all. That would be the other resturants. I always get to sneek out and see the fireworks. I will be bringing extra atkins snaks that day...

Continued good luck to you all.

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Hi everyone,


Great news...I finally made it to the gym this morning! I was talking to my friend Wed. night & we set an appt. Sometimes that's what you gotta do. So we are going to get back on a regular schedule together. Hopefully it will continue...


Although I've not been tempted at all, I have officially hit a plateau...it's been 3 weeks now. I really don't want to go back to induction, but I will if I have to. We'll see how things go after getting back in the gym.


It's hard, because people keep telling me how good I look...but most of them are people who don't remember what I looked like before I got pregnant in '04...so where I'm at does look good to them, but I know where I can get to. Make sense? So I have to stay motivated...still not fitting those clothes in the space bag.


Come on, buddies! You can do it! You can avoid those temptations (except, of course, when it's rude to do so:p)! You all are doing awesome! Don't lose the momentum!! Have a great Saturday!

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Good morning Atkins Buddies, just like I thought, up 2lbs this morning:mad: so a total for June at 8lbs. I know I can and will do better;) This week and this month WILL be better!

How are all ya'll doing?

Lisa, did the gym get you off of your platau? I am hitting the gym right after work today!


Have a good week and a good 4th of July:D

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Happy Monday!!

What a fun but crazy weekend! Ended up at the Outlet Mall in Santa Fe on Saturday, which has a Harry & David - ugh - yum! - ugh - yum!


Annie - July is your month - will power up, check! Determination,check!

Lisa - good job on getting back to the gym! I haven't hit a plateau - I just keep loosing and gaining back the same 3 pounds all month!:mad: Yeah, I don't know if I have the determination of Induction.:(

Tom- ahhh walking the beaches of Calif - I so miss the San Diego beaches that I put many foot prints on for 5 years!:)

Susan- Haven't heard from you in a bit - hope all is well!


We'll be hitting the 100 degrees temps today. My DH and I walked when

it was 93 last night around 6:00pm!


Catch ya later!


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Hello Jean, Lisa, Annie:

Well it looks like we all are on plateaus. ( sp?) anyway. I do look and feel better. Looks like I lost a few fractions of inches last week. But I did have that pasta cheat and then I thought I could have some fruit, but I guess not :mad:. Also a glass of wine a a couple of low carb beers. ( Michalobe Ultra). But I have been exercising every day.. :)

Anyway I am going to try and get stricker on myself this week. I am thinking induction plus my few Macadamias and see what happens. As much as I hate to perhaps I need to do a food journal. :eek:

Anyway I am going to the gym right now. So see you all later. I have seven weeks so no excuses.


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Hello friends,


Yes, my plateau broke this morning...down almost 1/2 pound from my previous low. I think the gym helped! I have another appt. for Wed. 8 am. Sad, but right now, that's what I have to do. We will be going to the zoo tomorrow, so lots of walking will take place there, too.


I think we're all kind of hitting a spot where the fast results of the first few weeks are gone, and it's time to hit the habits for the long haul. Sure, we'll have our little twists & turns...I expect that to get even harder over the holidays...so maybe what we need to focus on is getting right back on track when we do stray.


We had our July 4th celebration Saturday night out in the country. It was fun--the thunderstorms ended at 7:00, and I stuck to the plan, but there weren't any veggies there, so it was hard to resist the chips! I put 4 on my plate & ended up eating one. I had to pass up brownies, cupcakes, potato salad, cookies...whew! DH was awesome, because I was hungry afterward (there's only so much meat one can eat!) & wanted to break open the bag of chips in our car, but he told me "you don't want to eat those, do you?" & he went out of our way so we could stop to get me something to eat.


Tonight I have a big temptation: Logan's Roadhouse. The good thing is that they have a great steak with salad & veggies that fits perfectly into my OWL CCLL. The bad news is that the rolls are to die for and really practically irresistible. So I'm going to decide whether to have a bite or half a roll tonight, and stick with it. They're very light, not very dense, so I think even if I have half I'll be okay. BUT I'll stick to a strict menu for the rest of today.


I really don't want to give up that 1/2 pound!


Annie ~ you're doing great. Remember how worried you were when you first posted? Now you're down 8 pounds. Awesome!


Jean ~ where did you live in SD? I was at UCSD for 6 years (:o), and later lived in Mira Mesa & Rancho Bernardo. I loved it there. No way we could live there now, though. I refuse to pay that much for a house!


Tom ~ you're doing so well. I have 68 days til I cruise, so I don't think I'll hit my goal by then, which is now 21.6 more pounds since I lowered my goal. But I'll take what I can get! I think you'll reach yours with no problem.


Keep going everyone! I'm really glad I joined this board when I did!

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Lisa - Your Right! I do have twists and turns - and now I need to really get back on track! And the "I need to eat something NOW!:eek: " happens to me too! It is a moment of pure will power not to grab anything and eat it! I think Tom's Macadamia Nuts helps him with those moments.


I lived in Mira Mesa also - off of Black Mtn Road when all of those apts were brand new! I love the UCSD campus - (I worked in Torry Pines) and La Jolla cove was one of our favorite spots - my DH and I spent hours watching the tide come in and out up there! We also lived up in the North Park area - so Balboa Park was a favorite spot too! many moons ago!


Tom - if you can journal - that's great - I'm sure every little effort pays off at the end! :D


Catch ya's later

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Hello Annie, Lisa, Jean, & everyone.

Anyway when I weighed at the gym it showed a 1lbs weight loss. :) So that is a good thing. I think it is good to decide in advance what you will eat at a resturant. For me bread has not yet been a tempation. But knock wood. Anyway Lisa congrads on the 1/2 lb :D. As much as we may "hate it" excercise is the only way that the weight will come and stay off.

Also I like your perspective on focusing on long term. I am really trying to do that too.

All for now, Tom

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Good Evening Atkins Buddies,

Lisa, I hope things went well for you tonight at Logans. I have been there a couple of years ago, I don't remember the rolls but boy do they sound good. I usually don't get tempted by rolls, my weekness is stupid junk like the southwestern eggrolls that I had a Chilis tonight:mad: A friend's birthday and the appetizers were just too easy:o I have my boiled eggs and grilled chicken ready for tomorrow, but the 4th is just two days away. I will do the low-carb ribs and cole slaw just like for Father's day, but the picnic tomorrow night on base will be a challange.


Jean, congrats on the 1/2 pounds, better than the gain of 2 that I had this week.


Tom, as usual you are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to us all.


TanIslandGirl, how are things going for you? I hope my missgivings won't discourage you, I need to work on my discipline. I do feel better when I don't eat junk, you would think that I would get a clue:rolleyes:


I will check with ya'll later.

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Hey Everybody,

Things are a bit crazy here but for the most part I am doing OK. I have been walking the track at my sons High School daily. That is a good thing.

However, I did have Chinese food Sunday night & as good as it was, it's really sitting heavy on my mind. Chinese is one of those foods I am never sure if is OK or not. That brown sauce, what exactly is it? I had a dish with shrimp, scallops, beef, chicken & broccoli. Didn't have the white rice with it & drank a ton of water. I will have to wait and see what the scale tells me Thurs morning. Does anybody have any suggestions for eating Chinese food?


I am happy to hear of everyones success!:) Reading about it keeps me on the right track. The times when somebody slips & writes about it, is also a big help because it makes me realize we are all human & all make the same mistakes from time to time. Realizing that helps to move on and begin again.


Best wishes to all for a good week.;)

Thanks a bunch, Susan

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Hi everyone,


Happy Independence Day! Shall we celebrate our independence from sugar & flour and unhealthy cravings today??:D


I was gone all day yesterday & didn't make it to the computer. Good news...at Logan's I didn't have any rolls at all. I decided to wait until after I ate my dinner, and if I still wanted one, I would have up to 1/2. Well, after dinner, I didn't want one that badly any more. It helped that I decided to wait until the hunger was gone. So good!


As much as we may "hate it" excercise is the only way that the weight will come and stay off.


Tom ~ lol, I actually like to exercise & keep active. The sad part is that these days I have to make an appointment to do it!:p


Susan ~ good to hear from you! Chinese is always tricky, isn't it? I completely avoid it during induction, because you just never know what's in there. During OWL, I stick to dishes that are meat & veggies, but maybe in smaller amounts. I love Chinese.


Annie ~ those ribs sound great & I wish I had bought some before today. Hope your day goes well.


Jean ~ ah, La Jolla Cove. On another thread, a poster from SD said the Children's Pool has been completely overrun by Sea Lions because they're protected, so people can't go down there anymore. I actually came face to face with a sea lion once when swimming in La Jolla Cove! I said "excuse me", and swam around it.:D I do miss the cliffs down there above Black's Beach. What an amazing way to start the mornings. DH asked me to go steady & then 2 years later asked me to marry him on those cliffs. Great memories!


Have a great day, everyone!

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TanIslandGirl, how did weigh in go this morning? I am sure you did fine. I slipped a little yesterday, my weigh in is on Monday. I am back to induction for a couple of weeks; I have to get rid of this yucky feeling after eating junk.

Good luck to all this week-end.

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Happy Friday, everyone!


I did something to bug my back this week, so I haven't gotten back to the gym. I hope it's better by tomorrow...I'm supposed to help with a car wash fundraiser!


I have weighed myself daily for years as a way to be sure my weight stays in line (that worked well, eh?), but I think until I get to my goal, I'm going to weigh in once or twice a week. I have a very accurate scale--pretty much the same numbers as I get at the gym. I'll let you know how it goes...it's hard not to want to step on that scale. But I'm getting frustrated with all the fluctuations, which I know is just water. I'm officially in the mid 160's & looking forward to going under 165.


Annie, I'm sure you'll feel so much better after a few days on induction. I know the humidity doesn't help that icky feeling either!


It's been a little quiet on here lately! How's everyone doing? I'm thinking about y'all!

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Thanks Lisa, I feel better already.

I hope you're back is ok, it would be terrible to have to go on steroids:eek: I gain weight just using an inhaler:eek: Where is the carwash being held? I have to go into Bartlett tomorrow and I do need my car washed!

I hope to do well on my Monday weigh in, just getting back the two that I gained will be helpful. I have grilled chicken and steak planned for the weekend. Of course those deviled eggs will be there:D By the way, I did try using the sandwich bag to make the eggs and it worked just fine, a little weird, but it worked.


Have a good low-carb week-end ya'll.

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Hello Annie, Lisa, Jean & Tom & anybody else if I forgot you......

I weighed in early Thurs morning on the weigh in thread prior to heading out the door for Jersey. As I kind of suspected, I gained a 1/2 pound.

A bit bummed but I know what I have to do and that's just to keep at it.

I would like to lose is 20lbs and that is a number that can be achieved so I just need to focus. I have not checked in on the boards as much lately as I am training my dog (7 months) to be a therapy dog for the nursing homes & hospitals. She didn't feel well 2 days this week then could hardly walk. After a visit to the vet yesterday she tested positive for Lymes disease so I am busy babying her. A full recovery is expected she just needs rest & a month long treatment of antibiotic.

Today I have a family reunion to go to so I am bringing some food that I like and works well with my plan. I will do my very best to keep the eating under control.:D

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Good morning,


Annie! It may be too late for you to see this...I'm on my way out...the car wash is at Baskin Robbins 4307 Summer Avenue. We'll be there from 10-3. I'd love to get to meet you!


Susan, I'm sorry about your baby. Lymes is a bear. Please give her a hug for me.


I finally saw the 165 today! (Actually 165.2) Yeeeeehhaaaahh!:D

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Bummer Lisa, I washed my car on my own today (just 15 minutes befor it rained:rolleyes: ) I would have loved to have met you...well maybe another time.

Congrats on the 165.2...I have an old dial up scale, I need to get a new digital model:p I am right behind you, I cheated and weighed today and I am back to my original since I started a few weeks ago, so a 10lb loss total. I am ok with it since I was goofing off earlier in the week. I hope to see some results next week. I feel so much beter eating low carb.


TanIslandGirl, you just keep hanging in there, 20lbs is what I need to shed now too...WE CAN DO IT!!!!! If you stumble, you can get right back on track, it is not the end of the world. I did this diet a few years ago and it took me a few months to lose 25lbs because I cheated (a lot) but, I did lose the weight and I gave away my size 16 clothes and I never want to buy any more. I know what is good for me and what is bad. Bottom line is that the white stuff equals extra pounds and a sluggish feeling; at least that is what it does to me. If I start to get friendly with the white stuff, I just go right back to induction and with in a few days, I am back to where I need to be. Come to think of it, when I was 18 I was a size 4:eek: yup, a size 4! And I remember that I usually ate salad and meat and I hardly ever ate bread or sweets. Now keep in mind this was before I ever heard of Dr. Atkins or the low carb diet:eek: Since then I have been as big as a size 22! I lost most of the weight 12 yrs ago, I have juggled 20-30 pounds since then, and low carb has been the best way to go. I don't want to be a size 4, but a size 10 would be a good size to be comfortable with. I do plan to get there by August, I want to buy a size 10 formal for my February cruise.

You can do it and I can too!

Have a good week end...enjoy the reunion.

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Well Hey there Atkins Fans! :D


Been off for few days - the modem on our computer went out! :(


Susan, hope your dog is feeling better, how wonderful to have the skills to train a dog to be a therapy dog! Hope it's doing better! What kind of dog is it?

Lisa, Way to go girl!! One of our neighborhood kids asked my DH if washing our cars was his hobby - because he sure did it alot and seemed to like it! LOL! It's become one of our favorite family jokes. When our kids were young they always volunteered him to help at the car washes as 'The Inspector', that way they had repeat customers!

Annie, Your perserverance of getting back on the induction plan when you've wandered , from low-carb (friendly with the white stuff ) is really an encouragement to us and those that are just readers on this thread!

Tom, Hang in there! You'll be sporting your tux in no time!

Any other Low carb readers that want to join in here - come on in!!


Hot days of summer in the Southwest!

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Happy Monday!


Well, the car wash was a success--and I definitely got a workout holding the sign, dancing around & waving at all the cars going by.


Jean ~ good to hear from you! Yikes, y'all must be baking out there. It seems to be cooling down at night in most places...hopefully no more fires will break out.


Annie ~ it never rained Saturday where we were in the Berclair area...it's been so weird that all the storms seem to be up your way lately! Our pond in MS is dangerously low & sure could use the water!


Susan ~ how's your puppy? The ticks we have down here are mostly big & fat...somehow we brought one home from our 4th celebration & I found him on my head:eek:! I pulled him out & then he got away...in my hair...but then DH & I spent almost an hour trying to find him again...I almost gave up & went to bed but then I felt him hooked on again! The crazy thing is, you can't feel them bite...so they can be latched on & you never know it. Thankfully he wasn't swollen, so he wasn't there that long. But he was BIG!Ewwww...I have since cut my hair.:cool:


Tom ~ how's it going? Is Long Beach cooler than the rest of the west? I read the LA beaches are staying in the 70's...I know you were enjoying your beach workouts.


Today I'm buying a tape measure & a pedometer. I need to have more tools available. Have a great day!

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