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Hello Atkins Buddies:


Jean: I think that I just reached a weight where I could comfortably rollerblade again. I did tons of it in the past. Another benifit of loosing weight for me. Then again I am a childish 44. What really makes me feel younger is that for the first time in decades I am actually purchasing music. ( on line for the ipod).. Years ago I really stopped buying music (records, tapes) because it seemed as soon as you bought it it became boring and the radio was free.. I mostly missed buying music on C.D.


Annie: Let me know when the low carb pizza party is so I can book my plane tickets...

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Happy Friday Everyone!

Hope all of you guys have a great weekend and Keep up the plan ahead attack on all of the weekend temptations that may come your way! :eek: We have a get together on Saturday and I know the choices will be yummy looking - but not on my induction list so we are going to eat dinner before we go - and take some lil'smokies and a platter of cheese n crackers - we just won't have the crackers! But don't they make the platter purty!?! ;)

Back update: Ok, no MRI - thankfully - but the next 2 weeks I'll see my Chiropractor pretty often, then go back to my primary in a month. Both Dr's know each other pretty well and they are both on board on this - so I'll give it a go. But! I did a new route this morning (I'm off on Friday's through the summer) and it was a good one - Up hill Both Ways! LOL!!! But it was about 1/2 mile farther then we usually go and the sun wasn't up to high so I walk on the shady side and with my Ipod singing away - it was really enjoyable!

Catch ya's later!

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Jean, good news about not having to have the MRI. Sounds like the burst of energy has kicked in:D I need to up my exersise next week, this is the yucky week:mad:

I went to chic-fil-a to get my salad for lunch today; they put a chicken strip salad in my order instead of a grilled chicken salad, the strips have a small amount of breading. Since it was getting late(I work at a bank and today is Friday) and I didn't have time to go back, I went ahead and ate it and of course now it's 5:00 and I am getting cravings:mad: I was just thinking this morning that I am hardly ever hungry anymore.....I will skip the salad with my dinner and walk my 2miles maybe that will off set....lesson learned.

Have any of ya'll used cream of mushroom soup in cooking low carb? I think it has just a few carbs and I was thinking of a ground beef recipe that has the soup in it, maybe ground beef, onions, mushrooms, green pepper, put into casserole dish and bake with a layer of cheese on top, maybe add some french style green beens? I may give it a try this week-end.


Tom- if you start walking from CA to TN then maybe by the time you get to the party, I will have saved enough to spend $100bucks on pizza and you will be wearing Slim Jim's tux:p


Ya'll have a good low carb week-end.

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Hi all!


Well, I'm taking some supplements to see if it will help my back, hips & knees. The pain really is pretty tolerable except at certain points of the day.


I went to Pilates again this morning & it felt good! I just skip the exercises that are hard on my hips.


Pretty good all week, but here's my one cheat...it's pretty well a done deal anytime I go to the movies, I have to have popcorn. That's just the way it is. Fortunately for some reason it doesn't knock me out of ketosis, but I'm sure it slows the weight loss down.


My goal for next week is at least 2 spin classes & at least 2 Pilates classes. We'll see how it goes!


Annie ~ lol, I'll join you in that pizza party!!! Tom's got a lot longer way to come than I have!! I also saw DaVinci syrups at Marshall's...although Walmart may be cheaper. I love Cream of Mushroom soup...I was just thinking about it the other day...I think it brings back a fond memory of going to a teacher's house when I was a kid. Anyhoo, just check the total carb count & divide it by the servings of the recipe. I might avoid it during induction...but it may not be enough to matter. Okay...I was on an "embarrassing moments" thread at the RCI board...any chance you had an issue with a bikini top, or was that another Annie??:p If it was you, oh girl, I feel for you! If not, never mind!


Jean ~ good news about your back. I hope you see quick results from the chiro! Great plan for tonight's party...keep us posted! I got invited to a party at Ben & Jerry's tonight...I'll go to encourage my friend, but no ice cream for me.


Tom ~ I love to rollerblade! We have a great municipal park here with lakes & one of the lakes has a paved path of 1.67 miles around it. It's the best...well, besides skating along the coast, that is! DH has an ipod that I'm pretty sure he'd let me use, but I want one too! I think I may wait till the iPhone buzz dies down & the prices drop & then get that. I'm a big kid too. I like Six Flags & Disneyland more than my kids do!:D


How's everyone else?


Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

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Good Morning Atkins Buddies!

I hope ya'll had a good low-carb week-end. I did weigh in a little early this week, Saturday, and I lost 3lbs last week. I am still not purple on the sticks though:confused: Jean, I hope you did just a good if not better. I did have a hic-cup this week end, DH and I went to breakfast at Perkins Saturday morning and the omlet was wonderful and so were the pancakes:mad: He has a crazy work schedule so he is off only every other week-end and this was the weekend he was off. We have a ritual on those mornings, we have a cup of coffee, watch the news, go for our walk and shower and go to breakfast. You would think that breakfast would be no problem for an atkins dieter..huh? Well, I don't feel too bad cause we won't be going back for a couple more weeks and I will have to turn down the pancakes.


Tom- I did buy that digital scale this week-end (after the pancakes) and I will also need to adjust my goal by another 5lbs. I am ok with that, I know I can do it. My goal is 10% every 3months so I am sure I can loose the extra 5 by my Feb cruise.

P.S. Did you make goal this week?


Lisa- how funny that you found that thread:eek: Yup, that would be me, you should know by now that I am just a baaaad girl. It was the most embarrasing thing to have happen. I can't believe DH just sat there! I guess he was in shock. Of course it was the swimsuit that he picked out (Tennessee Orange) :rolleyes: We did figure out that the hook on the back is too small for the suit (I am kind of big busted) and it takes a heavy duty hook to hold everything together. I am going to go to the fabric store sometime this summer and get a bigger hook.

How is the weight doing? I know you are losing inches, but I can't remember when your weigh-ins are.


Jean-How you doin girl? Did you have a better week-end than me? I didn't try the salmon recipe, but I did make catfish with out the fixins. I cooked it in a small amount of olive oil with no breading, it was really good! I will try the salmon this week.


I hope everyone has a good week. I plan to get back to my kick-boxing class this week, been goofing off too much.



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Hey Kiddos!

Ok...I'm excited! DH & I had our weight in this morning and.......drum roll please.....

DH is down 8 lbs! :eek: Holy Smokes! I'm so glad for him! He's really been very good with staying on induction that he didn't even eat anything at the party !

And I am down 6 lbs! :D I'm sure my extra walking was a boost! The first week is usually a good one - it's the weeks that follow that are a challenge!!

This weekend we also got a personal trainer! Wow! She's available ANY time we need her and then some! How exciting! I think she is going to challenge us and work us hard :eek: - but is also very encouraging! In fact she even walked with us to our local Wal-Mart last night - on a leash! LOL Yup - one more doggie that won the heart of two Atkins folks that has 2 grown kids out of the house and it's to early for grandkids! HA! After my walk on Friday I went down to the animal shelter, I put her on a hold, Steve got home and we went to look at her agreeing that we'd give it a night to think on, then my DD came over and we went and picked her up! YAY! We named her Sadie after one of our favorite Mexican Resturants here in Albuquerque! LOL - this seems to be a favorite food among us on this thread! :p

Did any of you try the shake yet? Sat after the party and we were just sitting on the patio - we both thought that DQ would have been just about perfect then - but I went in and made a carmel shake that we split - and it totally worked! I'm thinking of making one ahead and putting it in the freezer about an hour before we split one just for that cold summer snack on these summer evenings!

Tom - Found the Macadamia Nuts at Sams! YUM!

Annie - Hmmmmm what thread is your bikini story one again? If it is as fun as explaining why you have 2 different names on CC and it's not even your name - I think I better have a look! :D

Lisa - Your popcorn at the movies fix is understandable - They start filling up a bag when they see my DH buying a ticket knowing that he's gotta have that crunch with his movie!


Happy Monday!!

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Hey Lisa, I just remembered something I used to take to movies to munch on if you can find them, the Brimms Cinnamon flavored pork rinds. I know that sounds weird, but they are good and I don't even like pork rinds!

Of course it helps that I am not a big popcorn fan and I rarely go to the movies, but I thought I would pass it along. It sounds like the popcorn didn't hurt anyway.


Jean-CONGRATS!!!! WAHOOOO 6LBS! I am soooooo jealous!!!! I knew you would be good last week!!!! I guess your DH is convinced now huh? Keep up the good work! You will get to 10% quicker than you thought.


I'll check with ya'll later.



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Hi gang,


Well, I had my first cheat day since May yesterday. We hosted a blood drive at church, and I didn't eat enough beforehand. Since we had sandwiches there at church, I ate a sandwich, then had pizza at Costco. I was in serious need of some food. I figured I hadn't had a cheat day since I started Atkins, and so I went ahead and decided to make it one yesterday. I even had peanut M&Ms. But here's the thing...I felt completely in control & didn't enjoy the M&Ms as much as I thought I would. I didn't binge, and today I feel as if it never happened. No weight gain, so I'm back on track.


Annie ~ LOL!!!!! You poor thing...I would have been mortified. But what a great sense of humor you have!!! I love pork rinds & use them often as a snack, especially on the road...and I think I've even had them in the movies! It's just something about that smell of popcorn...I even worked at a movie theater as a teenager...and it's just one of those things. But I will try to remember to get some rinds next time I go to the movies & see if I enjoy it the same without my popcorn.:p Did your sticks turn purple before the pancakes? Try again in a couple of days. As far as my weight goes, I was at 164 for one day, but then bloat week came & now it's over & I'm 165. Hopefully it will start moving again.


Jean ~ many congrats & to you & your hubby for your successes! And yay for your new friend too!


Tom ~ where's the countdown? Are the pants fitting better? Are you taking your son with you or is this an adult getaway?


Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Jean and Lisa, if ya'll think the bikini story is funny you should check out a thread titled, (how often do you do it?) he-he-he. You may find daytime annie in there somewhere;)


Lisa, you are too cool! You had a cheat day and still have purple sticks!

But good for you to be able to donate blood. I have only been able to one time and BOY did it knock me for a loop! I'll bet you needed to eat something! My DH always donates at our church and also goes to the blood bank in Covington in between to donate for another family in our area.

No I didn't check the sticks before the pancakes because, you know the week from h#** it seem is going to extend the visit to more than a week..sorry Tom. I don't know if I had been purple before then, but I did lose 3lbs so I must of done something right last week. And like you said, I drink so much water during the day that my sticks may not get completly purple. I will check them maybe tomorrow morning, they seem to be darker in the morning since I go 8 hours with out drinking too much. I actually have a glass of water on my night stand every night, I wake up a couple of times for a sipp, I need to lay off the salt with dinner.


Anyway ya'll, today is Monday and we are all back on track.

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Hello Annie, Jean, Lisa:

Sounds like you are all doing well. Jean Congrats on the 6 lbs. Annie congrats on the 3lbs... Lisa I am sure the plateau will soon be over...


Annie: Walking to TN would be fun If I did not have a kid or had to work for a living. Imagine the things I would see... The deserts and mountain would kind of be challenge...



I am almost at my original goal of 30 lbs. I started at 204 and today I am at 176(bathroom scale). So a total of 28 lbs since May 21st. I lost 2-1/2 last week. lots of exercise and portion control. The scale at the gym says 182. So both indicate positive direction. Also a wee fat burner is helping. I am not sure if that is cheating or not. Atkins used to sell a mild green tea one. Atkins excell... This one supposdly is green tea and Hoodia.... ( I know there is a lot of fake hoodia out there.) It did

take the edge of my hunger. I just started this last week so I have done most of this the hard way.

I used to be a huge popcorn fan. Now I bring mixed nuts and a few sugar free choclates..... And my bottled water. We all three went to the movies on Sat. We saw Hairspray.

The QE2 cruise is going to be a friends cruise. But if Carlos is good I am planing on taking him on ELATION in Jan. He was supposed to go on QE2 but he got horrible grades and had the worst year ever in school.

He is 12, 6th grade middle school. But he is doing real well in summer school so I think things are turning arround. Perhaps getting "bumped" from a cruise did have an impact. My partner( 13 yrs) absolutly insisted that Carlos not get to go when he is getting bad grades.. We adopted him when he was 4. We are both legal parents ( County of L.A.)

But Since he is doing overall better, my son and I are supposed to go to Six Flags next week. I am the one begging him to go on the new scariest rides. :D

Oh well I have yammered on enough. Oh I got Sheilas cook books.

She is a fast shipper, and also sent a nice note of encouragement with them. I will try some stuff out on my days off.


All for now, Tom

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Good Evening Atkins Buddies!


Tom: Two pounds from original goal is exciting! And since May 21st! Do you realize that's 28lbs in just 2 months? I know you will be right on time for your cruise, just on month away, how exciting!

As for your son not going on the cruise; it takes a strong and loving parent to hold a child accountable for their actions. It is always easier to give in than to inforce rules and guidelines. And you are still making sure he has a fun summer and even the prize of a cruise next year. I'll bet he has a better year in 7th grade. It seems like when they get into 5th and 6th grade something happens to those cute little darlings:rolleyes: I used to teach grades 5 thru 7. I did something to my keyboard to change the lettering, I can't seem to change it back...he-he.


I got my syrup in the mail today,(I couldn't find it at Walmart?) so I am going to make the shake tonight, except I don't have the eggbeaters so I need to go to Kroger as soon as DH gets home with my jeep. Oh yea, I made the ground beef recipe without the mushroom soup, it was ok, but I will use the soup next time.


Check you guys later.



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Hello Annie.

Anyone who teaches middle school is to be comended. You must have earned your angle wings for sure. :D

I know this has been like the holy #$%@ year for sure.....


low carb and exercise really works for me. I does seem longer than two months. I had not stopped to realize that it has only been two months. One thing that is cool is that my kid is proud of me for loosing the weight. A few more pounds and I should really be doing premaintanace... I should read the book more. I have added back in small amounts of fruit.


Anyway thanks so much for the encouragement.


All for now, Tom

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Good morning, friends!


Annie ~ I haven't checked my sticks since Sunday. I don't think they'll be purple yet! I did have a great day yesterday & didn't crave anything, so I consider that a victory. I just checked my weight & I'm up a pound...but I'm not too worried. I'm losin' for the cruise, but I'm also trying to lose for good...so if it's slow, that's okay. Even if I'm not at my goal for the cruise, I'll look a whole lot better than I did in May, so I'll take it! Oh, did I tell you I bought my DaVinci syrup at Marshall's? That was a while ago, so I don't know if they still have them. I'll drop by one of these days & see. It was Kahlua flavored...yum.


Tom ~ what good dads you must be! I totally agree with not rewarding the bad grades...but that must have been hard to carry out. Do you know my dad just retired from teaching at South Gate middle school? Probably not too far from you...but it was quite a drive for him thru traffic everyday. Mom is retiring from her job at the end of the year & they're moving out here to be near the grandkids, so I won't have much reason to go to CA any more. We still have many many friends out there & Kevin and I are actually coming out in October for a conference in Anaheim. I have a season pass to Six Flags so I may pop by there...I haven't been to Magic Mtn. since the mid-90s! I'm so happy for your loss so far...but I must say, I envy men on Atkins. Y'all seem to drop weight so much quicker...but I know you've worked for it. How wonderful you chose to adopt your son. We're seriously considering doing the same...I'd love to ask you a little more about it if you don't mind, since we likely would adopt a preschooler & not a baby. But this is long enough today...


Jean ~ yep, that first week glow wears off quickly...and unfortunately you might have to watch your DH drop the pounds quicker than you...but I guess that's what we have to live with. The good news is you'll have many little victories to celebrate! And your puppy will be grateful for all the energy you have!!


Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

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Good Morning !

Tom- two months 28 lbs - that's awesome! What a great example you've set for Carlos - not everything in life comes easy!! You've had to say no to those tempting desserts, got your exercise in for the day when you probably would have had other things you'd like to do instead, planned ahead for eating situations (Those Nuts!) and these adjustments have given you such positive results!! All of these examples can be life lessons for him too! Way to Go Dad!! My DS is 23 now - but I remember those 6 grade years - I often said "What was he THINKING!?!?" Now he's in law enforcement! ha!

Annie - Oh what a great point you had about when to test our strips - I've had only shown a trace all last week - I was getting ready to toss them out the window!:mad:

But this morning I used them and I'm PURPLE! YAY!!!! :D

Lisa - Good to hear from you! Your Pilates and exercising must be doing more for your inches, right - even though the scales aren't moving to much right now? Oh yeah - Guys do seem to burn it off faster - my DH's shirts are even now starting to look a little looser and that keeps him determined! How's your DH with cutting out the bread?

Check on you guys a little later in the day - I think I'm supposed to do something here at work! he he

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Ok Guys, I need your help. We are having a " going away party" here at work for a co-worker tomorrow. We are doing "party foods" and I need a good recipe for a knock out dish. I have to make the chickensalad sandwiches for the gang and of course a cake, but I need something I can have:rolleyes: The chicken salad has apples and pecans so I can't have that.

Any suggestions?



Jean- great news about the purple! I checked this morning and I am a medium pink:o I am getting there. I did get my syrup yesterday and I went to get the egg beaters last night. I had a blonde moment and put way too much cream in the blender, but I had a couple of sipps and it was good, rich but good. I put it in the freezer so I can tweek it tonight by adding more of the other ingredients to make it right. I got the praline flavor, tastes like pralines and cream ice-cream:D


I bought a new scale this week-end too...see my post on this board.


I am going into a meeting, I will check with ya'll this afternoon.



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Hi Annie,

Have you looked in your daughter's SFS Cookbooks for a Chicken Salad that keeps in step with induction? How about Chicken, mayo, a little celery for crunch - now take out a container amount just for your lunch - now add all of the rest of the ingredients and smear on the bread? Sorry - no cake.

Your doing Awesome about planning ahead! When I cook for the kids when they come to eat - I make what we need that is induction friendly and around what we planned to make - then add the extra stuff that they are looking forward to in the meal - then I know DH and I aren't leaving the table hungry or sad! ;)

Or you can tell the person that they just can't leave for at least the next month! LOL

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Hello ladies.... (and any lurking gentlemen)

Thanks Jean for the kind words... So true. "Possible does not equal easy". Is sort of my mantra if I want to get going on something....

Or if it was easy everyone would be fit. I wish all could be.

I know I could possibly or, even should be doing other things. I am lucky I can make the time I have to exercise...

Anyhow I had an awesome walk today. My house to the top of nearby signal hill. Then I grilled some chicken and some hot links. I had brocolli and califlower. Great Lunch. I usually grill at night but have to work tonight. ( I get most Tuedays off).

I have never really done the strips. I did try in 03 but I was already in ongoing weight loss. So no pink or purple and I usually drink lots of water...

It is a trick to cook/prepare food for others and yourself. There is a lot to be said for making yours and then adding stuff for others.... Most of the time it is easy. You have a chicken salad or tuna salad on lettuce and then make sandwitches for the gang. Or just add a starch... I have decided that I will always bring either deviled eggs or mixed nuts ( I know not induction) to parties / pot lucks just so I will have something I know I can eat..

Sounds like you are all doing good..


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Thanks Guys for the suggestions, I will check with the SFS cook-book tonight, I was just trying to brainstorm while here at work. I will make some deviled eggs and I know I could make some chicken salad just for me, but I was thinking of something I could make for the gang that is low-carb too. I used to make some hot-dog and bacon wraps in the crock-pot with brown sugar. I wonder if that would work with brown-sugartwin? I was thinking of something like that. Anyway, I will brows the SFS cookbooks when I get home. I may do the parmasan chicken strips.Annie

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Good Morning!

Annie - I'm wondering if you found something that you can use in your hunt for the chicken salad? If so, please share!

Tom - I've walked some of those SF hills - Holy Smokes!

DH tried the strips this morning - he said I could throw them out the window, he's not even pink - and yet was 2 lbs lighter this morning.... He's now trusting the scales. I think he's just about hit his 2 week induction - can't take it any more - need some peach cobbler phase! :eek: I told him he'd have to eat it where ever we are and not bring any home - Because I'm doing good - and do not want to change what is working! DH, Personal Trainer-in-Training and I had a good walk last night - but on our last incline before heading down hill to home, we had lots of BIG Dogs greeting the new kid in town and about scared her to death!! Of course they are fenced - but jeeeesh - we never noticed how many of them there were along out route until last night!! I think most of them just ignored us when we walked it alone! Gotta find a less congested route until she gets more used to them.

Ok, catch ya's later! - - Is it just the 4 of us? Anyone want to jump in here and let us meet you? All is welcome!

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Good morning,


Quick check-in...we went to Logan's yesterday for lunch, and honestly, I didn't even consider eating the rolls...not even a temptation. I had a juicy steak w/salad & a veggie skewer & was stuffed...even had to take some home! Scale said 164.2 this morning...let's keep going in that direction! I was trying to figure out just how much I've lost since starting Atkins in May, and I'm all confused about it. I do know that on a trip to Vegas in March, I was 183. So at the very least, 19 pounds since March. And my clothes really are fitting better...hopefully it won't be long before I can dive into that space bag of 8's.


Annie ~ how'd your party go? I just checked my sticks--light pink. They never really go beyond light pink for me, even during induction...so I wouldn't worry too much about it!


Jean ~ Kevin is doing well! He didn't eat the rolls yesterday either, which was pretty amazing. Today he's flying to Idaho to see family & he told me he got a burger & salad at the airport and threw away the bun. Very impressive for a major carboholic. We'll see how he does this week around his family! We're a big dog family...lab mix, great pyrenees mix, and Great Dane...but our doggies stay inside, so no intimidating other poochies! Our neighbors love our dogs...if they manage to sneak out, the neighbors know Thunder's a big baby & have no qualms about grabbing him & bringing him home!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Lisa- good news about your 164.2! I hope you get to use that bag of 8s:D I am not sure I will get quit there, I will be happy with 10s. The older I get the less important it is to be in single digits. As long as we are healthy. Your self control with the rolls is amazing! Keep up the good work.

The party is kind of an all day grazing thing, we have kitchen full of food. I brought my deviled eggs and there is some cheese in there. I will have my chicken and some low-carb cole slaw for lunch. I did make the usual chicken salad sandwiches, but I didn't even tast one. As for the cake, I made cup-cakes; for some reason they don't tempt me like a whole cake does...don't know why:confused:


I invited some of the folks from the 10% thread to join us, I hope they are lurking out there.


Have a good day Ya'll


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Happy Wednesday, everybody! I spent the day with my mother today, and we went to a large health food supermarket - and I picked up a bunch of vitamins and goodies. Pâté being one as it is something I have always wanted to try, and I cannot wait to experiment with it. Marmite, too. You never know what's wonderful or awful unless you try it! :)


Any other low-carbers like anything a bit off the beaten path? How do you enjoy it?

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Good Morning!

Lisa - Size 8's! Holy Smokes - that's terrific!! Yeah, this is the smallest pup we've ever had! But I wanted something a bit smaller that doesn't take up the full back seat when I need to do a couple of errands and want to take her with me!

Thunder! What a great name for a big dog! :D

Annie - I remember the office grazing days - O my! Don't have that here - Just me and the guys in and out of the office all day! They just stop for lunch somewhere and only on special occasions do we have in office food.

Was wondering about the shakes - have you made anymore?

SFS- You brave girl trying the new stuff! Actually - how fun! In June when we were on our Cruise to Alaska - We actually tried - Escargot! Would I have it a lot? No, was it fun to try? Yes! In fact everyone one at the table did! And we had Halibut pizza - the BEST in Hoonah, and for our last dinner in Anchorage I had a Caribou Burger - yuuummmm! I can't wait to hear what you think of the new items you picked up! We had some pumpkin cheesecake last night - it really hit the spot!

Tom- Grilling is so great eh? DH and I are going camping in Durango next weekend and he asked how are we going to eat for breakfast? He's used to pancakes for our camping breakfasts - and I told him - easy anything we can cook over the fire - that's what we'll have ! LOL!!:D Sounds like chicken to me! Ha! Really though, we'll have our cookstove and Omlets it is!

Have a Great Low Carb Day!

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